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  • Introduction

  • The CISA Method

    • The model

    • Joint estimation of CISA model parametersand functions

    • Simulation

    • Shape clustering using CISA

  • Obstructive sleep apnea detection

    • P-wave shape clustering

    • Relation between time variations of the P-wave and apnea

  • Conclusions


  • CISA model identifiability

  • Acknowledgment


Nội dung

Hindawi Publishing Corporation EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Volume 2007, Article ID 32570, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2007/32570 Research Article Corrected Integral Shape Averaging Applied to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detec tion from the Electrocardiogram S. Boudaoud, 1 H. Rix, 1 O. Meste, 1 C. Heneghan, 2 and C. O’Brien 2 1 Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Syst ` emes de Sophia Antipolis (I3S), UMR 6070 CNRS, 06903 Sophia Antipolis, France 2 School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Received 30 April 2006; Revised 31 October 2006; Accepted 1 November 2006 Recommended by William Allan Sandham We present a technique called corrected integral shape averaging (CISA) for quantifying shape and shape differences in a set of signals. CISA can be used to account for signal differences which are purely due to affine time warping (jitter and dila- tion/compression), and hence provide access to intrinsic shape fluctuations. CISA can also be used to define a distance between shapes which h as useful mathematical properties; a mean shape signal for a set of signals can be defined, which minimizes the sum of squared shape distances of the set from the mean. The CISA procedure also allows joint estimation of the affine time parameters. Numerical simulations are presented to support the algorithm for obtaining the CISA mean and parameters. Since CISA provides a well-defined shape distance, it can be used in shape clustering applications based on distance measures such as k-means. We present an application in which CISA shape clustering is applied to P-waves extracted from the electrocardiogram of subjects suffering from sleep apnea. The resulting shape clustering distinguishes ECG segments recorded during apnea from those recorded during normal breathing with a sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 84%. Copyright © 2007 S. Boudaoud et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. INTRODUCTION In the field of electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis, signal shape (or morphology) analysis is often used intuitively by clin- icians for tasks such as beat ty ping and ischemia detec- tion. However, there are relatively few well-defined analytical tools for automatically quantifying shape and shape differ- ences, which can be used to capture the intuition of clinical practitioners, or to systematically uncover subtle but clini- cally significant changes in shape. One approach to signal shape quantification assumes a common underlying shape or template which is only subject to time warping [1, 2], and attempts to calculate both the time-warping function and a common template under a restrictive shape hypothesis. However, in practice, variations in shape from an underlying common shape are often the main objective of interest, and quantifying such shape variability is a goal of this work. In or- der to assess deviation from an underlying “template” shape, we first need to define the concept of an “averaged shape” ref- erence signal. This signal should possess the necessary prop- erty of being a “shape gravity center” according to a specific shape distance (which we shall more precisely define in this paper). An implicit property of a well-defined shape distance will be to preserve shape equality under affine amplitude and time transformations of the reference signal. Given a shape distance and shape gravity center, it is then possible to clearly describe the shape statistics of a set of signals [3]. We note that a “shape center” defined by the simple classical mean, coupled with Euclidean distance will provide poor descrip- tors of shape variability, since both the mean and the distance measure are sensitive to time fluctuations [2, 4]. In order to provide a more robust technique for quanti- fying shape variability, we recently proposed a method called integral shape averaging (ISA) which has several useful prop- erties [2, 4]. For example, the ISA method applied to signals generated from a single shape reference signal, but with affine time and amplitude variations, will yield a shape reference signal which is equal to the original on an averaged time sup- port. Furthermore, if the signals are different in shape, the ISA method will still provide a sing le shape reference signal, which can be used to form a similar ity criterion between a single signal and the reference signal. This criterion is called the distribution func tions method (DFM) criterion [5], and has been used to measure shape differences. Biomedical clus- tering applications have been carried out using a modified k-means clustering algorithm coupled with ISA signals and 2 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing the DFM criterion [6, 7]. While the results of this classifica- tion were in line with visual inspection, the theoretical basis of the method is somewhat uncertain due to the fact that the ISA signal does not possess the properties of a “shape gravity center”. One of the reasons is because it is not invariant to affine time transforms. In addition, the DFM criterion is not a true distance measure. A first attempt to remedy these shortcomings of the ISA method was proposed in [3] and applied in [8]. While providing practically useful clustering results, the proposed method did not fully correct the underlying theoretical prob- lems. However, in this paper we provide a new approach, the corrected integral shape averaging (CISA), which addresses these issues. We specifically demonstrate that the CISA sig- nal obtained by the method is a “shape gravity center” ac- cording to a CISA shape distance. We also provide an esti- mation procedure for the CISA model which obeys condi- tions for model identifiability. The proposed method permits modelling and estimation of b oth intrinsic shape fluctuation functions and affine time transforms. In Section 2, the ana- lytical properties of the method are illustrated by numerical simulation. As a specific example of how shape variability can be use- ful in a practical ECG classification problem, we use the CISA method for the task of recognizing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) episodes based solely on analysis of the ECG. Obstruc- tive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder in which respi- ration is disordered during sleep due to partial or complete collapse of the upper airway. Its prevalence in the adult popu- lation is estimated at between 2–4% [9], and it is linked with a number of unfavorable outcomes, such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and excessive daytime sleepiness [10]. Sleep apnea is commonly defined as the cessation of breathing during sleep [11]. If breathing does not stop but the volume of air entering the lungs with each breath is sig- nificantly reduced, then the respiratory event is called a hy- popnoea. Clinicians usually divide sleep apnea into three ma- jor categories: obstructive, central, and mixed apnea. Ob- structive sleep apnea is characterized by intermittent pauses in breathing during sleep caused by the obstruction of the upper airway. The airway is blocked at the level of the tongue or soft palate, so that air cannot enter the lungs in spite of continued efforts to breathe. This is typically accompa- nied by a reduction in blood oxygen saturation and leads to wakening from sleep in order to breathe. Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a neurological condition which causes the loss of all respiratory effort during sleep and is also usu- ally marked by decreases in blood oxygen saturation. With CSA, the airway is not necessarily obstructed. Mixed sleep apnea combines components of both CSA and OSA, where an initial failure in breathing efforts allows the upper airway to collapse. Currently, a definitive diagnosis of sleep apnea is made by counting the number of apnea and hypopnoea events over a g iven period of time (e.g., a night’s sleep). Aver- aging these counts on a per-hour basis leads to commonly used standards such as the apnea/hypopnoea index (AHI) or the respiratory disturbance index (RDI). Polysomnog- raphy is used to measure these indices in clinical practice. The polysomnogram requires the recording of electroen- cephalogram, electrooculogram, and electromyogram to de- termine sleep stages, oronasal airflow, and chest-wall abdom- inal wall movements for respiratory effort, and oxygen satu- ration to monitor the effect of respiration and the electro- cardiogram (ECG) for heart rate monitoring and arrhyth- mia screening. Ty pically, a full night’s sleep is observed be- fore a diagnosis is reached and in some subjects a second night’s recording is required. Polysomnograms are expen- sive because they require overnight evaluation in sleep lab- oratories with dedicated systems and attending personnel. Due to the cost and relative scarcity of diagnostic sleep lab- oratories, it is estimated that sleep apnea is widely under- diagnosed [9]. Hence, techniques which provide a reliable diagnosis of sleep apnea with fewer and simpler measure- ments and without the need for a specialized sleep laboratory may be of benefit. Overnight unattended oximetry and air- flow measurements have been investigated for this purpose, but there has also been an interest in using overnight ECG recordings from Holter monitors to screen for osbtructive sleep apnea [12]. The possibility of screening for OSA using ECG is based on (a) the known changes in RR intervals as the heart speeds up and slows down in response to apnea, and (b) QRS amplitude changes due to respiratory modulation of the ECG. While results based solely on RR interval variability and the ECG-derived respiratory (EDR) signals are encourag- ing, we believe that sensitivity and specificity can be further improved by considering the fine structural changes in the ECG induced by apnea. Accordingly, we present a method to identify ECG segments associated with obstructive events by shape clustering of P-waves. Specifically, we extract the CISA average of P-waves from apneic and nonapneic seg- ments from ECG and demonstrate repeatable shape differ- ences. The main objective of this study is to confirm, in a more rigorous manner and using the proposed CISA formalism, the correlation between the P-wave shape and OSA occur- rence. 2. THE CISA METHOD 2.1. The model This paper provides a further theoretical development of the work first presented in [3]. The novel contribution is that rather than using the ISA signal as the shape reference signal, we now jointly estimate a shap e reference signal, shape fluc- tuations, and affine parameters (scale and jitter) for a given model. We first define the shape averaging problem, in the same manner as for our earlier development of the ISA method [2, 4]. Assume that there are N strictly positive signals x i (t), each being strictly positive on its support [a i , b i ]. The case of nonpositive definite signals can also be practically dealt with by the addition of a suitable constant [4]. We assume that the signals are noise-free. The normalized integral ( distribution S. Boudaoud et al. 3 function) can be defined as X i (t) =  t a i x i (u)du  b i a i x i (u)du , ∀i = 1, 2, , N,(1) which is a monotonically increasing function of t. The dis- tribution function X i can typically be linked to a shape refer- ence signal  S through a time-warping function expressed as ϕ or ψ. Specifically, we can write X i =  S ◦ ϕ i ,  S = X i ◦ ψ i , ∀i = 1, 2, , N,(2) where the notation X i =  S ◦ ϕ i is shorthand for X i (t) =  S(ϕ(t)). The time-warping (which appears to be a monoton- ically increasing function) ψ i = ϕ −1 i links the shape reference signal and the target signal X i , and represents the fluctuations (in time and in shape or amplitude) [2]. A useful goal is to separate intrinsic shape variation from the variations caused by scale variation and jitter. To reach this objective, we pro- pose a representation of ϕ i as ϕ i = υ i ◦ A i , ψ i = A −1 i ◦ ω i , ∀i = 1, 2, , N, υ i (t) = t + m i (t), υ −1 i (t) = ω i (t) = t + n i (t), ∀t, (3) where A i (t) = α i t + β i , α i ∈ R + , β i ∈ R is an affine func- tion that accounts for variability in the time dimension (scale and jitter). The second element υ i is a monotonically increas- ing nonlinear function that represents shape fluctuations on a constant time support. Its inverse function can be decom- posed into the identity, and a function n i that represents non- linear behavior. Both time and shape elements can be con- sidered as a time-warping function linking two distribution functions. Therefore, we can rewrite (2) as follows : X i =  S ◦ υ i ◦ A i ,  S = X i ◦ A −1 i ◦ ω i , ∀i = 1, 2, , N. (4) We define the proposed model relating a sample X i and the shape reference signal as the corrected integral shape averaging (CISA) model and the signal shape reference  S as the CISA signal in F. To ensure unique existence and parametr ization of the CISA model shape reference, we im- pose the following conditions (see the appendix for details): 1 N N  i=1 1 α i = 1, α i ∈ R + , 1 N N  i=1 β i α i = 0, ∀i = 1, N, n i  t inf  = 0, n i  t sup  = 0, 1 N N  i=1 n i (t) = 0, ∀t, ∀i, (5) where t inf and t sup are the limits of the CISA signal time sup- port. The conditions on the function n i ensure the absence of compensatory effects between the shape fluctuation term and the affine term and also the shape averaging property of the CISA signal. In other words, the shape fluctuation term cannot change the signal time support when applied. The condition on the affine parameters permits the mean-time support recovery. The composition of the two elements of ϕ i can then be interpreted as a shape fluctuation warped with the affine time function A i applied on the distribution func- tion X i . This modeling is coherent with the reality where am- plitude and phase variations are mixed in signal generation processes. Thanks to the integration operation, it is possible to regroup the two effects into one time function ϕ i .Toview the effect of the two components in the signal domain, we have to perform a time derivation (denoted by  )onX i to obtain X  i = α i  υ  i ◦ A i   S  ◦ υ i ◦ A i  , ∀i = 1, 2, , N. (6) Equation (6) shows how shape and time fluctuations of the original reference shape combine to give overall shape varia- tion in a resulting signal. We note that the affine time t rans- form acts on both the signal x i and its distribution function in the same manner. If we express (4) in the inverse domain F −1 , we obtain: X −1 i = ψ i ◦  S −1 = A −1 i ◦ ω i ◦  S −1 , ∀i = 1, 2, , N. (7) Replacing in (7) A −1 i and ω i with their expression in y ∈ [0, 1], we obtain X −1 i (y) =   S −1 (y)+n i   S −1 (y)  − β i  α i , ∀i = 1, N. (8) We can rewrite this last equation in the form  S −1 (y) = α i X −1 i (y)+β i − n i   S −1 (y)  , ∀i = 1, N. (9) In the fol lowing work, we will use (9) to model the unknown quantities. In fact, the time parameters, α i and β i ,provide a linear regression between the reference shape signal and an arbitrary X −1 i , with the additional nonparametric term n i {  S −1 (y)} representing the shape fluctuation. In the next section, we present an estimation method that uses this equa- tion to jointly model all the unknowns. Theoretical presen- tation of the CISA model dealt with continuous supported signals but in applications the mathematical expressions will be transferred to discrete domain, in the following sections, without any particular restrictions. 2.2. Joint estimation of CISA model parameters and functions We use (9) for estimating the model parameters and func- tions. For this purpose, we rewrite it including an additional noise term ε i (y) of the form μ(y) = α i z i (y)+β i + w i (y)+ε i (y), ∀i = 1, 2, , N, y ∈ [0, 1], (10) where μ =  S −1 is defined as a CISA signal in F −1 , z i = X −1 i , and w i =−n i ◦  S −1 . We assume that the noise sequence is a zero-mean i.i.d process with Gaussian distribution. We pro- pose to estimate the model unknowns by using the “Pro- crustes” method adapted to the signal registration problem 4 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing [1, 13, 14]. This consists of forcing a sample of signals to fit a signal reference while minimizing a specific cost function. The method is iterative and generally uses the conventional mean signal as a reference in the initialization step. There- after, the reference signal is updated until convergence. This procedure is adapted to our case where the warping opera- tion is done by amplitude correction since it is performed in the inverse domain F −1 . Indeed, the principal advantage of working with (10) rather than (4) is the fact that the model unknowns (α i , β i , w i , μ) appear linearly. Using (10), we pro- pose to estimate the CISA signal and the other terms by min- imizing the following cost function defined as the average in- tegrated square error (AISE): min μ,(α i ,β i ),w i AISE N = min  1 N N  i=1  1 0  μ(y)−  α i z i (y)+β i +w i (y)  2 dy  , (11) where the term α i z i (y)+β i corresponds to the registered sig- nals under an affine transform only and w i (y) is the shape difference term that remains to ensure the strict equality to the CISA signal. From an implementation point of view, we will often be dealing with discretely sampled sequences rather than functions, in which case, we can assume that the model functions are sampled uniformly on a linear grid defined in [1, M] (corresponding to [0, 1]). In such a case, we can rewrite the cost function as AISE N,M = 1 N N  i=1 M  j=1  μ( j) −  α i z i ( j)+β i + w i ( j)  2 . (12) In general, this is a complex nonlinear optimization prob- lem, with a large number of free parameters and functions to optimize over. For example, in (12) there are a total of M +2N + MN free parameters. To reduce this high degree of freedom, we will impose several constraints on the model unknowns. We propose to minimize the proposed cost func- tion iteratively following a multistage algorithm which will include estimation of the time parameters, shape fluctuation functions, and the CISA signal. For the sake of clar ity, the iteration index is omitted. The algorithm steps are Step 1 (initialization). – μ = z i (initialization with the ISA sig nal). – w i ( j) = 0, i = 1, 2, , N, j = 1, 2, , M. Step 2 (time parameters estimation). The time parameters α i and β i are estimated for each value of i by least-square min- imisation of a linear regression. The resulting expressions are α i = N    μz i −  w i z i  +  z i    w i −  μ  N  z 2 i −   z i  2 ,  β i =  z 2 i    μ −  w i  −  z i    w i z i −  μz i  N  z 2 i −   z i  2 , (13) where the sums are taken over j = 1toM and μ and w i are the estimated signal shape reference and shape fluctuation function in the preceding iteration, respectively. We apply the constraint on the affine functions ((1/N)  A −1 i (t) = t)by the following procedure:  A −1 i =  A −1 i −  A −1 i + I, (14) where the function I is the identity function,  A −1 i = 1/N  N i =1  A −1 i ,and  A −1 i (t) = (t −  β i )/ α i is the estimated in- verse affine function. Following this step, we can define the affine-registered versions g i of the functions z i with the ex- pression g i =  A i ◦ z i computed by linear interpolation. Step 3 (shape fluctuation functions estimation). In order to estimate the shape fluctuation functions w i ,weproposeto use the following expression: w i = μ − g i . (15) To ensure uniqueness of the model, it is necessary to impose some restrictions on w i . The first one ensures that w i begins and finishes at zero. Practically, this is done by removing the baseline u i estimated using the two points [y 1 , y M ]. We sum- marize the operation with the following equation:   w i = w i − u i ◦ z i . (16) The second one is the equivalent condition in F −1 of the con- straint on n i defined in (4) which forces the shape fluctuation functions to be averaged on the CISA signal w i =  w i −   w i , (17) where the term   w i is the mean of the estimated functions   w i . Step 4 (CISA sig nal estimation). In order to estimate μ,we rewrite (12) in the following matrix form : ˘ AISE N,M = 1 N N  i=1  μ − g i − w i  T  μ − g i − w i  , (18) where μ = [μ 1 μ 2 ···μ M ] T , g i = [g i,1 g i,2 ···g i,M ] T and w i = [ w i,1 w i,2 ··· w i,M ] T for convenience. After partial differentia- tion with respect to μ and setting equal to zero, (∂ ˘ AISE N,M \ ∂μ = 0), we obtain the following estimate for the value of μ which minimizes the cost function (it is a minimum by in- spection): μ = 1 N N  i=1 g i + 1 N N  i=1 w i . (19) We know that the last term of the equation is equal to zero (17), since this is one of the imposed constraints for model uniqueness. Hence we obtain the equation μ = 1 N N  i=1 g i . (20) S. Boudaoud et al. 5 For each iteration, the estimator of μ is the mean of the esti- mated registered signals g i . Step 5 (algorithm convergence testing). We compute the cost function defined in (18) for each iteration. If the function converges to a stable minimum (subject to some numerical assessment), we stop iterating, otherw ise we return to Step 2. Following convergence, we obtain the CISA signal ex- pression in R + by   s =   μ −1   , (21) where the [ ·]  operator expresses differentiation with respect to time. For each i, we can also obtain the estimated shape fluctuation function n i in the time domain using the follow- ing expression: n i =−w i ◦ μ −1 . (22) We can also compute the registered signals in R + by inversion and differentiation of g i : ˇ x i =  g −1 i   , (23) where we note that the obtained signals are normalized in area. 2.3. Simulation In order to demonstrate that the proposed algorithm obtains good estimates of the time and shape fluctuation and the CISA signal, we conduct numerical simulations in which all these quantities are known in generating the set of model sig- nals. We simulated N = 10 strictly positive signals that em- ulate ECG P-waves in shape, and are noiseless. The signals are defined in the interval T ∈ [0, 9] on M = 450 points. We generate two families of shape fluctuation functions m i corresponding to positive and negative Gaussian functions respectively. The scale and jitter parameters follow a linear progression. The simulated data obey the CISA model pre- sented in Section 3.1.InFigure 1, we provide the simulated signals, the CISA signal, affine functions A i , and shape fluc- tuation functions n i . T he jitter variation is generated accord- ing to β i = 0.1(i − (N − 1)/2) and the scale variation is given by α i = 0.03(i − (N − 1)/2) + 1. We estimate the CISA model parameters and functions from the simulated signals by applying the procedure de- fined in Section 2.2 after the integration and inversion op- erations to obtain the X −1 i = z i . The convergence criterion is fixed to Δ ˘ AISE = 10 −5 .TheM values of y are equally sam- pled in the interval [0.005, 0.995]. To apply the constraint of (16), we use the two points [y 2 , y M−1 ] corresponding, re- spectively, to the beginning and the end of the X −1 i = z i signals. The algorithm converges after 8 iterations giving the results presented in Figure 2. We observe good estima- tion of the CISA model with a final registration cost equal to ˘ AISE = 3.22 × 10 −7 . We also compute the RMS error 9876543210 Time 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Amplitude (a) Simulated signals (dashed curves), CISA signal (solid curve), and the mean (thick curve) 9876543210 Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time (b) The affine time functions A i 9876543210 Time 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Time (c) The simulated shape fluctuation functions n i Figure 1: Simulation of signals using the CISA model. between the CISA signal and its estimate and the ISA sig- nal in F −1 ,respectively,ase RMS,μ = 3.2 × 10 −4 and e RMS,ISA = 5.77 × 10 −2 . In addition, we calculated the nor malized RMS 6 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing error for the time parameter estimation computed as fol- lows: e RMS,α i =  (1/N)  N i=1 (α i − α i ) 2 /α 2 i = 8.59 × 10 −4 and e RMS,  β i =  (1/N)  N i=1 (  β i − β i ) 2 /β 2 i = 2.27 × 10 −2 .Wecan observe in Figure 2 the difference between the ISA and CISA signals. Although there are differences between the CISA and ISA methods, the ISA remains a good choice for the initial- ization procedure, and appears heuristically to place us close to the minimum of the cost function. Moreover, the difference between signal reference shapes obtained using CISA and ISA methods can be explained the- oretically. The expression for the ISA signal in F −1 is given by [2]  X −1 = 1 N N  i=1 X −1 i . (24) If we replace X −1 i by its expression in function of the CISA signal, we obtain  X −1 = 1 N N  i=1  A −1 i ◦ ω i  ◦  S −1 . (25) We replace also A −1 i and ω i by their expression and apply the conditions 1/N  N i =1 β i /α i = 0and1/N  N i =1 1/α i = 1tofi- nally obtain  X −1 (y) =  S −1 (y)+ 1 N N  i=1  n i   S −1 (y)  α i  , y ∈ [0, 1]. (26) From the equation, we explain the difference between ISA and CISA signals by the bias introduced by the last term of (26). In fact, the shape fluctuation functions are weighted by the scale parameters. Two important remarks can be made in relation to this point. First, if there is no shape fluctuation among signals, ISA and CISA signals are superimposed. Sec- ond, if there is only a jitter fluctuation, the two signals are also superimposed. Otherwise, the two signals are different and the CISA signal is the one that really averages the shapes on an average time support without additional time fluctua- tion contamination. 2.4. Shape clustering using CISA Shape clustering provides a classification of signals based on their shape. In order to provide a useful classification, we need first to define the concept of shape equality. According to [15], the signals x and y are said to be “equal in shape” if and only if y(t) = ax  (t − β) α  + b. (27) Since the proposed method is based on signal area registra- tion, we assume that b = 0 for all signals or in other words, the offset term is removed before CISA calculation. Further- more, to describe the shape statistics of a sample of signals while respecting the shape equality condition, one needs to define [3]: (i) a distance d between signals which is in fact a distance between the signal shapes. A natural consequence of this is that if we take two signals x and y, then d(x, y) = 0 ⇔ x and y are “the same shape.” Thus, this shape distance is invariant to affine transforms, (ii) a sample mean that is intrinsically invariant in shape to the affine transforms described in (27), and hence a mean which provides a realistic average shape signal [3]. In addition, this mean shape signal must have the property of being a “shape gravity center” with respect to the shape distance d. We can easily demonstrate that the CISA signal coupled with the CISA distance has such properties. In fact, if we define the CISA distance between two signals x 1 and x 2 that belong to a sample of N signals as d CISA  x 1 , x 2  =   1 0  A 1  X −1 1 (y)  − A 2  X −1 2 (y)  2 dy, (28) then the CISA distance can be interpreted as the L 2 [0, 1] norm in F −1 between the two registered and area-normalized signals. It can also be expressed as d CISA  x 1 , x 2  =   1 0  n 1   S −1 (y)  − n 2   S −1 (y)  2 dy. (29) In this last expression, the CISA distance is expressed as a function of the shape fluctuation referred to the CISA signal. This quantity does represent a true shape distance, as demon- strated by the following. Since the CISA sig nal is the mean of the registered sig nals A i ◦ X −1 i in F −1 ,wecanwrite  S −1 = arg min u∈R N  i=1 d 2  u, A i ◦ X −1 i  = 1 N N  i=1 A i ◦ X −1 i . (30) This last equation expresses the shape variance minimiza- tion propert y of the CISA signal. Indeed, the CISA sig- nal is a “shape gravit y center.” As shown above, both the CISA signal and distance by definition are invariant to affine transforms. To perform shape clustering, we can use the well-known k-means approach [16]. The method consists of separating signals into classes (clusters) that maximize interclass vari- ance and minimize intraclass var iance. It can alternatively be expressed as a global minimization problem in which the quantity to minimize is the sum of distances to the nearest neighbor. Classically, the method employs the conventional mean and the L 2 distance in R as class center and clustering S. Boudaoud et al. 7 Amplitude 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (a) The X −1 i = z i signals (dashed line) and the regis- tered ˆ g i ones in F −1 (solid line) 1086420 Signals 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Estimated jitter (time) 1086420 Signals 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 Estimated scale (b) The estimated jitter and scale parameters 876543210 Time 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Amplitude CISA ISA ECISA (c) The ISA, the theoretical CISA, and the estimated CISA signals 6.565.554.543.532.521.5 Time 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Time (d) The estimated shape fluctuation functions ˆ n i 876543210 Time 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalized amplitude (e) The registered ˇ x i signals Figure 2: Estimation of the CISA model from the simulated data. 8 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 6.565.554.543.532.521.5 Time 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Normalized amplitude Figure 3: The final CISA class centers from the simulated data. distance, respectively. In the presence of time fluctuations, these tools give bad clustering performances. To deal with the time fluctuations, we propose to use the k-means algorithm to cluster signal shapes in F −1 , by using the CISA signal and distance as class center and distance, respectively. This has al- ready been done for a biomedical application using the ISA approach [6, 7] using a similarity criterion rather than a dis- tance. However, as mentioned previously, the ISA center does not necessarily possess a gravity center property. To illustrate the utility of the CISA method, we first pro- pose to apply it for clustering the signals of the preceding simulation example into two classes. Firstly, all the signals are registered to eliminate affine fluctuation. Then, the k- means algorithm is launched with random class center ini- tialization chosen from among the ˇ x i signals. The CISA sig- nal is then computed until convergence for each class and a discrete version of CISA distance is used. The procedure is repeated L times. The final clustering solution is selected based on class separation criterion maximization and solu- tion redundancy. The separation criteri on represents the ra- tio between the final interclass center distance and the sum of both intraclass distance standard deviations. A ratio greater than 1 indicates good class separation. For our example, the 10 signals are well classified and the final class centers can be seen in Figure 3. The clustering criterion obtained is equal to R = 5.51, indicating a high shape separation between the two classes. This validates that the CISA methodology can be used to provide accurate classification of signals based solely on shape differences. Indeed, the use of this parameter re- spects the unsupervised nature of the classification (no use of a priori information). Other criteria should be designed to measure classification performances of a particular appli- cation. Practically, affiliation of the obtained classes to the healthy and pathological ones should be done using some a priori information or specific characteristics of the class (shape dispersion). In our case study, we will assume that the classification done by the expert is perfect. So, the class af- filiation will be done according to signals which lie mostly within their correct class. 3. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA DETECTION As discussed in the introduction, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder with many physiological consequences, such as increased risk of cardiovascular dis- ease, hypertension, and daytime sleepiness. Previously tech- niques have been developed to recognize periods of sleep apnea from the ECG by using RR interval variability, and an ECG-derived respiratory signal. However, no previous approaches have considered morphological changes of the ECG due to OSA. Such changes, especially for the P-wave or T-wave, could have an underlying physiological plausibil- ity as ischemia due to oxygen desaturation could alter the electrical activation of the atria and ventricles [17, 18]. In a recent study, we showed a strong correlation between P- wave shape changes and the occurrence of OSA events. How- ever, this initial approach used an improvement of the ISA method (with consequent incomplete theoretical foundation as a shape clustering technique) and presented analysis on a small subset of signals. In this current work, we use the CISA methodology on a larger set of signals to provide a robust classification of ECG segments. 3.1. P-wave shape clustering In this section, we discuss results on the use of the CISA sig- nal and distance coupled with a k-means algorithm for de- veloping an unsupervised shape classifier. The method is ap- plied to perform a clustering [8] on P-wave shapes extracted from 163 ECG segments sampled at 128 Hz. These segments areeach2minutesinlengthandwereacquiredfrom7sub- jects who suffer from OSA. For these segments, 95 are con- sidered as normal and 68 are centered on a discrete episode of OSA of 10 second duration or longer. The ECG segments were extracted from complete polysomnogram recordings carried out at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, D ublin, using the Jaeger-Toennies polysomnogram system. The epoch labeling was obtained from the polysomno- gram analysis by an expert. For each segment, the P-waves were segmented according to the QRS complex, baseline cor- rected after upsampling (by a factor of five) and spline fil- tering. The artifacts were also removed by amplitude thresh- old selection as follows: for each segment, a shape homo- geneous P-wave set was detected by shape analysis. In fact, the CISA procedure was performed for one iteration for each segment. For this purpose, discrete versions of both the CISA signal and distance expressions were used. After that, sig- nals within one standard deviation of CISA distance from the CISA mean were selec ted. These signals were averaged to pro- vide us with the overall segment shape prototype. This proce- dure avoids shape contamination of the segment representa- tive signal by noisy signals (e.g., the P-wave corresponding to a premature atrial contraction or normal P-waves inside an apneic segment). For each subject, the segment prototypes were then registered following the CISA procedure after ade- quate windowing procedure. The convergence criterion was fixed to Δ ˘ AISE = 10 −5 and the inverse distribution inter- val was set to y = [0.02, 0.96]. Then, a two-class (normal, apnea) clustering was done on the segment prototypes for S. Boudaoud et al. 9 Table 1: CISA shape clustering results. Subject No. of normal segments No. of apnea segments Sens. (%) Spec. (%) R 115 1191931.95 2 10 8 87 80 1.94 315 1070730.74 4 10 10 60 100 2.83 515 1090801.34 615 1080861.35 7 15 9 88 73 1.31 Average — — 80.9 83.6 — L = 15 trials following the procedure described in Section 2.3 for each subjec ts So ideally for a single subject represented (e.g.) with ten “normal” segments and twelve “apnea” seg- ments we hope to achieve a clustering into two classes which have 10 and 12 members, respectively, each belonging cor- rectly to the classes “normal” and “apnea.” For the 7 sub- jects studied in this paper, the results are shown in Tabl e 1. For each subject, the number of normal and apneic segments and the class separation criterion R value are indicated. These segment numbers correspond to the classification done by the expert and assumed to be perfect. In Figure 4, we show the original and registered P-wave prototypes using the es- timated affine parameters for the recordings from Subject 2. We can also observe the final CISA class centers obtained by the approach. We can observe a significant shape difference between the two signals. For most subjects, the class separ a- tion is good according to the R value. As can be observed, the proposed method reached an overall sensitiv ity of 80.9 % and specificity of 83.6 % and maximum sensitivity of 91 % and maximum specificity of 93 %. This result confirms the earlier results obtained on a smaller database in [8], the exis- tence of a strong correlation b etween P-wave shape variation and the occurrence of OSA. 3.2. Relation between time variations of the P-wave and apnea In addition to shape fluctuation estimation, the CISA method also simultaneously permits an estimation of the affine time parameters (scale and jitter) used in the realign- ment procedure (see Section 2.2). It is plausible that changes in these parameters can be linked to OSA occurrence and also be used to recognize apnea episodes. Both scale and jitter were estimated from the segment prototypes of each subject following the estimation procedure described in Section 2.2. We then tried to find some correlation (by true classification) between the variation of these parameters and the labeling of the corresponding segments (normal or apneic) for each subject done by the expert. For two subjects, the scale param- eter variation dominated and showed a clear increase in the P-wave duration during OSA. A scale threshold α thr = 1was used which maximizes the classification performance (based on maximizing of the sum of specificity and sensitivity) for the two classes (normal and apnea) of the concerned seg- ment prototypes based solely on the scale estimated parame- ter. This value corresponds to the reference scale of the CISA signal. Indeed, scale and jitter parameters are relative values referring to the CISA signal. The classification was based on a simple threshold decision rule. If the scale parameter α i is greater than one (signal dilation), this means that the corre- sponding segment is apneic; otherwise it is classified as nor- mal. The results for this analysis are shown in Ta ble 2 .Inad- dition, for two other subjects, the effects of apnea were to provide combined jitter and scale variation. For the classifi- cation task, therefore, we used a parameter that mixes both scale and jitter γ i = β i /α i . For these two subjects, we tried to find a threshold γ thr that maximizes the classification perfor- mance. For a subject, if the parameter γ i is greater than γ thr , the signal is considered as apneic, otherwise it is normal. The results obtained are shown on Ta ble 3 . In the three remain- ing subjects, time parameters variation was not significantly correlated to OSA occurrence. We conclude, therefore, that apnea episodes can affect both the time duration and timing of the P-wave (PR interval) but in a subject-specific fashion. 4. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we have presented a novel method, corrected integral shape averaging (CISA), for signal realignment and shape fluctuation estimation. The method is based on a sig- nal model that includes both shape and time support varia- tion of the signal distribution functions. The CISA approach provides us with a new mean shape signal, the CISA signal, that possesses interesting mathematical properties for signal shape characterization. In fact, coupled to the CISA distance, the CISA signal minimizes shape fluctuation variance over a set of signals to be averaged. In addition, it is not contami- nated by affine time fluctuations as for a related method us- ing integral shape averaging. These useful properties make the CISA signal a good candidate for shape clustering appli- cations. The CISA model contains a number of unknown pa- rameters relating to time and shape variation, and we have described an iterative estimation procedure for obtaining the values of these parameters. The performance of the CISA procedure is illustrated using a controlled numerical simu- lation, a nd it can be shown that it clearly classified synthetic signals into their correct classes despite the presence of time fluctuations. The method was then applied to evaluate the benefits of using P-wave shape to recognize obstructive sleep apnea in ECG recordings. Using the k-means algorithm, the 10 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 6050403020100 Time (ms) 0 1 2 Amplitude (mV) (a) The normal (–) and the apneic P-waves (– –) (ac- cording to expert labeling) before realignment 6050403020100 Time (ms) 0 1 2 Amplitude (mV) (b) The normal (–) and the apneic P-waves (– –) after realignment 5045403530252015 Time (ms) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Amplitude (arbitrary units) (c) The final CISA class centers (normal –, apneic – –) Figure 4: Results of CISA averaging technique applied to the P-wave segments measured in Subject 2. method p erformed a clustering operation on a database of 163 signals. The classification results confirmed, in a more rigorous fashion, the important correlation linking P-wave shape and OSA episodes occurrence described in a previous work. A true classification procedure (based on the knowl- edge of the perfect classification) using the time parameters (scale and jitter) estimated by the CISA method was also pro- posed and applied on some subjects. The obtained results showed also a time alteration of the P-wave induced by OSA occurrence in a patient-specific manner. A limitation of the study was the relatively low sam- pling rate for ECG, and we expect that future studies using ECG measurements with higher sampling rate would im- prove the shape analysis performances. Since the objective of the paper was the rigorous confirmation of the correlation between shap e changes and apnea occurrence, the following step would be the design of an apnea “detector” using shape information. This dev ice should use the P-wave shape varia- tion also combined with the existing RR interval variability and EDR techniques to improve overall classification perfor- mance. However, the proposed CISA approach could also be used to analyze other bioelectrical signals such as other ECG components or brain-evoked potentials. In conclusion, the CISA method and its application high- light the potential of signal shape analysis by time-warping estimation for signal description. In fact, both minimizing the signal parametrization and functional modeling permit a direct access to signal shape information and implicitly to generation process properties. In biomedical applications, dealing with shape and time warping may assist in providing plausible physiological models for signal generation. APPENDIX CISA MODEL IDENTIFIABILITY In this section, we prove the identifiability of the proposed CISA model. For this purpose, we suppose that there exists two different solutions μ and μ  , that is, z i signals are linked to μ and μ  , respectively, by the following CISA model equations without noise in F −1 : μ(y) = α i z i (y)+β i + w i (y), ∀i = 1:N, y ∈ [0, 1], μ  (y) = α  i z i (y)+β  i + w  i (y), ∀i = 1:N, y ∈ [0, 1]. (A.1) If we replace z i expression from the first equation in the sec- ond one μ  (y) = α  i α i μ(y)+  β  i − β i α  i α i  +  w  i (y) − α  i α i w i (y)  . (A.2) We rewrite the equation to the form μ  (y) = A i μ(y)+B i + g i (y), ∀i = 1:N. (A.3) The first term of the equation being independent of i,wecan write for i = k and i = l μ  (y) = A k μ(y)+B k + g k (y), y ∈ [0, 1] μ  (y) = A l μ(y)+B l + g l (y), y ∈ [0, 1]. (A.4) [...]... (1970), and a “Doctorat d’Etat” in sciences (1980) from the University of Nice, France He has been a Professor with the University of Nice since 1987 His research field is signal processing mainly applied to biomedical signals At the Laboratory of Informatics, Signals & Systems of Sophia Antipolis, he heads the BIOMED Group O Meste received the M.S degree in automatic and signal processing and the Ph.D degree... received the Engineer grade in electrical and electronic engineering from the University A Mirra of B´ ja¨a, Algeria, in 1998, the M.S degree in e ı electrical and electronic engineering from the University F Abbas of S´ tif, Algeria, in e 2001, and the M.S degree in signal processing and communication from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, in 2002 He completed the Ph.D degree in automatic,... processing in 2006 at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis Currently, he is a Temporary Assistant Professor at the BIOMED Group, Laboratory of Informatic, Signals & Systems of Sophia Antipolis, France His research interests are in signal processing and modeling applied to biomedical fields H Rix received the M.S degrees in astrophysics (1968) and applied mathematics (1969), the “Doctorat de Sp´ cialit´... Boudaoud, and O Meste, “Clustering signal shapes: applications to P-waves in ECG,” in Proceedings of the 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC ’02), pp 364–365, Vienna, Austria, December 2002 [7] S Boudaoud, H Rix, J J Blanc, J C Cornily, and O Meste, “Integrated shape averaging of the P-wave applied to AF risk detection, ” in Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference... electronic engineering from University College Dublin in 2000 She completed the Ph.D degree in electronic engineering in University College Dublin in 2006 Her thesis topic was based on signal processing of a reduced number of biomedical recordings for automated detection of events during sleep such as sleep apnea or sleep staging The signal processing involved is based on pattern recognition and signal... and wellness monitoring company He has previously been the Director of Tele-Informatics at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, a Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford University’s Information Systems Laboratory, and a Visiting Researcher at the Laboratoire Informatique Signaux et Systemes de Sophia Antipolis (I3S) He is a Member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, the Signal Processing... segments 15 10 — No of apnea segments 11 8 — Sens (%) 82 87 84.5 Spec (%) 73 80 76.5 αthr 1 1 — Table 3: Classification based on both jitter and scale parameters Subject 4 7 Average No of normal segments 10 15 — No of apnea segments 10 9 — We substract the second equation from the first Ak − Al μ(y) + Bk − Bl , + gk (y) − gl (y) = 0, ∀ y ∈ [0, 1] Ak − Al tsup + Bk − Bl = 0 (A.5) (A.6) From these two equations,... 125–128, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2003 [8] S Boudaoud, C Heneghan, H Rix, O Meste, and C O’Brien, “P-wave shape changes observed in the surface electrocardiogram of subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea,” in Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, pp 359–362, Lyon, France, September 2005 [9] T Young, L Evans, L Finn, and M Palta, “Estimation of the clinically... Ph.D degree in scientific engineering from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, in 1989 and 1992, respectively He is currently working as a Professor at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and as a Researcher at the Biomed Project of the I3S Laboratory His research interests are in digital processing, time-frequency representations, and modeling to biological signals and systems C Heneghan... of the clinically diagnosed proportion of sleep apnea syndrome in 12 [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing middle-aged men and women,” Sleep, vol 20, no 9, pp 705– 706, 1997 A S M Shamsuzzaman, B J Gersh, and V K Somers, Obstructive sleep apnea: implications for cardiac and vascular disease,” Journal of the American Medical Association, vol 290, . synthetic signals into their correct classes despite the presence of time fluctuations. The method was then applied to evaluate the benefits of using P-wave shape to recognize obstructive sleep apnea. Processing Volume 2007, Article ID 32570, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2007/32570 Research Article Corrected Integral Shape Averaging Applied to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detec tion from the Electrocardiogram S define the proposed model relating a sample X i and the shape reference signal as the corrected integral shape averaging (CISA) model and the signal shape reference  S as the CISA signal in F. To

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