Spelling come —» coming agree —» agreeing cut —» cutting eat —> eating | begin —> beginning mn visit — visiting lie — lying study —> studying travel —> travelling sail —> sailing
» English Grammar mm publications A ve English Grammar Elementary Contents Unit h2 Present Simple / Present Progressive 1ï s/Noun (124 00.0 cee ee ee ee / Much-Many-A 0ä ÖÐ- XS A4 Unit SomeAny-No-Every Unit Object Pronouns / Possessive Adjectives / Possessive Pronouns / Possessive Case Umit Adjectives / Adverbs / Comparisons Revision Units T-5 lot of-A few-A little / How much? - How many? .19 00.00 cee ee ees 24 ee 30 Unit Past Simple / Past ProgressiVe Unit 27 Prepositions of Time / Prepositions of Place / Prepositions of Movement Unit Relative Clauses Unit Reflexive - Emphatic Pronouns 14 - - Q Q QQ QQ HQ LH HQ Hà / Relative Pronouns (who, which, that, whose) / Which? 34 41 47 /One-Ones 52 Revision Units 6-9 Unit 10 Present Perfect Simple 000 ee eee eee ees 60 Unit 11 Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple / The verb usedfo Unit 12 Present Perfect Progressive Unit 13 Can - Could - Be able to - May - Might - Shall 76 Unit 14 Infinitive / -ing form / Too- Enough Revision Units 10-14 —nw ee 57 66 ees 1.0 71 ee |) 0d 82 ees 87 Unit 15 Future V/// / Future Going to / Time Clauses 90 Unit 16 Conditional Sentences Type 1_ .-.QQ Q Q QQ Ủ Unit 17 Question Words / Subject - Object Questions 100 Umit 18 Must-Have to- Should Revision Units 15-18 eee 105 © 0.0 Unit 19 Negative Questions / Question Tags Umit 20 Passive Voice Unit 21 Past Perfect Simple Unit 22 So - Neither / Both - All - Neither-None ie -:.s:) 113 ees 118 mAg TwWẽ HH Student A Pairwork Activities Student B Pairwork Activities Irregular Verbs ee 110 eee Revision Units 19-22 96 123 127 133 0.0 es 00.0 ee ne tees 136 144 152 Weorcdtlistt i 25 —» —» he watches he fishes she passes I fix | go I study — — —~» she fixes it goes he studies Ca | play —» she plays The frequency adverbs always usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never usually go before the main verb, but after the verb be He always goes to school by bus He doesn’t always go to school by bus It's o'clock now and Percy is running to the concert hall He's late! Percy is finally on stage and he’s running to his place, but Present Progressive We use the Present Progressive: ® Are the following sentences True or False? Write T or F in the boxes Percy always stays at home in the morning Percy works in the evening Percy is a musician Percy lives in Birmingham —: LÌ mm a [| The orchestra is giving a concert at the Symphony Hall [| Does he always go to school by bus? She is always late for actions that are happening now, at the moment of speaking Look! A boy is running across the street ® @ to describe temporary situations or actions that are happening at present, but not necessarily at the moment of speaking xa She’s working in a supermarket these days for actions that we have planned to in the near future (we usually mention when) Peter is leaving for Paris next week Time Expressions now, right now, at the moment at present, these days, today this week/year, etc tonight, tomorrow, on Wednesday, etc Ễ y next week/year, etc He/She/It is reading We/You/They are reading} He/She/It’s reading We/You/They aren't reading We/You/They are not reading} We/You/They're reading Short Änswers Interrogative Yes, | am No, I'm not Is he/she/it reading? Yes, he/she/it is No, he/she/it isn’t Are we/you/they reading? Yes, we/you/they are No, we/you/they Am | reading? come —» —» cut begin —> — lie travel —> coming cutting beginning lying travelling mn aren't agree eat visit study sail —» —> — —> —> agreeing eating visiting studying sailing stative Certain verbs are usually not used in the Present Progressive These verbs are called verbs and usually express: @ senses: smell, taste, hear, etc @ emotions: love, like, hate, want, etc @ thought, knowledge, belief: know, think, understand, etc @ various other states, such as: cost, own, seem, appear, etc +> No / English and French Jennifer / go / work / car / ? > No / train Debbie / carry / umbrella / ? Julie / wear / trousers / ? they / drink / milk / ? Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets > Yes ——— lions / eat / leaves / ? > No / meat Mr Andrews /teach /maths /? > No / geography Do Stephen and Jack always play (always / play) basketball in the afternoon? — Yes they / watch / TV / ? | zebras / live / Africa / ? No, she doesn't She speaks English and French > Julie and Peter /listen /music/? \ Does Sandra speak German? frogs / live / near lakes / ? Debbie / smile / ? | Look the prompts Write questions and answers, as in the example Sandra / speak / German / ? they / sit / at / table / ? No, she isn't She's walking @ © erie: © Julie and Peter / stand / ? Debbie / run / ? Is Debbie running? Spelling |Note: | I'm not reading He/She/It isn’t reading am not reading He/She/It is not reading I'm reading | am reading Look at the pictures and the prompts Write questions and answers, as in the example SHORT FORMS FULL FORMS SHORT FORMS FULL FORMS © Negative Affirmative Danie! Wendy is at home (fly) to Rome tomorrow morning She _ _——— Sheila John and Mary (know) Mrs Jones? ⁄ _ (learn) Italian this year Angie _ we | Jenny (Watch) TV (often / cook) chicken for dinner? (go) to the cinema this Saturday? (not understand) this exercise! (walk) to school every day She (never / take) the bus Ann and Jane _ (not want) to watch the football match because they (not like) football el) Look at the pictures and write sentences, as in the example Use the Present Simple and the Present Progressive of the verbs in the box "Ầ te SUNDAY sleep Emma (14) taxi because she (16) MORNING because she (18) Mr Smith usually writes letters on Sunday to work by bus every morning Today she (15) to be late However, she (17) they are expensive morning but now he's taking pictures oO Mrs Smith Communication Work in pairs vocabulary Student A Go to page 136 Student B Go to page 144 box watch cartoons clean room wash car Tony have coffee with friend skate with friends go on picnic go shopping work in garden Melissa The cats Imagine you are on a camping holiday near a beach Write a postcard to a friend, telling him/her what you every day and what you are doing today Use the ideas given and your own Complete the texts with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in the boxes hae” hae have Every year Helen (1) has lot of food and (3) classmates They eS cook , (6) German businessmen return abroad Germany He (11) (4) all her friends and the party next Saturday afternoon travel Mr Foster often (9) Helen _- games and (7) lots of fun This year Helen (8) aa play a party on her birthday Her mother (2) a big cake (5) invite mest — on business Tomorrow “fly a he (10) there for three days and he (12) He (13) to London on Thursday evening to some © arrtices The Indefinite Article a/an @ We use the indefinite article a/an before singular countable nouns Articles a pen N S an apple We use a/an: ouns @ Đublin Bus Ride @ We use the definite article the before uncountable Welcome to Dublin Bus Ride, ladies and in the singular and in the plural gentlemen We're now passing the Gate the milk towards Trinity College Trinity College is | River Liffey ireland ® groups of islands, mountain ranges, and countries in the plural the Himalayas the Canary Islands the USA @ nationalities (when we refer to the whole nation) the Greeks @ old church, Christ Church Cathedral Finally, we're going to e the Sahara (Desert) the Smiths Dame Street and we're going to see a beautiful old building, Dublin Castle After that, we're lunch at the Amazon (River) ®@ people's surnames (when we refer to the whole family) > have The sun rises in the east the Atlantic (Ocean) the Mediterranean (Sea) crossing O' Connell Bridge and going going to visit We use the before: sa, lois, deserts: sa nouns and before countable nouns, both the pens The man at the door is my uncle wore Ahead of us is the River Liffey We're now And now we are turning into the pen e SS E @ something specific or unique Theatre and turning into O' Connell Street, oldest university in There’s a man at the door She’s a teacher The Definite Article the Read the text Complete the blanks with a, an, the or - one of the wilest siicets i When we speak about something that is not specific ® for professions Co Fiona is Italian musical instruments (with the verb play) He plays the piano @ names of hotels, cinemas, newspapers the Hilton Hotel traditional Irish ub the Rex Cinema _ the Times @ the cardinal points in the east Í | ® the superlative form of adjectives and adverbs Tom is the tallest boy in this class We not use the before: @ names of people, cities, islands, lakes, countries, streets, continents, nationalities That's Maria She comes from Spain t ® School subjects or sports History is interesting We love football @ Uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns, when we talk about something in general | like coffee Ba ere ik ay Be! Christ Church Cathedral Cats like milk ® The words breakfast, lunch, dinner We have lunch at 1:30 ® The words hospital, home, school, church, bed, work, prison, when they are used for the purpose for which they exist The boys are at school En The boys visited their uncle at the hospital © N This is Donna’s souvenir shopping list Look at the pictures and complete the blanks Nouns refer to people, animals, things, material, situations, states, etc They can be countable or uncountable Countable Nouns Countable nouns can be counted They have singular and plural forms We can use a/an before them in the singular and numbers in the plural Two _watches—_ ⁄ Plural Form pen -» pens box watch brush -> boxes —> watches —> brushes baby -» babies knife —> knives tomato tomatoes [[EZJ piano leaf —> leaves af Irregular Nouns man -> woman —> men women feet pianos | child radio —> radios foot toy -> toys tooth —> teeth | but | roof goose -> —> roofs Uncountable Nouns -> children Co —> es : @ @ or o — — old id man Bath is arth moppi —— - EOppIns sis3S Annisin _ lanet p janet od Of-als Ge ci omc bed because she’s ill North America (3) Canada is to (4) mountains and two big mountain ranges, (12) (14) Rocky Mountains in (15) (17) country (18) there are five big lakes (21) deserts in (23) USA, (24) east of (8) south To (7) west (11) ` ‘\ + for Panny and Peter é for the baby north of country lies „ {or dad Read the texts below Complete the blanks with a, an , the or - (5) _ (8) (12) | for Tina for Claire and Ingrid Jeanette is (2) village is near (6) French She lives in (3) centre of (10) living room, (13) big studio (17) (25) in (29) Jeanette lives in house has got kitchen and (15) Jeanette works there She’s (18) pictures In front of (20 (29) flowers, (23) house there is (21 is (24) apple tree, (24) dog-house in (26) _ — garden (27) dog-house France - village (11) two bedrooms, (14) bathroom There is also (16) ˆ village in (4) Paris, so she often goes there (7) yellow house in (9) có garden There are (22) Mexico is to (6) Atlantic Ocean and to (10) ` i N artist She paints (19) (1) _The_ USA is a big country in (2) (9) Two hair for mum „ nema Complete the blanks with the or - this country and (5) G "m— _ Smiths are staying at _ Carlton Hote aby pinkis _ beautiful colour © dfath ;my y grandfather - is — duckis_— bír SAAthd } © The Guardian is _@_ newspaper Kitchen g Complete the sentences with a, an, the or - 23 i of biscuits for Pam 5S _a loaf/slice of bread 11 œ k2 + loaf, slice, carton, cup, glass, packet, kilo, litre, box, bar, bowl, etc before them ' for aunt Emma 111 geese To define the quantity of uncountable nouns we can use words such as: bottle, piece, a carton of milk Ed and Cant Some Two Uncountable nouns cannot be counted They only have singular form We cannot use a/an or numbers before them milk water butter wood glass money time | Note: | for the twins west There are about (16) longest river is (19) largest lake is (22) east and twenty big rivers in Mississipi - Missouri In (20) north Lake Superior There are also two Colorado Desert and (25) Mojave Desert (30) _ Dennis is my best friend He’s (31) Street Every day he wakes up, has (33) likes school and wants to become (35) lesson He likes (37) Jeanetie’s dog, (28) Rex, sleeps got (39) _ old guitar It was (40) Prince student He lives on (32) breakfast and goes to (34) _ — school He — teacher After school he has (36)_ _ _ music very much and he plays (38) big vegetable garden and Pacific Ocean There are a lot of Appalachian Mountains in (13) bị, guitar guitar very well He has present from his grandfather © Communication Look at the picture below and write what's on the table below, ask questions and discuss with your partner, as in the example Then, check your answers cheese water bread mạ & milk > Australia / New Zealand biscuits L ® Asia / Africa sugar chocolate 10 sweets 8 nanjaro orange juice 12 = = ° Co desert canyon mountain range yon > USA / Mexico eq tea box > Venezuela / Brazil , i ® Work in pairs How much you know? Look at the prompts cornflakes Two bowls of vocabulary > group of islands / mountain range @.Ø A: B: - - > Pacific Ocean / Mediterranean Sea => South Africa / Kenya Is the Amazon River in Venezuela? Yes, | think so / No, | don’t think so | think it's in Brazil e8ue: uieyunouu e a/e Sepuy euL ‘eisy UỊ si aseq 1905 eu, “eyegsny Ul si euequeg = SS ES NL, Soman Read Julie’s project about her town andtircle the correct words \(ive)/ lives in the / - Clinwood The / Clinwood is a/ the small town in — / the What you usually have for breakfast? What's your ideal breakfast? Write a few sentences using the words in the boxes J 1® slice piece _ _ milk egg - -. - - USA My town has got a/ an hospital, two church / churches, two school / schools, the / a vice park, a/ an old train station avd a/—cinewa | am liking / like my town because it ts nice and quiec On weekdays | am going / go to—/ the school At weekends | stay / aw staying at home or | am going / go out with my friends This is a/ aw picture of the/ — park | vide/ am riding my horse and my friend Lisa looks / ts looking at me K8 "a6 ®& “VSf 2t uỊ SỊ uoẤue2 puei9 euL = My 'toww @ “epeues ul si Sediuuim 941 >3 USA / Canada i @Z£ 'eÁuay UỊ SỊ OuefueWITY JUNO 'u899Q 2II28d at UuỊ oi spue|sị so8edeieo auUL ê êê êâ — ::-:-: -s-. -. : | -E Some / Any / No / Every Much /Many /A lot of A few /A little oO Some / Any Some, @ How much? / How many? Read the text below A lot of people think that the koala is a kind of bear, but it isn’t The koala is a marsupial This means that it has a special pocket on its belly The koala mother uses it to carry her babies everywhere any and no are used with uncountable Some The koala faoves slowly and needs a lot of sleep How ; s Would you like some milk? Can! have some water? @ Any is used in questions and in negative sentences Are there any books on the desk? There aren’t any books on the desk @ No is used in affirmative sentences, but it has a negative meaning (= not any) @ Every is used with singular countable nouns Every student has got a bag There’s no milk in the glass = There isn’t any milk in the glass Is there any orange juice in the bottle? leaves : nouns or with plural countable nouns is used in affirmative sentences and in questions when we offer something or when we ask for something politely There’s some coffee on the table Compounds of: only a little water and it gets it from the eucalyptus twenty-two! - / Every and their compounds |Note: | Some and any can also be used as pronouns In this case, they are not followed by a noun The koala is an amazing animal It doesn't eat anything except eucalyptus leaves and it drinks no water It needs many hours does the koala sleep every day? About / No < SOME ANY someone anyone No, there isn’t any Te) EVERY no one The compounds of some, any, no and every are used everyone in the same way as some, | somebody | anybody | nobody | everybody something | anything | nothing -: & ñ yt E E h E any, no and every, but they | everythin are not followed by a noun ds h h The verb in the sentence is always singular Somewhere | -amwnere | nowhere” | evenwnere ©) mech / Many / A lot of / A little / A few @ Much and a little are used before uncountable nouns @ Many and a few are used before plural countable nouns @ A lot of is used before uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns There isn't much sugar in the bowl There's a little sugar in the bowl : Are there many chairs in the room? There are a few chairs in the room There's a lot of sugar in the bowl There are a lot of chairs in the room We use: ®@ Much only in questions and in negative sentences ® Many usually in questions and in negative sentences @ A lot of, a little, a few in affirmative sentences Which of the facts below are true about the koala? Tick the correct boxes The koala is not a bear a [ } The koala runs very fast The koala sleeps only a few hours every day LILI TL] The koala doesn't drink any water by a noun How much money have you got? | haven’t got much Are there many eggs in the fridge? No, only a few @ The koala carries its babies in a special pocket LÍ The koala eats lots of different things @ Much, many, a few, a little can be used as pronouns In this case, they are not followed : When we speak, we can use lots of instead of a lot of The corresponding pronouns lots and a lot There are lots of pens on my desk There are a are lot How much? / How many? © How much + uncountable noun: we ask about quantity ®@ How many + countable noun: we ask about number © How much is ? : to ask about the price of something How much milk is there in the fridge? How many books have we got? How much is this shirt? đ Ê â ene @iviti es â : Look at Tina’s room and write what she has got Use much, many, and a as in the example : b © ` She She she A She———-——-==———— sosters c no She —————— homework " student in the class She orangejuice She bags She photographs Choose @, or c “° There aren’t c no (b) any a some books in my bag any Would you like milk in your coffee? b every a some Mrs Smith helps c every b any a some problems at work James is very good at his job and has a any #5 b no DooS/ESE-SIBS i ? foreign languages b a no b Some tung S a any — — Thetwinsdidntdìnk _—— ° : sơ water in eve — a every tene Anita: Michelle: Anita: c Everybody " the fridge ` ° Michelle: Anita: c no ;: ¬ tea because they didn't like it b any Theeare Michelle: c some every sre i pees 1© friends Are you coming? “9 TWlikes cartoons đà = bey Michelle: c every CDs on the desk b any c some : Do you know where the cat is? Mary: No, | can’t find her ; May: _— , SS Liodked Shop assistant: Becky: Teacher: Kevin: Teacher: = andthe Garis No, | don’t need else wait! Yes, | need —— sugar 66 6c and eggs? sugar and = Se Well, can you give me some? Of course eggs sugar you want? Oh, one cup, please OK, and eggs you need? Three, please Thank you Mum, I'm hungry Is there anything in the fridge? Mother: Yes, there are sandwiches and there is _ Just What about you? e park : orange juice homework have you got today? ys got maths p problems Let's meet in an hour and gog to you remember? Read the text and circle the correct words = | think I've got else, quiet please Now, can | think there is any z : (1)C/ The Mr and Mrs Simpson are at (2) the / a restaurant There are only (3) a few / a little people in else? OK Miss, fnthe:ioueey Eoofeagafl any Yes, I’ve got —————— a little can : Would you like _—— Oh, anywhere you you got got Alicia: — " Well, I’ve only no and every Alex: Have Alicia: — Hi, Jane, it’s Alicia Read the dialogues Complete the blanks in the sentences with compounds of some, an Alex: money fouls Johnny: Jane: CDs Read the dialogues Complete the blanks with how much, how many, a little, a few child ———— a some ' ) c some |'m going to the cinema with hasn't got many ——————————— c every b no a any lot of / lots of, too I need ; a few pencils answer the quest — at (6)—/ a (8) an ⁄ table near (7) - / the window There is a orange vase with (9) a uf some flowers in it on (10) a / the table There is (11) a / the candle near (12) a / the vase At the moment (13) the / - Simpsons outside — What? Let’s see No, thereis —— (4) the / a restaurant (5) The / — Simpsons are sitting there Now, back to 0ur questi@