Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics Edited by Nelson Costa and Adolfo Cartaxo Intech IV Published by Intech Intech Olajnica 19/2, 32000 Vukovar, Croatia Abstracting and non-profit use of the material is permitted with credit to the source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. Publisher assumes no responsibility liability for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained inside. After this work has been published by the Intech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are an author or editor, and the make other personal use of the work. © 2010 Intech Free online edition of this book you can find under Additional copies can be obtained from: First published April 2010 Printed in India Technical Editor: Teodora Smiljanic Cover designed by Dino Smrekar Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics, Edited by Nelson Costa and Adolfo Cartaxo p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-088-9 Preface Lasers and electro-optics is a field of research leading to constant breakthroughs. Indeed, tremendous advances have occurred in optical components and systems since the invention of laser in the late 50s, with applications in almost every imaginable field of science including control, astronomy, medicine, communications, measurements, etc. If we focus on lasers, for example, we find applications in quite different areas. We find lasers, for instance, in industry, emitting power level of several tens of kilowatts for welding and cutting; in medical applications, emitting power levels from few milliwatt to tens of Watt for various types of surgeries; and in optical fibre telecommunication systems, emitting power levels of the order of one milliwatt. In this book, some advances of lasers and electro-optics in several fields of science, covering quite different subjects, are presented. In order to do so, each chapter is self- contained. Indeed, each chapter is written by different authors who present their research in a given field. Some elementary knowledge is usually assumed. This book is divided in four sections. The book presents several physical effects and properties of materials used in lasers and electro-optics in the first chapter and, in the three remaining chapters, applications of lasers and electro-optics in three different areas are presented. The first section of the book is dedicated to the analysis of physical effects and properties of materials used in lasers and electro-optics. The characterization of several materials is performed in the first chapters of the section. Then, some physical effects in optical components are described and demonstrated. An accurate characterization of materials and the knowledge of the physical effects occurring in each material are of extreme importance when the choice of materials for a given application has to be performed. Some innovative laser implementations are described at the two final chapters of this section. The second section of the book is dedicated to communications. Topics related to optical sampling, all-optical signal processing, optical fibre transmission and data protection are covered in this section. The electronic acquisition of data is quite difficult when data has a broad spectrum, requiring improved sampling schemes. Some of those sampling schemes are discussed. The retiming and reshaping of optical data in the optical domain avoids opto- electrical conversions. Thus, all-optical signal processing is discussed. New modulation VI formats and enhanced transmission systems, required for increasing the data rate available to each user and reduce the cost of the data transmission, are also presented. A method for data protection is described and analyzed in the final chapter of the section. Section three focuses on applications of electro-optics in imaging and processing of light. Some background on the physical effects leading to the creation of images is firstly given. Then, materials and strategies for the generation and manipulation of light are presented. Some applications of the analysis performed in each chapter are referred to along the chapters. Examples of such applications are the enhancement of the sensitivity of atomic force microscopes and 3-D displays. Some applications of electro-optics to biology and medicine are analyzed in section four. This section focuses mainly on technologies for biological tissues imaging. It is shown that electro-optics has the potential to acquire quite good representations of microscopic samples. A chapter related to laser optoperforation for delivering foreign DNA into plants is presented at the end of this section. We would like to thank to all authors for their contributions. On the behalf of the authors, we would like to acknowledge to Vedran Kordic, who coordinated this project, and to all who made this publication possible. We hope readers enjoy reading this book and that it benefits both novice and experts, providing a thorough understanding of several fields related to lasers and electro-optics. Editors Nelson Costa and Adolfo Cartaxo Instituto de Telecomunicações Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa, Portugal Contents Preface V I Physical Effects and Properties of Materials 1. Optical, Photoluminescent, and Photoconductive Properties of Novel High-Performance Organic Semiconductors 001 Oksana Ostroverkhova, Andrew D. Platt and Whitney E. B. Shepherd 2. Nonlinear Optical Absorption of Organic Molecules for Applications in Optical Devices 033 Leonardo De Boni, Daniel S. Corrêa and Cleber R. Mendonça 3. Optical and Spectroscopic Properties of Polymer Layers Doped with Rare Earth Ions 059 Vaclav Prajzler, Oleksiy Lyutakov, Ivan Huttel, Jiri Oswald and Vitezslav Jerabek 4. Pure χ (3) Third-Harmonic Generation in Noncentrosymmetric Media 069 Kentaro Miyata 5. Semiconductor Ridge Microcavities Generating Counterpropagating Entangled Photons 083 Xavier Caillet, Adeline Orieux, Ivan Favero, Giuseppe Leo and Sara Ducci 6. Two-Wave Mixing in Broad-Area Semiconductor Amplifier 099 Mingjun Chi, Jean-Pierre Huignard and Paul Michael Petersen 7. Frequency Conversion based on Three-Wave Parametric Solitons 113 Fabio Baronio, Matteo Conforti, Costantino De Angelis, Antonio Degasperis, Sara Lombardo and Stefan Wabnitz VIII 8. Analogue of the Event Horizon in Fibers 137 Friedrich König, Thomas G. Philbin, Chris Kuklewicz, Scott Robertson, Stephen Hill and Ulf Leonhardt 9. Ultrafast Semiconductor Quantum Optics 165 Rudolf Bratschitsch and Alfred Leitenstorfer 10. Artificial Intelligence Tool and Electronic Systems Used to Develop Optical Applications 173 Margarita Tecpoyotl-Torres, Alberto Ochoa, Jesús Escobedo-Alatorre, Miguel Basurto-Pensado, Arturo García-Arias and Jessica Morales-Valladares 11. Theory of Unitary Spin Rotation and Spin State Tomography for a Single Electron and Two Electrons 197 T. Takagahara 12. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugate Mirror and its Application to Coherent Beam Combined Laser System Producing a High Energy, High Power, High Beam Quality, and High Repetition Rate Output 229 Hong Jin Kong, Seong Ku Lee, Jin Woo Yoon, Jae Sung Shin and Sangwoo Park 13. The Intersubband Approach to Si-based Lasers 255 Greg Sun II Applications in Communications 14. Evolution of Optical Sampling 289 Gianluca Berrettini, Antonella Bogoni, Francesco Fresi, Gianluca Meloni and Luca Potì 15. NIR Single Photon Detectors with Up-conversion Technology and its Applications in Quantum Communication Systems 315 Lijun Ma, Oliver Slattery, and Xiao Tang 16. All-Optical Signal Processing with Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers and Tunable Filters 337 Xinliang Zhang, Xi Huang, Jianji Dong, Yu Yu, Jing Xu and Dexiu Huang 17. Nonlinear Photonic Signal Processing Subsystems and Applications 369 Chi-Wai Chow and Yang Liu IX 18. Wavelength Conversion and 2R-Regeneration in Simple Schemes with Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers 395 Napoleão S. Ribeiro, Cristiano M. Gallep, and Evandro Conforti 19. Optical DQPSK Modulation Performance Evaluation 427 Nelson Costa and Adolfo Cartaxo 20. Fiber-to-the-Home System with Remote Repeater 453 An Vu Tran, Nishaanthan Nadarajah and Chang-Joon Chae 21. Photonic Millimeter-wave Generation and Distribution Techniques for Millimeter/sub-millimeter Wave Radio Interferometer Telescope 479 Hitoshi Kiuchi and Tetsuya Kawanishi 22. Quantum Direct Communication 505 Gui Lu Long, Chuan Wang, Fu-Guo Deng, and Wan-Ying Wang III Applications in Imaging and Light Processing 23. Beating Difraction Limit using Dark States 531 Hebin Li and Yuri Rostovtsev 24. The Physics of Ghost Imaging 549 Yanhua Shih 25. High Performance Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Systems Formed with the Siloxane-containing Derivatives and Their Applications on Electro-optics 595 Yeonghee Cho and Yusuke Kawakami 26. Multicolor Stationary Light 617 Yi Chen, Serguei Andreevich Moiseev and Byoung Seung Ham 27. Fundamentals and Applications of Quantum Limited Optical Imaging 633 Warwick P. Bowen, Magnus T. L. Hsu and Jian Wei Tay 28. Broadband Light Generation in Raman-active Crystals Driven by Femtosecond Laser Fields 655 Miaochan Zhi, Xi Wang and Alexei V. Sokolov X 29. Holographic 3-D Displays - Electro-holography within the Grasp of Commercialization 683 Stephan Reichelt, Ralf Häussler, Norbert Leister, Gerald Fütterer, Hagen Stolle and Armin Schwerdtner IV Applications in Biology and Medicine 30. Combining Optical Coherence Tomography with Fluorescence Imaging 711 Shuai Yuan and Yu Chen 31. Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography in Cardiology 735 Wen-Chuan Kuo 32. Two-photon Fluorescence Endomicroscopy 751 Yicong Wu and Xingde Li 33. Quantitative Phase Imaging using Multi-wavelength Optical Phase Unwrapping 769 Nilanthi Warnasooriya and Myung K. Kim 34. Synchrotron-Based Time-Resolved X-ray Solution Scattering (Liquidography) 787 Shin-ichi Adachi, Jeongho Kim and Hyotcherl Ihee 35. Application of Ultrafast Laser Optoperforation for Plant Pollen Walls and Endothelial Cell Membranes 809 Sae Chae Jeoung, Mehra Singh Sidhu, Ji Sang Yahng, Hyun Joo Shin and GuYoun Baik [...]... (QYs) in solution were referenced against standards with known quantum yields and corrected for differences in optical density and solvent refractive index The ADT derivatives were measured against rhodamine 6G in ethanol (Φ = 0.95) and DCDHF-N-6 in toluene (Φ = 0.85) (Lord et al., 2007) The QY of TIPS pentacene solution was measured against rhodamine 6G in ethanol and Optical, Photoluminescent, and. .. in good-quality TIPS-pentacene thin films reaching 30 - 40% of those obtained in TIPSpentacene single crystals, in spite of the abundance of deep traps at the grain boundaries in thin films (Ostroverkhova et al., 2005b) Therefore, the differences in the trapping properties of TIPS-pentacene, Pc, Rub and Tc crystals most likely account only for a factor up to ~2 in the differences in μη values obtained... fast charge carrier 18 Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics photogeneration in acenes Transient photocurrents obtained in ADT-TIPS-F and TIPSpentacene films upon excitation with 400 nm pulses at the electric field E of 1.2 × 104 V/cm are shown in Fig 10 In all films, transient photocurrents exhibited fast initial decay, most likely due to initial carrier trapping and recombination, followed by a slow... coefficients, and light intensity as the ratio between the number of carriers flowing in the film and the number of absorbed photons In the case of hole-transporting materials and hole-injecting electrodes (such as Au in the case of ADT-TIPS(TES)-F and TIPS-pentacene), bulk photoconductive gain G ≈ η0τc/ttr (7) (where τc is the carrier lifetime, and ttr is the time for the hole to transit through the film), and. .. sample in the absence and in the presence of cw photoexcitation with a Nd:YVO4 laser at 532 nm The photocurrent was calculated as the difference between the two 2.6 Scanning photocurrent microscopy Scanning photocurrent microscopy has been previously utilized in probing internal electric field distributions, mapping electronic band structure, measuring mobility-lifetime products, etc in inorganic and. .. (0.06±0.04) in TIPS-pentacene (TES-pentacene) Using these components and substituting ϕ = γ from Table 1 (for μbb) in Eq.(5), we obtained the ratio of the mobilities along a- and b-axis (μaa/μbb = 3.2 and 8 in TIPS-pentacene and TES-pentacene, respectively) Assuming that μyz and μxz components of the mobility tensor are small, we diagonalized the x-y part of the tensor and determine the directions of the principal... 1 and 2, as well as the corresponding mobilities μ11 (1.04μaa and 1.004μaa in TIPS-pentacene and TES-pentacene, respectively) and μ22 (0.30μaa and 0.086μaa in TIPS-pentacene and TESpentacene, respectively), whose ratio μ22/μ11 yielded 3.5 ± 0.6 and 12 ± 6 for TIPS-pentacene and TES-pentacene, respectively The mobility anisotropy of 3.5 in the TIPS-pentacene crystal is very similar to that obtained in. .. and 0.02-0.03 and 0.01-0.06 in Pc and TIPS-pentacene thin films, depending on their structure These values (in particular the photogeneration efficiency η) include initial carrier trapping and recombination occurring within 400 fs after photoexcitation, not resolved in our experiment If we assume η = 1, then these μη values provide a lower estimate for the carrier mobility μ Since η < 1, the mobility... voltages in the range studied The most interesting effect of adding these molecules to the ADT-TES-F host was, however, the change in the initial photocurrent decay dynamics (Fig 11) In particular, Fig 11 Transient photocurrent obtained in pristine ADT-TES-F film and in ADT-TES-F/TIPSpentacene and ADT-TES-F/ADT-TIPS-CN composites at a fluence of 5 μJ /cm2 at 100 V applied across 25 μm gap Inset shows... Photoluminescent, and Photoconductive Properties of Novel High-Performance Organic Semiconductors 13 Likewise, if we assume that RT intrinsic mobilities in these materials are on the order of . Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics Edited by Nelson Costa and Adolfo Cartaxo Intech IV Published by Intech. 7.75 16 .835 89 .15 78.42 83.63 TES-pent. 7.204 9.994 11 .326 80. 81 89 .13 82. 21 ADT-TES-F 7. 71 7.32 16 .35 87.72 89.99 71. 94 ADT-TIPS-F 7.58 8 .18 16 .15 10 0.85 92.62 98.79 Table 1. Unit cell parameters. properties of materials used in lasers and electro- optics in the first chapter and, in the three remaining chapters, applications of lasers and electro- optics in three different areas are presented.