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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Boundary Value Problems Volume 2007, Article ID 47218, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2007/47218 Research Article Existence and Multiplicity Results for Degenerate Elliptic Equations with Dependence on the Gradient Leonelo Iturriaga and Sebastian Lorca Received 17 October 2006; Revised 2 January 2007; Accepted 9 February 2007 Recommended by Shujie Li We study the existence of positive solutions for a class of degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations with gradient dependence. For this purpose, we combine a blowup argument, the strong maximum principle, and Liouville-type theorems to obtain a priori estimates. Copyright © 2007 L. Iturriaga and S. Lorca. This is an open access article dist ributed un- der the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distri- bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction We consider the following nonvariational problem: − Δ m u = f (x, u,∇u) − a(x)g(u,∇u)+τ in Ω, u = 0on∂Ω,(P) τ where Ω is a bounded domain with smooth boundary of R N , N ≥ 3. Δ m denotes the usual m-Laplacian operators, 1 <m<N and τ ≥ 0. We will obtain a priori estimate to positive solutions of problem (P) τ under certain conditions on the functions f , g, a. This result implies nonexistence of positive solutions to τ large enough. Also we are interested in the existence of a positive solutions to problem (P) 0 , which does not have a clear variational structure. To avoid this difficulty, we make use of the blow-up method over the solutions to problem (P) τ , which have been employed very often to obtain a priori estimates (see, e.g., [1, 2]). This analysis allows us to apply a result due to [3], which is a variant of a Rabinowitz bifurcation result. Using this result, we obtain the existence of positive solutions. Throughout our work, we will assume that the nonlinear ities f and g satisfy the fol- lowing conditions. (H 1 ) f : Ω × R × R N → R is a nonnegative continuous function. (H 2 ) g : R × R N → R is a nonnegative continuous function. 2 Boundary Value Problems (H 3 ) There exist L>0andc 0 ≥ 1suchthatu p − L|η| α ≤ f (x,u,η) ≤ c 0 u p + L|η| α for all (x, u,η) ∈ Ω × R × R N ,wherep ∈ (m−1,m ∗ −1) and α ∈ (m− 1, mp/(p+ 1)). Here, we denote m ∗ = m(N − 1)/(N − m). (H 4 ) There exist M>0, c 1 ≥ 1, q>p,andβ ∈ (m − 1,mp/(p +1)) such that |u| q − M|η| β ≤ g(u,η) ≤ c 1 |u| q + M|η| β for all (u,η) ∈ R × R N . We also assume the following hypotheses on the function a. (A 1 ) a : Ω → R is a nonnegative continuous function. (A 2 ) There is a subdomain Ω 0 with C 2 -boundary so that Ω 0 ⊂ Ω, a ≡ 0inΩ 0 ,and a(x) > 0forx ∈ Ω \ Ω 0 . (A 3 ) We assume that the function a has the following b ehavior near to ∂Ω 0 : a(x) = b(x)d  x, ∂Ω 0  γ , (1.1) x ∈ Ω \ Ω 0 ,whereγ is positive constant and b(x) is a positive continuous func- tion defined in a small neighborhood of ∂Ω 0 . Observe that particular situations on the nonlinearities have been considered by many authors. For instance, when a ≡ 0and f verifies (H 3 ), Ruiz has proved that the problem (P) 0 has a bounded positive solution (see [2] and reference therein). On the other hand, when f (x,u,η) = u p and g(x,u,η) = u q , q>pand m<p,anda ≡ 1, a multiplicity of results was obtained by Takeuchi [4] under the restriction m>2. Later, Dong and Chen [5] improve the result because they established the result for all m>1. We notice that the Laplacian case was studied by Rabinowitz by combining the critical point theory with the Leray-Schauder degree [6]. Then, when m ≥ p, since ( f (x,u) − g(x,u))/u m−1 becomes monotone decreasing for 0 <u, we know that the solution to (P) 0 is unique (as far as it exists) from the D ´ ıaz and Sa ´ a’s uniqueness result (see [7]). For more information about this t ype of logistic problems, see [1, 8–13] and references cited therein. Our main results are the following. Theorem 1.1. Let u ∈ C 1 (Ω) be a positive solution of problem (P) τ . Suppose that the condi- tions (H 1 )–(H 4 )andthehypotheses(A 1 )–(A 3 )aresatisfiedwithγ = m(q − p)/(1 − m + p). Then, there is a positive constant C, depending only on the funct ion a and Ω, s uch that 0 ≤ u(x)+τ ≤ C (1.2) for any x ∈ Ω. Moreover , if γ = m(q − p)/(1 − m + p), then there exists a positive constant c 1 = c 1 (p, α, β,N,c 0 ) such that the conclusion of the theorem is true, provided that inf ∂Ω 0 b(x) >c 1 . Observe that this result implies in particular t hat there is no solution for 0 <τ large enough. By using a variant of a Rabinowitz bifurcation result, we obtain an existence result for positive solutions. Theorem 1.2. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 1.1, the problem (P) 0 hasatleastonepos- itive solution. L. Iturriaga and S. Lorca 3 2. A priori estimates and proof of Theorem 1.1 We will use the following lemma which is an improvement of Lemma 2.4 by Serrin and Zou [14]andwasprovedinRuiz[2]. Lemma 2.1. Let u be a nonnegative weak solution to the inequality −Δ m u ≥ u p − M|∇u| α , (2.1) in a domain Ω ⊂ R N ,wherep>m− 1 and m − 1 ≤ α<mp/(p +1).Takeλ ∈ (0, p) and let B( ·,R 0 ) be a ball of radius R 0 such that B(·,2R 0 ) is included in Ω. Then, the re exists a positive constant C = C(N, m,q,α,λ,R 0 ) such that  B(·,R) u λ ≤ CR (N−mλ)/(p+1−m) , (2.2) for all R ∈ (0,R 0 ]. We will also make use of the following weak Harnack inequality, which was proved by Trudin ger [15]. Lemma 2.2. Let u ≥ 0 be a weak solution to the inequality Δ m u ≤ 0 in Ω.Takeλ ∈ [1,m ∗ − 1) and R>0 such that B(·,2R) ⊂ Ω. Then there exists C = C(N,m,λ) (independent of R) such that inf B(·,R) u ≥ CR −N/λ   B(·,2R) u λ  1/λ . (2.3) The following lemma al lows us to control the parameter τ in the Blow-Up analysis. (See Section 2.1.) Lemma 2.3. Let u beasolutiontotheproblem(P) τ . Then there is a positive constant k 0 which depends only on Ω 0 such that τ ≤ k 0  max x∈Ω u  m−1 . (2.4) Proof. Since u is a positive solution, the inequality holds if τ = 0. Now if τ>0, then from (H 1 )and(A 2 )weget −Δ m u = f (x,u,∇u) − a(x)g(u,∇u)+τ ≥ τ ∀x ∈ Ω 0 . (2.5) Let v be the p ositive solution to −Δ m v = 1inΩ 0 , v = 0on∂Ω 0 (2.6) and w = (τ/2) 1/(m−1) v in Ω 0 , then it follows that −Δ m w = τ/2 < −Δ m u in Ω 0 and u>w on ∂Ω 0 . Thus, using the comparison lemma (see [16]), we obtain u ≥ w in Ω 0 . Therefore, 4 Boundary Value Problems there is a positive constant k 0 such that τ ≤ k 0 u m−1 (2.7) at the maximum point of v and the conclusion follows.  2.1. A priori estimates. We suppose that there is a s equence {(u n ,τ n )} n∈N with u n being a C 1 -solution of (P) τ n such that u n  + τ n −−−→ n→∞ ∞.ByLemma 2.3, we can assume that there exists x n ∈ Ω such that u n (x n ) =u n =: S n −−−→ n→∞ ∞.Letd n := d(x n ,∂Ω), we define w n (y) = S −1 n u n (x), where x = S −θ n y + x n for some positive θ that will be defined later. The functions w n are well defined at least B(0,d n S θ n ), and w n (0) =w n =1. Easy computa- tions show that −Δ m w n (y) = S 1−(θ+1)m n  f  S −θ n y + x n ,S n w n (y),S 1−θ n ∇w n (y)  − a  S −θ n y + x n  g  S n w n (y),S 1−θ n ∇w n (y)  + τ n  . (2.8) From our conditions on the functions f and g, the right-hand side of (2.8)readsas S 1−(θ+1)m n  f  S −θ n y + x n ,S n w n (y),S 1−θ n ∇w n (y)  − a  S −θ n y + x n  g  S n w n (y),S 1−θ n ∇w n (y)  + τ n  ≤ S 1−(θ+1)m+q n  c 0 S p−q n w n (y) p + MS (1−θ)α−q n   ∇ w n (y)   α − a  S −θ n y + x n   w n (y) q − g 0 S β(1−θ)−q n   ∇ w n (y)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n . (2.9) We note that from Lemma 2.3 we have S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n ≤ c 0 S 1−(θ+1)m n S m−1 n −−−→ n→∞ 0. We split this section into the following three steps according to location of the limit point x 0 of the sequence {x n } n . (1) x 0 ∈ Ω \ Ω 0 . Here, up to subsequence, we may assume that {x n } n ⊂ Ω \ Ω 0 .Wede- fine δ  n = min{dist(x n ,∂Ω),dist(x n ,∂Ω 0 )} and B = B(0,δ  n S θ n ) if dist(x 0 ,∂Ω) > 0, or δ  n = dist(x n ,∂Ω 0 )andB = B(0,δ  n S θ n ) ∩Ω if dist(x 0 ,∂Ω) = 0. Then, w n is well defined in B and satisfies sup y∈B w n (y) = w n (0) = 1. (2.10) Now, taking θ = (q +1− m)/m in (2.9) and applying regularit y theorems for the m- Laplacian operator, we can obtain estimates for w n such that for a subsequence w n → w, locally uniformly, with w be a C 1 -function defined in R N or in a halfspace, if dist(x 0 ,∂Ω) is positive or zero, satisfying −Δ m w ≤−a  x 0  w q , w ≥ 0, w(0) = maxw = 1, (2.11) which is a contradiction with the strong maximum pr inciple (see [17]). L. Iturriaga and S. Lorca 5 (2) x 0 ∈ Ω 0 . In this case, up to subsequence we may assume that {x n } n ⊂ Ω 0 .Letd n = dist(x n ,∂Ω 0 )andθ = (1 + p − m)/m.Then,w n is well defined in B(0,d n S θ n ) and satisfies sup y∈B(0,d n S θ n ) w n (y) = w n (0) = 1. (2.12) On the other hand, for any n ∈ N,wehavea(S −θ n y + x n ) = 0and −Δ m w n (y) = S 1−(θ+1)m n  f  S −θ n y + x n ,S n w n (y),S 1−θ n ∇w n (y)  + τ n  . (2.13) From the hypothesis (H 4 ), −Δ m w n (y) = S 1−(θ+1)m n  f  S −θ n y + x n ,S n w n (y),S 1−θ n ∇w n (y)  + τ n  ≥ w n (y) p − MS α(1−θ)+1−(θ+1)m n   ∇ w n (y)   α + τ n S 1−(θ+1)m n . (2.14) From our choice of the constants α and θ,wehaveα(1 − θ)+1− (θ +1)m = α(2m −(1 + p))/m − p<0, that is, S α(1−θ)+1−(θ+1)m n |∇w n (y)| α and τ n S 1−(θ+1)m n tend to 0 as n goes to ∞. This implies that for a subsequence w n converges to a solution of −Δ m v ≥ v p , v ≥ 0in R N , v(0) = max v = 1. This is a contradiction with [14, Theorem III]. (3) x 0 ∈ ∂Ω 0 . Let δ n = d(x n ,z n ), where z n ∈ ∂Ω 0 . Denote by ν n the unit normal of ∂Ω 0 at z n pointing to Ω \ Ω 0 . Up to subsequences, We may distinguish two cases: x n ∈ ∂Ω 0 for all n or x n ∈ Ω\∂Ω 0 for all n. Case 1 (x n ∈ ∂Ω 0 for all n). In this case, x n = z n .Forε sufficiently small but fixed take x n = z n − εν n . Then we have the following. Claim 1. For any large n we have u n   x n  < S n 4 . (2.15) Proof of Claim 1. In other cases, define for all n sufficiently large, passing to a subsequence if necessary, the following functions w n (y) = S −1 n u n   x n + S −(p+1−m)/m n y  , (2.16) which are well defined at least in B(0,εS (p+1−m)/m n ), w n (0)≥1/4andsup B(0,εS (p+1−m)/m n ) w n ≤1. Arguing as in the previous case x 0 ∈ Ω 0 , we arrive to a contradicti on.  Now, by continuity, for any large n there exist two points in Ω 0 x ∗ n = x n − t ∗ n ν n and x ∗∗ n = x n − t ∗∗ n ν n ,0<t ∗ n <t ∗∗ n <εsuch that u n  x ∗ n  = S n 2 , u n  x ∗∗ n  = S n 4 . (2.17) Claim 2. There exists a number  δ n ∈ (0,min{d(x n ,x ∗ n ),d(x ∗ n ,x ∗∗ n )})suchthatS n /4 < u n (x) <S n for all x ∈ B(x ∗ n ,  δ n ). Moreover, there exists y n satisfying d(x ∗ n , y n ) =  δ n and either u n (y n ) = S n /4orelseu n (y n ) = S n . 6 Boundary Value Problems Proof of Claim 2. Define  δ n = sup{δ>0:S n /4 <u n (x) <S n for all x ∈ B(x ∗ n ,δ)}.Itiseasy to pr ove that  δ n is well defined. Thus, the continuity of u n ensures the existence of y n .  Now we will obtain an estimate from below of  δ n S (p+1−m)/m n . Claim 3. There exists a positive constant c = c(p,α, β,N,c 0 )suchthat  δ n S (p+1−m)/m n ≥ c, (2.18) for any n sufficiently large. Proof of Claim 3. Assume, passing to a subsequence if necessary, that  δ n S (p+1−m)/m n < 1for any n. We have that the functions w n (y) = S −1 n u n (x ∗ n + S −(p+1−m)/m n y)arewelldefinedin B(0,1) for n sufficiently large and satisfy −Δ m w n ≤ c 0 w p n +   ∇  w n   α +   ∇  w n   β . (2.19) Applying Lieberman’s regularity (see [18]), we obtain that there exists a positive con- stant k = k(p, α,β,N,c 0 )suchthat|∇ w n |≤k in B(0,1). Assume for example that u n (y n ) = S n /4. By the generalized mean value theorem, we have 1 4 = 1 2 − 1 4 =  w n (0) − w n  S θ n  y n − x ∗ n  ≤   ∇  w n (ξ)    δ n S θ n . (2.20)  Claim 4. For any n sufficiently large, we have B(x ∗ n ,  δ n ) ⊂ B(x n ,ε). Proof of Claim 4. Take x ∈ B(x ∗ n ,  δ n ), by Claim 2 we get d  x, x n  ≤ d  x, x ∗ n  + d  x ∗ n , x n  <  δ n + d  x ∗ n , x n  ≤ d  x n ,x ∗ n  + d  x ∗ n , x n  = d  x n , x n  ≤ ε. (2.21) So, x ∈ B(x n ,ε). Let λ be a number such that N(p +1 − m)/m < λ < p (this is possible because p< m ∗ − 1). By Claims 3 and 4,andbyLemma 2.2,weget  inf B(x n ,ε/2) u n  λ ≥ cε −N  B(x n ,ε) u λ n ≥  B(x ∗ n ,  δ n ) u λ n ≥ C  δ N n S λ n /4 ≥ C 1 S N(m−1−p)/m+λ n −−−→ n→∞ ∞. (2.22) Therefore, the last inequality tells us that  B(x n ,ε/2) u λ n −−−→ n→∞ ∞, (2.23) which contradicts Lemma 2.1.  Now, we will analyze the other case. L. Iturriaga and S. Lorca 7 Case 2 (x n ∈ Ω\∂Ω 0 for all n). Define 2d = dist( x 0 ,∂Ω) > 0. Since Ω 0 has C 2 -boundary as in [19], we have d  x n + S −θ n y,∂Ω 0  =   δ n + S −θ n ν n · y + o  S −θ n    , a  x n + S −θ n y  = ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ b  x n + S −θ n y  S −γθ n   δ n S θ n + ν n · y + o(1)   γ ,ifx n + S −θ n y ∈ Ω \ Ω 0 , 0, if x n + S −θ n y ∈ Ω 0 . (2.24) We define b n (x n + S −θ n y) = S γθ n a(x n + S −θ n y). For n large enough, w n is well defined in B(0,dS θ n )andweget sup y∈B(0,dS θ n ) w n (y) = w n (0) = 1. (2.25) By (2.9), we obtain −Δ m w n (y) ≤ S 1−(θ+1)m+q n  c 0 S p−q n w n (y) p + MS (1−θ)α−q n   ∇ w n (y)   α − b n  x n + S −θ n y  S −γθ n  w n (y) q − g 0 S β(1−θ)−q n   ∇ w n (y)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n . (2.26) Now we need to consider the following cases. If 0 <γ<m(q − p)/(1 −m + p), we choose θ = (1 − m + q)/(γ + m). We first assume that {δ n S θ n } n∈N is bounded. Up to subsequence, we may assume that δ n S θ n −−−→ n→∞ d 0 ≥ 0, from (2.26)weget −Δ m w n (y) ≤ S γθ n  c 0 S p−q n w n (y) p + MS (1−θ)α−q n   ∇ w n (y)   α − b n  x n + S −θ n y  S −γθ n  w n (y) q − g 0 S β(1−θ)−q n   ∇ w n (y)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n = c 0 S p−q+γθ n w n (y) p + MS γθ+(1−θ)α−q n   ∇ w n (y)   α − b n  x n + S −θ n y   w n (y) q − g 0 S β(1−θ)−q n   ∇ w n (y)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n . (2.27) Thus, up to a subsequence, we may assume that w n converges to a C 1 function w defined in R N and satisfying w ≥ 0, w(0) = maxw = 1inR N ,and −Δ m w(y) ≤ ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ − b  x 0    d 0 + ν 0 · y   γ w q (y), if ν 0 · y>σ, 0, if ν 0 · y<σ, (2.28) where σ =−d 0 if x n ∈ Ω \ Ω 0 or σ = d 0 if x n ∈ Ω 0 and ν 0 is a unitary vector in R N . This is impossible by the strong maximum principles. 8 Boundary Value Problems Suppose now that {δ n S θ n } is unbounded, we may assume that β n = (δ −1 n S −θ n ) γ/m −−−→ n→∞ 0foranyr>0. Let us introduce z = y/β n and v n (z) = w n (β n z), using (2.26)we see that v n satisfies −Δ m v n (z) ≤ β m n S γθ n  c 0 S p−q n v n (z) p + MS (1−θ)α−q n β −α n   ∇ v n (z)   α − b n  x n + S −θ n β n z  S −γθ n  v n (z) q − g 0 S β(1−θ)−q n β −β n   ∇ v n (z)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n = c 0 β m n S γθ+p−q n v n (z) p + MS γθ+(1−θ)α−q n β m−α n   ∇ v n (z)   α − β m n b n  x n + S −θ n β n z   v n (z) q − g 0 S β(1−θ)−q n β m−β n   ∇ v n (z)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n . (2.29) On the other hand, β m n b n  x n + S −θ n β n z  = b  x n + S −θ n β n z  1+β (m+γ)/γ n ν n · z + o  β m/γ n  γ −−−→ n→∞ b  x 0  . (2.30) Thus, since γ<m(q − p)/(1 − m + p) and our choice of θ and β n , it is easy to see that S γθ+p−q n , S γθ+(1−θ)α−q n β m−α n and S β(1−θ)−q n β m−β n tend to 0 as n goes to +∞. Therefore, we obtain a limit function v that satisfies −Δ m v ≤−b(x 0 )v q , v ≥ 0, v(0) = maxv = 1inR N which is again impossible. If γ = m(q − p)/(1 − m + p), in this case, by our assumptions on the function b,we obtain for θ = (1 − m + p)/m −Δ m w n (y) ≤ c 0 w n (y) p + MS (1−θ)α−p n   ∇ w n (y)   α − b n  x n + S −θ n y   w n (y) q − g 0 S β(1−θ)−q n   ∇ w n (y)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n . (2.31) Arguing as in the proof of Claim 3 in the above case x n ∈ ∂Ω 0 for all n,wemayassume that δ n S n θ ≥ d 0 = d 0 (p, α,β,N,c 0 ) > 0. Therefore, the limit w of the sequence w n satisfies −Δ m w(y) ≤ c 0 w(y) p − b  x 0    d 0 −   ν 0 · y + o(1)     γ w(y) q . (2.32) Now, evaluating in x = 0, the last inequality reads as −Δ m w(0) ≤ c 0 − b  x 0  d γ 0 < 0, (2.33) provided that b(x 0 ) >c 0 /d γ 0 . This contradicts the strong maximum principle. If γ>m(q − p)/(1 −m + p), we choose θ = (p − m +1)/m,thenweget −Δ m w n (y) ≥ w n (y) p − MS (1−θ)α−p n   ∇ w n (y)   α − S q−p−γθ n b n  x n + S −θ n y   g 1 w n (y) q + g 2 S β(1−θ)−q n   ∇ w n (y)   β  + S 1−(θ+1)m n τ n . (2.34) L. Iturriaga and S. Lorca 9 Arguing as seen before, that is, {δ n S −θ n } is whether bounded or unbounded, we obtain that the limit equation of the last inequality becomes −Δ m v ≥ v p , v ≥ 0inR N , v(0) = max v = 1, (2.35) which is a contradiction with [14, Theorem III]. 3. Proof of Theorem 1.2 The following result is due to Azizieh and Cl ´ ement (see [3]). Lemma 3.1. Let R + := [0,+∞) and let (E,·) be a real Banach space. Let G : R + × E → E be continuous and map bounded subsets on relatively compact subsets. Suppose moreover that G satisfies the following: (a) G(0,0) = 0, (b) there exists R>0 such that (i) u ∈ E, u≤R,andu = G(0,u) imply that u = 0, (ii) deg(Id −G(0,·),B(0,R),0) = 1. Let J denote the set of the solutions to the problem u = G(t,u)(P) in R + × E.LetC denote the component (closed connected maximal subset with respect to the inclusion) of J to which (0,0) belongs. Then if C ∩  {0}×E  =  (0,0)  , (3.1) then C is unbounded in R + × E. Proof of Theorem 1.2. First, we consider the following problem: −Δ m u = f  x, u + ,∇u +  − a(x) g  u + ,∇u +  + τ in Ω, u = 0on∂Ω, (P) + τ and let u be a nontrivial solution to the problem above, then u is nonnegative and so is solution for the problem (P) τ . In fact, suppose that U ={x ∈ Ω : u(x) < 0} is nonempty. Then u is a weak solution to −Δ m u = τ ≥ 0inU, u = 0on∂U. (3.2) Using Lemma 2.3,weobtainthatu(x) ≥ 0, which is a contradiction with the definition of U. Consider T : L ∞ (Ω) → C 1 (Ω) as the unique weak solution T(v)totheproblem −Δ m T(v) = v in Ω, T(v) = 0on∂Ω. (3.3) It is well known that the function T is continuous and compact (e.g., see [3, Lemma 1.1]). 10 Boundary Value Problems Next, denote by G(τ,u): =T( f (x,u + ,∇u + ) −a(x)g(u + ,∇u + )+τ), then G : R + × C 1 (Ω) → C 1 (Ω) is continuous and compact. Now, we will verify the hypotheses of Lemma 3.1. It is clear that G(0,0) = 0. On the other hand, consider the compact homotopy H(λ,u): [0,1] × C 1 (Ω) → C 1 (Ω)givenbyH(λ,u) = u − λG(0,u). We will show that if u is a nontrivial solution to H(λ,u) = 0, then u >R>0. (3.4) This fact implies that condition (i) of (b) holds. Moreover, (3.4) also implies that deg(H(λ, ·)B(0,R), 0) is well defined since there is not solution on ∂B(0,R). By the in- variance property of the degree, we have deg  Id −λG(0,·), B(0,R), 0  = deg  Id, B(0,R),0  = 1, ∀λ ∈ (0,1] (3.5) and (ii) of (b) h olds. In order to prove (3.4), note that H(λ,u) = 0 implies that u is a solution to the problem −Δ m u = λ  f  x, u + ,∇u +  − a(x) g  u + ,∇u +  in Ω, u = 0on∂Ω. (3.6) Multiplying (3.6)byu, integrating over Ω the equation obtained, and applying H ¨ older’s and Poincare’s inequalities, we have that  Ω |∇u| m ≤ c 0  Ω u p+1 + M 1   Ω |∇u| α u +  Ω |∇u| β u  ≤ C   Ω |∇u| m  (p+1)/m + M 1   Ω |∇u| m  α/m   Ω u m/(m−α)  (m−α)/m + M 1   Ω |∇u| m  β/m   Ω u m/(m−β)  (m−β)/m ≤ C   Ω |∇u| m  (p+1)/m + C 1   Ω |∇u| m  (α+1)/m + C 1   Ω |∇u| m  (β+1)/m . (3.7) This inequalit y implies that  Ω |∇u| m >c>0. Hence, we have u >R>0. Now, we note that Theorem 1.1 and C 1,ρ estimates imply that the component C which contains (0,0) is bounded. So, applying Lemma 3.1,weobtainthat C ∩ ({0}×C 1 (Ω)) = (0,0). Therefore, we have a positive solution u to the problem (P) 0 .  Acknowledgments The first author would like to thank the hospitality of Departamento de Matem ´ aticas, Universidad de Tarapac ´ a. He also wants to thank Professors Heriberto Roman and Yurilev [...]...L Iturriaga and S Lorca 11 Chalco for their comments and the fruitful discussions The first author was partially supported by FONDECYT no 3060061 and FONDAP Matem´ ticas Aplicadas, Chile The a second author was supported by FONDECYT no 1051055 References [1] W Dong, “A priori estimates and existence of positive solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation,” Journal of the London Mathematical Society,... estimates and existence of positive solutions for strongly nonlinear problems,” Journal of Differential Equations, vol 199, no 1, pp 96–114, 2004 [3] C Azizieh and P Cl´ ment, “A priori estimates and continuation methods for positive solutions e of p-Laplace equations, ” Journal of Differential Equations, vol 179, no 1, pp 213–245, 2002 [4] S Takeuchi, “Positive solutions of a degenerate elliptic equation with. .. 2002 [15] N S Trudinger, On Harnack type inequalities and their application to quasilinear elliptic equations, ” Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol 20, pp 721–747, 1967 [16] L Damascelli, “Comparison theorems for some quasilinear degenerate elliptic operators and applications to symmetry and monotonicity results, ” Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincar´ Analyse e Non Lin´aire, vol 15, no... reaction-diffusion equation with degenerate p-Laplacian,” Nonlinear Analysis Theory, Methods & Applications, vol 42, no 1, pp 41–61, 2000 [11] S Takeuchi, Multiplicity result for a degenerate elliptic equation with logistic reaction,” Journal of Differential Equations, vol 173, no 1, pp 138–144, 2001 [12] S Takeuchi, “Stationary profiles of degenerate problems with inhomogeneous saturation values,” Nonlinear... with logistic reaction,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol 129, no 2, pp 433–441, 2001 [5] W Dong and J T Chen, Existence and multiplicity results for a degenerate elliptic equation,” Acta Mathematica Sinica, vol 22, no 3, pp 665–670, 2006 [6] P H Rabinowitz, “Pairs of positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, ” Indiana University Mathematics Journal,... “A strong maximum principle for some quasilinear elliptic equations, ” Applied a Mathematics and Optimization, vol 12, no 3, pp 191–202, 1984 12 Boundary Value Problems [18] G M Lieberman, “Boundary regularity for solutions of degenerate elliptic equations, ” Nonlinear Analysis Theory, Methods & Applications, vol 12, no 11, pp 1203–1219, 1988 ´ ´ [19] H Amann and J Lopez-Gomez, “A priori bounds and multiple... 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Corporation Boundary Value Problems Volume 2007, Article ID 47218, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2007/47218 Research Article Existence and Multiplicity Results for Degenerate Elliptic Equations with Dependence. solutions for a class of degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations with gradient dependence. For this purpose, we combine a blowup argument, the strong maximum principle, and Liouville-type theorems. that the problem (P) 0 has a bounded positive solution (see [2] and reference therein). On the other hand, when f (x,u,η) = u p and g(x,u,η) = u q , q>pand m<p,anda ≡ 1, a multiplicity of results

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2014, 19:20