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ADVANCESIN MECHATRONICS  EditedbyHoracioMartínez‐Alfaro              Advances in Mechatronics Edited by Horacio Martínez-Alfaro Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Mia Devic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer Jan Hyrat Image Copyright Tonis Pan, 2010. Used under license from Shutterstock.com First published August, 2011 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechweb.org Advances in Mechatronics, Edited by Horacio Martínez-Alfaro p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-373-6 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at www.intechopen.com   Contents  Preface IX Part 1 Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence 1 Chapter 1 Integrated Control of Vehicle System Dynamics: Theory and Experiment 3 Wuwei Chen, Hansong Xiao, Liqiang Liu, Jean W. Zu and HuiHui Zhou Chapter 2 Integrating Neural Signal and Embedded System for Controlling Small Motor 31 Wahidah Mansor, Mohd Shaifulrizal Abd Rani and Nurfatehah Wahy Chapter 3 Artificial Intelligent Based Friction Modelling and Compensation in Motion Control System 43 Tijani Ismaila B., Rini Akmeliawati and Momoh Jimoh E. Salami Chapter 4 Mechatronic Systems for Kinetic Energy Recovery at the Braking of Motor Vehicles 69 Corneliu Cristescu, Petrin Drumea, Dragos Ion Guta, Catalin Dumitrescu and Constantin Chirita Chapter 5 Integrated Mechatronic Design for Servo Mechanical Systems 109 Chin-Yin Chen, I-Ming Chen and Chi-Cheng Cheng Part 2 Robotics and Vision 129 Chapter 6 On the Design of Underactuated Finger Mechanisms for Robotic Hands 131 Pierluigi Rea Chapter 7 Robotic Grasping and Fine Manipulation Using Soft Fingertip 155 Akhtar Khurshid, Abdul Ghafoor and M. Afzaal Malik VI Contents Chapter 8 Recognition of Finger Motions for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand via Surface EMG 175 Chiharu Ishii Chapter 9 Self-Landmarking for Robotics Applications 191 Yanfei Liu and Carlos Pomalaza-Ráez Chapter 10 Robotic Waveguide by Free Space Optics 207 Koichi Yoshida, Kuniaki Tanaka and Takeshi Tsujimura Chapter 11 Surface Reconstruction of Defective Point Clouds Based on Dual Off-Set Gradient Functions 223 Kun Mo and Zhoupin Yin Part 3 Other Applications and Theory 245 Chapter 12 Advanced NO x Sensors for Mechatronic Applications 247 Angela Elia, Cinzia Di Franco, Adeel Afzal, Nicola Cioffi and Luisa Torsi Chapter 13 Transdisciplinary Approach of the Mechatronics in the Knowledge Based Society 271 Ioan G.Pop and Vistrian Mătieş   Preface  The community of researchers claiming the relevance of their work to the field of mechatronicsisgrowingfasterandfaster,despitethefactthatthetermitselfhasbeen inthescientificcommunityformorethan40years.Numerousbookshavebeenpub‐ lishedspecializingin anyoneofthewellkn own areas  that comprised it:mechanical engineering,electroniccontrolandsystems,butattemptstobringthemtogetherasa synergisticintegratedareasarescarce.Yetsomecommonapplicationareasclearlyap‐ pearsincethen. Thegoalofthisbookistocollectstate‐of‐the‐artcontributionsthatdiscussrecentde‐ velopmentsthatshowmoremoresy nergisticintegrationamongtheareas.Thebookis dividedinthreesectionswithoutandspecificspecialorder.Thefirstsectionisabout AutomaticControlandArtificialIntelligencewithfivechapters,thesecondsectionis RoboticsandVisionwithsixchapters,andthethirdsectionisOtherA pplicationsand Theorywithtwochapters. The first chapter on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence by Wuwei Chen, HansongXiao,LiqiangLiu,JeanW.Zu,andHuiHuiZhouissometheoryandexperi‐ ments of integrated control vehicle dynamics. The second chapter by Wahidah Mansor,SaifulrizalAbRani,andNu rfatehahWahiis about integratingneuralsignal and embedded system for controlling a small motor. Ismaila B. Tijani, Akmeliawati Rini, and Jimoh E. Salami Momoh inthe third  chapter shows anartificial intelligent based friction modelling and compensation for motion control system. The fourth chapter by Corneliu Cristescu, Petrin Drumea, Dragos Ion Guta, and Catalin Dumi‐ trescuisaboutamechatronicsy stemsforkineticenergyrecoveryatthebrakingofmo‐ torvehicles.ThefifthchapterandlastofthissectionbyChin‐YinChen,I‐MingChen, and Chi‐Cheng Cheng is about integrated mechatronic design for servo‐mechanical sy stems. FortheRoboticsandVisionsection,thefirstchapteris onthedesi gnofunderactuat‐ edfingermechanismsforrobotichandsbyPierluigiRe a.  Thefollowingchapterby AkhtarKhurshiddealswithroboticgraspingandfinemanipulationusingsoftfinger‐ tip.Inthenextchapter,ChiharuIshiitalksaboutrecognitionoffingermotionsformy‐ oelectric prosthetic hand via surface EMG. Yanfei Liu and Carlos Pomalaza‐Ráez in thefollowingchaptertalksaboutself‐landmarkingforroboticsapplications.Thenext X Preface chapter is about robotic waveguide by free space optics by Koichi Yoshida, Kuniaki Tanaka,andTakeshiTsujimura.AndthelastchapterforthissectionbyKunMoand Zhoupin Yin is aboutsurface reconstruction of defective point clouds based ondual off‐setgradientfunctions. FortheOtherApplicationsandTheorysec tion,thefirstchapterbyAngelaElia,Cinzia DiFranco,AdeelAfzal,NicolaCioffiandLuisaTorsiisaboutadvancedNOxsensors formechatronicapplications.ThelastchapterbutnottheleastbyIoanG.PopandVis‐ trian Mătieş is about a transdisciplinary approach of the mechatronics in the knowledgebasedsoc iety. Idohopeyouwillfindthebookinterestingandthoughtprovoking.Enjoy!  HoracioMartínez‐Alfaro MechatronicsandAutomationDepartment, TecnológicodeMonterrey,Monterrey, México July2011   [...]... control systems These control techniques can be classified into two categories, as suggested by (Gordon et al., 2003): 1) multivariable control; and 2) hierarchical control Most control 4 Advances in Mechatronics techniques used in the previous studies fall into the first category Examples include nonlinear predictive control (Falcone et al., 2007), random sub-optimal control (Chen et al., 2006), robust... Fz 1  Fz 2  Fz 3  Fz 4 z mui ui  kti ( zgi  zui )  Fzi z (6) (i=1,2,3,4) (7) where   Fz1  ks 1 ( zu1  zs 1 )  c1 ( zu 1  zs 1 )  kaf 2d [  ( zu 2  zu 1 ) ]  f1 2d (8) 6 Advances in Mechatronics kaf ( zu 2  zu 1 ) ]  f2 2d (9)   Fz 3  ks 3 ( zu 3  zs 3 )  c 3 ( zu 3  zs 3 )  kar (z  z ) [  u 3 u 4 ]  f 3 2d 2d (10)   Fz 4  ks 4 ( zu 4  zs 4 )  c 4 ( zu 4  zs 4 )... pinion can be obtained by applying force analysis to the pinion   I p 1  Tm  Tc  Tr  c e 1 where Tc is the torque applied on the steering wheel, which can be calculated by (20) 8 Advances in Mechatronics Tc  ks ( h   1 ) (21) Let the speed reduction ratio of the rack-pinion mechanism be N2, we have  1  N 2 f (22) 2.3 Tyre model The Pacejka nonlinear tyre model (Bakker et al., 1987;... variables are immeasurable in practice To apply the control strategy, we first propose the objective function (or performance indices) for the integrated control system defined in Eq 34 10 Advances in Mechatronics Since it is a full-car dynamic model that integrates EPS and ASS, the multiple vehicle performance indices must be considered, which include maneuverability, handling stability, ride comfort,... For example, the vertical acceleration of sprung mass is considered to be more important than the suspension dynamic deflection In order to study comprehensively the characteristics of 12 Advances in Mechatronics N2 ks Ip ce M ms mu1/mu2 mu3/mu4 ks1/ks2 ks3/ks4 kaf/kar c1/c2 20 90 (Nm/ rad) 0.06 (kgm2) 0.3 (Nsm/rad) 1030 (kg) 810 (kg) 26.5/ 26.5 (kg) 24.4/ 24.4 (kg) 20600/ 20600 (N/m) 15200/ 15200... stability, and ride comfort, compared to either the EPS-only system or the ASS-only system, and the passive system Fig 4 Road Input 1 Passive 2 ASS-only 3 Integrated Control Fig 5 Roll angle 14 Advances in Mechatronics 1 Passive 2 EPS-only 3 Integrated Control Fig 6 Yaw rate 1 Passive 2 ASS-only 3 Integrated Control Fig 7 Vertical acceleration of sprung mass 15 Integrated Control of Vehicle System Dynamics:... design The architecture of the proposed hierarchical control system is shown in Fig 9 The control system consists of two layers The upper layer controller monitors the driver’s intentions 16 Advances in Mechatronics and the current vehicle states including the steering angle of the front wheel  f , the sideslip angle  , the yaw rate z and the lateral acceleration ay , etc Based on these input signals,... zu1 ) T  T 0   q6 ( zs 2  zu 2 )2  q7 ( zs 3  zu 3 )2  q8 ( zs 4  zu 4 )2  q9 2   q  2  q  2  r f 2  r f 2  r f 2  r f 2 ]dt z J  Lim 10 11 s 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 (49) 18 Advances in Mechatronics where q1 ,…, q11 , and r1 ,…, r4 are the weighting coefficients The above equation can be rewritten as the following matrix form J Lim T  1 T T ( X QX  U T RU  2 X T NU )dt T0 (50) where... the vehicle travels at a constant speed v = 90 km/h Two driving conditions are performed: 1) step steering input; and 2) double lane change For the first case, the vehicle is subject to a 20 Advances in Mechatronics e PB PM PS PO NO NS NM NB de PB PM PS O NS NM NB NB NB NM NM NM NS O O NB NB NM NM NM NS O O NB NB NM NS NS O PM PM NB NB NM O O PM PB PB NM NM O PS PS PM PB PB O O PS PM PM PM PB PB O O PS... indices, is presented in Fig 11(d) It can be observed that the peak value of the performance index is decreased by 13.8% for hierarchical control, compared to that for non-integrated control 22 Advances in Mechatronics 2 For the manoeuvre of double lane change, it is observed that the peak value of the sideslip angle for hierarchical control is reduced by 15.3% compared to that for nonintegrated control, . ADVANCESIN MECHATRONICS  EditedbyHoracioMartínez‐Alfaro              Advances in Mechatronics Edited by Horacio Martínez-Alfaro . approach of the mechatronics in the knowledgebasedsoc iety. Idohopeyouwillfindthebookinterestingandthoughtprovoking.Enjoy!  HoracioMartínez‐Alfaro Mechatronics andAutomationDepartment, TecnológicodeMonterrey,Monterrey, México July2011   . Franco, Adeel Afzal, Nicola Cioffi and Luisa Torsi Chapter 13 Transdisciplinary Approach of the Mechatronics in the Knowledge Based Society 271 Ioan G.Pop and Vistrian Mătieş  

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2014, 23:21