I Robot Soccer Robot Soccer Edited by Vladan Papić In-Tech intechweb.org Published by In-Teh In-Teh Olajnica 19/2, 32000 Vukovar, Croatia Abstracting and non-prot use of the material is permitted with credit to the source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. Publisher assumes no responsibility liability for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained inside. After this work has been published by the In-Teh, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are an author or editor, and the make other personal use of the work. © 2010 In-teh www.intechweb.org Additional copies can be obtained from: publication@intechweb.org First published January 2010 Printed in India Technical Editor: Goran Bajac Cover designed by Dino Smrekar Robot Soccer, Edited by Vladan Papić p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-036-0 V Preface Idea of using soccer game for promoting science and technology of articial intelligence and robotics has been presented in early 90’ of the last century. Researchers in many different scientic elds all over the world recognized this idea as an inspiring challenge. Robot soccer research is interdisciplinary, complex, demanding but most of all – fun and motivational. Obtained knowledge and results of research can easily be transferred and applied to numerous applications and projects dealing with relating elds such as robotics, electronics, mechanical engineering, articial intelligence, etc. As a consequence, we are witnesses of rapid advancement in this eld with numerous robot soccer competitions and vast number of teams and team members. The best illustration is numbers from the RoboCup 2009 world championship held in Graz, Austria which gathered around 2300 participants in over 400 teams from 44 nations. Attendance numbers at various robot soccer events shows that interest in robot soccer goes beyond the academic and R&D community. Several experts have been invited to present state of the art in this growing area. It was impossible to cover all the aspects of the research in detail but through the chapters of this book, various topics were elaborated. Among them are hardware architecture and controllers, software design, sensor and information fusion, reasoning and control, development of more robust and intelligent robot soccer strategies, AI-based paradigms, robot communication and simulations as well as some other issues such as educational aspect. Some strict partition of chapter in this book hasn’t been done because areas of research are overlapping and interweaving. However, it can be said that beginning chapters are more system - oriented with wider scope of presented research while later chapters are generally dealing with some more particular aspects of robot soccer. I would like to thank all authors for their contribution and to all those people who helped in nalisation of this project. Finally, I hope that readers will nd this book interesting and informative. Vladan Papić University of Split VII Contents Preface V 1. TheReal-timeandEmbeddedSoccerRobotControlSystem 001 CeLi,TakahiroWatanabe,ZhenyuWu,HangLiandYijieHuangfu 2. CAMBADAsoccerteam:fromrobotarchitecturetomultiagentcoordination 019 AntónioJ.R.Neves,JoséLuísAzevedo,BernardoCunha,NunoLau,JoãoSilva, FredericoSantos,GustavoCorrente,DanielA.Martins,NunoFigueiredo,ArturPereira, LuísAlmeida,LuísSeabraLopes,ArmandoJ.Pinho,JoãoRodriguesandPauloPedreiras 3. Small-sizeHumanoidSoccerRobotDesignforFIRAHuroSot 047 Ching-ChangWong,Chi-TaiCheng,Kai-HsiangHuang,Yu-TingYang, Yueh-YangHuandHsiang-MinChan 4. Humanoidsoccerplayerdesign 067 FranciscoMartín,CarlosAgüero,JoséMaríaCañasandEduardoPerdices 5. Robotsoccereducationalcourses 101 HrvojeTurić,VladimirPleština,VladanPapićandAnteKrolo 6. DistributedArchitectureforDynamicRoleBehaviourinHumanoidSoccerRobots 121 CarlosAntonioAcostaCalderon,MohanElahaRajeshandZhouChangjiu 7. EvolvingFuzzyRulesforGoal-ScoringBehaviourinRobotSoccer 139 JeffRiley 8. FIRAMirosotRobotSoccerSystemUsingFuzzyLogicAlgorithms 175 ElmerA.Maravillas,PhDandElmerP.Dadios,PhD 9. ArticialImmuneSystems,ANewComputationalTechnique forRobotSoccerStrategies 207 CamiloEduardoPrietoS.,LuisFernandoNinoV.andGerardoQuintana 10. TheRoleAssignmentinRobotSoccer 225 JiYuandong,ZuoHongtao,WangLeiandYaoJin 11. Multi-RobotSystems:Modeling,Specication,andModelChecking 241 AmmarMohammed,UlrichFurbachandFriederStolzenburg VIII 12. RFuzzy:aneasyandexpressivetoolformodellingthecognitivelayer inRoboCupSoccer 267 SusanaMuñozHernández 13. SoccerattheMicroscale:SmallRobotswithBigImpact 285 S.L.Firebaugh,J.A.PiepmeierandC.D.McGray 14. Automatedcameracalibrationforrobotsoccer 311 DonaldGBaileyandGourabSenGupta 15. OptimalOffensivePlayerPositioningintheSimulatedRoboticSoccer 337 VadimKyrylovandSergueiRazykov TheReal-timeandEmbeddedSoccerRobotControlSystem 1 TheReal-timeandEmbeddedSoccerRobotControlSystem CeLi,TakahiroWatanabe,ZhenyuWu,HangLiandYijieHuangfu X The Real-time and Embedded Soccer Robot Control System Ce Li 1 , Takahiro Watanabe 1 , Zhenyu Wu 2 , Hang Li 2 and Yijie Huangfu 2 Waseda University 1 , Japan 1 Dalian University of Technology 2 , China 2 1. Introduction Robot Soccer becomes more popular robot competition over the last decade. It is the passion of the robot fans. There are some international soccer robot organizations who divide the competitions into several leagues, each of these leagues focus on the different technologies. In this chapter, the rules and history of RoboCup Small Size League games will be introduced shortly. That can make the audience understand the current design style smoothly. Comparing the small robot with our human being, we can easily find that the mechanism looks like one’s body, the circuit looks like one’s nerve, the control logic looks like one’s cerebellum, the vision system looks like one’s eyes and the off-field computer which is used for decisions looks like one’s cerebrum. After all, the RoboCup motto is: “By the year 2050, develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can play and win against the human world champion soccer team” (Official RoboCup Org., 2007). Nowadays, with the development of LSI, the applications of FPGA make the circuit design more simple and convenient, especially for the soccer robot which always needs to be programmed in the field. A soft-core CPU which can be embedded in FPGA can fill a gap in the FPGA control logic and can also make the design more flexible. In this chapter, the circuit design configuration of our soccer robot which is developed based on FPGA is introduced, including real-time control system, the function of each module, the program flow, the performance and so on. After we got a stable control system based on single CPU in the FPGA, we start to make an attempt to embed multiple CPUs in the control system. It gets an obvious advantage of high performance that two CPUs can work at the same time. Although one CPU can meet the request of global vision, multiple CPUs could pave the way for self vision systems or more complicated control logic. 2. Background 2.1 RoboCup (Official RoboCup Org., 2007) RoboCup is an annual international competition aimed at promoting the research and development of artificial intelligence and robotic systems. The competition focuses on the development of robotics in the areas of: 1 RobotSoccer2 Multi-Agent robots planning and coordination Pattern Recognition and real time control Sensing Technology Vision Systems (both global and local cameras) Mechanical design and construction The RoboCup World Championship consists of different levels: Soccer Simulation League Small Size Robot League Middle Size Robot League Standard Platform League Humanoid League RoboCup is a competition domain designed to advance robotics and AI research through a friendly competition. Small Size robot soccer focuses on the problems of intelligent multi- agent cooperation and controlling in a highly dynamic environment with a hybrid centralized or distributed system. Vision System Multi-Agent Planning System Path Program System C Fig. 1. Overview of the entire robot system A Small Size robot soccer game takes place between two teams of five robots each. The environment of the game shows in Figure 1. Each robot must conform to the dimensions as specified in the rules: The robot must fit within a 180mm diameter circle and must be no higher than 15cm unless they use on-board vision. The robots play soccer (an orange golf ball) on a green carpeted field that is 6050mm long by 4050mm wide (Official RoboCup Org., 2007). For the detail rules,. For the detail rules, please refer RoboCup web site. Robots come in two ways, those with local on-board vision sensors and those with global vision. Global vision robots, by far the most common variety, use an overhead camera and off-field PC to identify and drive them to move around the field by wireless communication. The overhead camera is attached to a camera bar located 4m above the playing surface. Local vision robots have the sensing on themselves. The vision information is either processed onboard the robot or transmitted back to the off-field PC for processing. An off-field PC is used to communication referee commands and position information to the robots in the case of overhead vision. Typically the off-field PC also performs most, if not all, of the processing required for coordination and control of the robots. Communications is wireless and Wireless communication typically uses dedicated commercial transmitter/receiver units. Building a successful team requires clever design, implementation and integration of many hardware and software sub-components that makes small size robot soccer a very interesting and challenging domain for research and education. 2.2 System Overview The robot system is a layered set containing subsystems which perform different tasks. Figure 1 shows the flow diagram that how the system is laid out. An overview of the system is given bellow by following the flow of the information from the camera to the robots actuators (motors). The overhead digital camera captures global images of the field by 60 fps. The vision system (software installed in off-field PC) processes these images to identify and locate the robots and the ball. The environment and state information of the field are sent to the Multi-Agent Planning System (MAPS). MAPS is the highest level planner of the robot system, arranges the task of the whole team, actually, arranges each individual robot’s action and its action location. Some actions include KICK and DEFEND (Ball D., 2001). After each robot has an action, the Path Program system calculates the path for the robot to achieve its action, and optimizes path for each robot. In the robots, there is a motion system which can accelerate and decelerate the robot to the desire speed and distance by creating force limited trajectories. The motion system ensures wheel slip to a minimum. Fig. 2. The 3D assembly drawing of the small size robot [...]... system calculates the path for the robot to achieve its action, and optimizes path for each robot In the robots, there is a motion system which can accelerate and decelerate the robot to the desire speed and distance by creating force limited trajectories The motion system ensures wheel slip to a minimum Fig 2 The 3D assembly drawing of the small size robot 4 Robot Soccer 2.3 Mechanical Design The mechanical... Electrical Machines, vol 35, No.1, Jan 2007 pp 30-32, 10047018 TI Corp (2004) TMS320R2811/2 Digital Signal Processors Data Manual, pp 4-7 18 Robot Soccer CAMBADA soccer team: from robot architecture to multiagent coordination 19 2 0 CAMBADA soccer team: from robot architecture to multiagent coordination∗ António J R Neves, José Luís Azevedo, Bernardo Cunha, Nuno Lau, João Silva, Frederico Santos, Gustavo... Rodrigues and Paulo Pedreiras Transverse Activity on Intelligent Robotics, IEETA / DETI University of Aveiro, Portugal 1 Introduction Robotic soccer is nowadays a popular research domain in the area of multi -robot systems RoboCup is an international joint project to promote research in artificial intelligence, robotics and related fields RoboCup chose soccer as the main problem aiming at innovations to be applied... project ACORD, Adaptive Coordination of Robotic Teams, FCT/PTDC/EIA/70695/2006 20 Robot Soccer of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2007-2009, which confirms the efficiency of the proposed architecture This chapter is organized as follows In Section 2 it is presented the layered and modular architecture of the robot s hardware Section 3 describes the vision system of the robots, starting in the calibration of... Real-time and Embedded Soccer Robot Control System 3 required for coordination and control of the robots Communications is wireless and Wireless communication typically uses dedicated commercial transmitter/receiver units Building a successful team requires clever design, implementation and integration of many hardware and software sub-components that makes small size robot soccer a very interesting... system, and sensed information is returned through the same system There is no difference in the robots Sending commands and receiving sensed information are the responsibilities of a critical human organ, the brain The micro control system in the soccer robot is equivalent to a brain Fig 4 The Soccer Robot with Electronic Control system Acting as a metaphorical brain, the micro control system must... generate the appropriate response The off-field artificial intelligence (AI) computer does most of the required brainwork to make the robots play a recognizable game of soccer, but the on board brain translates the AI’s decisions into robotic actions and does the 6 Robot Soccer required thought-processing which is needed to maintain these actions Encoded commands are received from the AI computer via... height of 80 cm The players are capable of holonomic motion, based on three omni-directional roller wheels Fig 1 Robots used by the CAMBADA MSL robotic soccer team The general architecture of the CAMBADA robots has been described in (Almeida et al., 2004; Silva et al., 2005) Basically, the robots follow a biomorphic paradigm, each being centered on a main processing unit (a laptop), the brain, which... in our robot control system, 4 modules are mounted Fig 13 The simulation result of PWM module 16 Robot Soccer 5 Experiment Before we start to do the experiment, we should know what we could do, and what the result that we want to get is We pay more attention to the system design, and test whether the system can work with the module of motor control and wireless Fig 14 The Architecture of our robot. .. improve the performance Figure 3 shows the 3D assembly drawing of the small size robot chassis with brushless motors Fig 3 The 3D assembly drawing of the small size robot chassis with brushless motors Kicker The robots feature a powerful kicking mechanism that is able to project the golf ball at 6.2m/s The kicking mechanism for the Robots is a crossbow and uses a solenoid to generate the energy The kicking . 1. Introduction Robot Soccer becomes more popular robot competition over the last decade. It is the passion of the robot fans. There are some international soccer robot organizations who. 337 VadimKyrylovandSergueiRazykov TheReal-timeandEmbedded Soccer Robot ControlSystem 1 TheReal-timeandEmbedded Soccer Robot ControlSystem CeLi,TakahiroWatanabe,ZhenyuWu,HangLiandYijieHuangfu X The Real-time and Embedded Soccer Robot. development of artificial intelligence and robotic systems. The competition focuses on the development of robotics in the areas of: 1 Robot Soccer2 Multi-Agent robots planning and coordination