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Midterm report electronic payment topic proposal of integrating momo into uniqlos website

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW MIDTERM REPORT ELECTRONIC PAYMENT TOPIC: PROPOSAL OF INTEGRATING MOMO INTO UNIQLO'S WEBSITE Lecturer: Pham Manh Cuong Group: RACE NO Full Name Student ID Department Role 1 Truong Do Dang Khoa K204110598 FIS Member FIS Leader 2 Nguyen Tran Bich Ngoc K204110602 FIS Member FIS Member 3 Vo Thi Ngoc Trinh K204110610 FIS Member 4 Do Thi Minh Tam K204111807 5 To Hoai Phuc K204111806 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 TABLE OF FIGURES .5 LIST OF TABLES .7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 8 CHAPTER I TERMINAL EXPLANATION .9 CHAPTER II WEBSITE UNIQLO VIETNAM 11 2.1 About Uniqlo Vietnam 11 2.2 Uniqlo Vietnam website 13 2.3 Available payment methods 14 2.4 Uniqlo Vietnam Analysis 14 2.4.1 Uniqlo’s Business Model 14 2.4.2 Analysis of the current situation of the external environment of the enterprise 17 General fashion - apparel market situation .17 Market Segment 20 Target Customer 20 Competitor 21 Brand Positioning 21 2.4.3 Analysis of the current state of the environment inside the business 22 Enterprise business activities 22 4P Analysis .22 Product .22 Price 23 Place 23 Promotion 24 2 Organizational structure 26 2.4.4 SWOT Analysis .27 CHAPTER III PROPOSED INTEGRATION WITH MOMO 30 3.1 Introduce about MoMo 30 3.2 Introduce about MoMo for Business (M4B) 31 3.3 The reason for integrating MoMo 33 CHAPTER IV INTEGRATING TERMS AND COST .35 4.1 Terms and conditions of MoMo integration for businesses 35 4.1.1 Terms of business to comply with 35 MoMo's intellectual property rights 35 Refunds .35 Limitation of Liability 36 Other noticeable rules .36 4.1.2 Required profile .37 4.1.3 Technical requirements (Applicable to Uniqlo website) 38 About API 39 About the SDK 41 SSL/TLS method 42 4.2 Service charges .43 4.3 Security method 43 4.3.1 Digital Signature 43 4.3.2 RSA Encryption .44 4.3.3 AES Encryption .44 CHAPTER V INTEGRATING METHODS 45 5.1 MoMo's payment solution for e-commerce website .45 5.1.1 Non-Integration Solutions 45 3 5.1.2 Integrated solutions for businesses 46 5.2 Integration steps 47 5.2.1 Sign up for a Merchant Profile 47 5.2.2 Integrate accordingly on Test Environment 51 5.2.3 Complete System Integration Testing (SIT) on Test Environment 53 5.2.4 Get your Account verified .57 5.2.5 Open access to Integrated Information on the Production environment 62 5.2.6 Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) on Production & Ask for Review.62 5.2.7 Get Approved & Go-Live 63 5.3 Payment process after integration 64 5.3.1 One-Time Payments 65 5.3.2 Recurring payments 67 5.3.3 MoMo On Delivery (MOD) 73 5.4 Additional processing may occur when using MoMo .76 CHAPTER VI SUMMARY 85 6.1 Difficulty in the integration process .85 6.2 Post-integration development potential 85 REFERENCES 87 4 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Website of Uniqlo Vietnam 13 Figure 2: Uniqlo's shipping methods 13 Figure 3: Uniqlo business model .15 Figure 4: Report on revenue forecast of fashion industry in Vietnam from 2017 to 202718 Figure 5: Forecasting the proportion of sales channels of the fashion industry in Vietnam from 2017-2027 19 Figure 6: Forecasting the proportion of online shopping in the fashion industry in Vietnam from 2017-2027 19 Figure 7: Uniqlo's product distribution process 24 Figure 8: The organizational structure of the company Uniqlo (Source: Uniqlo Handbook of Organizational Culture 2012) 26 Figure 9: MoMo Payments SDK Working Process 42 Figure 10: Home screen of MoMo for Business 47 Figure 11: Account registration screen - Account information (Test) 48 Figure 12: Account registration screen - Business type (Test) 48 Figure 13: Screen of Account Registration – Business Information (Test) .50 Figure 14: Account Registration Screen – Additional Business Information 51 Figure 15: Interface for completing registration of an Enterprise account 51 Figure 16: Website Integrated Information Screen (Test) 52 Figure 17: Test ATM card - Create payment request 55 Figure 18: Test ATM card - Bank/Napas payment page 56 Figure 19: Authentication - M4B interface after login 57 Figure 20: Authentication - Steps to verify Enterprise 58 Figure 21: Authentication - Email Authentication 59 Figure 22: Authentication - Payment account update interface .60 Figure 23: Authentication - Business License Update Interface .60 5 Figure 24: Authentication - Electronic Contract screen interface .61 Figure 25: Authentication - Interface after business authentication 61 Figure 26: Configure the environment to Production 62 Figure 27: Test case for MoMo payment integration 63 Figure 28: One-Time Payments Process Flow (Source: Compilation) .65 Figure 29: Binding Recurring Payments Process Flow (Source: Compilation) 68 Figure 30: Recurring Payments using Token Process Flow (Source: Compilation) 71 Figure 31: MoMo On Delivery Process Flow (Source: Compilation) 75 6 Document continues below Discover more fTrhoamn:h Toán Điện Tử TTDT01 Trường Đại học… 4 documents Go to course Tìm hiểu Banknet.vn 5 None Tìm hiểu Mastercard 10 None Tài liệu không có tiêu đề 100% (1) 17 Kinh doanh quốc tế Homework 1 Kinh doanh 100% (1) 1 quốc tế Group 5 KDQT Vinamilk 100% (7) 24 Kinh doanh… FORD Report Group 5 - tài liệu LIST OF TABLES 17 Kinh 100% (2) doanh… Table 1: Terminal explanation summary .9 Table 2: Main Target Customer 20 Table 3: Consumer customers are children 21 Table 4: Uniqlo SWOT analysis 27 Table 5: Types of M4B account .31 Table 6: Compatibility for Uniqlo to integrate MoMo 38 Table 7: The data MoMo returns (API) .39 Table 8: MoMo charges proposal 43 Table 9: Technical Integration - Configure HTTP Request 52 Table 10: Technical Integration - IP Address 52 Table 11: Technical integration - MoMo Wallet test information 53 Table 12: Technical Integration - ATM Card Test Information 56 Table 13: Technical Integration - Credit Card Test Information .57 Table 14: API error codes 77 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, our team would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr Pham Manh Cuong, who gave us the opportunity to carry out the project and guide us so that we could complete the project for this Electronic Payments Course Project Although the period of studying this subject was not too long, you always cared and devoted all your enthusiasm to teaching us You have imparted to us in-depth knowledge and useful experience related to issues of electronic payment You helped us systematize the knowledge we have learnt, enhance teamwork skills, critical-thinking, self- study, problem analysis, and combine with reality to improve our specialized knowledge This knowledge will be valuable luggage for us to step firmly in the future We gratefully appreciate the value from your lesson, the time you spent supporting and suggesting us so that we can complete this Course Project well We have tried to make the best project with the knowledge that you have imparted, but we still cannot avoid mistakes Therefore, your suggestions and comments are extremely valuable, we are very grateful and ready to listen and receive to improve the project even better Once again, our team would like to sincerely thank you! 8 CHAPTER I TERMINAL EXPLANATION Table 1: Terminal explanation summary No Terminology Explain 1 Deeplink URL to open MoMo direct app (Customers must install app use MoMo first) and payment confirmation page 2 Deeplink Mini The URL that opens the app's payment confirmation scre App MoMo Apply when partners use mini app embedded in app MoMo 3 PayUrl URL to switch from website's purchase page to MoM payment page 4 Qr Code Url Data to generate QR code if you want customers to sca QR code directly on the purchase page or print the cod the invoice.(This is not the URL containing the image of QR code, you need to use an external library to generat QR code) 5 Cb Token Is considered an access token, received from the pay (callbackToken result 6 Aes Token JSON object of the token encrypted with AES 7 IPN Url API of the website Used by MoMo to send payment res by IPN (server-to-server) method The partner API, requ for 2in1 adoption, is used by MoMo to send IPN paym results for direct payments made by customers 8 Test Is a combination of software and hardware installation w environment testers (testers) can execute their test cases In other wo supports test execution with hardware, software and net configuration 9

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2024, 08:53


