1 This method covers procedures for ob- taining representative samples of stocks or shipments of crude petroleum and petroleum products, except electrical insulating oils, and butane, pr
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued Contact ASTM International (www.astm.org) for the latest information R Designaion:D 270 - 65 (Reapproved 1980) American National standard 21 1 3 3 - 1 9 6 6 American National Standards Institute Method 8001-Federal Test Method Standard No 79 1b Standard : 2546 Re fcducsd Bv GLOBAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS p j IH! Undar Limie With ASTM COP r' I American Sociew For Testing And M.teri.lr 1 9 d &e Street phiimieiphis, knnsyivmia 19103 R e o r i n t e- d from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards CopyrightASTM ~~ If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the nextedition Standard Method of SAMPLING PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM PRO D UCTS' This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 270; the number immediately following the designaiion indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision A number in parentheses indicates the year of last rrapproval This i s also a standard of the American Petroleum Institute issued under the fixed designation A P I 2546 This method was adopted as a ioini A S T M - A P I standard in 1965 1 Scope sample container, and the sampling procedure that is to be used A summary of the sampling 1.1 This method covers procedures for ob- procedures and their application is presented in Table I Each procedure is suitable for taining representative samples of stocks or sampling a number of specific materials under shipments of crude petroleum and petroleum definite storage, transportation, or container products, except electrical insulating oils, and conditions The basic principle of each proce- butane, propane, and other petroleum prod- dure is to obtain a sample or a composite of ucts that are gases at atmospheric tempera- several samples in such manner and from ture and pressure such locations in the tank or other container that the sample or composite will be truly NOTE I-The procedures described in this representative of the petroleum or petroleum method may also find application in sampling most product noncorrosive liquid industrial chemicals 3 Description of Terms NOTE2-The procedure for sampling liquefied petroleum gases is described in ASTM Method D- 3.1 Average Sample is one that consists of 1265 Sampling Liquefied Petroleum ( L P ) Gases.* proportionate parts from all sections of the the procedure for sampling electrical insulating oils container in ASTM Method D 923 Sampling Electrical Insu- k i n g Liquids3 and the procedure for sampling 3.2 All-Levels Sample is one obtained by submerging a stoppered beaker or bottle to a natural gas in ASTM Method D 1145 Sampling point as near as possible to the draw-off level then opening the sampler and raising it at a Natural Gas.' rate such that it is about three-fourths full NOTE3-The values stated in US customary (maximum 85 percent) as it emerges from the liquid An all-levels sample is not necessarily units are to be regarded as the standard Metric an average sample because the tank volume equivalents have been rationalized whcre tolerances are considered non-critical 'Th¡! method is under the iurisdiction of A S T M Com- mittee D-2 on Petroleum Product?,and Lubricants and i h r 2 Summary of Method A P I Central Committee on Petroleum Measurement 2.1 Samples of petroleum and petroleurn Currcni edition effective Aup 31 1965 0rigin;iIly is- products are examined by various methods of test for the determination of physical and sued 1927 Replace! D 270 61 chemical characteristics I t is accordingly nec- essary that the samples be truly representative I n 1965 this method was rewritien CI\ it joint meihod with of the petroleum or petroleum products in [he American Petr(38 mm) Heavy lubncdting oils nontransparent gas oils Light crude oils (less than 200 s Say- bolt Universal Viscosii! at IM) F (37.8 C ) ) Heavy crude and fuel oils ~~~ ~ T A B L E 5 Size of Grease Samples Container - Lot or Shipment - Minimum Sample Tubes or packages less than I Ib all enough units for a ?-lh sample a11 three cans I-lb cans all «ne can 5 or IO-Ih cans less than 10 O00 Ih 2 t o 3 Ib from one or more container.\ Larger than IO Ib 10 OM) to 50 O00 I!, 2 to 5 Ib from [HO o r mure cont;iiner: more than 50 o00 Ih 2 I U 5 Ib from three or more containers Larger than 10 Ib Larger than 10 Ih +6" x 7T O P SAMPLE x -UPPER SAMPLE UPPER THIRD x -MIDDLE SAMPLE MIDDLE THIRD > -x -LOWER SAMPLE LOWER THIRD X- CLEARANCE SAMPLE -BOTTOM SAMPLE FIG 1 Sampling Depths 19 u Metric Equivalents in 18 I I , ;a 7 3., 3 'I4 4 10 I2 13'4 rnm 3 25 45 70 83 I o2 250 300 350 FIG 2 Assembly for Bottle Sampling 20