With the permission of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel, we had the opportunity to work in the hotel system. During the survey and research, we found that Hanoi Daewoo Hotels promotional activities are focused on marketing communication activities through the hotels 2 websites and Facebook, while the investment in marketing communication activities on the Instagram page is limited. The individual travel market is a large market with great potential for development. The use of marketing vehicles gives the hotel the opportunity to grow the company. Therefore, we decided that the theme of the future improvement project will be Promotion Activities of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel in the Context of the COVID19 Epidemic, with the goal of attracting tourists to the hotel. Hanoi Daewoo Hotel in the context of the pandemic. In the project, we not only built a marketing communication program for tourism products focusing on customers, but also assessed their interaction with this program. In addition, social media channels and websites are used as the main tools for the project to implement the communication program. In order to have a clear view related to the projects results, I conducted a survey by questionnaire both before and after the project implementation, hoping that after implementing the project, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel could attract more customers during the current pandemic situation.
First name Name Group Tel/Mobile/E-mail
Calendar year (and University year): 2021, 3rd year
The name of the company representative: Mrs Pham Thi Thai Tam
The title of the project: Promotion activities of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel in the context of
Covid-19 epidemic
Trang 2With the permission of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel, we had the opportunity to work in thehotel system During the survey and research, we found that Hanoi Daewoo Hotel'spromotional activities are focused on marketing communication activities through the hotel's
2 websites and Facebook, while the investment in marketing communication activities onthe Instagram page is limited The individual travel market is a large market with greatpotential for development The use of marketing vehicles gives the hotel the opportunity togrow the company Therefore, we decided that the theme of the future improvement projectwill be "Promotion Activities of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel in the Context of the COVID-19Epidemic," with the goal of attracting tourists to the hotel Hanoi Daewoo Hotel in thecontext of the pandemic In the project, we not only built a marketing communicationprogram for tourism products focusing on customers, but also assessed their interaction withthis program In addition, social media channels and websites are used as the main tools forthe project to implement the communication program In order to have a clear view related
to the project's results, I conducted a survey by questionnaire both before and after theproject implementation, hoping that after implementing the project, Hanoi Daewoo Hotelcould attract more customers during the current pandemic situation
Trang 3Tourism is one of the main pillars of international trade, plays an important role in theeconomies of many countries around the world, and is an important source of income formany developing countries that includes Vietnam As tourism develops, diversification andincreasing demand for entertainment, the tourism industry has created a potentialdevelopment market and created momentum to form a lot of travel companies
Hanoi has the advantage of being the capital, the economic, political, and cultural center
of the country, as well as the traffic hub of the whole country, of making an importantcontribution to the general development of the country Hanoi has gradually developedsignificantly, with areas that strongly attract foreign investors Along with thedevelopment of the number of visitors to Hanoi, Hanoi's physical facilities are alsodeveloping rapidly This meets the accommodation needs of tourists The hotel market inHanoi is now quite diverse and rich with many different types Many high-rise hotels havesprung up quickly, such as: Melia, Daewoo, Horison, Hanoi Tower, Nikko, etc Thesehotels have really changed the city of Hanoi; it is more beautiful and flashy now In thatdiverse hotel market, a type of joint venture hotel with foreign investment and modern andadvanced technical facilities, as well as a staff of constantly trained professionals, emerged.level to serve customers better and better
However, it is this development, the expansion of the network, the network of hotels,that has created a strong competitive advantage in the tourism industry Therefore, theresearch and improvement of marketing and communication activities are necessary notonly to help the hotel provide the best tourism and communication services to customers,but also to help the tourism industry improve its competitiveness compete in the marketeconomy and rapidly integrate more and more deeply This is also considered an extremelyimportant factor that should be prioritized in the promotion process of any tourist hotel in
We chose Hanoi Daewoo Hotel as the internship location and gained valuableexperience after our internship at the hotel Because we realize that the hotel's marketingcommunication activities are focused mainly on the Web and Facebook has not taken steps
to promote marketing communication through the social networking site Instagram
Trang 4Especially in the context of such a complicated epidemic, using social networking sites toreach customers is the most appropriate option Therefore, my team focuses on improvingmarketing communication activities for the company in order to help the company'scommunication segment develop and attract customers to the hotel.
Based on the importance and necessity of strengthening promotion activities at HanoiDaewoo Hotel, we decided to choose the topic "Promotion activities of Hanoi DaewooHotel in the context of Covid-19 epidemic" to contribute part of the marketing strategy ofHanoi Daewoo Hotel in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic The evaluation results willhelp the management team have more methods to improve communication activities,increase interaction and retain as well as attract more customers
We would like to thank Hanoi Daewoo Hotel for giving us the opportunity to carry outthe project internally We'd like to thank all of the passionate employees who shared theirexpertise of the tourist sector and marketing with us Finally, we would like to express ourgratitude to the tutors who have always provided us with guidance throughout the projectimplementation process
1.1 Overview about Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 6
1.1.1 The process of formation and development of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 6
1.1.2 Basic information of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 7
1.1.3 Target market 8
1.1.4 Range of product 9
1.1.5 Human resource system 9
1.1.6 Awards 11
1.2 Project overview 12
1.2.1 Introduction 12
1.2.2 The aims of the project 12
1.2.3 Research scope 13
1.2.4 The organization methods 14
2.1 Task 1: Analyze the current status of promotional activities of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 15
2.2 Task 2: Customer research at the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Create a survey about customers' interest in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 19
2.3 Task 3: Determine the promotion objectives of the project 35
2.4 Task 4: Determine the best methods of promotion 37
2.5 Task 5: Create the message of the advertisement 39
2.6 Task 6: Distribute the message of the advertisement through promotional methods 43
2.7 Task 7: Gather data on the reults obtained 46
3.1 Time limitation for project implementation 49
3.2 Difficulties in applying new methods in the marketing process 50
3.3 External factor: Covid - 19 pandemic 50
3.4 Unable to take over the company’s website and Facebook page 51
4.1 Task 1: Analyze the current status of promotional activities of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 51
4.2 Task 2: Customer research at the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Create a survey about customers' interest in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 52
4.3 Task 3: Determine the promotion objectives of the project 52
4.4 Task 4: Determine the best methods of promotion 53
4.5 Task 5: Create the message of the advertisement 53
4.6 Task 6: Distribute the message of the advertisement through promotional methods 53
1.1 Overview about Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
This is a hotel that is considered a symbol of the development and prosperity of the openeconomy It was inaugurated in April 1996 Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is a 5-star hotel currentlylocated on Kim Ma Street in Hanoi The hotel is located in the Daeha Business CenterComplex, which includes 15 apartments for rent with an area of 21721 m2, a 15-storeyapartment building with 193 apartments, and an 18-storey Hanoi Daewoo Hotel with 411rooms of international standards, including 35 special rooms
The symbol of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is a blue 4-petal flower The hotel's slogan is
"Hospitality From Heart", showing that the goal of the hotel is perfect quality, bringing themost comfortable feeling to customers when coming and experiencing the service here.Going to the hotel, we also have the opportunity to admire the art collection, with morethan 2000 paintings and sculptures by contemporary Vietnamese artists displayed in thelobby, restaurants and bars Luxury rooms and hotel rooms create a unique feature that wecan only feel when we come here
Hanoi Daewoo Hotel marks the 20-year journey of construction and development thatbrought Hanoi Daewoo Hotel to be the iconic hotel in Hanoi's capital The last 20 yearshave seen the proud journey ofHanoi Daewoo Hotel to become the iconic hotel of HanoiCity and the spiritual heritage of the people of the capital Since 1996 until now, HanoiDaewoo Hotel has always affirmed its leading position in the hotel service industry when it
is continuously selected as the venue for many international conferences and events, suchas: Francophone Summit, ASEAN Summit, National Day of the Russian Federation Thehotel is also honored to be awarded many awards from the Ministry of Culture, Sports andTourism, voted by the National Administration of Tourism as the Top 10 Hotels in 5Vietnam's Top Stars, with awards from the Vietnam Association of Architects, the travelwebsite Tripadvisor, the online booking site Expedia,
1.1.1 The process of formation and development of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
Hanoi Daewoo Hotelis a famous 5-star hotel in Hanoi, opened in April 1996 and located
in the Daeha shopping center project of the Korean Daewoo Group This is a collaborative
Trang 7work between Soul Korean Industrial, Gian Daewoo, and The State Run Ha Noi Electronic(Hanel).
At the time of October 1996, when the new hotel came into operation, Hanoi DaewooHotel became a symbol of the capital because of its large and impressive scale Located in
a prime location in the heart of the western gateway of the city, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is notonly one of the largest hotels in Hanoi, but also attracts businessmen and politicians withits ancient architecture Classic beauty, elegance and sophistication
The hotel is located at 360 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh The hotel is considered the hotel with thelargest number of rooms in Hanoi The hotel is decorated in the Vietnamese contemporaryart style The hotel has been visited by many international politicians, such as US PresidentBill Clinton and his wife (1996), Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (2002), KoreanPrime Minister Lee Hae Chan (2005), and the Prince of Brunei Abdul Qawi (2005).Chinese President Hu Jintao and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva chose tostay when they came to Vietnam This is also the official hotel of the 2006 APEC Summitand the 2008 Miss Universe Pageant
Not only is the first 5-star hotel in Hanoi representing the aesthetic value of the times,but Hanoi Daewoo Hotel also constantly affirms its mark with its preeminent innovationspirit throughout its history The special imprint of the hotel over the years must includethe rich culinary world, always innovating on the quintessential culinary arts
With a system of six restaurants, bakeries, and stylish lounges, Hanoi Daewoo Hoteltakes diners on a journey of authentic culinary discovery with famous Chinese dishes atNgan Dinh Hanoi, authentic German dishes at Duc Bao Gartenstadt, or exquisite Japanesedishes at Edo restaurant Surprisingly, the restaurants here are regularly upgraded in terms
of both architectural space and culinary world, so diners can clearly feel the ever-changing,new, and appealing Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
1.1.2 Basic information of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
Vietnamese name : Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
International transaction name: Hanoi Daewoo Hotel.
Address: 360 Kim Ma - Ba Dinh - Hanoi.
Trang 8With Hanoi Daewoo Hotel, the target customer market is the hotel object that needs to
be aimed at There are many criteria to segment the target customer market such as age,gender, occupation, hobbies, motor travel, education, and religion The main targetmarket of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is businesses, mid-range and high-class customers Inaddition, the hotel also aims to be a reliable place to organize large-scale conferences andevents, or to welcome heads of state and important international customers to Vietnam.Each segment of this market has different needs, requirements on the quality of the hotelservice when traveling to Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Research on the target customer marketshows that the higher the education level (depends on the family owner), the greater theability to travel When human living standards increase, human travel demand alsoincreases That means the more human experience, the demand for product quality andservices is even more rigorous
Public service guests require fast and accurate service with pure tourists They lookforward to a service depending on their preferences according to the characteristics ofethnic groups, gender, and religion Therefore, the hotel provides guests to suit theirneeds Customers crate engines for hotel business activities So the hotel must find ways
to feel the feeling after the service consumers are greater or equal to the expectation beforethe service consumers reach a high quality satisfying the needs of customers
All hotel activities are directed at the target customer market Advanced service quality:thinking, eating, entertainment, ofHanoi Daewoo Hotelis also to retain, attract customers,make plans, strategies, to become more and more Meeting the needs of customers who areprofitable for hotel traders
1.1.4 Range of product
Trang 9Like other hotels in Hanoi, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel's main products are accommodationand food services Accommodation services of the hotel include bedroom rental, apartmentrental and office rental In addition, because Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is a 5-star hotel, it alsohas many other additional services: Organizing parties and seminars Laundry serviceSwimming pool service
Sports services: Tennis and golf Beauty services: sauna massage Gym And many otherservices Hanoi Daewoo Hotel provides accommodation and dining services according tothe standards of a luxurious and large-scale 5-star hotel In addition, the hotel also provides
a number of other products and services such as: conference services, seminars, partyservices according to pre-ordered menus, beauty services, massage services, saunas,swimming pools with waves, DIY, same-day laundry service, traditional Vietnamesehandicraft products, customer support service, facilities for the disabled, 24-hour roomservice, no rooms available smoking, free outdoor pool, car park AtHanoi Daewoo Hotel,customers are also consulted and can buy tours of different travel agencies right away,customers can also order air tickets at the hotel reception, use the service hoteltransportation, and many other convenient products and services
1.1.5 Human resource system
Labor structure by age and sex:
With 52.1% male employees and 47.9% female employees aged from 18 to 45, thestructure of labor by age and gender of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is reasonably arranged, in linewith the general development trend of the industry In the hotel business, the proportion ofmale employees is higher due to their higher productivity and working efficiency Thenumber of male employees of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is not more than the number of femaleemployees Therefore, in order to improve the quality in the management and use ofemployees, in the coming time, the hotel must come up with policies and solutions to suitthe general trend of the hotel business
Labor structure by level:
In an organizational structure, the director holds an important position at the enterprise.Directors must have high qualifications to have the right business line, effective business
Trang 10organization, they must be people with economic understanding to lead the business TheGeneral Director of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is someone who has experience in management,organization and diplomacy to lead the large hotel system to operate and develop as it istoday.
Table 1.1 Table of personnel structure by professional qualifications
From the above table, we can see that the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel has a high level ofmanager and supervisors This proves that they have accumulated professional experience
to manage and direct the work And especially the foreign language level is 100% C orhigher, and everyone knows one more thing foreign languages, but only at thecommunication level As for education and professional qualifications, 100% of themgraduated from university, none of them had college or elementary degrees and some had
Trang 11their professional training in Korea The average age of supervisory staff is 27-29 This is avery active age at work, with enthusiasm and a lot of creativity and managementexperience.
The assistant managers at Hanoi Daewoo Hotel are very demanding in terms ofmanagement experience, they must have 2-3 years of experience, have good foreignlanguage communication skills, and know how to work independently Assistants atHanoi Daewoo Hotel must have a college degree or higher, foreign language level Cand must have professional qualifications
Front desk staff consists of people, their average age is 24.5 With 60% of themgraduated from university, 33.3% graduated from college majoring in tourism and6.7% graduated from another major Front desk staff all have C or higher languageproficiency
Baggage staff with 47.8% foreign language proficiency A and 52.2% B, no one has Clevel, the reason is because the nature of their work is relatively simple, but theassessment The role of the hotel's luggage staff is not correct because they are the firstand also the last person to contact guests
Through a few general comments about the staff of some departments, the professionalqualifications and professional qualifications of the staff of Hanoi Daewoo hotel arerelatively high, but there is still a lack of understanding in the field of tourism business
In the field of direct marketing, employees are not yet able to arouse consumer demand,but only simply communicate
Thus, in terms of the quality of the Vietnamese team in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel, besidesthe strong points, there are still weaknesses that the hotel needs to overcome to furtherimprove the efficiency in management and use of human resources
1.1.6 Awards
In 2015, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel received the Tripadvisor's certificate of excellence, aprestigious award for organizations with excellent achievements that are highlyappreciated by Tripadvisor's worldwide travelers
Trang 12 In 2017, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel was honored to receive the prestigious Luxury TravelGuide Awards 2017 in the category Luxury City Hotel - Vietnam This is an awardpresented by the prestigious information website Luxury Travel Guide to leadingaccommodation providers based on the reviews of travel experts.
In 2017, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel also honored many leading travel and booking websites
to award prestigious awards such as Certificate of Excellence Service 2017 fromTripadvisor, and the annual Gold Award from the site agoda.com, the 2016 GuestReview Award from the Booking.com site, …
In 2018, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel was honored in 2 awards: "The hotel that receives themost Japanese guests" and "The most welcoming Korean hotel" in 2017
Recently, at The Awards Awards 2019, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is proud to be honored inthe category "The Best Business Hotel in Vietnam '' The award contributes toacknowledging and affirming the leading position of the hotel in Hanoi tourism market
in particular and Vietnam in general
1.2 Project overview
1.2.1 Introduction.
Project "Promotion activities of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel in the Context of the COVID-19Epidemic" Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is one of the international hotels with great potential fordevelopment, so it needs a large operating system to operate Therefore, the project willfocus on researching and finding solutions to improve the quality of the hotel's promotionsystem And with the project implementation, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel not only wishes tobring the best service with the highest quality, but also strives to satisfy customers
1.2.2 The aim of the project:
Hanoi Daewoo Hotel’s promotion activities in the context of the COVID-19 epidemichave the goal of conveying information to customers about Hanoi Daewoo Hotel better,bringing the best service quality closer to customers The epidemic has severely affectedthe health and psychology of customers Therefore, this is the time when the hotel needs tocome up with an advertising strategy to attract customers, create trust for customers,provide great experiences to customers and promote the company's name to customers
Trang 13individual customers, spreading the hotel's information not only to domestic guests but also
to international guests, so that when the epidemic stabilizes, tourists will choose this as agreat resort for tourists with them
Besides being better known for attracting international guests, policies to attractdomestic guests are extremely significant and urgent issues for the hotel at this time Theexplanation for this statement is that the number of guests accounting for the highest andmost strategic proportion in the hotel's revenue is domestic guests Understandingconsumer culture, service usage behavior and constantly listening to feedback is anessential requirement for corporate governance Specifically, in the complicated situation
of the epidemic, but the option of living with the above conditions is indispensable for allcountries, including Vietnam, the needs of visitors' experiences have changed and clearlydifferentiated Therefore, the project's mission is to help businesses learn and analyze thisactual trend to adapt to the new situation and find positive solutions for future advertisingactivities
In this process, we participate in the process such as: posting services and products onsocial networks, consulting, providing information in the form of e-book, posting hotelinformation on websites, processing reviews/feedback, have a great hotel profile on travelapps, build incentive programs, use celebrity influence, share customer review content…
We hope after implementing this project, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel can be more known to alldomestic and foreign tourists
1.2.3 Research scope:
Although there are many promotion tools for hotel promotion on the market right now,our team only focuses on researching and using social networks and websites Besidesbeing a useful platform, For customer service performance, social media is also a greatchannel for hotel ads and other promotional content The key is to try to create a diversesocial media marketing mix with a mix of text-based hotel ads, web content, video content,and other promotional materials
Trang 14We use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram So we've tailored ads to whatworks on one platform and may not work on another Posting on Facebook and Instagram
is very beneficial for targeting our customers
1.2.4 The methodology:
Method of data collection:
Customer research at the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
Create a survey about customers' interest in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
The information analysis method:
Analyze the current status of promotional activities of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
Through the current status of advertising activities and information provided by thehotel
The organisation methods:
Task 1: Analyze the current status of
promotional activities of the Hanoi Daewoo
3 days 8/11/2021 11/11/2021
Task 2: Customer research at the Daewoo
Hanoi Hotel Create a survey about customers'
interest in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
6 Task 6: Distribute the message of the
advertisement through promotional methods 14 days 6/12/2021 20/12/2021
Trang 157 Task 7: Gather data on the results obtained 5 days 21/12/2021 26/12/2021
8 Task 8: Write the final report 14 days 27/12/2021 10/01/2022
Table 1.2 The organization methods
Before implementing the project, Dinh Quang Tien, on behalf of the team, contactedand met Ms Pham Thi Thai Tam, Head of Human Resources, to express his desire to carryout the group's project at the company With the approval of the head of human resources,the project team members were able to work and had the opportunity to carry out groupprojects at the hotel
After discussing with the head of the human resources department, the team realizedthe limitations of marketing communication activities at the hotel We asked HanoiDaewoo Hotel to improve these weaknesses and received the company's approval.Marketing communication activities will be carried out mainly on the Facebook page andInstagram page
2.1. Task 1: Analyze the current status of promotional activities of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel.
We discussed it with HR manager Ms Tam, with the goal of having specific documents
on the hotel's operating system After reviewing the entire document and observing theinternship at the hotel, we analyze its current situation based on three factors:implementation process, promotion tools ( mainly focus on Facebook and Instagram ),business activities We executed this task from November 8 2021 to November 11, 2021.After researching online and contacting Ms Tam, we have the results of Daewoo'scurrent promotion activities
Daewoo's advertising process is quite good, and it has brought significant results Theimage of the luxurious, famous, and rich Hanoi Daewoo Hotel has been imprinted in theminds of customers Referring to the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel, people immediately imaginerooms with luxurious amenities, large banquet halls, delicious restaurants, and swimmingpools with harmonious natural scenery It was the great success of Daewoo's advertising
Trang 16That's why Daewoo Hanoi Hotel always attracts a loyal and stable number of guests,ensuring the hotel's business is always profitable Hanoi Daewoo Hotel has applied thedevelopment of science and technology to its image through the internet and obtainedmany remarkable achievements Because in the vast world of the Internet, with billions ofpeople using it every day to search for information about hotels, most of them often readonline advertisements while surfing the web, which is a great opportunity for HanoiDaewoo Hotel advertising and marketing services to customers.
Today, in order to increase traffic and be known by many people, Hanoi Daewoo Hotelhas boldly placed banners, logos, and promotional strategies on popular media websiteswith huge traffic The profit compared to the cost is negligible Internet advertising makes
it possible for Hanoi Daewoo Hotel to rely on the personal preferences and behavior ofguests to target the right customers Online advertising helps determine the effectivenessthrough the number of times the ad is clicked, the number of people buying the product,and the number of times the ad is conducted, etc These are very difficult to do with thetraditional advertising style as above television, newspapers, and bulletin boards
In addition, this advertising tool also has flexibility and deliverability becauseadvertising is delivered 24 hours a day, all week, all year Advertising campaigns can beupdated or canceled At any time, Advertising in newspapers and other print media alsohelps the hotel save money compared to advertising on television Time to customers isslower, contains more detailed information, and has attractive colors to keep customers'minds longer.That is reflected in the status of social networking sites, along with the hotel'swebsite
Facebook: regularly updated, has a fairly high following with more than 30,000
followers, the number of articles is updated regularly, there are many specialpromotions during the holidays,…
Image 2.1: Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Facebook page
Trang 17Instagram: has had more than 544 followers since its inception The amount of interaction
is not high, but the post information is relatively up-to-date
Image 2.2: Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Instagram page
Trang 18 Website: The hotel's website is invested a lot by the hotel, from images to hotel
information, with a clear layout, saving customers' time from booking to services andinformation related to the hotel Customers can view brief information, room details,and hotel offers
Image 2.3: Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Website
Trang 19In generally, Facebook and the guest website are well invested, with a reservationservice in place Besides, the Instagram page has low engagement, few updates, and noInstagram booking service The hotel has been in operation for more than 10 years, butnew hotels are popping up all over the place Competition is fierce, greatly affecting thehotel's business and requiring the hotel to further promote advertising activities, namely tofurther promote Facebook and Instagram pages, to avoid being attacked by competitors.
2.2 Task 2: Customer research at the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Create a survey about customers' interest in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel.
We executed this task from November 12, 2021 to November 16, 2021 During thisperiod, the team searched for frequently asked questions and frequently asked questions tosurvey the level of customer interest in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Each group member willlearn and refer to as many sample questions as possible Then, the group will gather all the
Trang 20questions and choose the most suitable ones Along with sampling from multiple sources,
we also asked and consulted with experienced instructors
The purpose of the survey is to collect information and customer views on promotionalactivities such as advertising and offers for the hotel
The method that our team chose this time is the indirect form This has become a fairlypopular form in recent times and is used by many people because of its benefits.Google Forms make it simple to collect information, schedule events, and receivefeedback The form of responding to questions is also much more convenient whenusing Google forms Customers do not have to waste time filling out forms orpondering Questions are infrequently utilized and are usually in the form of multiple-choice questions so that even the busiest consumers can take the time to respond tosurveys
We shared the created questionnaire on Facebook The reason we choose this form isbecause today's social network is extremely developed The majority of individualstoday utilize the internet, particularly Facebook, the most popular social networkingsite As a result, we decided to take advantage of this opportunity to poll a largenumber of clients
We have asked for the help of friends and relatives, shared widely, many times toattract more people's attention This will give more accurate and objective results Eachmember of the group will post to their personal page in turn and ask people to fill outthe survey
Result survey:
Online quesionnaire’s form
Questionnaire layout: divided into 2 groups
Group 1: Tourists arriving at the hotel
Group 2: Tourists who have never been to the hotel
Trang 21Image 2.4: Online questionnaire form: Survey and evaluation of customers about the
promotional activities of Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
Data of the questionnaire survey’s response
The group received 205 responses and 155 valid answers, 50 invalid answers Fromthe information collected from the questionnaire, the team analyzed the customer's choice
in each question From there, the team knows the level of interest and desire of customersfor Hanoi Daewoo Hotel Specifically, we have obtained the data results and given thepercentage chart through the customer's evaluation in the questionnaire:
I Personal question
Trang 22 According to the survey results, the age group from 18 to under 30 accounted for38.2%, the group from 30 to 45 years old accounted for 32.1%, and the group over 45years old accounted for 29.7% We can easily see that the audience of the DaewooHanoi Hotel is evenly distributed among all 3 age groups and is especially interested inthe age group from 18 to 30 This is also the customer segment that the group willtarget to create ads as well as incentives to attract customers.
According to the group survey, 49.1% of customers are female, and 50.9% are male.The relative balance between male and female customers is a good and encouragingsign when not only female customers but also male customers today are interested inthe Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
Trang 23 According to the survey, we found that customers interested in Hanoi Daewoo Hotelduring the COVID-19 season are mainly domestic guests Domestic visitors accountedfor 61.2% and international visitors accounted for 38.8% It can be seen that the extent
of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic has caused the number of internationalvisitors to decrease compared to previous years
The average income of guests interested in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is over 20 millionVND and less than 10 million VND According to the survey, 39.4% of guests have anincome of over 20 million VND, 19.4% of guests have an income of less than 10million VND, and 41.2% of guests have an income of 10 to 20 million VND This isquite a high income compared to the majority of respondents Stable income makes
Trang 24customers more able to pay for hotel products and services This also helps the team tooffer suitable prices for its products, as well as incentive programs for customers.
The criteria for choosing hotels today are very diverse There are five main criteria thatour team offers: convenient location, many good reviews from old customers,promotion policies, attractive incentives, a professional hotel website, infrastructure,and specialized services According to the survey, most of the customers' criteria whenchoosing a hotel are: convenient location (60%), good reviews from old customers(69.1%), and infrastructure and service professional (52.1%) These are the top 3criteria that customers prioritize The remaining two criteria are promotion policy andattractive incentives, which account for 47.3% of the total and a professional hotelwebsite accounts for about 29.1%
II Level of concern
The chart shows the number of customers who have ever participated in the experience
of accommodation and related services, of which more than 110 customers have everstayed at the hotel, accounting for 66.1% The proportion of people who have neverbeen to the hotel accounts for more than 33% The data shows that the majority ofcustomers participating in the survey enjoyed the facilities at the hotel
Trang 25III Survey results of customers who have been to the hotel
Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is a famous hotel known by many people This opens up apotential market for hotels From the survey results, we can easily see that DaewooHanoi Hotel has a loyal customer base with more than three visits and first-timevisitors, accounting for 30.6% of the total customers Customers who have visited thehotel twice are also a significant number, at 38.7% It can be seen that the number ofguests after using the hotel's resort services is ready to return Hanoi Daewoo Hotel has
a loyal customer base This makes it convenient for the team to survey new and oldcustomers about the hotel's services and promotions
Trang 26 Most of the customers who have come to the hotel in Hanoi Daewoo Hotel havepositive feedback and recommend the hotel to others (81.1%) This is a good thing asthe majority of guests are satisfied with what the hotel has to offer and are more likely
to return However, there are still 18.9% of customers who have not referred toeveryone, for many reasons We will clarify in the following questions
Customers often choose to go to the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel on holidays, accounting for55.9% on holidays, 12.6% on weekends and 31.5% on weekdays Customers choose tocome to Hanoi Daewoo Hotel during the holidays because the hotel has manyexperience-based services such as relaxation, cuisine, and event organization,
Trang 27especially with many incentives on holidays.
In recent years, the hotel has targeted the European market - guests with In recentyears, the hotel has targeted the European market for guests with high demand andaffordability, the Australian market, Vietnamese business travelers, and conferenceand seminar guests Discussions and event participation also increased Therefore,Daewoo's service price is quite high (24.3%) compared to middle-class workers.Besides, 75.7% of customers who have used the service at the hotel think that this is anappropriate price for their consumption level
The form of making customers know According to Hanoi Daewoo Hotel to the survey,
Trang 28we found that the majority of customers know through the introduction of someoneaccounting for 36% Social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and otherforms of advertising are effective tools for promoting the hotel to customers about59.5% of the population is aware of it through social networking sites and successfuladvertising forms the lowest rate is 4.5%.
According to the information from the survey, the hotel's Facebook page has 83.8% ofpeople who filled out the follow-up survey The Instagram page has 26.1% of peoplefilling out the tracking survey, and the website has 41.1% of people filling out thetracking survey Through the survey, it shows that the Facebook page has the mostattention and followers, while the Instagram page has the fewest followers
According to the survey information, the hotel's Facebook page has 1 1 star reviewer, 4
2 star reviewers, 9 3 star reviewers, 47 4-star reviewers, and 50 5-star reviewers Thehotel's Instagram page has 3 1-star reviewers, 18 2-star reviewers, 49 3-star reviewers,
34 4-star reviewers, and only 7 5-star reviewers The hotel website has 1 1-starreviewer, 0 2-star reviewers, 27 3-star reviewers, 59 4-star reviewers, and 24 5-starreviewers Through investigation, it was found that the website that lacks attractionand is underrated is the hotel's Instagram page, and the hotel needs to improve thiswebsite the most