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Pimental (Ed.), pp. 317-342, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0471968382, Chichester, West Sussex, UK Part 2 Further Applications [...]... systems and, in combination with other omics technologies, has an important role in helping uncover the mechanisms of these cellular processes and thereby advance the development of environmental biotechnologies29 200 Insecticides – Basic and Other Applications The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis has been used extensively for the separation of proteins in yeast, bacteria and higher organisms with the... for a period of 96 hrs and at regular intervals of 24 hrs, the proteins induced were analyzed The protein expression was observed at 29, 45, 48, 55, 63, 92 and 114 kDa at 24 hrs (Fig 1) On exposure to methomyl for 48 hrs the bands were observed at 29, 45, 48, 55, 63, 92 and 114 kDa (Fig 2) The methomyl treated for 72 hrs showed expression at 29, 39, 45, 66 and 92 kDa (Fig 3) and for 96 hrs the expressions... s-s bridges and increased susceptibility to proteolysis 3 It has been revealed that the secretion of extra cellular proteins, including toxins and cellular 204 Insecticides – Basic and Other Applications effectors, is one of the key contributing factors in a bacterium’s ability to thrive in diverse environments 26 Hence, the present study indicates that the protein expressions are dose and duration... Esherichia coli induced by methomyl for 48 hours 202 Insecticides – Basic and Other Applications Fig 3 Protein profile of Esherichia coli induced by methomyl for 72 hours Fig 4 Protein profile of Esherichia coli induced by methomyl for 96 hours The protein profiles were compared with the dose and duration of exposure of methomyl in Escherichia coli and the results revealed that the intensity of the proteins... understanding the proteomic/genomic response and tolerance of the microorganisms to the extreme environment 5 Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Post Graduate Department of Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology, Karnatak University Dharwad for providing the necessary facilities 6 References [1] Barakat K.K., Effect of Certain Insecticides on the Stabilization And Lysis of Human and Fish... Lacerda and Kenneth F., Reardon Environmental proteomics: applications of proteome profiling in environmental microbiology and biotechnology., briefings in functional genomics and proteomics., pp 1-13(2009) 11 Ameliorative Effect of Vitamin E on Sensorimotor and Cognitive Changes Induced by Chronic Chlorpyrifos Exposure in Wistar Rats Suleiman F Ambali1, Joseph O Ayo1, Muftau Shittu1, Mohammed U Kawu1 and. .. neurological, cognitive and psychomotor impairments following cumulative exposure to OPs and organochlorines in people from agricultural communities, without history of acute poisoning (Kamel & Hoppin 2004; Kamel et al., 2007) Neurobehavioural changes following low-dose OP exposure have been reported in sheep farmers (Stephens et al., 1995), 208 Insecticides – Basic and Other Applications greenhouse... insecticide that exhibit a broad spectrum of activity against arthropod pests of plants, animals, and humans, and has wide applications in both agricultural and commercial pest control (Rack, 1993) It is one of the most widely used insecticides and is applied about 20 million times per year in US to houses and lawns (Kingston et al., 1999) with 82% of adults having detectable levels of the 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol,... 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