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Ánapplying numerical methods to study predicting the efficiency of hybrid machining

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52 Trang 13 xiii NOMENCLATURE

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY FOR HIGH QUALITY TRAINING CAPSTONE PROJECT ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY APPLYING NUMERICAL METHODS TO STUDY PREDICTING THE EFFCIENCY OF HYBRID - MACHINING ỨNG DỤNG PHƯƠNG PHÁP SỐ NGHIÊN CỨU DỰ ĐOÁN HIỆU QUẢ CỦA CÁC PHƯƠNG PHÁP GIA CÔNG KẾT HỢP LECTURER: ASSOC PROF DR PHAM HUY TUAN STUDENT : NGUYEN PHAT DAT VO HOANG HUY SKL010998 Ho Chi Minh City, July 2023 HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY FOR HIGH QUALITY TRAINING GRADUATION PROJECT Applying numerical methods to study predicting the efficiency of hybrid-machining Ứng dụng phương pháp số nghiên cứu dự đoán hiệu phương pháp gia công kết hợp Advisor Assoc Prof Dr Pham Huy Tuan Student Nguyen Phat Dat Student ID 19143104 Student Vo Hoang Huy Student ID 19143123 Class 19143CL3A Course 2019-2023 Ho Chi Minh City, July 2023 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT TP.HCM CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM KHOA CƠ KHÍ CHẾ TẠO MÁY Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc _ Bộ môn: Công nghệ Chế Tạo Máy NHIỆM VỤ ĐỒ ÁN TỐT NGHIỆP Học kỳ II / năm học 2023 Giảng viên hướng dẫn: PGS TS Phạm Huy Tuân Sinh viên thực hiện: Mã số đề tài: 22223DT275 Tên đề tài: Ứng dụng phương pháp số nghiên cứu dự đoán hiệu phương pháp gia công kết hợp Các số liệu, tài liệu ban đầu: - Các báo cáo liên quan đến mô gia công, số liệu chế độ cắt, chế - độ rung phương pháp gia công kết hợp Thiết bị hỗ trợ rung PZT loại p-225.10 - Mơ hình gia cơng phay có rung hỗ trợ Nội dung đồ án: - - Tìm hiểu tổng quan cơng nghệ gia công kết hợp, gia công lai ưu điểm nhóm cơng nghệ này; Nghiên cứu ứng dụng cơng cụ mơ số để dự đốn q trình hình thành bavia sau gia cơng; Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng rung động tích hợp vào dụng cụ cắt theo số tiêu như: giảm thiểu hình thành bavia cải thiện chất lượng bề mặt chi tiết; Gia công, kiểm nghiệm thực tế (nếu đủ thời gian) Sản phẩm dự kiến - Báo cáo phân tích kết mô số; Kết thực nghiệm gia công (nếu đủ thời gian triển khai) Ngày giao đồ án: 03/2023 Ngày nộp đồ án: 07/2023 iii Ngơn ngữ trình bày: Bản báo cáo Tiếng Anh  Tiếng Việt  Trình bày bảo vệ Tiếng Anh  Tiếng Việt  TRƯỞNG KHOA TRƯỜNG NGÀNH GIẢNG VIÊN HƯỚNG DẪN (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên)  Được phép bảo vệ: …………………………… (GVHD ký, ghi rõ họ tên) iv LỜI CAM KẾT Tên đề tài: Ứng dụng phương pháp số nghiên cứu dự đoán hiệu phương pháp gia công kết hợp GVHD: PGS TS Phạm Huy Tuân Danh sách thành viên nhóm Họ tên sinh viên: Nguyễn Phát Đạt MSSV: 19143094 Lớp: 19143CL3A Địa sinh viên: 91/5/11 đường số 8, khu phố 3, phường Linh Trung, Tp Thủ Đức Số điện thoại liên lạc: 0836889879 Email: 19143104@student.hcmute.edu.vn Họ tên sinh viên: Võ Hoàng Huy MSSV: 19143123 Lớp: 19143CL3A Địa sinh viên: 228, Đường số 6, phường Linh Chiểu, Tp Thủ Đức Số điện thoại liên lạc: 0376398560 Email: 19143123@student.hcmute.edu.vn Ngày nộp khóa luận tốt nghiệp (ĐATN): 18/07/2023 Lời cam kết: “Tôi xin cam đoan khóa luận tốt nghiệp (ĐATN) cơng trình tơi nghiên cứu thực Tơi khơng chép từ viết cơng bố mà khơng trích dẫn đến nguồn gốc Nếu có vi phạm nào, chúng tơi xin chịu hồn tồn trách nhiệm” Tp Hồ Chí Minh, Ngày 18 Tháng Năm 2023 Ký tên v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our mentor Assoc Prof Dr Pham Huy Tuan, for his guidance, valuable advice, and proposing solutions when the problem became difficult and indeed the project would be difficult to complete without his support Our sincere thanks to our colleagues at the Bosch R&D center, Mr Nguyen Duc Tue, Mr Vu Thu Pham, and Mr Truong Quoc Dung, for their helpful sharing in the field of numerical simulation to guide our team to complete the thesis We are grateful to our colleagues Mr Nguyen Thai Son at Metkraft, for allowing us to use his workstation to test our numerical simulation models We would like to thank Dr Dang Quang Khoa, MSc Duong Thi Van Anh, and alumnus Pham Huu Day for their assistance during the experiment Finally, we would like to thank our parents for their love and encouragement throughout this process While implementing the thesis, we couldn't avoid mistakes, although we tried to complete it by referencing documents, listening, and exchanging ideas Therefore, we are open to receiving the comments of teachers and readers, as their feedback will help us improve our work Ho Chi Minh City, July 19th, 2023 On behalf of authors Nguyen Phat Dat vi ABSTRACT Nowadays, the accuracy requirements of details of aviation, defense, medical and biochemical fields are increasing more and more Conventional machining methods meet the above requirements but also face many challenges when machining in difficult materials, new materials are not available in the mechanical handbook, and tool wear affects production costs, especially burr formation is a costly charge, deburring process, and cleaning time Vibrationassisted machining has been applied and developed as a solution to the above challenges in recent decades Inheriting from conventional machining, vibration machining uses external energy sources such as amplitude and frequency to change the cutting mechanism, improving machining quality, reducing burr, and tool wear Implementation of vibration-assisted machining depends on structure design, vibration transmission, vibration device, optimization of process parameters, and performance evaluation Therefore numerical methods are used to predict the performance of vibration-assisted machining to effectively predict and save investment and testing costs, providing insight into the effects of vibrations Moreover, with the goal of numerical simulation application, it will reduce the time and cost of testing equipment Finally, the scope of application of vibration machining on a broader scale gradually replaces conventional machining in the future vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi ABSTRACT vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF FIGURES xi NOMENCLATURE xiii ABBREVIATION xiv Chapter 1: OVERVIEW 1.1 Background and motivation 1.2 Research in Viet Nam 1.3 The need of thesis 1.4 The scopes and objectives of this thesis 1.5 Methodology of this thesis 1.6 The structure of this thesis Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW FINITE ELEMENT METHOD IN MACHINING PROCESSES 2.1 Introduction finite element method in machining processes 2.1.1 2.2 Overview of the Explicit Finite Element Method Automatic time incrementation and stability condition 2.2.1 The stability limit 2.2.2 Mass scaling to control time incrementation 10 2.2.3 Effect of material on stability limit 10 2.2.4 Effect of mesh on stability limit 12 2.3 Summary 13 Chapter 3: LITERATURE REVIEW OF CUTTING MECHANICS 14 3.1 Introduction 14 viii 3.2 Mechanics cutting in conventional machining 14 3.2.1 Cutting forces and shear angle 14 3.2.2 Types of chip formation 15 3.2.3 Modeling of chip separation 17 3.3 Vibration-assisted machining 18 3.3.1 Kinematic modeling of VAMILL 18 3.3.2 Tool-workpiece separation conditions in VAM 20 3.4 Summary 22 Chapter 4: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF CUTTING MECHANISMS IN VIBRATION-ASSISTED MACHINING 23 4.1 Finite element simulation of VAM orthogonal 23 4.1.1 Finite element modeling and material properties 23 4.1.2 Period time and mass scaling 26 4.1.3 Tool-chip friction model 27 4.1.4 Interaction and boundary condition 27 4.2 Model validation between the simulation and experiment 28 4.3 Simulation results and discussion 30 4.3.1 Effect of vibration on shear angle 30 4.3.2 Effect of vibration on chip formation 30 4.4 Conclusion 32 Chapter 5: BURR FORMATION AND CUTTING FORCE INVESTIGATION IN VIBRATION-ASSISTED MACHINING 33 5.1 Finite element simulation of side-milling 33 5.1.1 Finite element model of side-milling 33 5.1.2 Meshing model 34 5.1.3 Interaction and boundary condition 36 5.1.4 Period time calculate 37 ix 5.2 Experimental setup 37 5.3 Design of experiments and procedure 39 5.3.1 Introduction to the Taguchi method 39 5.3.2 Entrance downside burr height 39 5.3.3 Cutting force 44 5.3.4 Burr formation 51 5.3.5 Chip morphology in simulation and experiment 54 5.4 Conclusion 55 Chapter 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 56 6.1 Conclusion 56 6.2 Recommendation 56 REFERENCES 58 x CUTTING FORCE COMPARISION IN CONVENTIONAL MACHINING 180 N Cutting Force (N) 160 N 140 N 120 N 100 N 80 N 60 N 40 N 20 N 0N Simulation 119.77 126.43 148.53 107.01 120.83 116.00 83.64 106.35 120.69 Analytical 127.52 148.24 168.02 107.03 124.41 141.02 92.87 107.95 122.36 Figure 5.12 Cutting force comparison between conventional machining and vibration-assited machining in FE simulation In Figure 5.12 shows the difference between the cutting force from the simulation and calculation The deviation aren’t large, ranging from 0% to 10% in the 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, experiments However, the deviation of the 6th DoE is equal to 17.74% Factors such as material, element size, meshing strategy can directly affect the error of cutting force Giasin et al [27] found the deviation of cutting force between experiment and simulation was reduced when they reduced element size from 0.3536 mm to 0.1426 mm Table 5.12 Comparison cutting force between CM and VAM in simulation No 𝑭 (𝑵) in CM 𝑭 (𝑵) in VAM Deviation (%) 119.77 117.58 -1.83 126.43 124.61 -1.44 148.53 144.87 -2.46 107.01 105.27 -1.63 120.83 116.34 -3.72 116.00 119.30 2.85 83.64 76.07 -9.06 106.35 106.17 -0.17 120.69 117.87 -2.34 47 CUTTING FORCE BETWEEN CM & VAM IN SIMULATION 160 N Cutting Force (N) 140 N 120 N 100 N 80 N 60 N 40 N 20 N 0N CM 119.77 N 126.43 N 148.53 N 107.01 N 120.83 N 116.00 N 83.64 N 106.35 N 120.69 N VAM 117.58 N 124.61 N 144.87 N 105.27 N 116.34 N 119.30 N 76.07 N 106.17 N 117.87 N Figure 5.13 Cutting force deviation between CM and VAM in simulation The results of experiments show the cutting force value decreases in vibrationassisted machining This is evident in Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14 that the cutting force from 83.64 N to 76 N, and to better understand the effect of vibration, a model single milling tooth in Figure 5.10 was set up to evaluate the deviation of cutting force value between conventional and vibration-assisted machining The decrease in cutting force is beneficial for the surface finish, and reduced tool wear in vibrationassisted machining The cutting mechanism in vibration-assisted machining reduced the time of the cutting tool in contact with the workpiece, thus considered a reduction factor in cutting force 48 Figure 5.14 Cutting force between CM and VAM in simulation 49 CUTTING FORCE BETWEEN CM & VAM 90 70 60 50 CM 40 VAM 30 20 10 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 Frame time 𝑡𝑐 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑛𝑐 𝑡 44 0.004 47 Tool-workpiece separation in 7th DoE 𝑡𝑐 𝑡 𝑡 0.003 0.002 0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 Frame time Figure 5.15 The tool and workpiece contact in VAM at 7th DOE 50 98 92 95 86 -0.001 89 80 83 74 77 68 71 62 65 56 59 50 53 38 41 32 35 26 29 20 23 14 17 11 0.000 Displacement (mm) Cutting force Fy (N) 80 Figure 5.16 The displacement of tool tip between VAM and CM Compared with conventional milling, the cutting time in vibration-assisted milling is variable during the vibration cycles In Figure 5.15 illustrated the contact between the tool and workpiece is affected by amplitude, and frequency corresponding to frame time, due to the cutting separation increase according to the sine graph, so the shear angle increases with each other As a result, the cutting force in the 7th VAM experiment decreased between 38th frame and 61th frame 5.3.4 Burr formation In Figure 5.10 was used to examine entrance burr height deviation between conventional machining and vibration assisted machining To determine entrance downside burr height value in ABAQUS, ImageJ Software was used to measure entrance downside burr height, which is convenient tool for measuring by image 51 Height etrance-side Burr (mm) BURR COMPARISION BETWEEN CM&VAM IN SIMULALTION 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 CM Burr 0.096 VAM Burr 0.115 0.108 0.139 0.134 0.126 0.082 0.091 0.1 0.118 0.156 0.1 0.074 0.082 0.14 0.079 0.089 0.078 Figure 5.17 Entrance burr height comparison between CM & VAM in simulation VAM CM VAM 0.1 mm 0.156 mm CM 52 0.079 mm 0.14 mm VAM 0.078 mm 0.089 mm CM mm 0.073 0.073 mm Optimal Parameter Figure 5.18 Entrance burr height values are measured by ImageJ 53 The graph in Figure 5.17 and Figure 5.18 show that the entrance burr height dimensions tend to improve when the spindle speed level increase to 5800 rpm, due to the high spindle speed resulting in a faster cutting speed, which reduces the amount of time the cutting tool is in contact with the workpiece Particularly, the average value of the entrance downside burr height clearly reduced from 0.127 mm to 0.08 mm and delta value of spindle speed is the largest value of the factors of cutting parameter as shown in Figure 5.9 The degree of spindle speed accounting for 69.8% of the variance burr height dimension, as shown in Table 5.6 5.3.5 Chip morphology in simulation and experiment VAM VAM Figure 5.19 Comparison between simulation and actual machining 54 5.4 Conclusion In the milling process, the cutting force is determined by more influencing factors, such as the displacement of the material at the failure, the tolerance of spindle concentricity, and the vibration of the tool, etc Therefore, the mathematical model of shear forces, and cutting forces in conventional milling are relative This study uses numerical methods to predict the efficiency of vibration-assisted machining and the simulation model was set up under ideal conditions, material parameters are measured at room temperature In addition, the numerical method is continued to be applied to relatively predict the formation of the entrance downside burr, the chip morphology between simulation and experiment, and the application of the Taguchi method to evaluate the influence of factors related to machining Burr formation results in numerical simulation are an approach to predict the efficiency of vibration-assisted machining, in this study the burr height tends to decrease when machining at high speed, and a large feed rate, high frequency Because the burrs are formed by the plastic flow of the material, instead of breaking and out but the material remains on the workpiece Therefore, modeling the burr formation of the damaged ductile material using the Johnson-Cook model is defined The accuracy of burr modeling in FEM depends on the accuracy of material input, meshing, and boundary conditions Moreover, the chip formation in the simulation has similarities with digital photography such as wrinkles, curling of chips The difference between the material removal mechanism in vibration-assisted machining and conventional machining in milling are introduced The contact zone between the tool and the workpiece in VAM according to the sin graph, so there are short moments that the tool wasn’t contacted with the workpiece and as a result, the cutting force tends to decrease when considering the entire machining process From Taguchi method, using condition “smaller-is-the-better” and the optimal value of cutting force, entrance burr downside milling when machining Al6061-T6 with dry condition: spindle speed 5800 rpm, feed rate 450 mm/min, frequency 900 Hz, amplitude 55 𝜇𝑚 were chosen CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Conclusion Based on the obtained results of the project, the following conclusions can be drawn as follows: Predicting the interaction process between the cutting tool and the workpiece in vibration-assisted machining, and the effect of cutting forces between normal machining and vibration machining by numerical methods Applying numerical methods to predict the efficiency of vibration machining through qualitative and quantitative analysis to get a visual perspective on this method Building a numerical simulation model to help predict the effects of vibrations before conducting the experimental layout, experimental data is carried out 6.2 Recommendation This thesis has achieved the objective to apply the numerical method to predict the efficiency of the vibration-assisted machining method, but there are still shortcomings in the topic, and the recommendations in the next studies are summarized as follows: (1) Damage model of materials Investigation of material behavior when deformed at high speed, the effect of temperature during machining with vibration support at the time of destructive displacement (2) Reduced computational time Reducing numerical simulation time and have comprehensive chip and burr formation results, the model should be focused on the influence of a cutting edge 56 when interacting with the workpiece Selected a mesh design so that the mesh element is preserved according to the cross-section of the feed per tooth (3) Predicting the efficiency of some machining methods Predicting the effectiveness of vibration-assisted machining in drilling, turning, etc should be modeled on the single-tooth cutting process in the conventional machining for comparison and validation results before applying the vibration 57 REFERENCES [1] Bédard, F., Jahazi, M & Songmene, V (2020) Die-sinking EDM of Al6061T6: interactions between process parameters, process performance, and surface characteristics Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 333–342 [2] Aamir, M., Tolouei-Rad, M., & Nazir, S (2020) Machinability of Al2024, Al6061, and Al5083 alloys using multi-hole simultaneous drilling approach Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 387-396 [3] Zheng, L., Chen, W & Huo, D (2020) Review of vibration devices for vibration-assisted machining Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 1631–1651 [4] Lu, Z., Li, C., & Wang, J (2021) Tool Wear and Burr Formation Analysis in Vibration-Assisted Machining In Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) Volume 2, 1-10 [5] Le WANG, Caixu YUE, Xianli LIU, Ming LI, Yongshi XU, Steven Y LIANG (2023) Conventional 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Ngày đăng: 28/12/2023, 18:47


