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This is one of the most famous quotes inMarketing stressing the importance of Production concept and level of stress andimportance given to it.But with the continuous industrialization a

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Practiced by earlier industrials, it soon became an standardized practice Ford ,considered as one of the early champions of this concept once remarked that Americanscan get any car from Ford until it is black This is one of the most famous quotes inMarketing stressing the importance of Production concept and level of stress andimportance given to it.

But with the continuous industrialization and more and more players entered intothe market, the space available to sell your product have squeezed because too manypeople were selling the same product that is why it became too obvious that the massproduction of goods which is the heart and soul of production concept can no longerwork because of too many me too products so the focus slightly shifted from Productionconcept to Customization concept where each and every product is manufactured anddelivered according the tastes and choices of the customer Dell is considered to be thepioneer of this field

Production concept means where marketers think that consumer buy only thosethings which are available and highly affordable rather than think about the productquality and other things Here marketers think about only the production that's why theydon't think about the value and the satisfaction of the customer So that marketing myopiaoccurs here

1.b Product line

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Product line is a group of products that are closely related such as same physicalcharacteristics, same usage, same consumer groups, and same marketing strategy

For example, VinaMilk Company has an extensive range of products, for customers

to be aware of its nutritional products, the company has produced and launched Dielacproduct line Talking about Dielac, consumers will immediately realize that this is a brand

of nutrition products This product line includes product groups such as nutritionalproducts for mothers (Dielac Mama, Dielac Optimum Mama); nutritional products forchildren such as Dielac Optimum, Dielac Alpha, Dielac Star Care, Dielac Pedia);nutritional products for adults (Vinamilk Sure Prevent, Nutritious Vinamilk, VinamilkDiecerna, Vinamilk weight loss, Vinamilk CanxiPro)

1.c Augmented product

In the book "Principle Of Marketing" Philip Kotler et al devised a very interestingconcept of benefit building for products Kotler suggested that if you view a product onthree levels it will help you extract all the benefits that your product offers This strategyhas various names including Total Product Concept, Augmented Product and Three

Levels Of a Product (Core Product, Actual Product, Augmented product).

(Source :


Level One : Core Product

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Level one is the most basic level and simply looks at what people set out to buyand what benefits the producer would like their product to offer buyers For example acamera is expected to take pictures but there may be other benefits that the producerwants the buyer to enjoy such as a wide lens, face recognition and high definition videos.

So prior to designing any product designers should list the core benefits the product needs

to provide

Level 2 : Actual Product

Level two is about translating the list of core product benefits into a product thatpeople will buy There may be competitor products offering the same benefits so the aim

at this stage is to design a product that will persuade people to purchase your product.Kotler states that this can involve deciding on the quality level, product and servicefeatures, styling, branding and packaging For example Apple's iPhone design hasenabled it to become a smart phone market leader so that by September 2012 it was able

to launch the iPhone 5, the 5th version of this product There are other smart phones onthe market but Apple has managed to design a product which people pre-order and campovernight outside Apple's retail stores so that they can be the first ones to buy theproduct

Level 3 : Augmented product

Level three involves deciding the additional non tangible benefits that a productcan offer Competition at this level is based around after sales service, help lines,warranties, free/cheap delivery and so on In other words it is things that the product doesnot do but customers may find them useful Non tangible benefits such as productwarranties offer customers peace of mind and demonstrate the manufacturer has faith inthe quality of its product In fact the ubiquitous use of some augmented benefits haveturn some level three benefits into a customer expectation for example customers expectcars to have manufacturer warranties Or as Apple's iPhone 5, in addition to the

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technological features of a smart mobile phone as listening, calling, texting, internetaccess, film, photography, watching movies, listening to music, manufacturers alsoprovide free cloud memory with 5GB iCloud users to store personal data Or anotherexample : When shopping at the supermarket, you get the added services such as freehome delivery, free gift wrapping, accumulate points to get discounts

1.d Social marketing concept

This is a new concept which was conceived in the 1970s and caused a lot ofattention from social classes

This views that activities of an enterprise is to determine the needs, wants andinterests of target markets and satisfy them by more effective method than competitorswhile still maintaining and developing benefits for consumers and society as a whole

Social Marketing Concept requires marketers to balance three objectives whendesigning marketing policies: satisfy customers’ needs, contribute to the achievement ofthe corporate’s profits and ensure social welfare As a result, marketing activities will besignificantly better with longer-term benefits

The choice of a particular philosophy in marketing in marketing managementdepends on a lot of factors: the competitive position of the business, product andservice’s features, needs of target markets, abilities of marketing team, etc It isimportant that the implementation of its marketing philosophy is to maximize clients’satisfaction, contribute to the achievement of the business’s goals and not to damage theinterests of the society

For example: Today, largest automobile manufacturers in the world such asToyota, Nissan, Mazda, BMW, Hyundai has been developing many cars that areincreasingly friendly to humans and the environment by saving manufacturing materials,fuel, reducing CO2 flowing into the environment, creating more utility for users; Hybridcars can run by both internal combustion engines and battery This growing trend hascreated strong competition in the automobile industry in the world

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2 Explain various concepts of marketing with suitable examples.

2.1 The selling concept : selling concept is a traditional concept of Marketing In

traditional concept emphasis was on only selling the product Maketers would not botherabout customers wants and would think that customers would buy whatever is offered tothem Marketing research was not given any importance Emphasis was only onproduction and selling the product

2.2.The Marketing concept : Marketing concept is the modern concept of marketing.

Here the customer is considered as the soul of the entire marketing activity The needs ofcustomers are found out through marketing research and then products are developed tosatisfy those needs Building customer relationship and maintaining those relationship isgiven lot of importance Customer is considered as the king of the market This approach

is used in today’s globally competitive marketing world

Marketing Concept Components : Goals, Customer Needs and Wants, DeliverProduct or Service

Company Goals : Defining your company's goals is one of the primary components of the

marketing concept Make a plan for what you'd like to achieve for the year, whether it's toincrease sales, introduce a new product to the market, explore new media for advertising,open an online store or retain customers Your goals help give your business directionand focus They should be specific; stay away from making general statements aboutwhat you'd like to do Achieve this by assigning a timeframe and a dollar amount to eachgoal, where applicable These tactics ensure that your goals are timely and measurable.The goals you set should also be realistic and attainable Use previous sales and yourknowledge of the market to help you

Customer Needs and Wants : Without customers, your business will see a decline in sales

and may eventually be forced to close its doors For this reason, marketing focuses onidentifying your target audience and then identifying their needs and wants Relate theirneeds and wants to the products and services your company offers or plans to offer

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Find out customer needs and wants by conducting research You can email them surveys,ask questions on your social networks or company blog, hold focus groups or call them toconduct brief surveys over the phone.

Deliver Product or Service :With your goals and your customers' needs and wants

solidified, create and deliver a product or service that will enhance their lives in someway Your product might help them relax, save time, save money, restore their energy, bemore productive or decorate their homes

In accordance with the marketing concept, the product or service you deliver should bringmembers of your target market a level of satisfaction

(Source: components-marketing-


* Marketing Concept Vs Selling Concept

(Source: http://www.equerry.biz/equerry/wordpress/ wp-content/uploads/2008/04/concept.gif)

- Inward focus on business - Outward focus on customer

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- Define business by goods and


- For everybody or the average


- Profitability through sales volume

- Less favorable in a competitive


How the companies think ?

- Converting product into cash

- Emphasis of sale of the product

already used

- Fragmented approach to selling

- Buyer beware principle followed

- Cost determine price

How the companies act ?

- Focus on seller’s needs

- Holds customer and business

- Manufactures the product first

- Sales volume oriented

How the companies perform ?

- Product supreme

- Profit through sales volume

- Define business by benefits forcustomer

- To a specific group of customer

- Profitability through customersatisfaction

- More favorable in a competitiveenvironment

- Converting customers need intoproduct

- Emphasis on product planning anddevelopment

- Integrated approach to marketing

- Seller beware principal followed

- Customer determine price, pricedetermine cost

- Focus on customer needs

- Holds customer and business

- Indentifies the customer first

- Customer satisfaction with profitoriented

- Customer supreme

- Profit through customer satisfaction

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- Planning is short term oriented.

- Aims at customer satisfaction with

companies profit

- Planning is long term oriented

- Aims at customer as profit targets.Examples :

Selling oriented companies : Insurance, encyclopedia, online shopping, Door-to-doorselling

Marketing oriented companies : Dell computers – provides platforms on which eachpersons customizes the features desires; Automobile industries; Designer clothes

2.4 Customers Vs Consumers

- Customers BUY the product (Ex : I bought a new TV)

- Consumers USE the product (Ex : The comsumer/user is members of my family) 2.5 What is a Market ?

All potential customers who share common needs and wants, and who have theability and willingness to buy the product, are considered a market

For example, nutritious milk markets in Vietnam is the subjects that interest buyers whocare about health care, and who are able and demand nutritious products; Gas marketserves households; housing market serves low-income people; the real estate market

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important characteristics of the target market’s customer profile to help them makeintelligent marketing decisions.

4 “PLC as a tool for marketing strategy" justify.

PLC is an acronym of Product Life Cycle Each product brought to market has itsown life cycle It is the process of formation / introduction, growth, maturity and decline Typical life cycle of a product likes a sinusoidal curve and can be shown by salesline (Sales) and profit line (Profit) as shown below:

(Source : http://helpsme.com/articles/marketing/product-life-cycle)

The shape of the two lines will vary for each product However, the basic shape ofthe two lines and the relationship between them in general is alike The length of the lifecycle varies between products It should be noted that studying the life cycle of a productmust first attach to a certain market Because a product can be new in a market but maynot new in other markets and vice versa A product can have a long life cycle in onemarket but in other markets it cannot exist

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We will examine the main characteristics of each stage in the life cycle of theproduct and marketing strategies corresponding to each time period.

4.1 Introduction:

This is the stage to sell products officially on the market This phase has a lowconsumption level, rates can be negative or very low because sales increases slowly,distribution and advertising costs are higher because consumers do not have muchinformation about the product or they still do not give up previous consumption habits.Failure rate of products in this stage is often very high Introduction stage usuallyrequires high production cost and circulation cost so enterprises often sells as a loss orgets very little profit

During this period, marketing cost accounts for a large percentage as it is used forpromotional efforts (promotion) at a high level in order to (1) inform potential consumersabout new and unknown products, (2) stimulate product trial, and (3) ensure distribution

to retail stores Marketing strategy in the deployment phase is to convince customers,boost advertising promote sales, and sales at competitive prices

At this stage, there are only a few competitors Businesses focus on customers whoare the readiest to buy, usually high income ones Prices tend to be high because of highcosts due to relatively low yields; technical problems in production can still beunfinished; there should be high interest rates to offset high advertising costs to an extentnecessary to achieve development"

When introducing new products to the market, marketing managers can set updifferent levels for marketing factors such as price, promotion and distribution.Depending on its goals, enterprises can have the following marketing strategies:

- Rapid skimming strategy: is a strategy which launches new products to the market withinitial high prices and high level of promotion Enterprise spends more on activities such

as advertising, promotions to convince customers about the benefits of the product and

to increase market penetration rate This strategy is usually applied when most potential

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2024, 17:25
