what is computer hardware?it is the physical part of a computer.. what are the differences between hardware and software?computer hardware is the physical part of a computer, as distingu
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1 how many mainframes did IBM think it was possible to sell in 1952?
there was 4
2 how many PCs have now been sold?
over 70 millions
3 who paid for the initial research into PCs?
Xerox Corporation
4 which company later used the results of this research to develop their operating system? Apple
5 what are commnad-bsed operating systems?
users type in commands to perform a function
6 DR/DOS is an acronym what does it stand for?
Digital Research disk operating system
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1 what is computer hardware?
it is the physical part of a computer it is what you can physically touch
2 what are the differences between hardware and software?
computer hardware is the physical part of a computer, as distinguished from the computer software
Trang 5software and data are modified frequently computer software, on the other hand, is not something you can touch
3 what compnents are included in the motherboard?
the motherboard includes many components such as: central processing unit(CPU), random access memory(RAM), firmware, and internal and external buses
4 what is the most important component in the computer? why?
the central processing unit
5 what is RAM?
it is a set of integrated circuits that allow the stored data to be accesd in any order(why it is called random)
6 what is firmware?
firmware is loaded from the ROM run from the Basic Input-Ouput System(BIOS) it is a computer program that is embeded in a hardware device, for example a microcontroller as it name suggests, firmware is somewhere between hardware and software
7 how many removable media devices are mentioned in the text? what are they?
three, they are CD, DVD and floppydisk
8 what is the most popular removable storage device?
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1 what is a computer virus?
it is a form of malicious software the piggybacks onto legitimate application code in order to spread and reproduce itself
2 how do computer virused spread in the early time? and today?
in the early time, viruses often spread form computer to computer via infected floppy disk today, viruses spread via internet
3 how many types of computer viruses are there?
there are various types of viruses
4 is it easy to remove computer viruses?
no, it isn’t
5 how do you protect your computer?
Trang 71 what is computer security?
it basically is the protection of computer systems andinformation from harm, thef, and unauthorized use it is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer system
2 what are the concerns of computer security?
they are confidentiality, integrity, availability and authentication
3 what are computer security threats?
they are possible dangers that can possibly hamper the normal functioning of your computer
4 how different are among computer security, information security and cybersecurity?
information security is securing information from unauthorized access, modification & delection computer security means securing a standalone machine by keeping it updated and patched Cybersecurity is defined as protectiong computer systems, which communicate over the computer networks
5 which are the most harmful kinds of computer security?
viruses, computer worm, phishing, botnet, rootkit and key logger
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1 what does the term “app” refer for?
it is a shortening of the term “application software”
2 what is mobile app?
it is a software application designed to run on mobile devices
3 what are app stores?
apps that are not preinstalled are available through distribution platforms called app stores
Trang 84 who operate the app stores?
they began appearing in 2008 and re tyypically operated by the owner of the mobile operating system
5 how much does the producer usually get for an expensive app?
for apps with a price, generally a percentage, 20-30% goes to the distribution provider( such as iTunes), and the rest goes to the producer of the app
6 what did the American Dialect Society call as “Word of the Year” in 2010?
the term “app”
7 why can newer smartphone be nicknamed as “app phone”?
to distinguish them from earlier less-sophisticated smartphones
8 why were later mobile apps offered for other categories?
however, public demand and the availability of developer tools drove rapid expansion into other categories
9 how many apps were Market research firm Gartner predicted to be downloaded free in 2013?
102 billion apps would be downloaded in 2013
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1 why an mobile app can be in foreground at one time?
because screen of mobile often limited
2 what is the 2nd challenge to multitasking on a mobile device?
battery power can be eaten quickly
3 how many categories of mobile devices are usually there? what are they?
two: phones and tablets
4 how is difference between sizes of moblie screen and tablet screen?
mobile screen is often smaller than tablet screen
5 what do you control multitasking in iOS by?
conforming a number of rules and behaviors when another app comes to the foreground
6 how many components are there to multitasking in android? what are they?
tow: the activity lifecycle and the use of services
7 how many parts does multitasking in windows phone have? what are they?
two: the lifecycle for pages and applications, background processes
8 which database engine does android include?