The document details the requirements and guidelines for a university project titled 3.2.3 Applied Project, which carries a significant weight of 30% towards the final grade. This collaborative effort mandates the formation of groups, each consisting of no more than five members, established in the second week of the semester. The core deliverables include a 2,000word report—excluding the cover page, figures, tables, appendices, exhibits, and reference list—and the creation of a digital poster, all due in the final week of the semester. A notable aspect of the project is the allowance for the use of generative AI tools for brainstorming, summarizing reading materials, or editing submissions, with a cautionary note on the necessity for original work and the potential for AIgenerated content to be incorrect, incomplete, or biased.
Trang 13.2.3 Applied Project
Type of
Due: One week after Week 14: 11.59 PM Sunday, 14th April 2024 (Vietnam Time)
consists of a written report of 2,000 words (excluding cover page, any figures, tables, appendices, exhibits and reference list), and the design of a digital poster The report should be typed in 1.5 line spacing using 12pt size type with 2cm margins The report and digital poster are due in workshops in the last week of semester.
Peer evaluations The mark assigned to the team for the report is the mark given to every individual in that team, unless it is made clear that the team believes the distribution of work was substantially uneven To aid in this assessment, each team member will be required
to make a confidential peer assessment of their own contribution and that of his/her colleagues to the team’s work A student’s mark for this assessment item may be adjusted
or modified if it is clear from such peer assessment that his/her contribution was below team norm The peer assessment evaluation forms will be available online via SPARK online system and have to be completed once the report has been submitted.
Note: Please note that the mark on the sheet is based on the report submitted by the team and may not represent the actual contribution of individual team members.
Use of Artificial
Intel-ligence: Use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools to brainstorm ideas, summarise reading material or to edit your submission is permitted The content of your final submission
must be your original work Be aware that the output from generative AI tools may be incorrect, incomplete or biased.
Working with another person or technology in order to gain an unfair advantage in as-sessment or improperly obtaining answers from a third party including generative AI to questions in an examination or other form of assessment may lead to sanctions under the Student Misconduct Rule Use of generative AI tools may be detected More information
is available on the Library web page.
This project focuses on the development of a digital branding strategy of a new innovative product - please refer to
product categories on vUWS.
This project will assess students’ ability to research and develop a new ”specialty” product range that maximises a company’s brand equity.
Trang 2the new product range.
While the products are considered an essential part of consumer shopping, your chosen company is now interested
in marketing a medium to high-priced, specialty, innovative product range Your team is to design the digital brand strategy for the new product range You will undertake secondary research, which includes netnographies regarding: 1) Consumers’ use of product category
2) Their perceptions of the product category
3) Consumers’ perceptions regarding expected/required benefits of of using this product category
4) Challenges of branding this product category
This analysis is used to detect the basic mood, attitudes or emotions of current and potential consumers to existing and new products.
The key component of your report is the development of a brand strategy for your new product range, which should
be based on your research findings Further instructions and report structure are available via vUWS.
Trang 3Marking Criteria:
Range of sources
used to develop
report topic
Uses an extensive range of sources
>7 references
Uses a comprehensive range of sources
5-6 references
Uses a satisfactory range of sources
4 references
Uses a limited range of sources
2-3 references
Uses only prescribed textbook
0-1 references
Sound target
market description Excellent identification and
discussion of target market(s)
Sound identification and discussion of target market(s)
General identification and discussion of target market(s)
Basic identification and discussion of target market(s)
No or limited identification and discussion of target market(s)
Critical analysis of
research data using
relevant theory and
Accurate application of wide range of appropriate theories, and research including critical analysis of secondary &
primary data
Sound application
of wide range of appropriate theories, and research including sound critical analysis of secondary &
primary data
General application
of wide range of appropriate theories, and research including general critical analysis of secondary &
primary data
Basic application of wide range of appropriate theories, and research including basic critical analysis of secondary &
primary data
No or limited application of wide range of appropriate theories, and research including lack of critical analysis of secondary & primary data
Discuss findings
and draw
propose and justify
new brand strategy
with focus on
Excellent, consistent and effective argument (integration of findings, and demographic variables and concepts), and insightful brand strategy, well-supported by analysis, evidence, theory and research
Sound and effective argument
(integration of findings, and demographic variables and concepts), and sound
brand strategy, well-supported by analysis, evidence, theory and research
General argument (integration of findings, and demographic variables and concepts), and general brand strategy, generally supported
by analysis, evidence, theory and research
Superficial or basic argument (integration of findings, and demographic variables and concepts), and basic
brand strategy, little support by analysis, evidence, theory and research
No or minimal argument (integration of findings, and demographic variables and concepts), and insightful brand strategy,
no or minimal support by analysis, evidence, theory and research
Use relevant
sources and correct
Sources are well-chosen and are accurately identified and acknowledged
in the approved referencing style
Text shows evidence of thorough and comprehensive editing
The level of presentation meets the professional standards of the discipline
Sources are accurately identified and acknowledged
in the approved referencing style
Text shows evidence of thorough editing
The level of presentation shows
a good understanding of professional standards of the discipline
Sources are generally identified and acknowledged with minor inaccuracies in referencing
Text generally shows evidence of referencing
Sources are appropriately identified and acknowledged with some inaccuracies
in referencing
Text demonstrates evidence of crediting with some inaccuracies
Sources are not appropriately identified and acknowledged Text demonstrates little or no evidence
of crediting
Digital Poster:
Integration of visual
brand elements and
brand concept/
information in a
professional and
enterprise context
Exemplary overall integration of the brand graphics, colour, placement and visual brand elements
Sound and clear integration of brand concept and visual brand elements with room for improvements
Good integration of brand concept and visual brand elements with some minor
Satisfactory overall integration of brand concept and visual brand elements
No or poor integration of brand concept and visual brand elements
Trang 4Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory Digital Poster:
communication of
new digital brand
Excellent and effective communication of new digital brand strategy
Sound and effective communication of new digital brand strategy
General communication of new digital brand strategy
Superficial or basic communication of new digital brand strategy
Inconsistent and ineffective communication of new digital brand strategy