Question 4: Migration is an excellent example of how nature has responded to the biological imperative for species to evolve and spread out into all possible ecological niches that can p
Trang 1I Vocabulary
9 sedimentation n /ˌsedɪmenˈteɪʃən/ sự lắng đọng
13 unerringly adv /ʌnˈɜːrɪŋli/ luôn trúng đích, không sai lệch
19 integrity n /ɪnˈteɡrɪti/ tính chân thực, tính liêm chính
24 indecency n /ɪnˈdiːsənsi/ sự không đứng đắn, sự không chỉnh tề
Trang 238 frigid a /ˈfrɪdʒɪd / lạnh lẽo, băng giá
phủ đứng dầu
II Structures
4 step up = take action bước lên, tiến lại, hành động
6 call into question/cast doubt on St nghi ngờ
7 fight like cat and dog/have angry arguments all the time = violently argue: cãi nhau chí chóe
8 work like a charm/be completely successful or effective: thành công rực rỡ
Trang 311 put forward đề xuất
13 throw up one's hand in horror = be shocked: bị sốc
III Practice exercise 12
Mark the letter A, B, C, orD on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A rumor is floating about that the businessman is getting ready to waste millions again in a
futile attempt to become governor, but that's relevant only to the coyotes who will take his money
Question 2: Surveying the bare earth, he concluded that the island had suffered some natural c alamity
that had denuded it of vegetation and triggered a decline in rainfall that was turning the place into a desert
Question 3: Water quality in nearby streams and rivers also deteriorates as tree loss contributes to increased
Question 4: Migration is an excellent example of how nature has responded to the biological imperative for species to evolve and spread out into all possible ecological niches that can provide the conditions
necessary for species to breed and raise young
Question 5: How birds manage to unerringly travel between distant locations is one aspect that has
fascinated observers for centuries
A accurately B incorrectly C successfully D independently
Question 6: Most studies have found that migratory birds all have some ability to navigate and an innate
drive to travel in a particular direction
A draw a map B give directions C find their way D migrate
Question 7: With sailors planting several thousand trees a year, the bare white mountain was soon
c loaked in green and renamed Green Mountain.
Question 8: It simply won't work for scientists to continue to appeal to the weight of the evidence, while
refusing to discuss the integrity of their profession
Question 9: Winning back public confidence is a marathon, not a sprint, but you can't win at all if you don't step up to the starting line.
Question 10: He claimed the cabbie had assaulted him, setting about him with a wheel brace and then
trying to run him over
Question 11: Apparently, these concerns had been raised before, even by an outfit whose reliability as a watchdog has been called into question recently.
Trang 4A believed B doubted C demanded D trained
Question 12: Their relationship was passionate and never dull, with great highs when their love seemed
to overwhelm them and huge lows when they fought like cat and dog
C didn't talk to each other D easily made friends
Question 13: I went about it with military precision, having long lists of everything that needed to be
done at what time, and it worked like a charm
A was completely successful B was totally failed
C turned out to be a disaster D became a feat
Question 14: My point in doing all this is that the Federal Communications Commission's indecency
‘standard' remains about as clear as mud
C clear enough to understand D too clear to understand
Question 15: The sudden rise in poll fortunes last month, when the party was neck and neck with Labour for
the first time in a decade, appears to have been little more than a blip
Mark the letter A, B, Q or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 16: Although this was an improvement, the braking distance the trains required was more than the 100 feet of track that were i lluminated
Question 17: The protected woodlands in Hazelwood will remain largely untouched, but proposals have been put forward that they be opened up to pedestrians via a series of walkways.
Question 18: Despite excellent entertainment for dyed-in-the-wool fans, the sameness of this series was
p ointed up when a really imaginative director was put to work on one of them.
A understated B highlighted C emphasized D exaggerated
Question 19: To understand why India enjoys such impunity, we need to go into the history of the
commission set up in 1946
Question 20: Logging can also damage aquatic habitats Vegetation along rivers and stream banks helps
maintain a steady water flow by blocking the entry of soil and other residue, and tree shade inhibits the
growth of algae Removing trees o bliterates these benefits.
Question 21: Successful desert plants are resilient to scorching summers and frigid winters, drought, and
high-salt conditions
Question 22: Modern ecologists throw up their hands in horror at what they see as Hookers
environmental anarchy
A are shocked B are amazed C are disappointed D are calm
Question 23: The exotic species wrecked the indigenous ecosystem, s queezing out the islands endemic
Question 24: The new arrivals may just be an adornment, with little structural importance for the ecosystem But to Wilkinson, this sounds like clutching at straws
Trang 5Question 25: At least four endemic species have gone extinct on Ascension since the exotics started arriving But in their urgency to protect endemics, ecologists are missing out on the study of a great
Question 26: If news of an outbreak came from abroad, relations with the affected country were
s uspended.
Question 27: Public opinion has moved toward the view that scientists often try to s uppress alternative
hypotheses and ideas and that scientists will withhold data and try to manipulate some aspects of peer review to prevent dissent
Question 28: But some of the weird writing calls that composer to mind, especially in the more reflective
moments of the second movement
A recalls that composer B forgets that composer
C reminds that composer D distracts that composer
Question 29: Some successful scientists make their careers by hammering away at one experimental technique that they are good at, and by gathering a gang of co¬workers to do the donkey work
A hard and boring work B exhausting and difficult work
C interesting and simple work D exciting and challenging work
Question 30: The young politician was in the news every day for weeks, but now he seems to have f allen
o ff the radar.