Harald WelnesTeam 5 Phan Trịnh Đông Phương Hà Anh Quân Hoàng Minh Quân Đào Minh Quang Đỗ Văn Đoàn Nguyễn Minh Quang Money management app... ○ Its hard and time-consuming to manage your m
Trang 1Instructor: Prof Harald Welnes
Team 5
Phan Trịnh Đông Phương
Hà Anh Quân
Hoàng Minh Quân
Đào Minh Quang
Đỗ Văn Đoàn
Nguyễn Minh Quang
Money management app
Trang 3Project management
Trang 4○ Its hard and time-consuming to
manage your money
● Meaning:
○ An easy and logical way to manage
Trang 5● Achieving financial goal
● Improved life quality
Trang 6Persona
Trang 7Story map & MVP
Trang 8# Stakeholder
Assumed Expectations (+),
Fears (-)
Affected ness Affe ct
to the project
Influence Strategies/ Measures
1 Young people with financial problems
(Customer, user)
(+) Have effective saving plans(-) Miscalculation
High + + High Clean UI, offer gifts and
Sponsors(Company that fulfills
the project contract)
(+) Have many customers(-) Long capital recovery
Medium + + Medium Making profits
Looking for professionals, good treatment
Trang 9Emails, surveys Phuong Phan
Young people with financial problems
When app releases Not started
Software team Develop and fix errors of
Emails, meetings Quan Hoang
Quan Hoang, Doan Do, Quang Nguyen
After collecting data phase Doing
Sponsors Invest for the project Budget for project Emails, meetings,
events Quang Dao
Quang Dao, Phuong Phan After backend phase Not started
Trang 10Risk Management
# Risk Type Cause of risk ConsequencesProbab ility (P)
Impact (I)
Prio rity
Costs for measures
De cis ion
Result Time Budget Preventive Corrective
An increase in the price of domestic
or imported inputs
Money loses its value Low Medium Medium 2
Collab with investment company
10 N
R3 Low security Technical risk Poor database security Leakage of users' info Medium Medium 3
Hire a professional cyber
security team
Update and fix the error frequently
15 Y
R4 Budget Commercial risk Sponsors stop funding
Not enough money to finish the project High Medium High 5
Using money effectively
Find the new sponsors 5 N
R5 Team conflict Personnel risk
Misunderstanding between team members
Work efficiency is decreased Medium Medium High 4
Create friendly workspace
Make a meeting for conflict resolution
Trang 11Phase plan with milestones
Phase Name Period Deliverables of the
phase MS #
Milestone Name Date
15/5/2024 User interface 2
Frontend finished 15/4/2024Backend 15/5/2024-
Saving, expense tracking,
plans, security 3
Backend finished 31/5/2024Raising Fund 1/8/2024-
31/10/2024 Find sponsors, lend money 4 Fund raised 1/7/2024Connecting to
1/11/2024 – 31/12/2024
Review feedback, fix error, improve user experience 5
Customer connected 31/12/2024
Trang 12Phase plan with milestones (bar chart)
Trang 13WBS
Trang 14Project review
• Young people are facing difficult in managing their finances so the emergence of money management apps is extremely necessary.
• Due to the limited size of my team, securing
sponsors, investors, or collaborating with insurance companies is quite challenging.
• The application is straightforward and user-friendly.
• In addition to assisting users in managing
expenses, the application also provides them with lessons on personal financial management.
Trang 15App prototype
Trang 16User’s app demo
Page Landing
Trang 17User’s app demo
Trang 18User’s app demo
Trang 19User’s app demo
Trang 20User’s app demo
Trang 21User’s app demo
Payment History Page
Trang 22User’s app demo
Report Page
Trang 23Thank you!
Do you have any questions?
Team 5 – Final Presentation