G Ph In Model P P Toshiba Mitsubishi IMPORTANT[.]
Trang 1G Ph In
Model: P
Toshiba Mitsubishi
・ Make sure that this ins
・ Read this manual before
place for reference
Grid-Connected hotovoltaic Inverter stallation Manual
PVH-L2550E PVH-L2220E
October 2017
-Electric Industrial Systems Cor
Y INSTRUCTIONS / SAVE THESE INSTRU struction manual is delivered to the end
e installing or operating this product Kee
LECTRIC orporation, 2017
C rporation
d user of this
ep it in a safe
Trang 2PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
1 About this manual
This manual is intended for safely pe
inverter (hereafter the inverter) Re
Store this manual near the working
order to correctly and safely operate
This manual as well as markings an
harm and injury to workers and oper
Read this document after fully com
instructions given in the document
This manual contains importan
installation of the inverter
1.1 Explanation of markings and sym
Explanation of markings
(*1): “injury to persons” refer to inju
or long periods of medical tre
(*2): “damage to property” refers to
Meaning of symbols
Indicates that the oWhat is prohibitedIndicates mandatoWhat is mandatory
nd labels in the inverter contain very important inrators and to safely and correctly install, connect amprehend the following marking and symbols me
ndicates that improper use or handling may lead njury
ndicate that improper use or handling may lead to
or may cause damage to property(*2)
uries, burns, electric shocks and other injuries that will noatment
o wide-ranging damage to assets and materials
Meaning of symbol operation is prohibited
will be described in or near the symbol in either teory action
y will be described in or near the symbol in either te
nnected photovoltaic ocedure beforehand enever is needed In before operating the
structions to prevent and use this inverter eaning Observe the
ext or picture form
ext or picture form
Trang 3
, risk of electric shock
g for dangerous voltage
, risk of electric shock storage timed discharge
, risk of danger
, hot surface
o the operating instructions
Trang 4PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
1.2 Limitation of use, disclaimer and
Limitation of use
TMEIC assumes no responsib
・ Earthquake and fire that is
of a third party, accidents a
・ Damage or losses accomp
business halt, etc)
・ Damage caused by using t
・ Damage caused by incorre
TMEIC do not take part
When disposing this inverter
disposal Improper disposal m
Additionally, local regulations
TMEIC assumes no responsi
This product is intended to b
other use is prohibited
Make sure to consult with TM
related equipment or other c
allation Manual
bility in the following cases
not originated due to TMEIC responsibility, damagand damage caused by deliberate or unintentional manied with the operation or not operation of this prohis inverter in a different way as the way describedect operation produced due to the combination with
or any of its components, have it done by a speciamay result in explosion or produce noxious gases,
s regarding disposal of industrial equipment shouldibility for any damage due to improper disposal or a
be used as a grid-connected inverter for photovolta
MEIC in case a change in system specifications occircumstances, since there may be necessary to ma
e produced by the acts misuse
oduct (Loss of profit,
d in the instruction equipment where
alist in industrial waste resulting in injury
Trang 52 Safety Precautions
Installation environment
Do not install the inverter in a
There is a risk of explosion and
Do not install the inverter outd
Rain and dust will reach high vo
Provide enough space for
installation place (Refer to “In
If the required space is not
Furthermore, since a reduced s
cause a failure
Do not install the inverter in
humidity or in a place with se
Changes in components perform
performance degradation or fail
Vibrations or shocks may produ
※1・※2:refer to “Inverter insta
in section 5.1 for details
place with flammable gases or explosive gases
fire due to sparks created in circuit breakers or
oltage parts, provoking fire or electric shock
operation and maintenance in the inverter’s nstallation clearance” in section 5.2 )
t provided, maintenance cannot be performed
space reduces the air flow, over temperature may
a hot place, cold place, in a place with high vere temperature change
mance and condensation may provoke ure
~95% (No condensation)
aces where it can be subjected to vibrations (※
uce performance degradation and failure
Trang 6PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
Do not install the inverter
corrosive gases (※) and/or va
If installed in a place where one
in circuit breakers and switch
degradation and/ or failure
※:refer to “Inverter installation
Do not install the inverter in
particles that include iron pow
It may cause insulation failure,
performance degradation and/o
Do not install the inverter in al
Voltage withstand is reduced,
This inverter must not be used
This inverter may cause interfe
be avoided unless the user tak
the reception of radio and televi
This inverter is only for use in
This inverter does not measur
further details
Only Type B residual current d
This inverter can cause a dc cur
Were a residual current detectio
protection in a case of direct or
is allowed on the supply side of
n environment” in section 5.1 for details
locations with considerable amount of fine wder and organic materials like silicon
contact failure in circuit breakers and switches,
a closed electrical operating area
re the residual current Refer to section 5.3 for
detection (RCD) or monitoring (RCM) devices ar
rrent in the external protective earthing conductor
on (RCD) or monitoring (RCM) device is used for
r indirect contact, only an RCD or RCM of Type B
Trang 72.2 Transportation
Do not apply a mechanical sho
A shock over 1.5G may cause p
Do not expose the package fra
Salt water and rain may enter th
degradation or failure
Do not transport, move or plac
Heavy internal parts such as tra
that may damage the inverter
ock over 1.5G to the inverter
performance degradation or failure
ame to salt water or rain
he enclosure and provoke performance
ce the inverter in horizontal position
ansformers and reactors will be subjected to forces
Trang 8PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
2.3 Storage environment
Do not store the inverter in pl
high humidity, or severe temp
Changes in performance of inte
performance degradation and/o
Storage environment:
Ambient temperature -20~
Relative humidity less than
The inverter must be stored in
If the inverter is stored outdoo
temperature variation) may cau
Do not store the inverter in
particles that include iron pow
It may cause insulation failure, c
performance degradation and/o
Do not store the inverter in
shocks(※2) may occur
If the inverter is stored in a pla
changes in performance of in
degradation and/or failure
※1・※2:Refer to “Inverter ins
Do not store the inverter in pla
gases (※3) and/or vapor or o
If stored in a place where one o
circuit breakers and switches m
places where vibrations(※1) or mechanical
ace where vibrations or mechanical shocks occurnternal parts may produce system performancestallation environment” in section 5.1 for details
aces exposed to air containing salts, corrosive
il steam
of the above elements is present, contact failure in
ay occur, and may cause performance degradationion environment” in section 5.1 for details
Trang 92.4 Unpacking of the inverter
When opening the package u
direct mechanical shock or vi
Mechanical shocks and vibratio
2.5 Transportation after unpacking
Do not transport, move or plac
Heavy internal parts such as tra
that may damage the inverter
When transporting the inverte
rope at an angle less than 60°
If procedures are not observed
damage of the inverter
This mark indicates the lifting
the lifting holes located next t
There is a risk of injury and dam
using a hammer or another tool, do not inflict ibration to the inverter
ons may cause inverter failure
ce the inverter in horizontal position
ansformers and reactors will be subjected to forces
er with a crane, follow proper safety procedur
d, there is a risk of injury and
g point of the inverter Lift the inverter through
to the lifting marks.
mage of the inverter if not lifted properly
Trang 10PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
2.6 Installation and wiring of the inve
During installation, do not incl
If the inverter is inclined more th
The inverter must be connecte
If not grounded, insulation degra
posing a risk of electric shock
Ensure a ground resistance less
■ Use IEC 61730 Class A rated
Class A modules are mandatory
After installation and wiring, in
There is a risk of electric shock
line the inverter more than 10°
han 10°, it may fall causing injuries
ed to ground
adation may cause current leakage, thus
s than 5Ω
photovoltaic modules only
y for transformerless inverters
nstall all protective covers
and injury if protective covers are not installed
ete or other non-combustible surface only !
Trang 11During installation and wiring
fan and ceiling with a vinyl sh
Dust entering into the cabinet c
in switches and circuit breakers
Do not sit on, climb on or step
The fan can be damaged
Do not perform installation
amount of fine particles that i
It may cause insulation failure, c
performance degradation and/o
Do not perform installation an
salts, corrosive gases (※) an
If stored in a place where one o
circuit breakers and switche
degradation and/ or failure
※:Refer to “Inverter installatio
g, protect the fan against dust by covering the heet or other protective element
an provoke failure in insulation and contact failure
s, causing performance degradation and/or system
p on the ceiling and the fan cover
and wiring in locations with considerable include iron powder and organic materials like
contact failure in circuit breakers and switches,
or failure
nd wiring in places exposed to air containing d/or vapor or oil steam
of the above elements is present, contact failure in
es may occur, and may cause performance
on environment” in section 5.1 for details
Trang 12PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
Cooling fans of the inverter ar
components of the inverter P
internal heat of that when you
or other building (Ventilation
If heat exhaust in the air of
suppose fail or the inverter may
enclosure properly, components of the inverter
y stop or operate with power limitation
Trang 133 Index
1 About this manual
1.1 Explanation of markings and symb 1.2 Limitation of use, disclaimer and d 2 Safety Precautions
2.2 Transportation
2.3 Storage environment
2.4 Unpacking of the inverter
2.5 Transportation after unpacking
2.6 Installation and wiring of the invert 3 Index
4 Tools, Machinery and Materials Requi 5 Installation Environment
5.1 Inverter installation environment
5.2 Installation clearance
5.3 Electrical Requirements
6 Structure and Outline of the Inverter
7 Inverter Transportation
8 Storage
9 Unpacking
9.1 Package outline
9.2 Main contents of the package
9.3 Unpacking place
9.4 Guidelines for unpacking
9.5 Guidelines after unpacking
9.6 Transportation after unpacking
10 Inverter Installation
10.1 Cabinet base setup and toleranc 11 Fixation of the Inverter
12 Wiring and Connection
12.1 Checkmark and tightening torque 12.2 Connection of external cables
12.3 Connection of the grounding elec 12.4 Connection of Input/output relay 13 Cleaning of the inverter inside and su 14 Inspection for installation and wiring w
red for Installation and Wiring Work
e for screws
ctrode conductor
work completion
Trang 14PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
15 Inverter Specifications
16 Contact
allation Manual 13
Trang 154 Tools, Machinery and Materials
(1) Machinery and materials fo
Overhead Crane, Truckprepared
(2) Machinery and materials fo
① Nail Extractor Tool(F
② Hammer
③ Cutter
④ Spanner
⑤ Torque Wrench, etc
(3) Tools for Installation and W
① Screwdriver( )
② Spanner(for M8、M1
③ Socket Wrench(for M
④ Pinch Bar(Fig 4.3)
⑤ Permanent Maker (Re
⑥ Other tools for wiring
Fig 4.1 Nail Puller
Required for Installation and Wiring Work
or handling cargo k-Mounted Crane, Forklift, and related required m
or opening the packing Fig 4.1、4.2)
k machinery should be
3 Pinch Bar
m Approx
Trang 16PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
5 Installation Environment
Do not inst
There is aswitches
If it is nocondition Insta
Do not
It may cperforma
Do not in
Voltage failure
allation Manual
tall the inverter in a place with flammable gases
a risk of explosion and fire due to sparks created in
tall the inverter outdoors
dust will reach high voltage parts, provoking fire o
install the inverter in a hot place, cold place
y or in a place with severe temperature change
s in components performance and condensation mtion or failure
ot possible to comply with the recommended instning equipment is required
allation Environment:
Ambient temperature -20~50℃
Relative humidity 15~95% (No cond
nstall the inverter in places where it can be subj ocks (※2)
ns or shocks may produce performance degradatio2:refer to “Inverter installation environment” in sec
nstall the inverter in places exposed to air cont
※) and/or vapor or oil steam
ed in a place where one of the above elements is preakers and switches may occur, and may cause pailure
r to “Inverter installation environment” in section 5.1
install the inverter in locations with conside
s that include iron powder and organic material
cause insulation failure, contact failure in circuit ance degradation and/or failure
nstall the inverter in altitudes over 2000m
withstand is reduced, which yields to performa
s or explosive gases
n the circuit breakers and
r electric shock
e, in a place with high
may provoke performance tallation environment, air
jected to vibrations (※
n and failure
ction 5.1 for details
taining salts, corrosive
present, contact failure in performance degradation
1 for details
erable amount of fine
ls like silicon
breakers and switches,
ance degradation and/or
Trang 175.1 Inverter installation environment
Inverter and related equipmen
detailed in Table 5.1
Not adhering to this standard
reduction in lifetime and/or failu
It is recommended to measure
inverter installation In case th
corrective measures should be
6 Fine particles in electrical room
The air the normmateria
t should be installed according to the installation e
d may yield to degradation of insulation and othure
and evaluate environmental variables in the installhere is some parameter that does not comply wit
e taken prior to inverter installation
e inverter room, use an electrical vacuum cleaner t
e air type wax on the floor or other places of the inverterable 5.1 Installation environment
Installation Standard
um and maximum temperature: -20℃ to 50℃
e for 24 hours shall be between 5℃ and 35℃
e Humidity 15 to 95%
on of temperature should not cause condensation
um altitude is 2000m above sea level 1060hPa
ns in the installation location should have a freque20Hz
quencies below 10Hz, the acceleration should be lequencies over 20Hz and below 50Hz, the accelera5G
quencies over 50Hz and below 100Hz, the tota
n should be less than 0.1mm
conditions in the room where the inverter is installemal air dust level, especially free of iron powder, o
e Gas (Cl2) ive Humidity < 50%) <0.002
Trang 18PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
When deciding the installatio
The required maintenance sp
(a) 3input typ
nce for maintenance
on, ensure that required maintenance space is provpace may change due to applicable standards or lo
e without fan cover
5.1 Inverter Installation Clearance
Refer to Iregulations clearance inverter Cle
he inverter
Trang 195.3 Electrical Requirements
(1) Grid Connection Step-up Trans
Minimum requirements for a two-win
- Galvanic isolation between wind
- Only delta and ungrounded wye
- The secondary winding (inverte
also not allowed
- Shield between high voltage wind
the protective earth (PE) of the tr
- Impedance between primary and
- When the dc circuit is grounde
secondary may have a peak up t
- The transformer should be rated
- Other requirements may apply A
Fig 5.2
(3) Insulation Monitoring
This inverter does not measure insu
be installed by the user when requir
type, connections and dimensions
some may not be compatible Pleas
(4) PV Array Grounding and Groun
The PV array can be negative groun
For negative or positive grounded, a
when that current surpass the prote
voltage are measured
For floating systems ground fault is
and negative-to-ground voltage is la
sformer ding grid connection transformer are as follows:
ings is required
connections are allowed for the secondary (inverte
r side) should not be grounded at any point Imp
ding and low voltage winding is required Shield shransformer
d secondary should be more than 3% and less than
ed intentionally or accidentally, the phase to gr
to 110% the maximum dc input voltage (1500V)
at 2550kVA (PVH-L2550E) / 2222kVA (PVH-L222Ask your TMEIC representative for further transform
Grid-connection step-up transformer
lation resistance or insulation impedance Insulatiored by local regulations Installation instructions ma Some devices may not be possible to install ins
se contact our representative for further details
nd Fault Detection ded, positive grounded or floating
an optional circuit will measure the ground currentection setting Also, positive-to-ground voltage and
detected when the difference between the positivarger than the protection setting
Primary Secondary
t and trip the inverter
d negative-to-ground
ve-to-ground voltage
Trang 20PVH-L2550E / PVH-L2220E Insta
(5) Residual Current Detection (RC
The inverter is not equipped with a re
RCM device should be installed whe
the external protective earthing con
supply side of this inverter
Installation instructions may vary de
possible to install inside the inverte
for further details
allation Manual
CD) or Monitoring (RCM) Device esidual current detection (RCD) or monitoring (RCM
en required by local regulations The inverter can cnductor, therefore only an RCD or RCM of Type
epending on connections and dimensions Some
r and some may not be compatible Please conta
M) device An RCD or cause a dc current in
B is allowed on the
devices may not be
ct our representative