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Luận văn thạc sĩ using task based activities for the first year non major students of english in speaking lessons at national economics university

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES POST-GRADUATE STUDIES CHU THỊ KIM NGÂN USING TASK-BASED ACTIVITIES FOR THE FIRSTYEAR NON-MAJOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH IN SPEAKING LESSONS AT NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY ( Sử dụng hoạt động giao nhiệm vụ cho sinh viên không chuyên tiếng Anh tiết học nói trường Đại học Kinh Tế Quốc Dân) M.A MINOR THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH METHODOLOGY CODE: 601410 HANOI, 2009 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES POST-GRADUATE STUDIES CHU THỊ KIM NGÂN USING TASK-BASED ACTIVITIES FOR THE FIRSTYEAR NON-MAJOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH IN SPEAKING LESSONS AT NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY ( Sử dụng hoạt động giao nhiệm vụ cho sinh viên không chuyên tiếng Anh tiết học nói trường Đại học Kinh Tế Quốc Dân) M.A MINOR THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH METHODOLOGY CODE: 601410 SUPERVISOR: Nguyen Thi Vuong, M.A HANOI, 2009 z iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………… 1.1 Rationale of the study……………………………………………………… 1.2 Aims of the study………………………………………………………… 1.3 Research questions………………………………………………………… 1.4 Scope of the study………………………………………………………… 1.5 Design of the study………………………………………………………… CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………… 2.1 Speaking skill……………………………………………………………… 2.1.1 What is speaking? 2.1.2 Approaches to speaking……………………………………………………….3 2.1.3 Aspects of teaching speaking in CLT classes……………………………….5 Introduction to CLT approach…………………………………………5 1.3.2 Teaching interactional skill in CLT classes…………………………6 2.1.3 Integrating pronunciation teaching………………………………….6 Accuracy and fluency………………………………………………… 2.2 Task-based language teaching (TBLT)…………………………………… 2.2.1 What is T BLT? 2.2.2 Tasks in TBLT……………………………………………………………… Defining tasks………………………………………………………… Classifying tasks……………………………………………………….10 2.2.3 Advantages of TBLT………………………………………………………….12 2.2.4 A framework for task-based learning……………………………… 14 2.3 Summary…………………………………………………………………… 16 CHAPTER 3: THE STUDY…………………………………………………… 17 3.1 The context for the stud……………………………………………………17 3.1.1 Introduction to the English course for first-year non-major students at National Economics University……………………………………………………………17 3.1.2 The teaching materials and assessment………………………………… 17 3.1.3 Situational analysis……………………………………………………18 3.2 Design and methodology………………………………………………… 19 z v 3.2.1 Participants………………………………………………………………………19 3.2.2 Instruments………………………………………………………………………19 3.2.3 Data collection procedures………………………………………………20 3.3 Data analysis…………………………………………………………… .20 3.3.1 Task-based project…………………………………………………………….20 3.3.2 The post-treatment test……………………………………………… 23 3.3.3 Interview …………………………………………………………………… 24 3.4 Findings and discussion…………………………………………………… 29 3.5 Summary………………………………………………………………………32 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION…………………………………………………….34 4.1 Summary of the major findings…………………………………………… 34 4.2 Recommendations for the application of the TB approach……………… 35 REFERENCES APPENDIXES z vi LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1: The framework for task-based learning………………………………….14 Table 2:The levels of proficiency of the experimental class………………………23 Table 3: The levels of proficiency of the control class………………………… 24 z CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter aims to present the rationale of the study, aims of the study, research questions, scope of the study and design of the study 1.1 Rationale of the study Nowadays, teaching English has received increasing attention as English has become the language for global communication To meet the future job requirements, students in general and students of Economics at National Economics University in particular need to enhance their skills of English, especially the speaking skill However, there exists a critical problem in teaching and learning English at colleges and universities resulting from inappropriate teaching materials and instructional techniques The common teaching approach applied in English lesson at most of universities and colleges is teacher-centered and lecture-oriented, which normally results in learning passivity and non-involvement in language skills in general and in speaking activities in particular Therefore, it is the high time to make a change in the traditional learning process of English at universities in Vietnam in general and at the National Economics University in particular Among the modern teaching methods, the task-based one is considered a type of analytic learning and teaching method which owns numerous advantages According to Cadlin (1987), “Task-based learning continues with and develops recent attention to learner-centered approaches and in particular the ideas of differentiation and learner independence… Tasks serve as compelling and appropriate method for realizing certain characteristic principles of communicative language teaching and learning.” Besides, Nunan (2005) argues that “TBT does provide a flexible, functionally compatible and contextually sensitive approach for many teachers, as well as learners” For all the reasons mentioned, we believe that the implication of task-based approach will enable a change in students’ learning process, especially in terms of speaking skill and for the first-year non-major students at National Economics University 1.2 Aims of the study The study aims to investigate the benefits of integrating a task-based approach in teaching speaking to the first-year non-major of English at National Economics University z The study aims to focus on students’ achievement in speaking skill and positive changes in their learning attitudes and motivation as well 1.3 Research questions There are two research questions for the study as follows: Question 1: Is the task-based method suitable for teaching speaking skill for the firstyear non-major students of English at NEU? Question 2: Does the task-based approach bring about any progress in learning process? 1.4 Scope of the study The focus of the study was on the benefits gained by the first-year non-major students at National Economics University when adopting a task-based approach in learning speaking The study was conducted under the scope of an experiment with a small number of the first-year students It was restricted to the second half of their first year 1.5 Design of the study The study consists of four chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter presents the rationale, the aim, the scope and the design of the study Chapter 2: Literature review: This chapter is concerned with the theoretical background of the study which includes an overview of speaking skill and Task-based Language Teaching Chapter 3: The study: This chapter refers to the real situation of learning English of the first-year non-major students Chapter 4: Conclusion: This chapter presents the summary of major findings and the suggestions for the implication of the task-based approach z CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is concerned with the theoretical background of the study which includes an overview of speaking skill and Task-based Language Teaching 2.1 Speaking skill 2.1.1 What is speaking? In this section, I will consider what we mean by “speaking” In language teaching, we often talk about four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in terms of their direction and modality Speaking, in particular, can be regarded as the productive, oral skill Speaking consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning According to Florez (1999), speaking is “an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information” It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving but it is not completely unpredictable Speaking plays an important part in communication as Ur (1996), Bailey and Savage( 1994) say “ for many people, speaking is seen as the central skill because of the desire to communicate with others, often face to face and in real time” It is really an impressive feat when we hear someone speaking effectively in a second or foreign language Ur (1996) considers speaking intuitively the most important of the four skills: people who know a language are referred to as “speaker” of that language as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing 2.1.2 Approaches to speaking For many years, language teaching was seen as helping learners develop linguistic competence –that is, helping students master the sounds, words and grammar patterns of English The idea was that by studying the bits and pieces of a language, students could eventually put them altogether and communicate In the1970s and 1980s, however, the understanding of language learning experienced a significant shift in focus This shift was influenced by international developments in linguistics, curricula, and pedagogy, as well as by sociolinguistic research (primary in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, The United Kingdom and The U.S) In addition, the z numbers of refugees and immigrants resettling in English-speaking countries made linguists and language teachers realize that developing linguistic competence alone was not enough to be able to speak English well and get along in a society In the mid-1970s, the notion of linguistic competence came to be viewed as a component of the broader idea of communicative competence “the ability of language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge”( Savignon, 1991) Being communicatively competent “requires an understanding of sociocultural contexts of language use” There are several important models of communicative competence, all of which include some form of sociolinguistic competence, or the ability to use language appropriately in various contexts Sociolinguistic competence involves register (degrees of formality and informality), appropriate word choice, style shifting, and politeness strategies Another important element of communicative competence is strategic competence In terms of speaking, this is the learners’ ability to use language strategies to compensate for gaps in skills and knowledge The fourth component of communicative competence is discourse competence, “how sentence elements are tied together”, which includes both cohesion and coherence (Lazaraton, 2001) Cohesion is “the grammatical and/ or lexical relationship between the different parts of a sentence” (Richards, Platt and Weber, 1985) Cohesion includes reference, repetition, synonyms and so on In contrast, coherence involves “how texts are constructed” (Lazaraton, 2001) Coherence also has to with “the relationships which link the meaning of utterance in a discourse” (Richards, Platt and Weber, 1985) However, coherence often involves the speakers’ background knowledge Since communicative competence is a multifaceted construct, it is important for teachers to understand the complexities that learners face when they are speaking English One of those complexities is balancing fluency and accuracy A proficient speaker is both fluent and accurate z 2.1.3 Aspects of teaching speaking in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) classes CLT approach: The communicative approach on language teaching starts from a theory of language as a means of communication The goal of language teaching in the light of CLT is to develop communicative competence Some of the characteristics of this approach include:  Language is a system for expression of meaning  The primary function of language is to allow interaction and communication  The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses  The primary units of language are not merely its grammar and structural features but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified discourse While in traditional second language classroom, learners play passive roles in class, in CLT classroom, learners are encouraged to contribute as much as he gains, and learns in an independent way Suggested by Reen and Candlin in Richards, R.C.& Roger, T.S (2001), CLT teachers’ roles are to facilitate the communicative process in the classroom, act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group, an analyst, a counselor and a group-process manager With regard to the procedure, in CLT class, new teaching points are introduced in dialogue form Pair and group work are suggested to encourage students to use and practice Richards, R.C.& Roger, T.S (2001) summarize principles of CLT as follows:  Learners learn a language through using it to communicate  Authentic and meaningful communication should be the goals of classroom activities  Fluency is an important dimension of communication  Communication involves the integration of different language skills  Learning is a process of creative constructions and involves trials and errors z 27 in, they themselves had to find out the most beneficial ways to solve the problems if any and at last fulfill the tasks About 81% of the students identified the difference in topic selection between TBL and the conventional learning process they had before One student among these said: “It is more interesting when we were allowed to choose the topics we prefer Last term, we just followed the topics printed in the course book Some of them we did not enjoy at all and some of them were not suitable to our knowledge; it means we did not know much about the topics to discuss on…” Question 4: What are the advantages that this new learning method could bring to you? According to the outcome of the interview, 87% perceived the project to be a valuable, realistic and motivating experience They stated that the TBL project had made a major contribution to increasing their knowledge about their chosen topics 65% confirmed that they had felt more confident while speaking in front of others “I used to feel quite nervous when teacher called out my name and asked me to stand up and speak out my ideas At that time, I found it difficult to express what I should say even I had taken note the main ideas before But now there have been some changes thanks to this new learning process We worked in groups and we took turns to present our groups’ plan and ideas in front of the whole class each week As a result, it became a good habit gradually Now, I feel more confident when making presentation and my presentation skill has been enhanced as well” 70% of the students admitted that working in the same groups and fulfilling the tasks together gave them a chance to learn from one another It could be more efficient that the students can learn something from their peers, not from the teacher “Working in the same groups for an extended time, we gained many useful things from others: idea, knowledge, and the good characters like creativeness, patience, and enthusiasm It will be better than working individually Besides, we have enhanced our ability of group working that can be quite necessary in our future jobs.” Question 5: What were the difficulties that you faced during the course when applying this new method of learning? z 28 82% of the students said that they had difficulty in time-managing They sometimes could not arrange the timetable to fulfill the tasks as there were also exercises for other subjects “In such a term, we usually have at least subjects besides English Therefore, if we spend too much time on learning English, there will be no spare time for other subjects” 13% of the students experienced difficulty due to workload as they were not accustomed to the new learning environment wherein almost everything was done on their own Some other students, about 12% of them found it hard to employ visual aids like overhead projectors in oral presentation 7% admitted that sending e-mail regularly to the teachers made them feel inconvenient as they did not own a personal computer Question 6: What could the new learning method help you overcome the difficulties in speaking English? 87 % of the students agreed on the fact that they have become more and more confident when discussing with others in English thanks to the regular discussion both inside and outside classroom with other group members “We not only spent time discussing in the classroom but also at home We by and by improved the discussing skill that is quite important in our future jobs” 83% of the students stated that constant group discussions enabled them to express their ideas better and use words more flexibly One of them revealed “I used to fail to convey my opinions because I forgot many words However, I gradually learn to substitute a word that I cannot remember at that time by another word or phrase” Besides, most of the students (91%) admitted that performing tasks like discussing solutions to problems, conducting interviews, gathering and reporting data, making a presentation did help them to speak English more fluently, and thereby could gain more confidence in oral communication Question 7: According to you, what needs to be improved in this TBL project? This question aimed to elaborate students’ constructive ideas, which would be of great help in making possible enhancements for the later project The result showed that students’ opinions are quite different except for the fact that the majority of them (76%) would like to have more opportunities to view more sample z 29 presentations before their actual ones 17% of the students asked stressed the need to have more flexible time frames for their performance of tasks because they are also engaged in other activities unrelated to the project throughout the semester Only a small proportion of students expressed the wish to have more demanding tasks (7%) and claimed that the preparation time seemed too long for improving a short speech which was considered the target task Only 14% of the students longed to receive more support from the teacher in terms of models and guidelines for an effective oral presentation as they still lacked adequate experience in this aspect 3.4 Finding and discussion: The focus of this section is on the answers to the two research questions and important findings from the interview analysis Question 1: Is the task-based method suitable for teaching speaking skill for the firstyear non-major students of English at NEU? As discussed above, the English class size has been a problem for both teachers and students at NEU For the previous terms, students used to follow the topics in the course books in the speaking lessons They were asked to work in pairs or groups but their partners or group members changed for each class Besides, they study English according to the credit learning program Therefore, most of the members in an English class usually not know one another As a result, they tend to be unwilling to speak English with such people that they not know well However, the task-based project proved to work well when solving this problem as it gave students chance to perform the speaking tasks in a permanent group in an extended time Therefore, students had time to get to know each other They by and by overcame the feeling of shyness and became more and more willing to discuss with other group members In the other words, they were ready to speak for each time they are asked to discuss and present their groups’ tasks Therefore, the answer to this first question is “yes”, the task-based teaching and learning proved to be suitable for these students Question 2: Does the task-based approach bring about any progress in learning process? The result from the post-treatment test on the four major criteria showed that the experimental class outperformed clearly the control class, especially in the criteria of z 30 fluency and interaction The proportion of students who got excellent marks (very good level of proficiency) in the experimental group is higher than that of the control class, 27,7 percent as compared with 20 percent respectively Besides, the number of the students who got good marks (mark 7-8) in the experimental group is also bigger than that of the control class, 40, percent for experimental group and 36, percent for control group Therefore, it can be concluded that the task-based approach does bring about some considerable progress in learning process Apart from the effectiveness of the TB approach based on the students’ speaking grade, the study also aims to require the inside, attitudes, and evaluations on the part of students towards this new learning method The following aspects were explored from the interview analysis The aspects are organized under four subheadings: (1) Students’ attitudes towards the new approach (TBLT); (2) The changes in motivation among students when taking the TB course; (3) Students’ opinions about the differences between the TBLT and the conventional teaching method; (4) The students’ ideas of how the TB project can be improved 1, Students’ attitudes towards the new approach (TBLT) The result from the interview, in general, confirmed the overall positive comments on the TB approach The students who identified advantages significantly outnumbered those who saw advantages from the new method In the first place, the TB approach promoted learning among students 87% of the students in the course revealed that they frequently had to recall their existing linguistics knowledge as well as learn more of vocabulary and expressions in an attempt to accomplish tasks like conducting interviews, giving presentation about what had been done every week and then giving the final presentation Secondly, the students did find the design of TBL adopted in the project helpful in enhancing their interaction with other students and with the teacher as well, which may be considered a major change in their learning process 70% of students confirmed this when answering question regarding differences between TBL and conventional learning It is said that working together in the same group and the fact that all group members shared the same purpose and aim for an extended time certainly involved large amounts of pair and group interaction z 31 Thirdly, the majority of students mentioned that the TB project was beneficial as it helped them to enhance the necessary skills on presentation, argumentation, information selection and discussion, which may work well when they have jobs in the future In spite of the fact that students considered the TB project to be practical and useful, there still existed some ideas about the disadvantages of this new method regarding time pressure; workload; and the use of Internet and visual aids The interview results revealed that 13% of the students experienced difficulty due to workload as they were not accustomed to the new learning environment wherein almost everything was done on their own Some other students, about 12% of them found it hard to employ visual aids like overhead projectors in oral presentation 7% admitted that sending e-mail regularly to the teachers made them feel inconvenient as they did not own a personal computer The changes in motivation among students when taking the TB course Many students in the project regarded the TBLT as a motivating experience The analysis of the students’ speaking performances in the post-treatment test and the interview results proved that with the integration of TBL into the content of the syllabus, the learning outcomes were enhanced and the learning process became more enjoyable and rewarding than it had ever been before Most students of different levels shared the feeling that their confidence had increased in parallel with the growth of such competence as that of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammar, and teamwork skills Right from the beginning of the project, students had chance to choose their own topics that matched their interests and knowledge When asked about the changes in their learning attitude while adopting TBL, many students talked about their willingness to take part in speaking activities during the project and they also expressed enjoyment as a result of hard work and achievement Therefore, it is plausible to confirm that TBL really brought about positive changes in motivation among students Students’ opinions about the differences between the TBLT and the conventional teaching method The difference between the new method of learning adopted in the project and the conventional learning is clearly shown by the fact that more than two thirds of the students noticed the major changes in their learning process including more practical z 32 study mode; a greater amount of language exposure, and interaction; freer choice of topics It can be seen that students appreciated the new model of learning higher than the traditional ones 40 students, making up 90% thought that the most obvious difference lies in the study mode when answering question in the interview that goes “Can you work out the differences between the TBL and the conventional learning in the last semester?” In the TBLT, the process of learning speaking went on through the groups’ performance of a series of connected tasks assigned both in class and at home for an extended period, whereas in conventional learning process students usually worked individually or with whole class doing separate tasks in the course book with complete teacher directing This difference led to students’ awareness that they became far more active and more involved in speaking activities than ever before Besides, in the TB project, the students had to make a note of useful linguistic forms and functions in pretask activities and in the post-task stage and during the task cycle stage they were encouraged to make full use of their existing language knowledge instead of just focusing on practicing a specific form or structure as in conventional learning The students’ ideas of how the TB project can be improved According to the result of the interview, especially the students’ answers to question number in the interview data, 76% of the students would like to have more opportunities to view more sample presentations before their actual ones 17% of the students asked stressed the need to have more flexible time frames for their performance of tasks because they are also engaged in other activities unrelated to the project throughout the semester Only a small proportion of students expressed the wish to have more demanding tasks (7%) and claimed that the preparation time seemed too long for improving a short speech which was considered the target task Only 14% of the students longed to receive more support from the teacher in terms of models and guidelines for an effective oral presentation as they still lacked adequate experience in this aspect 3.5 Summary: This chapter has offered a detailed description of how the project was carried out including the methodology of data collection, data analysis and the major findings from the result of the post-treatment test and the interview z 33 The last chapter-chapter would summarize the major findings of the study and introduce some recommendations for the application of the TB approach z 34 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION In this final chapter, the summary of the main findings and further recommendations for the application of the task-based approach would be presented 4.1 Summary of the major findings During the study, the post-treatment test was designed to investigate the effects of integrating the TBLT on students’ speaking achievement Two classes, each of which consisted of 45 students were taught by the same teacher but they led different teaching approaches, especially for the speaking skill Research results indicated that there were significant differences in students’ achievement on the oral test, especially in terms of fluency and interaction Students of the experimental group showed a much better result after the experiment semester, which means that TBLT did improve students’ speaking skills Together with the results derived from the test, the study also drew on qualitative data from directly interviewing forty-five students in the experimental class The data revealed that TBLT had positive consequences for learners’ motivation Students who took part in the project with the application of TB approach for speaking skill proved to be more enjoyable compared with the conventional learning That is not all, the project also received constructive evaluations from the students, which will be of great help for the future application of TBLT 4.2 Recommendations for the application of the TB approach Below are some suggestions for those who intend to adopt the TB approach in teaching speaking skill for non-major students of English at NEU In this application, it is advisable that teachers should play an important role in helping students be clear with all the instructions of tasks beforehand It means teachers should make instruction plan in advance as well as present learning process efficiently, which can be considered factors that affect the success of the application Besides, it should be notice that not the whole class time is task-based Some students in the project mentioned the time constraints as a problem they had encountered As a matter of fact, on the other z 35 hand, teachers need to consider the appropriateness, necessity, and feasibility of certain tasks as making teaching plans It is not all, some unnecessary parts in the existing syllabus should be dropped if the teacher does not want to reduce students’ involvement in performing the TB activities It is assumed that speaking leads to more pressure than other skills ( Ellis cited in Skehan, 1996) Moreover, students who are accustomed to teacher-fronted lessons will probably feel confused and even frustrated in this new learning environment It is, therefore recommended that orientation and clear explanation should be made at the beginning of the course During tasks, the teacher should withdraw, or should not intervene too much in students’ work, as Willis(1996) stated “for the teacher who has just introduced and set up a TB cycle for the first time, the biggest challenging of all is possessing the strength of mind to stand back with confidence and to let learners get on well with their own learning” However, this brings about the danger that the learners tend to concentrate on completing the tasks and fail to pay adequate attention to the linguistic forms Therefore, the teacher also needs to direct learners’ attention to both fluency and accuracy in speaking during task performance z I REFERENCES Bailey, K.M& Savage, L (1994) New ways in teaching speaking USA Bowen, T (2000) Task-based Language Learning Available from: Http://www.onestopenglish.com/news/Archive/taskbased.htm Bruton, A (2002) From tasking purposes to purposing tasks ELT Journal 56/3: 280-8 Bygate, M (1987) Speaking Oxford: Oxford University Press Byrne, D (1991) Teaching oral English Longman Cohen, L., and L Manion (1985) Research Methods in Education London: Croom Helm Dornyei, Z (2003) Questionnaire in Second Language Research London: Lawrence Erlbaum associates, publishers Dowsett, G (1986) Interaction in the semi-structured interview In M Emery( Eds) Ellis, M & O’Driscoll, N (1992) Giving presentations Longman 10 Ellis, R (1985) Understanding second language acquisition Oxford: CUP 11 Foster, P (1999) Task-based Learning and Pedagogy ELT Journal , Vol 53/1 12 Littlewood, W (2004) The task-based approach: Some questions and suggestions ELT Journal 58 (4) pp 319-326 13 Long, H M., & Crook G (1992) 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xu mở cửa, tình hình hội nhập quốc tế c,Cần thiết thương lượng đàm phán với đối tác nước ngồi d,Có hội có việc làm tốt e,Quan trọng kỹ nói bao gồm kiến thức ngữ pháp, vốn từ vựng kĩ nghe hiểu f,Tầm quan trọng kỹ nói tương đương với tầm quan trọng kĩ khác g,Quan trọng quan đơi đặc thù cơng việc sau đòi hỏi kỹ viết nhiều (viết e-mail cho đối tác nước ngồi, viết thư tín thương mại, viết báo cáo….) h,Có ảnh hưởng đến điểm tiếng Anh trường đại học i,Quan trọng giao tiếp thương mại Câu 2: Bạn gặp khó khăn học kĩ nói tiếng Anh? a,Thiếu vốn từ vựng b,Tâm lý e ngại nói sai cấu trúc ngữ pháp c,Thầy giáo khơng nhiệt tình giúp đỡ d,Các hoạt động nói q khó, bạn khơng hiểu khơng thực e,Qúa thời gian lớp dành cho hoạt động nói f,Lớp đơng, trật tự g,Ngồi lớp, bạn khơng có mơi trường luyện nói h,Khó truyền đạt ý tưởng mạch lạc, xác tiếng Anh i,Phản ứng nói chậm chạp k,Thiếu tự tin giao tiếp tiếng Anh l,Không thể tư trực tiếp nói m,Thiếu kỹ giao tiếp linh hoạt z IV n,Không quen với việc thảo luận hoàn toàn tiếng Anh Câu 3: Cho biết bạn cảm nhận khác biệt hình thức dạy học tiếng Anh kỳ so với kỳ trước? a,Chủ yếu làm việc theo nhóm nhỏ xuyên suốt kỳ học b,Mức độ sử dụng tiếng Anh nhiều hơn, hội nói tiếng Anh nhiều c,Bạn có hội tự chọn chủ đề quan tâm, hứng thú d,Mỗi buổi học cảm thấy có động lực e,Bạn thấy chủ động trình học f,Bạn tự đưa giải pháp theo nhóm, khơng phụ thuộc hồn tồn vào giáo viên Câu 4: Cách học kỳ đem lại lợi ích cho thân bạn? a,Cảm thấy hứng thú trình học b,giúp tăng thêm vốn từ vựng c,Nâng cao kỹ trình bày nói d,Tự tin nói trước đám đơng e,Giúp bạn có thêm nhiều kiến thức có ích chủ đề lựa chọn f,Các hoạt động nói trở lên thiết thực g,Làm việc theo nhóm suốt kì học giúp bạn bạn lớp có hội học hỏi lẫn h,Tự tin giao tiếp, nói chuyên tiếng Anh Câu 5: Những khó khăn bạn gặp phải áp dụng phương pháp dạy học kỳ học này? a,Khối lượng công việc giáo viên giao nhiều b,Khó xếp thời gian hồn thành cơng việc giáo viên giao cịn có tập mơn khác c,Đơi có áp lực phải hồn thành nhiêm vụ trước buổi học d,Chưa thích nghi với cách học e,Thấy bất tiện phải liên lạc thường xuyên với giáo viên e-mail f,Gặp khó khăn sử dụng phương tiên hỗ trợ q trình trinh bày nói máy chiếu Câu 6: Phương pháp học kì học giúp bạn khắc phục khó khăn kĩ nói tiếng Anh? z V a,Có hội thảo luận thường xuyên lớp giúp bạn dần tự tin nói tiếng Anh b,Phản xạ nói tiếng Anh tốt c,Nói tự tin trôi chảy d,Sử dụng từ ngữ cấu trúc linh hoạt e,Khơng cịn cảm giác e ngại thảo luận tiếng Anh Câu 7: Đối với bạn, hình thức dạy học cần có thay đổi, cải tiến gì? a,Thời gian chuẩn bị cho buổi trình bày cuối dài b,Nên cho sinh viên thêm thời gian để thực nhiệm vụ giao c,Muốn giao nhiệm vụ với yêu cầu cao d,Giáo viên cần hỗ trợ nhóm nhiều e,Giáo viên nên cho sinh viên tiếp cận với nhiều mẫu trước thức trình bày APPENDIX 2: z

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