[...]... features of the 1980s Not so in this book C# 3.0 Design Patterns aims to present the 23 classic patterns in the best possible C# 3.0 style, ensuring that what you learn here will be of real value to you for many years to come About Patterns Design patterns were introduced in Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides’s seminal work Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented... adding C# 3.0 s query expressions, lambda expressions, extension methods, initializer expressions, expression trees, and so on to the already rich set of C# 2.0 and 1.0 features, we make it easier to elegantly implement all sorts of other useful design patterns xii | Foreword And that is also why I am excited about this book C# 3.0 Design Patterns brings the frequently abstruse world of design patterns. .. scenarios and comparing alternative implementations • Using advanced language features of C# 3.0 to realize patterns efficiently and elegantly Although not written as a textbook, C# 3.0 Design Patterns could fit in very well for a mid-degree course on design patterns or advanced programming The diagrams and code for all the patterns and associated examples and case studies in this book can be found on the... quality of your code, you need a book like C# 3.0 Design Patterns Knowledge about design patterns is also a big step forward for those working up from low-level programmers to software engineers and architects Through reading this book, you will acquire skills in: • Programming design patterns • Basic UML modeling notation for representing patterns • Selecting patterns appropriate for given scenarios... incorporation of design patterns and the deft use of C# 3.0, the programs are remarkably short Examples that would not have been feasible to show in full in a book before are now perfectly reasonable About the Examples | 7 Chapter 2 2 CHAPTER Structural Patterns: Decorator, Proxy, and Bridge 2 We start our tour of design patterns with the group known as the structural patterns There are seven patterns that... in C# 1.0 or Java 1.4 and who would like to move on to the more modern features of the latest language All the new features of C# 3.0, as well as many novel features from C# 2.0, are introduced by example and summarized in sidebars for easy reference Thus, the book serves as a programmers’ guide as well The book does not assume any acquaintance with design patterns It covers the full set of 23 patterns. .. the 23 core design patterns Each chapter discusses two or three patterns, chosen because they have some common applicability and can be compared at the end of the chapter The patterns are subdivided into three groups: structural, creational, and behavioral We begin with the structural patterns, studying the Decorator, Proxy, and Bridge patterns in Chapter 2; the Composite and Flyweight patterns in... is not available in C# 1.0, while the later patterns are more sophisticated in their implementation and take advantage of more advanced features present in C# 3.0 This approach allows new features to be introduced inline, as they become relevant, rather than all at once at the start or end of the text This book is not intended to be a reference guide to the whole of C# or even C# 3.0, but rather to... C# 3.0 Design Patterns, by Judith Bishop Copyright 2008 Judith Bishop, 978-0-596-52773-0.” If you think your use of code examples falls outside fair use or the permission given above, feel free to contact us at permissions@oreilly.com Comments and Questions The author would be delighted to hear what you think of the book and whether you have any good ideas to extend the presentation of C# design patterns. .. easily be missed Enter design patterns, the ultimate in mind connectors for successful programmers 1 Design patterns encapsulate common ways of solving problems using language features together Design patterns provide a high-level language of discourse for programmers to describe their systems and to discuss solutions to common problems This language comprises the names of recognizable patterns and their . x0 y0 w0 h1" alt="" C# 3. 0 Design Patterns Other Microsoft .NET resources from O’Reilly Related titles C# 3. 0 in a Nutshell C# 3. 0 Cookbook Head First C# Head First Design Patterns Learning C#. today for free. C# 3. 0 Design Patterns Judith Bishop Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Paris • Sebastopol • Taipei • Tokyo C# 3. 0 Design Patterns by Judith Bishop Copyright © 200 8 Judith Bishop flexible lay-flat binding. ISBN 10: 0- 596-527 73- X ISBN 13: 978 -0- 596-527 73- 0 [M] In memory of my beloved father, Tom Mullins (19 20 200 7).