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(Tiểu luận) examining the impact of the gig economyon work quality a case study of vietnam

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However, two effective brainstorming techniques that willbe employed for our research questions are the "6 Thinking Hats" technique and the "Wh-Question" technique.The "6 Thinking Hats"

FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS ………… o0o………… RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS RESEARCH PROPOSAL Examining the Impact of the Gig Economy on Work Quality: A Case Study of Vietnam Students: : Class : Phạm Khánh Linh - ID: 2212450050 Phan Thị Bằng Linh - ID: 2212450052 Vũ Thanh Loan - ID: 2213450053 Đinh Bảo Long - ID: 2213450054 Đặng Trần Minh - ID: 2212450055 KTEE206(GD2-HK2-2223).4 Team : Instructor : 12 Dr Vũ Thị Phương Mai Hanoi, 6/2023 MỤC LỤC ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 LITERATURE REVIEW .11 2.1 2.2 BACKGROUND RESEARCH QUESTIONS RESEARCH OBJECTIVES SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY THE GIG ECONOMY 11 JOB QUALITY IN THE GIG ECONOMY 14 METHODOLOGY .22 3.1 RESEARCH STRATEGY 22 3.2 SAMPLING TECHNIQUES 22 3.3 DATA COLLECTION 24 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 31 3.4.1 Quantitative Data Analysis 31 3.4.2 Qualitative Data Analysis 31 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 37 4.1 RESEARCH ETHICS 37 4.2 POTENTIAL CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS 38 4.2.1 Potential Challenges 38 4.2.2 Limitations 38 EXPECTED OUTCOMES AND CONTRIBUTIONS .40 TIMESCALE AND BUDGET .42 6.1 TIMESCALE .42 Pre-research phase (+2 months): 44 Research phase (4 months): 44 Post-research phase (2 months): 45 6.2 BUDGET .46 REFERENCES 48 ABSTRACT This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of the gig economy on work quality through a case study focused on Vietnam The gig economy, characterized by temporary and flexible work arrangements facilitated by digital platforms, has been growing in Vietnam, but its effects on work quality remain relatively unexplored The study seeks to understand the specific challenges and opportunities faced by gig workers in Vietnam, including income stability, job security, and access to social protection By employing a mixed-methods approach combining surveys, interviews, and data analysis, the research aims to gather comprehensive data on gig workers' experiences and perceptions of work quality in Vietnam The findings of this study will contribute to the broader understanding of the gig economy's impact on work quality and provide insights for policymakers, regulators, and gig worker advocacy groups in Vietnam to develop effective strategies to improve work conditions and promote fair treatment in the gig economy ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to our lecturer, Dr Vũ Thị Phương Mai, for her invaluable contribution to our learning and growth Her dedication, tutelage, and guidance have been instrumental in helping us gain essential skills in time management and beyond Dr Phương Mai has consistently demonstrated a deep passion for teaching and a commitment to ensuring that her students receive the best education possible Her insightful lectures, practical exercises, and encouraging feedback have helped us to develop strong time management skills that we will carry with us throughout our lives We are deeply grateful to Dr Phương Mai for the time and effort she has invested in our education, and for the profound impact she has had on our lives We will always remember her kindness, wisdom, and guidance as we continue to pursue our goals and aspirations INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In a world of endless possibilities, where workers are no longer confined to the traditional model of long-term employment in a single place, a question arises: Are individuals limited to pursuing one fixed career path for their entire lives? The emergence of gig work and the gig economy provides an alternative compelling answer Jane Smith, Labor Economist from the article "The Transformative Impact of the Gig Economy on Work Patterns aptly observed, “ The gig economy has disrupted the notion of long-term, stable employment, offering individuals the opportunity to create their own career paths and embrace a more flexible approach to work." Similarly, Donny Gamble, author of Gig Economy Side Hustle presented in his book, “The gig economy has democratized the workforce, allowing individuals from all walks of life to participate and thrive” The gig economy, characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based work, has gained prominence across various industries Initially associated with the music industry, the term "gig" now encompasses a broader range of sectors The demand for temporary and contract labor witnessed significant growth following the 2008 global financial crisis, driven by costcutting pressures, leading to the expansion of the gig economy (Cunningham-Parmeter, 2016; Glynn, 2011) However, it is important to recognize that short-term, on-demand work has long been present in different forms, such as temporary babysitters, house cleaners, minicab drivers, and freelancers, particularly in the creative industries As a result, the term "gig worker" overlaps with other designations like "freelancer," "self-employed," "independent worker," "contingent worker," and "non-traditional worker" (CunninghamParmeter, 2016) These labels reflect the diverse range of individuals engaged in nonstandard work arrangements, highlighting the multi-faceted nature of the gig economy As the pandemic wreaked havoc on established labor market dynamics around the globe, individuals were compelled to reevaluate their approach to work The allure of the traditional 9-to-5 paradigm diminished, giving rise to a growing demand for more agile and self-determined work arrangements Enter the gig economy, a thriving ecosystem where individuals can engage in short-term projects, freelance assignments, and gig-based contracts that cater to their unique skills and preferences Within the context of Vietnam, a nation characterized by the prevalence of short-term jobs and freelance work in recent decades, the gig economy has gained more and more paramount importance From ride-sharing platforms to digital marketplaces for specialized professionals, the gig economy offers a diverse range of opportunities for individuals Document continues below Discover more from: Kinh PPNC tế Kinh… Trường Đại học… 23 documents Go to course 25 Chương PP NC KT & KD PPNC Kinh tế và… None NOTE PHƯƠNG 31 PHÁP Nghiên CỨU… PPNC Kinh tế và… None NHÓM-1 - CK PPNC 18 PPNC Kinh tế và… None 906-Article-Text20 3029-1-10-… PPNC Kinh tế và… None 022 article A001 en bhjhftf guho ijijk;l; PPNC Kinh tế và… None Data collection method seeking to experience different works, connect with people from different disciplines, and forge their own paths to economic prosperity PPNC None However, despite its undeniable significance, there remains a conspicuous Kinh tế dearth và… of research investigating the impact of the gig economy on work quality in Vietnam The present research methodology, herein, aims to inspire and provide a framework for researchers to conduct in-depth investigations into the impact of the gig economy on work quality in Vietnam By shedding light on this pressing issue, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge while addressing the urgent need for evidence-based decision-making Ultimately, a comprehensive understanding of the gig economy's effects will enable the development of targeted policies, interventions, and support systems that promote fair, inclusive, and sustainable work environments for gig workers in Vietnam 1.2 Research Questions Research questions play a crucial role in guiding and shaping the research process They provide a clear direction and focus, ensuring that the study explores the relevant aspects comprehensively, and in the specific case of our topic, about the gig economy's impact on work quality in Vietnam As highlighted by experts in the field, the importance of formulating research questions cannot be understated Jane Smith, a Labor Economist, emphasizes this significance by stating, "The formulation of research questions is the foundation for meaningful and effective investigation into the gig economy's impact on work quality" (Smith, 2020) Similarly, Donny Gamble, author of "Gig Economy Side Hustle," asserts, "Research questions serve as a compass, guiding researchers towards a comprehensive understanding of the gig economy's effects on work quality" (Gamble, 2021) To generate a comprehensive set of research questions, various brainstorming techniques can be utilized Each technique offers a unique approach to idea generation and can provide valuable insights into different aspects of the gig economy's impact on work quality Some commonly used brainstorming techniques include free writing (author unknown), mindmapping (Tony Buzan), reverse brainstorming (Alex Osborn), and SWOT analysis (Albert S Humphrey), and among others However, two effective brainstorming techniques that will be employed for our research questions are the "6 Thinking Hats" technique and the "WhQuestion" technique The "6 Thinking Hats" Technique: The "6 Thinking Hats" technique, developed by Edward de Bono, is a structured brainstorming method that encourages parallel thinking It involves assigning different "hats" or roles to participants, each representing a different perspective or approach The hats include: - White Hat: Factual and objective thinking Red Hat: Emotional and intuitive thinking Black Hat: Critical and cautious thinking Yellow Hat: Positive and optimistic thinking Green Hat: Creative and innovative thinking Blue Hat: Process-oriented and facilitative thinking Using this technique, we can explore the gig economy's impact on work quality from multiple angles, as what questions we generated using the "6 Thinking Hats" technique below: - White Hat: What are the current statistical trends in gig economy participation in Vietnam? - Red Hat: How gig workers in Vietnam feel about the level of control they have over their work schedules? - Black Hat: What are the potential risks and drawbacks associated with gig work in terms of financial stability? - Yellow Hat: What are the positive aspects of gig work that contribute to job satisfaction among workers in Vietnam? - Green Hat: How can innovative technologies be leveraged to enhance work quality in the gig economy? - Blue Hat: What processes can be implemented to ensure fair and equitable treatment of gig workers in Vietnam? The "Wh-Question" Technique: The "Wh-Question" technique, a commonly used method in research and critical thinking involves generating questions starting with the five W's (Who, What, Where, When, Why) and one H (How) This technique prompts a comprehensive exploration of various dimensions, particularly, of the gig economy's impact on work quality Some sample questions generated using the "Wh-Question" technique are: - What does gig work mean within the context of Vietnam? - Who are the primary participants in the gig economy in Vietnam, and how does their demographic profile influence work quality? - Where gig workers in Vietnam primarily find gig opportunities, and how does this affect their work quality? - When gig workers in Vietnam experience the most significant fluctuations in income stability? Why individuals choose to participate in the gig economy in Vietnam, and what implications does this have for work quality? - How gig workers in Vietnam perceive their working conditions and how does it impact their overall work quality? From the extensive list of generated questions, the following five questions stand out as particularly significant and comprehensive in exploring the impact of the gig economy on work quality in Vietnam: How is the gig economy defined and understood within the context of Vietnam? How gig economy workers in Hanoi, Vietnam assess their job satisfaction, income stability, working conditions, and career prospects? What economic and social factors influence the work of gig workers in Vietnam? These five questions address various aspects of the gig economy and work quality in Vietnam, providing a comprehensive framework for research They encompass the understanding and definition of the gig economy, herein, the assessment of work quality from the perspective of gig workers, the examination of influential factors, and the identification of challenges and potential solutions 1.3 Research Objectives According to Sarah Adams, a renowned researcher, "Research objectives serve as guideposts, illuminating the path toward a meaningful investigation and helping researchers make valuable contributions to the field" (Adams, 2022) Similarly, Mark Johnson, a respected scholar, states, "Well-defined research objectives provide a framework for focused inquiry, enabling researchers to systematically address research questions and achieve meaningful outcomes" (Johnson, 2021) Research objectives indeed olds significant importance as they serve to shape the research process by providing a clear sense of direction and purpose to the study Research objectives are derived from research questions, serving as the foundational pillars for the study As stated by Rachel Collins, a renowned scholar, "Research objectives are the logical extensions of well-crafted research questions, providing a roadmap for inquiry and guiding researchers towards meaningful outcomes" (Collins, 2021) In this case, the research questions identified earlier serve as the bedrock for formulating the research objectives By translating these questions into specific objectives, researchers can effectively shape their study and articulate the specific goals they intend to accomplish The research objectives for exploring the impact of the gig economy on work quality in Vietnam are as follows: - Examine the characteristics and dynamics of the gig economy: This objective entails investigating the unique traits and underlying dynamics of the gig economy in Vietnam It involves exploring its scope, scale, and diverse forms of gig work prevalent in the country

Ngày đăng: 30/01/2024, 05:16

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