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Research proposal EFL Teachers’ Barriers in Teaching English at Long Xuyen High School.

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Tiêu đề EFL Teachers’ Barriers in Teaching English at Long Xuyen High School
Tác giả Lê Thị Ngọc Ánh, Hà Quách Tấn Đạt, Lâm Mai Tường Vi, Nguyễn Thị Tường Vy
Người hướng dẫn Trần Thị Thanh Huế
Trường học An Giang University
Chuyên ngành Educational Research
Thể loại Research Proposal
Định dạng
Số trang 24
Dung lượng 204,89 KB
File đính kèm RESEARCH PROPOSAL- learning Writing in high school.rar (197 KB)

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tài liệu nghiên cứu khoa học EFL Teachers’ Barriers in Teaching English at Long Xuyen High School. tài liệu bao gồm 3 chapter, intro, review và the research methods. cảm ơn các bạn đã tin tưởng và chúc các bạn thành công.

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RESEARCH PROPOSAL TITLE: EFL Teachers’ Barriers in Teaching English at Long Xuyen High School.

SUBJECT: Educational Research

STUDENTS: Lê Thị Ngọc Ánh- DTA197364

Hà Quách Tấn Đạt- DTA197362

Lâm Mai Tường Vi- DTA197410

Nguyễn Thị Tường Vy- DTA197353


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Chapter I: Introduction 4

1 Background 4

2 The purpose of the research 6

3 The research question 6

4 The significance of the research 6

5 Key term 7

Chapter 2: Literature Review 8

1 Teaching English as a foreign language in Vietnam 8

2 Previous research findings 8

2.1 The difficulties of teaching English language: The relationship between research and teaching 8

2.2 Problems of teaching and learning spoken English in Sudan 9

2.3 Difficulties in teaching English for specific purposes: Empirical study at Vietnam Universities 9

2.4 Difficulties that English teachers encounter while teaching listening comprehension and their attitudes towards them 10

2.5 Challenges in teaching English faced by English teachers in Indonesia 11

3 Common difficulties in teaching English 11

4 Conceptual framework 12

Chapter 3: Research Method 13

1 Research participants 13

2 Research design 13

3 Research instruments 15

3.1 Interview 15

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3.2 Observation 15

4 Data collection procedure 16

5 Data analysis 18

6 Time-frame 19

References 20

Appendix 22

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Chapter I: Introduction

1 Background

Language is utilized by everyone to convey feelings, views, ideas, and objectives.Communication between individuals is facilitated by language According to Brown (2006),language is a set of arbitrary conventionalized spoken, written, or gestural symbols that allowmembers of a particular group to understand one another This indicates that language is a kind

of communication Alternatively said, language is a form of inter-communal communication.Information exchange is an important aspect of interpersonal engagement To communicate,everyone utilizes language Without language, humans are unable to communicate verbally orgive information to others To interact with other people, language should be essential Obtaininginformation allows people to expand their understanding Language and human behavior areclosely related to one another It indicates that language is employed to communicate how wefeel in order to gather information throughout daily tasks

In every discussion activity or discourse, everyone requires language to communicate theirthoughts, feelings, and emotions On the other hand, written language is employed in publicinformation like books, journals, magazines, research…

There are many kinds of language that are used to communicate One of them is English.According to Syamsinar Mappiasse & Sihes (2014), English has become the most spokenlanguage in the world of today Thus, the ability in using English is very important for everyone

As stated by Lauder (2008), English is being used for following technological and scientificimprovements and also for better job opportunities That shows that English plays an importantrole in many aspects in our life, such as in education, business, politic… As a result, bothdeveloped and developing nations should be aware that learning and mastering English is crucial

In nations where English is not the native tongue, teaching English has become a significantconcern As a result, learning a second language can be challenging for students because they areunable to use their new language in everyday settings and are instead expected to learn grammar

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rules from textbooks rather than in a practical setting Because of the numerous problems theyface and the frequent questions they have regarding the most effective teaching methods,teachers should always seek out practical alternatives to ease the hardships of teaching theEnglish language EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers work with non-native Englishspeakers and help them practice their language skills by instructing them on reading, writing andconverse effectively in English Many EFL teachers work in public education, helping children

of all ages learn English (Wikimedia Foundation)

Nowadays, having English as a second language is more of a benefit than a commodity It isstudied and used all over the world as an official language, a second language, or a foreignlanguage, and it is developing quickly as a global language It is unlikely that what people orkids learn in school or at home qualifies as the language spoken by native speakers It is ourintention to show that students at Long Xuyen High School do not receive regular, informalspeaking practice, and to offer solutions for addressing this issue This is the problemencountered by Long Xuyen High School students who study a foreign language mostly throughbooks and have little to no interaction with native speakers when they are thrust into real-worldsettings where they must deal with native speakers The challenges students face span fromlinguistic and lexical gaps to grammar and communication problems, to cultural ones Thevariety that students encounter is as varied as the spread of English and keeps evolving daily Inthis regard, Crystal (1997) acknowledged that even the best teaching English, which is used farmore than any other during a typical speaking lifespan, is not without its flaws

In Vietnam, there has been little success with teaching English as a foreign language Previousstudies have demonstrated that there are serious issues with the teaching of English as a foreignlanguage in the setting of Vietnam, including low teacher competency, low student motivation,and low English proficiency success among students The standing and success of English as aforeign language are significantly influenced by its teaching Because English is not utilized toteach language in the classroom or as a means of communication during social interactions,students often only encounter a tiny quantity of English within and outside the classroom Theburden of ensuring that students study English in a friendly environment and bringing effectivelanguage learning into the classroom falls squarely on English teachers as a result of this

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absence Thus, teaching English as a foreign language requires a variety of complicated skills inaddition to teachers' language proficiency and teaching abilities (Van, 2018).

Based on the researcher’s experiences during observation and teaching practice in Vietnam, theresearcher identified a few issues and challenges that frequently arise, particularly for theteachers, during the teaching and learning process in the classroom The first is that the kids didnot comprehend the teacher's topic The second is that pupils don't care about learning, especiallywhen it comes to conversational speaking training and their pronunciation is still poor In thissituation, English teachers must choose some effective teaching methods and come up with newways for students and teachers to communicate their thoughts during the teaching and learningprocess in the classroom

Based on the above explanation, we recognize the necessity of the topic and the motivation tocarry out a qualitative research about “EFL Teacher’s Barriers in Teaching English at LongXuyen High School” Though there are a substantial number of studies in literature carried out toreveal the difficult of English teaching experienced by teachers at Long Xuyen High School, few

of them provides a deep understanding of this phenomenon For that reason, this research aims tofind out the hardship faced by EFL teachers at Long Xuyen High School in their teachingperformance

2 The purpose of the research

The main goal of the research is identify some general difficulties EFL teachers are dealing withwhen they teach English at Long Xuyen High School

3 The research question

The study tries to find answers to the following question:

 What are the problems EFL teachers at Long Xuyen High School encounter whenteaching English?

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4 The significance of the research

The finding of the research is expected to give some benefits Firstly, for the researchers, thegoal of researchers is to advance knowledge, and with this research, we are subsequentlyprepared to transition into innovative, professional teachers of English Secondly, for the teacher,this research results can be a consideration and input in overcoming the difficulties that havebeen a problem in teaching the English language Thirdly, for the students are expected toreceive lessons from the teacher without any difficulties, so that the lesson can be easy tounderstand Finally, for other researchers, this study can serve as a model for related studies andinspiration for other researchers

The development of superior English abilities is just beginning for High School students It takes

a lengthy and difficult period of learning because they studied using outdated traditionaltechnology (performing grammatical exercises) Additionally, students lack the basic writingskills necessary for effective authoring, have a restricted vocabulary, and exhibit poor sentencestructure and grammar According to Moses & Mohamad (2019), a lack of vocabulary has made

it difficult for the students to develop their writing abilities Besides, Teaching English has been

an important issue in countries where English is not their first language, so learning secondlanguage is difficult for the second language learners because they cannot use English in reallife situations, because they should learn sentences in textbooks not in a realenvironment Therefore, teachers should always look for useful strategies to reduce thedifficulties of teaching English language (Long, 1969; Chen, 2007; Nunn, 2011), and they have

to deal with many challenges and often have questions about the best ways to teach

5 Key term

 EFL Teachers: English as a Foreign Language is learning English in a speaking country

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non-English-Chapter 2: Literature Review

1 Teaching English as a foreign language in Vietnam

In contrast to countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Philippines, English is frequentlyspoken as a second language This indicates that English is mostly acquired and taught in theclassroom as opposed to as part of daily communication Vietnamese language learners whowish to use English outside of the classroom find it difficult to do so As a result, there areunique difficulties in teaching and learning English in Vietnam that are not present in nationslike Hong Kong, where English is more widely spoken on a daily basis

The role of the teacher is particularly significant because they are the primary source andfacilitator of information and abilities of this language because English is taught as a foreignlanguage and learned primarily in the classroom in Vietnam English teachers are supposed tosimultaneously educate students in English and make the teaching-learning process as exciting asfeasible Students' exposure to English in an EFL environment is limited, and they often only getthe chance to use it in the classroom This means that when children are learning to communicatevia language, the only language exposure they may get is from their teachers' instructions andexplanations There appear to be a number of issues that are preventing EFL education inVietnam from becoming successful Teacher qualifications and low English proficiency,classroom size, student motivation, classroom-oriented learning, and a lack of other learningresources are all elements that have a substantial impact on the success of EFL teaching andlearning

2 Previous research findings

There have been some research done related to this study Some of those are citied below:

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2.1 The difficulties of teaching English language: The relationship between research and teaching

Research done by Derakhshan & Shirmohammadli (2015) Research participants include somestudents and teachers They use a written questionnaire and collected data from English languageteachers to investigate their opinions about the relevance between the second language researchand their teaching They discovered that despite the challenges of teaching English Additionally,they have looked for connections between the findings of their research and their classroominstruction Teachers must come up with some well-planned and organized techniques to speed

up the process of teaching and learning because studying English as a second or foreign languagehas attracted a lot of attention This essay provides a succinct overview of teaching English as aforeign language and the motivations behind students' interest in the language It also covers thereasons why teachers encounter challenges while attempting to teach English as a secondlanguage and what they may do to make the process easier The connection between languageteaching and research as well as between teaching and research It also covers a number oftechniques and procedures that instructors can use to help their pupils learn English moreeffectively

2.2 Problems of teaching and learning spoken English in Sudan.

Abdalla (2015) focuses on a questionnaire provided to 30 English language instructors fromKhartoum North's African Council Basic and Secondary schools The SPSS application was used

to statistically examine the data The results of this study show that major issues preventSudanese pupils from speaking English The findings of this paper indicate that there are majorproblems that hinder Sudanese students from speaking English The goal of Muhamed's research

is to describe issues with teaching and learning English speaking in Sudan While the researcherprimarily focused on the teachers' problems, Muhamed's study also noted the significance of thisfactor in the professional development and academic advancement of teachers in Sudan

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2.3 Difficulties in teaching English for specific purposes: Empirical study at Vietnam Universities

The research by Nguyễn & Phạm (2016) is based on a review of the literature on the mostcurrent developments in the teaching of foreign languages in Vietnam and other Southeast Asiancountries The researchers also conduct a survey among Vietnamese university faculty andstudents (mostly in Hanoi) The data is therefore accurate and current In fact, the researcherscreated a questionnaire with information about the sexes of students, professors, and universities,

as well as 12 challenges related to the literature study Following that, surveys are sent to facultymembers and students at universities, primarily in Hanoi, to get their feedback on teaching ESP.For each question, the participants rate their responses on a scale of one to five (1-Very difficult;2-Difficult; 3-Normal; 4-Favourable; 5-Very favorable) After the survey, the data are separatedinto distinct categories (theory, reference, survey, etc.) by eliminating irrelevant or pointlessinformation The information is then chosen based on the outlined structure and is examined tobring the problem to light

More than 400 students and educators from 11 colleges took part in the poll There were 362valid responses received The majority of the students studied ESP in universities and wascurrently in their third year The majority of faculty and students were located at VietnamUniversity of Commerce, University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi NationalUniversity of Education, and Hanoi University of Science and Technology

The research examined the factor groupings of students, teachers, environmental factors, andothers having an impact on teaching and learning English for various purposes in Vietnam

Problems in using survey questionnaires: having to avoid time to plan using questionnaires Thequestionnaire was sent to the student and must be accompanied by an explanation, consent form,and a letter of permission to collect data from the school

2.4 Difficulties that English teachers encounter while teaching listening comprehension and their attitudes towards them

Quantitative method is used in collecting and analyzing data for this study A questionnaire: wasdesigned to explore the difficulties that teachers encountered in teaching listening

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comprehension Another convenience sample was used with informal interviews It consisted ofseven teachers of English and they answered two questions.

 What are the difficulties that teachers encounter while teaching listening comprehension?

 What are the teachers’ attitudes towards English listening comprehension?

According to Alrawashdeh & Al-zayed (2017), it differs from teacher to teacher based on thesetting and type of instruction This is significantly impacted by numerous factors and differentcircumstances According to evidence of problems they found, the first is related to teachers' skilllevels Programs for instructors that emphasize their inexperience need to be expanded Whenother skills are prioritized, the main goal of teaching listening comprehension is jeopardized.Second, the large number of students in the classroom and the dearth of comprehensive libraries,resources, teaching aids, supporting materials, and audio-visual teaching facilities like an Englishlab contribute to the difficulties teachers face with regard to the educational environment and theaccessibility of resources and teaching aids

2.5 Challenges in teaching English faced by English teachers in Indonesia

The study by Mumary Songbatumis (2017) The participants of the research were the English

teachers of MTsN Taliwang Initially, the participants consisted of five teachers However, at theend, there were only four participants because one participant was doing pilgrimage This studylooked into the difficulties faced by English teachers at MTsN Taliwang as well as the measuresthey took to address those difficulties Through interviews, the study obtained the Englishinstructors' perspectives on the difficulties they encountered when teaching English in theclassroom and the solutions they used to overcome those difficulties There were several issuesthat came up, some of which were caused by the school's facilities, some by the professors, andothers by the kids Students struggle with speech issues, boredom, low concentration, lack ofdiscipline, and language mastery While this is going on, teachers' problems include a lack ofprofessional development, inadequate teacher training, a problem with language competency,insufficient understanding of teaching techniques, and unfamiliarity with IT Additionally, thereare problems with the facilities, such as inadequate resources and facilities and a lack of time

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This study also offered suggestions for how to deal with these difficulties The two types ofefforts are those made by the English teachers and those made by the school MTsN Taliwang'sremedies include changing attitudes and enhancing facilities and resources The English teachers'efforts in addressing English teaching challenges, on the other hand, include using a variety ofteaching methods and techniques, matching students' proficiency levels and learning situations,utilizing the resources and facilities that are available, providing motivating feedback, lookingfor appropriate methods or materials, and teachers' self-reflection.

3 Common difficulties in teaching English

The amount of time spent teaching English is low: The educational literature that are taught inschools are mostly dated and uninteresting, and they are not current Even book covers areunappealing to pupils Even though language is a dynamic phenomenon and the majority ofinstructional contents are essentially unchanged from 20 years ago, today's students' demands inEnglish are not taken into account Some students complain about the amount of time allotted forthe course and think that lecturers frequently cannot cover all material in this constrained period

of time

Lack of Interest and Motivation for Learning English: The main barrier to learning English isthis factor Because they are not interested in learning the language, the majority of pupils onlyconsider passing the class They don't pay attention to their teacher, thus they don't learnanything, and even if they did, they would rapidly forget it given how often it was repeated.Students should be encouraged by their English teachers to repeat words as they learn them.Instead of verbally encouraging pupils, consider giving them prizes to boost their drive andinterest

Class lack of attention: Concentration problems are the second factor Students cannot learn thecontent when they lack concentration The following factors affect concentration: 1) Fatigue andinsomnia 2) Environment 3) Family problems

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2024, 10:09

