ADVANCED BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGIES Edited by Girija Chetty and Jucheng Yang Advanced Biometric Technologies Edited by Girija Chetty and Jucheng Yang Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. 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ISBN 978-953-307-487-0 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at Contents Preface IX Part 1 Biometric Fusion 1 Chapter 1 Multimodal Fusion for Robust Identity Authentication: Role of Liveness Checks 3 Girija Chetty and Emdad Hossain Chapter 2 Multimodal Biometric Person Recognition System Based on Multi-Spectral Palmprint Features Using Fusion of Wavelet Representations 21 Abdallah Meraoumia, Salim Chitroub and Ahmed Bouridane Chapter 3 Audio-Visual Biometrics and Forgery 43 Hanna Greige and Walid Karam Chapter 4 Face and ECG Based Multi-Modal Biometric Authentication 67 Ognian Boumbarov, Yuliyan Velchev, Krasimir Tonchev and Igor Paliy Chapter 5 Biometrical Fusion – Input Statistical Distribution 87 Luis Puente, María Jesús Poza, Belén Ruíz and Diego Carrero Part 2 Novel Biometric Applications 111 Chapter 6 Normalization of Infrared Facial Images under Variant Ambient Temperatures 113 Yu Lu, Jucheng Yang, Shiqian Wu, Zhijun Fang and Zhihua Xie Chapter 7 Use of Spectral Biometrics for Aliveness Detection 133 Davar Pishva Chapter 8 A Contactless Biometric System Using Palm Print and Palm Vein Features 155 Goh Kah Ong Michael, Tee Connie and Andrew Beng Jin Teoh VI Contents Chapter 9 Liveness Detection in Biometrics 179 Martin Drahanský Part 3 Advanced Methods and Algorithms 199 Chapter 10 Fingerprint Recognition 201 Amira Saleh, Ayman Bahaa and A. Wahdan Chapter 11 A Gender Detection Approach 225 Marcos del Pozo-Baños, Carlos M. Travieso, Jaime R. Ticay-Rivas, and Jesús B. Alonso Chapter 12 Improving Iris Recognition Performance Using Quality Measures 241 Nadia Feddaoui, Hela Mahersia and Kamel Hamrouni Chapter 13 Application of LCS Algorithm to Authenticate Users within Their Mobile Phone Through In-Air Signatures 265 Javier Guerra-Casanova, Carmen Sánchez-Ávila, Gonzalo Bailador-del Pozo and Alberto de Santos Chapter 14 Performance Comparison of Principal Component Analysis-Based Face Recognition in Color Space 281 Seunghwan Yoo, Dong-Gyu Sim, Young-Gon Kim and Rae-Hong Park Part 4 Other Biometric Technologies 297 Chapter 15 Block Coding Schemes Designed for Biometric Authentication 299 Vladimir B. Balakirsky and A. J. Han Vinck Chapter 16 Perceived Age Estimation from Face Images 325 Kazuya Ueki, Yasuyuki Ihara and Masashi Sugiyama Chapter 17 Cell Biometrics Based on Bio-Impedance Measurements 343 Alberto Yúfera, Alberto Olmo, Paula Daza and Daniel Cañete Chapter 18 Hand Biometrics in Mobile Devices 367 Alberto de Santos-Sierra, Carmen Sanchez-Avila, Javier Guerra-Casanova and Aitor Mendaza-Ormaza Preface The methods for human identity authentication based on biometrics – the physiological and behavioural characteristics of a person have been evolving continuously and seen significant improvement in performance and robustness over the last few years. However, most of the systems reported perform well in controlled operating scenarios, and their performance deteriorates significantly under real world operating conditions, and far from satisfactory in terms of robustness and accuracy, vulnerability to fraud and forgery, and use of acceptable and appropriate authentication protocols. To address these challenges, and the requirements of new and emerging applications, and for seamless diffusion of biometrics in society, there is a need for development of novel paradigms and protocols, and improved algorithms and authentication techniques. This book volume on “Advanced Biometric Technologies” is dedicated to the work being pursued by researchers around the world in this area, and includes some of the recent findings and their applications to address the challenges and emerging requirements for biometric based identity authentication systems. The book consists of 18 Chapters and is divided into four sections namely novel approaches, .advanced algorithms, emerging applications and multimodal fusion. Chapter 1 to 4 group some novel biometric traits and computational approaches for identity recognition task. In Chapter 1, authors examine the effect of ambient temperatures on infra-red face recognition performance, and propose novel normalization techniques to alleviate the effect of ambient temperature variations for thermal images. In Chapter 2, the authors show that it quite possible to use spectral biometrics as a complementary information to prevent spoofing of existing biometric technology. They propose an aliveness detection method based on spectral biometrics that ensures the identity decision obtained through primary biometrics comes from a living authentic person, Chapter 3 presents another novel biometric trait to recognizing identity - a low resolution contactless palm print and palm vein biometric for identity recognition. To obtain useful representation of the palm print and vein modalities, authors propose a new technique called directional coding. This method represents the biometric features in bit string format which enable speedy matching and convenient storage. In addition, authors propose a new image quality measure which can be incorporated to improve the performance of the recognition system. X Preface Chapter 4 examines the importance of liveness detection for fingerprint recognition systems, and authors present a detailed treatment of liveness detection for fingerprints here. Chapter 5 to 9 report some advanced computational algorithms for authenticating identity. In Chapter 5, authors propose a novel fast minutiae-based matching algorithm for fingerprint recognition. In Chapter 6, gender classification problem using facial images is considered, and authors propose several pre-processing algorithms based on PCA, JADE-ICA and an LS-SVM. In Chapter 8, the problem of security in mobile devices is considered and authors propose an interesting technique based on the use of handwritten biometric signatures adapted to mobiles. The technique is based on recognizing an identifying gesture carried out in the air. In Chapter 9, authors evaluate PCA-based face recognition algorithms in various color spaces and show how color information can be beneficial for face recognition with SV, YCbCr, and YCg‘Cr‘ color spaces as the most appropriate spaces for authenticating identity. Chapter 10 to 13 is a collection of works on emerging biometric applications. In Chapter 10, the authors introduced three novel ideas for perceived age estimation from face images: taking into account the human age perception for improving the prediction accuracy , clustering based active learning for reducing the sampling cost, and alleviating the influence of lighting condition change. Chapter 11 is an interesting emerging biometric application, and the authors here proposed a novel stress detection system using only two physiological signals (HR and GSR) providing a precise output indicating to what extent a user is under a stressing stimulus. Main characteristics of this system is an outstanding accuracy in detecting stress when compared to previous approaches in literature. In Chapter 12, authors proposed a direct authentication and an additive coding scheme using mathematical model for the DNA measurements. Finally, in Chapter 13, the authors develop several methods for measuring and identifying cells involved in a variety of experiments, including cell cultures. The focus was on obtaining models of the sensor system employed for data acquisition, and on using them to extract relevant information such as cell size, density, growth rate, dosimetry, etc. The final section of the book, includes some innovative algorithms and its applications based on fusion of multiple biometric modalities and includes Chapter 14 to 18. In Chapter 14, authors propose a set of algorithms to fuse the information from multi- spectral palmprint images where fusion is performed at the matching score level to generate a unique score which is then used for recognizing a palmprint image. Authors examined several fusion rules including SUM, MIN, MAX and WHT for the fusion of the multi-spectral palmprint at the matching score level. The authors in Chapter 15 further reinforced the benefits achieved by fusion of multiple biometric modalities with a detailed treatment on fusion techniques and normalization. The authors conclude that the improvement in error rates are directly linked to the number [...]... applications of biometrics are rapidly increasing due to inconveniences in using traditional identification method Biometrics refers to the technologies that can automate the recognition of persons based on one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits Currently, a number of biometric based technologies have been developed and hand-based person identification is one of these technologies This... authentication approaches and consider inclusion of liveness checks for next generation biometric systems Though there is some work in finger print based liveness checking techniques (Goecke and Millar (2003), Molhom et al (2002)), there is hardly any work in liveness checks based on user- 4 Advanced Biometric Technologies friendly biometric identifiers (face and voice), which enjoy more acceptability for civilian... different cross modal association techniques: Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) technique, Cross-modal Factor Analysis (CFA) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) technique is described next 6 Advanced Biometric Technologies 3.1 Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Latent semantic analysis (LSA) is used as a powerful tool in text information retrieval to discover underlying semantic relationships between different... possible Since we have: XA YB 2 F trace ( XA XB ) (YA YB ) T trace XAAT X T YBBT Y T XABT Y T YBAT X T trace ( XX T ) trace(YY T ) 2 trace( XABT Y T ) (10) 8 Advanced Biometric Technologies where the trace of a matrix is defined to be the sum of the diagonal elements We can easily see from above that matrices A and B which maximise trace (XABTYT) will minimise (10)... reliabilitybased weighted summation rule (Nefian et al(2002), Movellan and Mineiro(1997)) In fact, the most generic way of computing the joint scores can be expressed as a weighted summation 10 Advanced Biometric Technologies N (r ) wn log P( f n |r ) for r 1, 2, , R (19) n1 where n (r ) is the logarithm of the class-conditional probability, P( f n r ) , for the nth modality fn given class... classifier is classified to a suitable c value; also, the secondary classifier is trained by determining the parameters of the sigmoid mapping Fig 1 System Overview of Hybrid Fusion Method 12 Advanced Biometric Technologies The described method can be employed to combine any two modules It can also be adapted to include a third module We assume here that only the audio signal is degraded when testing,... evaluation data and test data If the evaluation data is not representative of the test data, then the apriori threshold will achieve significantly different results on evaluation and test 14 Advanced Biometric Technologies data Moreover, such a database division reduces the number of verification tests, thus decreasing the statistical significance of the results For these reasons, many researchers... modelling of identity specific mutually independent, loosely coupled and closed coupled audio-visual speech components with this approach, resulting in an enhancement in overall performance 16 Advanced Biometric Technologies VidTIMIT male subset DaFeX male subset Modality CFA EER (%) CCA EER (%) LSA EER (%) CFA EER (%) CCA EER (%) LSA EER (%) f mfcc 4.88 4.88 4.88 5 7 5 7 5 7 f eigLip 6.2 6.2 6.2 7.64... Authentication: Role of Liveness Checks Fig 4 DET curves for hybrid fusion of correlated audio-lip features and mutually independent audio-lip features for static replay attack scenario 17 18 Advanced Biometric Technologies correlation measures model the nonlinear acoustic-labial temporal correlations for the speaking faces during speech production, and can enhance the system robustness against replay... Proc International Conference on Spoken Language Processing [18] MacDonald J, & McGurk H (1978), “Visual influences on speech perception process” Perception and Psychophysics, 24, 253-257 20 Advanced Biometric Technologies [19] Mana N, Cosi P, Tisato G, Cavicchio F, Magno E and Pianesi F(2006) An Italian Database of Emotional Speech and Facial Expressions, In Proceedings of "Workshop on Emotion: Corpora . ADVANCED BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGIES Edited by Girija Chetty and Jucheng Yang Advanced Biometric Technologies Edited by Girija Chetty. of biometrics in society, there is a need for development of novel paradigms and protocols, and improved algorithms and authentication techniques. This book volume on Advanced Biometric Technologies . al (2002)), there is hardly any work in liveness checks based on user- Advanced Biometric Technologies 4 friendly biometric identifiers (face and voice), which enjoy more acceptability for