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higher nationals in computing unit 06 business intelligence assignment 1

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Critically evaluate theproject managementprocess and appropriateresearch methodologiesapplied.P2 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, comm

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Higher Nationals in Computing


Learner’s name: AU LAM THANH DATID: GCS210113

Class: GCS1003BSubject code: 1625

Assessor name: VU THI THUY DUONG

Assignment due: Assignment submitted:

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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in ComputingUnit number and title Unit 06: Managing a Successful Project

Submission date Date Received 1st submissionRe-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Au Lam Thanh Dat Student ID GCS210113Class GCS1003B Assessor name Vu Thi Thuy DuongStudent declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism I understand thatmaking a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature DatGrading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1

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❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:Signature & Date:


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Unit number and title Unit 06: Managing a Successful ProjectAssignment title Plan and conduct a small scale research activityAcademic Year 2022 - 2023

Unit Tutor Do Tien Thanh

Issue date 03 August 2022 Submission date Submission Format:

Format: The submission is in the form of an individual written report that shows how you have managethe project This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing andfont size 12 You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections asappropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvardreferencing system Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested bythe Tutors The form of submission will be a soft copy in PDF posted on corresponding courseof http://cms.greenwich.edu.vn/

Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or frombooks etc If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, youmust reference your sources, using the Harvard style Make sure that you know how to referenceproperly, and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism If you do not, you definitely get fail

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Introduction to theme

The environmental impact of digital transformation

The amount of data created and stored globally is expected to reach 175 Zettabytes by 2025, a six-fold increase from 2018 This will demand additional hardware and power consumption, which; in turn, will increase the environmental impact of the digital sector and there is already increasing attention on the environmental footprint of ICT equipment and services as they become more widespread in all aspects of human life.

It is the responsibility of everyone to take action in addressing the challenges of climate change, as professionals we must also seek ways that the digital sector can play its part While digital technologies are one of the sectors that has achieved greater efficiency; achieving about 100 times more computation power from the same amount of energy per decade, it remains unsustainable The sector must continue to seek ways in which it can continue to support and drive innovation, while addressing the global climate emergency for a greener and fairer future.This unit will enable students to explore the impact of digital endpoint devices and ways to reduce environmental damages, OR the potential of refurbishing, repairing and reusing digital devices rather than replacing

As a member of Research and Development department, you have been assigned a mini-project to find out the impact of digital endpoint devices and ways to reduce environmental damages, OR the potential of refurbishing, repairing and reusing digital devices rather than replacing.

You need to do primary research (both qualitative and quantitative research) and secondary research to find out that impact and conduct a report for your research Even it’s a mini-project, you must apply project management (PM) techniques such as project charter with aims, objectives, cost etc

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A p roject logbook is required to provide evidence of the project developmentprocess and ongoing reflection for every week This logbook will be needed later for your reflection and evaluation in Assignment 2

As part of QA (quality assurance) policy, in the report you also need to critically evaluate the PM process and appropriate research methodologies applied.

Your report must have an introduction stating the project aims and objectives This must be followed by a copy of your project management plan Your plan should showthe milestones when you will review with your tutor your ongoing progress so far You will submit your logbook which shows how you have carried out the project.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme

LO1 & LO2D1 Critically evaluate theproject managementprocess and appropriateresearch methodologiesapplied.

P2 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.

P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a

M1 Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule and projectschedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project.

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LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to support the project

P4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives

M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research methods applied.

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I Introduction 7

II Project initialization(P1) 7

1 Main aim of the project 7

2 List of Objectives to achieve the aim 7

III Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources(P2) 81 Scope: 8

1.1 List of interview question 14

1.2 Summary about interview 16

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I Introduction

With the rapid acceleration of digital transformation, numerous novel products are emerging in the market, particularly in the realm of electronicdevices such as computers and gadgets Consequently, there is a growing concern about the mounting electronic waste (e-waste) and its detrimental effects on the environment To mitigate or minimize our environmental impact, we are actively engaged in researching and developinmethods to refurbish, repair, and reuse digital devices instead of replacing them As the volume of e-waste continues to rise, so does the number electronic batteries associated with these devices.

Moreover, electronic batteries pose a significant environmental threat as a component of electronic waste, as they accumulate a substantial portioof the waste due to the increasing number of electronic devices being powered by them Recognizing this issue, our team has made the decision conduct research, comparisons, and recycling efforts specifically focused on electronic batteries Through this research and comparison, we aim identify the most sustainable battery options that can effectively reduce waste Additionally, recycling initiatives will play a crucial role in minimelectronic battery waste and prolonging the lifespan of batteries when they are in use.

II Project initialization(P1)1 Main aim of the project

In order to restore, repair, prolong the life of, and reuse digital gadgets rather than replacing them, research and create, compare, or recycle electronic batteries.

2 List of Objectives to achieve the aim

In order to restore, repair, prolong the life of, and reuse digital gadgets rather than replacing them, research and create, compare, or recycle electronic batteries.

List of Objectives to achieve the aim:

Conducting Research: Conduct in-depth study to comprehend how digital terminals, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, affect the

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impact This might involve using energy-saving technology, alternative materials, or recycled resources into the production process.Explore alternatives: Find alternatives to digital terminals, such as refurbishing, repairing, and reusing equipment, to lessen their impactthe environment Think about implementing initiatives to get clients to trade in their outdated equipment for reconditioned models or provide equipment repair services.

Present your findings: Present your conclusions and suggestions to the research and development team, as well as to other key players including higher management and possible collaborators.

III Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources(P2)

1 Scope:

Project can do:

Give people easy-to-access information regarding e-waste.How the reader would find these data acceptable or useful.These facts ought to be concise, entertaining to read, and reader-friendly.These data ought to yield a strong ANOVA result.

As many readers as possible should have access to this facts, which should be made public.Project do not:

Give the reader a direct answer to their e-waste problem.Provide information in support of any person, business,

2 Time

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Task name Start Finish DurationPlanning 03/07/2023 15/07/2023 12 DaysInformatio n

22/07/2023 12/08/2023 22 DaysPresentation 13/08/2023 24/08/2023 12 Days

Communicates project status, timelines, and coordination

Battery Supplier As needed Phone/Email

Discusses availability and specifications of sustainable batteries

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guidelines, and best practicesIT Specialist As needed

Instant messaging/Helpdesk

Assists with technical issues related to battery recycling

Marketing Lead Bi-weekly Video Conference

Discusses awareness campaigns, strategies, and promotional plans

Consumer Awareness

and Participation Lack of consumer awareness and Medium High

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Regulations and Policies government regulationsand policiesSustainable Battery

Limited availability of sustainable battery options

Cost and Financial High costs associated with recycling and refurbishing

Medium High

Technological Limitations

Technological limitations in battery recycling processes

Medium Medium

Infrastructure Inefficient battery collection and recycling infrastructure

Medium High

1 Insufficient research and development resources:

Allocate adequate budget and manpower for research and development activities.Seek external funding or collaborations to supplement resources.

Prioritize and optimize resource allocation based on the research objectives.2 Lack of consumer awareness and participation:

Launch awareness campaigns to educate consumers about the environmental impact of electronic devices and the benefits of refurbishinrepairing, and reusing.

Offer incentives or discounts for customers who choose to trade in or repair their devices.

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Advocate for stronger and more comprehensive regulations and policies regarding e-waste management, battery recycling, and sustainabpractices.

Engage in dialogue with relevant government agencies to highlight the importance of sustainable battery options and promote the development of supportive policies.

4 Limited availability of sustainable battery options:

Collaborate with battery manufacturers and suppliers to develop and promote sustainable battery technologies.Invest in research and development to explore alternative battery materials and energy-efficient technologies.Encourage the adoption of eco-friendly battery options through incentives and partnerships.

5 High costs associated with recycling and refurbishing:

Explore cost-effective recycling methods and partnerships with recycling facilities.

Optimize internal processes to reduce costs and increase efficiency in refurbishing and recycling operations.Seek funding or grants specifically targeted at e-waste management and sustainable practices.

6 Technological limitations in battery recycling processes:

Invest in research and development to improve battery recycling technologies.Collaborate with experts and organizations working on innovative recycling solutions.Engage in knowledge-sharing and partnerships with recycling facilities and experts in the field.7 Inefficient battery collection and recycling infrastructure:

Collaborate with waste management authorities to improve collection infrastructure for electronic batteries.Establish partnerships with local recycling facilities to ensure proper and efficient battery recycling.Educate the public on the importance of proper disposal and collection of electronic batteries.

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Provide proper training and protective equipment to personnel involved in battery recycling.Regularly conduct safety audits and inspections to identify and mitigate potential hazards.9 Lack of standardized recycling processes and guidelines:

Collaborate with industry associations and regulatory bodies to establish standardized recycling processes and guidelines.Contribute to the development of best practices and industry standards for battery recycling.

Share knowledge and experiences with other organizations to promote harmonization and consistency in recycling practices.10 Insufficient investment in battery recycling facilities:

Advocate for increased investment in battery recycling infrastructure at the government and industry levels.Explore partnerships with recycling companies or investors to establish or expand battery recycling facilities.Demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of investing in battery recycling to attract funding and support.

5 Resource5.1 Human Resource:

Resource Role/Expertise Availability NotesDr Johnson Research Lead Full-time

Oversees researchefforts and decision-

makingSarah Adams Project Manager Full-time

Manages projectcoordination andtimelinesBattery Engineers Battery Technology As needed Provide expertise onbattery technologies

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Recycling Team Recycling Experts As needed

processes and methodsIT Specialist Technical Support As needed assistance and supportProvides technical

Marketing Team Marketing and

Communications As needed

Develops awarenesscampaigns and

strategiesFinance Manager Financial Expert Full-time Manages financial

aspects of the projectSafety Committee Safety Experts As needed Ensures compliance with

Testing Equipment Battery testing and analysis As needed Ensures battery performance and sustainabilityCommunication Tools Email, phone, video

conferencing Full-time

Facilitates communication among team membersProject Management Project planning and Full-time Streamlines project

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Battery Recycling Tools processingBattery collection and As needed Tools and equipment for safe recycling of batteries

6 Project Cost

Item Quantity/DurationCost per Unit/Man-

Month ($) Total Cost ($) Notes

Research Team 6 Man-Months 8,000 48,000 Salaries and benefits for research personnelTesting Equipment - 10,000 10,000

Cost of purchasing battery testing

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Communication Tools - 1,500 1,500 tools (email, phones)Project Management

Cost of project management softwareBattery Recycling Tools - 5,000 5,000 Cost of tools for

battery recyclingConsultants/Experts As needed Varies Varies Cost of hiring external consultants/expertsMiscellaneous

Additional miscellaneous expenses

IV Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages for completion(P3)

Ngày đăng: 08/05/2024, 14:39
