EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS FOR DEGENERATE NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS IN ANISOTROPIC MEDIA DUMITRU MOTREANU AND VICENT¸IUR ˘ ADULESCU Received 23 September 2004 and in revised form 26 November 2004 We study nonlinear eigenvalue problems of the type −div(a(x)∇u) = g(λ,x,u)inR N , where a(x) is a degenerate nonnegative weig ht. We establish the existence of solutions and we obtain information on qualitative properties as multiplicity and location of so- lutions. Our approach is based on the critical point theory in Sobolev weighted spaces combined with a Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-type inequality. A specific minimax method is developed without making use of Palais-Smale condition. 1. Introduction We are concerned in this paper w ith the existence of critical points to Euler-Lagrange en- ergy functionals generated by nonlinear equations involving degenerate differential oper- ators. Precisely, we study the existence of nontriv ial weak solutions to degenerate elliptic equations of the type −div a(x)∇u = g(λ,x,u), x ∈Ω, (1.1) where λ is a real parameter, Ω is a (bounded or unbounded) domain in R N (N ≥ 2), and a is an nonnegative measurable weight function that is allowed to have “essential” zeroes at some points. Problems like this have a long history (see the pioneering papers [3, 16, 17, 18, 22]) and come from the consideration of standing waves in anisotropic Schr ¨ odinger equations (see, e.g., [23]). Such problems in anisotropic media can be re- garded as equilibrium solutions of the evolution equations u t = Ᏺ(λ,u,∇u)inΩ ×(0, T), (1.2) where u = u(x, t) is the state of a certain system. For instance, in describing the behavior of a bacteria culture, the state variable u represents the number of mass of the bacteria. It is worth to stress that the study of nontrivial solutions of the problem Ᏺ(λ,u,∇u) = 0inΩ is motivated by important phenomena. For example, consider a fluid which flows irrotationally along a flat-bottomed canal. Then the flow can be modelled by an equation of the form Ᏺ(λ,u,∇u) =0, with Ᏺ(λ,0,0) = 0. One possible motion is a uniform stream Copyri ght © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Boundary Value Problems 2005:2 (2005) 107–127 DOI: 10.1155/BVP.2005.107 108 Nonlinear elliptic equations in anisotropic media (corresponding to the trivial solution u = 0), but it is of course the nontrivial solutions which are of physical interest. Other problems of this type are encountered in various reaction-diffusion processes (cf. [1, 2]). A model equation that we consider in this paper is −div a(x)∇u = f (x,u)u −λu, x ∈ Ω ⊂ R N , (1.3) where a is a nonnegative weight and λ is a real parameter. The behavior of solutions to the above equation depends heavily on the sign of λ.Herewefocusontheattractivecaseλ>0 which, from an analytical point of view, seems to be the richest one. The main interest of these equations is due to the presence of the singular potential a( x)inthedivergence operator. Problems of this kind arise as models for several physical phenomena related to equilibrium of continuous media which may somewhere be “perfect insulators” (cf. [13, page 79]). These equations can be often reduced to elliptic equations with Hardy singular potential (see [23]). For further results and extensions we refer to [5, 7, 12, 14, 24, 25, 26]. In this paper we first establish the existence of solutions to the above problem involv- ing the singular potential a(x) under verifiable conditions for the nonlinear term f when λ>0issufficiently small. Then we investigate a related nonlinear eigenvalue problem obtaining an existence result which contains information about the location and multi- plicity of eigensolutions. The proofs of our main results rely on an adequate variational approach where, in view of the presence of a singular potential and a (possibly) unbounded domain, the usual methods fail to apply. Namely, on suitable Sobolev weighted spaces, we apply the mountain-pass theorem and a special version of it involving a suitable hyperplane. Among other things, we employ an inequality due to Caldiroli and Musina [11] (see also [10]forthecasea(x) =|x| α ) which extends the inequalities of Hardy [15]andCaffarelli et al. [9]. Our results are different from the ones in [11]. In particular, they are not related to the first eigenvalue of the linear part, but exploit the behavior of the nonlinear term at infinity. Another specific feature of our variational approach is that due to the lack of compactness, we do not make use of the Palais-Smale condition. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our main results which are Theorems 2.6 and 2.9.InSection 3 we prove some auxiliary results. The proofs of Theorems 2.6 and 2.9 are given in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. 2. Abstract framework and main results Let Ω be a (bounded or unbounded) domain in R N ,withN ≥2, and let a : Ω → [0,+∞) be a weight function satisfy ing a ∈ L 1 loc (Ω). Suppose that a fulfills the following condi- tion: (h α ) liminf x→z |x −z| −α a(x) > 0, ∀z ∈ Ω,witharealnumberα ≥0. If Ω is unbounded we impose the additional assumption (h ∞ α ) liminf |x|→∞ |x| −α a(x) > 0. Amodelexampleisa(x) =|x| α . The case α = 0 covers the “isotropic” case correspond- ing to the Laplace operator. D. Motreanu and V . R ˘ adulescu 109 Under assumptions (h α )and(h ∞ α ), Caldiroli and Musina have proved in [11] that there exists a finite set Z ={z 1 , ,z k }⊂Ω and numbers r, δ>0suchthattheballsB i = B r (z i ) (i = 1, ,k) are mutually disjoint and a(x) ≥δ x −z i α ∀x ∈B i ∩Ω, i = 1, ,k, a(x) ≥δ ∀x ∈Ω \ k i=1 B i . (2.1) In addition, if Ω is unbounded, there exists R>0suchthat B i ⊂ B R (0) (i = 1, ,k), a(x) ≥δ|x| α , ∀x ∈Ω, |x| >R. (2.2) For any u ∈C ∞ c (Ω), we set u 2 a : = Ω a(x)|∇u| 2 dx, u 2 H,a : = Ω a(x)|∇u| 2 dx + Ω u 2 dx. (2.3) Let Ᏸ 1,2 a (Ω)andH 1 0 (Ω,a) be the closures of C ∞ c (Ω)withrespectto· a and · H,a , respectively. It is obv ious that H 1 0 (Ω,a) Ᏸ 1,2 a (Ω) with continuous embedding. For any α ∈ (0,2), denote 2 ∗ α := 2N N −2+α . (2.4) The following generalization of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality is given in [11] (see also [10]forthecasea(x) =|x| α ). Lemma 2.1 (Caldiroli and Musina [11]). Assume that the function a ∈ L 1 loc (Ω) satisfies conditions (h α )and(h ∞ α ), for some α ∈ (0,2). Then there exists a positive constant C such that Ω |u| 2 ∗ α dx 2/2 ∗ α ≤ Cu 2 a , (2.5) for any u ∈ C ∞ c (Ω). Using the above inequality combined with variational methods, Caldiroli and Musina have studied in [11]theboundaryvalueproblem −div a(x)∇u = λu + g(x,u), in Ω, u = 0, on ∂Ω, (2.6) where λ ∈ R and g : Ω ×R → R is a Carath ´ eodory function with superlinear growth. Their existence result is related to the first eigenvalue of the degenerate differential elliptic operator Lu :=−div(a(x)∇u). Namely, problem (2.6) has a solution for any λ<λ 1 (a), where λ 1 (a):=inf Ω a(x)|∇ϕ| 2 dx; ϕ ∈ H 1 0 (Ω,a), Ω ϕ 2 dx = 1 . (2.7) 110 Nonlinear elliptic equations in anisotropic media In the statement of our Theorem 2.6, the existence of a solution does not depend on λ 1 (a), but on the behavior of the nonlinearity at infinity. Hypotheses (h α )and(h ∞ α ) ensure that the potential a(x)behaveslike|x| α around the degenerate points z i (i =1, ,k). For this reason, in order to simplify the arguments we admit throughout the paper that a(x) =|x| α ,forsomeα ∈(0,2), and that λ>0. Since we are interested in the case of lack of compactness, we suppose Ω = R N . Consider the model problem −div |x| α ∇u + λu = f (x,u)u,inR N . (2.8) We assume that the nonlinearit y f = f (x,t):R N ×R → R in (2.8)iscontinuousand satisfies the following hypotheses: (c1) f (x,t) ≥0forallt ≥0, lim t→0 + ( f (x,t)/t τ ) = 0uniformlyinx ∈ R N ,withsome constant τ>0, f (x,t) ≡ 0forallt<0, x ∈ R N , that the mapping (x,t) → tf(x,t) is of class C 1 , and there exists the limit lim t→+∞ (d/dt) f (x,t)forallx ∈R N ; (c2) lim t→+∞ f (x,t) =>0uniformlyinx ∈ R N ; (c3) for any M>0 there exists θ>0suchthat(2+θ)F(x,t) ≤ f (x,t)t 2 ,forallt ∈ (0,M), where F(x,u):= u 0 sf(x,s)ds; (2.9) (c4) there exists η>0suchthat lim t→+∞ f (x,t)t 2 −2F(x,t) t r = q(x) ≥η>0uniformlyinx ∈ R N , (2.10) with some r ∈(2N/(N +2−α),2); (c5) the function f (·,t) is bounded from above uniformly with respect to t belonging to any bounded subset of R + . Remark 2.2. A useful consequence of assumption (c1) is that the derivative with respect to t of the mapping (x,t) →tf(x,t) vanishes at t = 0uniformlyinx ∈R N . Indeed, condition (c1) insures that d dt tf(x,t) (0) = lim t→0 + tf(x,t) t = lim t→0 + f (x,t) =0 (2.11) uniformly in x ∈ R N . We also point out that the condition imposed in assumption (c1) of having lim t→0 + ( f (x,t)/t τ ) = 0uniformlyinx ∈ R N , for some constant τ>0, is stronger than having lim t→0 + f (x,t) = 0uniformlyinx ∈ R N . For instance, the function f (t) = −1/ ln(t)fort>0 near 0 verifies lim t→0 + f (t) = 0, but lim t→0 + ( f (t)/t τ ) = +∞ whenever τ>0 (in addition, f is increasing). Moreover, without loss of generality, we may suppose that 0 <τ<2 ∗ α −2. Remark 2.3. It is worth noting that assumption (c3) ensures F(x,t) ≤ 1 2 f (x,t)t 2 , ∀x ∈R N , t ≥0. (2.12) D. Motreanu and V . R ˘ adulescu 111 This follows readily from (c3) because M>0isarbitraryandθF(x,t) ≥ 0forallx ∈ R N and t ≥ 0. Remark 2.4. A significant case where assumption (c5) applies is when the function t → f (x,t)isnondecreasingforallx ∈ R N . It is so because then (c2) implies (c5). Let Ᏸ 1,2 α (R N ) denote the space obtained as the completion of C ∞ c (R N )withrespectto the inner product u,v α := R N |x| α ∇u ·∇vdx. (2.13) We are seeking solutions of problem (2.8) belonging to the space Ᏸ 1,2 α (R N ) in the sense below. Definit ion 2.5. We say that u ∈ Ᏸ 1,2 α (R N )isaweak solution of problem (2.8)if R N |x| α ∇u ·∇v + λuv dx − R N f (x,u)uvdx =0, (2.14) for all v ∈ C ∞ c (R N \{0}). We are working with C ∞ c (R N \{0})insteadofC ∞ c (R N ) because in our approach it is essential to keep the support of the test functions away from 0 exploiting that every bounded sequence in the space Ᏸ 1,2 α (R N ) contains a strongly convergent subsequence in L 2 ∗ α loc (R N \{0}). Our main result in solving problem (2.8)isthefollowing. Theorem 2.6. Assume that conditions (c1), (c2), (c3), (c4), and (c5) are fulfilled. Then problem (2.8) has a nontrivial weak solution for every λ ∈ (0, ),where>0 is the constant in (c2). The proof of Theorem 2.6 is given in Section 4.Wenowprovideanexampleverifying all the assumptions (c1), (c2), (c3), (c4), and (c5) of Theorem 2.6. Example 2.7. Fix Q ∈ C 1 (R N ) ∩L ∞ (R N ), Q>0. Set f (x,t) = Q(x)t 2−r 1+Q(x)t 2−r for t ≥ 0, x ∈ R N , (2.15) where r is as in (c4), and f (x,t) = 0fort<0andx ∈ R N . It is easy to verify that f satisfies (c1) (with τ ∈(0,2 −r)), (c2), and (c5). Since df dt (x, t) = (2 −r)Q(x)t 1−r 1+Q(x)t 2−r 2 ≥ 0 ∀t>0, (2.16) we deduce that for any M>0, inf x∈R N min t∈[0,M] t(df/dt)(x,t) f (x,t) = inf x∈R N min t∈[0,M] 2 −r 1+Q(x)t 2−r ≥ 2 −r 1+Q L ∞ (R N ) M 2−r > 0. (2.17) 112 Nonlinear elliptic equations in anisotropic media Choosing θ = 2 −r 1+Q L ∞ (R N ) M 2−r , (2.18) we have s df ds (x, s) ≥θf(x,s) ∀x ∈R N , s ∈ [0,M]. (2.19) Multiplying the above relation by s>0, then integr ating over [0,t]witht ∈[0,M]and taking into account the definition of the function F(x,t), we obtain F(x,t) ≤ 1 2+θ f (x,t)t 2 ∀t ∈ [0, M]. (2.20) It follows that f satisfies (c3). Finally, we note that lim t→+∞ t 3−r df dt (x, t) = lim t→+∞ (2 −r)Q(x)t 4−2r 1+Q(x)t 2−r 2 = 2 −r Q(x) ≥ 2 −r Q L ∞ (R N ) > 0. (2.21) Thus there exists S>0suchthat s 3−r df ds (x, s) ≥ η 2 > 0 ∀s ≥S, (2.22) where η = (2 −r)/Q L ∞ (R N ) .Since f (x,t)t 2 −2F(x,t) = f (x,t)t 2 −2 t 0 sf(x,s)ds = t 0 s 2 df ds (x, s)ds = t 0 s r−1 s 3−r df ds (x, s) ds, (2.23) the above estimate yields lim t→+∞ f (x,t)t 2 −2F(x,t) = lim t→+∞ t 0 s r−1 s 3−r df ds (x, s) ds ≥ η 2 lim t→+∞ t S s r−1 ds =+∞. (2.24) Hence lim t→+∞ f (x,t)t 2 −2F(x,t) t r = 1 r lim t→+∞ t 2 (df/dt)(x,t) t r−1 = 2 −r rQ(x) ≥ η r > 0. (2.25) The last relation shows that condition (c4) holds tr ue. Therefore all the assumptions (c1), (c2), (c3), (c4), and (c5) are satisfied for the function f (x,t)andTheorem 2.6 can be applied for the corresponding (2.8). D. Motreanu and V . R ˘ adulescu 113 In order to present our second main result, we precisely give the functional setting. Let E be the space defined as the completion of C ∞ c (R N \{0}) with respect to the norm u 2 := R N |x| α |∇u| 2 + λu 2 dx. (2.26) The corresponding inner product is denoted by ·,· E . The notation ·,· will stand for the duality pairing between E and E ∗ . Remark 2.8. We have E Ᏸ 1,2 α (R N ) with continuous embedding. Next, we state a nonlinear eigenvalue problem corresponding to the degenerate poten- tial |x| α with α ∈ (0,2). Fix a positive number ν > 0. Let J : E →R be a C 1 function satisfying J(0) ≥0, J (0) = 0, (2.27) J(u) ≤a 1 + a 2 u p ∀u ∈ E, (2.28) with constants a 1 ≥ 0, a 2 ≥ 0, p ≥ 2, 1 γ J (u),u − J(u) ≥−b 1 −b 2 u 2 ∀u ∈ E, (2.29) with constants γ>2, b 1 ≥ 0, b 2 ∈ [0, ν(1/2 −1/γ)), and J v n J (v)inE ∗ whenever v n v in E. (2.30) The notation in (2.30) means the weak convergence. We formulate a nonlinear eigenvalue problem with fixed constants α>0andλ>0as follows: find u ∈ E \{0} and µ>0suchthat R N |x| α ∇u ·∇ϕ+ λuϕ dx = µ J (u),ϕ ∀ϕ ∈ C ∞ c R N \{0} . (2.31) The concept of solution in (2.31) is clearly compatible with Definition 2.5. Thanks to the assumption J (0) = 0in(2.27), a solution u ∈ E of (2.31) is necessarily nontriv ial, that is, u ∈ E \{0}. Assume further that 1 ν is not an eigenvalue of (2.31), (2.32) that is, problem (2.31)isnotsolvableforµ =1/ν. Our main result in studying problem (2.31)isnowstated. Theorem 2.9. Assume (2.27),(2.28),(2.29), and (2.30)and(2.32)withagivennumber ν > 0 hold. Then, for every number ρ ≥ √ pa 2 , there exists an eigensolution (u, µ) ∈ (E \ {0}) ×(0,+∞) of problem (2.31) such that 0 <µ< 1 ν + ρ 2 u p−2 . (2.33) 114 Nonlinear elliptic equations in anisotropic media If p = 2 in (2.28), then for all ρ ≥ √ 2a 2 and r>ρthere exists an e igensolution (u, µ) ∈ (E \{0}) ×(0,+∞) of problem (2.31) such that 1 ν + r 2 <µ< 1 ν + ρ 2 . (2.34) 3. Auxiliary results Consider the energy functional I : E →R given by I(u):= 1 2 R N |x| α |∇u| 2 + λu 2 dx − R N F(x,u)dx ∀u ∈E, (3.1) where the function F has been introduced in Section 2. A straightforward argument based on Lemma 2.1, Remark 2.8, and assumptions (c1) and (c2) shows that I ∈C 1 (E,R)with I (u),v = R N | x| α ∇u ·∇v + λuv dx − R N f (x,u)uvdx (3.2) for all u,v ∈ E. Using Definition 2.5, we observe that the weak solutions of problem (2.8) correspond to the critical points of the functional I. Moreover, we indicate a method for achieving a solution of (2.8). Lemma 3.1. Assume (c1) and (c2). Let {u n }⊂E be a sequence such that, for some c ∈ R, one has I(u n ) →c and I (u n ) →0 as n →∞.If{u n } converges weakly to some u 0 in E, then I (u n ) converges weakly to I (u 0 ) = 0,sou 0 is a weak solution of problem (2.8). Proof. In view of Remark 2.8 we may assume that {u n } converges strongly to the same u 0 in L 2 ∗ α (ω), for all bounded domains ω in R N with 0 /∈ ω. Consider an arbitrary bounded domain ω in R N with 0 /∈ ω and an arbitrary function ϕ ∈ C ∞ c (R N \{0}) satisfying supp(ϕ) ⊂ ω.TheconvergenceI (u n ) → 0inE ∗ implies I (u n ),ϕ→0asn →∞,that is, lim n→∞ ω |x| α ∇u n ·∇ϕ + λu n ϕ dx − ω f x, u n u n ϕdx = 0. (3.3) Since u n u 0 in E, it follows that lim n→∞ ω |x| α ∇u n ·∇ϕ + λu n ϕ dx = ω |x| α ∇u 0 ∇ϕ + λu 0 ϕ dx. (3.4) We show that lim n→∞ ω f x, u n u n ϕdx= ω f x, u 0 u 0 ϕdx. (3.5) Because u n → u 0 in L 2 ∗ α (ω), we have u n −→ u 0 in L i (ω) ∀i ∈ 1,2 ∗ α . (3.6) D. Motreanu and V . R ˘ adulescu 115 By Remark 2.2,weobtainthat lim t→0 d dt tf(x,t) = 0 (3.7) and, by (c2), 0 = lim t→+∞ f (x,t) t = lim t→+∞ tf(x,t) t 2 = lim t→+∞ (d/dt) tf(x,t) 2t (3.8) uniformly in x ∈ R N , where the last limit exists owing to the final part of (c1) in conjunc- tion with (c2). Then for every > 0 there exists a positive constant C such that d dt tf(x,t) ≤ + C t ∀t ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ ω. (3.9) Here we essentially used that the derivative (d/dt)( f (x,t)t)iscontinuous,soboundedon any compact set in R N ×R. As known from (3.6), the sequence {u n }converges strongly to u 0 in L 2 (ω). Then, along a relabelled subsequence, there is a function h ∈ L 2 (ω)suchthat|u n |≤h a.e. in ω. Using (3.9) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we get the estimate ω f x, u n u n ϕ − f x, u 0 u 0 ϕ dx ≤ϕ L ∞ (ω) ω + C h(x) u n (x) −u 0 (x) dx ≤ϕ L ∞ (ω) u n −u 0 L 1 (ω) + C h L 2 (ω) u n −u 0 L 2 (ω) (3.10) for all n ∈N. This leads to (3.5). Finally, from (3.3), (3.4), and (3.5), we deduce ω |x| α ∇u 0 ·∇ϕ + λu 0 ϕ dx − ω f x, u 0 u 0 ϕdx=0. (3.11) The density of C ∞ c (R N \{0})inE ensures that I (u 0 ) = 0. The proof is thus complete. Remark 3.2. Lemma 3.1 holds assuming in (c1), (c2) that the convergences are uniform only on the bounded subsets of R N . Towards the application of a mountain-pass argument, we need the result below. Lemma 3.3. Assume that the conditions (c1), (c2), and (c5) hold. Then there exist constants ρ>0 and a>0 such that for all u ∈ E with u=ρ, one has I(u) ≥a. Proof. By (c1), (c2) it follows that for any σ>0, uniformly with respect to x ∈R N ,itis true that lim t→0 f (x,t) =0, lim t→+∞ f (x,t) t σ = 0. (3.12) 116 Nonlinear elliptic equations in anisotropic media In particular, we have lim t→0 F(x,t) t 2 = lim t→0 tf(x,t) 2t = 1 2 lim t→0 f (x,t) =0 (3.13) and, for any σ > 2, lim t→+∞ F(x,t) t σ = lim t→+∞ tf(x,t) σ t σ −1 = 1 σ lim t→+∞ f (x,t) t σ −2 =0. (3.14) Taking σ = 2 ∗ α implies lim t→+∞ F(x,t) t 2 ∗ α = 0. (3.15) Then for every > 0 there exist constants 0 <δ 1 <δ 2 such that, uniformly with respect to x ∈R N , the following estimates hold 0 ≤ F(x, t) < t 2 ∀t with |t|<δ 1 , 0 ≤ F(x, t) < t 2 ∗ α ∀t with |t|>δ 2 . (3.16) Assumption (c5) guarantees that F is bounded on R N ×[δ 1 ,δ 2 ]. We deduce that there exists a positive constant C such that 0 ≤ F(x, t) ≤ t 2 + C t 2 ∗ α . (3.17) Then (3.17)andLemma 2.1 show that I(u) = 1 2 u 2 − R N F(x,u)dx ≥ 1 4 u 2 + λ 4 − u 2 L 2 (R N ) −C R N |u| 2 ∗ α dx ≥ 1 4 u 2 + λ 4 − u 2 L 2 (R N ) −C C 2 ∗ α /2 u 2 ∗ α . (3.18) Finally, choosing ∈ (0,λ/4) and since 2 ∗ α > 2, we find ρ>0anda>0asrequired. Remark 3.4. Using the same techniques as in the proof of relation (3.17), we may con- clude, on the basis of (c1), (c2), and (c5), that for any > 0 there exists a positive constant D such that f (x,t) ≤ + D |t| σ , (3.19) where σ =r((N +2−α)/2N) −1 > 0. Now we construct an important element of the space E. 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EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS FOR DEGENERATE NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS IN ANISOTROPIC MEDIA DUMITRU MOTREANU AND VICENT¸IUR ˘ ADULESCU Received 23 September 2004 and in revised form 26 November. a uniform stream Copyri ght © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Boundary Value Problems 2005:2 (2005) 107–127 DOI: 10.1155/BVP.2005.107 108 Nonlinear elliptic equations in anisotropic media (corresponding. involv- ing the singular potential a(x) under verifiable conditions for the nonlinear term f when λ>0issufficiently small. Then we investigate a related nonlinear eigenvalue problem obtaining an