GENERALIZED QUASILINEARIZATION METHOD AND HIGHER ORDER OF CONVERGENCE FOR SECOND-ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS TANYA G. MELTON AND A. S. VATSALA Received 24 March 2005; Revised 13 September 2005; Accepted 19 September 2005 The method of generalized quasilinearization for second-order boundary value prob- lems has been extended when the forcing function is the sum of 2-hyperconvex and 2-hyperconcave functions. We de velop two sequences under suitable conditions which converge to the unique solution of the boundary value problem. Furthermore, the con- vergence is of order 3. Finally, we provide numerical examples to show the application of the generalized quasilinearization method developed here for second-order boundary value problems. Copyright © 2006 T. G. Melton and A. S. Vatsala. This is an open access article distrib- uted under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which per mits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the orig i nal work is properly cited. 1. Introduction The method of quasilinear ization [1, 2] combined with the technique of upper and lower solutions is an effective and fruitful technique for solving a wide variety of nonlinear problems. It has been referred to as a gener alized quasilinearization method. See [9]for details. The method is extremely useful in scientific computations due to its accelerated rate of convergence as in [10, 11]. In [4, 13], the authors have obtained a higher order of convergence (an order more than 2) for initial value problems. They have considered situations when the forcing func- tion is either hyperconvex or hyperconcave. In [12], we have obtained the results of higher order of convergence for first order initial value problems when the forcing function is the sum of hyperconvex and hyperconcave functions with natural and coupled lower and upper solutions. In this paper we extend the result to the second-order boundary value problems when the forcing function is a sum of 2-hyperconvex and 2-hyperconcave func- tions. We have proved the existence of the unique solution of the nonlinear problem using natural upper and lower solutions. We demonstrate t he iterates converge cubically to the unique solution of the nonlinear problem. We merely state the result related to coupled Hindawi Publishing Corporation Boundary Value Problems Volume 2006, Article ID 25715, Pages 1–15 DOI 10.1155/BVP/2006/25715 2 GQ method for second-order BV problem lower and upper solutions without proof due to monotony. Finally, we present two nu- merical applications of our theoretical results developed in our main result. We note that the monotone iterates may not converge linearly or quadratically in general. See [4, 8]for examples. However in our result we have provided sufficient conditions for cubic conver- gence. For real world applications see [5]. For this purpose, consider the following second-order boundary value problem (BVP for short): −u = f (t,u)+g(t, u), Bu(μ) = b μ , μ = 0,1, t ∈ J ≡ [0,1], (1.1) where Bu(μ) = τ μ u(μ)+(−1) μ+1 ν μ u (μ) = b μ , τ 0 ,τ 1 ≥ 0, τ 0 + τ 1 > 0, ν 0 ,ν 1 > 0, b μ ∈ R and f ,g ∈ C[J × R,R]. Here we provide the definition of natural lower and upper solutions of (1.1). One can define coupled lower and upper solutions of the other types in the same manner. See for [14, 15]details. Definit ion 1.1. The functions α 0 ,β 0 ∈ C 2 [J,R] are said to be natural lower and upper solutions if −α 0 ≤ f t,α 0 + g t,α 0 , Bα 0 (μ) ≤ b μ on J, −β 0 ≥ f t,β 0 + g t,β 0 , Bβ 0 (μ) ≥ b μ on J. (1.2) In order to facilitate later explanations, we will need the following definition. Definit ion 1.2. A function h : A → B, A,B ⊂ R is called m-hyperconvex, m ≥ 0, if h ∈ C m+1 [A,B]andd m+1 h/du m+1 ≥ 0foru ∈ A; h is called m-hyperconcave if the inequality is reversed. In this paper, we use the maximum norm of u over J, that is, u=max t∈J |u|. (1.3) Also throughout this paper we use the notation ∂ k f (t,u) ∂u k = f (k) (t,u) (1.4) for any function f (t, u)andfork = 0,1,2. In view of natural upper and lower solutions of (1.1), we will develop results when f is 2-hyperconvex and g is 2-hyperconcave. Furthermore, we show that these iterates con- verge uniformly and monotonically to the unique solution of (1.1), and the convergence is of order 3. T. G. Melton and A. S. Vatsala 3 2. Preliminaries In this section, we recal l some well known theorems and corollaries which we need in our main results relative to the BVP −u = f (t,u,u ), Bu(μ) = b μ , μ = 0,1, t ∈ J ≡ [0,1], (2.1) where Bu(μ) = τ μ u(μ)+(−1) μ+1 ν μ u (μ) = b μ , τ 0 ,τ 1 ≥ 0, τ 0 + τ 1 > 0, ν 0 ,ν 1 > 0, b μ ∈ R and f ∈ C[J × R × R,R]. For details see [3, 6, 7]. Theorem 2.1. Assume that (i) α 0 ,β 0 ∈ C 2 [J,R] are lower and upper solutions of (2.1). (ii) f u , f u exist, cont inuous, f u < 0 and f u ≡ 0 on Ω = [(t,u,u):t ∈ [0,1], β 0 ≤ u ≤ α 0 ] and u = α 0 (t) = β 0 (t). Then we have α 0 (t) ≤ β 0 (t) on J. Next we present a special case of the above theorem which is known as the maximum principle, when u term is missing. Corollary 2.2. Let q,r ∈ C[I,R] with r(t) ≥ 0 on J. Suppose further that p ∈ C 2 [I,R] and −p ≤−rp, Bp(μ) ≤ 0. (2.2) Then p(t) ≤ 0 on J. If the inequalities are reversed, then p(t) ≥ 0 on J. The next corollary is a special case of [9, Theorem 3.1.3]. Corollary 2.3. Assume that α 0 , β 0 are lower and upper solutions of (1.1)respectivelysuch that α 0 (t) ≤ β 0 (t) on J. Then there exists a solution u for the BVP (1.1) such that α 0 (t) ≤ u(t) ≤ β 0 (t) on J. 3. Main results In this section, we consider the BVP −u = f (t,u)+g(t, u), Bu(μ) = b μ , μ = 0,1, t ∈ J ≡ [0, 1], (3.1) where Bu(μ) = τ μ u(μ)+(−1) μ+1 ν μ u (μ) = b μ , τ 0 ,τ 1 ≥ 0, τ 0 + τ 1 > 0, ν 0 ,ν 1 > 0, b μ ∈ R, f ,g ∈ C[Ω,R], Ω = [(t,u):α 0 (t) ≤ u(t) ≤ β 0 (t), t ∈ J], and α 0 ,β 0 ∈ C 2 [J,R]withα 0 (t) ≤ β 0 (t)onJ. Here, we state the inequalities satisfied by f (t,u)andg(t,u)when f (t,u)is2-hyper- convex in u and g(t,u)is2-hyperconcaveinu. We need these inequalities for our first main result. Suppose that f (t,u)is2-hyperconvexinu, then we have the fol low ing inequalities, f (t,η) ≥ 2 i=0 f (i) (t,ξ)(η − ξ) i i! , η ≥ ξ, (3.2) f (t,η) ≤ 2 i=0 f (i) (t,ξ)(η − ξ) i i! , η ≤ ξ. (3.3) 4 GQ method for second-order BV problem Similarly, when g(t,u)is2-hyperconcaveinu, we have the following inequalities: g(t, η) ≥ 1 i=0 g (i) (t,ξ)(η − ξ) i i! + g (2) (t,η)(η − ξ) 2 (2)! , η ≥ ξ, (3.4) g(t, η) ≤ 1 i=0 g (i) (t,ξ)(η − ξ) i i! + g (2) (t,η)(η − ξ) 2 (2)! , η ≤ ξ. (3.5) Based on these inequalities, relative to the natural upper and lower solutions, we de- velop two monotone sequences which converge uniformly and monotonically to the unique solution of (3.1) and the order of convergence is 3. Theorem 3.1. Assume that (i) α 0 ,β 0 ∈ C 2 [J,R] are lower and upper solutions with α 0 (t) ≤ β 0 (t) on J. (ii) f ,g ∈ C 3 [Ω,R] such that f (t,u) is 2-hyperconvex in u on J [i.e., f (3) (t,u) ≥ 0 for (t,u) ∈ Ω], g(t,u) is 2-hy perconcave in u on J [i.e., g (3) (t,u) ≤ 0 for (t, u) ∈ Ω], f (t,u) is nondecreasing, g(t,u) is noninc reasing and f u + g u < 0 on Ω. Then there exist monotone sequences {α n (t)} and {β n (t)}, n ≥ 0 which converge uniformly and monotonically to the unique solution of (3.1) and the convergence is of order 3. Proof. The assumptions f (3) (t,u)≥ 0, g (3) (t,u) ≤ 0 yield the inequalities (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), and (3.5)wheneverα 0 ≤ η, ξ ≤ β 0 . Let us first consider the following BVPs: −w = F(t,α,β;w) = 2 i=0 f (i) (t,α)(w − α) i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) (t,α)(w − α) i i! + g (2) (t,β)(w − α) 2 2! , Bw(μ) = b μ on J; (3.6) −v = G(t,α,β;v) = 2 i=0 f (i) (t,β)(v − β) i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) (t,β)(v − β) i i! + g (2) (t,α)(v − β) 2 2! , Bv(μ) = b μ on J. (3.7) We develop the sequences {α n (t)} and {β n (t)} using the above BVPs (3.6)and(3.7) respectively. Initially, we prove (α 0 ,β 0 ) are lower and upper solutions of (3.6)and(3.7) respectively. To begin, we will consider natural lower and upper solutions of the equation (3.1): −α 0 ≤ f t,α 0 + g t,α 0 , Bα 0 (μ) ≤ b μ , −β 0 ≥ f t,β 0 + g t,β 0 , Bβ 0 (μ) ≥ b μ , (3.8) T. G. Melton and A. S. Vatsala 5 where α 0 (t) ≤ β 0 (t). The inequalities (3.2)and(3.4), and (3.8)imply −α 0 ≤ f t,α 0 + g t,α 0 = F t,α 0 ,β 0 ;α 0 , Bα 0 (μ) ≤ b μ , −β 0 ≥ f t,β 0 + g t,β 0 ≥ 2 i=0 f (i) t,α 0 β 0 − α 0 i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,α 0 β 0 − α 0 i i! + g (2) t,β 0 β 0 − α 0 2 2! = F t,α 0 ,β 0 ;β 0 , Bβ 0 (μ) ≥ b μ . (3.9) We can apply Corollary 2.3 together with (3.9) conclude that there exists a solution α 1 (t) of (3.6)withα = α 0 and β = β 0 such that α 0 ≤ α 1 ≤ β 0 on J. Using the inequalities (3.3), (3.5), and (3.8) on the same lines, we can get −β 0 ≥ f t,β 0 + g t,β 0 = G t,α 0 ,β 0 ;β 0 , Bβ 0 (μ) ≥ b μ , (3.10) −α 0 ≤ f t,α 0 + g t,α 0 ≤ 2 i=0 f (i) t,β 0 α 0 − β 0 i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,β 0 α 0 − β 0 i i! + g (2) t,α 0 α 0 − β 0 2 2! = G t,α 0 ,β 0 ;α 0 , Bα 0 (μ) ≤ b μ . (3.11) Hence α 0 , β 0 are lower and upper solutions of (3.7)withα 0 ≤ β 0 .ApplyingCorollary 2.3, we obtain that there exists a solution β 1 (t)of(3.7)withα = α 0 and β = β 0 such that α 0 ≤ β 1 ≤ β 0 on J. Now we will prove that α 1 is a unique solution of (3.6). For this purpose we need to prove that ∂ F(t,α 0 ,β 0 ;α 1 )/∂α 1 < 0. Since f (t,u)is2-hyperconvexinu and g(t,u)is 2-hyperconcave in u on J with f u + g u < 0onΩ,weget ∂ F t,α 0 ,β 0 ;α 1 ∂α 1 = f (1) t,α 1 + g (1) t,α 1 − f (3) t,ξ 1 α 1 − α 0 2 (2)! + g (3) t,η 1 α 1 − α 0 β 0 − ξ 2 ≤ f (1) t,α 1 + g (1) t,α 1 < 0, (3.12) where α 0 ≤ ξ 1 , ξ 2 ≤ α 1 and ξ 2 ≤ η 1 ≤ β 0 . Hence by the special case of Theorem 2.1 with u -term missing, we can conclude that α 1 is the unique solution of (3.6). Similarly we can prove that β 1 is the unique solution of (3.7). 6 GQ method for second-order BV problem Using the nonincreasing property of g (2) (t,u), (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), (3.5)withα 0 ≤ α 1 ≤ β 0 , α 0 ≤ β 1 ≤ β 0 we hav e −α 1 = F t,α 0 ,β 0 ;α 1 = 2 i=0 f (i) t,α 0 α 1 − α 0 i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,α 0 α 1 − α 0 i i! + g (2) t,β 0 α 1 − α 0 2 2! ≤ f t,α 1 + g t,α 1 , Bα 1 (μ) ≤ b μ ; (3.13) −β 1 = G t,α 0 ,β 0 ;β 1 = 2 i=0 f (i) t,β 0 β 1 − β 0 i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,β 0 β 1 − β 0 i i! + g (2) t,α 0 β 1 − β 0 2 2! ≥ f t,β 1 + g t,β 1 , Bβ 1 (μ) ≥ b μ . (3.14) Since α 1 , β 1 are lower and upper solutions of (3.1), we can apply the special case of Theorem 2.1 to obtain α 1 ≤ β 1 on J.Thuswehaveα 0 ≤ α 1 ≤ β 1 ≤ β 0 on J. Assume now that α n and β n are solutions of BVPs (3.6)and(3.7), respectively, with α = α n−1 and β = β n−1 such that α n−1 ≤ α n ≤ β n ≤ β n−1 on J and −α n ≤ f t,α n + g t,α n , Bα n (μ) ≤ b μ , −β n ≥ f t,β n + g t,β n , Bβ n (μ) ≥ b μ , (3.15) Certainly t his is true for n = 1. We need to show that α n ≤ α n+1 ≤ β n+1 ≤ β n on J,whereα n+1 and β n+1 are solutions of BVPs (3.6)and(3.7), respectively, with α = α n and β = β n . The inequalities (3.2)and(3.4), and (3.15)imply −α n ≤ f t,α n + g t,α n = F t,α n ,β n ;α n , Bα n (μ) ≤ b μ , −β n ≥ f t,β n + g t,β n ≥ 2 i=0 f (i) t,α n β n − α n i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,α n β n − α n i i! + g (2) t,β n β n − α n 2 2! = F t,α n ,β n ;β n , Bβ n (μ) ≥ b μ . (3.16) T. G. Melton and A. S. Vatsala 7 This proves that α n , β n are lower and upper solutions of (3.6)withα = α n and β = β n . Hence using (3.16)andCorollary 2.3 we can conclude that there exists a solution α n+1 (t) of (3.6)withα = α n and β = β n such that α n ≤ α n+1 ≤ β n on J. The inequalities (3.3)and(3.5), and (3.15)imply −β n ≥ f t,β n + g t,β n = G t,α n ,β n ;β n , Bβ n (μ) ≥ b μ , (3.17) −α n ≤ f t,α n + g t,α n ≤ 2 i=0 f (i) t,β n α n − β n i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,β n α n − β n i i! + g (2) t,α n α n − β n 2 2! = G t,α n ,β n ;α n , Bα n (μ) ≤ b μ . (3.18) Hence α n , β n are lower and upper solutions of (3.7)withα = α n and β = β n .Applying Corollary 2.3 we can show that there exists a solution β n+1 (t)of(3.7)withα = α n and β = β n such that α n ≤ β n+1 ≤ β n on J. In view of assumptions on f and g, α n+1 , β n+1 are unique by the special case of Theorem 2.1. Furthermore, by (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), (3.5)withα n ≤ α n+1 ≤ β n , α n ≤ β n+1 ≤ β n ,and g (2) (t,u) nonincreasing u,weget −α n+1 = F t,α n ,β n ;α n+1 = 2 i=0 f (i) t,α n α n+1 − α n i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,α n α n+1 − α n i i! + g (2) t,β n α n+1 − α n 2 2! ≤ f t,α n+1 + g t,α n+1 , Bα n+1 (μ) ≤ b μ ; −β n+1 = G t,α n ,β n ;β n+1 = 2 i=0 f (i) t,β n β n+1 − β n i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) t,β n β n+1 − β n i i! + g (2) t,α n β n+1 − β n 2 2! ≥ f t,β n+1 + g t,β n+1 , Bβ n+1 (μ) ≥ b μ . (3.19) Since α n+1 , β n+1 are lower and upper solutions of (3.1) we can apply the special case of Theorem 2.1 and get α n+1 ≤ β n+1 on J. This proves α n ≤ α n+1 ≤ β n+1 ≤ β n on J.Henceby induction, we have α 0 ≤ α 1 ≤··· ≤α n ≤ β n ≤··· ≤β 1 ≤ β 0 . (3.20) 8 GQ method for second-order BV problem Bythefactthatα n , β n are lower and upper solutions of (3.1)withα n ≤β n and Corollary 2.3 we can conclude that there exists a solution u(t)of(3.1)suchthatα n ≤ u ≤ β n on J.From this we can obtain that α 0 ≤ α 1 ≤··· ≤α n ≤ u ≤ β n ≤··· ≤β 1 ≤ β 0 . (3.21) Using Green’s function, we can write α n (t)andβ n (t)asfollows: α n (t) = 1 0 K(t,s) F s,α n−1 (s),β n−1 (s);α n (s) ds, β n (t) = 1 0 K(t,s) G s,α n−1 (s),β n−1 (s);β n (s) ds. (3.22) Here K(t,s) is the Green’s function given by K(t,s) = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 1 c x(s)y(t), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ 1, 1 c x(t)y(s), 0 ≤ t ≤ s ≤ 1, (3.23) where x(t) = (τ 0 /ν 0 )t +1, y(t) = (τ 1 /ν 1 )(1 − t) + 1 are two linearly independent solutions of −u = 0andc = x(t)y (t) − x (t)y(t). We can prove that the sequences {α n (t)} and {β n (t)} are equicontinuous and uniformly bounded. Now applying Ascoli-Arzela’s theo- rem, we can show that there exist subsequences {α n, j (t)}, {β n, j (t)} such that α n, j (t) → ρ(t) and β n, j (t) → r(t)withρ(t) ≤ u ≤ r(t)onJ. Since the sequences {α n (t)}, {β n (t)} are monotone, we have α n (t) → ρ(t)andβ n (t) → r(t). Taking the limit as n →∞,weget lim n→∞ α n (t) = ρ(t) ≤ u ≤ r(t) = lim n→∞ β n (t). (3.24) Next we show that ρ(t) ≥ r(t). From BVPs (3.6)and(3.7)weget −ρ (t) = f (t,ρ)+g(t,ρ), Bρ(μ) = b(μ), −r (t) = f (t,r)+g(t,r), Br(μ) = b(μ). (3.25) Set p(t) = r − ρ and note that Bp(μ) = 0. We have −p =−r (t) − − ρ (t) = f (t,r)+g(t,r) − f (t, ρ) − g(t, ρ) = f u (t,ξ)(r − ρ)+g u (t,η)(r − ρ) = f u (t,ξ)+g u (t,η) p, (3.26) where ξ, η are between ρ and r. T his implies that −p ≤−kp,where f u + g u ≤−k<0. Now applying Corollary 2.2 we get p ≤ 0orr(t) ≤ ρ(t)onJ. This proves r(t) = ρ(t) = u(t). Hence {α n (t)} and {β n (t)} converge uniformly and monotonically to the unique solution of (3.1). T. G. Melton and A. S. Vatsala 9 Let us consider the order of convergence of {α n (t)} and {β n (t)} to the unique solution u(t)of(3.1). To do this, set p n (t) = u(t) − α n (t) ≥ 0, q n (t) = β n (t) − u(t) ≥ 0, (3.27) for t ∈ J with Bp n (μ) = Bq n (μ) = 0. Therefore we can write p n+1 = 1 0 K(t,s) f (s,u)+g(s,u) − F s,α n ,β n ;α n+1 ds, (3.28) where K(t,s) is the Green’s function given by (3.23). Now using the Taylor series expansion with Lagrange remainder, and the mean value theorem together with (ii) of the hypothesis, we obtain 0 ≤ p n+1 = 1 0 K(t,s) f (s,u)+g(s,u) − 2 i=0 f (i) s,α n α n+1 − α n i i! + 1 i=0 g (i) s,α n α n+1 − α n i i! + g (2) s,β n α n+1 − α n 2 2! ds = 1 0 K(t,s) f (s,u)+g(s,u) − f s,α n+1 − f (3) s,ξ 1 α n+1 − α n 3 (3)! + g s,α n+1 − g (2) s,ξ 2 α n+1 − α n 2 2! + g (2) s,β n α n+1 − α n 2 2! ds ≤ 1 0 K(t,s) f u s,η 1 u − α n+1 + g u s,η 2 u − α n+1 + f (3) s,ξ 1 u − α n 3 (3)! − g (3) s,η 3 β n − ξ 2 u − α n 2 2 ds = 1 0 K(t,s) f u s,η 1 + g u s,η 2 p n+1 + f (3) s,ξ 1 p 3 n (3)! − g (3) s,η 2 p 2 n q n + p n 2 ds, (3.29) 10 GQ method for second-order BV problem where α n ≤ ξ 1 , ξ 2 ≤ α n+1 ≤ η 1 , η 2 ≤ u,andξ 2 ≤ η 3 ≤ β n .Let|K(t,s)|≤A 1 , | f u (t,u)+ g u (t,ν)|≤A 2 , | f (3) (t,u)/3!|≤A 3 ,and|g (3) (t,u)/2|≤A 4 .Thenwehave p n+1 ≤ k 1 p n 3 + k 2 p n 2 q n + p n , (3.30) where k 1 = A 1 A 3 /(1 − A 1 A 2 )andk 2 = A 1 A 4 /(1 − A 1 A 2 ). Similarly, we can write q n+1 = 1 0 K(t,s) G s,α n ,β n ;β n+1 − f (s,u) − g(s,u) ds, (3.31) where K(t,s) is the Green’s function given by (3.23). Using the Taylor ser i es expansion with Lagrange remainder, and the mean value theo- rem together with (ii), we can show q n+1 ≤ k 1 q n 3 + k 2 q n 2 q n + p n , (3.32) where k 1 = A 1 A 3 /(1 − A 1 A 2 )andk 2 = A 1 A 4 /(1 − A 1 A 2 ). Hence combining (3.30)and(3.32)weobtain max t∈J u(t) − α n+1 (t) +max t∈J β n+1 (t) − u(t) ≤ C max t∈J u(t) − α n (t) +max t∈J β n (t) − u(t) 3 , (3.33) where C is an appropriate positive constant. This completes the proof. We note that the unique solution we have obtained is the unique solution of (3.1)in the sector determined by the lower and upper solutions. Next we merely state a result without proof using coupled lower and upper solutions of (3.1). 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