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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 2009, Article ID 640152, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2009/640152 Research Article On the Identities of Symmetry for the Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials Attached to χ of Higher Order Taekyun Kim, 1 Lee-Chae Jang, 2 Young-Hee Kim, 1 and Kyung-Won Hwang 3 1 Division of General Education-Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, South Korea 2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Konkook University, Chungju 139-701, South Korea 3 Department of General Education, Kookmin University, Seoul 136-702, South Korea Correspondence should be addressed to Taekyun Kim, tkkim@kw.ac.kr Received 5 June 2009; Accepted 5 August 2009 Recommended by Vijay Gupta We give some interesting relationships between the power sums and the generalized Bernoulli numbers attached to χ of higher order using multivariate p-adic invariant integral on Z p . Copyright q 2009 Taekyun Kim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction Let p be a fixed prime number. Throughout this paper, the symbols Z, Z p , Q p ,andC p denote the ring of rational integers, the ring of p-adic integers, the field of p-adic rational numbers, and the completion of algebraic closure of Q p , respectively. Let N be the set of natural numbers, and Z   N ∪{0}.Letν p be the normalized exponential valuation of C p with |p| p  p −ν p p  p −1 see 1–24. Let UDZ p  be the space of uniformly differentiable function on Z p .Letd be a fixed positive integer. For n ∈ N,let X  X d  lim ← N Z dp N Z ,X 1  Z p , X ∗   0<a<dp a,p1  a  dpZ p  , a  dp N Z p   x ∈ X | x ≡ a  mod dp N  , 1.1 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications where a ∈ Z lies in 0 ≤ a<dp N . For f ∈ UDX,thep-adic invariant integral on X is defined as I  f    X f  x  dx  lim N →∞ 1 dp N dp N −1  x0 f  x  1.2 see 11–19.From1.2,wenotethat I  f 1   I  f   f   0  , 1.3 where f  0df x/dx| x0 and f 1 xfx  1.Letf n xfx  nn ∈ N. Then we can derive the following equation from 1.3: I  f n   I  f   n−1  i0 f   i  1.4 see 1–11.Letχ be the Dirichlet’s character with conductor d ∈ N. Then the generalized Bernoulli polynomials attached to χ are defined as d−1  a0 χ  a  e at t e dt − 1 e xt  ∞  n0 B n,χ  x  t n n! , 1.5 and the generalized Bernoulli numbers attached to χ, B n,χ , are defined as B n,χ  B n,χ 0 see 1–20, 25. The purpose of this paper is to derive some identities of symmetry for the generalized Bernoulli polynomials attached to χ of higher order. 2. Symmetric Properties for the Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials of Higher Order Let χ be the Dirichlet’s character with conductor d ∈ N. Then we note that  X χ  x  e xt dx  t  d−1 i0 χ  i  e it e dt − 1  ∞  n0 B n,χ t n n! , 2.1 where B n,χ are the nth generalized Bernoulli numbers attached to χ see 7, 9, 15, 25.Now we also see that the generalized Bernoulli polynomials attached to χ are given by  X χ  y  e xyt dy  t  d−1 i0 χ  i  e it e dt − 1 e xt  ∞  n0 B n,χ  x  t n n! . 2.2 By 2.1 and 2.2, we have  X χ  x  x n dx  B n,χ 2.3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 see 15, 25 ,and  X χ  y  x  y  n dy  B n,χ  x  2.4 see 1–19, 25 . For n ∈ N,weobtainthat  X f  x  n  dx   X f  x  dx  n−1  i0 f   i  , 2.5 where f  idf x/dx| xi . Thus, we have 1 t   X χ  x  e  ndx  t dx −  X χ  x  e xt dx   nd  X χ  x  e xt dx  X e ndxt dx  e ndt − 1 e dt − 1  d−1  i0 χ  i  e it  . 2.6 Then 1 t   X χ  x  e  ndx  t dx −  X χ  x  e xt dx   nd−1  l0 χ  l  e lt  ∞  k0  nd−1  l0 χ  l  l k  t k k! . 2.7 Let us define the p-adic function T k χ, n as follows: T k  χ, n   n  l0 χ  l  l k 2.8 see 25.By2.7 and 2.8,weseethat 1 t   X χ  x  e  ndx  t dx −  X χ  x  e xt dx   ∞  k0 T k  χ, nd − 1  t k k! 2.9 see 25. T hus, we have  X χ  x  nd  x  k dx −  X χ  x  x k dx  kT k−1  χ, nd − 1  , k,n,d∈ N. 2.10 This means that B k,χ  nd  − B k,χ  kT k−1  χ, nd − 1  , k,n,d∈ N 2.11 see 25. 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications The generalized Bernoulli polynomials attached to χ of order k, which is denoted by B k n,χ x, are defined as  t  d−1 i0 χie it e dt − 1  k e xt  ∞  n0 B k n,χ  x  t n n! . 2.12 Then the values of B k n,χ x at x  0 are called the generalized Bernoulli numbers attached to χ of order k. When k  1, the polynomials of numbers are called the generalized Bernoulli polynomials or numbers attached to χ.Letw 1 ,w 2 ∈ N. Then we set K  m, χ; w 1 ,w 2   d   X m  m i1 χ  x i  e   m i1 x i w 2 xw 1 t  m i1 dx i   X m  m i1 χ  x i  e   m i1 x i w 1 yw 2 t  m i1 dx i   X e dw 1 w 2 xt dx , 2.13 where  X m f  x 1 , ,x m  dx 1 ···dx m   X ···  X f  x 1 , ,x m  dx 1 ···dx m . 2.14 In 2.13,wenotethatKm, χ; w 1 ,w 2  is symmetric in w 1 ,w 2 .From2.13, we derive K  m, χ; w 1 ,w 2     X m m  i1 χ  x i  e   m i1 x i  w 1 t dx 1 ···dx m  e w 1 w 2 xt  d  X χ  x m  e w 2 x m t dx m  X e dw 1 w 2 xt dx  ×   X m−1 m−1  i1 χ  x i  e   m−1 i1 x i  w 2 t dx 1 ···dx m−1  e w 1 w 2 yt . 2.15 It is easy to see that w 1 d  X χ  x  e xt dx  X e dw 1 xt dx  ∞  k0  w 1 d−1  i0 χ  i  i k  t k k!  ∞  k0 T k  χ, w 1 d − 1  t k k! , e w 1 w 2 xt  X m m  i1 χ  x i  e   m i1 x i w 1 t dx 1 ···dx m  e w 1 w 2 xt  w 1 t e dw 1 t − 1 d−1  a0 χ  a  e w 1 at  m  ∞  n0 B m n,χ  w 2 x  w 1 n t n n! . 2.16 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 5 From 2.16,wenotethat K  m, χ; w 1 ,w 2    ∞  l0 B  m  l,χ  w 2 x  w 1 l t l l!  ∞  k0 T k  χ, w 1 d − 1  w 2 k t k k!  ∞  i0 B  m−1  i,χ  w 1 y  w 2 i t i i!   1 w 1   ∞  n0 ⎡ ⎣ n  j0  n j  w j 2 w n−j−1 1 B  m  n−j,χ  w 2 x  j  k0 T k  χ, w 1 d − 1   j k  B  m−1  j−k,χ  w 1 y  ⎤ ⎦ t n n! . 2.17 By the symmetry of Km, χ; w 1 ,w 2  in w 1 and w 2 ,weseethat K  m, χ; w 1 ,w 2   ∞  n0 ⎡ ⎣ n  j0  n j  w j 1 w n−j−1 2 B  m  n−j,χ  w 1 x  j  k0 T k  χ, w 2 d − 1   j k  B  m−1  j−k,χ  w 2 y  ⎤ ⎦ t n n! . 2.18 By comparing the coefficients on the both sides of 2.17 and 2.18, we see the following theorem. Theorem 2.1. For d, w 1 ,w 2 ∈ N,n≥ 0,m≥ 1, one has n  j0  n j  w j 2 w n−j−1 1 B m n−j,χ  w 2 x  j  k0 T k  χ, w 1 d − 1   j k  B m−1 j−k,χ  w 1 y   n  j0  n j  w j 1 w n−j−1 2 B m n−j,χ  w 1 x  j  k0 T k  χ, w 2 d − 1   j k  B m−1 j−k,χ  w 2 y  . 2.19 Remark 2.2. Let y  0andm  1in1.4. Then we have n  j0  n j  w j 2 w n−j−1 1 B n−j,χ  w 2 x  T j  χ, w 1 d − 1   n  j0  n j  w j 1 w n−j−1 2 B n−j,χ  w 1 x  T j  χ, w 2 d − 1  2.20 see 25. 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications We also calculate that K  m, χ; w 1 ,w 2   ∞  n0  n  k0  n k  w k−1 1 w n−k 2 B  m−1  n−k,χ  w 1 y  dw 1 −1  i0 B  m  k,χ  w 2 x  w 2 w 1 i   t n n! . 2.21 From the symmetric property of Km, χ; w 1 ,w 2  in w 1 and w 2 , we derive K  m, χ; w 1 ,w 2   ∞  n0  n  k0  n k  w k−1 2 w n−k 1 B  m−1  n−k,χ  w 2 y  dw 2 −1  i0 B  m  k,χ  w 1 x  w 1 w 2 i   t n n! . 2.22 By comparing the coefficients on the both sides of 2.21 and 2.22, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.3. For w 1 ,w 2 ∈ N,n∈ Z,m∈ N, one has n  k0  n k  w k−1 1 w n−k 2 B  m−1  n−k,χ  w 1 y  dw 1 −1  i0 B  m  k,χ  w 2 x  w 2 w 1 i   n  k0  n k  w k−1 2 w n−k 1 B  m−1  n−k,χ  w 2 y  dw 2 −1  i0 B  m  k,χ  w 1 x  w 1 w 2 i  . 2.23 Remark 2.4. Let y  0andm  1in2.23. We have w n−1 1 dw 1 −1  i0 B n,χ  w 2 x  w 2 w 1 i   w n−1 2 dw 2 −1  i0 B n,χ  w 1 x  w 1 w 2 i  2.24 see 25. Acknowledgment The present research has been conducted by the research Grant of the Kwangwoon University in 2009. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 7 References 1 M. Cenkci, “The p-adic generalized twisted h, q-Euler-l-function and its applications,” Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 37–47, 2007. 2 M. Cenkci, Y. Simsek, and V. Kurt, “Multiple two-variable p-adic q-L-function and its behavior at s  0,” Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 447–459, 2008. 3 L C. Jang, S D. Kim, D W. Park, and Y S. 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The purpose of this paper is to derive some identities of symmetry for the generalized Bernoulli polynomials attached to χ of higher order. 2 Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 2009, Article ID 640152, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2009/640152 Research Article On the Identities of Symmetry for the Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials Attached. numbers attached to χ of order k. When k  1, the polynomials of numbers are called the generalized Bernoulli polynomials or numbers attached to χ. Letw 1 ,w 2 ∈ N. Then we set K  m, χ; w 1 ,w 2   d   X m  m i1 χ  x i  e   m i1 x i w 2 xw 1 t  m i1 dx i   X m  m i1 χ  x i  e   m i1 x i w 1 yw 2 t  m i1 dx i   X e dw 1 w 2 xt dx , 2.13 where  X m f  x 1 ,

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2014, 02:20