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Skkn 5 interactive post reading activities to increase language competence and maintain interest for 12th graders at thieu hoa high school

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I INTRODUCTION Rationale Reading is generally considered as the most essential skill for a student to attain when learning a language The ability to comprehend, infer and analyze the written word empowers students to make informed decisions and unlock new opportunities in learning process In order to encourage students to fully engage in reading materials, teachers are expected to employ effective strategies in different stages of reading lessons However, teachers, in fact, tend to devote their wholly effort and commitment to create good pre-reading activities and well- planned during reading activities and, therefore, spare little enthusiasm to post reading phase Through classroom observations at Thieu Hoa high schools, I normally witness the practice of brief and “classic” post- reading activities such as “write the answers on your note books” “translate paragraph 2” “write and learn new words by heart” “using a similar pattern, write about your house”, etc Undoubtedly, such kinds of exercises not help learners to get a chance to discuss the piece they have read as well as check their understanding of the reading text and as a result, they fail to improve comprehension and lose pleasure from reading afterwards This practical situation raises a big question is that “how can teachers help their students summarize their learning, get a deeper understanding, and organize their thoughts and ideas after they finish their reading lessons?” Some suggested activities in post– reading stage may represent an effective way of responding to this question I have applied this kind of activities in my reading classes for long enough to assure its great significance in improving students’ language competence and maintain motivation and interest at the end of reading process on account of the fact that the already-learned texts can be used as topics for further discussion and debate, both oral and written, providing chances and contexts for the students to communicate, recycle lexical resources as well as reflect their understanding The above reasons have inspired me to conduct my initiative with the title “5 interactive post- reading activities to increase language competence and maintain interest for 12th graders at Thieu Hoa high school” with the hope of sharing my experience about using post- reading activities in teaching reading skill Objectives of the research 2.1 For the teachers - Find out some effective methods in post- reading stage, and know how to apply these activities to motivate students to get the most out of the text after they finish reading materials - Provide students contexts and topics so that they may have opportunities to process their knowledge obtained from the text and communicate this new language knowledge to their peers 2.2 For the students skkn - Get familiar with a variety of post- reading activities, and make most use of the activities to reflect upon general understanding of the text, to use interlanguage to improve related language skills and then achieve overall language achievement - Build up enthusiasm and motivation for reading skill and ultimately develop independent learning method Research methodology I write this topic based on: - The method of studying theory - The method of investigating - Applying the topic to real teaching English practice at Thieu Hoa high school - Comparison, collation and summary of the result, effect of the topic Scope of research The scope of this study is limited to “5 interactive post- reading activities” carried out in reading lessons in English 12 at a particular high school It explores the strengths and limitation of post-reading in teaching and learning reading skill, the real situation of applying post- reading activities at my school and how to make use of them to improve reading comprehension for 12 th graders II PROBLEM SOLVING Theoretical background and practical background 1 Theoretical background 1.1.1 Post-Reading Phase According to Ravinder Sandhu “reading is defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at meaning Reading is an active process of constructing meanings of words with a purpose to help the reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses their attention” The stages of reading have been classified into (a) Pre-reading, (b) Whilereading, and (c) Post- reading There is a great importance of post-reading phase since it hepls readers summarize their learning, check for understanding, and organize their thoughts and ideas for the reading materials they have been assigned Therefore, teachers should create workable and meaningful activities to help students review the knowledge, develop language competence as well as maintain their engagement in reading lessons 1.1.2 The importance of post-reading activities in reading process Reading lessons are generally carried out in stages, each with different purpose and manner While pre-reading activities can help the learner to be more prepared for what they are about to read and while- reading activities provide students with good reading strategies to explore the text, post reading activities are expected to encourage students to reflect on what they have read and use the familiar text as basis for specific language study skkn Post –reading activities are crucial for both comprehension and obtaining and working on new information Well- organized post –reading activities usually require the learners to return the text several times and to reread it to check on particular information of language use Students, individually or in groups, should have ample time to share and discuss the work they have completed When readers are called on to communicate the ideas they have read, it is then that they learn to conceptualize and discover what meaning the text has to them Although teachers should be careful to spend just some time in the prereading stage, they are actually expected to spend more time in the post-reading stage with several activities A two-fold purpose is involved here, namely: students need to recycle what they have obtained from the text and go beyond the text and enter the real world, equipped with the newly-obtained information 1.1.3 The benefits of organizing post-reading activities in teaching reading skill According to Brown (2007), post-reading activities can fulfilled several principles in foreign language teaching-learning as follows Firstly, post-reading activities encourage meaningful learning as at post reading stage students relate information with their own life and experiences Secondly, willingness to communicate is gained because students are supposed to be wellprepared to the post reading activities.Thirdly, post reading activities offer different tasks, they have good opportunities to use the language, orally as well as written and then bettering their interlanguage Finally, post- reading activites are not intersted in the right verus wrong answers to comprehension question anymore Students not have to prove they understand the vocabulary and grammar of the text anymore Therefore, students are not only to achieve linguistic competence but also discourse and strategic competence, so communicative competence is also taken care of We can conclude that post- reading activities benefits students significantly in terms of achieving meaningful learning, willingness to communicate, interlanguage and communicative competence 1.1.4: Interactive post-reading activities Reading comprehension should not be alienated from the other skills (Harmer, 2007: 267) Therefore, we may link reading and writing, for example, by summarizing, note-making, mentioning what has been read in a letter We might link reading and listening by comparing what we have heard to reading a news report, comparing the song we heard from the radio to the song lyric downloaded from the internet Still, we might link reading and speaking by discussing what we have learned from a reading passage and retelling stories There are many activities that will refine, enrich and increase interest in the assigned topic of a text However, the primary goal of the post reading phase is to further develop and clarify interpretation of the text, and help students to skkn recycle some aspects from their while reading activities; to go beyond the text; to share opinions, ideas, feelings and to give reasons to communicate Practical background It is clear that at my work place my colleagues have given much time and effort to pre-reading (e.g., vocabulary learning and introduction about the author and the text) and while-reading (e.g., the explanation of language points of the text) whereas in post reading stage, the teacher’s monologue occupies almost the whole class and the students listen to the teacher passively As for post-reading activities, teachers use the textbook questions to determine students’ understanding of context, which obviously is not enough to guarantee comprehension “How to comprehend” is rarely taught and students’ full comprehension of texts is often neglected by teachers The teachers’ task is endeavoring to put linguistic knowledge into students with their feelings and response ignored Lack of assessment and practice is bound to result in students’ frustration in linguistic output, that is, failure to communicate in the target language, which marks a divergence from our teaching goal In addition, students’ obstacles in reading comprehension may be partially attributed to non-linguistic factors such as lack of motivation and interest because the activities designed in textbook in post-reading are repetitive, specifically only a few activities are used (“summary”-3 units, discussion – units and “Compare and tell the difference”- units) Undoubtedly, such monotonous activities not stimulate students to learn, as a result, they are not eager to review their reading lessons To improve this practical situation, it is strongly suggested that teachers should design some post- reading activities to ensure that students have opportunities to get the most of the passage These activities necessitate the integration of other skills in the process of understanding That is, learners should not only be involved in reading passively They should also be encouraged to listen to each other discussing the topic of the text, answer questions, and react in writing These activities provide the students with opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know or what they feel From my teaching experience I have noticed that conducting the reading lessons effectively in general and improve your students’ reading sub skills in post reading stages in particular is very pivotal INTERACTIVE POST-READING ACTIVITIES TO INCREASE LANGUAGE COMPETENCE AND MAINTAIN INTEREST AND SAMPLES OF APPLYING THEM IN READING LESSONS OF TEXT BOOK ENGLISH 12 2.1 Strategies to design post- reading activities to increase language competence and remain interest for 12th graders at my school When design post –reading activities, I usually employ these following strategies skkn Strategy 1: Build on students’ ability and needs Post reading activities are expected to help students to recycle what they have obtained from the text and go beyond the text and enter the real world, equipped with the newly- obtained information However, “one size does not fit all”, Teacher, therefore, should fully consider students’ ability and their needs to design the activities so that students find it challenging enough for them to face the challenges Strategy 2: Review lexical resources Reading texts provide good models of phrases, sentences, paragraphs for students to get familiar with the samples of target language Therefore, teachers should take this into consideration to fully exploit the text as a good source of teaching materials Strategy 3: Correlate reading to other language skills Reading comprehension should not be alienated from other skills Therefore, teachers may link reading with writing (summarizing, note making), reading with speaking by discussing what we have just read, reading with listening by comparing what we have heard to reading a text By doing so students will develop their all-round language skills and then achieve language competence as a desirable result Strategy 4: Link the knowledge with students’ own experience Having new information from the while reading stage brings a change such as they would know more, or think, or feel differently from before Teacher should organize activities helping students connect the new information they are now familiar with and their lives so that students not only process their knowledge obtained from the text but also communicate this new knowledge to peers 2.2 Principles of using post- reading activities There are some principles that I always bear in mind when deciding what kinds of post-reading activities I am going to employ in my reading lessons Teachers must read the text ahead of time to determine the purpose of the reading lesson, what their students bring to the text, what post-reading information should be provided, how and when to provide post-reading lessons to accomplish the purpose Amount of time spent on most post-reading lessons should be brief and brevity should be determined in proportion to the amount and duration of the reading Post-reading activities should review what students have learned and apply and extend their competence in using many components involved in comprehension of texts Post-reading activities should bring students more freedom to correlate reading with other language skills such as listening, speaking, and writing to achieve overall development skkn - Post-reading activities should be well- designed to create joyful learning environment to keep students fully engage in their study after devoting their enthusiasm and effort to pre and while reading activities 2.3 Suggested post- reading activities to increase language competence and remain interest for 12th graders in reading lessons of English textbook 12 The purpose of post- reading activities are for the students to focus more deeply on the information in the text More importantly, post- reading activities encourage students to connect the new information they are now familiar with their lives and experiences There are various ways for teachers to assist learners to get insights into the topics as well as develop correlated language skills to communicate in meaningful contexts I have divided my examples of interactive post-reading activities into sections: summary writing, discussion, video, role plays and pictures Here are post-reading activities that I strongly recommend being used in reading classes.  2.3.1 Using summary writing activities Suggested ways of using summary writing activities in postreading Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text, how to ignore irrelevant information, and how to integrate the central ideas in a meaningful way Teaching students to summarize improves their memory for what is read Summarization strategies can be used in almost every content area when implementing summary writing activities, teacher should follow these steps Step Process Modeling Many students might assume that a summary should include all of the little, unimportant details from a text Show students that a summary should include the main plot points or key details of a text by allowing them to watch you modeling the process Steps Providing framework questions and tools for summary - Teacher should provide students additional help with the following framework questions: (what are the main ideas, what are the crucial details necessary for supporting the ideas, what information is irrelevant or unnecessary?) - One of the most valuable tools to summarize the text is using graphic organizers as utilizing a graphic organizer will help students narrow down and focus on the appropriate information. Furthermore, graphic organizers are considered as wonderful techniques to make students actively engaged in their learning with visual images, illustrative shapes, meaningful labels and logical displays They are effective for a variety of students with different language levels and different multiple intelligences, especially for those with a visual modality preference When it comes to creating each graphic organizer, there are typically three different options: students can make their own, you can provide pre-printed skkn templates, or if you have access to technology, you can go the digital route.  The end-goal of each type of organizer is the same, so use whatever best meets the needs of the students in your classroom Some graphic organizers that can be helpful for writing summaries will include in illustrated lessons below Step Provide word banks Teachers can also provide students with word banks to help them write summaries that cover the main concepts from the text For example, if students are writing a summary of “The 22nd Sea Games,'' teachers might write the following list of words and phrases on the board: sport event, spirit, hold, medals, athletes Tell students to write a five-sentence summary of the passage, with one caveat: they must use all of the words on the board Applications of using summary writing activity in post- reading of textbook English 12 * Sample 1: Unit 2: Cultural Diversity + Material: Graphic Organizers, projector (Link: https://www.litinfocus.com/10-graphic-organizers-summary-writing/) + Time: 3-5 minutes + Procedure: Activity 1: Assign the task of summary the reading passage and hand out students the frame of summary Activity 2: Offer additional help by asking questions “What is the main idea of reading passage?” “Who is involved in the survey?” “How many key values are discussed and what are they?” “What is the supporting details for each key value?” Activity 3: Have students to work in pairs to complete the frame with suitable information Activity 4: Ask students to retell information about reading passage, making any comparison if necessary * Sample 2: Unit 4: School education system + Material: Graphic Organizers, projector (Link: https://www.litinfocus.com/10-graphic-organizers-summary-writing/) + Time: 3-5 minutes + Procedure: Activity1: Assign the task of summary the reading passage and hand out students the frame of summary Activity2: Asks students to pick out main information about England’s education system by answering the following questions “What is reading passage about?” “What kinds of information are involved in the passage?” Activity3: Have students to complete the frame with suitable information skkn Activity 4: Ask students to retell information about reading passage, adding any information on their own if necessary To make the activity more meaningful, have students to make comparison between England’s education system and Vietnam’s one * Sample 3: Unit 6: Future Jobs + Material: Graphic Organizers, projector (Link: https://www.litinfocus.com/10-graphic-organizers-summary-writing/) + Time: 3-5 minutes + Procedure: Activity1: Assign the task of summary the reading passage and hand out students the frame of summary Activity2: Offer additional help by asking questions “What is the main idea of reading passage?” “How many stages are involved in a job interview?” “What should be prepared in each stage of job interview?” “What is the supporting details for each key value? Activity3: Have students to complete the frame with suitable information Activity 4: Ask students to retell information about reading passage, adding any information students on their own if necessary 2.3.2 Using role play Suggested ways of using role play in post- reading stage Role plays are used to allow students to practice speaking in a conversational situation, build confidence and fluency, assess progress, and put learning into action Here are some role play activities I have used for post reading TV reporters Students can pretend to be television reporters with two minutes to sum up the highlights of the "story." They work in small groups to decide on the highlights which are written as news prompt on a laptop or a large piece of paper Teacher-absent student A student becomes the "teacher" and explains what was covered in class with a student who was absent This is a good and meaningful activity because the students are trained to decide important aspects of a lesson The activity may become really entertaining when the teacher plays a role of a real teacher the class know Hot Seat One student becomes the writer of a text or a character in a text, answering the class’ questions The questions can be creative, whose answers are not found in the text Here, there is aspect of unpredictability, which is one important characteristics of real communication Funny answers are expected, and these are the interesting parts of the activity Applications of using videos in post- reading of textbook English 12 * Sample 1: Unit 5: Higher education (Hot seat) skkn +Aim: Retell the story of freshmen mentioned in the text, encourage creative, funny questions not found in the text for hot seater + Time: 3-5 minutes + Procedure: Activity1: Assign students the role to play as Sarah, Ellen and Brenden “Now, you are freshmen at university and you are going to talk about your first impression of university life, and answer your friends’ questions.” Activity2: For hot seater: Have students organize the idea and format of their speech, think of the possible questions to answer For the class: Try to think of creative and funny questions to ask the hot seater, Teacher can offer additional help by asking questions to elicit the main idea of the text Activity3: Ask hot seater to retell his/ her story based on the text, encourage class to raise questions for him/ her * Sample 2: Unit 6: Future jobs (Head hunter) +Aim: Retell the main information of the job interview + Time: 3-5 minutes Procedure: - Assign students the role to play as a head hunter of Google “Now, you are a head hunter and you are going to give potential candidates to your cooperation brief information about how to have a good job interview” - Help students with the format of speech about the procedure of the job interview, what candidates should /shouldn’t in the interview to make a good impression on the interviewer - Have students their roles, asks classmates to give comments first and then teachers * Sample 3: Unit 8: Life in the future (Teacher- absent student) +Aim: Retell the main information of the lesson “Life in the future” + Time: 3-5 minutes + Procedure: - Assign students the role to play as a teacher and the class is an absent student “Now, you are Mrs Hoa- your teacher and you are going to give brief information to a student who was absent from previous lesson” - Ask student to select and organize the main information from the text - Encourage students (as an absent student) to raise questions to imaginary teacher to deal with - Have student to their roles and give feedbacks * Sample 4: Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Game (TV reporter) +Aim: Retell the main information of the 22nd SEA GAMES skkn + Time: 3-5 minutes + Procedure: Activity1: Assign students the role to play as VTV3 – a sport reporter “Now, you are a sport report of VTV3 channel and you are going to give brief information to audience about the 22nd Sea Games” To make the activity more meaningful and exciting, teacher encourages TV reporter to interview classmates as an audience about their feeling about sports events, and cultures of the host nation, etc Activity2: To connect the information in text book, teacher should ask students to talk about the 31st in Vietnam and then make comparison between the sport events Teacher also can prepare some pictures of the 31st Sea Games as guideline for students to speak Activity3: Have students to their role, listen and give feedback 2.3.3 Using Videos Suggested ways of using videos in post- reading Using video in the classroom is only truly effective when the students engage with it It’s not enough to just sit back and watch the screen, they need to be active! Here are five fun video- based activities that I often use in my classroom Here are several activities teachers can try out related to using video in the EFL classroom for post-reading stage How to Use Video 1: Order the Events After watching a clip, students are given a set of event cards Each card contains one or two sentences describing events from the video Students are then asked 10 skkn to rearrange the event cards into the correct order This reading-based activity is excellent for memory building and improving recall power How to Use Video 2: True or False Students watch a video clip and write three sentences about what they see Encourage the students to write a mix of true and false statements Every few minutes, pause the viewing and ask a student to read a sentence; the rest of the class must decide whether it’s true or false This is a great multi-skills activity, ideal for advanced students It tests their observation, writing, reading, speaking and listening skills, whilst encouraging creativity How to Use Video 3: What Happens Next? This is another activity that tests students’ power of observation, reasoning and creativity A very simple task: just pause the video and ask the students to guess (based on context) what will happen next Recommended sources of videos If you’re looking for videos for your lessons, it can be a little bit tricky to find ones that are appropriate for them My quick tip to cut down on the amount of time you spend searching is to search for your topic + ESL For example, “Jobs ESL” Or, use a topic + vocabulary Applications of using videos in post- reading of textbook English 12 * Sample 1: Unit 4: School education system (Using True or False activity) + Material: Video of American education system, projector (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ciiaPwhF0I) + Time: 3-5 minutes + Procedure: Activity1: Introduce the video about England’s education system “Now, we are going to watch a video about England’s education system” Activity2: Activate students’ knowledge about England education system from reading passage by asking question “What you already know about England’s education system? And what you want to know more?” Ask students to write three sentences about England’s education system to check after watching a video Activity3: Let student watch the video and then ask them to check their sentences and then to recall as many vocabulary as they can remember or to tell again some information they have just seen To make the activity more competitive, play a game for teams to write vocabulary appear in the videos Activity 4: Ask students to retell information about England school education system in video, making any comparison with the information they get from the text * Sample 2: Unit 8: Life in the future 11 skkn + Aims: After watching the video, students will have a brief view of the imaginary life in the future + Material: Video of the imaginary life in the future, projector (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SIhlWFAJWk) + Time: minutes + Procedure: Activity1: Introduce the video about the imaginary life in the future Activity2: Encourage students in a prediction about the life in the future in terms of transportation, building, school by recalling information they get from the reading passage Activity3: Let student watch the video and then asks them to draw a city of their own using video as a model * Sample 3: Unit 10: Endangered species (Using “order the event” activity) + Aims: After watching the video, students will be aware of the fact that many species are in danger of extinction + Material: Video of 10 species on the verge of extinction, projector (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsX71DHVO8k) + Time: minutes + Procedure: Activity1: Introduce the video about endangered species Activity2: Activate students’ knowledge and make students engage in topic about the species which are in danger of extinction by asking question “What animals you think are going to become extinct and what are the reasons for this?” - Give students a set of event cards Each card contains one or two sentences describing events from the video Students are then asked to rearrange the event cards into the correct order Activity3: Let student watch the video and then ask them to rearrange the event cards into the correct order and then to recall as many endangered species as possible and try to remember as many topic-based vocabulary as they can To make most use of the activity teacher asks student to work in groups to write sentences which have the structures: CAUSE-> CONSEQUENCE-> ANIMALS ENDANGERED Ex: Japan resumes commercial whaling-> Whale hunting happens in full bloom -> An animal which has been already on the brink of extinction is now more endangered 2.3.4 Using Discussion Suggested ways of using discussion in post- reading Here are the ways I employ discussion in post-reading in my reading lessons Getting Started 12 skkn *Create a comfortable environment; encourage students to express different points of view and to “think out loud.” *Get to know your students and the skills and perspectives they bring to the discussions, explain the rules and expectations for discussions at the outset * Plan and prepare, and combine discussions with other teaching methods During the Discussion * Provide a structure For example, write an outline or guiding questions on the board Prompt students to speak with one another * Create a balance between controlling the group dynamic and letting group members speak Show respect for all questions and comments; use verbal and non-verbal cues to encourage participation After the Discussion Reflect on how it went Jot down ideas for revision or improvement Application of using discussions in post- reading of textbook English 12 * Sample 1: Unit 11: Books + Aims: After discussing in groups, students will be able to have more knowledge of the importance of books, many types of books and some idioms relating to books + Material: paper, pens, markers + Time: minutes + Procedure: Divide class into or groups based on the number of questions prepared with various opinions relating to the topic of reading text Then give each group one question at random or give all questions for each group Encourage the learners to have a discussion about the questions they get and find out the suitable answer Once they have done this, the learners can then interact with people from other groups to share their opinions and reasons or the teacher will call the representatives of each group to give answer in front of the class Suggested questions: Question What does books bring about in our life? Question What kind of books you love reading the most? Question How you often read different kinds of books? Question List some idioms using the word “book”: * Sample 2: Unit 1: HOME LIFE + Aims: After discussing in groups, students will be able to talk about their family, the responsibility they should share with other family members + Material: paper, pens, markers + Time: minutes + Procedure: - Group students and ask them to discuss some of the questions relating to the topic they’ve learnt 13 skkn - How big is your family? - Are you the oldest or the youngest among your brothers and sisters? (if you have any) and how you get along with your brothers or sister? (if you have any) - Who is the breadwinner in your family? - Who does the housework in your family? - How important is family in your country? Teacher invites some groups’ representatives to report their ideas Teacher gives feedback and makes comments 2.3.5 Using pictures Suggested ways of using pictures in post- reading As for me, a picture is much more than an image Pictures are essential when it comes to engaging students who are learning a new language at any level They can be successful study aids during lessons, and they can act as useful prompts to help students when they are practicing speaking Here are several tips for bringing visual aids into your reading lessons Interact: The game Pictionary, in which players have to guess specific words based on their team mates' drawings, and other mingling games with pictures are fun activities to review the vocabulary they have learnt In order to engage students, teachers can show a picture only to half their class, and ask them to describe to the other half what they can see This second group will then have to try to report what the other students have seen, as accurately as they can Everyone will see something slightly different from the others, and the activity will strengthen their rapport Create: Students can write or tell a story by using a sequence of pictures, or, if the teacher wants to really fire their imagination, the students can create a story based on just a single picture This exercise can be particularly interesting and productive if the teacher encourages students to use specific tenses (such as past simple vs past continuous), vocabulary or functional language in their story - for example, describing a conversation at the train station Reflect: Not only does a picture give you the chance to reflect on what you can see, but it also represents the opportunity to develop your other senses by considering what you can hear, smell and touch By using their other senses, your students can add new information and will be able to avoid repetition Application of using pictures in post- reading of textbook English 12 Sample 1: Unit 2: Cultural Diversity (Using creating activity) + Aims: After watching the pictures, students will be able to give some description or create a story 14 skkn + Material: Pictures or projector + Time: minutes + Procedure: - Show some pictures of a wedding between an Asian girl with an American man and ask students questions: Question1: Can you describe what you can see in the picture? Question 2: Supposing you attended this wedding ceremony, tell me your story Question 3: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a marriage with a foreigner Suggested pictures: Review some new words relating to marriage, love, culture of marriage and reporting your story about the topic “Culture diversity about love and marriage” Sample 2: Unit 16: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Using predicting activity) + Aims: After having a look at the pictures of different countries in ASEAN, students will be able to guess the names of the countries and give some description of these countries + Material: pictures or projector + Time: minutes 15 skkn + Procedure: Activity 1: Select one or two typical pictures of a particular country in ASEANS and hide a half of the picture and ask students to guess what country it is and state their reasons Activity 2: Show the whole picture and ask students talk as much as you know about that country Question1: Can you guess what country it is? Why you think so? Question 2: What you know about this country? Question 3: What is its role and contribution to ASEAN? Activity 3: Review topic- based vocabulary about Asians members, deliver a talk about required topic 16 skkn Sample 3: * Unit 3: Ways of socializing (Using Pictionary activity) + Aims: After describing and guessing the words, students will be able to know some ways of non-verbal communication + Material: White boards, marker, + Time: minutes + Procedure: Select some of the key words from the text Put the class into two or three groups In turn, a learner from each group (at the same time) comes to the whiteboard They are told the word and they have to draw that word They are not allowed to use letters or numbers in their drawing The other students try to guess the word and earn points for their team To make the most of activity ask students to report the meaning of these gestures drawn by students in different cultures Suggested words: nod, shake hands, wave, clap, etc SOME RESULTS GAINED AFTER APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING The teaching experience was carried out among more than 100 students at grade 12th at Thieu Hoa high school This study reveals that the application of post- reading activities in teaching reading can bring about desirable benefits to both teachers and students in teaching and learning reading skill Since implementing these methods to consolidate reading lessons, I have gained some certain results and get more positive feedbacks from students My students are more are eagerly engaged in any of my post-reading activities even shy students and of course their understanding of the text is much better than that before Here are the result tables showing some information after applying different post-reading activities in comparison with that when using some common ways designed in the textbook This survey was conducted with the participation of more than 100 students of classes Table 1: Below gives the facts to the question “What you think of these activities: interesting, not very interesting, or boring?” Post - reading activities interesting normal boring using videos to consolidate the text 80% 20% 0% using role play to consolidate the text 50% 30% 20% using discussion to consolidate the text 35% 50% 15% using summary writing to consolidate the text 50% 35% 15% giving pictures to consolidate the lesson 70% 30% 0% Look at the table 1, the most noticeable thing is that (80%) of the students finds using videos, and (70%) of them state that using pictures to consolidate the text are interesting It can be understood that the preparation for communicative activities are time-consuming and hard for many teachers Besides, a large 17 skkn number of students enjoy other activities like using summary writing and role play, unfortunately, many of them think that using discussions to consolidate the text are normal or even boring (based on few students’ choices) Table below gives the facts to the question “How often does your teacher use Post-reading activities in reading lesson?” Post-reading activities Always sometimes rarely never Checking understanding 85% 15% 0% 0% Link knowledge with real experience 60% 35% 5% 0% Review vocabulary & structures 40% 25% 25% 10% Correlate other skills 90% 10% 0% 0% Motivating and funny 70% 25% 5% 0% Table indicates that three functions of post- reading activities such as: checking understanding, correlating reading with other skills and motivating and funny are acknowledged by lots of students Other roles like reviewing vocabulary & structures and linking the knowledge with real experience are less commonly reached However, in general, post-reading activities carried out have great influence on students in terms of increase their language competence and promote interest as a desirable result III CONCLUSION Conclusion Providing a good follow-up of a reading text can ultimately turn a lesson into a successful one The absence of an consolidation will lead to unsatisfactory result Post-reading activities should never be a monologue by the teacher with no student involvement Certainly, these post-reading strategies will help learners become more autonomous because they will begin to understand their own learning processes and subsequently control them which will in turn lead them to become more confident, motivated and successful learners This study revealed that these learning strategies were effective and facilitated the participants’ reading comprehension In this paper, I have tried to offer some activities teachers can use in postreading stage Depending on the time allowed, student’s level and interest, teacher might choose to use or adapt them accordingly Once again, I would like to emphasize that post-reading step is crucial in reading teaching especially for students of low English proficiency levels Proposals 2.1 To teachers * Prior to implementing any post-reading activity to the reading comprehension class, the teachers are suggested to analyze the curriculum, learners’ language proficiency level in order to make a right choice of the type of post-reading activities 18 skkn * To make the learner more interested in the reading activity, teachers are advised to select the activities that were in the range of interest, or topics related to their everyday life * In conducting the reading class, teachers are suggested to give a clear explanation before starting to each step of the reading comprehension activity * The post-reading activities should not take too much of the class time; rather a larger portion of the class time should be sacrificed to the main reading activities Also a portion of the time should be allocated to pre- reading activities 2.2 To students * Be active and willing to participate in the post-reading activities * Spend more to read to get more informed about different aspects of life to fascinating reading comprehension * Take full advantage of post- reading activities to get a deeper understand of the passage and thus apply the knowledge to meaningful communication * Take part in the activities in respectful ways to partners Because of time limitation, I not avoid errors I would like to receive feedback from my colleagues, especially teachers who teach English to make my initiatives more complete and widely applied in the teaching process Thanh Hoa, 20th May 2022 The confirmation of the Head – The Author Master I hereby acknowledge that this study is mine The date and findings discussed in the study are true, and not a copy of other’s Lê Đăng Điển Trịnh Thị Loan 19 skkn REFERENCES Tiếng Anh 12 Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Thiết kế giảng Tiếng Anh 12 Nhà Xuất Bản Hà Nội Phương pháp dạy Tiếng Anh trường phổ thông Nguyễn Hạnh Dung Teach English trainer’s handbook by Adrian Doff Brown, H D (2007) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching White Plains, NY: Pearson Education Harmer, J (1991), The Practice of Language Teaching, Longman https://www.readingandwritinghaven.com/engaging-post-reading-activities 20 skkn

Ngày đăng: 27/12/2023, 01:37

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