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Learning TheoriesAn Educational Perspective pot

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Cấu trúc

  • Cover

  • Title Page

  • Copyright Page

  • Contents

  • Preface


  • 1 Introduction to the Study of Learning

    • Learning Defined

    • Precursors of Modern Learning Theories

      • Learning Theory and Philosophy

      • Beginnings of the Psychological Study of Learning

      • Structuralism and Functionalism

    • Learning Theory and Research

      • Functions of Theory

      • Conducting Research

    • Assessment of Learning

      • Direct Observations

      • Written Responses

      • Oral Responses

      • Ratings by Others

      • Self-reports

    • Relation of Learning and Instruction

      • Historical Perspective

      • Instructional Commonalities

      • Integration of Theory and Practice

    • Critical Issues for Learning Theories

      • How Does Learning Occur?

      • What is the Role of Memory?

      • What is the Role of Motivation?

      • How Does Transfer Occur?

      • Which Processes are Involved in Self-regulation?

      • What are the Implications for Instruction?

    • Three Learning Scenarios

      • Kathy Stone’s Third-grade Class

      • Jim Marshall’s U.S. History Class

      • Gina Brown’s Educational Psychology Class

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 2 Neuroscience of Learning

    • Organization and Structures

      • Neural Organization

      • Brain Structures

      • Localization and Interconnections

      • Brain Research Methods

    • Neurophysiology of Learning

      • Information Processing System

      • Memory Networks

      • Language Learning

    • Brain Development

      • Influential Factors

      • Phases of Development

      • Critical Periods

      • Language Development

    • Motivation and Emotions

      • Motivation

      • Emotions

    • Instructional Applications

      • Relevance of Brain Research

      • Educational Issues

      • Brain-based Educational Practices

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 3 Behaviorism

    • Connectionism

      • Trial-and-error Learning

      • Laws of Exercise and Effect

      • Other Principles

      • Revisions to Thorndike’s Theory

      • Thorndike and Education

    • Classical Conditioning

      • Basic Processes

      • Informational Variables

      • Biological Influences

      • Conditioned Emotional Reactions

    • Contiguous Conditioning

      • Acts and Movements

      • Associative Strength

      • Rewards and Punishments

      • Habit Formation and Change

    • Operant Conditioning

      • Conceptual Framework

      • Basic Processes

      • Behavioral Change

      • Behavior Modification

      • Self-regulation

    • Instructional Applications

      • Behavioral Objectives

      • Learning Time

      • Mastery Learning

      • Programmed Instruction

      • Contingency Contracts

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 4 Social Cognitive Theory

    • Conceptual Framework for Learning

      • Reciprocal Interactions

      • Enactive and Vicarious Learning

      • Learning and Performance

      • Self-regulation

    • Modeling Processes

      • Theories of Imitation

      • Functions of Modeling

      • Cognitive Skill Learning

      • Motor Skill Learning

    • Influences on Learning and Performance

      • Developmental Status of Learners

      • Model Prestige and Competence

      • Vicarious Consequences to Models

    • Motivational Processes

      • Goals

      • Outcome Expectations

      • Values

    • Self-Efficacy

      • Conceptual Overview

      • Self-efficacy in Achievement Situations

      • Models and Self-efficacy

      • Motor Skills

      • Instructional Self-efficacy

      • Health and Therapeutic Activities

    • Instructional Applications

      • Models

      • Self-efficacy

      • Worked Examples

      • Tutoring and Mentoring

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 5 Information Processing Theory

    • Information Processing System

      • Assumptions

      • Two-store (dual) Memory Model

      • Alternatives to the Two-store Model

    • Attention

      • Theories of Attention

      • Attention and Learning

      • Attention and Reading

    • Perception

      • Gestalt Theory

      • Sensory Registers

      • LTM Comparisons

    • Two-Store Memory Model

      • Verbal Learning

      • Short-term (working) Memory

      • Long-term Memory

      • Influences on Encoding

    • Long-Term Memory: Storage

      • Propositions

      • Storage of Knowledge

      • Production Systems and Connectionist Models

    • Long-Term Memory: Retrieval and Forgetting

      • Retrieval

      • Language Comprehension

      • Forgetting

    • Mental Imagery

      • Representation of Spatial Information

      • Imagery in LTM

      • Individual Differences

    • Instructional Applications

      • Advance Organizers

      • Conditions of Learning

      • Cognitive Load

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 6 Constructivism

    • Constructivism: Assumptions and Perspectives

      • Overview

      • Perspectives

      • Situated Cognition

      • Contributions and Applications

    • Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

      • Developmental Processes

      • Implications for Instruction

    • Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

      • Background

      • Basic Principles

      • Zone of Proximal Development

      • Applications

      • Critique

    • Private Speech and Socially Mediated Learning

      • Private Speech

      • Verbalization and Achievement

      • Socially Mediated Learning

      • Self-regulation

    • Motivation

      • Contextual Factors

      • Implicit Theories

      • Teachers’ Expectations

    • Constructivist Learning Environments

      • Key Features

      • APA Learner-Centered Principles

    • Instructional Applications

      • Discovery Learning

      • Inquiry Teaching

      • Peer-assisted Learning

      • Discussions and Debates

      • Reflective Teaching

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 7 Cognitive Learning Processes

    • Skill Acquisition

      • General and Specific Skills

      • Novice-to-expert Research Methodology

      • Expert-novice Differences in Science

    • Conditional Knowledge and Metacognition

      • Conditional Knowledge

      • Metacognition and Learning

      • Variables Influencing Metacognition

      • Metacognition and Behavior

      • Metacognition and Reading

    • Concept Learning

      • The Nature of Concepts

      • Concept Attainment

      • Teaching of Concepts

      • Motivational Processes

    • Problem Solving

      • Historical Influences

      • Heuristics

      • Problem-Solving Strategies

      • Problem Solving and Learning

      • Experts and Novices

      • Reasoning

      • Implications for Instruction

    • Transfer

      • Historical Views

      • Activation of Knowledge in Memory

      • Types of Transfer

      • Strategy Transfer

      • Teaching for Transfer

    • Technology and Instruction

      • Computer-based Learning Environments

      • Distance Learning

      • Future Directions

    • Instructional Applications

      • Worked Examples

      • Writing

      • Mathematics

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 8 Motivation

    • Historical Perspectives

      • Drive Theory

      • Conditioning Theory

      • Cognitive Consistency Theory

      • Humanistic Theory

    • Model of Motivated Learning

      • Pretask

      • During Task

      • Posttask

    • Achievement Motivation

      • Expectancy-value Theory

      • Familial Influences

      • Contemporary Model of Achievement Motivation

      • Self-worth Theory

      • Task and Ego Involvement

    • Attribution Theory

      • Locus of Control

      • Naïve Analysis of Action

      • Attribution Theory of Achievement

    • Social Cognitive Theory

      • Goals and Expectations

      • Social Comparison

    • Goal Theory

      • Goal Orientations

      • Conceptions of Ability

    • Perceived Control

      • Control Beliefs

      • Learned Helplessness

      • Students with Learning Problems

    • Self-Concept

      • Dimensions and Development

      • Self-concept and Learning

    • Intrinsic motivation

      • Theoretical Perspectives

      • Overjustification and Reward

    • Instructional Applications

      • Achievement Motivation Training

      • Attribution Change Programs

      • Goal Orientations

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 9 Self-Regulation

    • Behavioral Theory

      • Self-monitoring

      • Self-instruction

      • Self-reinforcement

    • Social Cognitive Theory

      • Conceptual Framework

      • Social Cognitive Processes

      • Cyclical Nature of Self-regulation

      • Social and Self Influences

    • Information Processing Theory

      • Model of Self-regulation

      • Learning Strategies

    • Constructivist Theory

      • Sociocultural Influences

      • Implicit Theories

    • Motivation and Self-Regulation

      • Volition

      • Values

      • Self-schemas

      • Help Seeking

    • Instructional Applications

      • Academic Studying

      • Writing

      • Mathematics

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • 10 Development

    • Beginnings of the Scientific Study of Development

      • Historical Foundations

      • Philosophical Foundations

      • The Child Study Movement

    • Perspectives on Development

      • Issues Relevant to Learning

      • Types of Developmental Theories

      • Structural Theories

    • Bruner’s Theory of Cognitive Growth

      • Knowledge Representation

      • Spiral Curriculum

    • Contemporary Developmental Themes

      • Developmental Changes

      • Developmentally Appropriate Instruction

      • Transitions in Schooling

    • Family Influences

      • Socioeconomic Status

      • Home Environment

      • Parental Involvement

      • Electronic Media

    • Motivation and Development

      • Developmental Changes

      • Implications

    • Instructional Applications

      • Learning Styles

      • Case’s Instructional Model

      • Teacher-student Interactions

    • Summary

    • Further Reading

  • Glossary

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    • Q

    • R

    • S

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    • U

    • V

    • W

    • X

    • Z

  • References

  • Author Index

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    • Y

    • Z

  • Subject Index

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    • Z

Nội dung

[...]... This book is about how human learning occurs, which factors influence it, and how learning principles apply in various educational contexts Animal learning is de-emphasized, which is not intended to downgrade its importance because we have gained much knowledge about learning from animal research But human learning is fundamentally different from animal learning because human learning is more complex,... focuses on cognitive views of learning, which contend that learning involves changes in learners’ cognitions—their thoughts, beliefs, skills, and the like These theories differ in how they predict that learning occurs—in the processes of learning and in what aspects of learning they stress Thus, some theories are oriented more toward basic learning and others toward applied learning (and, within that,... of different methods of assessing learning ■ State some instructional principles common to many learning theories ■ Explicate the ways that learning theory and educational practice complement and refine one another ■ Explain differences between behavioral and cognitive theories with respect to various issues in the study of learning LEARNING DEFINED People agree that learning is important, but they hold... consequences of learning There is no one definition of learning that is universally accepted by theorists, researchers, and practitioners (Shuell, 1986) Although people disagree about the precise nature of learning, the following is a general definition of learning that is consistent with this book’s cognitive focus and that captures the criteria most educational professionals consider central to learning Learning... Criteria of learningLearning involves change ■ Learning endures over time ■ Learning occurs through experience Let us examine this definition in depth to identify three criteria for learning (Table 1.1) One criterion is that learning involves change—in behavior or in the capacity for behavior People learn when they become capable of doing something differently At the same time, we must remember that learning. .. early psychological views on learning This review is selective and includes historical material relevant to learning in educational settings Readers interested in a comprehensive discussion should consult other sources (Bower & Hilgard, 1981; Heidbreder, 1933; Hunt, 1993) Introduction to the Study of Learning 5 Learning Theory and Philosophy From a philosophical perspective, learning can be discussed... self-reports cautiously to minimize potential problems 18 Chapter 1 RELATION OF LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION Historical Perspective We have seen how theories and research findings help to advance the field of learning Their ultimate contribution, however, must be to improve teaching that promotes learning Although it may seem odd, historically there was little overlap between the fields of learning and instruction... idea that instruction and learning interact and are best studied in concert Instructional research can have a profound impact on learning theories and their applications to promote student learning (Glaser, 1990; Glaser & Bassok, 1989; Pianta & Hamre, 2009) Instructional Commonalities Regardless of perspective, most learning theories share principles that are predicted to enhance learning from instruction... examine their beliefs and assumptions about learning rather than decide which type of theorist they are This is good advice Once it is clear in our minds where we stand on learning in general, then the theoretical perspective or perspectives that are most relevant will emerge As you study this text, it will help if you reflect on your beliefs and assumptions about learning and decide how these align with... the study of learning Initially, learning is defined and examined in settings where it occurs An overview is given of some important philosophical and psychological precursors of contemporary theories that helped to establish the groundwork for the application of learning theories to education The roles of learning theory and research are discussed, and methods commonly used to assess learning are . of Learning 1 Learning Defined 3 Precursors of Modern Learning Theories 4 Learning Theory and Philosophy 5 Beginnings of the Psychological Study of Learning 7 Structuralism and Functionalism 8 Learning. 1993). Table 1.1 Criteria of learning. ■ Learning involves change ■ Learning endures over time ■ Learning occurs through experience Introduction to the Study of Learning 5 Learning Theory and Philosophy From. study of learning. LEARNING DEFINED People agree that learning is important, but they hold different views on the causes, processes, and consequences of learning. There is no one definition of learning

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2014, 05:20