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unit 19 data structures and algorithms

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Tiêu đề Data Structures and Algorithms
Người hướng dẫn On Nhat Minh
Trường học BTEC
Chuyên ngành Computing
Thể loại Assignment
Năm xuất bản 2023
Định dạng
Số trang 70
Dung lượng 4,74 MB

Cấu trúc

  • I. Create a design speci ca on for data structures explaining the valid opera ons that can be carried out (9)
    • 1. Data Structures (9)
    • 2. De ne Opera ons (15)
    • 3. Explain Use Cases (19)
  • II. Determine the opera ons of a memory stack and how it is used to implement func on calls in a (33)
    • 1. Understand the Basics (33)
    • 2. Visualize the Stack (35)
    • 3. Implement and Trace (36)
  • III. Using an imperative de ni on, specify the abstract data type for a so ware stack (P3) (0)
    • 1. De ne the Opera ons (40)
    • 2. Use Pseudocode or Java (48)
    • 3. Consider Error Handling (57)

Nội dung

Advantages of data structures: Performance: The data structure is op mized for simple mathema cal opera ons like searching, inser ng, removing, and accessing data.. Homogeneous or Heter

Create a design speci ca on for data structures explaining the valid opera ons that can be carried out

Data Structures

Data structure refers to the organiza on and storage of data in a computer's memory or storage system It provides a systema c method for represen ng and manipula ng data to successfully perform opera ons and solve problems Data structures establish rela onships between pieces of data and how they are stored and retrieved Di erent data structures are created to manage di erent types of data and enable di erent ac ons Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and hash tables are examples of typical data structures Each data format has its own bene ts, limita ons, and applica on scenarios

Performance: The data structure is op mized for simple mathema cal opera ons like searching, inser ng, removing, and accessing data

Resource Op miza on: Using the proper data structures will help you save on resources like memory and processing me

Flexibility: Di erent data formats allow for customiza on and op miza on based on applica on needs

Easy to use: Opera ons and interac ons with data structures are frequently designed to be obvious and simple to grasp

Complex: Some data structures are complex and require a deep understanding of their opera on and analysis

Resource usage: While certain data structures perform be er in speci c circumstances than others, some may use more resources overall

Characteris cs of data structures are o en classi ed according to their characteris cs The following three characteris cs are examples:

Linear or Non-linear: This property signi es whether data elements are organized in a linear sequence, as seen in arrays, or if they lack a specific order, as exempli ed by histograms

Homogeneous or Heterogeneous: This a ribute indicates whether all data items within a par cular collec on are of the same type, like an array with uniform elements, or if they encompass a variety of types, such as in the case of an abstract data type formulated as a structure in C or a class de ni on in Java

Sta c or Dynamic: This trait relates to how the data structure is constructed Sta c data structures maintain a xed size, structure, and memory loca on at compile me, while dynamic data structures possess the capability to adjust in size, structure, and memory loca on, depending on their intended usage

Select the 3 most suitable structures for the project used to create design speci ca ons for data structures such as arrays, Queues, and trees

An array, a one-dimensional or multidimensional linear data structure, organizes data elements of the same or different types Arrays are employed when multiple data components with similar characteristics need to be stored in a single location, facilitating efficient data handling and retrieval.

Queue: A queue is an abstract data structure What di eren ates it from a stack is that the queue is open at both 1-input and 1-output ends Pre-managed data will be accessed rst Data is added to the queue from one end and withdrawn from the queue from the other end

Figure 1 Data Structures and Algorithms - Arrays

Trees are nonlinear data structures with a hierarchical tree-like structure.* They consist of connected nodes, where nodes are linked together.* The tree structure comprises subtrees connected to a root node, which acts as the central point of reference.

Figure 2 Data Structure and Algorithms - Queue

De ne Opera ons

 Inser on: A new element is added to an array at a designated index point when an element is inserted You must supply the index posi on and the value to insert in order to execute an insert In order to make room for the new element during inser on, it is frequently necessary to

 move exis ng elements a er the inser on point This indicates that every element will be shi ed one posi on to the right star ng at the inser on point The new element is shi ed and then posi oned at the desired index Usually, insertion is

Figure 3 Data Structure and Algorithms - Tree performed to change an array's contents or increase its size

 Dele on: An element must be removed from the array by shi ing it to a certain index point You must supply the element's index in order to carry out the dele on In order to replace the space le by the deleted element, dele on frequently necessitates moving already-exis ng items a er the dele on point This implies that all items will move one place to the le following the dele on point The array size is decreased by one a er shi ing Using erase, you may take elements out of an array and change the array's size correspondingly

 Traversal: This process entails itera ng through the array's elements and performing a speci ed opera on on each one There are several methods of traversal depending on the situa on, such as linear search, binary search, and dynamic programming In general, traversal is a method of accessing one or more elements in an array; it can be accomplished using an index/pointer or a name- based index o Queue:

 Enqueue:An element is added to the rear of the queue via the enqueue procedure You must supply the element to be inserted in order to execute an enqueue By adding the element at the end of the queue, the enqueue opera on expands the queue's size by one The newly inserted element moves to the front and rear of the queue if it is empty The new element is posi oned to the rear of the queue if it already has elements, while the current elements stay in their original places

When performing a dequeue action on a queue, the element at the front is removed, resulting in a reduction of the queue's size by one This action updates the front element to the next element in the queue If the dequeue action empties the queue, neither the front nor the rear element remains.

Peek operations provide a non-destructive method to examine the front element of a queue without modifying its contents This proves valuable when requiring information about the next item to bedequeued or making decisions based on its value.

 Inser on: The inser on opera on adds a new tree element To insert an element, you must supply the value or key of the element to be inserted Depending on the type of tree data structure u lized, such as Binary Search Tree (BST), AVL Tree, or Red-Black Tree, the inser on process follows di erent rules The inser on process guarantees that the tree is balanced and that any stated a ributes or restric ons are maintained

 Dele on: The dele on procedure eliminates a tree element To delete an element, you must supply the value or key of the element to be deleted The dele on opera on, like the inser on opera on, follows certain rules dependent on the kind of tree being u lized The dele on opera on deals with a variety of situa ons, including removing a leaf node, dele ng a node with one child, and dele ng a node with two children To guarantee that the tree stays valid and meets any given criteria, the relevant procedures for restructuring and preserving balance are implemented

 Traversal: The traversal opera on enables you to visit and process each element in the tree in the order speci ed Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) are two traversal algorithms There are three types of traversal orders in DFS: pre-order, in-order, and post-order The current node is visited rst, followed by its o spring In-order traversal visits the le subtree rst, then the current node, and lastly the right subtree, yielding a BST in sorted order Before reaching the current node, post-order traversal visits the le and right subtrees.

Explain Use Cases

Use cases: Arrays are used to store and access a collec on of items, which are frequently of the same data type

Example: Inventory Management: In retail, arrays are used to manage product inventories, tracking items, quan es, and prices

Figure 5 Example code for Array 1

Figure 4 Example code for Array 2

Use Case: Queues are used to handle objects in a First- -First-Out (FIFO) manner, which is In appropriate for scenarios involving planned or ordered processing

Example: E-commerce websites use queues to process customer orders, ensuring orders

Figure 6 Result code for Array are ful lled in the order they are received Example code:

Figure 7 Example code for Queue

Use Case: Trees are used for hierarchical data representa on and e cient searching, like binary search trees

Example: Corporate organiza onal charts can be represented as tree structures Example code:

Figure 8 Result code for Queue

Figure 9 Example code for Tree

Figure Example code for Tree 10

Determine the opera ons of a memory stack and how it is used to implement func on calls in a

Understand the Basics

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last- -First-Out (LIFO) principle It can be In thought of as a stack of objects, where the last object added is the rst one to be removed The basic opera ons associated with a stack are:

Figure Result code for Tree 11 push: The push ac on adds an element to the stack's top It accepts the element as an argument and adds it to the stack, increasing the size of the stack The new element rises to the top of the stack pop: The pop ac on removes and returns an element from the stack's top It removes the topmost element and adjusts the size and top posi on of the stack correspondingly As a consequence, the element that was popped o is restored. peek: The peek ac on returns the top member of the stack without dele ng it It allows you to inspect the top element's value without altering the stack's contents As a consequence of the peek ac on, the element at the top is returned size(): The size() procedure returns the current number of items in the stack It returns the current stack size by coun ng the number of elements saved isEmpty: The isEmpty opera on determines whether or not the stack is empty It produces a boolean result, o en true or false, indica ng if the stack contains any components It returns true if the stack is empty; otherwise, it returns false top: The top ac on, like the peek opera on obtains the element at the top of the stack without dele ng it It gives you access to the value of the top element As a consequence of the top ac on, the element at the top is returned.

Visualize the Stack

Empty Stack: Ini ally, the stack is empty

Func on Call: Upon making a new func on call, let's say "New Disk," a corresponding stack frame is added to the stack, represen ng the execu on context of the "New Disk" func on

Nested Func on Calls: Within the "New Disk" func on, there are nested func on calls, such as "Make a Func on Call (Get Disk)." Each of these nested func on calls creates addi onal stack frames on top of the ini al "New Disk" frame

Return to Previous Func on: A er the nested func on calls are made and completed, the corresponding stack frames are removed as the func ons return The control ow returns to the "New Disk" func on

Maintaining the Stack: Throughout this process, the stack maintains the order of func on calls, with new frames being added as new func ons are called, and frames being removed as func ons return.

Implement and Trace

Prac ce implemen ng stacks in the Java programming language Watch the code change with each opera on

Figure 12 Implement and Trace Code

Figure 13 Implement and Trace Code

Using an imperative de ni on, specify the abstract data type for a so ware stack (P3)

De ne the Opera ons

In computer science, the Stack Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a basic data structure It speci es a collec on of opera ons and behaviors for a data structure called a "stack." The Last- -First-Out In

Figure Implement and Trace Result Code 14

(LIFO) principle is followed by the Stack ADT, which implies that the last element added to the stack is the rst to be deleted The major opera ons speci ed in the Stack ADT are as follows: push(item): This opera on adds an item to the top of the stack It involves the following steps: o Increment the stack pointer to accommodate the new item o Place the new item at the top of the stack.

Figure push(item) 15 pop(): This opera on removes and returns the item at the top of the stack It involves the following steps: o If the stack is empty, handle the under ow condi on o Otherwise, retrieve the item at the top of the stack o Decrement the stack pointer to re ect the removal of the item peek(): This opera on returns the item at the top of the stack without removing it It involves the following steps: o If the stack is empty, handle the under ow condi on

Figure pop() 16 o Otherwise, return the item at the top of the stack.

Figure peek() 17 isEmpty(): This opera on checks if the stack is empty It involves the following steps: o Check if the stack pointer is at its ini al posi on to determine if the stack is empty o Return true if the stack is empty, otherwise return false.

Use Pseudocode or Java

I have used a class name Stack to represent the stack data structure I use another class to use the opera ons

Consider Error Handling

Stack over ow: If a push opera on is performed on the en re stack, handle the stack over ow by displaying an error message

If performing an operation on an empty stack, such as a pop or peek, handle the underflow condition by displaying an error message or returning a sentinel value to indicate that the stack is underflown.

My essay provides a design speci ca on for a data structure that captures an impressive understanding of the fundamental concepts and prac cal applica ons of data structures and opera ons Finally, comprehending and u lizing abstract data types (ADTs) is cri cal for improving the e ciency and

Figure 38 Results after processi ng p g g yp ( ) p g y resilience of our so ware systems Our joint e ort relies heavily on data structure design speci ca ons, memory stack opera ons, and the impera ve development of an abstract data type for a so ware stack Adop ng ADTs will improve the precision and dependability of our so ware while also encouraging innova on and excellence in our network provisioning solu ons

Data Structure and algorithms - queue (no date) Online Tutorials, Courses, and eBooks Library Available at: h ps://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/dsa_queue.htm (Accessed: 09 November 2023)

Data Structure and algorithms - tree (no date) Online Tutorials, Courses, and eBooks Library Available at: h ps://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/tree_data_structure.htm (Accessed: 09 November 2023)

Data Structures & Algorithm Basic Concepts (no date) Online Tutorials, Courses, and eBooks Library Available at: h ps://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/data_structures_basics.htm (Accessed: 09 November 2023)

Data Structures and algorithms - arrays (no date) Online Tutorials, Courses, and eBooks Library Available at: h ps://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/array_data_structure.htm (Accessed:

Data structures tutorial (2023) GeeksforGeeks Available at: h ps://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data- structures/ (Accessed: 09 November 2023)

Introduc on to stack memory (2023) GeeksforGeeks Available at: h ps://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduc on-to-stack-memory/ (Accessed: 09 November 2023)

Semilof, M and Montgomery, J (2020) What is a so ware stack?, App Architecture Available at: h ps://www.techtarget.com/searchapparchitecture/de ni on/so ware-stack (Accessed: 09 November 2023)

What is memory stack in computer architecture? (no date) Online Tutorials, Courses, and eBooks Library Available at: h ps://www.tutorialspoint.com/what-is-memory-stack-in-computer-architecture

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024, 15:00