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Topichow to do marketing in european for bamboo products

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Tiêu đề How To Do Marketing In European For Bamboo Products
Tác giả Freestyle
Người hướng dẫn Mr. Bui Anh Dung, Lecturer
Trường học Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance
Chuyên ngành International Marketing
Thể loại Final Report
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 26
Dung lượng 402,65 KB

Nội dung

Plastic items such as plastic straws are gradually being replaced by stainless steel straws, paper straws, and especially bamboo straws.. La Xanh Country of manufacture: VietnamIn German

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Class: MKT1106E Lecturer: Bui Anh Dung Group: Freestyle

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1 Situation Analysis: 1

a Company Analysis 1

b Market Analysis 1

c Competitor Analysis 2

2 SWOT Analysis 4

a Strengths 4

b Weaknesses 4

c Opportunities 4

d Threats 5

3 Set Objectives 5

4 Recommend Marketing strategy 6

a Target Markets Identification and Segmentation Strategy 6

b Market Positioning 8

c Market Entry Strategy 8

5 Marketing mix strategies and tactics 9

a Product/Service and Branding Strategy 9

b Place (Distribution) Strategy 10

c Price Strategy Structure 11

d Promotion Strategy (including Promotional Budget) 12

6 Marketing Budget 14

7 Implementation and Control (How to track and measure - Excel) 14



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To complete this report, there was the effort and contribution of all team members with thehelp and support of Mr Bui Anh Dung - lecturer of the International Marketing Department.Through studying this topic, the group learned how to analyze the overall marketing strategyand develop a strategic marketing plan for the Mao Meo bamboo flute company In theprocess of completing the group report, we cannot avoid errors, hope to receive yourcomments so that the group can draw and correct mistakes

Sincerely thank!

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Nowadays, the problem of environmental pollution is getting more and more attention Plastic items such as plastic straws are gradually being replaced by stainless steel straws, paper straws, and especially bamboo straws The use of bamboo straws brings many benefits not only to users but also to the environment With the topic "How to do marketing in

European for bamboo products of Sao Truc Mao Meo Co.,", after researching the market and product demand, our team chose Germany as a potential market to promote, by penetrating the market according to B2B strategy, selling large quantities to small businesses businesses under their brand name or even Mao Meo's Build a marketing plan for Mao Meo through social networking tools, and participate in events to promote products to businesses in Germany in the best possible way

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1 Situation Analysis:

1.a Company Analysis

●The process of formation and development

Company name: Sáo Trúc Mão Mèo Co

Address: 336 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Trung Ward, Thanh Xuan District, HanoiWebsite: http://onghutviet.com/trang-chu

●Formation of the company

Founder: Nguyen Van Mao

The Mao Meo brand is no stranger to young people who are passionate about bamboo flutes,and Mr Nguyen Van Meo is known from the Northern Bamboo Flute Club He has alsogradually built up brands from bamboo, bamboo, So far, there have been more than 20agents and stores nationwide Besides, the revenue is increasing to tens of billions of dongper month, these are the numbers that prove his path is right

September 2013 marked a good start for the young man when he decided to open his firststore at 306 Nguyen Trai Hanoi Mr Nguyen Van Meo also established Mao Meo BambooFlute Company Limited and registered the Mao Meo bamboo flute brand, creating credibility

in people's hearts

When the bamboo flute business was on the rise, he began to take a new direction During histravels to highlands and deep places to find materials for making bamboo flutes, hediscovered a large area of raw materials, which are small, short-stemmed bamboo trees thathave not been utilized much in production In addition, the movement "Do not use plasticstraws of Vietnamese youth" From this idea, he was born to produce a new type of pipe fromnatural materials, which is environmentally friendly, good for health, and does not increasewaste

1.b Market Analysis

❖ German market

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According to German Government Statistics, in 2019 alone, Germany consumed about 3.2 billion plastic straws This increase has made the use of environmentally friendly products increasingly necessary.

The German Federal Council (German Senate) has passed a decree banning single-use plasticproducts from July 2021 A report from Ecopreneur EU states that about 40 million bamboostraws have been consumed in Germany in 2018 This is a remarkable number and showsthat the transition from plastic straws to bamboo straws is happening strongly The demandfor bamboo straws in Germany is increasing, not only in restaurants, bars, and hotels but also

in families and public events Consumers are realizing the value of using eco-friendlyproducts to reduce plastic waste

Since then, my group has had a strong belief in Germany as a potential market, free fromgovernment barriers Because of the above factors, our expert team will import Mao Meobamboo straws into the German market

Country of manufacture: Vietnam

In Germany, La Xanh has widely distributed straws to many resorts, restaurants, and cafes,including the brands Choose, Vinamit Organic, Wahi (Hawaii), and Hotel Hafen Flensburg Product price: 5.4 Euro / 1 box / 20 tubes, 0.27 Euro/tube, equivalent to 7.000 VND / tube

3 Bambaw

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Country of manufacture: Germany

Bambaw is a company focused on providing sustainable and eco-friendly products, includingbamboo straws, to customers in Germany and beyond

Product price: 9 Euro / 1 box / 50 tubes, 5.400 VND / tube

❖ Indirect opponent

1 Eco Life (grass straw)

Eco Life's factory can produce a maximum of 3 million tubes per month, mainly for export tothe European market, especially Germany With a wholesale price of about 700 VND/tube,Eco Life is expected to earn about 7-8 billion VND with an output of 1-1.5 milliontubes/month

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2 SWOT Analysis

2.a Strengths

Products are reusable: Bamboo straws can be reused as many times as using chopsticks everyday When bamboo straws are too old to be discarded, it is a natural product so it is easy todestroy and very beneficial to the human environment

Health: Using bamboo straws also helps consumers avoid the risk of disease because thisproduct is processed manually, completely without contact with chemicals

Environmental awareness: Germany has a consumer community that is sensitive toenvironmental issues, which creates a high demand for products such as bamboo straws Eye-catching packaging: Packaging is one of the most important stages for the final product.Because of this factor, the packaging of Vietnamese bamboo straws is also made from 100%recycled materials

2.b Weaknesses

Price: Bamboo straws are more expensive than traditional plastic straws

Brand image: Because the Mao Meo straws are still new in the German market, more effortsare needed in the marketing strategy to enhance the brand image

Storage conditions: Due to natural origin, there are no management substances, if left in badenvironmental conditions, it is easy to be damaged and moldy

There are many alternative products such as stainless steel straws, grass straws, and paperstraws with diverse and beautiful designs

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2.d Threats

Highly Competitive – An emerging industry and higher demand for eco-friendly straws will

put additional pressure on the company's efforts to increase marketing costs to promote

products there

Target customers: Currently, the product only cooperates with a few domestic partners and

distributors, although there are many incentives

3 Set Objectives

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timed

Phase 1 - Penetrating the

- Increaseoutreach

+ Engage with

50 - 65businessesacross bothFacebook andLinkedin

platforms+ Achieve 100-

150 websitevisits frombusinesses in amonth, and after

3 months, reach300-350 visitsthrough GoogleAds

- Receive responsesfrom 3 - 5 businessespreviously engagedthrough personalselling

- Garner attention andinquiries from

+ 5-10 businessesexploring thecompany and itsproducts

+ 7-8 businessesreaching out throughMao Meo's website,etc."

- Gain access tonumerous

businesses throughthe utilization ofsocial mediaplatforms such asFacebook,

LinkedIn, website,etc

- Engage in directinteractions andexchanges withbusinesses throughpersonal selling

1/5/2024 30/7/2024

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-Phase 2 - The product

- Successfullysecured 5 - 6contracts

- Increasefollowers by5000-6000 oneach YouTubeand TikTokchannel

- Boost marketshare by 2%

compared to theprevious period

-Successfully secured2-3 contracts

- Achieved

1000-1200 followers onboth YouTube andTikTok channels

- Increased monthlyrevenue by 2-5 billionVND

- Attractingbusinesses throughparticipation inexhibitions, tradeshows, etc

- Garneringsignificant interestand inquiries frombusinesses throughFacebook, TikTok,and YouTubepromotional


1/8/2024 30/10/2025

-4 Recommend Marketing strategy

4.a Target Markets Identification and Segmentation Strategy



The business's target customers are aged 25 and above, with an average to high income Due

to the environmentally-friendly nature of the products, they generally come at a higher value

compared to conventional items Individuals with better financial capabilities are often more

willing to invest in these products to support their environmentally-conscious choices

These customers embrace a healthy lifestyle and have an affinity for products sourced from

nature that are eco-friendly They actively engage in volunteer and environmental activities

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Focusing on major cities like Berlin, Brandenburg, Dresden, Leipzig, and Hamburg Thesecities all have BIO company stores More importantly, they boast the highest populationdensity in Germany Additionally, there's substantial support from the Vietnamese communityresiding in Germany, particularly in Berlin According to statistics, there are over 200,000individuals living and working in this city up to this day


Customers who purchase bamboo straws often have a conscious and responsible attitudetoward environmental protection They are actively seeking eco-friendly products and arecommitted to preserving the environment Furthermore, bamboo straw users are individualswho prioritize good health and a wholesome lifestyle They prefer products made fromnatural materials, free from harmful chemicals When they buy bamboo straws, customersalso feel a sense of contribution to the environmental conservation movement

❖ Targeting

Targeting the market towards the customer group residing in major cities such as Berlin,Brandenburg, Dresden, Leipzig, and Hamburg is a strategic choice These cities arerecognized for their environmentally conscious and modern attributes in Germany.Additionally, the residents possess a stable economic income Germany is divided intoDemocratic Republic (Berlin, Brandenburg), West Germany (Leipzig, Dresden), and EastGermany (Hamburg):

The GDP per capita in West Germany is 37,000 euros, whereas the GDP per capita in EastGermany is only 67% of West Germany, amounting to approximately 26,000 euros

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The average monthly salary for citizens in West Germany is 3,700 euros, while in EastGermany, this figure is 2,800 euros, equivalent to 3/4 of West Germany's average.

4.b Market Positioning

With its Vietnamese bamboo straws from Mao Meo Bamboo Company, the company hasstrategically positioned itself to differentiate its products effectively from competitors andgain a significant competitive advantage in the target market This positioning strategy iscustomer-centric, aiming to deliver more than what customers require Alongside producingbamboo straws, the company also fosters a positive reputation within its target marketthrough its commitment to using bamboo as a sustainable resource, environmental protection,and social responsibility The company aspires to be the preferred choice for all consumers,thus positioning the Mao Meo bamboo straws as an affordable, high-quality product Being aproduct that is close to nature and environmentally friendly is the most significant message itconveys Consequently, customers feel that they are contributing to both nature and society

by utilizing the products offered by Mao Meo Bamboo company

4.c Market Entry Strategy

Indirect Export Strategy at Bio Company involves two approaches:

- OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer): Businesses purchase Mao Meo bamboo straws inbulk and imprint their branding on the straws before introducing them to the market

- Selling Under the Mao Meo Brand: These products will be strategically placed at eye-levelpositions in household goods sections

Piggybacking Strategy: Proposing the inclusion of Mao Meo bamboo straws in the foodstores of the Bio Company supermarket chain This supermarket chain is committed toenvironmental protection and the use of eco-friendly products When customers makepurchases at these food stores, they will automatically use Mao Meo bamboo straws (the cost

of straws is integrated into the food expenses)

This strategic approach enables Bio Company to offer environmentally friendly alternatives

to their customers while expanding the market reach of Mao Meo bamboo straws

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5 Marketing mix strategies and tactics

5.a Product/Service and Branding Strategy

Product name: Mao Meo bamboo straws

Mao Meo bamboo straws exemplify a wonderful blend of environmental protection andcreative craftsmanship Crafted by skilled artisans, these straws are fashioned from bamboo, aversatile and sustainable resource The choice of bamboo as the primary material for thestraws reflects a commitment to both ecological preservation and human well-being

Bamboo's rapid growth cycle makes it an ideal candidate for sustainable production Unliketraditional plastic straws that contribute to environmental degradation, bamboo's growth rateensures a continuous supply without causing harm to ecosystems Additionally, bamboo is acost-effective material, further contributing to the affordability of Mao Meo bamboo straws


Through a meticulous standard suction and drying process, the straws retain their naturalessence without needing preservatives or artificial dyes This purity not only resonates withenvironmentally conscious consumers but also guarantees a product free from anyundesirable side effects

Classify: There are 2 main product categories:

Basic bamboo straws: Plain tube Bamboo straws engraved with brand

names: The straws will be engravedwith your desired brand name

Price: 3,000 VND/tube Price: 4,000 VND/tube

Size: The size of the straw is very diverse, and flexible depending on the requirements

and purposes of the customer However, the standard length of each tube is 20 cm and adiameter of 1cm

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2024, 17:19


