They “start at the top,” and don’t mess around growing from the soil on the forest floor.• Taking advantage of the greater sunlight, air, and water in the treetops, the sapling quickly g
FORESTS EDITOR Elizabeth Crooker SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Nicole Welch DESIGNER arrison ugron SVP EDUCATION PRODUCTS Laura Woodside DIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION Barb lendenen Christine Voboril PERMISSIONS SPECIALIST ASSISTANT EDITOR ayley im Colin Draun WISECRACKS AND WITTICISMS MARCH 2024 BOARD OF ADVISORS MYSTERY PHOTO ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOGRAPHY, CO-COORDINATOR TEXAS ALLIANCE FOR Do you know what this is? GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY See page 48 for the answer Sarah Witham Bednar About the Cover DIRECTOR (RETIRED), CURRICULUM FRAMEWORKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES OFFICE, Forests are important to life on our planet CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION About 80% of all plant and animal life live Diane Brooks d.D in forests MISTERDIN/ FLORENTINE FILMS en Burns PROFESSOR, SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Maryann Manning DIRECTOR, INDIANA UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER Shawn Reynolds OUTREACH COORDINATOR (RETIRED), HARVARD’S CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES Carol Johnson Shedd PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION REFORM, 21ST CENTURY CHAIR IN TEACHER QUALITY, UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS Sandra Stotsky DIRECTOR, AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER OUTREACH PROGRAM AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY Barbara Brown CO-COORDINATOR, ARIZONA GEOGRAPHIC ALLIANCE, ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Gale Ekiss ➜ ➜ Member, Classroom Publishers Association Indexed and/or Abstracted in: Children’s Magazine Guide, Primary Search and Middle Search, Readers’ Guide for Young People, Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, Vertical File Index, Visit our online index at: FACES (ISSN 0749-1387) is published 9 times a year, monthly except for combined May/June, July/ August, and November/December issues, by Cricket Media, Inc., 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, Mc ean, 22102 Periodicals postage paid at Mc ean, , and at additional mailing offices or address changes, back issues, subscriptions, customer service, or to renew, please visit shop, email cricketmedia, write to S, P Box 3 , arlan, I 1 3-1 , or call 1- 00- 21-011 P STM ST Please send address changes to S, P Box 3 , arlan, I 1 3-1 March 2024, Volume 40, Number 06 © 2024, Cricket Media All rights reserved, including right of reproduction in whole or in part, in any form Address correspondence to FACES 1 East Erie Street, Suite 2 , PMB 13 , hicago, I 0 11 or submission information and guidelines, see cricketmedia com We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or other material All letters and contest entries accompanied by parent or guardian signatures are assumed to be for publication and become the property of Cricket Media For information regarding our privacy policy and compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, please visit our website at or write to us at CMG COPPA, 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, McLean, VA 22102 FEATURES Pg 12 Pg 6 8 What Makes a Forest? Pg 24 Pg 16 by Kathy Rembisz Pg 42 Pg 30 12 Animals That Depend Check out our on the Forest online teacher’s guides at by Patty Claudio WWW.CRICKETMEDIA.COM/ 16 The Plight of the TEACHER-RESOURCES/ Rainforests by Patty Claudio 20 A Mystical Forest by Marcia Amidon Lusted 24 Lord of the Forest by Mary Rudzinski 28 Pando: Oldest, Heaviest, and Largest? by Paula Henson 30 Mangroves: Forests on Stilts by Nicole Groeneweg 34 The Kelp Forest: An Underwater Ecosystem by Nicole Groeneweg 42 The Evergreen and the Rhododendron retold by Virginia Shumacher DEPARTMENTS 2 High 5 4 At a Glance 6 Critter Corner 23 Where in the World? 37 The Gallery 38 A Closer Look 48 Say What? 49 Last Face ACTIVITIES 40 Crossword 46 Your Turn HIGH FIVE Some forests are peaceful Others are enchanted Many are in danger What makes a forest a forest? Read on to find out Here are five fascinating facts to get you started Established in 1914, New Hampshire’s White Mountain National Forest covers more than 800,000 acres 2 In-tree-guing 1 orests are c assified into t ree different t es orea forest a so no n as taiga is ocated t e fart est nort and e eriences ong co d inters tro ica forest e ists a ong t e e ator and as ig tem erat res and ong gro ing seasons tem erate forest goes t ro g fo r distinct seasons so t e tem erat res ct ate t ro g o t t e ear 2 ne of t e most t reatened anima s on t e anet is an ante o e ca ed t e sao a (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis co sin to t e co it is fo nd on in t e o and forests of t e nnamite o ntains in aos and ietnam o g it as t o orns t e sao a is often ca ed t e sian nicorn eca se it is so rare cientists estimate t at t ere ma e on individ a s a ive 3 ore t an of o r medicines come from rainforest ants t e ave on e ored of t e ants avai a e edicines a so come from rainforest anima so rces s c as green a gae from a s ot s ac sed to treat cancer and ma aria and sna e venom for ig ood ress re 4 e a t e of sea eed can gro to feet ong imi ar to a conifero s forest t at is made of dense ac ed cone earing trees a e forest is made of dense ac ed e fronds ic gro in co d ocean aters iant e is t e most common t e and t e argest sea eed on art ed oods ive onger t an an ot er tree s a from to ears e o dest iving se oia is ca ed t e enera erman t stands feet ta from its ase to its to and eig s mi ion o nds 3 AT A GLANCE Leaves turn sunlight into food and seeds help create new trees The leaves and seeds look different depending on the species of tree 4 5 CRITTER CORNER strang er fig encases a temple This must be the scenic root STRANGLER FIG BRINGS LIFE AND DEATH TO THE AMAZON RAINFOREST Life Cycle by Patty Claudio In the dark Amazon forest, plants he Amazon Rainforest in South America fight for light The strangler fig is is one of the most important forests in one of the best competitors in the the world, and fig trees are one of the rainforest Read on • Sticky strangler fig seeds are most important species in tropical dropped by birds and fall into cracks rainforests Of the 150 fig species in the Amazon, one of a host tree’s bark in the treetops of the most successful survivors is the strangler fig They “start at the top,” and don’t mess around growing from the soil If you’re thinking this species sounds a little scary, on the forest floor you’re not wrong In Peru, strangler figs are called • Taking advantage of the greater matapalos (tree killers) sunlight, air, and water in the treetops, the sapling quickly grows 6 • Some leaves and branches reach Banyan trees are considered FUN FACTS upward toward the light Other “aerial sacred by those who follow roots” travel downward toward the soil the Hindu faith » Another name for • As they grow downward, the roots wasp benefit The wasps are about strangler figs is of the strangler fig wrap themselves two millimeters long, and enter at the banyan trees indus around the host tree They form a criss- bottom of the fig fruit Once inside, consider them sacred cross frame that completely surrounds they pollinate the flowers and also because the Buddha the host’s trunk reproduce Without these special once meditated wasps, there would be no seeds beneath one • Once the roots reach the ground, And without the figs, there would be the strangler steals the nutrients and no wasps rainforest food web moisture that the host tree depended There are two other positive upon for its survival Ecological Importance characteristics of the fig First, the • Meanwhile, at the top of the tree, Although they cause death to the host species seems to be maintaining the strangler fig’s own leaves spread tree, strangler figs also provide life to stable populations So, the upward, overshadowing the host’s many other animals in the rainforest International Union for crown The fig’s leaves take all of the The nooks and crannies in its hollow Conservation (IUCN) does not list it life-giving sunlight trunk provide important habitat to as being threatened or endangered insects, rodents, bats, reptiles, Secondly, strangler figs anchor their • The host tree dies amphibians, and birds host trees during tropical cyclones • The strangler fig is now large and Thus, the killer fig can also act as a strong enough to stand on its own Its Many scientists consider strangler bodyguard hollow trunk is the only clue that there figs a keystone species, an organism was ever a host tree that helps hold a system together Though some of the strangler This is because figs bear fruit several fig’s survival strategies are shady A Fig Is Born times a year Different species of figs by human standards, it is one of fruit at different times so there is the most extraordinary and If you think that being a destructive always a supply of food for various successful trees found in the forests parasite that kills its host is unusual, animals, even if other food is scarce of South America things are about to get even weirder And once herbivores eat fruit, they Many fig species have a symbiotic become prey for predators in the relationship with a tiny pollinator wasp That means that both the fig tree and e roots of a strang er fig create a criss-cross frame around its host tree’s trunk 7