Figure 1 1 Diagram of the centrifugal system with intermittent line A
1 Assistive devices; 2 Distribution trough; 3 Intermittent centrifuge; 4. Container for raw honey A; 5 Container containing diluted bile A; 6 Sand sugar
Centrifugal drying is a crucial technology in the sugar industry, particularly for cake production This method effectively removes moisture, ensuring that sugar maintains its quality during packing and preservation By utilizing advanced techniques, manufacturers can enhance the shelf life and stability of sugar products, making them suitable for various culinary applications Proper packing is essential to protect sugar from environmental factors that could compromise its integrity Overall, the integration of centrifugal drying technology plays a vital role in optimizing sugar processing and preserving its freshness.
Figure 1 2 Diagram of the continuous centrifugation system for road B
1 Horizontal assistant; 2 Distribution trough; 3 Continuous centrifuge equipment; 4 Container for bile B.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This method not only enhances the drying process but also ensures effective packing and preservation of sugar, maintaining its quality and flavor By utilizing advanced techniques, manufacturers can improve efficiency and extend the shelf life of their products, making it an essential component in modern sugar processing.
Figure 1 3 Diagram of continuous centrifugation system for line C
1 Horizontal assist device; 2 Distribution trough; 3 Continuous centrifuge equipment; 4 C2 bile container; 5 Return sugar barrel; 6 Container for molasses.
Sugar centrifugation is a high-speed process that separates sugar crystals from molasses using centrifugal force in rotating vats This method yields sugar A, brown molasses (raw honey A), and white bile (diluted honey A) The centrifugal force effectively dissociates the solid and liquid phases, resulting in distinct components for further processing.
Young sugar is a suspension of sugar crystals and molasses that requires effective separation techniques due to its high solid phase ratio and viscosity To isolate the sugar crystals from the molasses, methods such as centrifugal filtration are employed, leveraging centrifugal force for efficient separation.
When an object rotates around an axis, it experiences a centripetal force directed toward the center of rotation According to Newton's 3rd law, this centripetal force generates an equal and opposite reaction known as centrifugal force Thus, centrifugal force is the reaction to the centripetal force acting on a rotating object.
Centrifugal force plays a crucial role in the separation of granulated sugar from molasses during the centrifuge's rotation As the centrifuge plate spins, it creates a force that effectively causes the honey to splash, facilitating the separation of solid sugar from the liquid molasses.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the production of sugar and cakes by efficiently separating fine particles During this process, the centrifugal force expels moisture through the machine's side mesh, while larger, fine-grained sugar remains trapped This method not only enhances the drying efficiency but also preserves the quality of the sugar, ensuring optimal packing and storage conditions.
To amplify centrifugal force, two key factors come into play: the diameter of the turntable and the number of revolutions Increasing either of these elements can significantly enhance the centrifugal force, with the rotation speed playing a pivotal role in accelerating this force beyond the diameter However, in practical applications, it is crucial to verify the material quality to ensure that the increased speed does not exceed the maximum allowable limit, thus preventing potential damage or malfunction.
The comparison of various centrifuges is based on the ratio of gravitational force to the centrifugal force exerted on the centrifuge mass This relationship is quantified by the dissociation value, which indicates the ratio of centrifugal force to weight, as well as the ratio of centrifugal acceleration to gravity Ultimately, the dissociation value serves as a key characteristic of the centrifuge's performance, defined by the formula f = F/G.
When designing a centrifuge, optimizing for maximum centrifugation value is essential To achieve higher speeds, it is crucial to proportionately reduce the wheel size while maintaining the stability of the turntable.
When a centrifuge operates, the sugar introduced to the rotating plate experiences centrifugal force, causing it to press against the plate's wall This action allows honey to escape through the holes in the plate wall, flowing out efficiently The centrifugal pressure ensures that the sugar layer remains tightly compressed against the mesh wall, optimizing the extraction process.
Centrifugal drying technology is essential in the sugar industry, particularly for cakes, as it effectively removes moisture while preserving the quality of the product This method enhances packing efficiency and extends the shelf life of sugar-based cakes By utilizing advanced centrifugal drying techniques, manufacturers can ensure optimal preservation and maintain the integrity of flavors and textures in their products.
The high concentration of molasses, combined with the high stickiness of the molasses, makes the transport and distribution of young molasses more difficult.
To effectively dilute young sugar, add hot water to the outlet of the aid tank, ensuring even distribution The recommended dilution is approximately 2% of the young sugar's total volume.
Diluting young sugar inevitably leads to the dissolution of some crystals Additionally, heating serves as an effective method to decrease the viscosity of raw sugar, which helps minimize the re-dissolving of any undissolved sugar.
According to studies, the viscosity of molasses decreases by 50% or the ability to break down bile increases by 50% when the temperature is increased by 5 ℃
Heating can be done in the vat or by means of a coiled tube in a gully or rapid heating devices.
1.2.3 Devices containing young sugar before centrifugation
The young sugar after semen is discharged into the distribution trough to stir well and distribute to the centrifuges.
The young sugar dispenser resembles a small aid box positioned above the centrifuges and should have a capacity sufficient to manage young sugar for 15 to 30 minutes Designed as a U-shaped or closed cylindrical horizontal cylinder, it features a screw-type stirrer operating at speeds of less than 1 to 8 rpm To avoid the settling of sugar crystals at the bottom, a small rake stirrer is incorporated within the trough.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the processing of sugar and cakes This method involves the use of a centrifuge, which operates at a speed of 3 rpm, effectively removing moisture from the products The design includes a tilted trough with a drain hole for efficient drainage, ensuring optimal packing and preservation of sugar and cake products.
Figure 1 4 Screw-type road distribution trough
In actual production, another type of trough is also U-barrel type but has a square hollow shaft with paddle-type stirrer suitable for feeding the granules to each centrifuge.
For road C, the distribution trough typically features a two-shell design or incorporates a heating element using hot water to lower the viscosity of the young road Alternatively, it may consist of a closed cylindrical horizontal trough equipped with a propeller-type stirrer, which lacks a heating system In such cases, a separate device is often utilized to heat the path prior to its entry into the centrifuge.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the production and preservation of sugar-based cakes This innovative method effectively removes moisture, enhancing the shelf life and quality of the final product Proper packing techniques further ensure that these cakes maintain their freshness and flavor during storage and transportation By leveraging advanced sugar technology, manufacturers can create delicious cakes that meet consumer demands while adhering to industry standards.
1 Raw road distribution trough; 2 Electric heating; 3 Continuous centrifugation; 4 Line load screw.
Heating the slope with a resistor has many advantages:
- The length of the road is short.
-> Thus, reducing the risk of crystals being re-dissolved and fully adapted to continuous centrifuges.
The optimal heating limit in the aid box or in the distribution trough is about
50 - 55 ℃ , but with the small line resistance heating device, it saves very little time at high temperature, so it can be easily raised to 57 ℃
The young sugar heater consists of two concentric tubes that allow the sapling to flow in the space between them These tubes act as electrodes, generating a potential difference that facilitates the process As the molasses moves through the centrifuge, it passes through a gravity-driven rapid heating device, ensuring a steady and continuous flow without interruptions between heating and centrifugation.
The molasses separation process is crucial for achieving high-quality products by effectively separating crystalline substances from molasses This process must also ensure mass production while clearly separating bile and bile diluents Additionally, it emphasizes water conservation and adherence to production conditioning protocols.
Conduct a rotation test using the wheel's hand several times, after making sure there are no problems, lower the shot, open molasses branch and press the
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the preservation and packaging of sugar-based cakes This innovative method ensures that cakes retain their moisture while effectively removing excess water, enhancing their shelf life By utilizing a centrifuge that gradually increases its rotation speed, the drying process becomes more efficient, maintaining the quality and texture of the cakes Proper packing techniques further protect these delicacies, ensuring they remain fresh and appealing to consumers Understanding the synergy between centrifugal drying and effective packaging is essential for optimizing cake preservation in the sugar industry.
To ensure even sugar distribution in the barrel, it is essential to lift the massecnite outlet Key factors influencing feed time include the concentration of massecnite and the centrifuge speed.
Due to its high concentration and viscosity, non-C has a lower charging speed compared to non-A, operating at a machine speed of 150-200 rpm When loaded at high speeds, it becomes challenging for the massecnite to adhere evenly to the machine's grid wall.
+ For non A: Because of the lower viscosity, it is usually loaded at a speed of about 250-300 rpm to avoid unevenly distributed massecnite.
In addition, the charge speed is controlled to suit the characteristics of the centrifuge being used.
Charge: massecnite materials are filled with rotating barrels, to improve equipment productivity but should not be too full, avoiding the phenomenon of massecnite thrown out to increase process losses.
For massecnite have a large, equal and low viscosity We can increase the amount of charge.
For small-sized massecuite with uneven consistency and high viscosity, the charge is minimized Non-B and non-C types effectively manage the molasses layer, resulting in a thinner layer compared to young A sugar, facilitating easier separation.
After charging, the massecnite layer in the entrance chum will be scratched into the rotating wheel of the device.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production and preservation of cakes This method enhances the efficiency of sugar extraction and ensures optimal packing conditions By utilizing advanced centrifugal techniques, manufacturers can improve the quality and longevity of sugar products, making them ideal for various culinary applications Proper packing and preservation methods are essential to maintain the freshness and flavor of sugar, contributing to the overall success of cake production.
After loading, the speed gradually increases to the maximum, allowing centrifuge forces to separate most of the massecuite, which then flows into the molasses branch This molasses is commonly referred to as brown sugar.
The duration of the separation molasses depends on:
+ The thickness of the massecnite layer: the larger molasses separation time.
+ Viscosity: The large molasses viscosity makes the time of separation of molasses even more.
+ Grain size and quality: if the grain is large and equal in size, the molasses separation time decreases.
+ Rotary barrel size: large size and large grid area, molasses separation time decreases.
To effectively eliminate sticky molasses from the surface of sugar crystals, it is essential to wash the crystals with water Even after the initial separation of molasses, a thin layer may still adhere to the crystals, necessitating an additional wash to completely remove the brown molasses residue.
- The process of washing the sugar (this is the process of using water to remove molasses and at the same time is the process of diffusion of sugar).
Water partially dissolves outside the crystal to create sugar water Centrifugal force then drives this sugar water through the crystal membrane, while diffusion occurs simultaneously Ultimately, this process leads to the efflux of sugar water through the sieve hole, resulting in the formation of sugar.
In locally concentrated and very densely, only the amount of water cannot be dissolved enough, so it is required to wash further with steam.
Centrifugal drying is a key technology in the sugar industry, particularly for cake production This process effectively removes moisture, ensuring optimal preservation and packing of sugar products By utilizing advanced techniques, manufacturers can enhance the quality and shelf life of their cakes, making them more appealing to consumers Proper packing and preservation methods are essential for maintaining the freshness and flavor of sugar-based confections.
For low-grade sugars, sugar B may only need to wash the water, while sugar C should not washed, as they will be reprocessed during production.
The molasses after washing the sugar is called white molasses, washed molasses or diluted molasses.
+ Often use hot water with a temperature of > 60 o C or overcizzly hot water >
The washing water utilized in the process accounts for approximately 2-3% of the total massecnite volume, with the quantity varying based on crystal grain size Larger crystals require less water; however, excessive water usage can lead to deformed crystal angles, diminishing the sugar's sparkle and increasing the volume of molasses that must be recooked.
+ Water quality: no turbidity, no impurities or odors, often use condensation water to wash.
+ After washing the water, use saturated vapor with pressure of 3-4 at to continue washing.
+ The amount of steam used is about 2-3% of the amount of massecnite. The purpose of the steam-ejector process:
+ Steam easily passes through small gap between crystals, raising temperature, reducing viscosity to help the centrifuge process occur better.
+ When the heat is lost, it condenses into water and washes the sugar crystal again.
+ High temperature steam will make the crystal drier In addition to the preliminary drying effect, which makes the sugar grain shinier, it also reduces lump of sugar.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This method effectively removes moisture, ensuring that sugar is preserved and packed efficiently The process enhances the quality and shelf life of sugar products, making it essential for manufacturers By utilizing advanced techniques in centrifugal drying, the industry can maintain the integrity of sugar while optimizing packing processes Overall, this technology is vital for preserving the quality of sugar used in various applications, including baking and confectionery.
To maintain the quality of finished non-A sugar, it is essential to utilize wash water and wash steam effectively In the case of non-B and non-C sugars, any washing should be minimal and only performed when necessary.
Separated molasses and diluted molasses:
Washing sugar removes the molasses that clings to the surface of the crystals, but it also leads to the dissolution of the sugar crystals themselves This process results in an increase in the purity of the remaining molasses, surpassing its original purity level.
To maintain the purity of molasses, it is crucial to properly separate it and open the diluted branch at the appropriate time This prevents the mixing of molasses and diluted molasses, which can negatively impact purity and complicate quality control during the cooking process.
1.3.5 Stop and discharge the road
+ After washing by steam, close the steam valve, brake the machine and discharge the sugar.
+ The entire duration of the completion of the centrifugal process called the centrifugal cycle
Centrifuge is the fundamental factor that determines the effectiveness of molasses separation, in addition to a number of other factors that affect the process.
The quality of massecnite is an important factor that greatly affects the rate of separation of molasses.
The speed of separation molassesis affected by the size of sugar crystal grain, the viscosity of massecnite or the stickiness of the molasses.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar and cake industry, enhancing the preservation and packing processes This innovative method efficiently removes moisture, ensuring the longevity and quality of sugar products By optimizing drying techniques, manufacturers can improve the texture and shelf life of cakes, ultimately leading to better consumer satisfaction Emphasizing the importance of proper packing and preservation methods is essential for maintaining product integrity and freshness in the competitive market.
The crystal grain of the massecnite are moderately sized and arranged regularly, a gap between crystals grain very large and easily separate molasses.
If the particle size is uneven, especially there are many mischievous, when it comes to the process of molasses feces it is easy to choke the net.
If a beam occurs, it is extremely difficult to separate the bile between the crystals.
Molasses exhibits high viscosity, making the centrifugation process challenging To address this issue, it is essential to effectively reheat the massecnite, particularly for massecnite C.
To optimize washing time, it is essential to manage viscosity by increasing the amount of hot water and introducing steam into the rotating barrel to enhance the flow rate of molasses Additionally, employing hot air in a closed barrel can help maintain sugar temperature and further accelerate molasses flow.
The worker possesses comprehensive expertise in the molasses separation process, including an understanding of massecuite quality indicators and the ability to assess the degree of separation and moisture content in refined sugar By optimizing centrifuge performance, the worker enhances the efficiency of the centrifugal process, leading to improved sugar quality, minimized losses, and reduced energy, electricity, and water expenses.
The centrifugal process is once sequenced according to the stages of bile sorting cycle Start, recharge, declassify, wash the road, stop the machine and discharge the sugar.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This process not only enhances the quality of sugar but also ensures efficient packing and preservation By utilizing advanced techniques, manufacturers can achieve optimal moisture removal, leading to longer shelf life and improved texture in baked goods Understanding the importance of centrifugal drying is essential for anyone involved in sugar technology and cake production.
Centrifuge twice In the first centrifugation without steam washing, also known as pre-centrifugation The bile removed is bile.
After the molasses is separated, the sugar is transferred to a tank beneath the preliminary centrifuges In this stage, young sugar is produced by mixing it with a higher purity density than its female bile or with tea bile or hot water to achieve the optimal concentration for the centrifuge process This mixture is then processed through a second centrifuge, known as the complete centrifuge, where it can be washed with water or steam, resulting in diluted bile.
The dual centrifuge method produces high-quality sugar with effectively separated bile, though it necessitates the use of two centrifuges instead of one This bile-defecation technique, commonly referred to as re-sieve, is typically employed for young C sugar.
1.5.3 C line double bile (C line re-sieve)
+ Increases the ability to recover roads and ensures the safety of erratic treatment of the end line for reuse
+ Remove a large amount of starch in sugar i.e increase the quality of sugar
The C pathway in the preliminary centrifuge directs C sand road discharge into the lake barrel for recycling into magma Bile B, the material used for the road, is collected in a container, diluted to 70°Bx, and heated to 70°C This magma is then pumped onto the distribution trough of the finished centrifuge The redistributed C sugar merges with magma C in the sugar lake barrel Finally, the rich C bile from the finishing centrifuges is utilized for cooking C, rather than B.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production and preservation of cakes This method effectively removes moisture, ensuring that sugar maintains its quality and extends shelf life Proper packing techniques are essential to protect sugar products from contamination and degradation, thereby preserving their flavor and texture By integrating advanced sugar technology with efficient drying and packing processes, manufacturers can enhance the overall quality of cake ingredients and ensure customer satisfaction.
The sugar lake process involves utilizing raw materials like bile or hot water combined with sand sugar, which is derived from centrifuging This mixture creates a concentrated young sugar (referred to as magma) that can be sifted to produce higher quality sand sugar or to create various types of premium cooking sugars.
In factories that produce white sand sugar, the process involves cooking three types of sugar, including sand B sugar, which is mixed with magma (diluted sugar) similar to young sugar preparation Sugar B, extracted from the centrifuge, is transported via a screw to a sugar slurry device, where it is combined with a precise amount of tea molasses or clean water to create a diluted sugar lake with a concentration of 86-91% It is crucial to maintain the right concentration of diluted sugar; if it is too high, pumping becomes challenging, and if too low, it can lead to significant sugar dissolution, negatively impacting production efficiency.
Cane sugar recovery involves using hot water, and when necessary, saturated steam to fully dissolve sand sugar into a concentrated sugar solution This process transforms the sugar into a higher-grade raw material suitable for cooking young sugar.
Cane sugar recovery is essential for optimizing the use of equipment, steam, electricity, and water in white sand sugar factories Typically, the C sand line processes raw sugar through a resuscitation device, resulting in syrup with a concentration equal to or greater than tea density This syrup undergoes preliminary filtration to eliminate impurities and is treated with SO2 for a second time to reduce color, in conjunction with molasses cooked with young sugar A.
Technology requirements:must completely dissolve the sand sugar into syrup with the appropriate concentration or it will interfere in the cooking of young A sugar.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar and cake industry by enhancing the preservation and packing processes This innovative method efficiently removes moisture, ensuring that sugar retains its quality and cakes maintain their freshness By utilizing advanced techniques in centrifugal drying, manufacturers can improve product shelf life while minimizing waste Proper packing further protects these products from environmental factors, making them ideal for long-term storage and transportation Emphasizing these technologies not only boosts product quality but also aligns with modern sustainability practices in food production.
Load screws are essential for transporting low-level road materials, particularly round particles with high stickiness They are commonly utilized in the movement of sand B and sand road C, effectively connecting equipment for road lakes and facilitating road regression.
Figure 1 6 Cane sugar screw conveyor
A screw conveyor features a U-shaped trough housing a spiral shaft resembling a chicken intestine, with supports at both ends and a mid-support pillow for added stability This design is particularly effective for transporting abrasive road particles, making it ideal for moving materials from low-level roads to road lake equipment or for road regression applications.
1.7.1 Flat bottom Weston discontinuous centrifuge
- This type of centrifuge is commonly used for sand road A and sand road B at a speed of 960 rpm or a highway centrifuge for road C at a speed of 1,450 -1,850 rpm.
Centrifugal drying is a crucial technology in the sugar industry, particularly for the production of cakes This process enhances the efficiency of sugar extraction and preservation, ensuring that the final product maintains its quality during packing By utilizing advanced centrifugal techniques, manufacturers can achieve optimal drying results, which are essential for extending the shelf life of sugar products Proper packing and preservation methods are vital to maintaining the integrity and flavor of cakes, making these technologies indispensable in modern sugar processing.
Figure 1 7 Flat bottom Weston discontinuous centrifuge
1 Mesh basket, 2 Rotary, 3 Support pillow, 4 Cone, 5 Ledge, 6 Rotary barrel, 7 Engine, 8 Coupling, 9 Engine stop brake
The machine features a 6th rotating crankshaft connected to the 2nd axis and a barrel, with a 3-axis support pillow allowing the shaft to hang freely The base is equipped with a 4th cone positioned on the 5th ledge, which is manually raised for discharging The barrel rotates within a fixed shell, facilitating bile separation through a grid as it flows into the container Typically, centrifuges are lined with two copper mesh panels, where the outer panel has 5 × 5 mm holes and the inner panel has 0.5 × 5 mm holes A rubber-cushioned lock on the shaft bearing permits slight vertical movement, preventing vibrations and bending when uneven raw materials are introduced The centrifuge is powered by a 7-engine through coupling 8 and features a brake 9 for stopping, along with a steam and water drainage system for cleaning.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This innovative method enhances the efficiency of drying sugar, ensuring optimal preservation and packing By utilizing centrifugal forces, manufacturers can achieve a higher quality product that meets industry standards The process not only improves the texture and flavor of cakes but also extends their shelf life, making it an essential technique in modern sugar processing.
Figure 2 1 Diagram of drying system and finished product
The centrifuge operates on a continuous inertial principle, typically positioned on the ground A fixed tube directs the input material to the bottom of the rotating barrel The centrifugal force causes the material to splash against the barrel wall, propelling it upwards Bile is expelled through an opening in the barrel wall, while the remaining material is ejected from the top of the rotating barrel.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This process efficiently removes moisture, ensuring that sugar maintains its quality and longevity Proper packing and preservation techniques are essential for keeping sugar products fresh and extending their shelf life By utilizing advanced centrifugal drying methods, manufacturers can enhance the texture and flavor of cakes, making them more appealing to consumers Overall, the integration of technology in sugar processing significantly contributes to better product quality and consumer satisfaction.
1 Centrifugal zone; 2 Sugar dryer; 3 Sieve; 4 Packing area; 5 Silo;
6 Special sugar production zone; 7 Transport vehicle; 8 Warehouse.
2.1.1 Purpose of sugar drying process
After centrifugation, washing with hot water results in an initial moisture content of 1-2% at approximately 60°C, while steam washing achieves an initial humidity of 0.7-1.0% at around 80°C Due to these moisture levels and temperatures, bagging and storage are not feasible.
To prevent sugar clumping and degradation, a crucial step is sugar drying, which cools the product to ambient temperature and reduces humidity to 0.05%, thereby ensuring the finished sugar has a shiny appearance and meets quality and safety standards for storage and distribution in the market.
Thus, the purpose of sugar drying is to bring sugar to the appropriate humidity, increase the storage time, make the finished sugar shiny, not damaged or deformed during storage.
2.1.2 The principle of sugar drying
Use the heat released from the sugar itself after centrifugation, or use hot air to evaporate the water on the road surface.
The main factors affecting the drying rate of sugar:
The grain size of granulated sugar and the thickness of its layer significantly impact drying time An increase in the surface area for water evaporation accelerates the drying process However, if the sugar crystals are excessively small and the layer is too thick, moisture diffusion becomes challenging, resulting in slower drying rates.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the processing of sugar, particularly in the production of cakes This method ensures effective moisture removal, which is essential for preserving the quality and shelf life of sugar products Proper packing techniques are also vital in maintaining the integrity of sugar during storage and transport By utilizing advanced centrifugal drying methods, manufacturers can enhance the efficiency of sugar processing and improve the overall quality of baked goods.
The amount of water contained in the sugar is dried: if the granulated sugar after centrifugation has high moisture, the drying time will be prolonged.
High air temperature combined with low relative humidity enhances hygroscopicity and accelerates drying speed However, it is crucial to maintain an optimal air temperature during the drying process, as excessively high temperatures can negatively impact the quality of the sugar post-drying.
Drying equipment: different equipment structure, drying speed is also different.
2.1.3 Methods of drying crystalline sugar
After centrifugation, granulated sugar typically has a temperature exceeding 80°C, necessitating natural cooling to achieve an optimal temperature This process utilizes the sugar's residual heat for drying; however, it is time-consuming and challenging to manage the final product Additionally, fluctuations in moisture content post-centrifugation can significantly impact drying efficiency.
To effectively reduce moisture in sugar, begin by drying the air to lower its relative humidity Next, introduce the sugar into the dryer, allowing the granules to interact with the dry air and absorb moisture This method ensures a shorter drying time and allows for precise control over the final moisture content of the sugar.
2.2.1 Equipment for conveying granulated sugar from centrifuge to sugar dryer Vibrating conveyors transporting sugar (Vibrating floor)
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This method effectively removes moisture from sugar, ensuring its preservation and enhancing its shelf life Proper packing techniques are essential to maintain the quality of sugar and prevent contamination By utilizing advanced centrifugal drying processes, manufacturers can optimize sugar production, resulting in high-quality products that meet consumer demands.
1 Sieve surface; 2 Connecting rod; 3 Eccentric swing arm; 4 Eccentric wheel;
5 Sugar after centrifugation; 6 Vibrating chute.
Vibrating sieves are positioned directly beneath centrifuges to effectively transport sugar released during the centrifugation process to the bottom of the bucket This method allows for the cooling and drying of the sugar while ensuring that it remains uncrushed during transport Vibrating screens are commonly utilized for transporting materials like sand as well.
A vibrating sieve consists of a deep, flat-bottomed steel trough equipped with multiple tweezers that have dynamic joints It operates through a motor with an eccentric arm, which generates vibrations, causing the chute to oscillate back and forth.
In the sugar manufacturing industry, using a lifting bucket is a type of equipment used to transport bulk materials (sand lines) from low to high in the vertical direction.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This process not only enhances the efficiency of sugar extraction but also ensures optimal packing and preservation of sugar products By utilizing advanced techniques in centrifugal drying, manufacturers can improve the quality and shelf-life of cakes, making them more appealing to consumers The integration of technology in sugar processing is essential for maintaining high standards in food production and preserving the integrity of ingredients.
1 Bucket load; 2 Chain load; 3 Bucket load body; 4 Sprocket.
The system features two bucket ends equipped with sprockets, with buckets installed evenly along the chain A motor drives the lifting bucket via a reducer As the chain moves, the bucket transports sand from the bottom to the top of the tower, where it reverses direction and releases the sand, allowing it to fall freely and dry the road naturally.
This compact bucket design occupies minimal space; however, it can easily break granulated sugar, creating dust and complicating handling and classification When employing a conveyor dryer for natural drying, it is advisable to avoid using a lifting bucket and instead utilize a vibrating sieve to guide the material directly to the dryer.
At present, rotary drum dryer is being widely used in the sugar drying industry.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the production and preservation of sugar, particularly in cake manufacturing This innovative method ensures efficient moisture removal, enhancing the shelf life and quality of sugar products Proper packing techniques are essential to maintain the integrity and freshness of sugar, preventing contamination and spoilage By utilizing advanced centrifugal drying and effective packing strategies, the sugar industry can optimize its processes and deliver high-quality ingredients for various culinary applications.
1 Air intake door; 2 Caloriphe; 3 Loading door; 4 Gears; 5 Rotary barrel; 6. Belt; 7 Exhaust gas pipes; 8 Conveyor belt; 9 Door outlet after drying; 10.
The machine consists of a cylindrical barrel that is placed horizontally and tilted slightly from the ground from 3 to 6° Box 5 rests on belt 6 thanks to the
The 11 support roller system facilitates movement via the transmission system 10, utilizing gear 4 that rotates at 3 to 8 rpm Sugar enters the dryer through inlet 3 and is processed in the revolving drum After undergoing drying and cooling, the sugar is discharged through door 9 and conveyed to the bagging unit by conveyor 8 Heated air from the caloriphe 2 unit, which moves in sync with the sugar, exits the dryer through the recovery cyclone Additionally, the air temperature entering and exiting the dryer is automatically regulated for optimal performance.
The machine operates by introducing wet material into the top of a rotating barrel, where it begins to spin As the inner blades stir the ingredients, the material is thoroughly mixed and exposed to hot air, facilitating moisture removal This continuous turning and drying process effectively moves the material from the top of the barrel.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the processing of sugar for cakes This method ensures that sugar reaches the desired level of dryness by utilizing a centrifugal force that effectively removes moisture Once the sugar is adequately dried, it is carefully packed and preserved to maintain its quality and freshness The entire process culminates with the material being released through an unloader, ensuring efficient handling and storage.
The structure of this type of dryer is similar to a vibrating type dryer.
1 Distribution segment; 2 The boiling segment; 3 The selection screening section; 4 Air chamber;
5 Current guide plate; 6 Micro-perforated sheet; 7 Adjustable brake plate; 8.
9 Air; 10 Road; 11 Powdered sugar; 12 Finished sugar;13 Lump sugar.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the production and preservation of sugar, particularly in cake manufacturing This method effectively removes moisture, ensuring the sugar maintains its quality and extends its shelf life Proper packing techniques are essential to protect sugar from contamination and moisture, enhancing its preservation By utilizing advanced sugar technology, manufacturers can improve the efficiency of their processes while delivering high-quality products to consumers.
Figure 2 6 Schematic diagram of fluidized bed dryer
1 Wet road; 2 Hot air; 3 Cold air; 4 Air out; 5 Dry sugar.
Fluidized bed drying is an efficient method characterized by rapid drying speeds and high production capacity In this process, cane sugar is spread on perforated plates, while hot air is introduced from below, ensuring contact with the sugar's surface When the airflow reaches optimal velocity, the sugar layer becomes uniform and lifts, resembling boiling water, allowing it to separate from the conveyor belt with the aid of a cushion of air underneath.
The constant vibration of the drying machine allows the sugar layer to float within the airflow, minimizing friction between the sand line and the fine hole sheet This process prevents damage to the angles of the crystals, resulting in a higher brightness of the sugar particles.
Typical boiling floor dryer: total length 13m, width 1m, inside the division in
3 segments: distribution segment, boiling segment and selection segment.
The road transitions into the distribution segment, ensuring an even distribution of road movement At the conclusion of this section, a wiper is positioned to regulate the thickness of the sugar layer prior to entering the boiling phase.
The boiling segment is made up of the air chamber, the extremely small hole plate and the top cover In the lower layer there are two curved air current
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the efficient packing and preservation of sugar used in cake production This process ensures even distribution of air, which is vital for maintaining the optimal drying rate Hot air is introduced into the lower air chamber, where it travels through small openings into the boiling section, effectively facilitating the drying process before being expelled from the top cover.
The sand line from the boiling section comes out through the selection section and divides into 3 types of sugar of different sizes.
High drying effect, usually drying at the boiling point for only 12 seconds. The total drying and sieve time is 70-80 seconds.
+ Average yield per hour of 7.61 tons of sand sugar is equivalent to the yield of 1,500 tons of sugarcane per day.
+ Materials for making extremely small perforated panels + Relatively large drying bins
Possible phenomena when storing sugar
- This phenomenon most often occurs and is most important during storage.The air entering the warehouse will condense to the surface of the sugar crystal,making the sugar moist.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the preservation and packing of sugar-based cakes This innovative method effectively removes moisture, ensuring the longevity and quality of the product By utilizing advanced techniques in sugar processing, manufacturers can enhance the flavor and texture of cakes while maintaining their freshness Proper packing is essential to protect these treats from environmental factors, further extending their shelf life Emphasizing the significance of sugar technology in cake production can lead to improved consumer satisfaction and marketability.
The primary cause of sugar clumping is packing it before it has cooled after drying When the external temperature suddenly decreases, the saturated water layer around the sugar crystals can become oversaturated, leading to the formation of new crystals that gradually bind together, resulting in clumps of sugar Other contributing factors may also be involved.
- Some microorganisms and molds turn sugar into butiric acid and lactic, xitric, acetic acid
- After the sugar is moist, there are many yeasts that make the sugar metabolize
Microorganisms found in sugar cane can survive the production process and reactivate in low temperatures or suitable conditions To mitigate this issue, it's essential to focus on thoroughly cleaning sugar cane bran and minimizing the duration of cleaning and drying sugar crystals.
- It is also caused by sugar moisture Because when moistened sugar is susceptible to microorganisms and can cause the metabolism of sugar.
Centrifugal drying technology plays a crucial role in the sugar industry, particularly in the production of cakes This process enhances the efficiency of packing and preserving sugar, ensuring that the final product maintains its quality and flavor By utilizing advanced drying techniques, manufacturers can optimize the shelf life of sugar-based products while maintaining their desirable characteristics.