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presentation report analysis of the companys microenvironment and macroenvironment

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Habeco has since grown to become one of the largest and most well-knownbeer brands in Vietnam, with a market share of over 18% as of 2020.Habeco''''s product portfolio includes a wide range

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Presentation report

Class code: MKT1813Subject code: MKT101Full name and roll number:Nguyễn Đức Minh HE170874

Nguyễn Thị Mai HS170009Đặng Hoàng Việt HS170648Nguyễn Thị Khánh Ly HS171160

Lê Minh Thông HS173206Lê Thị Minh Anh HS176208

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Table of contents:

 1.1:Company background 6

 1.2:Description of product/service offerings 14

2.Analysis of the company's microenvironment and macroenvironment2.1 Microenvironment: 2.1.1 Supplier 15

 2.1.2 Competitors 15

 2.1.3 Substitute Products 16

 2.1.4 Customers 16

2.2 Macroenvironment: 2.2.1 Political and legal factors 17

 3.2 Social Media Marketing 22

 3.3 Sponsorships and Events 22

 3.4 Outdoor Advertising 23

 3.5 Report survey results 24

Some ideas drawn from the survey on the group's beer use policy4 Analysis of current 4P marketing strategy: 4.1 Product 29

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1.Introduction :

1.1:Company backgrounda) History:

Habeco, or Hanoi Beer Alcohol and Beverage Corporation, is a Vietnamese state-ownedenterprise that specializes in the production and distribution of beer, alcohol, and otherbeverages.

The company was established in 1962 in Hanoi, Vietnam, and was formerly known as theHanoi Brewery Habeco has since grown to become one of the largest and most well-knownbeer brands in Vietnam, with a market share of over 18% as of 2020.

Habeco's product portfolio includes a wide range of beer brands, including Hanoi Beer, TrucBach Beer, and Huda Beer, as well as various types of wine, spirits, and non-alcoholicbeverages The company operates several manufacturing facilities across Vietnam, includingtwo major breweries in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and employs over 6,000 people.

In 2016, Habeco was partially privatized, with the Vietnamese government selling a 53.6%stake in the company to Carlsberg Group, a Danish brewing company, for $748 million.Carlsberg now holds a majority stake in Habeco and has been working to strengthen thecompany's operations and expand its product offerings.

( Tổng Công Ty cổ phần Bia - rượu - nước Giải Khát HÀ Nội)

b) Contact introduction

● Address:Số 183 Hoàng Hoa Thám, Phường Ngọc Hà, Quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội● Phone:02438453843

● Website:https://habeco.com.vn/?page=home&fbclid=IwAR2YZdbwT0jYLQrlEnapQiz2GRYpKcgjYfM6d4MW_q0291gcSdb42c1o-g8

● Email:habeco@habeco.com.vn

c) Founder- CEO

● Nguyen Hong Linh is the current CEO of the Hanoi Beer Alcohol andBeverage Corporation (Habeco) He was appointed to this position in 2019.● Prior to his appointment as CEO, Linh held various leadership positions at

Habeco, including Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Deputy GeneralDirector, and General Director He has been with the company since 1994and has played an important role in its growth and development.● Under Linh's leadership, Habeco has focused on expanding its distribution

network and increasing its market share in Vietnam's competitive beer and

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beverage industry The company has also implemented measures to improveits efficiency and reduce costs.

● Linh holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the HanoiUniversity of Science and Technology and a Master's degree in BusinessAdministration from the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City.● ( Nguyễn Hồng Linh - HABECO (no date)CafeF.vn Available at:

http://s.cafef.vn/ceo/CEO_06273/nguyen-hong-linh.chn?cs=HABECO(Accessed: March 4, 2023).

d) Milestones

After more than 60 years of history, from a small factory; Hanoi Beer Company wasborn and finally it became the Hanoi Beer Alcohol And Beverage Joint StockCorporation, known as Habeco.

● In 1980, the Hommel beer factory – former name of HABECO wasestablished with 30 employees, with the main purpose of supporting theFrench army in Vietnam.

● In 1993, Hanoi Beer Factory was changed to Hanoi Beer Company Therewere some investments for facilities, devices and increasing the productivityup to 50 million liters/ year.

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● In 2001, the productivity of this company again increased to 100 million liters/year.

● In 2003, Hanoi Beer Alcohol And Beverage Joint Stock Corporation was born.

In 2008, since 16th of June, 2008; this corporation started to issue stocks withauthorized capital as 2,318 billion VND, as around 101,000 USD.

● In 2010, HABECO finished the construction project of a 200 million liter/year beer factory in Me Linh, Hanoi Habeco had become one of two mostsuccessful beer manufacturing corporations in Vietnam.

● In 2013, the company had invested in filtering systems for water This was ahistorical achievement after 55 years of building and developing Habeco.● In 2015: New construction of Technical Institute of Beer-Wine - NGK Hanoi

at Hanoi - Me Linh Brewery

● In 2016: Thai Beverage (ThaiBev) won a bid to acquire a majority stake inHabeco, with a 53.59% share.

● In 2017: Established Hanoi Brewery - Hoang Hoa Tham

● In 2018: Habeco launched a new beer brand called Huda in response tocompetition in the Vietnamese market.

● In 2019: Habeco officially launched a new brand identity with the slogan"Vietnam Power"

● In 2020: Habeco reported a decline in revenue due to the impact of theCOVID-19 pandemic on the beverage industry.

● In 2021: Habeco announced plans to expand its production capacity and investin new facilities, including a new brewery in Ho Chi Minh City.

e) Statement of mission, vision and core values

● Vision: HABECO wants to become a strong and leading beer, wine andbeverage industry in Vietnam.

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-Researching and developing strategic brands with growth values, in order to satisfythe growing demand from domestic and overseas markets.

* Core values: "PRESTIGE WITH CUSTOMERS IS THE FOUNDATION OFPROSPERITY" - determining the best satisfaction of customers' needs and requirementsis the guideline throughout all activities, the foundation of success and longevity byHABECO.

About HABECO (2018) BUSINESS CASE HABECO Available at:

https://bchabecomba16.wordpress.com/about-habeco/ (Accessed: March 5, 2023).1.2:Description of product/service offerings

With technological know-how - a hundred-year tradition, with modern equipmentsystem, skilled, qualified and enthusiastic staff, HABECO's product lines bearing theHanoi Beer brand such as Beer Hanoi Steam, Hanoi Canned Beer, Truc Bach Beer,Hanoi Beer Premium… have received the trust of consumers for both quality andstyle, conquering beer connoisseurs at home and abroad.


Named after Truc Bach Lake - a place associated with the thousand-year-old land ofThang Long - Hanoi, Truc Bach was the first domestic beer in Vietnam when it wasborn in 1958 golden and transparent like honey When pouring, the beer foam iswhite, thick, porous, and the ear hears the sound of the foam slowly melting "smooth"and "smooth" In particular, when drinking, beer has a slight bitter taste, this bitterness

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slowly turns to the sweet taste of premium malt This unique beer taste is the result ofa long natural fermentation process, 2-3 times longer than ordinary beers With analcohol content of 5.1%, Truc Bach is currently the leading beer in the segment.HABECO's high-end:

Capacity: 330mlPlastic box

Alcohol content: 5.1%2.BIA HANOI BOLD

Hanoi BOLD & Hanoi Light is a product for young people - the generation that is alwayslooking for different and breakthrough experiences If Hanoi BOLD is the leaven of desire,conquest and breakthrough, Hanoi Light is the leaven of creativity, sophistication andsublimation.


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Hanoi Light with high quality yeast of premium Malt and aristocratic "Saaz" hops from theCzech Republic, bittersweet harmony, pure taste, impressive with thick, creamy foam whenopening the lid, opening the event Hanoi Bold beer has an alcohol content of 4.7 – 4.9% vol4.BIA HÀ NỘI 1890

Inheriting the quintessence of Hanoi Beer's 130-year history, Hanoi Beer 1890 330ml bottleswill be introduced to the market to better meet the needs of consumers."

Capacity: 330mlPlastic safe: 20 bottlesAlcohol content: 4.3%5.BIA CHAI HÀ NỘI

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Oriented as the core product of the Hanoi beer brand in general, Hanoi bottled beer has anannual output that accounts for 70% of the total output of HABECO's products The reasonwhy Hanoi bottled beer has a strong position in the markets of the northern provinces andcities is because of its attractive clear golden color, durable foam, smooth white, harmoniousand mellow bitter taste, and Confident with the quality and brand strength of this product,HABECO has now exported 450ml Hanoi bottled beer to markets in Taiwan, Korea, andAustralia…

Capacity: 450mlPlastic safe: 20 bottlesAlcohol content: 4.4%6.BIA LON HÀ NỘI

First introduced to Vietnamese beer lovers in 1992, up to now, Hanoi Canned Beer 330mlwith an alcohol content of 4.6% has always been a product chosen by many consumers.

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Hanoi canned beer 330ml is currently being exported to many countries around the world,and is highly appreciated by international customers.

Capacity: 330mlPaper carton: 24 bottlesAlcohol content: 4.6%


With the desire to better meet the needs of consumers across the country, in September 2014,HABECO launched Hanoi green-label beer - a product exclusively for beer lovers in theCentral region Vietnam.

Capacity: 450mlPlastic safe: 20 bottlesAlcohol content: 4.2%


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Introduced in 2005, Hanoi Premium Beer with 4.9% alcohol content is oriented in thepremium beer segment So far, this product has proven its promising potential with anaverage growth of 15.3% between 2011-2015.

Capacity: 330mlPlastic safe: 20 bottlesAlcohol content: 4.9%9.BIA HƠI HÀ NỘI

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In the past, for anyone with a predestined relationship with Hanoi, the ancient land wasalways strongly attracted by the beauty of its thousand years of civilization But now, whenintegrated, in the heart of an old Hanoi, is a Hanoi that is changing strongly Along with theold features, Hanoi also possesses an invisible gravitational force, making it impossible for usto forget – and also very difficult to leave.

HABECO - Thương Hiệu Bia Nội hàng đầu Việt Nam - e-magazine Asia Media (2021) E.Available at: https://e-magazine.asiamedia.vn/tong-cong-ty-bia-ha-noi-habeco/ (Accessed:March 5, 2023).

3.Profile of target customer and target market3.1:Habeco's target customers:

● Habeco is aiming for a new identity for its brand in a green, modern and youthfuldirection, suitable for young customers that the business is targeting, in thecompetitive conditions in the beer market Vietnam is becoming more and more fiercewith the presence of big men from abroad.

● Currently, up to 60-70% of young customers are making an important contribution tothe increase in production in the beer market With this class of customers, there aremany departments interested in domestic beer products, but no product has yet metthe needs of this customer class, so this is an opportunity for Habeco to have theopportunity to show itself to collect profits attract young customers

● Habeco's customers include: Agents or wholesalers are direct and regular customersof the company, buying in large quantities Retailers and consumers are customerswith lower purchasing volumes.

3.2:Habeco’s target market

HABECO's market can be divided into the following segments:

● By customer's income group: including high-end market and popular market Inwhich, the high-end market is represented by canned beer, chia bamboo beerproduced from the best imported materials such as Saaz flower - one of the four noblehop species of the world grown only in the valley Zatec Valley, Czech Republic Thebeer is golden in color and transparent like honey, when drinking it has a slight bittertaste, this bitterness turns to the sweet sweetness of premium malt, this unique beer isthe result of a long natural fermentation process day, 2-3 times longer than regularbeers in order to meet the needs of consumers At the end of 2014, HABECO

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launched more Truc Bach beer products in 330ml cans with 5.1 alcohol content %.Identified as a product line for the high-end segment of HABECO HABECO'sproducts in the popular segment are quite diverse: all kinds of wine, bottled water,bottled beer, Hanoi canned beer of all kinds with stable quality and eye-catchingappearance has been and is the main market of HABECO house.

● According to the weak market group of the people: HABECO market is divided intothe following groups

+Group 1: Products with low alcohol content, easy to drink, less bitter This is a groupof customers who drink less alcohol, mostly those who drink less beer or women.+Group 2: Higher alcohol concentration, representing alcohol products servingcustomers who have a preference for drinking alcohol rather than beer or those whodrink beer with higher concentration such as Truc Bach beer with an alcohol contentof 5.1%.

+Group 3: Moderately strong, mildly bitter beer, typical of Hanoi bottled beer productlines Green label, bottled beer, Hanoi canned beer with alcohol content of 4.6%.● By age group: Based on age can be divided into two groups: young and middle-aged.

Currently, there are 2 new product lines for young people, namely Hanoi light andHanoi bold beer with light bar glaze, bringing young beer connoisseurs to a new,relaxed and sublimated experience The remaining products are popular with all ages,but mainly the middle-aged generation because that product is associated with theirage.

● By geographical location: Hanoi beer product lines are associated with the culture ofthe Northern people in terms of taste, quality and time, including famous productssuch as Ha Noi beer and Vodka Most recently, HABECO has just developed agreen label Hanoi beer A product dedicated to customers who love beer in CentralVietnam with the typical taste of the people in the central region.

-> With the above method of market segmentation, HABECO chooses customers to segmentits target market, which is the Northern market, which belongs to the popular market segment.The reason this market segment is very large, on the other hand, HABECO's product linesare part of the culture of the people in the North, for that reason it is always more beneficialthan other businesses In recent years, HABECO has always been the leader in market sharein the North.

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2 Analysis of the company's microenvironment and macroenvironment2.1 Microenvironment

1 Supplier

The beer and wine supply market in Vietnam has many suppliers Currently, a number ofenterprises have modern production lines throughout the country that are not inferior to jointventure enterprises, besides, Hanoi beer or Saigon beer is also quite famous for both qualityand safety food, so the competitiveness is very good But the competition of enterprises inthe industry is also quite high Among the businesses competing with Habeco, there is strongcompetition from Sabeco because it is the leading enterprise in beer production in Vietnam.

Habeco is a large company, using a very large amount of raw materials, so the bargainingpower on prices will also be high, the company has tried to diversify the source of rawmaterials, actively seek and cooperate with suppliers response However, the main materialsare malt and houb must be imported 100% from other countries These materials dependentirely on natural conditions such as soil and climate, so they are very limited, so the numberof suppliers is not much So it can be seen that the supplier has quite strong bargaining power.2 Competitors:

In the context of market competition is still difficult, fierce competition betweenmanufacturers to win the market is inevitable Competition in terms of products and marketsis not only between domestic enterprises but also the entry of international beer brands,increasing challenges for HABECO.

In 2022, competitors all focus on promoting support, promotion, and sales promotion to winover the market after a long period of 2021 was affected by the Covid epidemic.

Right from the beginning of 2022, HABECO's main competitors, SABECO and HEINEKEN,have strongly implemented brand communication and sales promotion activities nationwideand in all product segments, including , especially companies focused on sales promotionprograms for popular products - HABECO's main market segment Right after the Tetbusiness season, airlines continue to deploy a series of programs

sales promotion activities for consumers, Habeco is forecasted to continue to be under a lot ofpressure from competitors.

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3 Substitute Products

Substitute products in the beer and wine industry are many, beverage products can substitutefor alcohol And Habeco also cannot avoid facing substitute products Fermented juiceproducts, non-alcoholic beer different drinks meet different needs Currently, soft drinksmade from natural ingredients are being chosen by many consumers as an alternative toalcohol.

Vietnamese people have always had the habit of being loyal to familiar products, but on themarket today, there are many types of drinks with diverse designs as well as packagingdesigns In addition, in terms of creativity and focus on each segment to serve eachcustomer's requirements, the quality is not inferior, so there is a risk of replacing the beermarket.

Although alcohol is increasingly a potential substitute for beer as the population ages,Vietnam has a young population, so the tendency to prefer beer consumption continues toincrease over the years Therefore, the pressure from Habeco's substitute products on average.4 Customers.

With a population of over 80 million people, the demand of consumers is increasing forproducts, especially the quality of beverages to ensure health and safety Especially, the needsof each person are especially different, so the variety of beverage products creates anattractiveness for the industry Habeco is in the low-end and mid-end segments whereconsumers in this segment care a lot about price In addition, switching costs and productdifferentiation are low, and the variety of brands is high, so customers have many choices andeasily change their consumption habits Therefore, the power of the customer is high.

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- Baotuoitre (2020)Bia Không Cồn - 'Chuẩn Gu' sống cân bằng của người trẻ hiện đại,TUOI TRE ONLINE Available at: https://tuoitre.vn/bia-khong-con-chuan-gu-song-can-bang-cua-nguoi-tre-hien-dai-20200423142113954.htm (Accessed: March 5, 2023).

- Nes, M (no date) Nguyên Liệu Dùng để sản xuất Bia – Habeco Nguyên liệu dùng để sản,xuất Bia – Habeco | JIMEI VIỆT NAM Available at: https://congnghevotrung.com/nguyen-lieu-dung-de-san-xuat-bia-habeco (Accessed: March 5, 2023).

2.2 Macroenvironment :1 Political and legal factors:

- Vietnam is attempting to develop a market economy, develop and complete policies, legalsystems, and sub-laws to create standards that are effective in creating a favorableenvironment to promote business development However, alcohol is a product whose use isdiscouraged by the state.The government has issued and will continue to issue many policiesthat have an impact on the beer-refreshing and refreshing industries to ensure a harmoniousdevelopment for the whole society Therefore, the management and business activities ofbusinesses are more or less affected, which is unavoidable Most recently, in 2019, thegovernment issued decrees on the use of alcohol when participating in traffic, reducing theconsumption of products related to alcohol, such as beer.

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2 Economic factors:

- In 2022 and 2023, the world economy is gradually recovering after the COVID-19pandemic, but the recovery speed is still short and there continue to be difficulties withcomplicated developments in domestic and foreign economies Mainly consumer prices beginto increase after the pandemic when countries remove blockades and other limited measures.In Vietnam, one of the countries with high economic growth in the region with an averageGDP growth of 8.02% in 2022, the Philippines is 7.5%, India is 7%, China is 4.4%, andSouth Korea is 2.6%, but the inflation index reaches 3.14% compared to 2021's 1.84%.Vietnam still holds the top Asian position and is third in Asia in terms of beer consumption(2.2% as of 2022), after Japan and China, consuming 3.8 million liters of beer every year.

3 Socio-cultural factors:

- This is a factor that has a significant impact on beer production enterprises and Vietnam'sbeer industry Vietnam's population is currently more than 86 million people and has a youngpopulation structure, so the demand for beer consumption is very high Vietnam is notheavily influenced by religion, so alcohol consumption is high Vietnamese people drink beernot only during holidays (Tet) but also in their daily lives For Vietnamese people, therestaurant is always crowded after work is a very familiar image.

- Vietnamese people's alcohol culture is evolving; instead of drinking for pleasure, they aredrinking in the style of eating and drinking This leads to the undesirable fact that theproducer indirectly has a negative impact on the consumer A survey by the Ministry ofHealth also showed that, among men who used alcohol in 2015, 44.2% used alcohol at a

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dangerous level, with the highest rate of alcohol use among boys and teenagers (13–17 yearsold) is 24.6% (2019 statistics).

4 Technology factors:

- The development of science and technology has created modern machinery and richer andhigher-quality raw materials Applying these advances to production, the beer industry willhave many good products with richer types and designs, increasing labor productivity,reducing fuel consumption, and creating conditions to improve efficiency work.

- On September 12, 2016, the Minister of Industry and Trade issued a decision to approve theplanning for development of Vietnam's beer, wine, and beverage industry by 2025, with avision to 2035 focusing on investment in renovation Modern equipment and technologyThis has had a significant effect on the beer industry, improving product quality Reduce theconsumption of raw, natural materials and expand the beer export market.

- The disparity in scientific and technological development between countries such as theUnited States, Japan, and Europe is too great to foster fierce competition, putting losses andweakness on the side of businesses Vietnam As science and technology advance, there areno conditions to invest in and apply new technology to improve the quality of domestic

Ngày đăng: 08/05/2024, 12:46
