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  • Preface Public Health - Social and Behavioral Health

  • Section 1 Obesity, Food and Physical Activity

  • Chapter 1 The IDEFICS Intervention Toolbox - A Guide to Successful Obesity Prevention at Community Level

  • Chapter 2 Testing the Assumptions of Stage of Change for Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A Naturalistic Study

  • Chapter 3 Strategies for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Rural Southern African American Communities

  • Chapter 4 Gender Differences in Food Choice and Dietary Intake in Modern Western Societies

  • Chapter 5 Iron Food Fortification for the Control of Childhood Anemia in Brazil

  • Chapter 6 Economic Stressors and Childhood Obesity: Differences by Child Age and Gender

  • Chapter 7 Critical Appraisal of Selected Body Composition Data Acquisition Techniques in Public Health

  • Chapter 8 Physical Activity, Inactivity, and Nutrition Behavior Among Children: Investigating Compensation and Transfer Effects

  • Chapter 9 U.S. Food Policy and Obesity

  • Section 2 Addictive Behaviors

  • Chapter 10 Alcohol Consumption Among Adolescents in Estonia 1994 - 2010

  • Chapter 11 Public Health and Indigenous Australian Gambling: Risky Lifestyle or Harmless Recreation?

  • Chapter 12 Self Medication, Drug Dependency and Self-Managed Health Care - A Review

  • Chapter 13 The Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Risk Behaviour: A Systematic Literature Review of High-Risk Groups, with a Focus on South Africa

  • Section 3 Emerging Methods

  • Chapter 14 Challenges in Healthcare in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Communication as a Barrier to Achieving Health Equity

  • Chapter 15 Public Health Research and Action: Reflections on Challenges and Possibilities of Community-Based Participatory Research

  • Chapter 16 Nature Therapy and Preventive Medicine

  • Chapter 17 How Can the Empowerment Role of Public Health Nurses (PHNs) Be Fostered? A Review of an Exploratory Research Study Conducted in Ireland and Current Evidence

  • Chapter 18 Disseminating an Evidence-Based Disease Self-Management Program for Older Americans: Implications for Diversifying Participant Reach Through Delivery Site Adoption

  • Chapter 19 Strategy and Practice of Support for Families with Multiple Births Children: Combination of Evidence-Based Public Health (EBPH) and Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Approach

  • Section 4 Special Populations and Settings

  • Chapter 20 TB Control in Prisons

  • Chapter 21 Social Determinants of Health in Deaf Communities

  • Chapter 22 Anxiety and Emotional Discomfort in the School Environment: The Interplay of School Processes, Learning Strategies, and Children's Mental Health

  • Chapter 23 Re-Emergence of HIV Infection and Syphilis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men

  • Chapter 24 Gun Violence in the United States: A Public Health Epidemic

  • Chapter 25 The Public Health Intervention of Skin Care for All: Community Dermatology

  • Chapter 26 Addressing Asthma from a Public Health Perspective

  • Chapter 27 An Integrated Theoretical Framework to Describe Human Trafficking of Young Women and Girls for Involuntary Prostitution

Nội dung

PUBLIC HEALTH SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Edited by Jay Maddock Public Health Social and Behavioral Health Edited by Jay Maddock Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Romina Skomersic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team First published May, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechopen.com Public Health Social and Behavioral Health, Edited by Jay Maddock p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0620-3 Contents Preface IX Section 1 Obesity, Food and Physical Activity 1 Chapter 1 The IDEFICS Intervention Toolbox A Guide to Successful Obesity Prevention at Community Level 3 Vera Verbestel, Stefaan De Henauw, Staffan Marild, Stefan Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, Laura Fernández Celemín, Katharina Gallois, Holger Hassel and Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij Chapter 2 Testing the Assumptions of Stage of Change for Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A Naturalistic Study 41 Jay E. Maddock, Jodi D. Barnett, Carrie S. Marshall and Claudio R. Nigg Chapter 3 Strategies for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Rural Southern African American Communities 59 Ralphenia D. Pace, Norma L. Dawkins and Melissa Johnson Chapter 4 Gender Differences in Food Choice and Dietary Intake in Modern Western Societies 83 Claudia Arganini, Anna Saba, Raffaella Comitato, Fabio Virgili and Aida Turrini Chapter 5 Iron Food Fortification for the Control of Childhood Anemia in Brazil 103 Joel Alves Lamounier, Flávio Diniz Capanema and Daniela Silva Rocha Chapter 6 Economic Stressors and Childhood Obesity: Differences by Child Age and Gender 115 Steven Garasky, Craig Gundersen, Susan D. Stewart, Joey C. Eisenmann and Brenda J. Lohman Chapter 7 Critical Appraisal of Selected Body Composition Data Acquisition Techniques in Public Health 133 Steven Provyn, Aldo Scafoglieri, Jonathan Tresignie, Céline Lumé, Jan Pieter Clarys and Ivan Bautmans VI Contents Chapter 8 Physical Activity, Inactivity, and Nutrition Behavior Among Children: Investigating Compensation and Transfer Effects 153 Judith Väth, Katie Amato and Claudio R. Nigg Chapter 9 U.S. Food Policy and Obesity 165 Julian M. Alston, Abigail M. Okrent and Joanna C. Parks Section 2 Addictive Behaviors 185 Chapter 10 Alcohol Consumption Among Adolescents in Estonia 1994 2010 187 Kersti Pärna, Mariliis Tael, Inge Ringmets and Katrin Aasvee Chapter 11 Public Health and Indigenous Australian Gambling: Risky Lifestyle or Harmless Recreation? 205 Helen Breen, Nerilee Hing and Ashley Gordon Chapter 12 Self Medication, Drug Dependency and Self-Managed Health Care A Review 223 A. O. Afolabi Chapter 13 The Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Risk Behaviour: A Systematic Literature Review of High-Risk Groups, with a Focus on South Africa 243 Manuela G. Neuman, Michelle Schneider, Radu M. Nanau, Charles Parry and Matthew Chersich Section 3 Emerging Methods 293 Chapter 14 Challenges in Healthcare in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Communication as a Barrier to Achieving Health Equity 295 Emine Kale and Bernadette Nirmal Kumar Chapter 15 Public Health Research and Action: Reflections on Challenges and Possibilities of Community-Based Participatory Research 309 S. Lazarus, B. Duran, L. Caldwell and S. Bulbulia Chapter 16 Nature Therapy and Preventive Medicine 325 Juyoung Lee, Qing Li, Liisa Tyrväinen, Yuko Tsunetsugu, Bum-Jin Park, Takahide Kagawa and Yoshifumi Miyazaki Chapter 17 How Can the Empowerment Role of Public Health Nurses (PHNs) Be Fostered? A Review of an Exploratory Research Study Conducted in Ireland and Current Evidence 351 Teresa Cawley Contents VII Chapter 18 Disseminating an Evidence-Based Disease Self-Management Program for Older Americans: Implications for Diversifying Participant Reach Through Delivery Site Adoption 385 Matthew Lee Smith, Basia Belza, Mary Altpeter, SangNam Ahn, Justin B. Dickerson and Marcia G. Ory Chapter 19 Strategy and Practice of Support for Families with Multiple Births Children: Combination of Evidence-Based Public Health (EBPH) and Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Approach 405 Syuichi Ooki and Kiyomi Hiko Section 4 Special Populations and Settings 431 Chapter 20 TB Control in Prisons 433 J. Noeske Chapter 21 Social Determinants of Health in Deaf Communities 449 Scott R. Smith and Nancy P. Chin Chapter 22 Anxiety and Emotional Discomfort in the School Environment: The Interplay of School Processes, Learning Strategies, and Children’s Mental Health 461 L. Tramonte and J. D. Willms Chapter 23 Re-Emergence of HIV Infection and Syphilis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men 477 Maria Antonella Di Benedetto, Nino Romano and Alberto Firenze Chapter 24 Gun Violence in the United States: A Public Health Epidemic 501 Amy J. Thompson Chapter 25 The Public Health Intervention of Skin Care for All: Community Dermatology 523 Terence J. Ryan, Steven J. Ersser and Lucinda Claire Fuller Chapter 26 Addressing Asthma from a Public Health Perspective 537 Adam Davis and Mindy Benson Chapter 27 An Integrated Theoretical Framework to Describe Human Trafficking of Young Women and Girls for Involuntary Prostitution 555 Thozama Mandisa Lutya and Mark Lanier Preface Human health is greatly influenced by the daily behaviors and patterns that make up our lives. Tobacco use, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, immoderate alcohol use, drug use, violence, unsafe sexual practices and other risky behaviors account for a large proportion of premature morbidity and mortality worldwide. Over the last couple of decades, the role of the social sciences in influencing and changing human behaviors has become more prominent. Psychology, sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, communications and political science have all played an important role in health counseling, group based interventions, social marketing and policy change. A student being trained in a Master’s of Public Health program in Health Promotion needs to be versed in all of these areas to be effective at changes population level behaviors. This book provides an overview of the influence of the social and behavioral sciences to many public health issues that confront us today. In the first section, the chapters explore the growing problem of obesity and the related behavioral factors of physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Chapters examine the effects of food policies including iron fortification of foods, psychological theory testing to improve health, gender differences, the effect of stress on obesity and strategies to prevent childhood obesity and reach rural communities. In the second section, the chapters explore the effects of addictive behaviors. Issues around alcohol use, drugs and gambling are explored both in comprehensive reviews and in county level analyses. The third section examines a variety of different approaches and methods to changing health behaviors. These include evidence-based public health, community-based participatory research, empowerment, communication and dialog and even nature therapy. The final section reviews a variety of at-risk populations including prisoners, men who have sex with men, school children, deaf persons, school children and young women involuntarily participating in prostitution. Reviews of important but often neglected public health areas such as gun violence, skin care for all and asthma are also presented. This book exemplifies the global nature of public health. All six inhabited continents are represented by authors in this book. The home country of the authors include Australia, Estonia, South Africa, Nigeria, Brazil, Canada, Korea, Finland, Japan, Great Britain, Ireland, USA, Belgium, Sweden and Italy. This trans-national list of authors provides an important view of the future of public health and the increased need to X Preface collaborate with public health professionals across the world to address the myriad of public health issues. I hope you enjoy reading the following chapters. I find them to be insightful and to provide an excellent collection of the ways that the social and behavioral health sciences are being used to protect and promote the public’s health. Aloha. Prof. Jay Maddock Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa USA [...]... Jan Window (and street) poster related to physical activity and diet (1st poster) Feb Mar Apr May Window (and street) poster related to physical activity and diet (2nd poster) Jun Jul Aug Window (and street) poster related to sleep duration (3rd poster) Table 5 Timing and turnover of the window (and street posters) in Year 2 of the IDEFICS project 12 Public Health Social and Behavioral Health The... number of initiatives and trigger their execution by working with the relevant actors 16 Public Health Social and Behavioral Health Stakeholder Possible initiatives - Local municipality (public health authorities) and local politicians - Private sector (food companies, grocery stores) Working groups of the schools and kindergartens - - Identify national obesity prevention plans and provide a significant... politicians Health care providers (paediatrician, family doctor, …) Fig 1 Dimensions of the IDEFICS intervention: the individual, the family, the school and kindergarten and the community level 6 Public HealthSocial and Behavioral Health The community-based IDEFICS intervention takes a holistic approach associated with this contextual and interactive perspective of human development and is being... community to develop, organise and promote programmes and structural changes that encourage the healthy behaviours targeted in the intervention Prepare the dissemination phase of the community-based intervention 8 Public HealthSocial and Behavioral Health Establishment and composition of the community platform - - The community platform has to be established, organised and coordinated by a local intervention... consumption of water Jun Stress, coping and relaxation Ensure adequate sleep duration Jul Aug Vacation period: No Healthy Weeks Table 9 Themes of the Healthy Weeks per month during the intervention adoption phase (Year 2) 24 Public HealthSocial and Behavioral Health The themes of the Healthy Weeks have to be synchronised with the themes of the window posters (module 2) and the themes of the educational... intervention team 10 Public Health Social and Behavioral Health The local intervention team must keep itself informed about the initiatives of the community platform For this reason, the local intervention team and the community platform are recommended to meet 3 times during the intervention implementation phase, i.e once between September and December of Year 3 and twice between January and August of... an overview of the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of Dietaryand lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS) intervention and its general content and structure, including the core set of intervention modules, communication strategies and corresponding standard operating procedures for use in preschools, primary schools and other settings and dissemination channels The chapter does... to physical activity and recreation facilities Include healthy alternatives in the menus that are specifically available for children (e.g include fruit as a dessert) Provide and promote healthy foods (e.g fruits and vegetables) Make healthy foods available, accessible and attractive in the school environment Create price incentives or use cross-subsidies to facilitate and promote healthy food Remove... coordinating school organisations because they can play an important role in stimulating and supporting their schools during the implementation of the intervention Additionally, they can be a starting point and negotiation partner in order to set up a school platform at community level 18 Public Health Social and Behavioral Health Organise a first appointment with the principals - Explain the intervention... group coordinator should be invited to the community platform meetings 22 Public Health Social and Behavioral Health Operation of the school working group during the intervention implementation phase (Year 3) The school working group is expected to continue the activities and to work out new initiatives with minimal supervision and without continuous support of the local intervention team From September . PUBLIC HEALTH – SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Edited by Jay Maddock Public Health – Social and Behavioral Health Edited by Jay Maddock . of the ways that the social and behavioral health sciences are being used to protect and promote the public s health. Aloha. Prof. Jay Maddock Department of Public Health Sciences, University. IDEFICS intervention: the individual, the family, the school and kindergarten and the community level Public Health – Social and Behavioral Health 6 The community-based IDEFICS intervention

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2014, 09:20