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consumer behavior affects on determination of choosing freelance platform in vietnam especially constant content platform

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Lecturer: MBA Nguyen Cuong ThinhGroup: 2

1 Tăng Mỹ Ngọc (Leader)721H00782 Cao Phương Quỳnh Nhi721H0092

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OFull Name

IDTaskContribution Signature

behavior research process for Constant Content platform: 2.5 & 2.6

behavior research process for Constant Content platform: 2.5 & 2.6

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1.1 Development of content delivery platforms 10

1.2 Introduction to Constant Content 11

1.3 Operational objectives 11

1.4 Roles and functions of Constant Content 13


2.1 Research Objectives 17

2.2 Research Participants 17

2.3 Research Methods 19

2.4 Practical interview 19

2.5 Design interview questions and answers 22

2.6 Interview data analysis 30


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3.5 Solutions 37CONCLUSION 39REFERENCE 41


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Image 1 Table display the amount of customers using Constant Content and number of

Image 2 The review from Linkedin 13

Image 3 Statistics on the number of articles and writers of Constant Content 14

Image 4 The article topics 15

Image 5 The clients of Constant Content 15

Image 6 White papers/ eBooks content 16

Image 7 Page copy content 16

Image 8 Level of education by gender 18

Image 9 Freelance writers search tool on Constant Content platform 32

Image 10 Effective search tool on Constant Content platform 33


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Table 1 Interview questions 22Table 2 Client's Insight 30Table 3 Freelancer's Insight 30


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Permanent staff hiring has long been the norm for corporations But instead ofhiring full-time employees, today's scaling businesses increasingly outsource project-based employment to freelancers Since COVID has upended the workplace, moreprofessionals are choosing to work independently Some people take on additionalwork as a second job, while others are freelancers full-time Although there aredifficulties, such as unpredictable income and no standard job benefits, exceptionalworkers are easily accessible for project-based work.

According to Statista, more than half of the U.S workforce, or around 60million workers, were predicted to be freelancers in 2022, and this number is expectedto rise to 86.5 million by 2027 With so many people choosing to work for themselves,businesses have a wide selection of options in almost every field, including freelancewriters with clients who require material for their websites, blogs, social media, etc.

This pattern has been developing in Vietnam for a while, but it took off duringthe COVID-19 outbreak Vietnamese academic workers choose freelancing in greaterand greater numbers According to data from December 2021 from Anphabe, a socialnetworking service and employment website in Vietnam, up to 53% of academicfaculty members have actually engaged in the gig economy.

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the results of research in whichVietnamese freelance writers and clients were asked about their experiences andbehaviors when using freelance online platforms in general and Constant Content inparticular The data included in this report was gathered by means of a one-on-oneinterview with potential or existing users of Constant Content in Vietnam to havedetailed information on their needs, wants, and behaviors in order to make a betterdevelopment for the platform to be suitable for the Vietnam market.


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1.1 Development of content delivery platforms

Currently, the global economy is facing a difficult economic situation, includinginflation and a serious economic crisis In Vietnam, layoffs are happening in manybusinesses, especially in the information technology, software, and e-commerceindustries According to statistics, many businesses have had to cut about 25% of theirhuman resources between September 2022 and May 2023 This means that on average,for every 10 businesses, at least 3 businesses have to cut human resources.

Under the impact of the layoff storm, about 13% of workers in Vietnam faceddirect job loss To adapt to this situation, some businesses have had to find ways tooptimize costs Some of them have outsourced the production of products and servicesneeded for their business plans, or they have turned to freelance workers instead offull-time employees.

Laid-off workers, especially those with creative and content skills, often chooseto do freelance work, such as freelance writers, to earn extra income According to areport, currently 14% of knowledgeable human resources in Vietnam work full-timefreelance, 26% work part-time freelance, and 13% do freelance work in parallel with apermanent job.

This situation has created a growing demand for content creators Therefore,today many intermediary websites are appearing in Vietnam and around the world suchas Vlance, Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork, etc., that help connect freelancers andbusinesses, creating opportunities for both parties to seek and deliver projects andservices In particular, Vlance is known as the largest freelance website in theVietnamese freelance job market Websites bring together more than 400,000 talentedfreelancers with many diverse career fields such as Online Marketing, WebProgramming, Design, etc.


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1.2 Introduction to Constant Content

Ten years ago, in the area of producing and marketing pre-written content forthe web, Constant Content was a pioneer Since then, the company has developed froma tiny start-up to one of the biggest and most reputable marketplaces for original, high-quality content that is also SEO-friendly.

While Constant Content continues to provide thousands of unique pre-writtenarticles through their catalog as they have changed with market trends and businessdemands over the years, their main focus is on the creation of custom content based onclient-specific requests and needs.

Today, Constant Content has become one of the biggest and most well-knownmarketplaces for SEO-friendly content Constant Content connects businesses with thetop freelance writers online and is trusted by over 50,000 organizations With the motto"High-quality, custom content at your fingertips", clients can easily order high-qualitycontent for your website with a turnkey professional writing service They can assistorganizations of any size in scaling and improving their clients content creation thanksto their user-friendly, collaborative platform and managed corporate services.

In order to express brand stories, boost SEO, and increase sales, ConstantContent links businesses with thousands of expert writers who can produce articles,eBooks, product descriptions, and other materials The services offered by ConstantContent include the widest selection of original articles for sale as well as a customizedcontent writing service.

1.3 Operational objectives

One of the primary objectives of Constant Content is to become the establishedmarketplace for high-quality, original, SEO-friendly content based on clients specificrequests and needs They are aiming to reach this goal while adhering to a set ofcommitments in order to offer the greatest service and safeguard for clients andfreelance writers:


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 Guaranteed high-quality, unique, premium, SEO-friendly content. Provide free revisions for every piece of custom content.

 Dedicated account management with easy access for writers is provided. Connect clients with writers who understand their industry, and the platform

only works with top talent.

 The website’s rigorous human editorial controls ensure quality standards arealways met.

 Article turnaround time is typically 48 hours, and writers NEVER miss adeadline.

 Help clients build a team of experts to serve as a subsidiary to their in-housecontent marketers.

 Every article is run through Copyscape, an anti-plagiarism checker to ensureoriginality.

 Manage all clients' content needs, production, and delivery so they don’t haveto.

1.4 Roles and functions of Constant Content

Among content providing platforms, Constant Content is an internationalplatform that is of interest to many content creators Some data show that there are

Image 1 Table display the amount of customers using Constant Content and number of articles

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approve content faster while still ensuring quality Because after reviewing the content,I may still need to discuss editing with the writer If I receive the first copy of thecontent for a long time, the editing process will also take a long time.

5 Do you have any specific requirements for support if there are copyright issuesafter cooperation?

First, the platform must carefully check the content before handing it over tome, checking for plagiarism, so there are no problems later If there is a copyright issueafter collaborating, I hope the platform will work with that writer along with me andoffer reasonable compensation, such as support in handling public relations about mybrand or money back.

 Freelancer 1: Phan Thi Diem My

1 Which platforms have you worked on?

Previously, I also explored and participated in Vlance, which is a platform thatgathers many freelancers for businesses to choose from at any time They payfreelancers based on the jobs they complete I could participate in multiple jobssimultaneously, working on various projects to earn additional income.

2 Have you ever encountered any problems when searching for jobs on theseplatforms?

When I researched this website, I found that there were three basic packages,and I chose the highest-tier package for three months I paid a total of 560,000 VND,and the website promised that with this package, I would be in the top 10 priority list tobe recommended to clients for bidding, and I would have unlimited biddingopportunities However, I waited and waited for over a month without receiving anyjob offers, so I decided to give up It felt like I had been deceived

3 Do you have specific requirements regarding your income?

With the difficulty I faced earlier, it was challenging for me to maintain a stableincome That's why I eventually decided to switch to a full-time job, as it could provide


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a more stable livelihood I also noticed that there is intense competition on theseplatforms, with many freelancers receiving positive reviews However, the number ofavailable jobs is limited, making it quite difficult to secure a job I also felt that therewere risks involved, such as when a company requested a demo, and after providingone, they disappeared without payment So, I became a bit apprehensive.

4 Do you have any specific requirements for support if there is a dispute aftercooperation?

If I were to request support from the platform in case of disputes aftercollaboration, I would expect policies that protect freelance writers In the event ofconflicts during the collaboration and if the client decides not to continue, I would wantsafeguards in place This is particularly important if a brand or company still uses mycontent without payment, which would be very frustrating Additionally, if there arecases where the client doesn't pay after the job is completed, I would expect measuresin place to address this issue as well.

5 What do you think about finding work on global freelance platforms instead ofjust using platforms in Vietnam?

I find that approach appealing as well Global platforms often pay in dollars,which can significantly increase one's income compared to being paid in VND(Vietnamese Dong) However, it's important to note that accessing reputable and high-quality jobs on these platforms requires strong English language skills and expertise,and competition can be fierce.

 Freelancer 2: Nguyen Vu Thuy Tien

1 Which platforms have you worked on?

I started looking for a freelance job in my second year of university At thattime, I researched famous freelancing platforms, and Freelancer was the mostrecommended So, I registered an account at Freelancer and worked for about a year.


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2 Have you ever encountered any problems when searching for jobs on theseplatforms?

First, the platform did not have support for Vietnamese users, and I had tosearch for jobs in English At that time, I worked for foreign companies, doing projectsfor them It was difficult at first, but it went smoothly Once, I cooperated with acustomer who was a foreign company There was a problem with the company'saddress between the platform and that company, so during the cooperation process,Freelancer temporarily locked my account to verify abnormalities After waiting forabout 5 months, my account was permanently locked, and it wasn't my fault, so I feltquite disappointed over the past period of time.

3 Do you have specific requirements regarding your income?

As I can see, this platform has a lot of freelancers like me Therefore, the pricewill be pushed down because if it is too high, companies have the right to choose alower price and will not decide to recruit me So I hope, if possible, there will be aplatform to have fair pricing policies for everyone's abilities.

4 Do you have any specific requirements for support if there is a dispute aftercooperation?

Platforms need to have policies to protect freelancers, especially newfreelancers, from some scam companies and block their accounts In some cases, newfreelancers will be asked to make free drafts of projects New freelancers at this timealways want a chance to prove their abilities, so they are really determined to workeven though they still have no money After giving it to the company, they disappearand use those drafts It's like losing money and gray matter at the same time.

5 What do you think about finding work on global freelance platforms instead ofjust using platforms in Vietnam?

According to my experiences when using the freelance global website, the jobwill be more diverse, working only with most foreign companies, and the income will


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also be high However, I feel that the policy to resolve problems between the parties isnot satisfactory and superficial in protecting the rights of writers But global platformsare quite promising for developing our skills.

2.6 Interview data analysis

Table 2 Client's Insight

Laneige Vietnam They prioritize transparency and a diverse pool of freelancewriters Protecting copyright and post-collaboration supportis of particular importance to them When it comes to globalplatforms, they see limited potential in the areas theyhandle, as hiring locally in Vietnam is both more cost-effective and culturally attuned to the Vietnamese audience.

Steve P.T TangImmigrationConsulting Corp

Customers are fond of finding freelance writers based ontheir budget They desire to receive content quickly andensure quality and copyright In particular, customersrequire the safety of personal information when usingplatforms.

Table 3 Freelancer's Insight

Phan Thi Diem My Freelancers' expectations are high for these platforms, witha desire to secure multiple jobs simultaneously However,prolonged periods without job opportunities can lead tofrustration and a sense of being deceived, potentially


Ngày đăng: 07/05/2024, 18:24


