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Giáo án unit 8 global success

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Giáo án tham khảo chi tiết, đầy đủ thông tin kèm với quy trình bài dạy, đa dạng các hoạt động giúp học sinh chú ý vào bài học, dạy học theo đường hướng giao tiếp mới mẻ. Hỗ trợ sinh viên sư phạm, giáo viên mới ra trường.

LESSON PLAN Group UNIT 8: New ways to learn Lesson 5: Listening Grade 10 Total time: 30 mins I, Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: English language knowledge: - Memorize new words related to the topic “Blended learning” Competence a English communicative competence: - Understand the main idea of the listening related to the topic “Blended learning” - Understand the specific information of the listening related to the topic “Blended learning” - Apply new words to talk about blended learning and traditional learning b Core competence: - Develop communication skills - Be collaborative and supportive in pairwork and groupwork Attributes: - Develop self-study skills - Join in class activities actively II, Resources and Materials Teaching aid: Powerpoint slides, computer, projector, speaker, black board, handout Material: Global Success 10 III, Teaching procedure Stage: WARM-UP Activity 1: Up or Down Game (3 mins) Objectives: - To raise the class atmosphere - To activate Ss’ background knowledge - To lead in the lesson Input Procedure Powerpoint - T introduces the rules of Up or slides Down Game: + T shows some pictures on the slides + When it comes to something related to online learning, Ss have to stand up + When it comes to something related to traditional learning, Ss have to sit down + When it comes to something related to both online learning and traditional learning, Ss have to stand up and wave their hands + Ss must react as quickly as possible once the picture is shown There are situations in total + Whoever does the wrong action will be given a surprise later + T starts by giving an example - Once finished, the whole class gives themselves a big applause for actively participating in the game - T leads in the lesson Student tasks and interaction - Ss follow T’s instructions Learning outcomes - Ss are engaged in the activity - Ss answer T’s - The class question at the atmosphere is end of the raised game - Ss’s background knowledge of the names of online learning and blended learning is activated Stage: PRE-LISTENING Activity 2: Teach new words related to “Blended and traditional learning” ( mins) Objectives: - To introduce new words related to blended learning Input Procedure Powerpoint - T teaches some new words related slides to “Blended and traditional learning” New words: log in (phrV) : to connect to a computer system by putting in a particular set of letters or numbers upload (V) : to copy or move programs or information to a larger computer system or to the internet growth (n): The growth of a person, animal, or plant is its process of increasing in size mind map (n): a type of diagram (= simple plan) with lines and circles for organizing information so that it is easier to use or remember - T asks the whole class to repeat new words in chorus - T checks Ss’ memory by rubbing out the words or their meanings Student tasks and interaction - Ss listen attentively to T Learning outcomes - Ss remember the new words related to “Blended and traditional learning” - Ss repeat after T Activity 3: Work in pairs Fill in the blank with suitable verbs (5 minutes) Objectives: - To activate Ss’ background knowledge about different activities to prepare before the lesson - To introduce the topic of the listening Input Procedure Student tasks Learning outcomes and interaction Powerpoint - T asks Ss to look at Exercise in the handout Exercise - T explains for the Ss how to in handout Exercise - T asks Ss to pay attention to the form of verbs - T takes the first sentence as an example - T asks Ss to work in pairs in minutes to complete this exercise - T calls some Ss to give their answers Answer key: reviews reading watch complete note search - T requires SS to pay attention to the complete sentences they have done and asks what these activities are for - Ss work in pairs to complete Exercise in handout - Background knowledge is activated Stage: WHILE-LISTENING Activity 4: Listen to the first part of the conversation between a teacher and her students, then answer the following questions (5 minutes) Objectives: - To understand the main idea and specific information of the audio Input Powerpoint slides Exercise in handout Procedure Student tasks and interaction - T asks Ss to look at Exercise in the - Ss work handout individually - T makes sure all the Ss understand the questions by asking them the - Ss listens Learning outcomes - Ss can listen for main idea and specific information meanings and explains if necessary - T plays the audio and asks Ss to complete the exercise individually - T walks around the class to monitor - After listening, T calls some Ss to give their answers - T asks why they chose those answers - T writes Ss’ answers on the board and plays the audio again to check with the whole class Answers: D B attentively to the audio to check their answers in exercise Activity 5: Listen to the second part of the conversation and complete the flowchart with no more than two words (5 minutes) Objectives: - To understand specific information of the audio Input Procedure Powerpoint - T asks Ss to look at Exercise slides (p.91) - T gives the instructions to Ss Exercise - T makes sure that all Ss understand that they can only use no more than two words to complete the flowchart - T asks Ss to determine the part of speech of the words that need to be filled in each blank in 30 seconds and then checks as a class - T plays the second part of the audio and asks Ss to complete the exercise - T walks around the class to monitor Ss - T calls some Ss to give their answers and write them on the board - T plays the audio again and checks Student tasks and interaction - Ss listens attentively to the audio to complete the flowchart - Ss listen again to check their answers in exercise with T Learning outcomes - Ss understand specific information of the audio the answers with the whole class Answers homework take notes information/ more information discuss Email Stage: POST-LISTENING Activity 6: Work in groups Discuss the questions (5 mins) Objectives: - To give Ss an opportunity to use the ideas and language in the listening to talk about their opinions and give reasons Input Procedure Powerpoint - T asks Ss to work in table groups to discuss the questions “Which one you prefer, blended or traditional learning? Why?” - T gives some suggestions that Ss can use You should talk about: + Location + Activities + Sources of information + Means of communication - T shows some examples of the suggestions on the slide - T gives Ss minutes to work in groups and complete this activity - T walks around the class and Student tasks and interaction - Ss work in groups to complete the exercise - Ss listen to their classmates’ speaking Learning outcomes - Ss can apply new knowledge to talk about their opinions monitors their discussions - T asks which groups choose blended learning and has them present their ideas with the whole class - T asks which groups choose traditional learning and has them present their ideas with the whole class - T gives feedback Stage: Wrap-up Activity 7: Consolidate (2 mins) Objectives: - To review the lesson Input Ss’ knowledge about the lesson Procedure - T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson - T assigns homework Student tasks and interaction Outcome - Ss answer T’s - Ss review what questions students have learnt in the lesson

Ngày đăng: 06/12/2023, 02:06

