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Unit 1 my new school lesson 1 getting started

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And lead in the new lesson pen * Outcome: - Students write names of school things on the group board and how to play the game “netwwork” * Implementation:Teacher’s activitiesStudents’ a

Trường THCS ………………………… UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Division of lesson Lesson 1: Getting started 2: A closer look 1 3: A closer look 2 4: Communication 5: Skills 1 6: Skill 2 7: Looking back & Project Date of planning: Date of teaching: Week: Period: 1st UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - have an overview about the topic “My new school” - use the vocabulary to talk about school things 1 Knowledge: * Vocabulary: places lexical items : subject (n), uniform (n), calculator (n)… * Grammar: The simple present 2 Competences: a/ General competences - Listening and reading to get information about the first day at school of a student - Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… b/ Language skills: Listening, speaking and reading 3 Attribute: - to teach SS to work hard, love their school and friends II Instructional resources - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, Getting started - smart TV and cards, visual aids - sachmem.vn III Procudures: Activity 1: Warm-up (5 mins) * Aim: - To activate students’ knowledge on the topic of the unit * Content: write names of school things And lead in the new lesson pen school things * Outcome: - Students write names of school things on the group board and how to play the game “netwwork” * Implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Network: - Teacher divides class into 2 teams and asks - Students write down on the groupboard and students to write school things everyday stick it on the board -The team who has more correct words is the * Chatting winner - Teacher asks Ss to set the context for the - Ss answer the following questions + What is a special day? listening and reading text: + Why is it special for you? - In order to know about Phong, Vy and Duy's + What makes -you remember the most? special day Let’s come to Unit 1 Lesson 1 * Assessment tools: observation Activity 2: Presentation (5 mins) * Aim: To prepare students with vocabulary related to the topic My New School; * Content: learn some vocabularies related to the topic Vocabulary - calculator (n):máy tính - wear (v): mặc, đội - 'uniform (n): bộ đồng phục - smart (adj): bảnh bao, nhanh trí - 'compass(n): com pa, la bàn - put on (phr v): mặc vào - 'heavy (adj): nặng * Outcome: Students read and understand the meaning of vocab Students know how to to play the game “what and where” * Implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Teacher use different techniques to teach - Ss repeat in chorus and individually vocab (pictures, situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab - Ss copy all the words * Checking vocab: < what and where> * Assessment tools: observation Activity 3: Practice (30 mins) Task 1: Listen and read (p.6) (5’) * Aims: To set the context for the introductory; To introduce the topic of the unit, the vocabulary, the sounds, and the grammar points to be learnt * Content: Listen and read the conversation, answer some questions  Questions a) Who are they? b) What is Phong doing? c)Who are Vy and Duy? d)Why is it a special day for them?  Answer the questions: a) They are Phong, his Mum, Vy and Duy b) He is having breakfast c) They are Phong's schoolmates d) Because it is their fisrt day of the new school * Outcome: Students read and understand the meaning of the text Students know how to role play * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities - T sets the sences - Ss look at the picture on page 6 - T leads Ss to the dialogue “We are going to listen and read a dialogue about Phong, Vy and Duy's special day” - Teacher plays the recording twice  Students listen and read  Teacher checks students’ prediction  Some students read the conversation aloud * Assessment tools: observation Task 2: Read the conversation again and tick (✔) T (True) or F (False) (7 mins) * Aims: To have students get specific information of the text * Content: Read the conversation again and tick (✔) T (True) or F (False) * Outcome: Answer key: 1 T 2 F (Duy is Vy’s friend) 3 T 4 T 5 F ( Phong isn’t wearing a shool uniform) * Implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities  Teacher reminds students to underline the  Students read the conversation again and work information and correct the false statements independently to find the answers  Teacher has students pair compare before - Students pair compare before checking with the checking with the whole class whole class  Teacher calls some students to give the - Some students give the answers answers * Assessment tools: observation Task 3: Write one word from the box in each gap (5 mins) * Aims: To check students understanding of the conversation and help students use the words in context * Content: Read the conversation again and fill in the blanks (work independently) * Outcome: Answer key: 1 wear 2 has 3 go 4 uniforms 5 subjects * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities  Students read the conversation again, work  Teacher has students read the conversation independently to put a suitable word from the box to fill in the gap again, work independently to put a suitable word from the box to fill in the gap  One student share his/her answer on the  Teacher calls one student to share his/her board answer on the board  Students look at the board, check their mate’s answer * Assessment tools: observation Task 4: Match the words with the school things Then listen and repeat (7 mins) * Aims: To revise some words and learn some more words indicating school things * Content: Matching the words with the pictures (work in groups) * Outcome: Students’ activities Answer key:  Members from two teams take turns and matchs 1 school bag the names with the correct pictures as fast as 2 compass possible The team matched faster and correctly 3 pencil sharpener is the winner 4 rubber 5 pebcil case 6 calculator * Implementation: Teacher’s activities  Teacher divides the class into 2 teams  Teacher put two sets of cards, one includes pictures of school things and the other includes their names * Assessment tools: observation Task 5: Write names of the things you can see around the class in your notebook (6 mins) * Aims: To check students’ vocabulary and improve group work skill * Content: Write names of the things around the class * Outcome: Students’ answers in your notebook ( Students share with the whole class ) Suggested answer: Chairs, tables, clock, school bags, board, books, pen, flower pot, pencil,… * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities  Students work in groups of four to look around - Teacher guides Ss how to do this task the class and write down things they can see in the class  Students may ask teacher if they don’t know the names of the items - Students share with the whole class * Assessment tools: observation 3 Production (3 mins) * Aim: To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson * Content: Vocab about school things and Read and understand content of the conversation * Outcome: Say aloud some words they remember from the lesson * Implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson - Ss work indepently - Vocab about school things * Assessment tools: observation - Read and understand content of the conversation IV Homework (2 mins) - Learn by heart all the new words - Do exercises in the workbook - Think of activities students can do at school - Prepare lesson 2 ( A closer look 1) *- Evaluation: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Week: Period: UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  use the lexical items related to the topic My new school;  use the combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + N;  pronounce correctly the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ 1.Knowledge: * Vocab: School lexical items and practising the sound /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ * Grammar: The simple present 2 Competences: a/ General competences - Listening and reading to get information about the first day at school of a student - Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… b/ Language skills: Listening, speaking , reading and writing 3 Attribute: - To teach Ss to work hard, love their school and friends II Instructional resources - Pictures, planning , … - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, A closer look 2 - Smart TV/Pictures, sets of word cards - sachmem.vn III Procudures: Activity 1: Warm-up (5 mins) * Aim: -To activate students’ knowledge on the topic of the unit - To set the context for the listening and reading part * Content: Game : Kim’s game (about school things) * Outcome: Ss write words exactly on the board - school bag - calculator - compass …… * Implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Teacher divides the class into two teams - Ss look at the picture on page 7 in 20 seconds - Teacher gets feedback -> Today we are and try to remember as many words as going to learn some more combinations possible about school - Ss go to the board and write the words * Assessment tools: observation Activity 2: Presentation (5 mins) * Aim: To enrich students’ vocabulary to talk about activities at school * Content: Vocabulary about school * Vocabulary - science (n) : môn khoa học - exercise (n/v): bài tập, tập luyện - history (n) : lịch sử - lesson (n): bài học - school lunch: bữa trưa ở trường Students’ activities * Outcome: Read and understand the maning of words Checking vocab: < Matching> * Implementation: Teacher’s activities - Teacher use different techniques to teach - Ss follow the seven steps of teaching vacab vocab (pictures, situation, realia) - Ss repeat in chorus and individually - Ss copy all the words * Assessment tools: observation Activity 3: Practice (30 mins) Task 1: Listen and repeat the words (5 mins) * Aims: To revise / introduce the names of school subjects, and some nouns related to school and school activities * Content: Listen and repeat the words * Outcome: Students read words exactly aloud * Implementation: Students’ activities  Students listen and repeat the words Teacher’s activities  Teacher asks students to listen and  Some students read the words aloud repeat the words  Teacher calls some students to read the words aloud * Assessment tools: observation Task 2: Work in pairs Put the words in Task 1 in the correct columns (7 mins) * Aims: To teach Ss how to combine a verb and a noun to talk about school activities * Content: Put the words in the correct columns (V with N) * Outcome: Ss say the correct answers ( pair work) *Answer key: play do football homework music exercise have study school English lunch history lessons science * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities  Students work in pairs and use the words in Task 1  Teacher asks Students work in pairs and to put into the correct columns do the task  Some pairs share their answers with the whole  Teacher gives feedback and corrections class (if necessary)  Students work in groups of four and add as many  Teacher explains which nouns go with words into each column as possible each verb to make meaningful names of activities * Assessment tools: observation Task 3: Put the words in the blanks (5 mins) * Aims: To help students use the vocabulary in context * Content: Fill in the blanks with a suitable word * Outcome: Student’s correct answers on the board Answer key: 1 homework Students’ activities 2 football 3 lessons  Students work independently and put a suitable 4 exercise word in each blank 5 science * Implementation: - Some students share the answers Teacher’s activities  Teacher asks Ss do the task  Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class  Teacher gives feedback * Assessment tools: observation Task 4: Listen and repeat Pay attention to the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/.(7 mins) * Aims: To teach Ss how to pronounce the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ and practise pronouncing these sounds in words correctly * Content: Understand and how to pronounce the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ * Outcome: Students pronounce words exactly Suggested answers:  /ɑː/: car, start, after, party  /ʌ/: cut, one, country Key: + /ɑː/: smart, art, carton, class + / ʌ /: subject, study, monday, compass * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities  Teacher introduces 2 sounds /ɑː/ and  Ss watch a video about how to pronounce these /ʌ/ to students and lets them watch a two sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ video about how to pronounce these two sounds  T gives some words and show how to - Ss take note pronounce these two sounds  Students to listen and repeat * Assessment tools: observation Task 5: Listen and repeat Underline the words with the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ (6 mins) * Aims: To help students practise the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ in sentences * Content: Listen and repeat Underline the words with the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ * Outcome: Students’ answers in your notebook ( Students share with the whole class ) Key+ Audio script: 1 My brother has a new compass 2 Our classroom is large 3 They look smart on their first day at school 4 The art lesson starts at nine o'clock 5 He goes out to have lunch every Sunday * Implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Before listening, students discuss in pairs and find the words with the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/  Teacher plays the recording for students - Students listen to check and repeat the sentences to check and repeat the sentences - Ss work in pairs to compare their answers - Check Ss'answers - Play the recording again - Ss listen and repeat sentence by sentence, paying attention to the underlined words * Assessment tools: observation Activity 4: Production (5 mins) * Aim: To give students a chance to apply what they have learnt * Content: Game : Who is faster? write sentences including 2 features: school activities and one of the sounds /ɑː/ or /ʌ/ * Outcome: Students read aloud their sentences - (e.g: I usually play basketball with my brother.) - I often use compass to do Math exercise * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities - Teacher asks groups to write sentences - Ss Work in groups including 2 features: school activities and  Each group hand in their paper and checks, the one of the sounds /ɑː/ or /ʌ/ group with more correct sentences is the winner - Teacher invites the winner to read aloud their sentences * Assessment tools: observation IV Homework (2 mins) - Learn by heart all the new words - Rewrite the sentences into notebooks - Find 3 more school activities that have the sound /ɑː/ or /ʌ/ - Prepare lesson 3 ( A closer look 2) *- Evaluation: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………… * Content: Practise introducing a friend to someone * Outcome: role play and practice in front of the class fluently  Example: Thien: Huy, this is Huong, my new friend Huy: Hi, Huong Nice to meet you Huong: Hi, Huy Nice to meet you, too * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities - Students work in groups of four, introducing themselves to the group members, using structures above - Teacher gives feedback and corrections - Some students to introduce their new friends to (if necessary) the whole class Task 3: Read and tick the questions you think are suitable to ask a new friend at school NEW FRIENDS AT SCHOOL * Aims: To identify questions people should ask when making new friendsat school * Content: Read and tick the questions you think are suitable to ask a new friend at school 1 Are you from around here? 2 Do you like music? 4 What is your favourite subject at school? 6 Do you play football? 7.How do you go to school every day? * Outcome:  Suggested answer: 1 What’s your name? 2 Where do you live? 3 Do you like EL? 4 What’s your telephone number? * Implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities - T asks them to add 2 more questions to - Ss read and tick the questions individually.Then the list discuss the questions in groups - Teacher checks with the whole class - Ss give more questions Task 4: Friendship quiz * Aims: - To identify qualities of a good friend -To help Ss revise yes / no questions with the present simple * Content: Friendship quiz ( some questions about a good friend) * Products: Students’ correct answers (work independently) * Organization of implementation: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities - T guides Ss do the exercise - Students work independently and do the quiz in Ex 4, p 11 Activity 4: Production (5 mins) Task 5: Work in groups Take turns to interview the others, use the questions above * Aims: To apply the knowledge they have learnt in this lesson * Content: interview the others, use the questions “ How is a good friend?” * Outcome: Students ask and answer exactly ( group work ) * Implementation: Students’ activities - Students move to places of classmates they Teacher’s activities haven’t got aquainted yet, form a new group and - Teacher calls some groups to make models interview the new mates, then give feedback on their mates * Assessment tools: observation IV Homework (2’) - Write down the results and feedback of the previous interviews - Prepare lesson 5 ( skills 1) *- Evaluation: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Week: UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 5 : Skills1 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - develop reading skill for general and specific information about schools; - talk about different types of school; - talk about things they like and don’t like at school and the reasons for that 1.Knowledge: * Vocab: boarding school (n) playground (n) international (adj),… * Grammar: The simple present 2 Competences : a/ General competences - develop their language skills, Ask and answer questions about school activities b/ Language skills: Speaking , reading 3 Attitude: To teach SS to work hard, love their school and friends II Instructional resources - Pictures, planning , … - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, skills 1 - Smart TV/Pictures, sets of word cards - sachmem.vn III Procudures: Activity 1: Warm-up (5 mins) * Aim: To introduce the topic of reading * Content:  Play a game : Chatting 1 What’s the name of your school? 2 Is your shool big or small? 3 How many students and teachers are there? 4 Do you like your new school? Why or why not? * Outcome: Students say the correct answers aloud * Implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Teachers asks students some questions - Students answer the questions about Ss’ school - And then lead in the new lesson Activity 2 Pre- reading (10’) * Aim: - To prepare students with vocabulary related to the lesson - To lead in the reading skills -

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2024, 22:20
