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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Fixed Point Theory and Applications Volume 2008, Article ID 401947, 15 pages doi:10.1155/2008/401947 Research Article Bounded and Periodic Solutions of Semilinear Impulsive Periodic System on Banach Spaces JinRong Wang, 1 X. Xiang, 1, 2 W. W ei, 2 and Qian Chen 3 1 College of Computer Science and Technology, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China 2 College of Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China 3 College of Electronic Science and Information Technology, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China Correspondence should be addressed to JinRong Wang, wjr9668@126.com Received 20 February 2008; Revised 6 April 2008; Accepted 7 July 2008 Recommended by Jean Mawhin A class of semilinear impulsive periodic system on Banach spaces is considered. First, we introduce the T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of semilinear impulsive periodic system. By virtue of Gronwall lemma with impulse, the estimate on the PC-mild solutions is derived. The continuity and compactness of the new constructed Poincar ´ e operator determined by impulsive evolution operator corresponding to homogenous linear impulsive periodic system are shown. This allows us to apply Horn’s fixed-point theorem to prove the existence of T 0 -periodic PC-mild solutions when PC-mild solutions are ultimate bounded. This extends the study on periodic solutions of periodic system without impulse to periodic system with impulse on general Banach spaces. At last, an example is given for demonstration. Copyright q 2008 JinRong Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction It is well known that impulsive periodic motion is a very important and special phenomenon not only in natural science but also in social science such as climate, food supplement, insecticide population, and sustainable development. There are many results, such as existence, the relationship between bounded solutions and periodic solutions, stability, food limited, and robustness, about impulsive periodic system on finite dimensional spaces see 1–7. Although, there are some papers on periodic solution of periodic systems on infinite dimensional spaces see 8–13 and some results about the impulsive systems on infinite dimensional spaces see 14–18. Particulary, Professor Jean Mawhin investigated the periodic solutions of all kinds of systems on infinite dimensional spaces extensively see 2, 19–23. However, to our knowledge, nonlinear impulsive periodic systems on infinite 2 Fixed Point Theory and Applications dimensional spaces with unbounded operator have not been extensively investigated. There are only few works done by us about the impulsive periodic system with unbounded operator on infinite dimensional spaces see 24–27. We have been established periodic solution theory under the existence of a bounded solution for the linear impulsive periodic system on infinite dimensional spaces. Several criteria were obtained to ensure the existence, uniqueness, global asymptotical stability, alternative theorem, Massera’s theorem, and Robustness of a T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution for the linear impulsive periodic system. Herein, we go on studying the semilinear impulsive periodic system ˙xtAxtft, x,t /  τ k , ΔxtB k xtc k ,t τ k , 1.1 on infinite dimensional Banach space X, where 0  τ 0 <τ 1 <τ 2 < ··· <τ k ···, lim k→∞ τ k  ∞, τ kδ  τ k  T 0 , Δxτ k xτ  k  − xτ − k , k ∈ Z  0 , T 0 is a fixed positive number and δ ∈ N denoted t he number of impulsive points between 0 and T 0 . The operator A is the infinitesimal generator of a C 0 -semigroup {Tt,t ≥ 0} on X, f is a measurable function from 0, ∞ × X to X and is T 0 -periodic in t,andB kδ  B k , c kδ  c k . This paper is mainly concerned with the existence of periodic solution for semilinear impulsive periodic system on infinite dimensional Banach space X. In this paper, we use Horn’s fixed-point theorem to obtain the existence of periodic solution for semilinear impulsive periodic system 1.1. First, by virtue of impulsive evolution operator corresponding to homogeneous linear impulsive system, we construct a new Poincar ´ e operator P for semilinear impulsive periodic system 1.1, then we overcome some difficulties to show the continuity and compactness of Poincar ´ e operator P which are very important. By virtue of Gronwall lemma with impulse, the estimate of PC-mild solutions is given. Therefore, the existence of T 0 -periodic PC-mild solutions for semilinear impulsive periodic system when PC-mild solutions are ultimate bounded is shown. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some results of linear impulsive periodic system and properties of impulsive evolution operator corresponding to homoge- neous linear impulsive periodic system are recalled. In Section 3, the Gronwall’s lemma with impulse is collected and the T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of semilinear impulsive periodic system 1.1 is introduced. The new Poincar ´ e operator P is constructed and the relation between T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution and the fixed point of Poincar ´ e operator P is given. After the continuity and compactness of Poincar ´ e operator P are shown, the existence of T 0 - periodic PC-mild solutions for semilinear impulsive periodic system is established by virtue of Horn’s fixed-point theorem when PC-mild solutions are ultimate bounded. At last, an example is given to demonstrate the applicability of our result. 2. Linear impulsive periodic system Let X be a Banach space. £X denotes the space of linear operators in X;£ b X denotes the space of bounded linear operators in X.£ b X is the Banach space with the usual supremum norm. Define  D  {τ 1 , ,τ δ }⊂0,T 0 . We introduce PC0,T 0 ; X ≡{x : 0,T 0  → X | x is continuous at t ∈ 0,T 0  \  D, x is continuous from left and has right-hand limits at t ∈  D}, and PC 1 0,T 0 ; X ≡{x ∈ PC0,T 0 ; X | ˙x ∈ PC0,T 0 ; X}. Set x PC  max  sup t∈0,T 0  xt  0, sup t∈0,T 0  xt − 0  , x PC 1  x PC   ˙x PC . 2.1 JinRong Wang et al. 3 It can be seen that endowed with the norm · PC · PC 1 , PC0,T 0 ; XPC 1 0,T 0 ; X is a Banach space. In order to study the semilinear impulsive periodic system, we first recall linear impulse periodic system here. Firstly, we recall homogeneous linear impulsive periodic system . x tAxt,t /  τ k , ΔxtB k xt,t τ k . 2.2 We introduce the following assumption H1. H1.1: A is the infinitesimal generator of a C 0 -semigroup {Tt,t≥ 0} on X with domain DA. H1.2: There exists δ such that τ kδ  τ k  T 0 . H1.3: For each k ∈ Z  0 , B k ∈ £ b X and B kδ  B k . In order to study system 2.2, we need to consider the associated Cauchy problem . x tAxt,t∈ 0,T 0  \  D, Δxτ k B k xτ k ,k 1, 2, ,δ, x0 x. 2.3 If x ∈ DA and DA is an invariant subspace of B k ,using28, Theorem 5.2.2, page 144, step by step, one can verify that the Cauchy problem 2.3 has a unique classical solution x ∈ PC 1 0,T 0 ; X represented by xtSt, 0x, where S·, · : Δ{t, θ ∈ 0,T 0  × 0,T 0  | 0 ≤ θ ≤ t ≤ T 0 }−→£X, 2.4 given by St, θ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ Tt − θ,τ k−1 ≤ θ ≤ t ≤ τ k , Tt − τ  k I  B k Tτ k − θ,τ k−1 ≤ θ<τ k <t≤ τ k1 , Tt − τ  k    θ<τ j <t I  B j Tτ j − τ  j−1   I  B i Tτ i − θ, τ i−1 ≤ θ<τ i ≤···<τ k <t≤ τ k1 . 2.5 Definition 2.1. The operator {St, θ, t, θ ∈ Δ} given by 2.5 is called the impulsive evolution operator associated with {Tt,t≥ 0} and {B k ; τ k } ∞ k1 . We introduce the PC-mild solution of Cauchy problem 2.3 and T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of system 2.2. 4 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Definition 2.2. For every x ∈ X, the function x ∈ PC0,T 0 ; X given by xtSt, 0x is said to be the PC-mild solution of the Cauchy problem 2.3. Definition 2.3. A function x ∈ PC0, ∞; X is said to be a T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of system 2.2 if it is a PC-mild solution of Cauchy problem 2.3 corresponding to some x and xt  T 0 xt for t ≥ 0. The following lemma gives the properties of the impulsive evolution operator {St, θ, t, θ ∈ Δ} associated with {Tt,t≥ 0} and {B k ; τ k } ∞ k1 are widely used in this paper. Lemma 2.4 see 24, Lemma 1. Impulsive evolution operator {St, θ, t, θ ∈ Δ} has the follow- ing properties. 1 For 0 ≤ θ ≤ t ≤ T 0 , St, θ ∈ £ b X, that is, there exists a constant M T 0 > 0 such that sup 0≤θ≤t≤T 0 St, θ≤M T 0 . 2.6 2 For 0 ≤ θ<r<t≤ T 0 , r /  τ k , St, θSt, rSr, θ. 3 For 0 ≤ θ ≤ t ≤ T 0 and N ∈ Z  0 , St  NT 0 ,θ NT 0 St, θ. 4 For 0 ≤ t ≤ T 0 and N ∈ Z  0 , SNT 0  t, 0St, 0ST 0 , 0 N . 5 If {Tt,t≥ 0} is a compact semigroup in X,thenSt, θ is a c ompact operator for 0 ≤ θ< t ≤ T 0 . Secondly, we recall nonhomogeneous linear impulsive periodic system ˙xtAxtft,t /  τ k , ΔxtB k xtc k ,t τ k , 2.7 where f ∈ L 1 0,T 0 ; X, ft  T 0 ft for t ≥ 0andc kδ  c k . In order to study system 2.7, we need to consider the associated Cauchy problem ˙xtAxtft,t∈ 0,T 0  \  D, Δxτ k B k xτ k c k ,k 1, 2, ,δ, x0 x, 2.8 and introduce the PC-mild solution of Cauchy problem 2.8 and T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of system 2.7. Definition 2.5. A function x ∈ PC0,T 0 ; X, for finite interval 0,T 0 ,issaidtobeaPC-mild solution of the Cauchy problem 2.8 corresponding to the initial value x ∈ X and input f ∈ L 1 0,T 0 ; X if x is given by xtSt, 0 x   t 0 St, θfθdθ   0≤τ k <t St, τ  k c k . 2.9 Definition 2.6. A function x ∈ PC0, ∞; X is said to be a T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of system 2.7 if it is a PC-mild solution of Cauchy problem 2.8 corresponding to some x and xt  T 0 xt for t ≥ 0. JinRong Wang et al. 5 Here, we note that system 2.2 has a T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution x if and only if ST 0 , 0 has a fixed point. The impulsive periodic evolution operator {St, θ, t, θ ∈ Δ} can be used to reduce the existence of T 0 -periodic PC-mild solutions for system 2.7 to the existence of fixed points for an operator equation. This implies that we can use the uniform framework in 8, 13 to study the existence of periodic PC-mild solutions for impulsive periodic system on Banach space. 3. Semilinear impulsive periodic system In order to derive the estimate of PC-mild solutions, we collect the following Gronwall’s lemma with impulse which is widely used in sequel. Lemma 3.1. Let x ∈ PC0,T 0 ; X and satisfy the following inequality: xt≤a  b  t 0 xθdθ   0<τ k <t ζ k xτ k , 3.1 where a, b, ζ k ≥ 0, are constants. Then, the following inequality holds: xt≤a  0<τ k <t 1  ζ k e bt . 3.2 Proof. Defining uta  b  t 0 xθdθ   0<τ k <t ζ k xτ k , 3.3 we get ˙utbxt≤but,t /  τ k , u0a, uτ  k uτ k ζ k xτ k ≤1  ζ k uτ k . 3.4 For t ∈ τ k ,τ k1 ,by3.4,weobtain ut ≤ uτ  k e bt−τ k  ≤ 1  ζ k uτ k e bt−τ k  , 3.5 further, ut ≤ a  0<τ k <t 1  ζ k e bt , 3.6 thus, xt≤a  0<τ k <t 1  ζ k e bt . 3.7 For more details the reader can refer to 5, Lemma 1.7.1. 6 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Now, we consider the following semilinear impulsive periodic system ˙xtAxtft, x,t /  τ k , ΔxtB k xtc k ,t τ k . 3.8 and introduce a suitable Poincar ´ e operator and study the T 0 -periodic PC-mild solutions of system 3.8. In order to study the system 3.8, we first consider the associated Cauchy problem ˙xtAxtft, x,t∈ 0,T 0  \  D, Δxτ k B k xτ k c k ,k 1, 2, ,δ, x0 x. 3.9 Now, we can introduce the PC-mild solution of the Cauchy problem 3.9. Definition 3.2. A function x ∈ PC0,T 0 ; X is said to be a PC-mild solution of the Cauchy problem 3.9 corresponding to the initial value x ∈ X if x satisfies the following integral equation: xtSt, 0 x   t 0 St, θfθ, xθdθ   0≤τ k <t St, τ  k c k . 3.10 Remark 3.3. Since one of the main difference of system 3.9 and other ODEs is the middle “jumping condition,” we need verify that the PC-mild solution defined by 3.10 satisfies the middle “jumping condition” in 3.9. In fact, it comes from 3.10  and Sτ  k ,θI  B k Sτ k ,θ, for 0 ≤ θ<τ k , k  1, 2, ,δ,that xτ  k Sτ  k , 0x   τ  k 0 Sτ  k ,θfθ, xθdθ   0≤τ k <τ  k Sτ  k ,τ  k c k I  B k   Sτ k , 0x   τ k 0 Sτ k ,θfθ, xθdθ   0≤τ k−1 <τ k Sτ k ,τ  k−1 c k   c k I  B k xτ k c k . 3.11 It shows that Δxτ k B k xτ k c k ,k 1, 2, ,δ. In order to show the existence of the PC-mild solution of Cauchy problem 3.9 and T 0 -periodic PC-mild solutions for system 3.8, we introduce assumption H2. H2.1: f : 0, ∞ × X → X is measurable for t ≥ 0 and for any x, y ∈ X satisfying x, y≤ ρ, there exists a positive constant L f ρ > 0 such that ft, x − ft, y≤L f ρx − y. 3.12 H2.2: There exists a positive constant M f > 0 such that ft, x≤M f 1  x ∀ x ∈ X. 3.13 JinRong Wang et al. 7 H2.3: ft, x is T 0 -periodic in t,thatis,ft  T 0 ,xft, x,t≥ 0. H2.4: For each k ∈ Z  0 and c k ∈ X, there exists δ ∈ N such that c kδ  c k . Now, we state the following result which asserts the existence of PC-mild solution for Cauchy problem 3.9 and gives the estimate of PC-mild solutions for Cauchy problem 3.9 by virtue of Lemma 3.1. A similar result for a class of generalized nonlinear impulsive integral differential equations is given by Xiang and Wei in 17. Thus, we only sketch the proof here. Theorem 3.4. Assumptions [H1.1], [H2.1], and [H2.2] hold, and for each k ∈ Z  0 , B k ∈ £ b X, c k ∈ X be fixed. Let x ∈ X be fixed. Then Cauchy problem 3.9 has a unique PC-mild solution given by xt, xSt, 0x   t 0 St, θfθ, xθ, xdθ   0≤τ k <t St, τ  k c k . 3.14 Further, suppose x ∈ Ξ ⊂ X, Ξ is a bounded subset of X, then there exits a constant M ∗ > 0 such that xt, x≤M ∗ ∀ t ∈ 0,T 0 . 3.15 Proof. Under the assumptions H1.1, H2.1,andH2.2, using the similar method of 28, Theorem 5.3.3, page 169, Cauchy problem . x tAxtft, x,t∈ s, τ, xs x ∈ X, 3.16 has a unique mild solution xtTt x   t s Tt − θfθ, xθdθ. 3.17 In general, for t ∈ τ k ,τ k1 , Cauchy problem . x tAxtft, x,t∈ τ k ,τ k1 , xτ k x k ≡ I  B k xτ k c k ∈ X 3.18 has a unique PC-mild solution xtTt − τ k x k   t τ k Tt − θfθ, xθdθ. 3.19 Combining all solutions onτ k ,τ k1 k  1, ,δ, one can obtain the PC-mild solution of the Cauchy problem 3.9 given by xt, xSt, 0x   t 0 St, θfθ, xθ, xdθ   0≤τ k <t St, τ  k c k . 3.20 8 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Further, by assumption H2.2 and 1 of Lemma 2.4,weobtain xt, x≤  M T 0 x  M T 0 M f T 0  M T 0  0≤τ k <T 0 c k    M T 0  t 0 xθ, xdθ. 3.21 Since x ∈ Ξ ⊂ X, Ξ is a bounded subset of X,usingLemma 3.1, one can obtain xt, x≤  M T 0 x  M T 0 M f T 0  M T 0  0≤τ k <T 0 c k   e M T 0 T 0 ≡ M ∗ , ∀ t ∈ 0,T 0 . 3.22 Now, we introduce the T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of system 3.8. Definition 3.5. A function x ∈ PC0, ∞; X is said to be a T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution of system 3.8 if it is a PC-mild solution of Cauchy problem 3.9 corresponding to some x and xt  T 0 xt for t ≥ 0. In order to study the periodic solutions of the system 3.8, we construct a new Poincar ´ e operator from X to X as follows: P xxT 0 , xST 0 , 0x   T 0 0 ST 0 ,θfθ, xθ, xdθ   0≤τ k <T 0 ST 0 ,τ  k c k , 3.23 where x·, x denote the PC-mild solution of the Cauchy problem 3.9 corresponding to the initial value x0 x. We can note that a fixed point of P gives rise to a periodic solution as follows. Lemma 3.6. System 3.8 has a T 0 -periodic PC-mild solution if and only if P has a fixed point. Proof. Suppose x·x·  T 0 , then x0xT 0 Px0. This implies that x0 is a fixed point of P. On the other hand, if Px 0  x 0 , x 0 ∈ X, then for the PC-mild solution x·,x 0  of Cauchy problem 3.9 corresponding to the initial value x0x 0 , we can define y·x·  T 0 ,x 0 , then y0xT 0 ,x 0 Px 0  x 0 . Now, for t>0, we can use 2, 3,and 4 of Lemma 2.4 and assumptions H1.2, H1.3, H2.3, H2.4 to obtain ytxt  T 0 ,x 0   St  T 0 ,T 0 ST 0 , 0x 0   T 0 0 St  T 0 ,T 0 ST 0 ,θfθ, xθ, x 0 dθ   0≤τ k <T 0 St  T 0 ,T 0 ST 0 ,τ  k c k   tT 0 T 0 St  T 0 ,θfθ, xθ, x 0 dθ   T 0 ≤τ kδ <tT 0 St  T 0 ,τ  kδ c kδ  St, 0  ST 0 , 0x 0   T 0 0 ST 0 ,θfθ, xθ, x 0 dθ   0≤τ k <T 0 ST 0 ,τ  k c k    t 0 St  T 0 ,s T 0 fs  T 0 ,xs  T 0 ,x 0 ds   0≤τ k <t St, τ  k c k  St, 0y0  t 0 St, sfs, ys, y0ds   0≤τ k <t St, τ  k c k . 3.24 JinRong Wang et al. 9 This implies that y·,y0 is a PC-mild solution of Cauchy problem 3.9 with initial value y0x 0 . Thus, the uniqueness implies that x·,x 0 y·,y0  x·  T 0 ,x 0  so that x·,x 0  is a T 0 -periodic. Next, we show that the operator P is continuous. Lemma 3.7. Assumptions [H1.1], [H2.1], and [H2.2] hold. Then, operator P is a continuous operator of x on X. Proof. Let x, y ∈ Ξ ⊂ X, where Ξ is a bounded subset of X.Supposex·, x and x·, y are the PC-mild solutions of Cauchy problem 3.9 corresponding to the initial value x and y ∈ X, respectively, given by xt, xSt, 0x   t 0 St, θfθ, xθ, xdθ   0≤τ k <t ST 0 ,τ  k c k ; xt, ySt, 0y   t 0 St, θfθ, xθ, ydθ   0≤τ k <t ST 0 ,τ  k c k . 3.25 Thus, by assumption H2.2 and 1 of Lemma 2.4,weobtain xt, x≤  M T 0 x  M T 0 M f T 0  M T 0  0≤τ k <T 0 c k    M T 0  t 0 xθ, xdθ; xt, y≤  M T 0 y  M T 0 M f T 0  M T 0  0≤τ k <T 0 c k    M T 0  t 0 xθ, ydθ. 3.26 By Lemma 3.1, one can verify that there exist constants M ∗ 1 and M ∗ 2 > 0 such that xt, x≤M ∗ 1 , xt, y≤M ∗ 2 . 3.27 Let ρ  max{M ∗ 1 ,M ∗ 2 } > 0, then x·, x, x·, y≤ρ. By assumption H2.1 and 1 of Lemma 2.4,weobtain xt, x − xt, y≤St, 0x − y   t 0 St, θfθ, xθ, x − fθ, xθ, ydθ ≤ M T 0 x − y  M T 0 L f ρ  t 0 xθ, x − xθ, ydθ. 3.28 By Lemma 3.1 again, one can verify that there exists a constant M>0 such that xt, x − xt, y≤MM T 0 x − y≡Lx − y, ∀ t ∈ 0,T 0 , 3.29 which implies that P x − P y  xT 0 , x − xT 0 , y≤Lx − y. 3.30 Hence, P is a continuous operator of x on X. 10 Fixed Point Theory and Applications In the sequel, we need to prove the compactness of operator P, so we assume the following. Assumption H3: The semigroup {Tt,t≥ 0} is compact on X. Now, we are ready to prove the compactness of operator P defined by 3.23. Lemma 3.8. Assumptions [H1.1], [H2.1], [H2.2], and [H3] hold. Then, the operator P is a compact operator. Proof. We only need to verify that P takes a bounded set into a precompact set on X.LetΓ is a bounded subset of X. Define K  PΓ{P x ∈ X | x ∈ Γ}. For 0 <ε<t≤ T 0 , define K ε  P ε ΓST 0 ,T 0 − ε{xT 0 − ε, x | x ∈ Γ}. Next, we show that K ε is precompact on X. In fact, for x ∈ Γ fixed, we have xT 0 − ε, x       ST 0 − ε, 0x   T 0 −ε 0 ST 0 − ε, θfθ, xθ, xdθ   0≤τ k <T 0 −ε ST 0 − ε, τ  k c k      ≤ M T 0 x  M T 0 M f T 0   T 0 0 xθ, xdθ  M T 0  0≤τ k <T 0 c k  ≤ M T 0 x  M T 0 M f T 0  T 0 ρ  M T 0 δ  k1 c k . 3.31 This implies that the set {xT 0 − ε, x | x ∈ Γ} is bounded. By assumption H3 and 5 of Lemma 2.4, ST 0 ,T 0 − ε is a compact operator. Thus, K ε is precompact on X. On the other hand, for arbitrary x ∈ Γ, P ε xST 0 , 0x   T 0 −ε 0 ST 0 ,θfθ, xθ, xdθ   0≤τ k <T 0 −ε ST 0 ,τ  k c k , 3.32 thus, combined with 3.23, we have P ε x − P x≤      T 0 −ε 0 ST 0 ,θfθ, xθdθ −  T 0 0 ST 0 ,θfθ, xθdθ            0≤τ k <T 0 −ε ST 0 ,τ  k c k −  0≤τ k <T 0 ST 0 ,τ  k c k      ≤  T 0 T 0 −ε ST 0 ,θfθ, xθdθ  M T 0  T 0 −ε≤τ k <T 0 c k  ≤ 2M T 0 M f 1  ρε  M T 0  T 0 −ε≤τ k <T 0 c k . 3.33 It is showing that the set K can be approximated to an arbitrary degree of accuracy by a precompact set K ε . Hence, K itself is precompact set on X.Thatis,P takes a bounded set into a precompact set on X.Asaresult,P is a compact operator. 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