CURRENTTRENDSAND CHALLENGESINRFID EditedbyCornelTurcu Current Trends and Challenges in RFID Edited by Cornel Turcu Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Davor Vidic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer Jan Hyrat Image Copyright Eric Strand, 2010. Used under license from First published July, 2011 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from Current Trends and Challenges in RFID, Edited by Cornel Turcu p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-356-9 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at Contents Preface IX Part 1 RF/RFID Backgrounds 1 Chapter 1 Radio Frequency Background 3 Tales Cleber Pimenta, Paulo C. Crepaldi and Luis H. C. Ferreira Chapter 2 Main RF Structures 17 Tales Cleber Pimenta, Paulo C. Crepaldi, Luis H. C. Ferreira, Robson L. Moreno and Leonardo B. Zoccal Chapter 3 RF CMOS Background 37 Tales Cleber Pimenta, Robson L. Moreno and Leonardo B. Zoccal Chapter 4 Structural Design of a CMOS Voltage Regulator for an Implanted Device 53 Paulo C. Crepaldi, Luis H. de C. Ferreira, Tales C. Pimenta, Robson L. Moreno, Leonardo B. Zoccal and Edgar C. Rodriguez Part 2 Antennas/Tags 85 Chapter 5 RFID Technology: Perspectives and Technical Considerations of Microstrip Antennas for Multi-band RFID Reader Operation 87 Ahmed Toaha Mobashsher, Mohammad Tariqul Islam and Norbahiah Misran Chapter 6 Low-Cost Solution for RFID Tags in Terms of Design and Manufacture 113 Chi-Fang Huang Chapter 7 Conductive Adhesives as the Ultralow Cost RFID Tag Antenna Material 127 Cheng Yang and Mingyu Li VI Contents Chapter 8 Key Factors Affecting the Performance of RFID Tag Antennas 151 Yung-Cheng Hsieh, Hui-Wen Cheng and Yu-Ju Wu Chapter 9 Troubleshooting RFID Tags Problems with Metallic Objects Using Metamaterials 171 Mª Elena de Cos and Fernando Las-Heras Chapter 10 High Performance UHF RFID Tags for Item-Level Tracing Systems in Critical Supply Chains 187 Luca Catarinucci, Riccardo Colella, Mario De Blasi, Luigi Patrono and Luciano Tarricone Part 3 Readers 209 Chapter 11 Design and Implementation of Reader Baseband Receiver Structure in a Passive RFID Environment 211 Ji-Hoon Bae, Kyung-Tae Kim, WonKyu Choi and Chan-Won Park Chapter 12 RFID Readers for the HDX Protocol - A Designer’s Perspective 229 Dan Tudor Vuza and Reinhold Frosch Part 4 Protocols and Algorithms 255 Chapter 13 F-HB + : A Scalable Authentication Protocol for Low-Cost RFID Systems 257 Xiaolin Cao and Máire P. O’Neill Chapter 14 RFID Model for Simulating Framed Slotted ALOHA Based Anti-Collision Protocol for Muti-Tag Identification 279 Zornitza Prodanoff and Seungnam Kang Chapter 15 Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID - Research & Applications 305 Andreas Loeffler Chapter 16 An Unconditionally Secure Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol with Untraceability 329 Hung-Yu Chien, Jia-Zhen Yen and Tzong-Chen Wu Chapter 17 Application of Monte Carlo Method for Determining the Interrogation Zone in Anticollision Radio Frequency Identification Systems 335 Piotr Jankowski-Mihułowicz and Włodzimierz Kalita Chapter 18 Iterative Delay Compensation Algorithm to Mitigate NLOS Influence for Positioning 357 Koji Enda and Ryuji Kohno Contents VII Chapter 19 Efficient Range Query Using Multiple Hilbert Curves 375 Ying Jin, Jing Dai and Chang-Tien Lu Part 5 Case Studies/Applications 391 Chapter 20 The Study on Secure RFID Authentication and Access Control 393 Yu-Yi Chen and Meng-Lin Tsai Chapter 21 Attacks on the HF Physical Layer of Contactless and RFID Systems 415 Pierre-Henri Thevenon, Olivier Savry, Smail Tedjini and Ricardo Malherbi-Martins Chapter 22 Tag Movement Direction Estimation Methods in an RFID Gate System 441 Yoshinori Oikawa Chapter 23 Third Generation Active RFID from the Locating Applications Perspective 455 Eugen Coca and Valentin Popa Chapter 24 Optimization of RFID Platforms: A Cross-Layer Approach 477 Ramiro Sámano-Robles and Atílio Gameiro Preface Radio‐frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that uses communication throughradiowavestotransferdatabetweenareaderandanelectronictagattached to an entity for the purpose of identification, tracking and surveillance. Unlike other identification technologies such as barcodes, RFID technology offers several key benefits such as no line‐of‐sight necessity, robustness, speed, bidirectional communication, reliability in tough environments, bulk detection, superior data capabilities, etc. Because of this, RFID has become particularly successful for a wide area of applications where traditional identification technologies are inadequate for recent demands: inventory tracking, supply chain management, automated manufacturing,healthcare,etc. AstheRFIDtechnologyisbeingspreadandappliedto real world system, RFID systems have received considerable attention from researchers,engineersandindustrypersonnel.Asaresultofyearsofresearch,alotof literature has been published on the design and use of the RFID systems, covering a wide range of topics: hardware and software, protocols and algorithms,applications, etc. ThisbookpresentssomeofthemostrecentresearchresultsofRFIDusersinterestedin exchanging ideas on the present development issues of and future trends in RFID technology. It consists in a collection of 24 chapters distributed in 5 parts: RF/RFID Backgrounds, Antennas/Tags, Readers, Protocols and Algorithms, and finally, Case studies/Applications. The book starts with some background chapters related to Radio Frequency (Chapter 1),mainRFstructures(Chapter2)andRFCMOS(Chapter3).Also,thissectioncontains a chapter that deals with structural design of a CMOS voltage regulator for an implanteddevice(Chapter4). Thesecondsectionofthebookfocusesonantennasandtags.First,someperspectives and technical considerations of microstrip antennas for multi‐band RFID reader are presented (Chapter 5). Also, the high gain dual‐band antennas and limitations have been described. Chapter6 includes low‐cost solution forRFID tags interms of design and manufacture considering that applying the traditional printing technologies to produce the antennas will lower the cost of the antenna part. Chapter 7 deals with conductive adhesives such as the ultralow cost RFID tag antenna material and X Preface includes results which are based on the screen printing method, which is very representativeatthestageoflabprototyping.Chapter8isatrueexperimentalresearch in nature and aims to investigate the process consistency and accuracy of printing RFID tag antennas via the screening printing method with a conductive ink, silver‐ based (Ag) ink, on PET, PVC, and Wet Strength paper. Chapter 9 presents a novel CPW‐fed‐slotantennaonartificialmagneticconductor(AMC)combinationprototype suitable to be used in 5.8 GHz RFID tags on metallic objects. The last chapter of this section(Chapter10)proposes aguidelineforthedesignofanewkindofRFIDtagtobe usedineachstepofthepharmaceuticalsupplychain.Itdescribesthemainfeaturesof thepharmaceuticalscenario, mainly focusingonitem‐leveltracingsystemsandRFID devices’performance. The third section of the book is dedicated to RFID readers. In Chapter 11 the authors presenta demodulationstructuresuitableforareader baseband receiver inapassive RFID environment. Chapter 12 introduces a new reader obtained by adding HDX functionality to an existing FDX reader, together with some design issues that influencereaderperformance. After the chapters focusing on readers design, the following chapters present certain aspects relatedto protocols and algorithms. InChapter 13 the authors propose a new scalable authentication protocol for low‐cost RFID systems, for which features are presented,bothfromthetag’sandreader’sperspective.Chapter14focusesonanRFID model for simulating framed slotted ALOHA based anti‐collision protocol for multi‐ tag identification. Chapter 15 describes the implementation of direct sequence code divisionmultipleaccesschannelaccessmethodsforthe UHF‐RFID uplink.Chapter16 illustrates an unconditionally secure lightweight RFID authentication protocol with untraceability. Chapter 17 deals with the application of Monte Carlo method for determiningtheinterrogationzoneinanti‐collisionRadioFrequency.InChapter18, in order to mitigate the influence of the NLOS propagation, the authors propose an iterative delay compensation algorithm based on NEWTON algorithm which improves the accuracy of positioning items using the DCF and shift vector compensationalgorithm.Finally,inChapter19,anefficientspatialrangequerymethod is designed for compensating the lost spatial relationship by the linear mapping mechanisms. The experiments conducted on real data sets demonstrate that the proposedapproachisefficientandscalable. The fifth section of the book includes 5 chapters that describe several RFID applications and studies. Chapter 20 presents some studies on secure RFID authentication and access control, while Chapter 21 shows an overview of attacks on the HF physical layer of contactless and RFID systems. Chapter 22 proposes an effective tag movement direction detection method. Chapter 23 presents a distance measurementandpositionestimationapplicationinordertoevaluateaWSNsystem. Finally,in Chapter 24,cross‐layer designispresented as anattractive tool tooptimize RFID platforms. The proposed framework for design of RFID platforms can be