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skkn mới nhất using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at mai anh tuan high school

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Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale Objectives PART II: KINDS OF WORD FORMATION A Compounding B Prefixes 4-8 C Suffixes – 12 PART III: HOW TO TEACH & PRACTICE WORD FORMATION AND EXERCISES A: HOW TO TEACH & PRACTICE WORD FORMATION 13 - 15 B EXERCISES 16 – 21 PART IV: RESULT 22 PART V: CONCLUSION REFERENCES Appendix: Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale The purpose of teaching Word Formation, which is a necessary part of the English for Specific Purposes, is to give the students the opportunity to acquire vocabulary knowledge necessary for effective reading of their own technical and semi-technical texts It is intended to give learners an opportunity to gain first the fundamentals of words and to build from there in whatever design their needs call for The instructor must know the needs of the students The class time may be used to more fully develop the subject matter in a way that meets the needs of the students Learning English Word Formation can at least provide us with three good advantages: 1.1 Increase your vocabulary, guess the meaning of the word by analyzing the known parts Example: auto- means ‘self’: autobiography, autograph (one’s own writing), automobile, automatic 1.2 Deepen your understanding of a word by analyzing each part of the word so that you can not only learn about the surface meaning but also the deeper connotation of the word Example –ard used in forming the personal nouns often has a contemptuous connotation in English drunkard, sluggard (someone who is very sluggish), we know they are contemptuous people who have developed very bad habits 1.3 Enliven your language, create a lively style in your English writing Bernard Shaw once wrote a famous sentence about the World War II, in it, he used several compounds which have been formed in the same way as the word outwit is formed This kind of formation is very accurate in depicting the condition of the defeated Germany then “Germany was outwitted, outprepared, outgeneralled, outfought, outflown, outgassed, outtanked, outbombed, and finally brought to her knees.” Objectives This paper is desired to provide teachers, especially teachers of English with information about teaching Word Formation: - The reasons why we should learn English Word Formation - KindS of English Word Formation - Suggestions, strategies and exercises for teaching Word Formation - The lists of Word Formation - How to teach Word Formation - How to practice Word Formation Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school It is hoped that my own experiences in teaching Word Formation in Mai Anh Tuan high school can give you some ideas in teaching this difficult as well as easy grammar - Word Formation Let’s try to make our students want to learn English, love English and be good at English, especially in items of Word Formation PART II: KINDS OF WORD FORMATION A Compounding 1.1 Noun+Noun The most common type of word formation is the combination of two (or more) nouns in order to form a resulting noun: Noun + Noun = Noun Examples: landmine, wallpaper, toothbrush 1.2 Verb+Noun Here verbs describe what is done with an object or what a subject "does", in short, a new noun is formed, usually referring to something concrete, and the verb defines the action related to it: Verb + Noun = Noun Examples: hitman = a man who carries out "dirty jobs", or, who "hits" Here, the word as part of speech is the subject walkway = people walk on the walkway The usual rules apply to spelling More examples: walkway (a way to walk on), filter-paper (paper used for filtering liquids or gases), driveway (a road leading to a garage or a building), payday (the day one receives his or her salary), … 1.3 Noun+Adjective Nouns and adjectives can also be compounded in the opposite order: Noun + Adjective = Adjective Examples: Camera + shy = camera-shy (Shy in respect of appearing or speaking before cameras) dirt-cheap = cheap as dirt; paper-thin = thin as paper English-speaking; soul-destroying; frost-bitten 1.4 Adjektive+Noun Adjective + Noun = Noun Examples: brown + bear = brownbear These compounds usually appear as one word Examples: blackboard (a board to write on vertically attached to a wall), blueprint (prints of building plans, or detailes plans in general), lazybone (a lazy person), braveheart (somebody who's brave), hardcopy (something in print), software (computer programmes), … skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school Other Compounds 2.1 Adjective+Adjective bitter-sweet, deaf-mute, aural-oral, Anglo-Saxon 2.2 Adjective + Participle far-reaching, far fetched, narrow-minded, single-minded, highclimbing, red-painted, bare-handed Note: It is as well possible to combine adjectives with participles not originating from verbs 2.3 Adjective+Verb to blackmail, to dryclean, to blackpaint, to whitewash 2.4 Noun+Verb to proofread, to babysit, to brainstorm, to sightsee, to tape-record B Prefixes In contrast to compounding, affixation links so-called prefixes and suffixes, which are not independent words, to words of all types The type of affix determines the effect the affixation will have on the word Here, we discuss supportive and opposing prefixes They are used to express support for or disapproval of whatever is expressed by the word they're attached to Supportive and opposing Prefixes (Prefixes of attitude) 1.1 pro = on the side of, supporting: pro-choice, pro-life, pro-market, prolibertarian; added to: nouns, adjectives of denomination 1.2 anti = against, counteracting: anti-missile, anti-social, antibody, antiabortion, anti-regulatory; = antagonistic: anti-hero, antichrist; added to: nouns, adverbs, denominal adjectives 1.3 counter = in opposition to: to counteract, counter-revolution, counterexample, counter-espionage, counter-productive; added to: verbs, abstract nouns, adjectives 1.4 contra = contrasting, against: contraception, contraindicate, contraflow, contradistinction; added to: abstract nouns, verbs 1.5 co = with, joint: cooperate, co-pilot, co-author, cooperation; added to: nouns, verbs Reversative and deprivative Prefixes These prefixes describe actions being reversed or of antonymic character 2.1 un = to reverse action, to deprive of: to untie, to unpack, to unhorse, to unscramble, to unlock, to unmask, to unhouse; added to: verbs 2.2 de = reverse action, remove something, depart or cause to depart from, remove and undo what is meant the second part of the formation: to deselect, to decontaminate, to debug, to defrost, to delouse, to deplane, to detrain, to decamp, deforestation; added to: verbs, abstract nouns skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school 2.3 dis = reversal of an action, removal of something: to disqualify, to disinvite, to disenfranchise, to disarm, to disillusion, to disambiguate, discoloured, disconnected, discontent, dissatisfaction; added to: verbs, participles, nouns Negative Prefixes 3.1 a = not, lacking in, not affected by, devoid of quality: atheist, amoral (not subject to moral standards), asymmetry, apolitical, asexual; added to: adjectives, nouns 3.2 dis = not, absolute opposite of what is meant by the second element: disloyal, distrust, disagree, dislike, disfavour, disadvantage; added to: adjectives, abstract nouns, verbs 3.3 un = not, the opposite of; before words of french origin: in-, il-(before l), im-(before p), ir-(before r) Note: These are the most commonly used prefixes of negation Examples: unfair, unassuming, unexpected, unproductive, insane, injustice, intolerance, impatience, imperfect, irregular, illegal, incapable, illogical, improper, irrelevant; added to: adjectives, participles (only un-) 3.4 non = not, not regarded as: non-stop, non-interference, nonaggression, non-smoker, non-drip (paint), non-person, non-event; added to: varios types of words and expressions, mainly nouns and verbs Pejorative Prefixes Pejorative prefixes are highly evaluative in the negative sense 4.1 mis = wrong(ly), astray: mismanagement, mismarriage, to miscalculate, to mishandle, to misinform (inform wrongly; whereas disinformationmeans the deliberate spreading of false or distorted information); added to: verbs, abstract, participles 4.2 mal = bad(ly), improper(ly): malpractice, malinformation, malnutrition, maltreatment, to malfunction, malformed, malodorous; added to: verbs, abstract nouns, participles, adjectives, but only words of latin origin 4.3 pseudo = false, imitation: pseudo-education,pseudo-intellectual, pseudoscience, pseudo-Elizabethan, pseudo-Gothic; added to: nouns, adjectives, also nouned adjectives 4.4 crypto = concealed: crypto-fascist, crypto-Catholic,cryptography; added to: nouns Prefixes of Place (Locative Prefixes) Locative prefixes determine the place, or relative place, or (relative) direction, of action or objects Also, abstract nouns and processes or relations are determined in terms of locality Perhaps a look at the following will provide a clear picture: 5.1 ante = before (locally): antechamber, anteroom; added to: nouns skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school 5.2 circum = around: circumnavigate, circumlocution, circumcision; added to: verbs, nouns 5.3 extra = outside, beyond: extramarital, extracurricular, extrasensory, extra-pay; added to: adjectivs, nouns 5.4 fore = in front, front part of: forefinger, foreskin, forecourt, forehead; added to: nouns 5.5 in = inside, into: also il-, im-, ir- ingathering, indoors, in-patient (not impatient); added to: participles, nouns 5.6 inter = between, in between: interracial, international, interdisciplinary, interrace; added to: adjectives, nouns 5.7 intra = inside: intramural, intra-uterine, intravenous; added to: adjectives 5.8 mid = middle: midfield, mid-point, midway; added to: nouns 5.9 out = out of, outside: outdoor, out-patient, outlook; added to: nouns; = to surpass: to outrun, to outnumber, to outgrow, to outdistance, to outbid; added to: verbs 5.10 over = above, outer: to overthrow, to overshadow, overcoat; added to: verbs, nouns; = excessive: overemphasis, overenthusiasm, over-anxious, to overcharge, to overfish; added to: nouns, verbs 5.11 retro = backwards, reflexive: to retroflex, to retrorocket, to retroject; added to: verbs 5.12 sub = below, beneath: subway, subsoil, subconcious; added to: nouns, adjectives; = secondary, lesser in rank: sub-editor, subdean, subleader, sub-climax; added to: nouns; = subordinate part of: subcommittee, subplot, sublet, subtitle; added to: nouns; = below the norm: subhuman, subzero, substandard; added to: adjectives, nouns = to exchange: to substitute; added to: verbs 5.13 super = above: superstructure, superimpose, superterrestrial; added to: nouns, verbs, adjectives; = beyond the norm: superhuman, superman, supergun, superstar; added to: nouns, adjectives; = excessive, excessively: superconformity, superconfidence, supersensitive, superabundant, supercritical; added to: nouns, adjectives 5.14 supra = above: supranational, supramundane; added to: adjectives 5.15 sur = above: surtax, surcharge, surtitle; nouns, verbs 5.16 tele = at a distance: telecommunication, television; added to: nouns, verbs 5.17 trans = across: transatlantic, transnational, transsexual; added to: adjectives, geographical names skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school 5.18 ultra = beyond, excessively, extremely: ultra-violet, ultra-sonic, ultramodest, ultra-thin, ultra-modern, ultra-orthodox; added to: adjectives 19 under = below: underground, undercarriage, underclothes; added to: nouns; = too little; undercharge, underpay, undercook, undervalue: added to: verbs; = subordinate: under-secretary, underclass, underling; added to: nouns Additional locative prefixes: Prepositions determining direction, both locatively and figuratively applied: to bypass, to upgrade, to downsize, to undergo, to oversee Prefixes of Size, Degree and Status 6.1 arch = highest, worst, chief: archbishop, arch-rival, archangel, archduke, arch-enemy; added to: nouns 6.2 macro = large: macrocosm, macro-economics; added to: nouns 6.3 micro = small: microtransmitter, micro-computer, microsurgery, microeconomics; added to: nouns 6.4 mega = very large: megastar, megastore; added to: nouns 6.5 mini = small: miniseries, minibreak, minicab, miniskirt; added to: nouns 6.6 over/under = too much/too little: to overcook, to underheat; added to: any verb of action 6.7 hyper = extremely: hypercritical; added to: adjectives 6.8 co = joint: co-founder, co-presenter; added to: nouns, verbs 6.9 pro = deputy: procounsul, pro-vice-chancellor; added to: nouns of latin origin 6.10 vice = deputy: vice president; added to: latin words Prefixes of Time and Order 7.1 ante = before: antenatal, antedate; added to: adjectives 7.2 ex = former: ex-wife, ex-president; human nouns 7.3 fore = before: to foresee, to foretell, foregone; added to: verbs, participles, nouns 7.4 mid = middle: mid-afternoon, midwinter, midnight; added to: nouns denoting points or periods of time 7.5 neo = new, recent form of, revived: neo-colonialism, neo-conservative, neo-fascist; added to: abstract nouns, adjectives 7.6 post = after: post-war, post-modernism, post-structuralist; added to: nouns denoting time, abstract nouns, adjectives denoting periods of time 7.7 pre = before, pre-arranged before the time/period of: prepay, preexisting, predate, preview, preschool, pre-war, pre-marital; added to: nouns, adjectives skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school 7.8 re = again, back: reprint, reapply, renew, re-evaluate, resettlement; added to: verbs, abstract nouns Prefixes of Number Numeral prefixes the amount, quantity, or scope 8.1 mono = single, one: monotheism, monorail, monoplane, monotonous; added to: nouns, adjectives 8.2 uni = one: unidirectional, unidimensional, unilateral; added to: adjectives, nouns 8.3 poly = many: polysyllabic, polytheism, polygraph; added to: adjectives, nouns 8.4 multi = many: multi-faith, multinational, multimillionaire, multiracial; added to: nouns, adjectives 8.5 semi = half, partly: semicircle, semi-automatic, semi-conscious, semiofficial; added to: nouns, adjectives 8.6 demi = half, partly: demisemiquaver, demigod; added to:nouns in most cases 8.7 hemi = half: hemisphere, hemistich; added to: nouns 8.8 bi = two, double: bifocal, bilingual, bilateral; added to: adjectives 8.9 di = two, double: dipole, dioxide; added to: nouns 8.10 duo, du = two, double: duologue, duplex; added to: nouns 8.11 tri = three, triple: tripartite, triangle, triennial; added to: nouns, adjectives Class-changing and converting Prefixes The prefixes a-, be-, en- and em- have the primary effect to change the class (or type) of words, or, to convert 9.1 a = added to verbs in order to form predicative adjectives (no synonymical explaination possible): afloat (A ships that's floating is afloat), aloft (An aircraft airborne is aloft) 9.2 be = added to nouns in order to form transitive verbs: to besiege (To surround to force into surrender), to beguile (To charm), to bewitch (To put a magic spell on); = added to adjectives in order to form transitive verbs: to becalm (To calm or to make calm), to belittle (To make something or somebody seem unimportant or of lesser value), to befoul (To make foul or dirty; to contaminate); = added to verbs in order to form transitive verbs, and, at the same time, as an intensifying force for verbs: to becry (To bitterly cry about), to besmear (To make dirty), to bewail (To mourn, or express sorrow over), to bespatter (To cover with spots of dirt), to bespeak (To give evidence of); skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school = added to nouns in order to form participial adjectives: bespectacled (Wearing spectacles), beribboned (Wearing ribbons), bewigged (Wearing a wig), besotted (Hopelessly in love with sb., but only in reference to men [women are infatuated]) 9.3 en as well as em- (before b,p), to form verbs from nouns and adjectives; added to nouns in order to form intransitive verbs meaning "put oneself onto or into": to enlist (to enter or cause to enter armed forces; to obtainhelp, support etc.), to enroll (to become or make so a member of st.), to embark (to board a ship or plane); = added to nouns in order to form transitive verbs meaning "put in": to encode (To translate into coded language), to endanger (To put into danger), to ensnare (To catch in trap); = added to nouns in order to form transitive verbs meaning "make into": to enslave (To make a slave out of), to ennoble (To make a noble out of); = added to adjectives in order to form transitive verbs meaning "make": to enlarge (to increase size), to enrich (to make richer), to ensure (to make sure), to embitter (to cause bitterness for) 10 Other Prefixes 10.1 auto = self: autobiography, autopilot, auto-suggestion, autograph, automobile; added to: nouns 10.2 bio = abbreviation of biology an biological: biodegradable, biofeedback, biodiversity; added to: nouns, adjectives 10.3 eco = abbreviation of ecology and ecological: ecosystem, ecotourism; added to: nouns 10.4 euro = also Euro = abbreviation of Europe and European: Eurocurrencies, Eurosceptic, Europhile; added to: nouns, adjectives 10.5 para = ancillary: paramilitary, paramedic, paralegal; added to: nouns, adjectives; = beyond the scope of: paranormal, parapsychology; added to: adjectives, nouns 10.6 self = self: self-motivating, self-inflicted, self-denial, self-satisfaction; added to: particles, nouns 10.7 pan = all, worldwide: pan-African, pan-Slavism; added to: adjectives and nouns denoting origin or nationality 10.8 proto = first, original: prototype; added to: nouns C Suffixes Verb Suffixes 1.1 -ify = to make, to cause: to simplify, to beautify, to classify, to personify, to countrify, to ladify, to prettify, to Frenchify; added to: nouns (i.e beauty) and adjectives (i.e pretty) in order to form (mainly) transitive verbs 1.2 -ize = also -ise = to make, to treat in the way of: to scandalize, to civilize, to organize, to Americanize, to familiarize, to legalize, to nationalize, to skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school materialize, to popularize, to privatize; added to: adjectives and nouns of romanic origin, but also proper names in order to form mainly transitive verbs 1.3 -en = to make, to make become: to strengthen, to blacken, to darken, to deepen, to harden, to shorten, to widen, to deafen, to sadden; added to: nouns and adjectives in order to form transitive verbs meaning: "to make something into whatever the adjective or noun determines" 1.4 -ate = to add or provide with: to chlorinate, to dehydrate, to urinate, to ventilate; added to: nouns in order to form both transitive and intransitive verbs meaning: "to add to something whatever is expressed by the original noun"; or, "to perform or carry out actions obviously meant by the original noun" Adjective Suffixes 2.1 -able (also -ible on words of Latin or French origin) - words ending able have to meaning "that can or deserves to be -ed" (in which "-ed" stands for any past participle); or, "that is able to this"; or, “that can be done with it”: breakable, eatable, exchangeable, pitiable, readable, reliable, available, unthinkable, intelligible, responsible, audible; added to: chiefly verbs of action 2.2 -al (also -ial) - meaning "of the nature of", "belonging to": natural, occasional, educational, accidental, managerial, musical, criminal, editorial, provisional, continental; added to: nouns in order to form primarily noncomparable adjectives 2.3 -an (also -ian) - meaning "in the tradition of", "coming from", "of the nature of": African, Indian, Elizabethan, Victorian, republican; added to: chiefly proper names, geographical names, well-know personal names (Persons defining eras, ideas, or ideologies) 24 -ed - having, having been provided with, or having been "-ed" (while ed stands for the past participle of any verb): booted, spurred, cultured, landed, moneyed, talented, wooded, earthed, fashioned, one- eyed, balconied; added to: nouns or noun phrases in order to form participial adjectives 2.5 -en = being made or composed of (Materials): wooden, woollen, leaden, earthen; added to: nouns denoting materials 2.6 -ese = coming from, being of the nature of; Chinese, Milanese, Portuguese; added to: Some geographic names of foreign nature This also denotes individuals (besides groups) 2.7 -esque = after the manner of (artists especially): Rembrandtesque, picturesque (methaphorical, picture- like); added to: Proper names, nouns denoting stylistic or art-like devices (a picturesque language) 2.8 -fold = so many times: twofold, tenfold, manyfold; added to: numerals higher than one; "many" skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 10 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school person, certain adjectives; = skill or art: salesmanship, craftsmanship, workmanship; added to: nouns of profession; = action: censorship; added to: verbs; = Others of concrete meaning: scholarship, township; added to: nouns 4.6 -cy = state of condition: accuracy, constancy, normalcy, bankruptcy, decency, truancy; added to: adjectives; = state or incumbency of: lieutenancy, presidency, captaincy, colonelcy, chaplaincy; added to: nouns retaining to rank or office 4.7 -ry also -ery (as for words of only one syllable) = action or condition: pedantry, rivalry, drudgery, foolery, slavery; added to: nouns of personal qualities or conditions; = science, occupation, trade: chemistry, dentistry, cookery; added to: professions; = colony of animals or plants; swannery, pinery; = collectivity of persons; Irishry, peasantry, yeomanry, citizenry, snobbery; = collectivity of things: crockery, jewelry, summitry; = workplace of (profession); place to (action): bakery,brewery, fishery, pottery, refinery; added to: names of profession; verbs of action; = abode of one or more persons: deanery, nunnery, nursery; added to: names of professions 4.8 -ness = state or condition: foolishness, narrow-mindedness, willingness, happiness, drunkenness, carelessness, usefulness; added to: adjectives and participles descriptive of personal ways, or conditions; or of charac- teristicals of things; must be of germanic origin 4.9 -ility, -ity, -ty = state or condition: ability, stability, simplicity, vanity, cruelty readability, visibility, comicality; added to: adjectives of latin or french origin; or, adjectives of English origin ending -able or -ible 10 -ment = action or result of action: acknowledgement, argument, treatment, embankment, embodiment, employment, pavement, settlement, shipment, bewilderment, refreshment; added to: verbs of action Adverb Suffixes 5.1 -ly = in that way -ly is the standard way to form adjectives: easy easily; important - importantly; and so on -ly is added to: adjectives not ending ly, phrases (matter-of-factly, full-heartedly, cold-bloodedly) It is also added to some neologisms: transbroomstickally As for the aforesaid: friendly - in a friendly manner (this applies to all adjectives ending -ly) 5.2 -wise = in terms of , as far as is/are concerned: clockwise, notewise, moneywise; added to: nouns 5.3 - ways = in the manner of: sideways, lengthways; added to: nouns Adverbs determine the nature of verbs (action or state) and of adjectives (characteristics), whereas adjectives determine the nature of nouns (things or persons) skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 13 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school PART III: HOW TO TEACH & PRACTICE WORD FORMATION AND EXERCISES A: HOW TO TEACH & PRACTICE WORD FORMATION For your vocabulary lesson, you need to teach students the word “prediction.” You have other words to teach along with prediction, and thus you have introduced 10 new words to the students But what if you could quadruple that without taking more time? By teaching students basic word formation skills early in the term, you can teach them prediction, predict, predictable, and predictably all at the same time Once you’ve taught students how to manipulate parts of speech in a sentence, they now have increased their vocabulary by four words instead of just one Teaching word formation can be challenging, and students can often get confused as to whether they should use the adjective or the adverb Yet, if you teach them these simple guidelines below, you’ll be ready to start increasing their vocabulary four-fold with every new vocabulary list you provide I How to Teach Word Formation Charts Create a chart/table that has four columns for noun/verb/adjective/adverb and as many rows as new vocabulary words you introduce It’s beneficial to give students their own individual chart so that they can use it for studying, but it would also be helpful to keep a large chart in the classroom so students can easily be reminded of the patterns found within Don’t feel obliged to complete all four columns for every word as not every word in English neatly breaks down into these four word forms Sometimes a word won’t have all of the forms, or the forms may be rarely used in English Having gaps in the chart will reinforce the idea that they can’t always apply these patterns Teach common suffixes By using a chart as recommended above, students will also begin to see similarities among word endings Help them to discover the most common endings for parts of speech and even relationships between parts of speech For example, guide them to figuring out that adjectives ending in –able/-ible often take the noun ending –ity (e.g responsible- responsibility; possible-possibility; capable- capability) Be sure to stress to your students that these are patterns, not “rules,” and that there will be some exceptions to most of these patterns However, by establishing these patterns concretely, students will be able to vastly improve their vocabulary quickly, and they will more readily notice and remember exceptions to the pattern ( See more in part I) skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 14 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school Teach Common “Guidelines” for usage Knowing the correct part of speech for a word form is important, but it’s less than half the battle The real challenge comes with being able to know how to use it appropriately in a sentence Below are some (but definitely not all) of the most common usage patterns Again, emphasize that these are just guidelines because there are many exceptions in English Once you have taught students these patterns, they will be able to use most word forms immediately in their writing 3.1 Nouns  Nouns are people, places, or things  Nouns always come before verbs and after verbs  Every sentence will have at least one noun Nouns are usually in these positions:  a/an/the _ The prediction came true  adjective _ Wrong predictions are dangerous  Possessive (my, your, his, her, John’s) Their prediction was wrong  have I have a prediction  Verb Predictions make people’s lives easier 3.2 Verbs  Verbs show the action or state of being in a sentence  Verbs usually aren’t the first word in a sentence  Exception—Commands: (Go to class.)  EVERY sentence MUST have a verb! Verbs are usually in these positions:  Subject Jessica predicted that she would win the game yesterday  Adverb _ He always predicts the weather  can/should/might/must She can’t predict what he will  didn’t/don’t Don’t predict something unless you know it is true  to I’m going to predict your future 3.3 Adjectives  Adjectives describe nouns (people, places, and things)  They answer the question: “What kind of person/place/thing?” Adjectives are usually in these positions:  am/is/are/was/were The game was predictable  _ noun Predictable people are easy to understand  very Tony is a very predictable person skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 15 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school  adverb _ Tony is always predictable  a/an/the noun The predictable answer was “yes.” 3.4 Adverbs  Adverbs describe verbs or adjectives  They answer the question “How did he it?”  Usually, you add -ly to the adjective to make an adverb (but not always!) Adverbs are usually in these positions:  _ , Predictably, Tommy was late again  Verb He predictably walked in late  Verb He walked quickly  very _ He walked very quickly  _ Adjective Tom is predictably late II How to Practice Word Formation “Word Up” Review Game: Write each word form on two different note cards (or make things easy on yourself by printing the word forms on the computer and then cutting them into individual words) Divide students into two equal teams and have them sit in two lines facing their opposing team Distribute one whole set of word forms equally amongst each team such that for every word form, a student on Team A has the word and a student on Team B has the word Stand in front of the students and call out the word and part of speech you want for that word (e.g., “The noun form for predict”) The first student to raise their hand with the word prediction earns a point for their team Continue until you’ve gone through all the word forms; keep in mind that going back and repeating word forms you have already called out will help keep all students on their toes and engaged in the activity Grab the _ Print off sets of all of your word forms; make sure you have enough for as many groups as you want Put students into groups of three or four and have them arrange their desks in a small circle with each other Arrange the word forms evenly on all the students’ desks At the front, call out a command – “Grab all the adverbs” and students must race the other members of their group to collect as many adverbs as possible Alternatively, you can follow the pattern of the “Word Up” game in this small group fashion and have students grab the individual word forms that you call out as well Go Fish In groups of three or four, distribute one set of all of the word forms to each group Each student should have four words in their hand with the remaining words spread out face-down on a desk Students must ask each other for the appropriate forms that they need to complete a “set” (i.e adverb, adjective, noun, skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 16 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school and verb) For example, Student A might ask Student B if he has the “Noun form of predict.” If he does, Student B must give Student A the form; if Student B does not have it, Student A draws a word form from the pile on the desk B EXERCISES Exercise 1: Match prefixes on the left to their meanings on the right _ Re- (renew) 1) wrong, bad _ Pre- (preview) 2) before _ Mis- (misbehave) 3) again, back _ De- (deforestation) 4) eight _ Tele- (television) 5) one, same, whole _ Un- (unhappy) 6) remove or reduce _ Bi- (biweekly) 7) twice, (two times) _ Uni- (uniform) 8) far, distant _ Octo- (octopus) 9) many, (usually more than two) _ Sub- (subway) 10) under or low _ Multi- (multiple) 11) not Common prefix match- answer key - mis - pre - re - octo - uni - de - bi - tele – multi 10 - sub 11 - un Exercise 2: Common suffixes Match the suffixes on the left to the explanation or function on the right _ -able (unable) 1) adverb making _ -er , -or ( teacher, doctor) 2) verb making _ -ful (useful) 3) can or able to something _ -ment, - ness, - ion (movement, 4) see or range togetherness, information) _ -ively (actively) 5) noun or name of something _ -ive (active) 6) job, doer _ -ate (communicate) 7) sound or audio _ -phone (telephone) 8) adjective or description word building _ -scope (telescope) 9) full of Common suffix match - Answer Key: - ively - ate - able – scope - er - phone - ive - ful - ment ness ion Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the words skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 17 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school We must limit population _because our resources are limited (GROW) Children get a great deal of when Tet comes (EXCITE) The English language training is a good for any career (PREPARE) There is a _of food in flooded areas (SHORT) many people are not aware of population _ (EXPLODE) The United Nation ia an international (ORGANISE) The area that has the population growth rate is Latin America (HIGH) Mut , which is _fruit , is very popular (CANDY) Do you know how to cook _foods ? (TRADITION) 10 We should carry out population programmes ( EDUCATE ) Answer Key: 1- growth – excitement -explosion -organization 10- educational - preparation - shortage 7- highest – candied 9- traditional Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the words Some countries are poor because they have few recourses ( NATURE ) People believe that having many children means .( HAPPY) Taking part in this helped me more self-confident ( COMPETE ) Were women _allowed to participate in the Boston races in 1957 ? ( OFFICE ) _, nobody was injured in the accident last night ( LUCKY ) They emphasized the physical fitness and ( STRONG ) We don’t go to work on _ Independence Day ( NATION) Overpopulation causes many problems to the world , particularly countries (DEVELOP ) on winning the tennis championship! ( CONGRATULATE ) 10 A music is an event whish is held every four years ( COMPETE ) Answer Key: - natural - happiness – competition - officially – Luckily - strength - national – developing - congratulations 10 - competetion Exercise 5: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets The Internet is a very useful means of (COMMUNICATE) is not enough by itself; you must work hard too (INSPIRE ) They live in a _ area in the north-east of the country (MOUNTAIN) She received a lot of from her friends (COURAGE) The _ situation in that country is getting worse and worse (ECONOMY) We must learn about keeping the environment _ (POLLUTE) The price of has gone up again (ELECTRIC) David and Mai want to visit an _ institute in Vietnam (OCEAN ) I’m very of my father and love him so much (PRIDE) 10 Don't be so _, we've been waiting a few minutes ( PATIENCE) Exercise 6: Choose the best answer skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 18 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school Her _ was so great that she broke a glass a anxious b anxiously c anxiety d anxieties He felt very _ when he saw he had failed the exam again a courage b discouraged c encouragement d encourage The work is still at a very _ level a experiment b experimental c experimentally d experimentalize It is the most _ film I have ever seen a fright b frighten c frightened d frightening It is very _ to live in a damp room a health b healthy c healthily d unhealthy He promised to come but he’s very _ a rely b reliable c reliably d unreliable How much you _ a weight b weigh c weightless d weightlessness Magnets will _ most metals a attraction b attract c attractive d attractively His _ has not improved much a behave b behavior c behaved d behaving 10 She is extremely _ about the history of art a know b knowledge c knowledgeable d knowledgeably 11 He owes his _ largely to his sense of humor a popular b popularity c popularly d popularize 12 As she is so _ with her present job, she’s decided to leave a satisfaction b satisfactory c satisfactorily d dissatisfied 13 What a very _ old man he is! a learn b learning c learned d to learn 14 Traveling in big city is becoming more _ everyday a trouble b troublesome c troubling d troubler 15 Less public transport is now available because of the _ of staff a short b shortly c shorten d shortage 16 Because of the volume of traffic local councils are forced to give _ for more roads to be constructed a permit b permission c permissive d permissively 17 _, many houses have to be demolished to make ways for the roads a Fortune b Fortunate c fortunately d unfortunately 18 She felt a sense of _ when her friend went to live abroad a lose b loss c loser d losing 19 You need a lot of _ to be a teacher a patient b patience c impatience d impatient 20 I’m afraid you aren’t suitably _ for the job a qualification b qualified c qualify d qualifying 21 The weather will be bright with _ showers skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 19 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school a occasion b occasional 22 Most birds _ in the winter a migratory b migrate Answer Key: c b b d d d 12 d 13 c 14 b 15 d 16 b 17 d 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 c occasionally d occasions c migration d migrator b b b 10 c 11 b 18 b 19 b 20 b 21 b 22 b WORD FORMATION Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets: MOUNTAIN They live in a _ area in the north- east of the country COURAGE She received a lot of _ from her friends The _ situation in that country is getting worse and ECONOMY worse POLLUTE We must learn about keeping the environment _ ELECTRIC The price of _ has gone up again SHORT If it doesn’t rain soon, there will be a great _ of water PRIDE I’m very _ of my father and love him so much PATIENCE Don’t be so _, we have been waiting a few minutes INSPIRE _ is not enough by itself; you must work hard too PRIDE His parents are very _ of him SATISFY If your work is _ , you will get a raise OCEAN David and Mai want to visit an _ institute in Vietnam INJURE He fell off the bike, but his _ were not serious PATIENT She got very angry but later she apologized for her _ SHARP This knife is very blunt It needs _ COMPARE English is a _ easy language for Friend to learn Please, _ our letter of the 14th We have not had a reply KNOW DISASTER Keith’s exam results turned out to be _ SEE There will be no pay rises in the _ future SPEAK Jim is one of the most _ members of the committee REQUIRE What are the entry _ at this university? BRING Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict _ ASSUME I think that your _ about the cost are wrong MEMORY This statue _ the soldiers who dies in the war CONCEIVE The idea that the sun “rises” is a popular _ QUALITY Ruth has gone back to village to get a teaching _ ACCESS The village in the mountains are quite _ during winter BLAME The inquiry decided that the police were not entirely _ CONFIDENCE Sam was accused of stealing some _ documents from the safe You not have to go Your decision must be entirely _ VOLUNTEER ACQUIRE How you like my latest _ for my stamp collection? ’ EVADE The minister gave answer to the interview s questions TRIAL The two prisoners are to be _ next month COMMERCE Most people agree that Christmas has become too _ ’ GRACE The dancer s movements were extremely _ ADMIT The cost of _ to the show is quite reasonable RECOGNIZE Bill was given a medal in _ of his services APPLY All _ must be received before July 20th 1994 IDENTITY Karenna and Cathina are _ twins OCCUPY You look rather _ Are you worried about something? UNDERSTAND I’m sure that the whole problem is a simple _ skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 20 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Going swimming everyday would have very _ effects It’s much more _ to buy large size packets My ankle is really _ and I can’t walk easily The government’s _ approach has brought criticism The meeting adopted a _ calling for Smith to resign When Jane made up for a play, she was _ Davis isn’t really a friend, only an _ I thought the test was _ easy, actually There was a _ between a lorry and two cars Te pain became _ during the night so I called the doctor Professor Smith has joined the company in an capacity I cant put up with your _ complaining Visitors complained about the _ in the old museum The government have taken a _ decision to ban motor bicycles Mr Maxdell stated that the _ against him were unfounded Little Jimmy has been a bit _ today You can not enter the country without the _ documents The evidence in this case is entirely _ 60 The failure of this scheme would have serious _ 61 There is a _ living-room, with French windows 62 Have you read the latest _ about Madonna’s private life BENEFIT ECONOMY SWELL COMPROMINE RESOLVE RECOGNIZE ACQUAINT COMPARE COLLIDE ENDURE ADVICE CEASE ORGANIZE CONTROVERSY ALLEGE TROUBLE REQUIRE CIRCUMSTANCE IMPLY SPACE REVEAL skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 21 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 communication official mountainous encouragement economic unpolluted electricity shortage proud impatient inspiration proud satisfactory oceanic injuries impatience 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 sharpening comparatively acknowledge disastrous foreseeable outspoken requirements upbringing assumption commemorates misconception qualification inaccessible blameless confidential voluntary 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 acquisition evasive tried commercialized graceful admission recognition applications identical preoccupied misunderstanding beneficial economical swollen uncompromising resolution 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 unrecognizable acquaintance comparatively collision unendurable advisory ceaseless controversial allegation troublesome requisite circumstantial implication spacious skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 22 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school PART IV: RESULT At the beginning of the school-year 2017 -2018 Classes 11G 11k 10K 11E Students 41 40 42 42 Excellent Good Average Under Average 9→10 % 7→8 % 5→6 % 1→4 % 0 5 11 12 14 13 27 25 23 24 24 61 At the end of the school-year 2017 – 2018 Classes Students Excellent 9→10 % Good 7→8 Average % 5→6 % 11G 41 21 10 26 17 39 11k 40 15 22 19 48 10K 42 16 21 20 47 11E 42 21 11 26 19 46 Học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh năm học 2017 – 2018: giải nhì, giải ba, giải kk xếp thứ toàn tỉnh Under Average 1→4 % 12 15 16 PART V: CONCLUSION "Knowing some common prefixes and suffixes (affixes), base words, and root words can help students learn the meanings of many new words." The sense of curiosity of students toward the words parts and segments is very important However, how to activate this sense of curiosity is more challenging The study investigated whether the learning vocabulary through word formation strategy could affect on vocabulary learning the word formation to develop vocablary for grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school In brief this research showed that the students who received the special treatment with word formation strategy performed much better than the students who were instructed with conventional strategies in the posttest Xác nhận hiệu trưởng trường THPT Mai Anh Tuấn Thanh hóa, ngày 22 tháng 05 năm 2018 Tơi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, không chéo skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 23 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school nội dung người khác Người viết SKKN Lê Hồng Phong Appendix: LISTS OF WORD FORMATION The following list does not include the adjectives derived from participle forms of verbs e.g (verb) interest (adjective) interesting /interested nor does the list include the adverbs derived by adding suffix "-ly" at the end of adjectives eg (adjective) deep (adverb)deeply VERBS NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB enable ability able unable ably absence absentee absent accident accidental accommodate accomodation acknowledge acknowledgement act action activity activist actress actor active inactive activate activation add addition additive additional additive adequacy inadequacy adequate inadequate admire admiration admirable admirably advantage disadvantage advantageous disadvantageous advertise advertisement admit admission admittance adopt adoption advise advice advisability advisable inadvisable advertiser skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 24 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school advisably affection affectionate affect agree agreeable alcohol inadvisably unaffectionate effect effective ineffective disagree agreement disagreement disagreeable agreeably disagreeably alcoholic alcoholically REFERENCES [1] Redman, S 2000 English vocabulary in use: pre-intermediate and intermediate : 100 units of vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use: Cambridge University Press [2] Nunan, D 1991 Language teaching methodology: a textbook for teachers: Prentice Hall [3] Clark, E.V 1995 The lexicon in acquisition: Cambridge University Press [4] Celce-Murcia, M 2001 Teaching English as a second or foreign language: Heinle & Heinle [5] Chastain, K 1988 Developing second-language skills: theory and practice: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [6] Algeo, J 1993 Fifty years among the new words: a dictionary of neologisms, 1941-1991: Cambridge University Press [7] 2011 International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics IPEDR vol.26 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore [8] Tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12 – Nhà xuất Giáo dục Việt Nam [9] Bài tập bổ trợ nâng cao tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12 – Nguyễn Thị Chi + Nguyễn Hữu Cương – Nhà xuất Giáo dục Việt Nam skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 25 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Using the word formation to develop vocablary for the grade 11 gifted students at Mai Anh Tuan high school [10] Bài tập tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12 – Nhà xuất Giáo dục Việt Nam [11] Bài tập tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12 – Mai Lan Hương + Nguyễn Thanh Loan – Nhà xuất Đà Nẵng [12] Ôn tập kiểm tra trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh 10 – Võ Thị Thuý Anh Đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học, Sáng kiến kinh nghiệmcua cá nhân Tên đề tài Sáng kiến Năm Xếp Số, ngày, tháng, năm cấp loại định công nhận, quan ban hành QĐ Thiết kế dạy tiếng Anh phần 2010 B mềnmPowerpoint Số 12, ngày 5/1/2010 – Giám đốc sở GD&ĐT Thanh hóa Một số cách sử dụng hiệu Classroom Enghlish 2011 B học Tiếng Anh Số 539, ngày 18/10/2011 – Giám đốc sở GD&ĐT Thanh hóa Một số phương pháp sử dụng hoạt động nhóm 2012 B Số 871, ngày 18/12/2012 – giời học Tiếng Anh Giám đốc sở GD&ĐT Thanh hóa Mốt tập giúp học sinh nhớ cách dùng câu điều 2013 B Hiệu trưởng trường THPT kiện lớp 11 Using of the pic tures to improve my grade 11 Mai Anh Tuấn 2015 B Số 988, ngày 3/11/2015 – students’s listening comprehension Giám đốc sở GD&ĐT Thanh hóa Using cooperative learning to motivate the 10th 2016 B Số 972, ngày 24/11/2016 – form students at Mai Anh Tuan high school Giám đốc sở GD&ĐT skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school Prepared by: Le Hong Phong - Mai Anh Tuan High School - 2018 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 26 skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school skkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.schoolskkn.moi.nhat.using.the.word.formation.to.develop.vocablary.for.the.grade.11.gifted.students.at.mai.anh.tuan.high.school

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2024, 03:45

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