Tài liệu tham khảo |
Loại |
Chi tiết |
[1] Afshar, H.S., & Asakereh, A. (2016). Speaking Skills Problems Encountered by Iranian ELF Freshman and Seniors from Their Own and Their English Instructor’s Perspective. Electronic Journal of English Language Teaching, 13(1), 112-130 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Electronic Journal of English Language Teaching, 13 |
Tác giả: |
Afshar, H.S., & Asakereh, A |
Năm: |
2016 |
[2] Arifin, W. L. (2017). Psychological Problems and Challenge in EFL Speaking Classroom. Register Journal, 10(1), 29-47 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Register Journal, 10 |
Tác giả: |
Arifin, W. L |
Năm: |
2017 |
[3] Arthurson, D. (2019). Shadowing: A Technique for Language Learning and a Tool for Critical Reflection. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/293168931.pdf |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Shadowing: A Technique for Language Learning and a Tool for Critical Reflection |
Tác giả: |
Arthurson, D |
Năm: |
2019 |
[4] Brown, H. D. (2000). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language Pedagogy (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Longman |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language Pedagogy |
Tác giả: |
Brown, H. D |
Năm: |
2000 |
[5] Burns, A., & Joyce, H. (1997). Focus on Speaking. National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2109 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Focus on Speaking |
Tác giả: |
Burns, A., & Joyce, H |
Năm: |
1997 |
[6] Dang, T. H. (2017). Nâng cao kỹ năng nghe nói cho sinh viên chuyên ngành tiếng Nhật. SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/trongthuy1/luan-van-nang-cao-ki-nang-nghe-noi-cho-sinh-vien-chuyen-nganh-tieng-nhat |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Nâng cao kỹ năng nghe nói cho sinh viên chuyên ngành tiếng Nhật |
Tác giả: |
Dang, T. H |
Năm: |
2017 |
[7] Dávila, A. M. (2018). Pronunciation acquisition of the inflectional morpheme – ed in English by Nicaraguan Spanish Speakers. Open Science Journal, 3(1), 1- 22 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Open Science Journal, 3 |
Tác giả: |
Dávila, A. M |
Năm: |
2018 |
[8] Deterding, D. H. and Poejosoedarmo, G. R. 1998. The Sounds of English. Singapore: Prentice Hall Pearson Education |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The Sounds of English |
[9] Dinillah, A. F. (2020). The use of ted talks to improve students' speaking skill at EFL classroom. Academia.edu .https://www.academia.edu/44031402/THE_USE_OF_TED_TALKS_TO_IMPROVE_STUDENTS_SPEAKING_SKILL_AT_EFL_CLASSROOM |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
he use of ted talks to improve students' speaking skill at EFL classroom |
Tác giả: |
Dinillah, A. F |
Năm: |
2020 |
[13] Hamada, Y. (2012). The Effectiveness of Pre- and Post-shadowing in Improving Listening Comprehension Skills. The Language Teacher, 38(1), 3- 10 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The Language Teacher, 38 |
Tác giả: |
Hamada, Y |
Năm: |
2012 |
[14] Hamada, Y. (2014). Shadowing: Who benefits and how? Uncovering a booming EFL teaching technique for listening comprehension. Language Teaching Research, 29(1), 35-52 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Language Teaching Research, 29 |
Tác giả: |
Hamada, Y |
Năm: |
2014 |
[15] Hamada, Y. (2015). Shadowing: Who benefits and how? Uncovering a booming EFL teaching technique for listening comprehension. LanguageTeaching Research. Advance online publication.https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168815597504 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Shadowing: Who benefits and how? Uncovering a booming EFL teaching technique for listening comprehension |
Tác giả: |
Hamada, Y |
Năm: |
2015 |
[16] Hamada, Y. (2016). Teaching EFL Learners Shadowing for Listening: Developing learners' bottom-up skills. Routledge |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Teaching EFL Learners Shadowing for Listening: "Developing learners' bottom-up skills |
Tác giả: |
Hamada, Y |
Năm: |
2016 |
[17] Hamada, Y. (2018). Shadowing for pronunciation development: Haptic- shadowing and IPA-shadowing. Journal of Asia TEFL, 15(1), 167 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Asia TEFL, 15 |
Tác giả: |
Hamada, Y |
Năm: |
2018 |
[18] Hamzar. (2014). The implementation of shadowing technique to improve students’ speaking performance e.http://eprints.unm.ac.id/4782/1/THE%20IMPLEMENTATION%20OF%20SHADOWING%20TECHNIQUE%20TO%20IMPROVE%20STUDENTS%E2%80%99%20SPEAKING%20PERFORMANCE.pdf |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The implementation of shadowing technique to improve students’ speaking performance e |
Tác giả: |
Hamzar |
Năm: |
2014 |
[19] Harris, David P. (1969). Testing English as a Second Language. Georgetown University |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Testing English as a Second Language |
Tác giả: |
Harris, David P |
Năm: |
1969 |
[20] Hsieh, K. T., Dong, D. H., & Wang, L. Y. (2013). A preliminary study of applying shadowing technique to English intonation instruction. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 11(29), 43-66 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 11 |
Tác giả: |
Hsieh, K. T., Dong, D. H., & Wang, L. Y |
Năm: |
2013 |
[10] English with Adriana channel. (2017, September 18). How to speak in English? (Shadowing technique explained) [Video]. Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnNf_z4LQ7A |
Link |
[21] Jaramillo, A. M., & Isaza, A. (2016). The Implementation of Shadowing Technique to Improve Oral Accuracy in Young Children.https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/92123026.pdf |
Link |
[23] Julian Northbrook. (2013, August 30). English speaking practice | how to improve your English speaking and fluency: shadowing [Video]. Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVWFGIyNswI&t=405s |
Link |