Identifying potential opponents in Soap Market:RelevantCompetitorTarget Market Points of parityPOPsPoints of differencePODsLifebuoy All age groupsand genders Cleansing agent Affordable,
CLASS: 23100MMGT1117E Lecturer: Dang Phuong Linh Group: 6
Ha Noi, October 3rd
, 2022
Trang 220K610061 segments and targets
+ Powerpoint
segments and targets+ Powerpoint
I Identify and Analyze potential opponents in Soap Market 5
1.1 Identifying potential opponents in Soap Market: 5
1.2 Analyzing potential opponents in Soap Market: 5
II Identifying market segments and targets marketing 7
2.1 Our brand’s name 8
2.2 Product 8
2.3 Identifying market segments 8
2.4 Target marketing 9
III Crafting Verte Soap’s positioning 11
3.1 Choosing a competitive frame of reference: 11
3.1.2 Identifying Potential Points-of-difference (POD) and Points-of-Parity (POP): 11
3.1.3 Brand Mantras: 12
3.2 Establishing Verte Soap’s Positioning 14
3.3 Alternative Approaches to Positioning: Storytelling 16
Conclusion 17
References 18
Trang 4We made a decision to apply the knowledge gained from marketing andstrategy to our business to Identify market segments, targets, and craft ourbrand positioning.
Trang 5I Identify and Analyze potential opponents in Soap Market
1.1 Identifying potential opponents in Soap Market:
Lifebuoy All age groups
and genders Cleansing agent Affordable, Personal-Care Soap for all
Direct competitors: Lifebuoy is a business that offers similar productsand services and targets the same customers in the geographic area ourbusiness serves
product and service and targets a different set of customers, but fallsunder our same general category
the same customers in our geographic area Besides baby skins are verysensitive, which is why they need to have good nutrition so the skin can
be strong Our Product - Verte Soap is to solve problems with baby skins
As a result, Optimum Gold becomes our Substitute competitor
1.2 Analyzing potential opponents in Soap Market:
❖ Lifebuoy:
● Strengths:
- Brand Reputation: Lifebuoy has been successful in gaining the trust
of customers in the market for nearly 100 years Health-centered
Trang 6approach and communication have helped Lifebuoy gain credibilityand a large part of loyal customers.
- Affordable pricing: Lifebuoy has diversified pricing to suit all types
of markets, especially rural markets
- Wide distribution: Lifebuoy has a strong distribution channel
worldwide, making the product available in the most remote countries.Lifebuoy has made efforts to be present in rural markets where there is
a really high demand for the product
- Product Line Expansion: Lifebuoy has successfully expanded its
product line by introducing successful products such as hand sanitizer,shower gel, and hand sanitizer
● Weakness:
- Because it contains some cleaning ingredients, Lifebuoy soap willhave a slightly strong and pungent smell, not suitable for those whoare allergic to scents
- Some Lifebuoy soaps can irritate sensitive skin because of theirbactericidal action
❖ Johnson Baby shower gel:
● Strengths:
- As a product of a long-standing famous brand, Johnson Baby alwaysensures quality All products have a clear origin, information is fullyprinted on the packaging
- Safe ingredients, extracted from nature, effectively cleanse the skin,completely removing sweat, sebum, dirt, and harmful bacteria on theskin
- Balances the pH of the skin
- The superior formula does not sting the eyes and does not irritate theskin
- Johnson's Baby Shower Gel contains many nutrients to help nourishsoft skin from the inside, provide good moisture, nourish epidermalcells on the skin, and help your baby always be naturally healthy
- The product has a mild, pleasant fragrance, does not irritate the sense
of smell, has a positive effect on the senses, brings comfort to the babywhen bathing, and helps the baby sleep better and deeper
- Johnson Baby Shower Gel is produced in many different types, eachwith different sizes, weights, and shapes, moms are spoiled for choicewith the right product for their baby
Trang 7Bài thảo luận Nhóm 6 Quản trị Logistics…Marketing 100% (16)
Marketing căn bản trường đại họcMarketing 100% (16)
Chiến lược kênh phân phối cà phê…Marketing 100% (13)
Xây dựng và phát triển thương hiệu x…
Trang 8● Weakness:
- Because this is a famous line of shower gel, favored by many people,the market now has fake products, imitation goods, and poor-qualitygoods Therefore, it is difficult for mothers to choose to buy thisproduct for their babies
- Helps strengthen the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract andenhances the absorption of nutrients in milk and foods that babies eatevery day
- Help strengthen resistance, support children's immune system, andprotect children from common bacterial infections
- Help the bone and teeth system in children develop better, therebyincreasing the stable and regular height in accordance with thestandard
- The product that helps the baby to gain weight well is acomprehensive development milk powder
- The product is milk powder for babies from birth to 6 years old, so it
is very rich
- Categories for consumers to choose according to their needs
- The product that helps the baby to gain weight well is acomprehensive development milk powder
● Weakness:
- Constipation easily if used too much
- Easy to get a stomach ache and diarrhea when changing formula milk
II Identifying market segments and targets marketing
Marketing 100% (12)
Trang 92.1 Our brand’s name
Verte in French means the green color French brings a sense of elegance,romance, and luxury Green color has strong associations with nature andbrings to mind lush grass, trees, and forests Green is often described as arefreshing and tranquil color Other common associations with the colorgreen are money, luck, health, and envy
2.2 Product
Handmade Soap
These beautiful soaps are manufactured by hand via strict quality control
to produce beautiful spa soap or may be used as a soap or deodorant inthe bathroom, closet, drawer, or as decoration in your beautiful house
2.3 Identifying market segments
The goal segment of soap products is geographic, demographic, andpsychologic-behavioral segmentation:
- Major cities and towns throughout the country As this is a largemarket with a high population density with a large density ofchildren
- Reasons: Lifebuoy, Johnson Baby Shower Gel, and Optimum Goldhave a strong distribution channel worldwide so their productsdesigns or features are the same in color, scents, and shape foreveryone, they are not customized for each customer’s style -> Theproducts are not unique to -> Verte is handmade so it is morediversified in color, scent, and shape
- Age: Focus on the age of children from 3-6 and 8-12 These stagesare when our kids need to care about nutrition
Trang 10- Family size: Young couples with smaller than 6 years old childrenand Young couples with 6-12 years old children.
- Occupation: Stable income occupations-> the product is affordable
- Reason: Lifebuoy is for all generations of family fromgrandparents, and parents to children Johnson Baby Shower Geland Optimum Gold are for newborns -> Verte is more focused onPre Teen and Pre Schooler Moreover, these audiences like eye-catching objects so handmade soap have the advantage
Age (3-6 Years old)-Pre Schooler Baby's skin is
Trang 11still very tender and needs good products thatwon't harm the baby's skin.
(8-12)-Pre Teen Entering puberty, some
people will have problems with body odorleading to low self-esteem and apprehension
So they prefer to choose products that bringout the fragrance
Life Cycle
Full Nest 1- Young couples with smaller than
6 years old childrenFull Nest 2- Young couples with 6-12 yearsold children
attached and trusted
Vulnerable: the baby's skin or other parts such
as the eyes, nose, and mouth are very easilyirritated The product must make the baby feelcomfortable
Open-minded, exchange: like to exchange andget to know Especially knowing and caringabout people around you, especially those ofthe opposite sex, want to make a goodimpression
(grocery, supermarket, )
Trang 12III Crafting Verte Soap’s positioning
3.1 Choosing a competitive frame of reference:
Relevant Competitors: Life Bouy, Johnson Baby Shower Gel, Optimum
3.1.2 Identifying Potential of-difference (POD) and of-Parity (POP):
Points-● PODs: are attributes or benefits that consumers strongly associate with a
brand, positively evaluate, and believe they could not find to the sameextent with a competitive brand
- Physical: Handmade soaps use less thickener content than industrial
products, so they are usually softer in texture and have poor heatresistance Under the influence of sunlight, Handmade soap easilymelts, so it should be stored in cool and dry conditions, avoidingdirect sunlight
- About the shape: For Handmade products, after creating a mixture of
liquid ingredients, they are poured into molds of various shapes anddesigns, and manually edited so the lines are not as angular as othershapes product of industry
- About the color: The coloring agents of Handmade soap are extracted
from natural ingredients, such as the yellow color of turmeric, theblack-gray color of activated charcoal, the orange color of gac fruit,and the green color of the leaves extremely rich and varied Industrialsoaps often have monotonous colors and similarities between brands
- About the scent: The flavoring agent in industrial soap is artificial
synthetic flavoring, with a strong and pungent aroma, and the ability
to keep the scent for many hours In Handmade products, onlyessential oils are used to create a fragrance, pleasant natural fragrancebut not durable
- In terms of foaming ability: Foaming agents are usually alkaline
anionic emulsifiers that are easy to irritate the skin, in Handmadesoaps, it is usually little or not this kind of ingredient Therefore, thefoaming ability of Handmade soap is often less than that of industrialsoap
Trang 13- Our company organizes some workshops such as:
+ Let children experience how to make soaps by themselves andthey can use or send it as a gift for parents, or friends, (thisactivity aims to stimulate children's creativity)
+ Sell soap ingredients that can be made at home
● POPs: are attribute or benefit associations that are not necessarily unique
to the brand but may in fact be shared with other brands such as Lifebuoy
or Johnson Baby,
- Soaps care for the skin and protect against 99.9% of bacteria
- The formula contains Silver + ions and milk extract to help moisturizeand soften the skin
- The formula helps protect against bacteria and supports the bestnatural skin resistance
- Soaps have the main effect of increasing high humidity for the skin,even for babies It also works to take care of dry, cracked, and peelinghands, feet, and soles, providing smooth skin for up to 24 hours
3.1.3 Brand Mantras:
“Verte - Wrapped Up With Baby Skin”
We want to focus on providing a holistic, natural approach by providinghandmade soaps for skin care
thing, they spend nearly all their time thinking about them, so that theyforget about other things
Also the word ‘wrap’ góe ưith ‘baby’ means providing comfort andsupport for the baby and allowing the parent to focus on other things likeworking, or cleaning the house as they go about their everyday tasks
Trang 14A logo is a visual product consisting of an image or text or a combination
of both images and text to help identify a brand
Use a circle as a logo because the shape usually represents:
- Perfection, completeness
- Warmth and friendliness
Circles are especially easy to use in the background design of logos or small icons placed on websites Especially useful for images on online channels (avatar facebook, instagram ) or as stamps for printing and pasting outside
- Font: CARDO and size: 12.8
This font is clear for customers to know what we sell
“Verte”: company’s name
- Font: Brittany, and size:33
It brings viewers the feelings ofelegance, romance, and luxury
“Since 2022”:
- Font: CARDO and size: 15
The year when our company established
Trang 15Oval shape is like a soap that we sell
Jasmine symbol: Jasmine has many uses for health and beauty Dressed inthe beauty of pure white, gentle, romantic and a seductive scent, jasmine has conquered the hearts of flower lovers
Color used is a collection of green so it brings freshness, lightness, and freshness
3.2 Establishing Verte Soap’s Positioning
- Announcing category benefits: Children at the age of 3-6 are
extremely hyperactive and curious, so it is completely normal andinevitable to get their hands and feet dirty due to mischief So instead
of parents trying to prevent their children from growing just becausethey are afraid their child will get dirty, why not join with the children,play with them and participate in that natural development process inorder to be able to more bonding with your child? Worried aboutgetting dirty? Don't worry, our soap which is in form of liquid and barwill solve that fear for beloved parents When you choose to buy ourproducts, it means that you have shown yourself as a parent who reallycares about your children So, what are you waiting for, let’s join thefun with your kids right now?
- Relying on the product descriptor: With modern production
technology, environmentally friendly packaging, pleasant scents, catching colors as well as being produced in many different funnyshapes, our bar soap product children will surely make your belovedkids wash their hands more often without you having to remind themanymore "Accompanying parents on the path of their children'sgrowth" - that is the goal we aim to reduce the worry of childrengetting dirty for parents
eye Communicating POPs and PODs:
Handmade soap/ washing gel Industrial soap (hand–washing gel)
scents/ingredients/colors (white/light
Trang 16pink/yellow/ light green)
Expire date is shorter than
non-handmade soap/washing gel
The amount of industrial soap bar isfixed, and normally this can’t bechanged flexibly according to thecustomer’s needs
Foaming ability is weaker in
Ability to retain scents is better
Can be used as gifts on some special
Fixed function: used to clean/washhands
Can contact directly with
manufacturers in order to provide