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Lecture The changing role and functions of HR

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Lecture The changing role and functions of HR. After completing this section, you will understand knowledge about: The evolution of HR; the changing role of HR; HR as strategic partner; HR as change agent • HR as employee advocate. Đề tài Hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tại Công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên được nghiên cứu nhằm giúp công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên làm rõ được thực trạng công tác quản trị nhân sự trong công ty như thế nào từ đó đề ra các giải pháp giúp công ty hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tốt hơn trong thời gian tới.

The C hanging Role & Functions of HR • H R as th e e m p loye e ad vocate • H R as th e cons u ltative b u s ine s s p artne r • H R as th e age nt of C h ange HR Republic S ummit 2011: Trends & C hallenges Unfold Zu lkifli M oh d 19 October 2011 CONTENTS • • • • • The E volution of HR The C hanging Role of HR HR as S trategic Partner HR as C hange A gent HR as E mployee A dvocate The E volution of HR Origins of HR A B rief His tory of HR End of 18th Century: Welfare Officers • P rote ction for fe m ale e m p loye e s & ch ild re n • C are fo r inju re d & s ick e m p loye e s • C re ate d in re s p ond to h ars h ne s s in ind u s trial cond itions The World Wars: Labour/ Employment Manager • Ad m in is tratio n of ab s e nce , trainin g & re cru itm e nt • S tate / Trad e U nion p artn e rs h ip s • H and le d q u e rie s on com p e ns ation m atte rs • E m p lo ye e d ata 1945 – 1979: Personnel Mgt • We lfare & e m p lo ym e n t m gt we re inte grate d → P e rs on ne l Mgt • O u u t cou ld b e in flu e nce d b y e m p lo ym e n t p olicie s • S tru ctu re d com p e ns ation p olicy • C o lle ctive b argaining & IR • S p e cialize d fu nctions (70’s ) 1980 – 2000: Human Resource / Compliance Officer • Ad m in is trator & te ch nical e xp e rt • F ocu s e d on im p roving e fficie ncy & e ffe ctive n e s s • C om p e ns ation e ngine e ring as ke y to p rod u ctivity (ince n tive p lans , d e fe rre d com p , op tio ns ) 2001 till now: Strategic HR • S trate gic Bu s ine s s P artne r • C h ange Age nt • E m p lo ye e C h am p ion • COE • S h are s e rvice The E volution of HR The HR J ourney High Value → Impact/C ontribution to the Bus ines s Strategic HR Human Resource Management Personnel Management Labor Manager Welfare Officer 1890 - 1913 nd Ind ustrial R e volution • Ad m inis trative focu s • C om p liance • Trad itional m ind set • Lim ite d s cop e o f activity • S p e cialize d fu nctions 1914- 1939 1945 - 1979 World Wars • Ad m inis trative focu s with e nlarge d s cop e of activitie s • S u p p ort fu nction • Le s s re active & m ore p roactive 1980- 1990 G lob alization • B u s ine s s P artne r • F ocu s on valu e ad d e d activitie s • P roactive • M u ltid is cip linary • M u lti-face te d role s 2000 till now The E volution of HR The HR J ourney: Nature of Work continue to evolve Value → Impact/C ontribution to the Bus ines s High Strategic HR Planning HR as Business Partner Organizational Design Survey Action Planning Staffing Transactional Work Labor/Union Relations Safety & Workers’ Compensation COE Performance Management Shared Svc Centre Culture & Image HRIS Employee Relations Training & Development Benefits Compensation Transformational Work Compliance Welfare / Employee Care Employee Welfare Labor Relations Employee Relations Personnel Admin Human Resource Organizational Effectiveness S ou rce : R ich Vos b u rgh The C hanging Role of HR The C hanging Role of HR HR is s hifting from focus ing on the organization of the bus ines s to focus ing on the bus ines s of the organization The C hanging Role of HR HR is more important than ever, people are the only s us tainable s ource of competitive advantage Wats on Wyatt S tu d y “ You can take my factories , burn up my buildings , but give me my people, and I’ll bring my bus ines s right back again.” - H e nry F ord - What C E Os Really Want from HR Reality C hec k E mployers want HR to addres s s trategic is s ues involving the c ompetitivenes s and performanc e of the firm… More than the role of protec tor and adminis trator HR as C hange A gent A S trategic Role Provoke the pos itive changes  in the organization s o it c an s tay c ompetitive B uild the organization’s c apac ity to embrace and capitalize on change C hampion/ S pons or/ C atalys t Facilitator HR as C hange A gent Des igner Demons trator Deliverable/outcome: C reating a renewed organization HR as C hange A gent The Roles Model the c hange C ommunicate about the change E ngage others to participate Help others to break from the pas t C reate a s upporting environment The C hange A gent Role B efore C hange Preparing for C hange Serves as a catalyst for change During C hange Managing C hange Pos t-C hange Reinforcing C hange Helps the organization build a capacity for change Facilitate the discussions about the change and its content with all stakeholders Help employees to break from the past & adapt a new culture Plan change process with sponsors Coach leaders through the change Internalisation of new behaviour / way Ensure project team has necessary skills, training Acts as a coach/mentor to employees to help them understand change as it affects their lives Recognize & celebrate success Coach sponsor Lead by example by doing it first within the HR function Emphasize ‘what is in it’ for the individuals and address concerns Strike a balance between the business and employees Communicate, communicate, communicate Sustain the momentum Build on the change HR as C hange A gent Change Process B uild the organization’s c apac ity to embrac e and manage c hange “This is the way we things here” Internalisation of new behaviour nt “OK, I’m ready to it e tm the new way” i m Commitment om C to personal change g n i “I know how we need to s ea our jobs differently” r c n I Translation to the work setting “I understand where we need to go” Understanding of change direction “Yeah, I saw the memo” Awareness of desired change Information with some involvement sufficient here Significant involvement needed The C hange A gent Role The C hange Management Tool The change has to be managed and the HR Professionals have to be skilled in the change management process Phas e C ontent Outcomes Unfreeze • Set the direction • Create the desire & will to change Break with the past Mobilise • Make early changes & build confidence Build the energy Realise • Secure widespread shift in behaviour Performanc e lift-off Reinforce • Underpin with changes in structure & people processes Embed new culture Sustain • Strive for continuous performance improvement Push the limits The C hange A gent Role The C hange Management Tool The C hange A gent C ompetencies A deep knowledge of change management processes Problem solving skills Coaching & conflict management skills Good communication, influencing & facilitation skills Networking, Collaboration & team-building abilities Business mastery Planning & project management skills Ability to tolerate ambiguity A risk taker The C hange A gent “ Of cours e change management is n’t res tricted exclus ively to HR Line managers are the owners of change while HR can be s een as its architect, facilitator and des igner Nobody ever s aid that only HR manages change.” - Dave Ulrich HR as E mployee A dvocate HR as E mployee A dvocate Managing E mployee C ontribution Voice of the Employee Develop employee competence Equip managers with skills to respond effectively to employees; equip the employees with skills to overcome challenges Create climate for action Daily E mployee is s ues E mployee engagement Partner With People & Mgnt E mployee development Employee Commitment & Competence C onducive climate & culture Deliverable/outcome: increasing employee commitment and capability HR as E mployee A dvocate It is HR’s role to ens ure that line managers unders tand the c ritic al link between employee motivation and organis ational performanc e and how this link c an be s us tained → employees need to be kept engaged and motivated Four-Role of HR Paradoxes Inherent in Multiple HR Roles Strategic Partner vs Employee Advocate Success in multiple-role framework requires that HR professionals balance the tension inherent in being a strategic partner on the one hand and an employee advocate on the other HR professionals must demonstrate that they can both represent employee needs and implement management agenda, be the voice of the employee and the voice of management, act as partner to both employees and managers HR professionals must strike a balance between the needs of these potentially competing stakeholders S ummary Being an effective HR professional does not mean simply moving from operational to strategic work It means learning to master both operational and strategic processes and people The operational and transactional aspects of HR need to be handled well No matter what other strategic and transformational work is being done, the trains still need to run on time A strategic partner has multiple dimensions → HR professionals as business partners operate in each of the roles HR professionals, in order to meet the demands of these new roles, a shift in mindset and capability is a must

Ngày đăng: 02/01/2024, 10:10

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