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Skkn helping 11th students at mai anh tuan high school to write better argumentative essays through the application of the genre based approach

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TABLE OF CONTENTS I Abstract II Aims of the Research Research Questions Definitions of terms 2.1 Definition of a genre 2.2 Definition of an argumentative essay III Rationale and Justification of the Research IV Literature review V Methodology and Research Schedule Research Design Independent and Dependent Variables Data Collection Procedure 3.1 Selection of Subjects 3.2 Data Collection Plan 3.2.1 Lesson Plans 3.2.2 Teacher’s Diary 3.2.3 Samples of Students’ Work 3.2.4 Questionnaires 3.2.5 Writing Tests 3.3 Data Analysis 3.3.1 Quantitative Method 3.3.2 Qualitative Method 3.4 Research Procedure Research Schedule VI Expected findings and Closing Remarks 1.Suggestions Here are some examples Result REFERENCES Appendixes page 1 2 4 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 skkn I Abstract It is evident that writing is the most challenging skill for EFL learners How to help our students tackle their writing tasks would seem to prey on all EFL teachers Since the day I realised my dream of being a teacher and became aware of my students’ weaknesses in writing skill, particularly writing argumentative essays, I have been nursing an ambition to help them conquer these weaknesses Thanks to the valuable studying time at Regional Language Centre in Singapore, I have been enlightened with many practical teaching methods, which can help to make a difference in my teaching career Among these is the genre-based approach to teaching writing whose application is expected to help my students write better argumentative essays as this approach gives students sufficient scaffolding to enable them to produce pieces of writing which are linguistically accurate and structurally appropriate and hence mould them into more confident writers who can utilise writing as a means of persuasion to gain readers’ adherence to their point of view It is hoped that the action research on ‘Helping 11th students at Mai Anh Tuan high school to write better argumentative essays through the application of the genre-based approach’ can culminate in ‘one giant leap’ for my beloved students II Aims of the Research Research Questions 1.1 To what extent does the application of the genre-based approach to teaching writing help to improve my students’ argumentative essays? 1.2 What are my students’ attitudes towards the genre-based approach? Definitions of terms 2.1 Definition of a genre Swale (1990, p.58) defines a genre as ‘a class of communicative events, the member of which share some sets of communicative purposes These purposes are recognised by the expert members of the parent discourse community, and skkn thereby constitute the rationale for the genre This rationale shapes the schematic structure of the discourse and influences and constrains choice of content and style.’ As pointed out by his definition, each piece of writing serves a particular communicative purpose within a certain social context and is governed by rules or conventions 2.2 Definition of an argumentative essay ‘The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.’ (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/05) III Rationale and Justification of the Research Since its foundation 35 years ago, Mai Anh Tuan high school has always been prestigious for its achievements of academic excellence Our tenacity in the pursuit of academic excellence and character development has nurtured millions of students into well-rounded individuals and upright citizens, who have made remarkable contributions to the building of our province and our nation as well For twenty seven years’ working as a teacher of English at Mai Anh Tuan High School , I have been assigned to teach English-gifted students as well as train the best of them for Examinations for the English at the provincial and national levels The provincial Test for English-gifted Students, which takes place every year, consists of four parts, namely Listening, Lexico-Grammar, Reading and Writing Transforming sentences, describing a graph or table and writing an argumentative essay are comprised of the writing part To my students, it is writing an argumentative essay that is the hardest nut to crack Being aware of their struggle with this type of essay and its pivotal role in determining my students’ examination results, I have harboured a burning desire to help my students to write better argumentative essays Argumentative essays require students to utilise their higher-order thinking skills to argue for a certain point of view and have the reader adopt their viewpoint and/ or take a particular action skkn Students’ weaknesses in writing argumentative essays lie in the fact that they are unfamiliar with the genre they are asked to write Thus, they merely end up in listing ideas which may be grammatically accurate but jump all over the place and hence fail to achieve the communicative purpose of the genre Therefore, familiarising students with the genre to help them master its schematic structure and language features can give rise to their better writing products as learning how to write takes place through analysis and imitation of modals provided (Badger and White, 2000, p.156) As such, my choice of the genre-based approach to teaching writing shows great promise in helping my students to write better argumentative essays IV Literature review Among the four communicative skills, writing is considered the most challenging one, especially to EFL learners Therefore, a variety of approaches to the teaching of writing have been introduced and applied to facilitate the writing classes Although there are a great number of such approaches, three of which are cited for their prominence in teaching writing They include the product approach, the process approach and the genre-based approach As a matter of fact, each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for a particular context of learning and teaching EFL Nonetheless, this action research will largely focus on the genre-based approach and its application in the teaching of writing argumentative essays to EFL learners According to functional linguists, language is a social phenomenon and is shaped by the purposes to which it is put and the audiences to which it is addressed Hence, there exist various genres, each of which has its own structural features, that is the organizational structure and linguistic features according to its communicative purpose As stated by Badger and White (2000, p.156), in the genre-based approach, writing is seen as essentially concerned with the knowledge of language and as being attached to a social purpose and learning how to write takes place through analysis and imitation of modals provided Accordingly, thanks to the application of the genre-based approach in teaching skkn writing, we can help EFL students to minimise the difficulties of limited language proficiency and to logically organise their ideas by activating their prior knowledge on writing experiences when they are asked to produce a piece of writing in a familiar genre Furthermore, being aware of the rhetorical goals can ensure more persuasive writing This application is particularly beneficial in the case of argumentative essays where students as writers are expected to utilise their knowledge on the issue under discussion to take sides and persuade the reader to adopt their viewpoint through sound reasoning and solid evidence In conclusion, it is my belief that the genre-based approach is beneficial to the teaching of writing argumentative essays in that it shows learners what to write linguistically; helps them to master the structural features and, most importantly, enables them to utilize writing as a means of persuasion to gain readers’ adherence to their point of view V Methodology and Research Schedule Research Design Research questions Research Subjects instruments Tools of analysis To what extent does Teacher’s English 11th Frequency the application of the lesson plans graders at Mai count genre-based approach Teacher’s diary Anh Tuan High Percentage help to improve my Pre-test School for the Critical students’ Samples of Gifted Discourse argumentative essays? students’ work Age: 17 Analysis What are my Post-test Sample size: 84 students’ attitudes Questionnaires towards the genrebased approach? skkn Independent and Dependent Variables [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point You can position the text box anywhere in the document Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull Students’ quote text box.] The application of the genre- argumentative based approach essays to teaching writing Operational definition Operational definition - Teacher applies the genre-based approach to teach students to write argumentative essays - Students write better argumentative essays This is measured largely by the pre-test and posttest Data Collection Procedure 3.1 Selection of Subjects My choice of one English-gifted 11th class as the subjects of my action research stems from the following reasons - They have been my students since they started high school, so we have got to know each other well enough to make every lesson go smoothly - There still exists a gap to bridge between the curriculum requirements and students’ writing skills, especially their writing of argumentative essays - The best of them will be chosen to represent the school to take part in the National Examination for the English-gifted Of all the exercises in this examination paper, it is writing an argumentative essay that my students find the most challenging Therefore, I have been desirous to ease their burden and to get better examination results skkn 3.2 Data Collection Plan For the sake of research findings, sources of requisite data are listed as follows: 3.2.1 Lesson Plans One of the indispensable instruments to undertake this action research is lesson plans There will be eight lesson plans, all of which are carefully prepared by the researcher using the genre-based approach 3.2.2 Teacher’s Diary Keeping a diary after the delivery of each lesson helps the teacher to record the overall impression of the lesson and point out both the strong points and the shortcomings of the lesson Then pedagogic implications can be drawn to better the subsequent lesson plans 3.2.3 Samples of Students’ Work At the end of each lesson, the students’ writing products will be collected to mark and analyse for the sake of keeping track of their progress and the extent of improvements on students’ writing argumentative essays the approach can make through each lesson 3.2.4 Questionnaires The Likert Scale questionnaires will be designed to know my students’ attitudes and my colleagues’ towards the genre-based approach It will be administrated and after the post-test 3.2.5 Writing Tests Both the pre-test and the post-test are to ask students to write an argumentative essay under time pressure of 40 minutes The writing products of the pre-test will be marked and analysed to detect what hinders the students’ skkn ability to write argumentative essays The scores of both the tests will be recorded and compared to chart their progress 3.3 Data Analysis The following methods are employed in order to interpret the data 3.3.1 Quantitative Method I will have two senior colleagues of mine to mark the students’ pre-test and post-test based on the marking scheme provided The scores of both tests will be recorded and compared by dint of frequency count and percentage This method will also be used for analysis of information from the questionnaires 3.3.2 Qualitative Method For a closer view of the problems facing my students in writing argumentative essays, critical discourse analysis of their writing test papers will be utilised The students’ work samples after each writing lesson during the research will also be analysed by dint of critical discourse analysis to keep track of the students’ progress in writing argumentative essays, which will aid in the final evaluation of students’ improvements 3.4 Research Procedure The following flow chart will reveal the collection of data for this action research skkn ENGLISH 11TH GRADERS OF MAI ANH TUAN HIGH SCHOOL WRITING PRE-TEST THE APPLICATION OF GENRE-BASED APPROACH WRITING POST-TEST COMPARING THE RESULTS OF THE TWO TESTS QUESTIONNAIRES FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS skkn Research Schedule Number Activities Time to carry out Preparing and administrating the pre-test September, 2021, week 2 Marking the test based on the marking September, 2021, week scheme provided and recording the scores Analysing the problems facing students in September, 2021, week writing argumentative essays through critical discourse analysis of the pretest and the questionnaire Teaching argumentative essays based on October and November, the genre based approach 2021 Preparing and administrating the post - December, 2021, week test Comparing and analyzing the results of December, 2021 week the pre-test and the post-test Designing and administrating the December, 2021 week questionnaires Writing a report on the findings and December, 2021 week conclusion VI Expected findings and Closing Remarks Through the action research, I seek to find out how well the application of the genre-based approach works in helping my students to write better argumentative essays Moreover, I would like to know my students’ attitudes and my colleagues’ towards this approach The action research will sample one English 11th class at Mai Anh Tuan High School for the Gifted I am sanguine that I will enjoy the support of the school boards of governors and all of my colleagues as well as the cooperation of my students when I conduct the action research, which can aid in making it a success Painstaking as the research is, it would have limitations as it is intended for English-gifted students, especially those who are eligible for the National skkn 10 Examination for the English-gifted Nonetheless, it is hoped to be a source of reference to all who share interest in this field 1.Suggestions From the study, I would like to give some suggestions for the teachers, for the students in my school and other schools in Thanh Hoa province can use it more popularly in teaching reading comprehension Here are some examples ESSAY WRITING TASK 1: “Women are equal to men”, you agree with this statement? Write an essay of about 250 words about this topic MODEL INDRODUCTION The thesis statement (a kind of minoutline for the essay) – the ideas It is said that women hold up half the sky and I want to make this simpler: women are equal to men Thus, it is time for us to recognize that women have the ability to many things like men, women play an important role in society and women are created equal to men BODY The primary role of a woman is as a The topic sentence wife and a mother However, the wife and the mother can many things as the husband and the father can Women can be politicians, soldiers, doctors, university professors, or (Examples) scientists After all, we have had so many great women such as Cleopatra, Amelia Earheart, Marie Curie and Margaret Thatcher and some great Vietnamese women are Ba Trung, Ba Trieu, Ng Thi Dinh, Phan Nu Diem Hang And so on These women are always highly valued for their great talents BODY Another reason for women’s The topic sentence equality to men is that they play an important role in society The home (The argument) is our “first school” and every home skkn Getting the reader’s interest What the writing is going to be about  The first idea (The most important/ strongest one)  The second idea 11 has a woman in it As a result, we can have no good citizen without good homes Thus nobody can deny the women’s contribution to the development of society BODY Finally, we all know that all people are The topic sentence created equal, regardless of their sex, color and race Both men and women (The argument) have the same rights and position in society They also have the same responsibilities for themselves, families and society Conclusion In conclusion, it is the time for us to (A summary of the recognize the equality of women all three main points over the world I am a girl and if I from the body of could choose my gender, I would still the essay) choose to be a girl because women are equal to men in ability, roles in society and the recreation  The third (last) idea.(The weakest, least important idea) A restatement of the thesis statement - a final statement that gives readers signals that the discussion has come to an end TASK Computers may be considered the most important tool in modern society Do you agree? Write an essay of about 250 words about this topic A Generating ideas: - Why is computer the most important tool in modern society? (What are the advantages of the computer?) - Why isn’t the computer the most important tool in modern society? (What are the advantages of the computer?) - Balanced: The computer has both advantages and disadvantages Agree (advantages) - using for listening to music Disagree (Disadvantages) - using skkn too Balance (advantages and disadvantages) much 12 - accessing information playing games chatting drawing storing information booking rooms, tickets communicating with people all over the world getting information about every field working better, more effectively shopping via the Internet Making friends with people all over the world Etc - - power too expensive to buy lack of contact with other people causing some health problems such as stress, backache and eye damaging Etc B Organization (logical organization) - Order of time (time order): items, events; ideas are arranged in the order in which they occur - Order of importance: + General  specific order + Specific  general order + Most familiar  less familiar + Simplest  most complex + Order of frequency Etc - useful tool for working and studying - important to get up-todate information - a form of entertainment  Three points to discuss - costing a lot of money - advantages - making people lonely - disadvantages - causing some health problems  Three discuss points to  Two discuss points to Result At the beginning of the school-year 2021-2022 Classes Students Excellent Good skkn Average Under 13 11A 11k 45 42 9→1 % 7→8 % 5→6 % 5 11 12 27 At the end of the school-year 2021 – 2022 Classes Students Excellent Good 11A 11k 45 42 9→1 11 Average Average 1→4 % 25 23 61 Under Average % 7→8 % 5→6 % 1→4 % 21 15 13 11 26 22 17 19 39 48 12 15 Kết học sinh giỏi tỉnh Năm học Tổng số giải hs giỏi tỉnh 2019 - 2020 Không thi 2020 - 2021 giải ( nhì, ba, 1kk) 2021 - 2022 giải ( nhì, ba, 1kk) Thanh hóa, ngày 26 tháng 05 năm 2022 Xác nhận hiệu trưởng Tôi xin cam đoan SKKN trường THPT Mai Anh Tuấn viết, khơng chéo nội dung người khác Người viết SKKN Lê Hồng Phong REFERENCES skkn 14 Badger, R and White, G (2000) A process genre approach to teaching writing ELT Journal Volume 54/2 Oxford: Oxford University Press Bruce, I (2008) Academic Writing and Genre London: Continuum Chandrasegaran, A and Kum, K T (2008) Teaching Expository Writing Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education Greetham, B (2001) How to Write Better Essays New York: Palgrave Leki, I (1998) Academic Writing: Exploring Processes and Strategies Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Nation, I.S.P (2009) Teaching ESL/ EFL Reading and Writing New York: Routledge Swale, F (1990) Genre Analysis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Wendy, B and Ostrom, H (1997) Genre and Writing Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook Publishers Website: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/05/ Appendix Marking Scheme for Essay Writing skkn 15 Bands Criteria 26-30 Ideas – very substantial, very relevant and very logical All ideas are well developed and supported Organisation of ideas is very coherent and well-organised Very adequate paragraphing with very appropriate topic and supportive sentences Very smooth flow of ideas with excellent use of cohesive devices Language – Excellent command of English Very frequent use of excellent complex sentences without any errors An impressive range of appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic language is used Evident display of impressive creativity and flair throughout the writing 21-25 Ideas – substantial, relevant and logical Most ideas or arguments - well developed and supported Organism of ideas is generally coherent and well-organised Adequate paragraphing with appropriate topic and supportive sentences Smooth flow of ideas with good use of cohesive devices Language – Good command of English Frequent use of complex sentences with occasional minor errors A wide range of appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic language is used Good display of creativity and flair throughout the writing 16-20 Ideas – reasonably substantial, relevant and fairly logical Some ideas or arguments – well developed and supported Organism of ideas is satisfactorily coherent Flow of ideas is occasionally hindered by paragraphs with inappropriate topic and supportive sentences Satisfactory use of cohesive devices Language – Satisfactory command of English Frequent use of complex sentences with rather frequent minor errors and occasional gross errors are evident A satisfactory range of appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic language is used Satisfactory display of creativity and flair in most part of the writing 11-15 Ideas – fairly substantial, occasionally irrelevant and lack of logic Some ideas or arguments lack elaboration and support Organisation of ideas is generally weak Flow of ideas is evidently impeded with one or two weak paragraphs Occasional inappropriate topic and supportive sentences Fair use of cohesive devices Language – Fair command of English Frequent use of compound sentences Complex sentences are few with frequent minor errors and occasional gross errors A fair range of appropriate vocabulary Limited use of idiomatic language Occasional display of creativity and flair in writing Generally, a conventional way of writing 6-10 Ideas – inadequate, frequently irrelevant and illogical Many ideas or arguments lack elaboration and support Organisation of ideas is evidently weak Flow of ideas is evidently erratic and awkward Most paragraphs are poor with frequent inappropriate topic and supportive sentences Weak use of cohesive devices Language – Weak command of English Mostly compound or simple sentences are used Complex sentences are hardly used Frequent gross errors A limited range of vocabulary Hardly any use of idiomatic language Hardly any display of creativity and flair in writing 0–5 Ideas – barely adequate, irrelevant and lack of logic Little/ no evidence of ability to put forth ideas Coherence is absent in text Very poor command of English Numerous errors impeding fluency of communication No creativity at all skkn 16

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