luyện tập trắc nghiệm ACC kết hợp lý thuyết môn acc luyên tập các kiến thức liên quan đến kế toán tính toán về income statement balance sheet
Trang 1sg This question also appears in the Study Guide.
st This question also appears in a self-test at the student companion website
a This topic is dealt with in an Appendix to the chapter
Item Type Item Type Item Type Item Type Item Type Item Type Item Type
Trang 3SA = Short-Answer Essay
The chapter also contains one set of ten Matching questions and five Short-Answer Essayquestions
1 Understand who uses process cost systems Companies that mass-produce similar
products in a continuous fashion use process cost systems Once production begins, itcontinues until the finished product emerges Each unit of finished product isindistinguishable from every other unit
2 Explain the similarities and differences between job order cost and process cost systems Job order cost systems are similar to process cost systems in three ways: (1)
Both systems track the same cost elements—direct materials, direct labor, andmanufacturing overhead (2) Both accumulate cost in the same accounts—Raw MaterialsInventory, Factory Labor, and Manufacturing Overhead (3) Both assign accumulated costs
to the same accounts—Work in Process, Finished Goods Inventory, and Cost of GoodsSold However, the method of assigning costs differs significantly
Trang 4There are four main differences between the two cost systems: (1) A process cost systemuses separate accounts for each department or manufacturing process, rather than onlyone work in process account used in a job order cost system (2) A process cost systemsummarizes costs in a production cost report for each department A job order cost systemcharges costs to individual jobs and summarizes them in a job cost sheet (3) Costs aretotaled at the end of a time period in a process cost system, but at the completion of a job in
a job cost system (4) A process cost system calculates unit cost as: Total manufacturingcosts for the period ÷ Units produced during the period A job order cost system calculatesunit cost as: Total cost per job ÷ Units produced
3 Explain the flow of costs in a process cost system A process cost system assigns
manufacturing costs for raw materials, labor, and overhead to work in process accounts forvarious departments or manufacturing processes It transfers the costs of units completedfrom one department to another as those units move through the manufacturing process.The system transfers the costs of completed work to Finished Goods Inventory Finally,when inventory is sold, the system transfers costs to Cost of Goods Sold
4 Make the journal entries to assign manufacturing costs in a process cost system.
Entries to assign the costs of raw materials, labor, and overhead consist of a credit to RawMaterials Inventory, Factory Labor, and Manufacturing Overhead, and a debit to Work inProcess for each department Entries to record the cost of good transferred to anotherdepartment are a credit to Work in Process for the department whose work is finished and adebit to the department to which the goods are transferred The entry to record unitscompleted and transferred to the warehouse is a credit for the department whose work isfinished and a debit to Finished Goods Inventory The entry to record the sale of goods is acredit to Finished Goods Inventory and a debit to Cost of Goods Sold
5 Compute equivalent units Equivalent units of production measure work done during a
period, expressed in fully completed units Companies use this measure to determine thecost per unit of completed product Equivalent units are the sum of units completed andtransferred out plus equivalent units of ending work in process
6 Explain the four steps necessary to prepare a production cost report The four steps to
complete a production cost report are: (1) Compute the physical unit flow—that is, the totalunits to be accounted for (2) Compute the equivalent units of production (3) Compute theunit production costs, expressed in terms of equivalent units of production (4) Prepare acost reconciliation schedule, which shows that the total costs accounted for equal the totalcosts to be accounted for
7 Prepare a production cost report The production cost report contains both quantity and
cost data for a production department There are four sections in the report: (1) number ofphysical units, (2) equivalent units determination, (3) unit costs, and (4) cost reconciliationschedule
a8 Compute equivalent units using the FIFO method Equivalent units under the FIFO
method are the sum of the work performed to: (1) Finish the units of beginning work inprocess inventory, if any; (2) complete the units started into production during the period;and (3) start, but only partially complete, the units in ending work in process inventory
1 Process cost accounting focuses on the process involved in mass-producing products thatare very similar in nature
Ans: T, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
2 Process cost systems are used to apply costs to a specific job, such as the manufacturing
of a specialized machine
Ans: F, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
3 A company that produces motion pictures would likely use a process cost system
Ans: F, LO: 1, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
4 In a process cost system, costs are tracked through a series of connected manufacturingprocesses or departments, rather than by individual jobs
Ans: T, LO: 2, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
5 In a process cost system, total costs are determined at the end of a month or year
Ans: T, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
6 Separate work in process accounts are maintained for each production department ormanufacturing process in a process cost system
Ans: T, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
7 In a process cost system, materials, labor and overhead are only added in the firstproduction department
Ans: F, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
8 The assignment of the three manufacturing cost elements to Work in Process in a processcost system is the same as in a job order cost system
Ans: F, LO: 4, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
9 Fewer materials requisitions are generally required in a process cost system than in a joborder cost system
Ans: T, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
10 In a process cost system, labor costs incurred may be captured on time tickets
Ans: T, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
11 A primary driver of overhead costs in continuous manufacturing operations is machinetime used
Ans: T, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
Trang 612 Equivalent units of production are used to determine the cost per unit of completedproducts.
Ans: T, LO: 5, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
13 Equivalent units of production measure the work done during a period, expressed in fullycompleted units
Ans: T, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
14 Equivalent units of production is the sum of units completed and transferred out plusequivalent units of beginning work in process
Ans: F, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
15 The weighted-average method of computing equivalent units is the most widely usedmethod in practice
Ans: T, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
16 There are no units in process at the beginning of the period, 1,500 units in process at theend of the period that are 40% complete, and 15,000 units transferred out during theperiod Based on this information, there were 14,400 equivalent units of production duringthe period
Ans: F, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 2, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
17 The first step performed in preparing a production cost report is computing the equivalentunits of production
Ans: F, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
18 Equivalent units of production must be calculated before the unit production costs can becomputed
Ans: T, LO: 6, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
19 The physical units in a department are another name for the equivalent units ofproduction
Ans: F, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
20 Unit material cost is computed by taking total material costs charged to the department forthe period and dividing by the physical units in the process during the period
Ans: F, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
21 When equivalent units of production are different for materials and conversion costs, unitcosts are computed for materials, conversion, and total manufacturing
Ans: T, LO: 6, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
22 The total manufacturing cost per unit is used in costing the units completed andtransferred during the period
Ans: T, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
Trang 723 A production cost report is an internal document for management that shows productionquantity and cost data for a particular job.
Ans: F, LO: 7, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
Ans: T, LO: 7, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
a26 The FIFO method is easier to understand and use than the weighted-average method.Ans: F, LO: 8, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Leverage Technology, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
a27 The FIFO method is conceptually superior to the weighted-average method
Ans: T, LO: 8, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Leverage Technology, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
a28 When comparing the FIFO with the weighted-average method, the FIFO method provides
current cost information
Ans: T, LO: 8, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Leverage Technology, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
a29 There are no units in ending work in process at the end of the period under the FIFO
Ans: F, LO: 8, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Leverage Technology, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
a30 Companies using the weighted-average method do not complete units left over from the
previous accounting periods, they start new units
Ans: F, LO: 8, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Leverage Technology, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
31 In continuous process manufacturing, generally once the production begins, it continuesuntil the finished product emerges
Ans: T, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Leverage Technology, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
32 One similarity of process cost accounting with job order cost accounting is that bothdetermine total manufacturing costs after each job
Ans: F, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Leverage Technology, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
33 The flow of costs in a process costing system requires that materials be added in onedepartment, labor added in another department and manufacturing overhead in a thirddepartment
Ans: F, LO: 3, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
34 When finished goods are sold, the entry to record the cost of goods sold is a debit toFinished Goods Inventory and a credit to Cost of Goods Sold
Ans: F, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
Trang 835 When there is no beginning work in process and materials are entered at the beginning ofthe process, equivalent units of materials are the same as the units started intoproduction.
Ans: T, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
36 In order to compute the physical unit flow, a company must first compute unit productioncosts
Ans: F, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
Answers to True-False Statements
Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans.
38 A process cost accounting system is most appropriate when
a a variety of different products are produced, each one requiring different types ofmaterials, labor, and overhead
b the focus of attention is on a particular job or order
c similar products are mass-produced
d individual products are custom made to the specification of customers
Ans: C, LO: 1, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Business Applications
39 A characteristic of products that are mass-produced in a continuous fashion is that
a the products are identical or very similar in nature
b they are grouped in batches
c they are produced at the time an order is received
d their costs are accumulated on job cost sheets
Ans: A, LO: 1, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
40 A process cost system would be used for all of the following products except
a chemicals
b computer chips
c motion pictures
d soft drinks
Ans: C, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Business Applications
Trang 941 In a process cost system,
a a Work in Process account is maintained for each product
b a materials requisition must identify the job on which the materials will be used
c a Work in Process account is maintained for each process
d one Work in Process account is maintained for all the processes, similar to a job ordercost system
Ans: C, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
42 Differences between a job order cost system and a process cost system include all of the
following except the
a documents used to track costs
b point at which costs are totaled
c unit cost computations
a The detail at which costs are calculated
b The time period each covers
c The number of work in process accounts
d The manufacturing cost elements included
Ans: C, LO: 2, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
Business Applications
44 Which of the following is a true statement about process cost systems?
a In process cost systems, costs are accumulated but not assigned
b A process cost system has one work in process account for each process
c In process cost systems, costs are summarized on job cost sheets
d Unit costs are not computed in process cost systems
Ans: B, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Business Applications
45 Which of the following is correct regarding cost systems?
Job Order Process
a Work in process account several one for each process
c Work in process account one one for each process
d Work in process account several one
Ans: C, LO: 2, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Business Applications
46 In a process cost system, unit costs are determined using a
a numerator of costs of each job
b denominator of units produced during the period
c denominator of units produced for the job
d denominator of units produced for the day
Ans: B, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Business Economics
Trang 1047 In process cost accounting, manufacturing costs are summarized on a
a job order cost sheet
b process order cost sheet
c production cost report
d manufacturing cost sheet
Ans: C, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
Ans: D, LO: 2, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Business Economics
49 In a process cost system, product costs are summarized:
a on job cost sheets
b on production cost reports
c after each unit is produced
d when the products are sold
Ans: B, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
50 When manufacturing overhead costs are assigned to production in a process cost system,they are debited to
a the Finished Goods Inventory account
b Cost of Goods Sold
c a Manufacturing Overhead account
d a Work in Process account
Ans: D, LO: 4, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
51 A product requires processing in two departments, the Baking Department and then thePackaging Department, before it is completed Costs transferred out of the BakingDepartment will be transferred to:
a Finished Goods Inventory
b Cost of Goods Sold
c Work in Process—Packaging Department
d Manufacturing Overhead
Ans: C, LO: 4, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
52 Which of the following would not appear as a debit in the Work in Process account of a
second department in a two stage production process?
a Materials used
b Overhead applied
c Labor assigned
d Cost of products transferred out
Ans: D, LO: 4, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
Trang 1153 Materials requisitions are:
a not used in process costing
b generally used more frequently in process costing than job order costing
c generally used less frequently in process costing than job order costing
d used more frequently by latter stage production departments
Ans: C, LO: 4, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
54 A primary driver of overhead costs in continuous manufacturing operations is:
a direct labor dollars
b direct labor hours
c machine hours
d machine maintenance dollars
Ans: C, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
55 Price Company assigns overhead based on machine hours The Milling Department logs1,800 machine hours and Cutting Department shows 3,000 machine hours for the period Ifthe overhead rate is $5 per machine hour, the entry to assign overhead will show a
a debit to Manufacturing Overhead for $24,000
b credit to Work in Process—Cutting Department for $15,000
c debit to Work in Process for $15,000
d credit to Manufacturing Overhead for $24,000
Ans: D, LO: 4, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: FSA
56 Barnes and Miller Manufacturing is trying to determine the equivalent units for conversioncosts with 10,000 units of ending work in process at 80% completion and 28,000 physicalunits There are no beginning units in the department Conversion costs occur evenlythroughout the entire production period What are the equivalent units for conversion costsfor the current period?
a 38,000
b 36,000
c 8,000
d 26,000
Ans: D, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: FSA
57 15,000 units in a process that are 70% complete are referred to as:
a 15,000 equivalent units of production
b 4,500 equivalent units of production
c 10,500 equivalent units of production
d 4,500 equivalent units of production
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
58 A process with no beginning work in process, completed and transferred out 95,000 unitsduring a period and had 50,000 units in the ending work in process inventory that were30% complete The equivalent units of production for the period were:
a 95,000 equivalent units
b 145,000 equivalent units
c 110,000 equivalent units
d 47,500 equivalent units
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Business Economics
Trang 1259 A department adds raw materials to a process at the beginning of the process and incursconversion costs uniformly throughout the process For the month of January, there were
no units in the beginning work in process inventory; 80,000 units were started intoproduction in January; and there were 20,000 units that were 40% complete in the endingwork in process inventory at the end of January What were the equivalent units ofproduction for materials for the month of January?
Total unit = 80,000 = begin WIP + started into production
Units completed = 80,000 – ending WIP = 60,000
equivalent units of production for materials = 60,000 + 20,000 x 100% = 80,000
a 88,000 equivalent units
b 72,000 equivalent units
c 60,000 equivalent units
d 80,000 equivalent units
Ans: D, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
60 A department adds raw materials to a process at the beginning of the process and incursconversion costs uniformly throughout the process For the month of January, there were
no units in the beginning work in process inventory; 80,000 units were started intoproduction in January; and there were 20,000 units that were 40% complete in the endingwork in process inventory at the end of January What were the equivalent units ofproduction for conversion costs for the month of January?
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
61 Equivalent units are calculated by
a multiplying the percentage of work done by the equivalent units of output
b dividing physical units by the percentage of work done
c multiplying the percentage of work done by the physical units
d dividing equivalent units by the percentage of work done
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
62 Minor Company had the following department data:
Physical Units
Completed and transferred out 135,000
Materials are added at the beginning of the process What is the total number ofequivalent units for materials in July?
Ans: D, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
Trang 1363 Corsi Company had the following department data:
Physical Units
Materials are added at the beginning of the process What is the total number ofequivalent units for materials during the period?
a 70,000
b 7,000
c 77,000
d 63,000
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
64 Gantner Company had the following department information about physical units andpercentage of completion:
Physical Units
Completed and transferred out 150,000
If materials are added at the beginning of the production process, what is the total number
of equivalent units for materials during May?
equivalent units for materials = 150,000 + 50,000 x 100%
equivalent units for conversion costs = 150,000 + 50,000 x 40%
a 210,000
b 200,000
c 194,000
d 170,000
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
65 It is necessary to calculate equivalent units of production in a department because
a a physical count of units is impossible
b some units worked on in the department are not fully complete
c the physical units in the department are always 100% complete
d at times a department may use a job order cost system and then switch to a processcost system
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
66 In the month of June, a department had 20,000 units in beginning work in process thatwere 70% complete During June, 80,000 units were transferred into production fromanother department At the end of June there were 10,000 units in ending work in processthat were 40% complete Materials are added at the beginning of the process, whileconversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process How many units weretransferred out of the process in June?
a 80,000 units
b 70,000 units
c 90,000 units
d 100,000 units
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 1567 In the month of June, a department had 20,000 units in beginning work in process thatwere 70% complete During June, 80,000 units were transferred into production fromanother department At the end of June there were 10,000 units in ending work in processthat were 40% complete Materials are added at the beginning of the process, whileconversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process The equivalent units ofproduction for materials for June were
20,000 units in beginning work in process + 80,000 units were transferred into production
= 100,000 units
90,000 units completed + 10,000 ending WIP x 100%
equivalent units of production for conversion costs =
a 90,000 equivalent units
b 100,000 equivalent units
c 104,000 equivalent units
d 80,000 equivalent units
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
68 In the month of June, a department had 20,000 units in beginning work in process thatwere 70% complete During June, 80,000 units were transferred into production fromanother department At the end of June there were 10,000 units in ending work in processthat were 40% complete Materials are added at the beginning of the process, whileconversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process The equivalent units ofproduction for conversion costs for June were
a 80,000 equivalent units
b 94,000 equivalent units
c 90,000 equivalent units
d 100,000 equivalent units
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
69 A process with no beginning work in process, completed and transferred out 28,000 unitsduring a period and had 14,000 units in the ending work in process that were 50%complete How much is equivalent units of production for the period for conversion costs?
a 35,000 equivalent units
b 42,000 equivalent units
c 49,000 equivalent units
d 21,000 equivalent units
Ans: A, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
70 A process with 1,600 units of beginning work in process, completed and transferred out20,000 units during a period There were 10,000 units in the ending work in process thatwere 50% complete as to conversion costs Materials are added 80% at the beginning ofthe process and 20% when the units are 90% complete How much is equivalent units ofproduction for the period for material costs?
a 24,000 equivalent units
b 30,000 equivalent units
c 22,000 equivalent units
d 28,000 equivalent units
Ans: D, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 1671 Hanker Company had the following department data on physical units:
Materials are added at the beginning of the process What is the total number ofequivalent units for materials during the period?
a 12,600
b 2,400
c 14,400
d 9,000
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
72.Super-Tech Industries had the following department information about physical units and
percentage of completion:
Physical Units
Work in process, June 30 (50%) 12,000
If materials are added at the beginning of the production process, what is the total number
of equivalent units for materials during June?
a 15,000
b 30,000
c 32,000
d 24,000
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
73 Gloria Company had no beginning work in process During the period, 12,000 units werecompleted, and there were 1,200 units of ending work in process How many units werestarted into production?
a 13,200
b 12,000
c 10,800
d 1,200
Ans: A, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
74 Cohen Company is trying to determine the equivalent units for conversion costs with5,000 units of ending work in process at 80% completion and 35,000 units that are 100%complete as to materials There are no beginning units in the department Materials areadded at the beginning of the process, and conversion costs occur evenly throughout theentire production period What is the equivalent units of production for conversion costsfor the current period?
a 40,000
b 39,000
c 4,000
d 34,000
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: FSA
Trang 1775 If beginning work in process is 4,000 units, ending work in process is 2,000 units, and theunits accounted for equals 12,000 units, what must units started into production be?
a 16,000
b 14,000
c 8,000
d 10,000
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
76 The Molding Department of Kennett Company has the following production data:beginning work in process 25,000 units (60% complete), started into production 425,000units, completed and transferred out 400,000 units, and ending work in process 50,000units (40% complete) Assuming materials are entered at the beginning of the process,equivalent units for materials are:
a 450,000
b 375,000
c 400,000
d 475,000
Ans: A, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
77 The Molding Department of Kennett Company has the following production data:beginning work in process 25,000 units (60% complete), started into production 425,000units, completed and transferred out 400,000 units, and ending work in process 50,000units (40% complete) Assuming conversion costs are incurred uniformly during theprocess, the equivalent units for conversion costs are:
a 450,000
b 405,000
c 420,000
d 400,000
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
78 The Molding Department of Boswell Company has the following production data:beginning work process 40,000 units (60% complete), started into production 680,000units, completed and transferred out 640,000 units, and ending work in process 80,000units (40% complete) Assuming materials are entered at the beginning of the process,equivalent units for materials are:
a 720,000
b 600,000
c 640,000
d 760,000
Ans: A, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
79 The Molding Department of Boswell Company has the following production data:beginning work process 40,000 units (60% complete), started into production 680,000units, completed and transferred out 640,000 units, and ending work in process 80,000units (40% complete) Assuming conversion costs are incurred uniformly during theprocess, the equivalent units for conversion costs are:
a 720,000
b 760,000
c 672,000
d 600,000
Ans: C, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 1880 Crawford Company has the following equivalent units for July: materials 20,000 andconversion costs 18,000 Production cost data are:
Work in process, July 1 $ 3,200 $ 1,500
The unit production costs for July are:
Materials Conversion Costs
Ans: D, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 5, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
81 In Moyer Company, the Cutting Department had beginning work in process of 6,000 units,transferred out 16,000 units, and had an ending work in process of 3,000 units How manyunits were started by Moyer during the month?
a 10,000
b 13,000
c 16,000
d 19,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
82 In the Shaping Department of Rollins Company the unit materials cost is $5.00 and theunit conversions cost is $3.00 The department transferred out 20,000 units and had 2,500units in ending work in process 20% complete If all materials are added at the beginning
of the process, the total cost to be assigned to the ending work in process is
a 4,000
b 12,500
c 14,000
d 20,000
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
83 Holton Company has the following equivalent units for July: materials 20,000 andconversion 18,000 Production cost data are:
Work in process, July 1 $ 4,800 $ 2,250
The unit production costs for July are:
Materials Conversion Costs
Ans: D, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
Trang 1984 In Kapler Company, the Cutting Department had beginning work in process of 8,000 units,transferred out 20,000 units, and had an ending work in process of 4,000 units How manyunits were started by Kapler during the month?
a 12,000
b 16,000
c 20,000
d 24,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
85 In the Shaping Department of Jenkins Company the unit materials cost is $2.50 and theunit conversion cost is $1.50 The department transferred out 8,000 units and had 2,000units in ending work in process 20% complete If all materials are added at the beginning
of the process, the total cost to be assigned to the ending work in process is
a $1,600
b $5,000
c $5,600
d $8,000
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
86 Cinder Company had the following department information for the month:
Equivalent units of conversion costs 20,000
How much is the total manufacturing cost per unit?
a $14.00
b $6.66
c $6.00
d $8.00
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
87 Materials costs of $500,000 and conversion costs of $535,500 were charged to aprocessing department in the month of September Materials are added at the beginning
of the process, while conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process.There were no units in beginning work in process, 100,000 units were started intoproduction in September, and there were 8,000 units in ending work in process that were40% complete at the end of September
What was the total amount of manufacturing costs assigned to those units that werecompleted and transferred out of the process in September?
a $460,000
b $977,500
c $1,035,500
d $1,063,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 2088 Materials costs of $500,000 and conversion costs of $535,500 were charged to aprocessing department in the month of September Materials are added at the beginning
of the process, while conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process.There were no units in beginning work in process, 100,000 units were started intoproduction in September, and there were 8,000 units in ending work in process that were40% complete at the end of September
What was the total amount of manufacturing costs assigned to the 8,000 units in theending work in process?
a $40,000
b $18,000
c $34,000
d $58,000
Ans: D, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
89 Charley Company’s Assembly Department has materials cost at $3 per unit andconversion cost at $6 per unit There are 20,000 units in ending work in process, all ofwhich are 70% complete as to conversion costs and 100% complete as to materials Howmuch are total costs to be assigned to inventory?
a $84,000
b $144,000
c $126,000
d $180,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
90 Byrd Company decided to analyze certain costs for June of the current year Units startedinto production equaled 14,000 and ending work in process equaled 2,000 units With nobeginning work in process inventory, how much is the conversion cost per unit if endingwork in process was 25% complete and total conversion costs equaled $35,000?
started into production equaled 14,000 + no beginning work in process = 14,000
12,000 units completed + 2,000 ending WIP = 14,000
equivalent units as conversion costs = 12,000 + 2,000 x 25% = 12,500 equivalent units
a $2.19
b $8.75
c $2.80
d $1.40
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
91 Long Company has recently tried to improve its analysis for its manufacturing process.Units started into production equaled 6,000 and ending work in process equaled 400units Long had no beginning work in process inventory Conversion costs are appliedequally throughout production, and materials are applied at the beginning of the process.How much is the materials cost per unit if ending work in process was 25% complete andtotal materials costs equaled $24,000?
unit completed = 5,600
ending WIP = 400 => equivalent unit as material = 400
total equivalent unit as material = 6,000
a $4.00
b $4.21
c $15.00
d $3.75
Trang 21Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 2292 Conversion cost per unit equals $7.00 Total materials costs are $60,000 Equivalent unitsare 20,000 How much is the total manufacturing cost per unit?
a $10.00
b $7.00
c $4.00
d $3.00
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
93 Physical units are 40,000 Total conversion costs are $237,000 There are 1,000 units inending inventory which are 50% complete as to conversion costs How much areconversion costs per unit?
a $6.00
b $5.92
c $11.86
d $5.78
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
94 Madison Industries has equivalent units of 4,000 for materials and for conversion costs.Total manufacturing costs are $160,000 Total materials costs are $120,000 How much isthe conversion cost per unit?
a $4.00
b $10.00
c $40.00
d $8.00
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
95 Equivalent units for materials total 30,000 There were 24,000 units completed andtransferred out Equivalent units for conversion costs equal 27,000 How much are thephysical units for conversion costs if ending work in process is 50% complete?
a 27,000
b 30,000
c 6,000
d 24,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
96 If equivalent units are 12,000 for conversion costs and units transferred out equals 8,000,what stage of completion should the ending work in process be for the 16,000 unitsremaining?
a 75%
b 25%
c 10%
d 20%
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 2397 In the month of April, a department had 500 units in the beginning work in processinventory that were 60% complete These units had $40,000 of materials costs and
$30,000 of conversion costs Materials are added at the beginning of the process andconversion costs are added uniformly throughout the process During April, 10,000 unitswere completed and transferred to the finished goods inventory and there were 2,000units that were 25% complete in the ending work in process inventory on April 30 DuringApril, manufacturing costs charged to the department were: Materials $920,000;Conversion costs $1,020,000
The cost assigned to the units transferred to finished goods during April was
a $1,800,000
b $1,810,000
c $1,880,000
d $1,790,000
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
98 In the month of April, a department had 500 units in the beginning work in processinventory that were 60% complete These units had $40,000 of materials costs and
$30,000 of conversion costs Materials are added at the beginning of the process andconversion costs are added uniformly throughout the process During April, 10,000 unitswere completed and transferred to the finished goods inventory and there were 2,000units that were 25% complete in the ending work in process inventory on April 30 DuringApril, manufacturing costs charged to the department were: Materials $920,000;Conversion costs $1,020,000
The cost assigned to the units in the ending work in process inventory on April 30 was
a $240,000
b $210,000
c $160,000
d $290,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
99 Zibba Company enters materials at the beginning of the process In January, there was nobeginning work in process, but there were 200 units in the ending work in processinventory The number of units completed equals the number of
a units started
b units started less 200
c units started plus 200
d equivalent units
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
100 If there are no units in process at the beginning of the period, then
a the company must be using a job order cost system
b only one computation of equivalent units of production will be necessary
c the units started into production will equal the number of units transferred out
d the units to be accounted for will equal the units transferred out and the units inprocess at the end of the period
Ans: D, LO: 6, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
Trang 24101 Which of the following is not a necessary step in preparing a production cost report?
a Compute the equivalent units of production
b Compute the physical unit flow
c Prepare the job order cost sheet
d Prepare a cost reconciliation schedule
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
102 Honrad Company's Assembly Department has materials cost at $4 per unit and
conversion cost at $8 per unit There are 20,000 units in ending work in process, all ofwhich are 70% complete as to conversion costs How much are total costs to be assigned
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Reporting
103 In a process cost system, units to be accounted for in a department are equal to the
a number of units started or transferred into the department
b number of units transferred out of the department
c units in the beginning inventory plus the units started or transferred into the department
d ending inventory plus the units started or transferred into the department
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
104 The total units accounted for equals units in
a beginning work in process – units transferred out
b beginning work in process + ending work in process
c ending work in process + units transferred out
d ending work in process – units started into production
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
105 The Slicing Department production process shows:
Total units to be accounted for 160,000
How many units were started into production in Department 1?
a 170,000
b 110,000
c 160,000
d 150,000
Ans: D, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 25106 Department 1 of a two department production process shows:
Total units to be accounted for 160,000
How many units were transferred out to Department 2?
a 50,000
b 110,000
c 160,000
d 150,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
107 The Assembly Department shows the following information:
How many total units are to be accounted for by the Assembly Department?
a 81,000
b 50,000
c 70,000
d 61,000
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
108 The last department in a production process shows the following information at the end of
the period:
How many units have been transferred out to finished goods during the period?
a 200,000
b 225,000
c 250,000
d 175,000
Ans: D, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
109 A process began the month with 3,000 units in the beginning work in process inventory
and ended the month with 2,000 units in the ending work in process If 15,000 units werecompleted and transferred out of the process during the month, how many units werestarted into production during the month?
a 14,000
b 16,000
c 15,000
d 13,000
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 26110 If 120,000 units are started into production there was no beginning work in process, and
40,000 units are in process at the end of the period, how many units were completed andtransferred out?
a 120,000
b 40,000
c 80,000
d 160,000
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
111 Total units to be accounted for less units in beginning work in process equals
a total units accounted for
b units transferred out
c units started into production
d equivalent units
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
112 If 120,000 units are transferred out of a department, there was no beginning work in
process, and there are 20,000 units still in process at the end of a period, the number ofunits that were started into production during the period is
a 140,000
b 120,000
c 100,000
d 20,000
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
113 A department adds materials at the beginning of the process and incurs conversion costs
uniformly throughout the process For the month of July, there was no beginning work inprocess; 40,000 units were completed and transferred out; and there were 20,000 units inthe ending work in process that were 40% complete During July, $96,000 materials costsand $84,000 conversion costs were charged to the department
The unit production costs for materials and conversion costs for July was
Materials Conversion Costs
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
114 Conversion cost per unit equals $6 Total materials cost equal $80,000 Equivalent units
for materials are 10,000 How much is the total manufacturing cost per unit?
a $14
b $6
c $12
d $8
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 27115 The following department data are available:
Equivalent units of conversion costs 30,000
What is the total manufacturing cost per unit?
a $4.00
b $4.50
c $8.50
d $6.25
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
116 Byers Company had the following department information for the month:
Equivalent units of conversion costs 10,000
What is the total manufacturing cost per unit?
a $8.53
b $8.00
c $9.60
d $17.60
Ans: D, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
117 Physical units accounted for are 160,000 Total conversion costs are $276,500 There are
4,000 units in ending inventory which are 50% complete as to conversion costs Howmuch is the conversion cost per unit?
a $1.75
b $1.73
c $1.71
d $1.69
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
118 A department had the following information for the month:
Total manufacturing cost per unit $5.00
What are the equivalent units of production for materials?
a 105,000
b 70,000
c 42,000
d Cannot be determined
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 28119 Maisley Company decided to analyze certain costs for June of the current year Units
started into production equaled 28,000 and ending work in process equaled 4,000 With
no beginning work in process inventory, how much is the conversion cost per unit ifending work in process was 25% complete and total conversion costs equaled $105,000?
a $3.30
b $3.75
c $4.20
d $2.10
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
120 Materials costs of $800,000 and conversion costs of $1,020,000 were charged to a
processing department in the month of September Materials are added at the beginning
of the process, while conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process.There were no units in beginning work in process, 20,000 units were started intoproduction in September, and there were 5,000 units in ending work in process that were40% complete at the end of September
What was the total amount of manufacturing costs assigned to those units that werecompleted and transferred out of the process in September?
a $1,500,000
b $2,000,000
c $1,606,500
d $1,365,000
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
121 Materials costs of $800,000 and conversion costs of $1,020,000 were charged to a
processing department in the month of September Materials are added at the beginning
of the process, while conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process.There were no units in beginning work in process, 20,000 units were started intoproduction in September, and there were 5,000 units in ending work in process that were40% complete at the end of September
What was the total amount of manufacturing costs assigned to the 5,000 units in theending work in process?
a $455,000
b $500,000
c $320,000
d $200,000
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
122 Mayer Company has recently tried to improve its analysis for its manufacturing process
Units started into production equaled 18,000 and ending work in process equaled 1,200units Mayer had no beginning work in process inventory Conversion costs are appliedequally throughout production, and materials are applied at the beginning of the process.How much is the materials cost per unit if ending work in process was 25% complete andtotal materials costs equaled $90,000?
a $5.00
b $5.27
c $20.00
d $4.69
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 29123 Madison Industries has equivalent units of 8,000 for materials and for conversion costs.
Total manufacturing costs are $160,000 Total materials costs are $120,000 How much isthe conversion cost per unit?
a $15
b $5
c $20
d $4
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
124 In a process cost system, a production cost report is prepared
a only for the first processing department
b for all departments in the aggregate
c for each processing department
d only for the last processing department
Ans: C, LO: 7, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
125 A production cost report
a is prepared for each product
b is prepared from a job cost sheet
c will show quantity and cost data for a production department
d will not identify a specific department if more than one department is involved in theproduction process
Ans: C, LO: 7, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
126 In the production cost report, the total
a physical units accounted for equals the costs accounted for
b physical units accounted for equals the units to be accounted for
c costs charged equals the units to be accounted for
d costs accounted for equals the costs of the units started into production
Ans: B, LO: 7, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
a127 The Cutting Department’s output during the period consists of 18,000 units completed and
transferred out, and 4,000 units in ending work in process that were 25% complete as tomaterials and conversion costs Beginning inventory was 2,000 units that were 25%complete as to materials and conversion costs Under the FIFO method, what are theequivalent units of production for materials?
a 20,300
b 18,500
c 21,300
d 20,000
Ans: B, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 30a128 The Wrapping Department’s output during the period consists of 17,000 units completed
and transferred out, and 900 units in ending work in process that were 75% complete as
to materials and conversion costs Beginning inventory was 1,200 units that were 30%complete as to materials and conversion costs Under the FIFO method, what are theequivalent units of production for materials?
a 18,035
b 18,515
c 17,675
d 17,315
Ans: D, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
a129 Chicotti Company has 6,000 units in beginning work in process, 30% complete as to conversion
costs, 60,000 units transferred out to finished goods, and 2,000 units in ending work in process20% complete as to conversion costs The beginning and ending inventory is fully complete as
to materials costs How much are equivalent units for conversion costs if the FIFO method
Ans: D, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
a130 Chicotti Company has 6,000 units in beginning work in process, 30% complete as to conversion
costs, 60,000 units transferred out to finished goods, and 2,000 units in ending work in process20% complete as to conversion costs The beginning and ending inventory is fully complete as
to materials costs How much are equivalent units for materials if the FIFO method is used?
a 60,400
b 62,000
c 56,000
d 68,000
Ans: C, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
a131 Schiller Company has unit costs of $3 for materials and $9 for conversion costs There are
5,600 units in ending work in process which are 25% complete as to conversion costs,and fully complete as to materials cost How much is the total cost assigned to the endingwork in process inventory if the FIFO method is used?
a 29,400
b 67,200
c 16,800
d 12,600
Ans: A, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
a132 Solis Company uses the FIFO method to compute equivalent units It has 4,000 units in
beginning work in process, 20% complete as to conversion costs and 50% complete as tomaterials costs, 55,000 units started, and 6,000 units in ending work in process, 30%complete as to conversion costs, and 80% complete as to materials cost How much arethe equivalent units for materials under the FIFO method?
a 55,800
b 55,000
c 57,800
d 59,000
Ans: A, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Trang 31a133 Special Company had the following department information about physical units and
percentage of completion:
Physical UnitsWork in process, May 1 (60%) 36,000
Completed and transferred out 65,000
Work in process, May 31 (50%) 30,000
Materials are added at the beginning of the production process Conversion costs areadded equally throughout production What is the total number of equivalent units duringMay for conversion costs if the FIFO method is used?
a 131,000
b 80,000
c 58,400
d 109,400
Ans: C, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
a134 Hanker Company had the following department data on physical units:
Work in process, beginning 2,500
Completed and transferred out 14,000
Materials are added at the beginning of the process What is the total number ofequivalent units for materials if the FIFO method is used?
a 14,500
b 13,500
c 16,000
d 11,500
Ans: B, LO: 8, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
135 A process cost system would be used by all of the following except a(n)
a chemical company
b advertising company
c oil company
d computer chip company
Ans: B, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
136 Which of the following is considered a difference between a job order cost and a process
cost system?
a The manufacturing cost elements
b Documents used to track costs
c The accumulation of the costs of materials, labor, and overhead
d The flow of costs
Ans: B, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
137 The basic similarities between job order cost and process cost systems include all of the
following except the
a manufacturing cost elements
b flow of costs
c point at which costs are totaled
d accumulation of the costs of materials, labor, and overhead
Ans: C, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
Trang 32138 Equivalent units of production are a measure of
a units completed and transferred out
b units transferred out
c units in ending work in process
d the work done in a period expressed in fully completed units
Ans: D, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
139 Total physical units to be accounted for are equal to the units
a started (or transferred) into production
b started (or transferred) into production plus the units in beginning work in process
c started (or transferred) into production less the units in beginning work in process
d completed and transferred out
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
140 In computing equivalent units, _ is not part of the equivalent units of
production formula
a units transferred out
b beginning work in process
c ending work in process
d None of these is correct
Ans: B, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
141 In Saint-Simon, Inc., the Assembly Department started 30,000 units and completed
35,000 units If beginning work in process was 15,000 units, how many units are in endingwork in process?
a 0
b 5,000
c 10,000
d 20,000
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 2, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
None, IMA: Cost Management
142 The total units to be accounted for is computed by adding
a beginning units in process to units transferred out
b ending units in process to units started into production
c beginning units in process to units started into production
d ending units in process to total units accounted for
Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
143 In the Camria Company, materials are entered at the beginning of the process If there is
no beginning work in process, but there is an ending work in process inventory, thenumber of equivalent units as to materials costs will be
a the same as the units started
b the same as the units completed
c less than the units started
d less than the units completed
Ans: A, LO: 6, Bloom: C, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC: None,
IMA: Cost Management
Trang 33144 For the Assembly Department, unit materials cost is $8 and unit conversion cost is $12 If
there are 10,000 units in ending work in process 75% complete as to conversion costs,the costs to be assigned to the inventory are
a $200,000
b $170,000
c $150,000
d $180,000
Ans: B, LO: 6, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 3, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
145 The total costs accounted for in a production cost report equal the
a cost of units completed and transferred out only
b cost of units started into production
c cost of units completed and transferred out plus the cost of ending work in process
d cost of beginning work in process plus the cost of units completed and transferred out.Ans: C, LO: 6, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
146 In a production cost report, which one of the following sections is not shown under Costs?
a Unit costs
b Costs to be accounted for
c Costs during the period
d Units accounted for
Ans: D, LO: 7, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, Min: 1, AACSB: None, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Reporting, AICPA PC: None, IMA:
Answers to Multiple Choice Questions
Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans Item Ans.
BE 147
Tip Top Painting Company has the following production data for January:
Beginning work in process, 0 units
Units transferred out, 35,000
Units in ending work in process, 8,000, which are 30% complete for conversion costs
Materials are added only at the beginning of the process
Compute equivalent units of production for both materials and conversion costs
Ans: N/A, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 4, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Solution 147 (4 min.)
Equivalent Units
Units to be accounted for
Work in process, January 1 0
Started into production 43,000
Lowman Painting Company has the following production data for March:
Beginning work in process, 2,000 units
Units transferred out, 42,000
Units in ending work in process, 10,000, which are 80% complete for conversion costs
Materials are added only at the beginning of the process
Compute equivalent units of production for both materials and conversion costs
Ans: N/A, LO: 5, Bloom: AP, Difficulty: Medium, Min: 4, AACSB: Analytic, AICPA BB: Industry/Sector Perspective, AICPA FN: Measurement, AICPA PC:
Problem Solving, IMA: Cost Management
Solution 148 (4 min.)
Equivalent Units
Units to be accounted for
Work in process, March 1 2,000
Started into production 50,000