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Nội dung

Trang 1

- _ Mon: Tiéng Anh ;


Tac gia: Bui Thi Thiy — Giao vién trwong THCS&THPT Hai Ba Trung

Dành cho đối tượng : Học sinh giỏi THCS

; _ Thoi lwgng: 12 tiết (Lý thuyết: 4; Bài tập: 4; Tự học: 4)


Tiéng Anh luôn được coi là một bộ môn hấp dẫn đối với học sinh thuộc các tỉnh

lẻ khi mới làm quen và được coi là '“Chìa khoá vàng” để mở cánh cửa đi vào các lĩnh

vực của cuộc sông

Tuy vậy, phân đông học sinh không thể theo đuổi được môn học thực sự quan

trong nay Phan vi hoc sinh không có khả năng với môn học ngôn ngữ, nhưng phân lớn

hơn cả là học sinh chưa cố găng hết mình, chưa thực sự quan tâm chú ý đến môn học dẫn đến kết quả là học sinh không dành thời gian phù hợp để có thê tìm tòi, khám phá những điều hay của môn học Thêm vảo đó thì học sinh chưa xây dựng được cho mình

động cơ, thái độ học tập đúng đắn với môn học để có thê có được các phương pháp

học tập hiệu quả

Sau những năm giảng dạy, đặc biệt khi dạy bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và ôn thi

Đại học tôi nhận thay học sinh có thể làm rất tốt các dang bai tap, tham chi là các dạng

bài tập khó Tuy nhiên có những dạng, những câu đặc biệt về vị trí của động từ hay trạng ngữ hoặc dạng thức của động từ không theo quy luật thông thường thì các em còn yếu

Nguyên nhân là khi học bài và đọc các sách ngữ pháp học sinh ít để ý đến các trường hợp đặc biệt, dẫn đến tình trạng khi làm bài học sinh chỉ vận dụng theo các hình thức tông quát Hơn nữa khi học ở lớp, chưa có một bài giảng tổng quát về các trường hợp đặc biệt khi sử dụng động từ trong Tiếng Anh Học sinh chỉ ghi nhớ được những trường hợp đặc biệt trong quá trình học hoặc đọc thêm, không mang tính hệ thông

Điêu này đã thôi thúc tôi tìm tòi, vận dụng và rút ra được những nét cơ bản, tổng quát và các tình huống đặc biệt trong cách dùng đảo ngữ "Inversion" trong Tiếng

Anh nhăm giúp học sinh có cái nhìn toàn diện, sâu sac, cu thé dé van dung vao lam bai tap nang cao, dac biét trong cac lop hoc bôi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và ôn thi dai hoc

Có thê những vấn đề tôi rút ra được qua quá trình giảng dạy và tìm tòi về hiện tượng đảo ngữ trong câu Tiếng Anh còn chưa thực sự đây đủ, rất mong nhận được sự tham gia đóng góp ý kiến của các bạn đồng nghiệp để chúng ta có được một mảng ngữ pháp hoàn chỉnh, đáp ứng được những đòi hỏi của của bộ môn và của chính các em học sinh

II- NỌI DUNG A Definition - Định nghĩa

The term " inversion" covers two different grammatical operations 1 Using a question form of the main verb

Trang 2

Example :1 Not only did he fail to report the accident but also later denied that he

had been driving the car

2 Never have I enjoyed myself more!

2 Changing the normal positions of verb and subject


1 Along the street came a strange procession 2 On the table is my apple

3 Suddenly down came the rain! 4 Up into the air went the balloon

5 Where the money is coming from, I don't know

6 Difficult as /though it may seem/be, it is not impossible

Note: Inversion is often used in formal language, usually for rhetorical effect such as in political speeches They are not usual in every spoken language

B Groups of inversion

I Inversion after negative adverbials: never, rarely, seldom, hardly, barely,

scarcely, no sooner;

1 This only occurs when the adverbial occurs at the beginning of a clause 2 Time expressions: Never, rarely and seldom

These are most commonly used with present perfect or past perfect, or with modals such as can or could Sentences of this type often contain comparatives

Example: a Rarely can a minister have been faced with such a problem

b Seldom has the team given a worse performance c Rarely had I had so much responsibility

3 Time expressions: hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner

These refer to an event, which quickly follows another in the past They are usually used with the past perfect although no sooner can be followed by past simple Hardly/Barely /Scarcely + had + S + PP (v) + when +S + V past simple ( Ngay kkhi: G0099 9999666669666 {HÌ co S55SS5° )

Example: a Hardly had the train left the station when there was an explosion b Scarcely had I entered the room when the phone rang

Trang 3

4 After Only: Here only combines with other time expressions and is usually used with past simple Only after + Ving /Nphrase/ S + Vpast perfect + did +S +V was/were +S + * Only if /Only when/Only then /Only later Example: a Only after posting the letter did I remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp b Only when she had left me did I feel so lonely * Note: When "only" refers to the state of being the only one “there is no inversion following it Example: Only Maria realised that the door was not locked 5 Phrases containing no/not: Under no circumstances: O bat ctr truong hop nao cũng không

On no condition: O bat ctr diéu kién nao cũng không

On no account: Khong co li do / Trong moi truong hop đêu không

Atno time : Không lúc nào /Lúc nào cũng không

In no way: O mọi khía cạnh đều không /Trong mọi trường hợp đều không

Not until: Phai đến tận khi thì (uc sec, không cho đến khi

Not only but + S + also

Example : 1 Under no circumstances are you to be left alone 2 On no condition are they to open fire without a warning 3 On no account did you break your promise with me 4 At no time do we forget your help 5 In no way can the bus driver be blamed for this accident 6 Not until the teacher phoned me did I remember our class’s meeting 7 Not only do they work well but they are also very friendly *) Little Little also has a negative or restrictive meaning in this sense: Example: Little does the government appreciate what the results will be II Inversion_after so /such with that * This occurs with so and adjectives when the main verb is be So + adj + (be) + S + that + S+(V) cccesssssees 5 +(be) +so + adj + that +SŠ + (Y) no 9 655

Example : The floods were so devastating that some areas may never recover = So devastating were the floods that some areas may never recover *) Such used with be means so much /so great Such + (be) +S + that + Š + (V)

S + (be) + so much /great that + S + (¥)

Example : The force of the storm was so great that trees were uprooted = Such was the force of the storm that trees were uprooted Ill Inverted conditional sentences without If

Three types of If - sentence can be inverted without If- This makes the sentence more

Trang 4

Type I:

Should + 8 + V ;» +will + V/V:

Example: If he cheats, he will have to be punished

= Should he cheat, he will have to be punished

Type II:

Were +SŠ+toV, S+ would V se ssssssssssss

Example: If they escaped easily, there would be no prison in the world = Were they to escape easily, there would be no prison in the world

Type Il:

Had +S + PP (v) ,S + would have + PP (v)

Example: If I had known, I would have protested strongly = Had I known, I would have protested strongly IV Inversion after as

This is more common in formal or written language Example:

1 We were short of money, as were most people in our village

2 I thought, as did my colleagues, that our boss would get angry when he knew the truth

V Inversion after so, neither/nor

These are used in “echoing” statements, agreeing or disagreeing | So /Neither / Nor + Inversion +S

Example: | am going now - So am I

I don't like this kind of music - Neither/Nor do I



I Circle the most suitable words underlined

1 Jim promised that he would never/ never would he tell anyone else

2 Not until it was too late, Lremembered / did I remember I call Susan

3 Hardly had we settle down in our seats than/when the lights went out

4 Only after checking three times I was/was I certain of the answer

5 At no time, was aware/was I aware of anything out of usual 6 7 8 9, l

Only Mary sang Sally passed/ did they pass the final examination

So the waves were high/ So high were the waves that swimming was dangerous

Only when Peter has arrived / has Peter arrived can we begin the program

No sooner had it stopped raining than/when the sun came out

0 If should you leave early / should you leave early, could you leave me a lift? II Rewrite these sentences, using NEVER

1 She has never been so happy before

Trang 5

3 [have never seen such a mess in my life

4 Our profits this year are higher than they have ever been —

5 She would never again trust her own judgment when buying antiques - 6 The firm has never before laid on such a sumptuous celebration — _

7 I’ve never come across such a horrifying film —

8 I have never been so moved by a Shakespeare production

9 I never for one moment thought the consequences would be so far- reaching 10 [had never tasted such a wonderful combination of flavors before —

II Rewrite these sentences, using RARELY, SELDOM or LITTLE 1 One rarely find good service these days

2 She has rarely traveled more than fifty miles from her village —

3 It is very unusual for a military campaign to have been fought with so little loss of


4 It is unusual for the interior of the island to be visited by tourists

5 Public borrowing has seldom been sohigh -

6 They had seldom participated in such a fascinating ceremony

7 They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success 8 The embassy staff little realized that Ted was a secret agent,

9 She didn’t realized what would happen to her next

10.1 didn’t think that one day I'd be appearing in films rather then just watching them III Rewrite these sentences, using IN, AT , UNDER, or ON

1 Keith certainly can’t be held responsible for the accident

2 The children themselves are not in any way to blame for the disaster —

Trang 6

4 I was never shown how to operate the machinery

5, He never suspected that she was a witch, -

6 There has never been a time when the English language was not in a state of change 7 Miss Weaver will not be offered the job under any circumstances

8 You should not send money to us by post under any circumstances 9 We can’t exchange tickets in any circumstances

10 I won’t go out that way to visit him again on my account! —

IV Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with NOT

1 He is my friend as well as yours

2 He booked tickets for the afternoon performance and the evening performance as


3 Burglars stole a thousand pounds’ worth of electrical goods, and left the flat in an

awful mess

4 Tony was not only late, but he had left all his books behind =

5, You will enhance your posture and improve your acting ability on this course

6 It isn’t worth considering his suggestion fora moment

7 She didn’t shed a tear when the story ended intragedy = S

8 The manager not once offered us an apology - 9 She made no sound as she crept upstairs, -

10 He only thought about having a holiday abroad after he retired, —

V Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with ONLY

1 I only realized how dangerous the situation had been when I got home

2 It wasn’t until last week that the Agriculture Minister admitted defeat

3 I understood Hamlet only after seeing it on the stage

Trang 7

5 They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left

6 I didn’t realize who he was until later

7 The door could not be opened without using force 8 I won't agree until Tom’s apologized

9 To get the 40% discount, you must buy all twelve books at the same time 10 The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard every day VI Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with SHOULD -

Il Tf the Government were forced into another election, it would be the favourite to win 2 If you should wish to make an appointment to see Dr Simons, she is available between 9.00 and 11.00 3 If you should have further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice 4 If you should decide to accept the post, you will be expected to start work on 1° April

5, If we hear any further news, we will be in touch immediately —

6 If you wish to take advantage of the offer, kindly tick the box on your order form

7 If the film should be a post office success, they may be sequel

8 If you should change your mind, there will always be a job for you here -

VII Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with WERE OR HAD 1 If the chemical were to leak, a large area of the sea would be contaminated

2 If Germany were to beat Romania, they would face Italy inthe final — 3 If Mr Morgan were still head master, he would not permit such bad behavior 4 If you had given it on time, you would have got ahigh mark, — —

5 If she had become a lawyer, as her parents wished, she would have earn a large


Trang 8

7 If1t had not been for Henry, I might not have met you

8 If only they had confirmed by phone, the airline could have warned them

9 The coast guards could have saved the vessels if they had been notified 10 If his solicitor hadn’t advised him, he would have made a serious mistake

VIII Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it

1 He spent all his money He even borrowed some from me — Not only 2 He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang — No sooner 3 [had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back — Hardly 4 He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang — Not until 5 We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months > Only 6 I have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you — Never

7 A sleeping dog was lying under the table — Under the table

Trang 9

2() It’s not common for there to be so much rain in March Seldom 21 You won’t allowed in until your identify has been checked > Only 22 Just after the play started, there was a power failure — Hardly 23 The Prime Minister has hardly ever made a speech as inept as this — Rarely 24 We had only just arrived home when the police called >Scarcely 25 Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage — On no 26 The way so much money has been spent to so little purpose must be a record — Never before 27 The judge was taken ill just after the trial proceedings began — Barely

IX Complete each sentences with a suitable word or phrase

l had we arrived at the hotel, when there was a power cut .are members of staff to accept gratuities from clients

Detective Dawson realized what she was to discover! SO TianVy employees taken sick leave at the same time

to pay the full amount now, there would be a ten per cent discount | supposed, as most people, that I would be retiring at 60

the doctor seen more difficult case

J@an W1 first prize, but she was also offered a promotion

Will late arrival be admitted to the theatre before the interval .one missing child been found, than another three disappeared — ©@œ HO D02 =©

Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase

1 Scarcely the pilot had to make an emergent landing 2 Little .what has been going on in her absent

3 No sooner .tan [realized Pd left my bag on the platform 4 Only when .0n the light did we notice the hole of the


5 Not until I asked a passer —by where I was

6 Seldom does below freezing at this time of the year 7 Hardly his speech, when the minister interrupted

8 Onno account am .while I am in a meeting

9 Rarely has this school written a better composition 10 In no way bear responsibility for injured passengers XI Rewrite each sentences so that it contains the word or words in capitals, and so that the meaning stay the same

a Were Smith to resign, I might stand a chance of getting his job IF

Trang 10

c The money is not to be paid under no circumstances == =~ NO d Three days passed before we arrived at the first oasis | NOT UNTIL

e Hardly had the ship left port, than a violent storm SOON AFTER


f They would have discovered land sooner had they carried a compass IF

g Little did Brenda know what she was letting herself in for IDEA _ h It was only when I stopped that I realized something was wrong DID | i The accused never expressed regret for what he had done AT NO TIME j So exhausted were the runners that none of them finished the race TOO

XII Rewrite these sentences with the adverbial phrase of direction or place at the front of clause Use inversion where possible

1 The people dived for cover as the bullets flew over their heads

2 That night, just as John has predicted , a heavy snowfall came down 3, The two men were talking in front of the station —

4 A line of police officers was behind the protesters —

5 A small stream ran at the end of the street There was an overgrown garden across

the stream

6 She could hear the sound of the tractor and suddenly it came round the corner

7 A while pillar was in front of them and a small, marble statue stood on top of it

Trang 11


I Choose the most suitable words underlined

1 he would never 6 passed

2 did I remember 7 so high were the waves

3 when 8 Peter has arrived

4 was I 9 than

5 was I aware 10 should you leave early

II Rewrite these sentences, using NEVER

1 Never before had she been so happy Never have I heard such nonsense! Never in my life have I seen such a mess

Never have our profits been higher than/ as higher as they are this year 2 3 4 5 Never again would she trust her own judgment when buying antique 6 7 8 9 1

Never before had the firm laid on such a sumptuous celebration

Never have I come across such a horrifying film

Never have I been so moved by a Shakespeare production

Never for one moment did I think the consequences would be so far reaching

0 Never before had I tasted such a wonderful combination of flavours

III Rewrite these sentences, using IN, AT, UNDER, or ON





In no way can Keith be held responsible for the accident In no way are the children themselves to blame for the disaster

In no way is the existence of extraterrestrial life confirmed by the report At no time was I shown how to operate the machine

At no time did he suspect that he was a witch

At no time has the English language not been in a state of change Under no circumstance will Miss Weaver be offered the job Under no circumstance should you send money to us by post Under no circumstance can we exchange tickets

10 On any account will I go all that way to visit him again

IV Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with NOT 1 2 3 7 8 9

Not only is he your friend, but he’s mine too

Not only did he book tickets for the afternoon performance but he also booked

for the evening performance as well

Not only did the burglars steal a thousand pounds’ worth of electrical goods,

they also left the flat in an awful mess

Not only was Tom late, but he had left all his books behind

Not only will you enhance your posture but you will (also) improve your acting

ability (as well) on this course

Not for one moment is it worth considering his suggestion /is his suggestion worth considering

Not a tear did she shed when the story ended in tragedy Not once did the manager offer is an apology

Not a sound did she make as she crept upstairs

10 Not until he retired did he think about having a holiday abroad Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with ONLY

Trang 12

3 Only after seeing Hamlet on the stage did I understand it

4 Only after they had finished eating did they get round to business 5 Only after they waited for twelve hours did their flight leave 6 Only after did I realize who she was

7 Only by (using) force could the door be opened 8 Only when Tom’s apologized will I agree

9 Only when you buy all twelve books at the same time can/will you get the 40% discount

10 Only by training hard can/will/could you become a good athlete

VI Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with SHOULD 1 2 3 Should the government be forces into another election, it would be the favorite to win Should you wish to make an appointment to see Dr Simons, she is available between 9.00 and 11.00 Should you have further problems with your printer, contact your deal for advice Should you decide to accept the post, you will be expected to start work on 1“ April

Should we hear any further news, we will be in touch immediately

Should you wish to take advantage of the offer, kindly tick the box on your


Should the film be a box- office success, they may be a sequel

Should you change your mind, there will always be a job for you here

VIL Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with WERE OR HAD




Were the chemical to leak, a large area of sea would be contaminated Were Germany to beat, they would face Italy in the final

Were Mr Morgan still headmaster, he would not permit such bad behavior

Had you given it in on time, you would have got a high mark

Had she become a lawyer, as her parents’ wishes, she would have earned a

large salary

6 Had anything gone wrong, I would have been held responsible 7 Had it not been for Henry, I might not have met you

8 9 1

Had the coast guards been notified they could have saved the vessels Had they confirmed by phone, the airline could have warned them

0.Had it not been for his solicitor’s advice, he would have made a serious mistake

VIII Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it




Not only did he spend all his money but she also borrowed some from me

No sooner had I left the office than the phone rang

Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back

Not until the bell rang did he finish his work

Only after several months did we begin to see the symptoms of the disease Never in my life have seen anyone drink as much as you

Under the table was lying a sleeping dog

Trang 13

9 Only later were all the facts made public

10 Had I realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job 11 Such was the responsible to our appeal that we has to take on more staff

12 Not only did Harry break his leg but he also injured his shoulder

13 Little did the police suspect that the judgment was the murderer 14 Should you see Helen, could you ask her to call me?

15 In no way can the bus be blamed for the accident

16 So heavy was the snowfall that all the trains had to be cancelled

17 Were the government to write interest rates they would lose the election

18 No sooner had I got into the bath than someone knocked on the door 19 Such was the uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed 20 Seldom is there so much rain in March

21 Only when your identity has been checked will you be allowed in

22 Hardly had the play started when there was a power failure 23 Rarely has the Prime Minister made so inept a speech 24 Scarcely had we arrived home when the police called

25.On no account are press photographers allowed to take photographs backstage 26 Never before has so much money been spent to so little purpose!

27 Barely had the trial proceedings begun when the judge was taken ill IX Complete each sentences with a suitable word or phrase

1 Hardly/ Scarcely 6 do

2 Under no circumstances 7 Never had /have

3 Little did 8 Not only did

4 Never had / Rarely had 9 Under no circumstances

5 Were you 10 No sooner had

X Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase (Suggested answers)

1 had the plane taken off, when 6 the temperature fall

2 Does she know 7 had he begun

3 had the train left 8 I to be disturbed

4 we turned 9 a pupil at this / a student from

5 did I know 10 does the company

XI Rewrite each sentences so that it contains the word or words in capitals, and so that the meaning stay the same

1 If Smith were to resign, I might stand a chance of getting his job The demand for tickets was so great that people queued night and day Under no circumstances is the money to be paid

Not until three days had passed did we arrived at the first oasis/ It was not until

three days later that we arrived at the first oasis

5 Soon after the ship left port, a violent storm developed

6 If they had carried a compass they would have discovered the land sooner

7 Brenda had no idea what she was letting herself in for 8

9, l


Only when I stopped did I realize that something was wrong

At no time did the accused express regret for what he has done 0 The runners were too exhausted to finish the race

Ngày đăng: 29/12/2023, 03:36
