Kinh Doanh - Tiếp Thị - Kinh tế - Thương mại - Cơ khí - Vật liệu CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL Prepared By The Illinois Concrete Pipe Association Table of Contents SUBJECT PAGE I. Introduction 1 II. Storm Sewers Culverts Introduction 2 Specifications Circular Pipe (ASTM C14, C76, C655) 2 Arch Pipe (ASTM C506) 3 Elliptical Pipe (ASTM C507) 3 Precast Concrete Box Sections (ASTM C1577) 3 Burial Tables Round RCP for Storm Sewers and Culverts 5 Elliptical RCP for Storm Sewers and Culverts 6 III. Sanitary Sewers Introduction 7 Recommended Standard Specification 7 Plant Testing - Leakage Allowance 10 Field Testing - Leakage Allowed 10 Protective Lining Products 11 IV. Joints Introduction 12 Mortar Joints 12 Rubber Gasket Joints (ASTM C443, C1628) 12 O-Ring Joints (ASTM C361) 12 External Bands (ASTM C877) 12 Butyl or Bitumen Rope (ASTM C990) 13 V. ManholesCatch Basins and Inlets Manhole Specifications (ASTM C478, C923) 14 Catch Basins and Inlets 15 VI. Flared End SectionsFittings Flared End Sections - Round, Elliptical, Arch, Box 16 Fittings - Bends 17 Fittings - Tees 18 Fittings - Manhole Tees 19 Fittings - Wyes 20 Fittings - Transitions 21 Fittings - Bulkheads 22 Table of Contents (Continued) SUBJECT PAGE VII. Testing Plant Testing 3-Edge Bearing Test (ASTM C497) 23 Hydrostatic Test (ASTM C497) 23 Field Testing Infiltration and Exfiltration Tests (ASTM C969) 23 Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines (ASTM C1103) 23 VIII. Special Considerations Hydraulic Coefficients 24 Industrial Wastes 25 Hydrogen Sulfide 25 Load Carrying Capacity 25 Significance of Cracking 26 Jacking 27 IX. Design Aids ACPA Design Data Sheets 29 Design and Construction Manuals 30 Concrete Pipe Information 30 Computer Software 30 Informational Videos 30 X. List of Standards ASTM Standards 31 AASHTO Standards 31 Standard Specifications for Water Sewer Main Construction in Illinois 32 IDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 32 XI. Dimensions Weights Reinforced Circular Concrete Pipe (English Units) 33 Reinforced Circular Concrete Pipe-Large Sizes (English Units) 34 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe (English Units) 35 Reinforced Concrete Box Sections (English Units) 36 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL INTRODUCTION I. INTRODUCTION Concrete pipe has been used successfully for sewers and culverts in Illinois for over a century. By its very nature, concrete pipe is an ideal drainage product that has the inherent advantage of hydraulic efficiency, structural versatility, local availability, proven durability, construction adaptability, and economic superiority. National specifications have been issued by the American Society for Testing and Materials, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, American Society of Civil Engineers and the Federal Government for the purpose of ensuring uniform high quality products meeting specific physical requirements. Concrete pipe is the modern manufactured conduit material with the longest history of excellent service and widest acceptance. New processes, concrete mixes, designs, and unique features are constantly being introduced to make it an even better engineered product for the future. The purpose of this Manual is to provide information on concrete products available, specification designations, and proper application in the sewer and culvert field. Although liability cannot be assumed, the technical data presented here are considered reliable. 1 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL STORM SEWERS CULVERTS II. STORM SEWERS CULVERTS INTRODUCTION Storm sewers carry rainwater, surface water, ground water, cooling water, or other similar flows to a point of safe discharge. They help protect much of the land we use for agriculture, industry, transportation, residences, and recreation. Concrete pipe, with its impressive record of strength and durability, is the most economical and reliable choice of materials available today. Storm sewers require that pipe meet the strength requirements of any depth of fill and live load, are hydraulically efficient, are non-combustible, and provide resistance to abrasion. Culverts provide for the free passage of surface drainage water under a highway, railroad, canal, or other embankment. Proper culvert design prevents the hazards and concurrent expenses of washouts, erosion, flooding, and inundation of adjacent land. Concrete pipe has been used for culverts in Illinois since the 1800s and much of it is still serving reliably. Culverts must be strong to meet the embankment and traffic loads, durable, resistant to abrasion and combustion, and available in a variety of shapes. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDED USE CIRCULAR PIPE ASTM C14 Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe (Non-Reinforced) C14 pipe is currently not in general use in Illinois. If desired, it may be used for sizes 12 in. through 36 in. diameter with the provision that C76 pipe of comparable strength also be specified. Joints provided for most storm sewer construction employ cement mortar or mastic compound. For installations with internal or external head condition, joints may be provided meeting the requirements of ASTM C443 utilizing a rubber gasket. ASTM C76 Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe C76 pipe is used for sizes 12 in. through 144 in. diameter and is available with bell and spigot or tongue and groove ends utilizing cement mortar or mastic compound joints. These joints are adequate for most culvert and drainage installations. For the special condition of internal or external heads, joints may be provided meeting the requirements of ASTM C443 or ASTM C361 utilizing a rubber gasket. ASTM C76 pipe is the most commonly used storm sewer pipe because of its excellent hydraulic capacity, resistance to abrasion and combustion, capabilities in meeting any variety of load conditions, and availability with a number of related appurtenances. 2 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL STORM SEWERS CULVERTS ASTM C655 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe C655 pipe is used for sizes 12 in. through 144 in. diameter designed for a specific D-load strength. Joints provided for most culvert and drainage employ cement mortar or mastic compound. The properties of the pipe are similar to ASTM C76 pipe except that the pipe may be designed for a specific D-load strength and the design accepted on the basis of a statistical analysis of test specimens. SPECIAL SHAPE PIPE AND PRECAST CONCRETE BOXES ASTM C506 Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe C506 arch pipe is used for sizes 18 in. through 132 in. equivalent circular sizes and is available with tongue and groove cement mortar or mastic compound joint. This arch-shaped pipe is used for minimum cover situations or other conditions where vertical clearance problems are encountered. It offers the hydraulic advantage of greater capacity for the same depth flow than most other structures or equivalent waterway area. Loads under similar cover conditions are similar to that of circular pipe with the same span. If arch pipe is not available in a certain area, elliptical pipe may be substituted as an equivalent. ASTM C507 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe C507 horizontal elliptical pipe is used for sizes 18 in. through 144 in. equivalent circular sizes with tongue and groove cement mortar or mastic compound joint. The horizontal elliptical pipe is installed with the major axis horizontal and is used for minimum cover situations or other conditions where vertical clearance problems are encountered. It offers the hydraulic advantage of greater capacity for the same depth of flow than most other structures of equivalent waterway area. Loads under similar cover conditions are similar to that of circular pipe with the same span. C507 vertical elliptical pipe is used for sizes 36 in. through 144 in. equivalent circular sizes with tongue and groove cement mortar or mastic compound joint. The vertical elliptical pipe is installed with the major axis vertical and is used where minimum horizontal clearances are encountered or where unusual strength characteristics are desired. Hydraulically, it provides higher flushing velocities under minimum flow conditions and carries equal flow at a greater depth than equivalent horizontal elliptical, arch, or circular pipe. Loads under similar cover conditions are similar to that of circular pipe with the same span. Special installation techniques are required for vertical elliptical pipe. ASTM C1577 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers C1577 box sections are used in sizes of span and rise from 3 ft. by 2 ft. to 12 ft. by 12 ft. Although not specifically called out by ASTM C1577, 2 ft. by 2 ft. box sections are also locally available. The tables provide design requirements for boxes installed under earth, dead and HL-93 live load conditions, for design earth cover of 0 to 35 feet. Joints provided utilize tongue and groove type ends with cement mortar or mastic compound joints. Box sections are used where special hydraulic requirements and minimum cover are encountered. They offer the advantage of precast products over cast-in-place construction through low installation costs and minimum inconvenience of weather and traffic delay. 3 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL STORM SEWERS CULVERTS Box units may be used in parallel for multicell installations. Double-cell box sections are also available locally. The following tables are provided from the Illinois Department of Transportation’s “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction”, April 1, 2016 edition. Please note that all applicable IDOT provisions must be adhered to when using these tables. 4 CIRCULAR RCP FOR STORM SEWERS PIPE CULVERTS STRENGTH CLASS REQUIRED FOR THE RESPECTIVE DIAMETERS OF CIRCULAR PIPE AND FILL HEIGHTS OVER THE TOP OF THE PIPE FOR STORM SEWERS PIPE CULVERTS Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Nominal Diameter Inches Fill Height: 3’ and less with 1’ minimum cover Fill Height: Greater than 3’ not exceeding 10’ Fill Height: Greater than 10’ not exceeding 15’ Fill Height: Greater than 15’ not exceeding 20’ Fill Height: Greater than 20’ not exceeding 25’ Fill Height: Greater than 25’ not exceeding 30’ Fill Height: Greater than 30’ not exceeding 35’ 10 12 15 NA IV IV NA II II NA III III NA IV IV NA IV IV NA V V NA V V 18 21 24 IV III III II II II III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV V V V V V V 27 30 33 III IV III II II II III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV V V V V V V 36 42 48 III II II II II II III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV V V V V V V 54 60 66 II II II II II II III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV V V V V V V 72 78 84 II II II II II II III III III IV IV IV V 2,020 2,020 V 2,370 2,380 V 2,730 2,740 90 96 102 108 II II II II II III III III III III III 1,360 1,680 1,690 1,700 1,710 2,030 2,040 2,050 2,060 2,390 2,400 2,410 2,410 2,750 2,750 2,760 2,770 Notes: A number indicates the D-Load for the diameter and depth of fill and that a special design is required. Design assumptions: Water filled pipe, Type 2 bedding and Class C walls 5 ELLIPTICAL RCP FOR STORM SEWERS PIPE CULVERTS STRENGTH CLASS REQUIRED FOR ELLIPTICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIVALENT ROUND SIZE OF PIPE AND FILL HEIGHTS OVER THE TOP OF THE PIPE Equivalent Round Size, inches Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe, inches Minimum Fill Height Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Fill Height: Not exceeding 3’ Fill Height: Greater than 3’ not exceeding 10’ Fill Height: Greater than 10’ not exceeding 15’ Span Rise 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 23 23 30 30 34 38 45 53 60 68 76 83 91 14 14 19 19 22 24 29 34 38 43 48 53 58 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-II HE-I HE-I HE-I HE-I HE-I HE-I HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-III HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV 1,460 1,460 1,460 1,470 1,470 Notes: A number indicates the D-Load for the diameter and depth of fill and that a special design is required. Design assumptions: Water filled pipe, Type 2 bedding and Class C walls 6 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL SANITARY SEWERS III. SANITARY SEWERS INTRODUCTION Sanitary sewers are conduits that carry liquid and water-carried wastes from homes, commercial facilities, industrial plants and institutions to a treatment plant for the express purpose of protecting our environment, safeguarding health, and improving our comforts and quality of life. Concrete pipe is the most widely used and accepted permanent product of all sanitary sewer materials. It makes up the greater portion of the sanitary sewer system in most major cities in the United States. Sanitary sewers require that pipe meet infiltration limits, meet the strength conditions of any depth of backfill and superimposed load, and provide resistance to the effects of sewage. RECOMMENDED STANDARD SPECIFICATION 1. SCOPE 1.1 - This specification covers reinforced concrete pipe intended to be used for the conveyance of waste water. 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 ASTM Standards: C76 Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe C361 Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe C443 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets C655 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe C822 Definitions of Concrete Pipe and Related Products C969 Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing C1103 Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Pre-cast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 Definitions - For definitions of terms relating to concrete pipe, see Definitions C822. 4. MATERIALS 4.1 Reinforced Concrete Pipe – Reinforced concrete pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM C76 or ASTM C655. The manufacturer of the reinforced concrete pipe shall be on the Illinois Department of Transportation’s “List of Certified Plants.” 4.2 Pipe Class – The class of pipe shall be as shown on the plans. 7 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL SANITARY SEWERS 4.3 Lift Holes – Lift holes shall not be permitted. 4.4 Joints – Joints shall conform to ASTM C443 or C361. 4.5 Gaskets – The gaskets shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Prior to commencing installation, the contractor shall submit to the engineer: 4.5.1 – Manufacturer’s literature on the type of gasket to be used. 4.5.2 – Manufacturer’s literature on the type of lubricant to be used. 4.5.3 – Manufacturer’s recommended installation procedures, including equalization techniques. 4.6 Fittings – Fittings shall conform to the strength and water-tightness requirements placed upon mainline pipe. 5. EXCAVATION 5.1 Trench Depth – The trench shall be excavated to a firm foundation at least 4 inches below the bottom of the pipe so that the flow line of the finished sewer will be at the depth and grade specified by the engineer. 5.2 Trench Width – For trench depths of less than 5 ft. and when sheeting or shoring is not required, the trench shall be excavated 18 inches wider than the external diameter of the pipe. For trench depths of 5 ft. or more and when sheeting or shoring is required, the trench width shall be 3 ft. wider than the external diameter of the pipe. 6. BEDDING 6.1 – Bedding material (pea gravel, crushed stone or washed gravel with at least 95 passing the 1” sieve) shall be placed at least 4” thick on the bottom of the trench. If any unyielding foundation is encountered, the minimum thickness shall be increased to 8”. 7. INSTALLATION 7.1 Handling – The contractor shall handle the pipe with care and avoid chipping or cracking the pipe. 7.2 Laying Pipe – The contractor shall keep the trench free from water during installation. The laying of pipe shall proceed upgrade, with spigot or tongue ends pointing in the direction of flow. The ends of the pipe shall be carefully cleaned before they are lowered into the trench. Each pipe shall be carefully aligned horizontally and vertically with the previous pipe and the joint pulled home. Care shall be taken to assure the gasket remains in its intended position. 8 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL SANITARY SEWERS 8. BACKFILLING 8.1 Haunch – As soon as possible the entire width of the trench shall be backfilled with pea gravel, crushed stone or washed gravel (with at least 95 passing the 1” sieve) to the pipe springline. Special care shall be taken to completely fill the space under the pipe. A flowable backfill mixture, described as controlled low strength material (CLSM), may be used. 8.2 Backfill – The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled to the natural grade or finished surface. This material may consist of material excavated from the trench. Care shall be taken to avoid disturbing the pipe. 8.3 Special Considerations – In areas where the trench will be under pavements, curbs, shoulders, sidewalks or other structures, granular material will be used to fill the entire trench. The granular material will be placed and compacted to the satisfaction of the engineer. A flowable CLSM may be used when high relative densities are desired. 9. ACCEPTANCE TESTING 9.1 Types of Testing – Testing for acceptance of reinforced concrete pipe shall be conducted by one of the following methods: 9.1.1 – Water exfiltration, ASTM C969 9.1.2 – Water infiltration, ASTM C969 9.1.3 – Joint testing, ASTM C1103 9.2 Test Sections – Unless otherwise specified or directed by the engineer, the first 1200 feet (or the entire length if the project is less than 1200 feet) shall be tested before additional excavation is permitted. If the initial section does not pass, it shall be repaired and retested until a satisfactory result is obtained. Excavation shall not proceed beyond the first 1200-foot section until satisfactory results are obtained. In the event the first 1200-foot section did not pass the test on the first trial, the next section of sanitary sewer approximately 1200 feet long shall also be tested, repaired if necessary, and restored until a satisfactory result is obtained. Additional excavation shall not be started until this section has passed. When favorable test results are obtained on the first trial for a full 1200-foot section, the engineer may designate additional sections for testing. The engineer reserves the right to select the location and lengths of additional test sections. All testing will be performed within 30 days of backfilling. 9.3 Water Exfiltration – The test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C969. 9.4 Water Infiltration – The test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C969. 9.5 Joint Acceptance Testing – The test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C1103. 9 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL SANITARY SEWERS PLANT TESTING – LEAKAGE ALLOWANCE Most manufacturers are willing to test sewer pipe in their yard prior to shipment to ensure that the barrels of the pipe will not leak. Random vacuum testing of an assembly of two or more sections of pipe can also be performed at the place of manufacture to assure the integrity of the pipe joints. FIELD TESTING – LEAKAGE ALLOWED Infiltration should be held to a minimum in sanitary sewers since it reduces the carrying capacity of the sewer, keeps associated sewer system treatment costs at a minimum, and eliminates maintenance and operating costs arising from soil fines entering the system under infiltration situations. Acceptable infiltration limits have varied widely over the years but the trend in recent years has been to require sewers to meet low infiltration limits. Low leakage requirements can be met with well-made concrete gravity sewer pipe and rubber gasket joints. It should be recognized by the engineer, however, that field performance represents the sum of the manufactured joint characteristics and the contractor’s installation practices. In making the joint on rubber gasket sewer pipe, the pipe being installed should be held by the lifting device straight to line and grade with the pipe in the ground. The pipe must not be held at an angle when entry is started to avoid the gasket being pinched between the shoulder of the spigot and bell at the bottom of the pipe. With the spigot carefully aligned at the entrance to the bell and with the pipe to be installed held in line with the previously laid pipe, the joint should be pulled home slowly. To check on whether reasonable workmanship was realized during the construction phase, maximum limits of allowable leakage in terms of water infiltration or exfiltration are usually included in project specifications. They should be stated in terms of both maximum allowable rate per test section and maximum allowable average rate for the total project. These project acceptance tests evaluate the quality of the contractor’s work. There are many opinions, but not much hard data, upon which to base infiltration requirements that are generally cost-effective. There will always be at least a small increment of infiltration which is not cost- effective to eliminate. The expense of the pipe and increases in construction and inspection costs fix the lower limit for infiltration allowance. Current information indicates that the 200 gallonsmileinch-diameterday can normally be achieved in manhole to manhole tests with minimum to no effect on construction cost. A higher allowable leakage limit should be used for an exfiltration test over that used for an infiltration test. This is because the exfiltration test is performed with a definite internal pressure head, and the exfiltration of clear water out of the pipe is less likely to be reduced than the infiltration of ground water mixed with soil fines into the pipe. A ready reference for information on construction leakage allowances in sewers and methods of test is provided in the EPA “Manual of Practice, Sewer System Evaluation, Rehabilitation and New Construction.” 10 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL SANITARY SEWERS PROTECTIVE LINING PRODUCTS Present design methodology for sanitary sewers gives the designer the ability to predict the potential for hydrogen sulfide production. Available references include EPA’s “Design Manual on Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants” and ACPA’s “Design Manual, Sulfide and Corrosion Prediction and Control.” If the potential for hydrogen sulfide production is determined to be significant, linings or coatings may be used to protect the inner pipe surface from corrosion. Available liners consist of a sheet of plasticized PVC with T-shaped keys running longitudinally along one face. The keys are cast into the concrete pipe during manufacture. PVC liners have been used very successfully for over 30 years. Available coatings may consist of coal tarepoxy, polyethylene or polyurethane. Coal tarepoxy coatings are applied by spraying either during or after manufacture of the concrete pipe in varying thicknesses. These coatings have proven to be effective providing adequate surface preparation is performed, adequate thickness is applied and adequate quality control procedures are followed. 11 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL JOINTS IV. JOINTS INTRODUCTION Joint configurations include bell and spigot, tongue and groove and modified tongue and groove. Joint gaskets and sealants fall into the general categories of cement mortar or mastic sealants, rubber gaskets, external sealing bands, steel end rings, and butyl or bitumen rope. Although the primary considerations in joint quality are permissible infiltration and exfiltration rates, other important performance requirements include: resistance to infiltration of backfill material, control of leakage due to internal or external pressure, flexibility to accommodate lateral deflection of longitudinal movement, pipeline continuity and smooth flow line, infiltration of groundwater for subsurface drainage, and ease of installation. CEMENT MORTAR AND MASTIC COMPOUND Circular pipe, special shapes and boxes are available with tongue and groove joints that may be packed with cement mortar, filled with a preformed butyl or bitumen gasket sealing compound or a trowel applied mastic compound. Such joints have a successful experience record and are generally used for storm sewer construction. Properly applied mastic joint fillers provide flexibility and help to keep fines out of the pipe. ASTM C443 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets Joints recommended for circular sewers where infiltration or exfiltration is a factor in design are the following flexible watertight joints using compression type rubber gaskets for sealing the joints. C443 joints are intended for use with pipe manufactured to meet the requirements of ASTM C76 and may be used with either bell and spigot or tongue and groove pipe. The joint is made up of concrete surfaces, with a compression type rubber gasket. O-ring type joints will also meet the performance requirements of C443. ASTM C361 Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe Although ASTM C361 covers both low-head pressure pipe and the joint requirements for this type of pipe, it is referenced here for special conditions of internal or external head. C361 joints can be supplied for use with pipe manufactured to meet the requirements of ASTM C76. The joint is made up of concrete surfaces with a groove on the spigot for an O-ring rubber gasket (also referred to as a confined O-ring type joint). Provisions are made in Section 8 for an alternative joint as approved by the owner. These joints are normally used in gravity sewers where exceptional tightness is required. This type of joint meets all the joint requirements of ASTM C443. Steel end rings may also be used for the special condition of pressure flow. ASTM C877 External Sealing Bands for Non-Circular Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain and Culvert Pipe For special conditions where an effective rubber seal is desired for jointing non-circular concrete pipe (arch, elliptical and box shapes), an external sealing band is available meeting the requirements of ASTM C877. These sealing bands are generally limited to non-circular pipe with tongue and groove configurations. ASTM C877 describes specific types of external sealing bands. Other types of sealing bands with adequate results may also be specified. 12 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL JOINTS ASTM C990 Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants C990 joints are intended for use with circular pipe, elliptical pipe or precast box sections and may be used with either bell and spigot or tongue and groove pipe. The joint is made up of concrete surfaces, with a preformed bitumen or butyl rubber sealant and is also referred to as bitumen or butyl rubber rope. 13 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL MANHOLESCATCH BASINSINLETS V. MANHOLESCATCH BASINSINLETS INTRODUCTION Manholes and certain appurtenances are necessary for the proper functioning of a complete sewer and culvert system. They may include manholes, inverted syphons, catch basins and inlets, flared end sections, and fittings such as bends, tees, and wyes. The concrete pipe industry has developed most of the common appurtenances and specials necessary for efficient and economical performance of the complete system. MANHOLES ASTM C478 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections C478 manhole sections including risers, base sections, and appurtenances, such as grade rings and flat slab tops, are used in sizes 36 in. and larger diameters. Also available for large sewers over 3 or 4 ft. in diameter are precast base tees. The riser sections are of circular cross section and may employ an eccentric, concentric cone section or a flat slab top. Cone sections affect the transition from the inside diameter of the riser sections to the top opening. Flat slab tops are normally used for very shallow manholes. Precast barrel sections (riser sections) are available locally in the following sizes: I.D.O.D.: 36”44”, 48”58”, 60”72”,72”86”, 84”100”, 96”114” Lengths: 12”, 16”, 24”, 32”, 36”, 42”, 48”, 60”, 72”, 84”, 96” (depending on diameter) Bottoms are available cast in or loose. Precast cone sections, eccentric or concentric, are available locally in the following sizes: 36” I.D.18” long 48” I.D.24”, 30”, 36”, 38”, 48”, 52”, 54” long 60” I.D.42”, 48” long Flattops are available locally in the following sizes: 36” I.D.6” thick 48” I.D.6”, 8” thick 60” I.D.8” thick 72” I.D.8” thick 84” I.D.8” thick 96” I.D.8”, 10”, 12” thick The manhole assembly may be furnished with or without steps inserted into the walls of the sections. Steps are cast, mortared or attached by mechanical means into the wall of the section and may be made of plastic encapsulated steel, aluminum, or cast iron. Inverts are available for 36”, 48”, 60” and 72” precast barrels. A number of joints are used for manhole risers and cones including cement mortar, mastic compound, and rubber gaskets for sealing purposes. Asphalt or coal tar epoxy coatings can also be furnished. Manhole adjusting rings (spacers) are available in thicknesses of 2”, 4” and 6”. Precast concrete headwalls (IDOT Standard 1976) are available for 8”, 10”, 12”, 15”, 18”, 21”, 24”, 27”, 30”, 36”, 42” and 48” diameter pipe. 14 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL MANHOLESCATCH BASINSINLETS ASTM C923 Resilient Connectors between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures and Pipes C923 Resilient Connectors are available for special conditions of internal or external head, providing a water resistant connection between the manhole and pipe. These connections are generally used only for sanitary sewer applications. They are locally available for 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, 14”, 15”, 16”, 18”, 20”, 21”, 24”, 27”, 30”, and 36” diameter pipes. CATCH BASINS AND INLETS Catch basins are available in 2 ft. through 5 ft. diameters in variable lengths. Inlets are available in 2 ft. diameters in various lengths. Catch basins and inlets may be manufactured with precast bottom sections. Special precast inlet boxes are also manufactured for use in highway median sloped ditch checks. Some typical manhole assemblies are pictures below: 15 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL FLARED END SECTIONSFITTINGS VI. FLARED END SECTIONSFITTINGS FLARED END SECTIONS Precast flared end sections for circular concrete pipe are manufactured in diameters of 12 in. through 84 in. and in sizes of 14” x 23” to 48” x 76” and 58” x 91” for elliptical pipe with the groove end on the outlet and tongue end on the inlet section. Precast flared end sections are also available for many sizes of elliptical pipe and precast box sections. Steel grates are available for all types of flared end sections. Toe blocks may be employed to support the outlet of flared end sections. Various examples of flared end sections are pictured below. FLARED END SECTIONS FLARED END SECTION W GRATE STEEL GRATES 16 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL FLARED END SECTIONSFITTINGS FITTINGS – BENDS Bends are furnished in standard ranges of 15 degree angular deflections although specials can be manufactured to meet any required deflection. The bend is formed by cutting the pipe barrel to the desired bevel, spot welding, or tying together the exposed reinforcing, and packing the seams with cement mortar. Pipe bends should be equal in design strength to the abutting pipe. Bends are locally available for circular and elliptical pipe in the following sizes and angles: Circular Pipe Elliptical Pipe Pipe Diameter (in.) Bend Angle (o) Mainline Pipe Size (in.) Equivalent Round Size (in.) Bend Angle (o) 96 5 to 45 63 x 98 78 5 to 45 84 5 to 45 58 x 91 72 5 to 45 72 5 to 45 53 x 83 66 5 to 45 66 5 to 45 48 x 76 60 5 to 60 60 5 to 90 43 x 68 54 5 to 90 54 5 to 90 38 x 60 48 5 to 90 48 5 to 90 34 x 53 42 5 to 90 42 5 to 90 29 x 45 36 5 to 90 36 5 to 90 24 x 38 30 5 to 90 30 5 to 90 19 x 30 24 5 to 90 27 5 to 90 14 x 23 18 5 to 90 24 5 to 90 21 5 to 90 18 5 to 90 15 5 to 90 12 5 to 90 10 5 to 90 8 5 to 90 Note: Generally, a manhole riser may be added to a bend, providing the riser is smaller in diameter than the mainline pipe. 17 CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL FLARED END SECTIONSFITTINGS FITTINGS – TEES Tees are special fittings for which the intersecting pipe (branch or lateral) enters the base pipe perpendicular to, and intersects the centerline of, the base pipe and are available with all joint types of the connecting pipe. Branches terminate in bells or grooves, and the branch will be of sufficient length to permit making a proper joint when the connecting pipe is inserted into the branch bell or g...
Prepared By The Illinois Concrete Pipe Association
Trang 2Table of Contents
I Introduction 1
II Storm Sewers & Culverts
Introduction 2
Specifications Circular Pipe (ASTM C14, C76, C655) 2
Arch Pipe (ASTM C506) 3
Elliptical Pipe (ASTM C507) 3
Precast Concrete Box Sections (ASTM C1577) 3
Burial Tables Round RCP for Storm Sewers and Culverts 5 Elliptical RCP for Storm Sewers and Culverts 6 III Sanitary Sewers Introduction 7
Recommended Standard Specification 7
Plant Testing - Leakage Allowance 10
Field Testing - Leakage Allowed 10
Protective Lining Products 11
IV Joints Introduction 12
Mortar Joints 12
Rubber Gasket Joints (ASTM C443, C1628) 12
O-Ring Joints (ASTM C361) 12
External Bands (ASTM C877) 12
Butyl or Bitumen Rope (ASTM C990) 13
V Manholes/Catch Basins and Inlets Manhole Specifications (ASTM C478, C923) 14
Catch Basins and Inlets 15
VI Flared End Sections/Fittings Flared End Sections - Round, Elliptical, Arch, Box 16
Fittings - Bends 17
Fittings - Tees 18
Fittings - Manhole Tees 19
Fittings - Wyes 20
Fittings - Transitions 21
Fittings - Bulkheads 22
Trang 3Table of Contents (Continued)
VII Testing
Plant Testing
Field Testing
Infiltration and Exfiltration Tests (ASTM C969) 23 Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe
VIII Special Considerations
IX Design Aids
XI Dimensions & Weights
Reinforced Circular Concrete Pipe (English Units) 33 Reinforced Circular Concrete Pipe-Large Sizes (English Units) 34 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe (English Units) 35 Reinforced Concrete Box Sections (English Units) 36
to make it an even better engineered product for the future
The purpose of this Manual is to provide information on concrete products available, specification designations, and proper application in the sewer and culvert field Although liability cannot be assumed, the technical data presented here are considered reliable
Storm sewers carry rainwater, surface water, ground water, cooling water, or other similar flows to a point of safe discharge They help protect much of the land we use for agriculture, industry, transportation, residences, and recreation
Concrete pipe, with its impressive record of strength and durability, is the most economical and reliable choice
of materials available today Storm sewers require that pipe meet the strength requirements of any depth of fill and live load, are hydraulically efficient, are non-combustible, and provide resistance to abrasion
Culverts provide for the free passage of surface drainage water under a highway, railroad, canal, or other
embankment Proper culvert design prevents the hazards and concurrent expenses of washouts, erosion,
flooding, and inundation of adjacent land
Concrete pipe has been used for culverts in Illinois since the 1800s and much of it is still serving reliably Culverts must be strong to meet the embankment and traffic loads, durable, resistant to abrasion and combustion, and available in a variety of shapes
ASTM C14 Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe (Non-Reinforced)
C14 pipe is currently not in general use in Illinois If desired, it may be used for sizes 12 in through 36
in diameter with the provision that C76 pipe of comparable strength also be specified Joints provided for most storm sewer construction employ cement mortar or mastic compound For installations with internal or external head condition, joints may be provided meeting the requirements of ASTM C443 utilizing a rubber gasket
ASTM C76 Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
C76 pipe is used for sizes 12 in through 144 in diameter and is available with bell and spigot or tongue and groove ends utilizing cement mortar or mastic compound joints These joints are adequate for most culvert and drainage installations For the special condition of internal or external heads, joints may be provided meeting the requirements of ASTM C443 or ASTM C361 utilizing a rubber gasket ASTM C76 pipe is the most commonly used storm sewer pipe because of its excellent hydraulic capacity, resistance to abrasion and combustion, capabilities in meeting any variety of load conditions, and
availability with a number of related appurtenances
Trang 6CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL STORM SEWERS & CULVERTS ASTM C655 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
C655 pipe is used for sizes 12 in through 144 in diameter designed for a specific D-load strength Joints provided for most culvert and drainage employ cement mortar or mastic compound The
properties of the pipe are similar to ASTM C76 pipe except that the pipe may be designed for a specific
D-load strength and the design accepted on the basis of a statistical analysis of test specimens
ASTM C506 Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
C506 arch pipe is used for sizes 18 in through 132 in equivalent circular sizes and is available with tongue and groove cement mortar or mastic compound joint This arch-shaped pipe is used for minimum cover situations or other conditions where vertical clearance problems are encountered It offers the hydraulic advantage of greater capacity for the same depth flow than most other structures or equivalent waterway area Loads under similar cover conditions are similar to that of circular pipe with the same span If arch pipe is not available in a certain area, elliptical pipe may be substituted as an equivalent
ASTM C507 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
C507 horizontal elliptical pipe is used for sizes 18 in through 144 in equivalent circular sizes with tongue and groove cement mortar or mastic compound joint The horizontal elliptical pipe is installed with the major axis horizontal and is used for minimum cover situations or other conditions where vertical clearance problems are encountered It offers the hydraulic advantage of greater capacity for the same depth of flow than most other structures of equivalent waterway area Loads under similar cover conditions are similar to that of circular pipe with the same span
C507 vertical elliptical pipe is used for sizes 36 in through 144 in equivalent circular sizes with tongue and groove cement mortar or mastic compound joint The vertical elliptical pipe is installed with the major axis vertical and is used where minimum horizontal clearances are encountered or where unusual strength characteristics are desired Hydraulically, it provides higher flushing velocities under minimum flow conditions and carries equal flow at a greater depth than equivalent horizontal elliptical, arch, or circular pipe Loads under similar cover conditions are similar to that of circular pipe with the same span Special installation techniques are required for vertical elliptical pipe
ASTM C1577 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers
C1577 box sections are used in sizes of span and rise from 3 ft by 2 ft to 12 ft by 12 ft Although not specifically called out by ASTM C1577, 2 ft by 2 ft box sections are also locally available The tables provide design requirements for boxes installed under earth, dead and HL-93 live load conditions, for design earth cover of 0 to 35 feet Joints provided utilize tongue and groove type ends with cement mortar or mastic compound joints Box sections are used where special hydraulic requirements and minimum cover are encountered They offer the advantage of precast products over cast-in-place
construction through low installation costs and minimum inconvenience of weather and traffic delay
Box units may be used in parallel for multicell installations Double-cell box sections are also available locally
The following tables are provided from the Illinois Department of Transportation’s “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction”, April 1, 2016 edition Please note that all applicable IDOT provisions must be adhered to when using these tables
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Nominal
Fill Height:
3’ and less
with 1’
Fill Height:
Greater than 3’
not exceeding 10’
Fill Height:
Greater than 10’
not exceeding 15’
Fill Height:
Greater than 15’
not exceeding 20’
Fill Height:
Greater than 20’
not exceeding 25’
Fill Height:
Greater than 25’
not exceeding 30’
Fill Height: Greater than 30’ not exceeding 35’
V 2,020 2,020
V 2,370 2,380
V 2,730 2,740
1,680 1,690 1,700 1,710
2,030 2,040 2,050 2,060
2,390 2,400 2,410 2,410
2,750 2,750 2,760 2,770 Notes: A number indicates the D-Load for the diameter and depth of fill and that a special design is
Design assumptions: Water filled pipe, Type 2 bedding and Class C walls
Minimum Fill Height
Fill Height:
Not exceeding 3’
Fill Height:
Greater than 3’ not exceeding 10’
Fill Height: Greater than 10’ not exceeding 15’
HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV HE-IV 1,460 1,460 1,460 1,470 1,470
Notes: A number indicates the D-Load for the diameter and depth of fill and that a special design
is required
Design assumptions: Water filled pipe, Type 2 bedding and Class C walls
Trang 10
Sanitary sewers are conduits that carry liquid and water-carried wastes from homes, commercial facilities,
industrial plants and institutions to a treatment plant for the express purpose of protecting our environment, safeguarding health, and improving our comforts and quality of life
Concrete pipe is the most widely used and accepted permanent product of all sanitary sewer materials It makes
up the greater portion of the sanitary sewer system in most major cities in the United States Sanitary sewers require that pipe meet infiltration limits, meet the strength conditions of any depth of backfill and superimposed load, and provide resistance to the effects of sewage
C76 Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
C361 Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe
C443 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets
C655 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
C822 Definitions of Concrete Pipe and Related Products
C969 Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing
C1103 Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Pre-cast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines
Illinois Department of Transportation’s “List of Certified Plants.”
4.2 Pipe Class – The class of pipe shall be as shown on the plans
4.3 Lift Holes – Lift holes shall not be permitted
4.4 Joints – Joints shall conform to ASTM C443 or C361
4.5 Gaskets – The gaskets shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations Prior to commencing installation, the contractor shall submit to the engineer:
4.5.1 – Manufacturer’s literature on the type of gasket to be used
4.5.2 – Manufacturer’s literature on the type of lubricant to be used
4.5.3 – Manufacturer’s recommended installation procedures, including equalization techniques
4.6 Fittings – Fittings shall conform to the strength and water-tightness requirements placed upon mainline pipe
6.1 – Bedding material (pea gravel, crushed stone or washed gravel with at least 95% passing the 1” sieve) shall be placed at least 4” thick on the bottom of the trench If any unyielding foundation is encountered, the minimum thickness shall be increased to 8”
8.1 Haunch – As soon as possible the entire width of the trench shall be backfilled with pea gravel, crushed stone or washed gravel (with at least 95% passing the 1” sieve) to the pipe springline Special care shall be taken to completely fill the space under the pipe A flowable backfill mixture, described as controlled low strength material (CLSM), may be used
8.2 Backfill – The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled to the natural grade or finished surface This material may consist of material excavated from the trench Care shall be taken to avoid
disturbing the pipe
8.3 Special Considerations – In areas where the trench will be under pavements, curbs, shoulders, sidewalks or other structures, granular material will be used to fill the entire trench The granular material will be placed and compacted to the satisfaction of the engineer A flowable CLSM may be used when high relative densities are desired
9.1 Types of Testing – Testing for acceptance of reinforced concrete pipe shall be conducted by one
of the following methods:
9.1.1 – Water exfiltration, ASTM C969 9.1.2 – Water infiltration, ASTM C969 9.1.3 – Joint testing, ASTM C1103 9.2 Test Sections – Unless otherwise specified or directed by the engineer, the first 1200 feet (or the entire length if the project is less than 1200 feet) shall be tested before additional excavation is permitted If the initial section does not pass, it shall be repaired and retested until a satisfactory result is obtained Excavation shall not proceed beyond the first 1200-foot section until satisfactory results are obtained
In the event the first 1200-foot section did not pass the test on the first trial, the next section of sanitary sewer approximately 1200 feet long shall also be tested, repaired if necessary, and restored until a satisfactory result is obtained Additional excavation shall not be started until this section has passed
When favorable test results are obtained on the first trial for a full 1200-foot section, the engineer may designate additional sections for testing The engineer reserves the right to select the location and lengths of additional test sections All testing will be performed within 30 days of backfilling 9.3 Water Exfiltration – The test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C969
9.4 Water Infiltration – The test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C969
9.5 Joint Acceptance Testing – The test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C1103
Most manufacturers are willing to test sewer pipe in their yard prior to shipment to ensure that the barrels of the pipe will not leak Random vacuum testing of an assembly of two or more sections of pipe can also be
performed at the place of manufacture to assure the integrity of the pipe joints
Infiltration should be held to a minimum in sanitary sewers since it reduces the carrying capacity of the sewer, keeps associated sewer system treatment costs at a minimum, and eliminates maintenance and
operating costs arising from soil fines entering the system under infiltration situations Acceptable
infiltration limits have varied widely over the years but the trend in recent years has been to require sewers
to meet low infiltration limits Low leakage requirements can be met with well-made concrete gravity sewer pipe and rubber gasket joints It should be recognized by the engineer, however, that field
performance represents the sum of the manufactured joint characteristics and the contractor’s installation practices
In making the joint on rubber gasket sewer pipe, the pipe being installed should be held by the lifting device straight to line and grade with the pipe in the ground The pipe must not be held at an angle when entry is started to avoid the gasket being pinched between the shoulder of the spigot and bell at the bottom of the pipe With the spigot carefully aligned at the entrance to the bell and with the pipe to be installed held in line with the previously laid pipe, the joint should be pulled home slowly
To check on whether reasonable workmanship was realized during the construction phase, maximum limits
of allowable leakage in terms of water infiltration or exfiltration are usually included in project
specifications They should be stated in terms of both maximum allowable rate per test section and
maximum allowable average rate for the total project These project acceptance tests evaluate the quality of the contractor’s work
There are many opinions, but not much hard data, upon which to base infiltration requirements that are generally cost-effective There will always be at least a small increment of infiltration which is not cost- effective to eliminate The expense of the pipe and increases in construction and inspection costs fix the lower limit for infiltration allowance
Current information indicates that the 200 gallons/mile/inch-diameter/day can normally be achieved in manhole to manhole tests with minimum to no effect on construction cost A higher allowable leakage limit should be used for an exfiltration test over that used for an infiltration test This is because the exfiltration test is performed with a definite internal pressure head, and the exfiltration of clear water out of the pipe is less likely to be reduced than the infiltration of ground water mixed with soil fines into the pipe
A ready reference for information on construction leakage allowances in sewers and methods of test is provided in the EPA “Manual of Practice, Sewer System Evaluation, Rehabilitation and New Construction.”
Present design methodology for sanitary sewers gives the designer the ability to predict the potential for hydrogen sulfide production Available references include EPA’s “Design Manual on Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants” and ACPA’s “Design Manual, Sulfide and Corrosion Prediction and Control.” If the potential for hydrogen sulfide production is determined to be significant, linings or coatings may be used to protect the inner pipe surface from corrosion
Available liners consist of a sheet of plasticized PVC with T-shaped keys running longitudinally along one face The keys are cast into the concrete pipe during manufacture PVC liners have been used very
successfully for over 30 years
Available coatings may consist of coal tar/epoxy, polyethylene or polyurethane Coal tar/epoxy coatings are applied by spraying either during or after manufacture of the concrete pipe in varying thicknesses These coatings have proven to be effective providing adequate surface preparation is performed, adequate
thickness is applied and adequate quality control procedures are followed
Joint configurations include bell and spigot, tongue and groove and modified tongue and groove Joint gaskets and sealants fall into the general categories of cement mortar or mastic sealants, rubber gaskets, external sealing bands, steel end rings, and butyl or bitumen rope Although the primary considerations in joint quality are permissible infiltration and exfiltration rates, other important performance requirements include: resistance to infiltration of backfill material, control of leakage due to internal or external pressure, flexibility to accommodate lateral deflection of longitudinal movement, pipeline continuity and smooth flow line, infiltration of groundwater for subsurface drainage, and ease of installation
Circular pipe, special shapes and boxes are available with tongue and groove joints that may be packed with cement mortar, filled with a preformed butyl or bitumen gasket sealing compound or a trowel applied mastic compound Such joints have a successful experience record and are generally used for storm sewer
construction Properly applied mastic joint fillers provide flexibility and help to keep fines out of the pipe
ASTM C443 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets
Joints recommended for circular sewers where infiltration or exfiltration is a factor in design are the following flexible watertight joints using compression type rubber gaskets for sealing the joints C443 joints are intended for use with pipe manufactured to meet the requirements of ASTM C76 and may be used with either bell and spigot or tongue and groove pipe The joint is made up of concrete surfaces, with a compression type rubber gasket O-ring type joints will also meet the performance requirements of C443
ASTM C361 Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe
Although ASTM C361 covers both low-head pressure pipe and the joint requirements for this type
of pipe, it is referenced here for special conditions of internal or external head C361 joints can be supplied for use with pipe manufactured to meet the requirements of ASTM C76 The joint is made
up of concrete surfaces with a groove on the spigot for an O-ring rubber gasket (also referred to as a confined O-ring type joint) Provisions are made in Section 8 for an alternative joint as approved by the owner These joints are normally used in gravity sewers where exceptional tightness is required This type of joint meets all the joint requirements of ASTM C443 Steel end rings may also be used for the special condition of pressure flow
ASTM C877 External Sealing Bands for Non-Circular Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain and Culvert Pipe
For special conditions where an effective rubber seal is desired for jointing non-circular concrete pipe (arch, elliptical and box shapes), an external sealing band is available meeting the requirements
ASTM C990 Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint
Manholes and certain appurtenances are necessary for the proper functioning of a complete sewer and culvert system They may include manholes, inverted syphons, catch basins and inlets, flared end sections, and fittings such as bends, tees, and wyes The concrete pipe industry has developed most of the common appurtenances and specials necessary for efficient and economical performance of the complete system
ASTM C478 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections
C478 manhole sections including risers, base sections, and appurtenances, such as grade rings and flat slab tops, are used in sizes 36 in and larger diameters Also available for large sewers over 3 or
4 ft in diameter are precast base tees The riser sections are of circular cross section and may
employ an eccentric, concentric cone section or a flat slab top Cone sections affect the transition from the inside diameter of the riser sections to the top opening Flat slab tops are normally used for very shallow manholes
Precast barrel sections (riser sections) are available locally in the following sizes:
Flattops are available locally in the following sizes:
36” I.D./6” thick 48” I.D./6”, 8” thick 60” I.D./8” thick 72” I.D./8” thick 84” I.D./8” thick 96” I.D./8”, 10”, 12” thick
The manhole assembly may be furnished with or without steps inserted into the walls of the sections Steps are cast, mortared or attached by mechanical means into the wall of the section and may be made of plastic encapsulated steel, aluminum, or cast iron Inverts are available for 36”, 48”, 60” and 72” precast barrels A
Trang 18CONCRETE PIPE USE MANUAL MANHOLES/CATCH BASINS/INLETS ASTM C923 Resilient Connectors between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures and Pipes
C923 Resilient Connectors are available for special conditions of internal or external head, providing
a water resistant connection between the manhole and pipe These connections are generally used only for sanitary sewer applications They are locally available for 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, 14”, 15”, 16”, 18”, 20”, 21”, 24”, 27”, 30”, and 36” diameter pipes
Catch basins are available in 2 ft through 5 ft diameters in variable lengths Inlets are available in 2 ft diameters in various lengths Catch basins and inlets may be manufactured with precast bottom sections Special precast inlet boxes are also manufactured for use in highway median sloped ditch checks
Some typical manhole assemblies are pictures below:
Precast flared end sections for circular concrete pipe are manufactured in diameters of 12 in through 84 in and
in sizes of 14” x 23” to 48” x 76” and 58” x 91” for elliptical pipe with the groove end on the outlet and tongue end on the inlet section Precast flared end sections are also available for many sizes of elliptical pipe and precast box sections Steel grates are available for all types of flared end sections Toe blocks may be employed
to support the outlet of flared end sections Various examples of flared end sections are pictured below