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(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) motivation in learning english among the second year students in faculty of banking and finance, hanoi university of business and technology

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN THỊ XUYẾN MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH AMONG THE SECOND-YEAR STUDENTS IN FACULTY OF BANKING AND FINANCE, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY (Động lực học tiếng Anh sinh viên năm thứ hai Khoa Tài chính-Ngân hàng, Trường Đại học Kinh doanh Cơng nghệ Hà Nội) M.A Minor Programme Thesis 60 14 10 Hanoi, September/ 2010 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN THỊ XUYẾN MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH AMONG THE SECOND-YEAR STUDENTS IN FACULTY OF BANKING AND FINANCE, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY (Động lực học tiếng Anh sinh viên năm thứ hai Khoa Tài chính-Ngân hàng, Trường Đại học Kinh doanh Cơng nghệ Hà Nội) M.A Minor Programme Thesis Major: ELT Methodology Major code: 60 14 10 Supervisor: Hoàng Thị Hồng Hải, M.A Hanoi, September/ 2010 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com iv Table of content Declaration………………………………………………………………………………….i Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………… ii Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………….iii Table of content……………………………………………………………………………iv List of abbreviation terms……………………………………………………………… vi List of tables and figures………………………………………………………………….vii INTRODUCTION 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY AIMS OF THE STUDY RESEARCH QUESTIONS SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY SCOPE OF THE STUDY DESIGN OF THE STUDY DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Definition of motivation in L2 learning 1.2 Classification of motivation in language learning 1.2.1 Gardner’s classification…………………………………………………………….6 1.2.2 Deci and Ryan’s classsification………………………………………………… 1.3 Factors affecting negatively students’ motivation in L2/foreign language learning……………………………………………………………………………………… CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY ….13 2.1 Context of the study 13 2.2 Subjects 14 2.3 Data collection instruments 15 2.4 Data collection procedure 17 2.5 Data analysis…………………………………………………………………………… 18 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 19 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com v 3.1 Findings 19 3.1.1 Students’ motivation in learning English in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation…………………………………………………………………………………… 19 Extrinsic motivation…………………………………………………….19 Intrinsic motivation…………………………………………………… 21 3.1.2 Factors affecting negatively the motivation in learning English…………24 3.2 Discussions 30 3.2.1 Students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation……………………………….30 3.2.2 Demotivating factors……………………………………………………….32 Subject-related demotivating factors……………………………… 32 Learning environment-related demotivating factors……………….33 Teacher-related demotivating factors……………………………… 34 Student-related demotivating factors…………………………………36 CONCLUSION 37 SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 37 RECOMMENDATIONS 38 LIMITATIONS 39 FUTURE DIRECTION 40 REFERENCES 41 APPENDICES Appendix : Motivation questionnaire (in English) Appendix : Motivation questionnaire (in Vietnamese) Appendix 3: Tran and Baldauf’s (2007) framework of demotivating factors in Vietnamese university students Appendix 4: Schmidt et al (1996) questionnaire Appendix 5: Results of demotivating factors questionnaire TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology vi List of abbreviation terms L2 Second language EFL English as a foreign language HUBT Hanoi University of Business and Technology FoBF Faculty of Banking and Finance SD Strongly Disagree D Disagree U Undecided A Agree SA Strongly Agree (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology vii List of tables Table 1: The structure of the motivation questionnaire……………………………………… 16 Table 2: The frequency and distribution of items measuring extrinsic motivation………… 20 Table 3: The frequency distribution of items measuring intrinsic motivation……………… 22 Table 4: The frequency of Demotivating factors by coding categories…………………… 24 Table 5: Internal demotivating factors……………………………………………………… 25 Table 6: Teacher- related demotivating factors……………………………………………… 28 Table 7: Learning environment-related demotivating factors……………………………… 29 List of charts Chart The frequency and distribution of items measuring extrinsic motivation………… 20 Chart The frequency distribution of items measuring intrinsic motivation……………… 22 Chart The frequency of demotivating factors by coding categories……………………… 25 (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology PART A: INTRODUCTION Background of the study In the globalization era, English has become more and more important as an international language; therefore, in many countries all over the world, students are required to learn English through compulsory programmes at educational institutions Surprisingly, despite the fact that students have to learn English to pass the examination to graduate, many students fail to study it successfully In many countries where studying English as a second or foreign language is compulsory such as China, Taiwan, or Vietnam, students usually drop out the programmes or find out the strategies to pass the exams with the least effort What are the reasons for this problem? Studies have shown that there are many factors, both internal and external, that influence the second/foreign language learning process such as the learning environment, the instructors, the learning conditions, the attitude of learners towards the target language, the learners‟ language aptitude, intelligence, and motivation, and so on (see Gardner (2001), Lightbown & Spada (1999), and Ellis (1985)) That is why in order to solve the above-mentioned problem, those influential factors for second/foreign language learning must be investigated carefully Among various influential factors, Gardner (2001) stated that “motivation is a central element along with language attitude in determining success in learning another language in the classroom setting” (p.2) since he believed “many of these other variables are dependent on motivation for their effects to be realized” (Gardner, 2001, p.2) Other researchers such as Ely (1986); Spolsky (1989), and Scarcella and Oxford (1992) shared the same view that motivation determines how much effort students make, how often students use second/foreign language learning strategies, how much students interact with native speakers, how much input they receive in the language being learned, how well they on curriculum-related achievement tests, how high their general proficiency level becomes, and how long they preserve and maintain second/foreign language skills after language study is over Hence, the study of motivation in second/foreign language learning is very important In Vietnam, although several researchers (see Tran & Baldauf (2007)) have conducted a few motivational studies of English as a foreign language in some Vietnam‟s universities, most studies have focused mainly on the relationship between motivation and academic achievement There have been a few attempts revealing the (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology motivational factors that underlie the Vietnamese university students‟ English language learning Furthermore, as a lecturer of English at HUBT, the researcher herself realizes that although English is considered one of the most important subjects at HUBT with a lot of time and effort spent on teaching and learning English, students at HUBT in general and in FoBF in particular seem not to be successful in learning English After a great deal of talks with those students as well as the researcher‟s observation, it seems that one of the reasons may be related to students‟ motivation in learning English However, there are not any researches conducted to investigate into the situation of students‟ motivation in learning English at HUBT in general and students in FoBF in particular All of the above-mentioned reasons have urged the researcher to conduct the research with the title “Motivation in learning English among the second-year students in Faculty of Banking and Finance, Hanoi University of Business and Technology.” Aims of the study This study is conducted in order to investigate into the motivational factors that urge second-year students in FoBF to learn English as well as to find out whether those motivational factors are intrinsic or extrinsic This piece of research moreover is expected to reveal the main factors that affect negatively the motivation in learning English, and the order of frequency of these demotivating factors Finally, basing on the results of the research, this study will propose some strategies to improve the motivation in learning English of the second-year students in FoBF in particular and the students at HUBT in general Research questions This study is guided by the following questions: What is Banking and Finance second-year students‟ motivation in learning English in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? What factors affect negatively the motivation in learning English of second-year students in FoBF? Which demotivating factors are the most frequent as perceived by second-year students in FoBF? (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology Significance of the study It is hoped that this study would give a full picture of English learning motivation of second-year students in FoBF, HUBT From this research, the researcher herself together with other English teachers who are in charge of teaching English for those students can better understand the situation of their students‟ motivation in learning English as well as the factors affecting that motivation They then can find out appropriate methods to improve the motivation in learning English of their students as well as to reduce as many negative effects of demotivated factors as possible Scope of the study Motivation is a broad topic with many different aspects; thus, within the scope of this study, the researcher would like to focus only on analysing types of motivation in terms of intrinsic-extrinsic motivation, and demotivating factors In addition, this study limits itself to investigate the English language learning motivation of the second-year students in FoBF at HUBT, especially those who are interested in using the Internet Design of the study This study is composed of three following parts: Part A: Introduction presents the background, aims, research questions, the significance, the scope, and the design of the study Part B: Development is organized around three chapters as follows Chapter 1- Theoretical background, conceptualizes the framework of the study through the discussion of issues and ideas on theories of motivation, types of motivation and demotivation Chapter - Methodology, presents the context, the methodology used in this study including the subject, the data collection instruments, data collection procedure, and data analysis Chapter – Findings and Discussions consists of a comprehensive analysis of the data and a discussion on the findings of this study Part C: Conclusion, offers a summary of the findings, recommendations, limitations, and future directions for further study (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND In order to lay a solid foundation for this study, some theoretical background knowledge as well as the previous studies on motivation in L2 learning and factors affecting negatively motivation in L2 learning have been reviewed It is obvious that the clarification of a definition is the initial step to any investigation; this chapter hence will firstly present a brief definition of motivation in L2 learning 1.1 Definition of motivation in L2 learning Motivation has been perhaps one of the most popular research topics since the beginning of the 20th century, which attracts a lot of attention of researchers both in psychology and education field Despite the divergence of the approaches used to study motivation, its definitions are surprisingly uniform In simple terms, motivation, based on the Latin verb for “move”, is understood as the force that makes one something It is a process that involves goals, physical or mental activity, and is both instigated and sustained (Pintrick & Schunk, 1996, p.4-5) In other words, motivation in general is characterized in terms of direction, duration, and intensity However, the definition of motivation in L2/foreign language learning is less uniform Oxford and Shearin (1994) and Dörnyei (1998a) shared the same view when they both pointed out that even though motivation is a term frequently used in both educational and research context, there is little agreement in the literature on the exact definition of motivation in L2/foreign language learning In his education-oriented theory, Keller (1983) defined motivation as “the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid and the degree of effort they will exert in that respect” (p 389) In relation to this concept, Keller (1983) also asserted four motivational conditions that teachers should know in order to motivate students to learn They are (1) Interest (Attention) that refers to whether learner‟s curiosity is aroused, (2) Relevance refers to whether the highly desired goal is perceived to be related to the instruction of the teacher, (3) Expectancy (Confidence) refers to whether the learner perceives the likelihood of success, and (4) Satisfaction (Outcome) refers to (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology 36 In addition, it is interesting to find out that in this study rare use of English in class was considered both demotivating and motivating at the same time The results of the interview clarified that those who found rare use of English demotivating wanted to communicate fluently, and developed their listening and speaking skills On the other hand, those referring to overuse of English in class wanted to study grammar rules and vocabulary for passing examinations only, and they did not need to develop their listening and speaking skills as they revealed that even they tried hard, they could not communicate in English That is why for those students, teacher‟s overuse of English in classrooms made them difficult to understand what their teachers said Student-related demotivating factors In this study, factors related to learners were found to be least demotivating On average, 45% of respondents of this study claimed to be demotivated due to their personal reasons It is interesting to find that lack of success was the most frequent demotivating factors among those related to students, followed by lack of self-confidence, experience of failure, and losing background knowledge These findings are reasonable since as mentioned previously in section 3.1.1, second-year students in FoBF were extrinsically motivated, so for them achieving the goal is very important After a lot of effort without success, or usually being unable to complete the tasks, obviously students felt disappointed and did not want to make any more attempt In addition, it is a fact that Vietnamese learners are usually not self-confident, especially when they have to something new individually, as they are afraid of losing face when making mistakes It is the reason why a significant number of respondents of this study felt very nervous when they had to speak English in class In summary, this chapter has presented the findings of the study; furthermore, types of students‟ motivation, and students‟ perception of demotivating factors have been discussed in details (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology 37 PART C: CONCLUSION This part will deal with a summary of findings and discussion, recommendations, and future directions Summary of the findings and discussion The findings and the discussion of this study will be summarized as follows The second-year students in FoBF were more extrinsically motivated than intrinsically motivated to learn English Therefore, the major reason why most of these students learned English was to get a good job in the future A necessity for communicating with foreigners together with the awareness of the role of English in Vietnam‟s society and the compulsory nature of English subject at university were also main motives urging the students to learn On the other hand, a necessity for achievement in examinations was not claimed as a major reason Nor did the interesting learning activities or the challenging nature of English The findings of this study also showed that although those students possessed extrinsic motivation, they still wanted to study English even when it was not required, and they usually wanted to study English more In addition, the results of this research revealed that demotivation did exist among second-year students in FoBF at HUBT More than 50% of the students participating in the study stated that they experienced some feeling of being demotivated Among demotivating factors given, the factors related to the English subject such as large vocabulary, difficult phonology and structures and complicated skills were claimed to be the most frequent demotivating factors, followed by learning environment-related factors like boring classroom atmosphere or negative influence from classmates Although teacher-related factors were not considered as the major cause of demotivation among second-year students in FoBF, a considerable number of students complained about teacher behavior in classroom, teacher‟s lack of competence and low credibility as well as their boring and uncreative teaching methods This study also revealed that student-related factors were the least frequent demotivating factor Nevertheless, it is worth noticing when students experience lots of failures or lack of success after a great deal of effort given, they usually have a feeling of being demotivated So they when they are not self-confident or when they feel unsafe in classrooms (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology 38 Recommendations As indicated in the findings of the study, second-year students in FoBF at HUBT possess strong extrinsic motivation in learning English, and study English for various practical goals Hence, teachers should enhance the students‟ extrinsic motivation by focusing on practical skills such as how to communicate in particular situation As all students study English to get a food job in the future, it will be better to train practical working situations such as how to negotiate in a meeting, how to write a report on an investment plan, or how to communicate on phone On the other hand, students‟ intrinsic motivation should also be paid more attention As many students like exciting activities during English lessons, teachers should focus on diversifying their activities in class so that students can get involved in lesson more As about demotivating factors, this study has revealed that subject-related factors such as large vocabulary, difficult structure and pronunciation are believed the most frequent demotivating factors Hence, to deal with this matter, Faculty of English should make some changes in the final tests to reduce the amount of vocabulary students have to memorize in one term Moreover, more interesting and simple listening, speaking, and grammar tasks should be provided What is more, it is found in this study that learning environment has a great effect on students‟ motivation Students claimed to be affected by negative behavior of their classmates, so teachers should pay more attention to manage the classroom and create an active, lively, safe and friendly atmosphere in classrooms so that the students can learn best More extra-curriculum activities, moreover, should be held so students will have more chances to practice and improve their English Another important thing that can be inferred from this study is that teaching methods still cause many students to lose their interest in learning English This raises the need to reconsider the teaching methods that are in use to teach English at HUBT There is a fact that however interesting the teaching method is, teaching and learning process will not be effective if teaching methods not match with students‟ preferred learning styles Thus, it may be better if teachers investigate student‟s preferred learning styles before each school-year in order to adapt their teaching methods Besides, teachers should pay more attention to their behaviors in class and their attitudes to students so as not to leave (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology 39 negative feelings at students about the teachers and the subject Teachers moreover should always improve and make their competence perfect Another valuable finding of this study is that the students‟ experiences of failure and lack of success due to their lack of background knowledge is one of the considerable demotivating factors This indicates the need of reconsidering the syllabi in order to be more appropriate with student‟s level; at the same time, this requires the introduction of remedial assistance programs to help weak and unsuccessful students to fight against their demotivation and to develop skills necessary for more advanced study later Limitations Generally speaking, this study succeeded in what it set out to do, or at least, reasonably well in setting ground for subsequent studies, considering that demotivation is a rather new area of research in Vietnam Perhaps, the most valuable contribution of this study for the research on EFL motivation was the extensive amount of information gained on motivation types and demotivating factors The choice of subjects of this study was also successful because, as expected, the second-year students were well aware of the reasons why they learned English and the factors that demotivated them Moreover, the mixed method design combining both qualitative and quantitative research turned out to be a productive way to explore the types of motivation and the source of demotivation However, despite the utmost effort of the researcher, still presents some limitations Since this study focused on Banking and Finance second-year students who usually use the Internet for various purposes (checking emails included), the findings of this study, hence, can be generalized only to second-year students in FoBF in particular and at HUBT in general, who are interested in using the Internet What is more, motivation is a complex phenomenon and it is difficult to classify motivation into different types That is why the classification of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in this study may be not as clear as expected So are demotivating factors In addition, due to the researcher‟s limited knowledge and skills of Information Technology, it wasted much time to collect and analyze such a large amount of data via the Internet using Yahoo! and Gmail Therefore, it would be better and less time-consuming if the researcher used an online survey questionnaire software Due to these limitations, shortcomings are inevitable in this paper; thus, to make this study better, all comments are welcome and appreciated (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology 40 Future Direction The following directions should be taken into consideration in the future research: (1) The HUBT students‟ motivation in learning English and factors affecting their motivation should be investigated (2) The relationship between level of motivation and achievement may also be a topic for further research (3) The study only found out the factors that demotivated students to learn English without revealing any solutions to this problem Thus, this can also be a topic of investigation in the future (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology 41 REFERENCES Brown, H.D (2000) Principles of language learning and teaching (4th ed.) 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PART I BACKGROUND INFORMATION Please type your answers to the following questions You are: (a) female (b) male You have learned English for……………….years You come from………………………………province/city PART II MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH In the following sections, you will find statements about your motivation in learning English Please read the statements and answer in term of how well the statement describes you by coloring the number 1,2,3,4, or in red No Statements Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly disagree (2) (3) (4) agree (1) (5) I learn English because it is a compulsory subject at HUBT I really like learning English English lessons are very interesting I learn English in order to get a better job in the future When class ends, I usually wish we could continue I need to learn English only to pass the exams at HUBT My English class is a challenge that I enjoy I learn English to communicate with foreigners I enjoy using English outside class whenever I have chances I think everybody in Vietnam should be able to speak English 10 I would take English class even if it were not required by HUBT 5 5 5 5 5 (Continued next page) (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology II Strongly agree (5) Agree (4) Undecided (3) Disagree (2) Strongly disagree (1) PART III DEMOTIVATING FACTORS In this part, you will find some statements about the factors that have affected negatively your motivation in learning English at HUBT Please read the statements and answer in term of how well the statement describes your situation by coloring the number 1,2,3,4, or in red N Statement My motivation in learning English is affected as…… 11 There are a lot of new words/phrases to learn 12 English pronunciation is very difficult 13 I don’t understand the lessons I think I have lost the background knowledge 14 I usually can’t answer the teachers’ questions or exercises 15 Even I have tried very hard; I still get low marks when doing tests 16 I am nervous if I have to speak English because I am afraid my classmates will laugh at me if I make mistakes 17 Teachers usually don’t care whether we understand their lessons and instructions or not and seem not to be enthusiastic 18 My feelings are hurt because teachers give inconsiderate comments even when s/he realizes it 19 Teachers’ explanations are sometimes uncertain and wrong 20 Teachers’ pronunciation is quite strange and sometimes wrong 21 Teaching methods are uncreative and boring 22 Speed of teaching is too fast for me to follow 23 Teachers speak too much Vietnamese 24 There is big difference in the teaching methods between two teachers in my class 25 Teachers not usually provide corrective feedbacks 26 The test is difficult and doesn’t cover the textbook 27 The classroom atmosphere is quiet and boring 28 My classmates are noisy, inattentive and behave disrespectfully towards teachers during the lessons 29 There are not many extra – curricular activities for us to practice English 30 The textbook is difficult It is not equal with our level of proficiency Would you please email this questionnaire to my email address xuyenhubt.nguyen@gmail.com as soon as you finish? Thank you again for your cooperation (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology III Appendix 2: BẢN ĐIỀU TRA VỀ ĐỘNG LỰC HỌC TIẾNG ANH Tôi Nguyễn Thị Xuyến, giáo viên tiếng Anh thuộc khoa Tiếng Anh trường Đại học Kinh doanh Công nghệ Hà Nội Tôi thực nghiên cứu động lực học tiếng Anh sinh viên trường chúng ta, tơi mong bạn giúp đỡ tơi hồn thành bảng câu hỏi điều tra Bảng câu hỏi thực với mục đích giúp tơi hiểu rõ động lực yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến động lực học tiếng Anh sinh viên, sở có biện pháp thích hợp để nâng cao động lực học tiếng Anh cho sinh viên trường Tất thông tin thu nhận từ điều tra sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu bảo mật Vì tơi mong muốn bạn trả lời cách xác trung thực câu hỏi để giúp tơi đưa kết điều tra xác hiệu Chân thành cảm ơn cộng tác nhiệt tình bạn! PHẦN I: THÔNG TIN CÁ NHÂN Bạn ghi câu trả lời cho câu hỏi sau Bạn là: (a) Nam (b) Nữ Bạn học tiếng Anh được………………… năm Bạn đến từ tỉnh/thành phố :…………………… PHẦN II: ĐỘNG LỰC HỌC TIẾNG ANH Dưới số câu nhận định động lực học tiếng Anh Bạn đọc kĩ bôi đỏ lựa chọn 1,2,3,4, mà bạn thấy phù hợp với STT Nhận định 10 Tơi học tiếng Anh mơn học bắt buộc trường Tơi thực thích học tiếng Anh Các học tiếng Anh thú vị Tôi học tiếng Anh để sau kiếm việc dễ dàng Khi buổi học kết thúc, thường ước tiếp tục học Tôi học tiếng Anh để vượt qua kì thi trường Lớp học tiếng Anh thử thách mà hứng thú Tôi học tiếng Anh để giao tiếp với người nước ngồi Tơi thích sử dụng tiếng Anh tơi có hội Tơi nghĩ người dân Việt Nam nên biết nói tiếng Anh Dù tiếng Anh môn học bắt buộc tạo trường tơi học tiếng Anh Hồn Phản Bình Đồng Hoàn toàn đối thường y toàn phản (2) (3) (4) đồng đối y (1) (5) 5 5 5 5 5 (Còn tiếp trang sau) (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology IV PHẦN III: CÁC YẾU TỐ ẢNH HƯỞNG TIÊU CỰC ĐẾN ĐỘNG LỰC HỌC TIẾNG ANH Dưới câu nhận định yếu tố ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến động lực học tiếng Anh bạn trường KDCN Bạn đọc kĩ bôi đỏ lựa chọn 1,2,3,4, mà bạn cho với bạn Nhận định Hoàn toàn phản đối (1) Phản đối (2) Bình thường (3) Đồng y (4) Hồn tồn đồng y (5) Hứng thú học tiếng Anh bị ảnh hưởng 11 Có nhiều từ cần phải học 12 Rất khó để phát âm xác từ tiếng Anh 13 Tôi thường xuyên không hiểu Tôi nghĩ tảng tiếng Anh tơi khơng có 14 Tôi trả lời câu hỏi thầy cô đặt hoàn thành tập theo yêu cầu 15 Mặc dù tơi cố gắng kì kiểm tra bị điểm thấp 16 Tôi lo lắng phải sử dụng tiếng Anh học tơi sợ bạn lớp chế nhạo tơi nói sai 17 Thầy khơng quan tâm xem chúng tơi có hiểu giảng/hướng dẫn thầy cô hay không tỏ khơng nhiệt tình 18 Thầy đưa nhận xét không khách quan 19 Thầy cô tỏ không nắm vững kiến thức học 20 Thầy phát âm khó nghe đơi sai 21 Phương pháp giảng dạy nhàm chán lặp lặp lại 22 Thầy cô giảng nhanh khiến không theo kịp 23 Thầy cô sử dụng tiếng Việt lớp nhiều 24 Phương pháp giảng dạy giáo viên lớp khác 25 Thầy cô không sửa cho 26 Các kiểm tra thường khó nằm ngồi chương trình học 27 Khơng khí lớp học trầm nhàm chán 28 Các bạn lớp trật tự, không y học, chí cịn có hành vi thiếu tơn trọng giáo viên 29 Trường khơng có nhiều hoạt động ngoại khóa để tạo hội cho sinh viên luyện tập tiếng Anh 30 Giáo trình q khó cao trình độ thực tơi Khi hồn thành xong bảng câu hỏi này, bạn làm ơn email lại cho theo địa xuyenhubt.nguyen@gmail.com Một lần xin cảm ơn hợp tác chân thành bạn! (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology V Appendix 3: Tran and Baldauf’s (2007) framework of demotivating factors in Vietnamese university students Internal attributions Attitudes towards English Difficult to pronounce Large vocabulary Experience of failure or lack of success Fail to understand lessons (lost background knowledge) Left behind classmates Complicated grammar Self – esteem Feel insulted Unconfident (fear of losing face/ incompetence/ afraid of not being able to satisfy parents expectation) Fail to answer teacher’s questions, exercises, tests Fail to communicate in English Get low marks despite having studies seriously External attributions Teacher behavior Insult students Teacher – related demotivating factors Teacher competence Teaching methods Grading & assessment Fail to pronounce, difficult to understand Low credibility Uncreative, boring ways of Test outside lessons conceiving knowledge (not cover material) Lack of care, Teaching language skills Not equal to students’ enthusiasm incomprehensively level of proficiency Strict, inflexible Speed of teaching is too fast No corrective feedback Demonstrate Ineffective distribution of L1 & L2 favoritism use Lessons limited to textbook Repeated lessons from class to class Different teaching methods among different teachers Frequently test students Inappropriate workload Learning environmental demotivating factors Classroom Opportunities to use Leading conditions Class time Textbook atmosphere English Quite and Lack of opportunities to Crowded groups Unfavorable Boring boring contact to foreigners in class time class Stressful Lack of opportunities to Insufficient teaching and Limited class Not equal with use English outside class learning facilities time students’ levels of proficiency Negative Unequal levels of behaviors of proficiency between classmates classmates Lack of extra-curricular activities Other external demotivating factors Obligation Negative changes Compulsory nature of English Replace teachers from the better to the worse Parents’ interference Change learning environment, away from old friends Social burden Have to study many other subjects apart from English or concentrate on main subjects at university (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology VI Appendix Schmidt et al (1996) intrinsic-extrinsic motivational questionnaire Intrinsic motivation I really enjoy learning English English class is a challenge that I enjoy Learning English is a hobby for me I not enjoy learning English, but I know that learning English is important for me When class ends, I often wish that we could continue Extrinsic motivation English is important to me because it will broaden my view The main reason I am taking this class is that my parents/my spouse/my supervisors want me to improve my English I want to well in this class because it is important to show my ability to my family/friends/supervisors/others Everybody in Egypt should be able to speak English 10 Being able to speak English will add to my social status 11 I am learning English because I want to spend a period of time in an Englishspeaking country 12 I want to learn English because it is useful when traveling in many countries 13 I want to learn English because I would like to emigrate 14 One main reason I learn English is that I can meet new people and make friends in my English class 15 I am learning English to become more educated 16 I need to be able to read textbooks in English 17 The main reason I need to learn English is to pass examination 18 If I learn English better, I will be able to get a better job 19 Increasing my English proficiency will have financial benefits for me 20 If I can speak English, I will have a marvelous life (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology (LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology(LUAN.van.THAC.si).motivation.in.learning.english.among.the.second.year.students.in.faculty.of.banking.and.finance hanoi.university.of.business.and.technology

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