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research method the effect of psychosocial and contextual factors on purchasing behavior of customers toward green packaged product in vietnam

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2.2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior TPB...102.2.2 Green products purchases: Structural relationships of consumers'''' perception of eco-label, eco-brand and environmental advertisement Jan, 20

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Chapter 1.5Chapter 2.1.2Chapter 2.1.7Figure 2.3Chapter 3.5

Table 4.7Chapter 4.4

AbstractChapter 5.2.1

Chapter 4.3Chapter 4.4Chapter 4.5Chapter 5.1


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Chapter 5.2

Nguyen Mai Linh 719D0077

Chapter 1.4Chapter 2.1.1Chapter 2.1.3Chapter 2.2.1Chapter 2.2.3Chapter 3.3Chapter 3.7Chapter

Chapter 4.4Chapter 5.2.2

Chapter 5.3Run SPSS & Smart

Chapter 3.2Chapter 3.6Table 4.6Chapter4.3.2Chapter 4.4 Income


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Chapter 5.1Chapter 5.2.2

Le Duong ThiThanh Thanh

Chapter 1.2Chapter 2.1.6Chapter 2.2.2Chapter 2.3Chapter 3.1Chapter 4.1Chapter

Chapter 4.4Chapter 5.2.2

Chapter 5.3


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2.2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) 10

2.2.2 Green products purchases: Structural relationships of consumers' perception of eco-label, eco-brand and environmental advertisement (Jan, 2013) (Support paper) - Written by Norazah Mohd Suki 11

2.2.3 Purchase Behavior of Young Consumers Toward Green Packaged Products in Vietnam (Key paper) - Written by Nhu Ty NGUYEN, Le Hoang Anh NGUYEN, Thanh Tuyen TRAN 12

2.3 Research model & Hypothesis 13


3.1 Research design 16

3.2 Sample size: 16

3.3 Collection method 16

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3.4 Questionnaire design: 17

3.5 Measurement scales 17

3.6 Pilot test 23

3.7 Data analysis method 23


4.1 Descriptive statistics: 26

4.2 Measurement scale 28

4.2.1 Reliability 28

4.2.2 Evaluate the accuracy of the model 32

4.4 One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA and Post-hoc) 37

4.5 Hypothesis testing 43


5.1 Research summary 47

5.2 Implication 48

5.2.1 Product Attribute (PA) 48

5.2.2 Environmental Concern (EC) 51

5.3 Limitation 54


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Table 3.1 Questionairy design 17

Table 3.7 Parameters of variables in Smart Pls 3 23

Table 3.8 Parameters of variables in SPSS 24

Table 4.2 The outcomes of the factors' suitability 28

Table 4.3 Loads, VIF, AVE and Composite Reliability Index 30

Table 4.4 Discriminant values of factors according to Fornell & Larcker criteria 33

Table 4.5 Value of the overall coefficient R Square 33

Table 4.6 T Statistics and P value 35

Table 4.7 T Statistics value, path coefficient, and standard deviation of the variables 36

Table 4.8 Homogeneity of gender factor variance 37

Table 4.9 ANOVA test for AGE factor 38

Table 4.10 Homogeneity of age factor variance 38

Table 4.11 ANOVA test for AGE factor 39

Table 4.12 Homogeneity of income factor variance 39

Table 4.13 ANOVA test for INCOME factor 40

Table 4.14 Homogeneity of education factor variance 40

Table 4.15 ANOVA test for EDUCATION factor 41

Table 4.16 Homogeneity of frequency factor variance 41

Table 4.17 ANOVA test for AGE factor 42

Table 4.18 Average table of green packaging buying behavior of customers for each frequency group 42

Table 4.19 Hypothesis testing result 43

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Figure 2.1.1 Theory of planned behavior model 11Figure 2.2.2 Theoretical Framework 12Figure 2.3 Conceptual model 13Figure 4.5 Model analysis results

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS( ai vô cuối chỉnh giùm mấy


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First of all, the research team would like to express their sincere thanks and deepgratitude to lecturer Tran Thi Van Trang She is the one who has always supportedand guided us wholeheartedly during the research process and completed theresearch paper with the topic "The Effect of Psychosocial and Contextual factors onPurchasing Behavior of Customers towards Green Packaged Product in Vietnam".

Next, our team would like to thank the Faculty of Business Administration, TonDuc Thang University for creating conditions for us to study and research thissubject The Faculty has always been ready to share useful knowledge as well as toshare experiences of referencing documents, which helps not only in carrying outand completing research projects but also in learning and practicing during practiceat Ton Duc Thang University in general.

Finally, after a period of online learning with a completely new learning method,we completed the research project thanks to the guidance, help and knowledgelearned from the teachers, although know that shortcomings are inevitable Thankyou to the team members who worked together to complete this study Despite theirbest efforts, due to the limitation of knowledge and time, there are inevitableshortcomings in this study I hope you can give your suggestions to improve theresearch paper Our team wishes our teachers and friends - who always care andsupport us - always be full of health and peace.

Our team sincerely thanks.


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My group here by declare that this is my team research work and is under thescientific guidance of lecturer Tran Thi Van Trang The research contents and resultsin this topic are honest and have not been published in any form before The data inthe tables for analysis, comments and evaluation are collected by the author himselffrom different sources as specified in the section.

In addition, the thesis also uses some comments, assessments as well as data ofother authors, other agencies and organizations, all with citations and sourceannotations.

If we find any fraud, we will take full responsibility for the content of his thesis.Ton Duc Thang University is unrelated to copyright and copyright violations causedby me in the process implementation (if any).

Ho Chi Minh City, May 2021

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Environmental contamination is a highly large issue, and it is a source of publicconcern Every hour, environmental contamination occurs, and it is growingincreasingly sophisticated, resulting in enormous impacts for all of humankind Theurgent task now is to identify a strategy to limit environmental pollution andimprove people's health living situations As a result, businesses and thegovernment have encouraged people to utilize green packaging, which is a productmade of natural materials that is ecologically beneficial and simple to dispose of ina short period of time.

In reality, several local and international researchers have looked into this topicin the past, analyzing the elements that influence company's desire to choose greenpackaged products However, there has not been much research in this field in theVietnamese market in general, and in Ho Chi Minh City in particular, that is whythis study focuses on assessing the environmental effect of green packaged FMCGitems Vietnamese consumers are affected by psychological (environmentalconcern, environmental knowledge, and green trust) as well as contextual variables(availability of desired green packaging and product attributes).

Consumer shopping behavior is being increasingly constrained in the context ofthe Covid-19 outbreak, and environmental concerns are being pushed back behindillness worries Another issue is that Covid 19 has put individuals under a lot offinancial strain, resulting in lower income and a more difficult living As a result,the price of green packaged products is commensurate with the quality, makingthem rather expensive in comparison to other items on the market, which has asubstantial impact on purchase behavior The collected research data of 279 samplesizes, collected by convenience sampling method The findings of the study revealthat factors such as product attribute and environmental concern have an influenceon purchasing behavior of green packaged products The latest results may beutilized to assist managers in developing corporate strategies to gain a competitiveedge through green consumption.

Keywords: consumers behavior, influence factors, behavior experience,

customer’s experience, packaging, environmentally friendly.

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It is true that economic prosperity, which humans have enjoyed lately, has comeat the expense of the environment Because of this, the protection of green life hasalways been a topic of public interest Environmental issues are known as the stateof the environment, the ecosystem of the Earth has a lot of harmful substances andimpurities that adversely affect nature and people Along with the advancements inscience and technology, environmental pollution emerges as a negative consequencethat the main cause comes from people’s own consciousness in society.

“Greenhouse effect” is incredibly increasing, leading to more and more extremeweather affecting human lives In fact, since 1990, greenhouse gasemissions have increased by 41% of total radiation, which is responsible for globalwarming In particular, carbon dioxide (CO2) accounts for 82% of the increasedradiation in the past decade In 2015, the concentration of CO2 in the atmospheresurpassed 400ppm and increased by 10ppm just four years later Also in the annualreport on greenhouse gas emissions published on 23-11-2020, WMO said that theconcentration of CO2 concentrated in the atmosphere in 2019 was 410ppm, up from407.8ppm in 2018 and this density is continuing to increase in 2020, this is anunprecedented increase in history [1] The sudden increase in greenhouse gasconcentrations and the fact that greenhouse gases have remained in the atmospherefor centuries and in the ocean environment for even longer times makes theEarth unable to absorb all harmful emissions These and other greenhouse gases arein excess in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the Earth to rise, leadingto climate change These problems are all from environmental pollution, so peoplehave gradually paid attention to protecting the environment In the current context,the phrase "environmental degradation" has always a topic that gains more popular.Therefore, consumers and manufacturing companies increasingly pay attention tosustainable products, partly solving problems affecting the environment fromproducts to the environment as well as protecting the environment.

Besides the greenhouse effect that is making the earth hotter, isthe environmental pollution problem of soil, water, and especially plastic wastepollution which is at an alarming rate WHO statistics show that every minute theworld consumes 1 million plastic bottles, each year 5,000 billion plastic bags areused Not to mention other types of plastic products such as: utensils, tables, chairs,diapers, toys Amount of waste dumped into the environment: up to now, theworld has produced 8.3 billion tons of plastic, of which 6.3 billion tons is plasticwaste On average, each year the world releases about 300 million tons of plasticwaste, of which about 8 million tons are discharged into the sea The OceanConservancy also forecasts that by 2025 there will be 1 ton of plastic waste for

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every 3 tons of fish The next 20 years may be double the current figure, statisticsfrom organizations such as WHO and EPA show that out of 6.3 billion tons ofplastic waste in the environment, only 9% of waste, plastic waste is recycled, 12%of plastic waste burned, the remaining 79% exist in the naturalenvironment, including the marine environment Plastic pollution is a throbbingproblem of today's society, not only affecting human life at present and in the futurebut also seriously affecting the environment, the number of marine creatures Usingor getting plastic waste is increasing while the amount of waste discharged into thenatural environment has not stopped until now

There is a significant volume of pollution in the world that must be addressed Itis impossible to eliminate the use of plastic materials since most of the objects inpeople's everyday lives are made of plastic, which is an inexpensive and easy-to-usematerial So there are several ways to combat the spread of waste in theenvironment, such as advocating for proper waste collection in the proper place,during the recycling period, separating plastic and organic waste for quickcollection, collecting and sorting plastic once more to make waste disposal simple,convenient, and effective Instead of taking 500-1000 years for a biodegradableplastic bag to degrade, using green packaging instead, green packaging decomposesin 6 to 12 months, and paper packaging is simple to recycle However, at present,green consumption or environmentally friendly green products are still not gainmore interested by consumers, the products are far too new to consumers, andtraditional products have become too familiar with consumers and also human havethe habits of using unfriendly and sustainable products, so consumers are causingecological imbalances and contributing to bad environmental issues.

In Vietnam, the movement towards greening the economy has begun to becomeapparent in the institutional sense, first of all through the approval of the NationalGreen Growth Strategy of Vietnam in 2012 and the Action Plan National GreenGrowth Strategy 2014 - 2020, 2014 [2] To achieve the strategic goals, key taskshave been set out:

1) Reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy useclean energy, renewable energy;

2) Greening production;

3) Greening lifestyles and promoting sustainable consumption

Green consumption is linked to all three above-mentioned tasks, albeit tovarying degrees A number of policy solutions have been implemented by ministriesand sectors associated with green consumption and production, such as eco-labeling(Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 2009), Vietnam Green Label(Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) School year 2014, Law onenergy saving and efficiency in 2010, energy labeling program (Ministry of Industry

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and Trade since 2012) These policy steps are to concretize the policy of sustainabledevelopment Although Vietnam has made progress in green consumptionnowadays, the transition from green consumption perception to action of consumersdepends on many factors, both objectively and subjectively In fact, in Vietnamtoday, green consumption is still limited.

As we all know, using disposable containers or plastic bags pollutes theatmosphere while still posing a significant risk of unsanitary food safety Whenusing plastic bag packaging to buy food, particularly those with high temperatures,it is simple to cause chemical reactions with the plastic bag's plastic material, whichcan cause poisoning if it seeps into the food Many findings show that usingunhealthy packaging raises the risk of skin infections, tumors, stomach problems,and more As a result, one of the solutions that focuses on products is food safetypackaging To begin, consumers' health must be protected To produce food safetypackaging, materials should be used completely from nature, close to human life,not causing chemical reactions or harmful food Food safety packaging is aneffective solution for today's packaging industry.

Vietnam in general, there is no separate regulation on green procurement (greenconsumption) However, there is a lot of content related to green shopping,sustainable, environmentally friendly shopping, cleaner production, etc areintegrated and regulated in many legal documents Green packaging, a product thatwe are investigating below Overall, green products are not too popular withVietnamese people and green packaging types are still too new and people are stillnot really aware of it, especially the importance of green packagingtypes According to the 2019 Paper and Packaging Consumer Trends Report, themajority of consumers are mindful of sustainability in their spending habits, willingto pay more for food packaged with eco-friendly materials environment, evenMillennials (those born around 1980-2000) agree to pay 10% more A Nielsensurvey shows that 66% of buyers are willing to pay more for goods from a companythat cares about the atmosphere, up from just 22 percent in 2011 This pattern issupported by up to 73 percent of millennials, and the figure is growing Consumersnot only share their opinions through polls, but they also demonstrate their desire toconserve the environment by behavior, as shown by the rise of the "green" productsindustry According to the Nielsen Global Corporate Sustainability Report from lastyear, profits of brands that prioritize sustainability have quadrupled as relative torivals that do not New York University's Center for Sustainable Business (CSB)examined purchasing data on more than 71,000 items in 36 different consumergoods groups Items are considered stable in the industry whether they are marketedas non-GMO, plant-based, or eco-friendly by credible organizations such as FairTrade or Rainforest Alliance Biodiversity restoration and healthy livelihoods arethe goals of this non-profit organization CSB discovered that sales of theseproducts increased by 50% between 2013 and 2018, considering the fact that theyonly accounted for about 17% of the market According to the survey, sales of

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"green" goods grew 5.6 times faster than sales of traditional products over a year period [3].

five-Although green products bring a lot of benefits to life and society, not everyoneis aware of this, and it is even more difficult to substitute green products for otherproducts Therefore, it is possible to use measures such as: the State perfect greenconsumption policies in a synchronous manner, promoting propaganda on greenproducts for tea consumers to have more knowledge about consumption Greenpackaging enterprises need to comply well with environmental protectionregulations and continuously improve green products It can be said that changing ahabit of consumption will be quite a difficult thing So in this paper we will study“The Effect of Psychosocial and Contextual factors on Purchasing Behavior ofCustomers toward Green Packaged Products in Vietnam” to better understandbuying psychology and behavior of consumer goods.

1.2 Problem statement

In the increasingly polluted environment, everyone must be conscious of environmental protection The use of green packaging in products contributes greatly to reducing environmental pollution because these are made from environmentally friendly materials such as biodegradable plastics, Bleached sulfate,and recycled paper.

However, the number of customers using green packaging is not much becausethey have not fully understood the positive aspects that green packaging brings suchas protecting schools and health Currently, there are not many products with greenpackaging on the market, the number of products with green packaging is still verylimited, so it cannot serve all the needs of customers Moreover, due to being madefrom nature, the production cost is high, so products with green packaging have arelatively high price compared to other conventional goods Especially in developedcountries, including Vietnam, a developing economy, the average income of thepeople is not high, so the number of customers who are willing to spend a highamount of money to buy a product compared to the market price is very low Thisstudy will analyze customer behavior and attitudes when buying green packagedproducts as well as the impact on customer purchasing decisions Thereby givinggood solutions to appeal to people to use green packaging products.

1.3 Purpose of research

The research objective of this topic is to find out and analyze buying behavior

with green packaging In recent years, green packaging products have become atarget of interest of customers of all ages in Vietnam It can be seen that previousstudies on green products are limited, especially in developing countries like

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Vietnam In particular, Vietnam in particular or developing countries, in general, hasnot mentioned, or more correctly, has not exploited this issue deeply, greenpackaging is one of the topics that are currently neglected by society Therefore, thisresearch paper will explore that issue to help managers as well as green packagingmanufacturers understand the importance when customers use this product Inaddition, this research paper also offers solutions to help the use of green packagingincreasingly develop.

In terms of theoretical, in this research, the factors to provide this field of studyare that everyone uses green packaging within Vietnam.

For practical reasons, this study will help manufacturers understand theimportance of consumer green packaging needs In particular, at present, theCOVID-19 epidemic is happening everywhere, so people are concerned about theimportance of protecting the environment and keeping health, especially raising theawareness of using green packaging to protect the environment and shelteryour own health Therefore, managers will have innovative measures to make theproduction and use of green packaging more efficient and popular Policy makerswill come up with reasonable policies to recommend and motivate people to usegreen packaging to protect the environment.

1.4 Research question

To achieve the research goal, the team posed two research question as follow:1 What are factors that influence green purchasing behavior of customers?2 How do these affect using green packaging products?

3 What managerial implication should be proposed to gain more awarenessand retain customers in using and purchasing green packaging products?

1.5 Significance of research

With the trend of developing the country in an industrialization andmodernization way, Vietnam is facing many challenges of environmental protectionand sustainable development in the face of population growth, followed by dailyconsumption demand the higher the society Therefore, the implementation andapplication of green consumption and green procurement policies in Vietnam tohelp encourage production This research will make an important contribution toinformation about factors that lead to environmental-related consumer behavior.Research on green packaging consumer behavior helps to supplement the missingfoundations in the green packaging sector in Vietnam or more broadly in developingcountries Therefore, we conduct this research for an interest in understanding greenconsumption behaviors in emerging economies, especially in Vietnam This will

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also help knowing customers' buying behavior, thereby giving out appropriatestrategies to promote buying

To solve these problems, the study clarifies theoretical and practical issues aboutgreen consumption policy in terms of economic management to meet therequirements of green economy development and model transformation of greengrowth today In summary, the research is to develop a suitable strategy to motivate

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2.1.1 Green Packaged Product

Green packaging, also known as sustainable packaging or eco-friendlypackaging, refers to packaging products that have the lowest amount of effect on theenvironment They accomplish this by reducing packaging waste, maximizingrecycled products (such as recyclable or biodegradable packagingelements), and using renewable resources during the manufacturing process(Nguyen and partner, 2020; Prakash & Pathak, 2017) [4] Green packaging isreferred to by a variety of terms in academic studies, including eco-packaging andsustainable packaging, but the similar argument is that it maintains the sameversatility as traditional packaging while still providing added sustainable benefit tomitigate waste materials ( Tulsi, 2020; Lee, 2014; Kardoyo, 2020, Beth Owens2019).[5]

Green packaging in FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) is not the same asgreen products When consumers perceive purchasing green goods, the trade-offbetween performance and sustainability can influence their decisions (Luchs &Kumar, 2017) [6] Consumers, on the other hand, do not require a trade-off with acommon commodity with environmentally friendly packaging Green packaging isconsidered as an extra treasure to an otherwise ordinary commodity (Rokka &Uusitalo, 2008) [7] When it comes to a situation where two products workidentically, additional green values reflect consumer product selection (Ottman,1998) [8] This is more applicable in the sense of the FMCG industry, where thereare several similar goods with various competitive names and reasonable pricing(Van Birgelen and partner, 2008) [9] found that people are likely to forego adesirable brand in exchange for more friendly branded goods As a result, supplyand product attributes can become new significant factors influencing customerdecisions.

2.1.2 Environmental Concern

Environmental concern is how much people know about environmental issuesand are willing to support solutions personally (Dunlap & Jones, 2002; Lounsbury& Tornatzky, 1977) [10] Environmental concern is a primary precedent in manystudies for a green attitude and buying behavior (Koenig-Lewis etal, 2014; Joshi &Rahman, 2015; Yadav & Pathak, 2016) [11] Environmental concerns have beenconfirmed to give consumers positive meaning to the green package product(Prakash & Pathak, 2017) [12] Environmentally friendly consumers demonstrate ahigh level of commitment to green buying (Kanchanapibul and partner., 2014) [13]

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2.1.3 Environmental Knowledge of Green Packaging

Environmental knowledge is a broad understanding of facts, concepts, andrelationships related to the natural world and its main ecosystems To look at itanother way, public consciousness involves what people know about theenvironment, the core relationships that respond to environmental aspects orimpacts, an appreciation of "whole systems" and the social commitments requiredfor long-term development, having a high degree of environmental knowledge leadsto even more environmentally conscious action, consumers' intentions to purchasepackaged products are influenced by their awareness of the environment (Kaufmannand partner., 2012) [14]

There are two types of knowledge: objective knowledge and subjectiveknowledge Objective knowledge is the degree to which clients know whereas theSubject one is the extent of which they believe they understand the area in terms ofmemory and problem solving (Metcalfe, 1986) [15] We describe subjectiveknowledge as environmental awareness of green packaging, which is a perceptionof the advantages of using green packaging as an environmental alternative (Mishraand partner, 2017) [16] Consumer behavior and attitudes are affected by subjectiveawareness, according to some researchers (Kim & Han, 2010; Misha and partner,2017; Yadav & Pathak, 2016) Su and partner (2020) [17] noticed that subjectiveknowledge of green packaging has an indirect effect on Vietnamese behaviorthrough attitude, based on research on retailers who use green grocery packaging.Knowledge, according to Singh and Pandey (2018)[18], is also essential in shapingpositive beliefs about green packaging Consumers with a better adoption of greenpackaging seem to be more convinced that using green packaging would result inbeneficial results (Mishra and partner, 2017)[19] In the study of Su and partner,however, the idea of green packaging is not a clear indicator of behavior (2020)[20] An analysis of Malaysian consumers found that knowledge was important inpredicting green purchases, but it had no effect on attitudes (Aman and partner ,2012) [21] As a consequence, interest in green packaging is still a work inprogress, and it will be verified as part of this report.

2.1.4 Green Trust

Green trust is defined as a willingness to depend on a product, service, or brandbased on the belief or expectation resulting from its credibility, benevolence, andability about its environmental performance (Chen, 2010) [22] Green trust shouldbe focused on perceived firm success as well as environmental product performance(Ricci and partner , 2018) [23] As a result of the green consumption trend, manybusinesses are green washing their products to conceal bad environmental resultswhile promoting their optimistic "green" initiatives (Delmas & Burbano, 2011) [24].

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As a result, customers have a negative perception of green claims and are wary ofgreen packaging and goods (Carreteand partner., 2012) [25] According to somereports, a lack of green confidence can be an obstacle to green actions (Gupta &Ogden, 2009; Ricci and partner, 2018) [26] Trust is confirmed to be an importantdeterminant in attitude-behavior gap on eco-friendly convenience food (Ricci andpartner, 2018) Nuttavut Sit and Thgersen(2015) [27] stressed the value ofconfidence as a major influence on Thai consumer decisions Consumers who havea high degree of green confidence in a brand would have a positive attitude andprefer that brand's results (Chen and Chang, 2012; Chen, 2010) [28]

2.1.5 Availability of Desired Green Packaged Product

Product availability does not imply that products are always available, but ratherthat they are available when the customer requires them It's a matching game inwhich you have to time the planning of an object to coincide with when theconsumer wants it It necessitates strategic and operational preparation (S&OP),policy and data consistency and precision, clear monitoring, quality growth, andcontinual rapport with business associates (Joven”Jovy”J Jader,2017) [29]

One of the qualitative variables that can influence green behavior is itsavailability (Gleim and partner.,2013; Joshi & Rahman, 2015) [30] Many FMCGbusinesses have switched to recyclable plastic packaging (Nguyen and partner,2020) [31] On the other hand, discovered that Vietnamese shoppers are not seeinggreen packaging in stores as much as they would like This may understand whythere is a lack of desired green packaging, such as natural material-based packaging,or why their desired goods do not have sustainable packaging Vietnameseparticipants also believe that paper is more "green" than recyclable plastic, and thatgreen packaging is more material-based in their definition (Nguyen and partner,2020) [32] Green packaging is the top choice by consumers since it is perceived tobe more environmentally friendly than plastic (Herbes and partner., 2018) [33].Consumers have little time and resources to look for environmentally friendlymaterials (Barbarossa & Pastore, 2015) [34] When buyers find it impossible toobtain green goods, it affects their attitude-behavior difference (Vermeir & Verbeke,2006; Nguyen and partner.,2019) [35] Availability facilitates buyingbehavior (Young and partner., 2009) [36]; otherwise, it creates an obstacle to greenshopping (Padel & Foster, 2005) because shoppers do not know where to look forgreen goods in shops (Gleim and partner, 2013) [37].

2.1.6 Product Attribute

A product attribute is characterized as a feature of a product that influencescustomer preference and judgment in order to set it apart from competitors (Alpert,1971) [38] Product attributes are divided into two categories: tangible

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attributes such as size, volume, and taste, and intangible attributes such as price,consistency, and design (Lefkoff-Hagius and partner., 1990) [39].

The cost of a green packaged product is a major consideration, followed by itshigh quality and functionality (Martinho & Partners, 2015) [40] Until consumersindulge in eco-friendly packaged beverage consumption, Van Birgelen and partner(2008) [41] stated that price and taste must be met.

2.1.7 Attitude

Attitudes are sets of reliance about a certain item or an act, which may interpretinto intention to perform the act Attitudes are the favorable or unfavorableassessment of some personal forms of a specified behavior Attitudes affect theintentions held and the more positive the attitude, the greater the aim to play out theconduct will be Furthermore, attitudes are indicators of procurement goals andthus buying behavior Besides, attitudes are vital, as customers require acomprehension of their attitude and inspirations to defeat the apparent obstructionsthey face (Smith and Paladino, 2010) [42].

2.1.8 Purchase Behavior:

Consumer behavior refers to the decision and acts people undertake to buy

products or services for individual or group use (Natalie Sydorenko,2021) [43].

Environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP), also known as "green purchasing," isthe deliberate procurement and purchase of goods and services that have the leastnegative environmental impact over their entire life cycle, including manufacturing,storage, use, and recycling or disposal Products and services that save energy andwater, reduce waste production, and reduce pollution releases are examples ofenvironmentally preferable characteristics; products made from recycled materialsthat can be reused or recycled; energy from renewable resources such as bio-basedfuels, solar, and wind power; alternative fuel vehicles; and products usingalternatives to harmful or toxic chemicals are examples of environmentallypreferable characteristics Simply put, when making buying decisions, greenpurchasing considers environmental factors in addition to price and performancerequirements Green buying is the process of selecting goods or services based onenvironmental factors It comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from basicto complex It's becoming more popular in larger corporations, and it seems to bebecoming more of a corporate norm (Shah, 2002) [44]

2.2 Previous research

2.2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

TPB is a prevalent principle for slicing out human-psychological aspects forlong-term utilization (Joshi and Rahman, 2015) [45] TPB's key goal is to forecast

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potential actions (Ajzen, 1991) [46] based on three main variables: attitude,subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control Attitude is a human assessmentof behaviour that results in a positive or negative outcome (Ajzen, 1991) [47] Asone considers, if a product's success meets their specific needs, attitudes are likelyto be optimistic Subjective norm refers to the concept that one should undertakebehavior in order to gain social acceptance (Ajzen, 1991), while perceivedbehavioral control (PBC) describes how singles observe that simple or difficult it isto perform those manners The current study emphasizes the Attitude-BehaviorDifference and one of the key frameworks chosen from TPB theory is Attitude,which leads to the formation of purchase’s green packaging In developed nations,attitudes toward green packaging are a key determinant of purchasing actions(Prakash & Pathak, 2017; Su and partner, 2020) [48] People who have a favorableoutlook about environmental concerns and eco-social gains are more likely tobecome involved in green purchasing behavior (Cheung & To, 2019) [49]

Figure 2.1.1 Theory of planned behavior model

2.2.2 Greenproductspurchases:Structuralrelationshipsof consumers' perception of eco-label, eco-brand and environmentaladvertisement (Jan, 2013) (Support paper) - Written by Norazah Mohd Suki

This study is about the factors that influence consumer green packaged buyingbehavior According to the research model, there are three factors affecting buyingbehavior: perception of eco-label, perception of eco-brand and finallyenvironmental advertising These factors have a direct impact on the actual buyingbehavior of customers In this report, the sample includes 200 people who boughtgreen goods in the Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia, in the previous year Self-

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managed questionnaires were distributed using a convenient sampling method toobtain primary data The results showed that consumer perception of electroniclabels was the strongest predictor of their true green product buyingbehavior Furthermore, consumers' perception of eco-brands has a direct impact ontheir true green product buying behavior This research brings practical results foradvertisers about encouraging consumers to buy green products and contributing totheir long-term sustainability.

Figure 2.2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.3 Purchase Behavior of Young Consumers Toward Green Packaged Productsin Vietnam (Key paper) - Written by Nhu Ty NGUYEN, Le Hoang Anh NGUYEN,Thanh Tuyen TRAN

Although green packaging issues are primarily researched in developedcountries, there is a lack of awareness about green packaging purchasing actions indeveloping countries, especially in Vietnam As a result, the aim of this study isto better figure out the gap in attitude and behavior that exists among Vietnameseyoung consumers in relation to FMCG green packaging, taking into accountpsychosocial factors (environmental concern, environmental knowledge of greenpackaging, and green trust) as well as contextual factors (availability of desiredgreen packaging and product attributes) Both psychosocial factors are positivelylinked to behaviors, and purchasing behavior is positively impacted, according tothe findings Contextual factors have a positive effect on purchasing decisions,according to the reports, demonstrating the importance of contextual factors inshaping customer preferences Green packaging appears to be popular amongVietnamese young people, but it must be seen in the scope of the product-relatedcontext in order to differentiate between similar FMCG goods in terms ofsustainability.

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At the conclusion of the report, practical considerations for marketers andprospective studies were also addressed There are certain shortcomings to the studythat can be discussed in future literature As Joshi and Rahman say, potentialresearchers might bring more new psychosocial considerations to the TPBmodel, such as habits or perceived market efficacy (2015) The study is alsoconstrained in that it only focuses on young consumers in the largest region, anddue to a shortage of time and resources, it is unable to cover all of Vietnam As aresult, prospective researchers could use a broader field of study to generalizepurchasing actions.

2.3 Research model & Hypothesis

From the review of the above documents as well as his own experiences, theauthor has found that there are many factors affecting the behavior and attitude ofcustomers to buy products with green packaging In addition, previous studies havealso demonstrated that Psychosocial factors and Contextual factors of customerswill be important factors to influence customers' purchasing behavior for thisproduct type (Qalati and partner., 2020; Vongurai, 2020) [50]

Recognizing that importance, the author with an overview has put the followinghypothesis and model framework:

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Figure 2.3 Conceptual model

According to TPB (Joshi and Rahman, 2015) , Cheung & To, 2019 proposes therelation of people with positive attitude toward ecosocial benefits andenvironmental issues tend to engage in green purchasing behavior Hence, we havethe following hypothesis:

H1: The purchasing behavior of green packaged products is influenced by theattitudes of young consumers.

In addition Kanchanapibul and partner., 2014 mentions young consumers whohave strong environmental concerns show high engagement levels of greenpurchasing Thus, hypotheses are established below:

H2a: The environmental concern of young consumers is influencing thebuying behaviour of green packaged products.

H2b: The environmental concern of young consumers affects the viewpoint of thegreen package products.

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Higher knowledge of green packaging would make consumers strongly believe inpositive outcomes when using green packaging is said by Mishra and partner, 2017.H3a: Environmental knowledge of young consumers affects green branded foodbuying actions.

H3b: Environmental awareness among young consumers has an effect on theirattitudes toward green packaged goods.

Chen and Chang, 2012; Chen, 2010 suggests if consumers have a high level ofgreen trust in brand, they will have a positive attitude and incline their preferencefor that brand performance.

H4a: Green trust among young consumers affects green packaged product buyingbehaviour.

H4b: Green public trust has an effect on green packaged product attitudes of youngconsumers

Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006; Nguyen and partner., 2019 propounds whenconsumers find difficult to access green products, their attitude-behavior gap isaffected.

H5: Availability of preferred green packaged product affects green packagedproduct purchasing behaviour.

Rokka & Uusitalo, 2008 states that although consumers have a positive attitudeon green packaging, other product attributes should be considered withsustainability values Therefore, we propose the hypothesis as follow:

H6: Product attributes affect green packaged product purchasing actions

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CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY3.1 Research design

The research is done by quantitative research methods The author relied on datacollection from 279 sample surveys To collect data, the author uses a panelquestion survey using Google forms Then, send emails, post on facebook to collectdata from relationships with friends, relatives, teachers and from many differentsources After getting information from over 279 samples, the author will conduct aselection of information matches, as well as remove data requests to continue theresearch process.

3.2 Sample size:

The required sample size is used to ensure the reliability of the test findings It isimportant to match In general, the greater the sample size, the more precise andrealistic the test findings would be However, owing to time and financiallimitations, researchers are unable to conduct surveys of a sufficient sample size Asa result, previous researchers who devised the algorithm intended for the collectionof a sample size to make it easy to pick the appropriate sample size There are twoformulas that are often used in the collection of sample sizes at the moment Thefollowing items are appropriate:

The sample should be 5 times items According to Hair and partner (1998) theminimum sample size is n = 5 * x (x: number of items In this study, there are 29items used in the study Therefore, the minimum sample size needed is 29 * 5 =160.The minimum sample size to be obtained is calculated using the formula n = 50+ 8 * m (m: number of independent variables) (Tabachnick and Fidell, 1996) [51].Based on this formula, the sample size of the research paper is n = 50 + 8 * 7 = 406.So, based on the above two formulas, the study's minimum sample size is 160;but, to ensure the research's reliability and persuasiveness, as well as to diversify thestool evidence, the sample size should be increased Since analyzing, theinvestigator compiled 279 questionnaires.

3.3 Collection method

This research was performed using a quantitative approach, using convenientsampling techniques and a purposeful sampling technique through questions Datato evaluate consumer responses to public relations stimulation were analyzed usingthe two-step method proposed by Anderson and Gerbing (1988) [52].


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To collect data for research purposes, the author has conducted a survey withpeople of all ages about the behavior of using green packaging in Ho Chi MinhCity during the past month from April to May 2021, as follows:

At the beginning, the author submitted a survey using google form to the surveysubjects through posting in social networks with pages related to the use of greenpackaging such as packaging market, LIVE GREEN - Buy Green, Save Green,VietMinimal group, students in general to ask people for help After that, theauthor received the responses Finally, after the survey is completed, the authoradvances statistics of the answer sheets to analyze A total of 279 survey resultswere collected, and there are 279 surveys responding fully and valid information toserve the distribution data analysis.

3.4 Questionnaire design:

The data for this study is collected using a questionnaire survey Based on thefindings of the pilot study, the questionnaire was designed The questionnaire isdivided into two parts:

Part 1: Personal information

Gender, age, education level, and income data were gathered in order to classify thesample and identify key respondents to the survey based on demographic criteria

Part 2: Survey content

Include statements about factors: environmental concern, environmental knowledge of green packaging, green trust, attitude, product attribute, availability ofdesired green packaged product, purchase behaviour All of these statements aremeasured by the Likert scale of 5 points (from 1 – Strongly Disagree to 5 – StronglyAgree)

3.5 Measurement scales

In order to do the research about green package products, we consider many factors: (1) Environmental Concern, (2) Environmental Knowledge of green packaging, (3) Green Trust, (4) Attitude, (5) Availability of desired Green packaged product, (6) Purchase Behavior

The scale used in this study is the five-level Likert (1- Strongly disagree, 2- Disagree, 3- Normal, 4- Agree, 5- Strongly agree) Each group of factors is presented in details in the table below:

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Table 3.1 Questionairy design

Environmental Concern

problem has been exaggerated by the news media (*).

Dunlap and Jones (2002); Lounsbury and Tornatzky (1977)

solid enough to withstand the effects ofmodern industrial countries (*).

environmentally conscious (picking up trash, reducing the use of plastic bags, etc.).

concerned about environmental issues because science and technology will solve them in the not-too-distant future (*).

Environmental Knowledge of green packaging

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a vital part in everydayuse to preserve the environment.

beneficial to human's health.

environmentally friendly packaging aims to mitigate climate change.

disposing of green packaging is one of its advantages.

Green Trust

packaged food companies to keep their environmental promises and commitments.

Chen and Chang (2012)

packaging have my confidence.

green packaged

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product's environmental efficiency.

picture of the green packaged product is usually accurate.

concept of buying green packaged product

Cheung and To (2019)

society for the present and the future by buying green packagedproduct

when purchasing greenpackaged product instead of non-green packaged product

packaged product, I’m contributing to the enterprise that focuses on these products

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AT5 It’s a good decision to buy green packaged product

Product Attribute

packaged goods is fair (Reason to buy).

Rokka and Uusitalo (2008); Tsakiridou and partner (2007)

green-packaged goods is well-known (Reason tobuy).

have met my expectations in terms of functionality and flavor (Reason to buy).

packaged goods has embraced my demand (reason to buy).

Availability of desired Green packaged product

grocery shopping for green packaged goods (*).

Babarossa and Pastore(2015); Nguyen and

partner, (2020)

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AV2 I hardly come across green packaged goods in the stores where I shop unless I look for them specifically (*).

are not available in the shops near my home (*).

available for the items I want to buy (*).

are just a few items with the ideal green packaging (*).

Purchase Behavior

I've adopted a green shopping strategy.

Kanchanapibul andpartner (2014); Yadav

and Pathak (2017)

food (do not purchase; buy a few; buy some; buy many;buy a lot).

costly than non-green

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packaged goods, I purchase green

packaged goods.

3.6 Pilot test

The pretest and pilot test questions have been translated and completely rebuilt inVietnamese In this pilot test, we tested 50 arbitrary people, with university studentsacross the city, and interacted on the Facebook social network (in which we weredetermined to submit a single survey questionnaire At all levels, education, majorsas well as students of many schools, schools in the city; the purpose is to get themost comments on a diverse and wide space After conducting the test we enteredall the data into the software and tested all the statistics, analysis, testing, regression, you expected to proceed as if you had the data set This test shows that theproblems occurring in the survey were handled as ambiguity, confusion aboutvariables and uncertainty about levels in decision about green consumer intentions.According to Johanson and Brooks (2010) [53], the number of test samples musthave at least 30 samples for preliminary assessment of the survey All comments arerecorded to help the author edit the translation, edit the format questionnaire andcomplete this survey.

3.7 Data analysis method

The research is done by quantitative research methods throughquestionnaires to collect information as research data Data collected from thesurvey will go through the cleaning and elimination of inappropriate responses, andanalysis using Smart PLS and SPSS 20 software.

Collected data is processed by Smart PLS software including: forthe measurement model, analysis of internal consistency reliability, convergenceeffect, differential value and load factor; For structural models usebootstrapping to evaluate the importance of path coefficients of path number.Treatment tools aim to measure the impact of environmental concern, green trust,and environmental knowledge on the attitudes and availability of desired greenpackaging and product attributes to purchase behavior of green packaged products.At the same time, the data is also processed using SPSS 20 software to measure thesignificant differences in the statistics of test variables such as age, gender, income,education and frequency of purchases within 3 months to the variable attitude, it canbe concluded that which control variable has the most influence on the outcome ofthe purchase behavior in the purchase of the green packaged product.

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To avoid errors in the process of analyzing data variables, we should follow the indicators of each of the following sections:

Table 3.2 Parameters of variables in Smart Pls 3 [54]

Average Variance Extracted (AVE) ≥ 0.5

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Standards in testing the reliability of Cronbach's Alpha scale

Corrected Item – Total Correlation

Cronbach’s Alpha

Cronbach’s Alpha If ItemDeleted > Cronbach’s Alpha

Should consider

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2024, 14:49


