Hindawi Publishing Corporation Boundary Value Problems Volume 2011, Article ID 965759, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2011/965759 ResearchArticleDiscontinuousParabolicProblemswithaNonlocalInitial Condition Abdelkader Boucherif Department of Mathematics and Statistics, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, P.O. Box 5046, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia Correspondence should be addressed to Abdelkader Boucherif, aboucher@kfupm.edu.sa Received 28 February 2010; Revised 31 May 2010; Accepted 13 June 2010 Academic Editor: Feliz Manuel Minh ´ os Copyright q 2011 Abdelkader Boucherif. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study parabolic differential equations withadiscontinuous nonlinearity and subjected to anonlocalinitial condition. We are concerned with the existence of solutions in the weak sense. Our technique is based on the Green’s function, integral representation of solutions, the method of upper and lower solutions, and fixed point theorems for multivalued operators. 1. Introduction Let Ω be a an open bounded domain in R N , N ≥ 2, witha smooth boundary ∂Ω. Let Q T Ω × 0,T and Γ T ∂Ω × 0,T where T is a positive real number. Then Γ T is smooth and any point on Γ T satisfies the inside and outside strong sphere property see 1. For u : Q T → R we denote its partial derivatives in the distributional sense when they exist by D t u ∂u/∂t, D i u ∂u/∂x i ,D i D j u ∂ 2 u/∂x i ∂x j ,i,j 1, ,N. In this paper, we study the following parabolic differential equation withanonlocalinitial condition D t u Lu f x, t, u , x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0, x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 T 0 k x, t, u x, t dt, x ∈ Ω, 1.1 2 Boundary Value Problems where f : Q T × R → R is not necessarily continuous, but is such that for every fixed u ∈ R the function x, t → fx, t, u is measurable and u → fx, t, u is of bounded variations over compact interval in R and nondecreasing, and k : Q T × R → R is continuous; L is a strongly elliptic operator given by Lu − N i,j1 D i a ij x, t D j u c x, t u. 1.2 Discontinuousparabolicproblems have been studied by many authors, see for instance 2–5. Parabolicproblemswith integral conditions appear in the modeling of concrete problems, such as heat conduction 6–10 and in thermoelasticity 11. In order to investigate problem 1.1, we introduce some notations, function spaces, and notions from set-valued analysis. Let C Q T denote the Banach space of all continuous functions u : Q T → R,equipped with the norm |u| 0 max x,t∈Q T |ux, t|. Let C 2,1 Q T {u : Q T → R; u·,t ∈ C 2 Ω for each t ∈ 0,T and ux, · ∈ C 1 0,T for each x ∈ Ω}. For 1 <p<∞, we say that u : Q T → R is in L p Q T if u is measurable and Q T |ux, t| p dx dt < ∞, in which case we define its norm by | u | L p Q T | ux, t | p dx dt 1/p . 1.3 Let J 0,T and let H 1 Ω denote the Sobolev space of functions z ∈ L 2 Ω having first generalized derivatives in L 2 Ω and let H 1 Ω ∗ be its corresponding dual space. Then H 1 Ω ⊂ L 2 Ω ⊂ H 1 Ω ∗ and they form an evolution triple with all embeddings being continuous, dense, and compact see 2, 12. The Bochner space W W 2,2 J, H 1 Ω, H 1 Ω ∗ see 13 is the set of functions u ∈ L 2 J; H 1 0 Ω with generalized derivative du/dt ∈ L 2 J; H 1 Ω ∗ . For z ∈ W, we define its norm by z W z L 2 J;H 1 0 Ω dz dt L 2 J;H 1 Ω ∗ . 1.4 Then W, · W is a separable reflexive Banach space. The embedding of W 0 W 2,2 J, H 1 0 Ω, H 1 Ω ∗ into CJ; L 2 Ω is continuous and the embedding W 0 ⊂ L 2 Q T is compact. Now, we introduce some facts from set-valued analysis. For complete details, we refer the reader to the following books. 14–16.LetX, · X and Y, · Y be Banach spaces. We will denote the set of all subsets, of X having property by P X. For instance, P n X denotes the set of all nonempty subsets of X; V ∈ P cl X means V closed in X; when b we have the bounded subsets of X, cv for convex subsets, cp for compact subsets and cp, cv for compact and convex subsets. The domain of a multivalued map R : X → P n Y is the set dom R {z ∈ X; Rz / ∅}.Ris convex closed valued if Rz is convex closed for each z ∈ X. R is bounded on bounded sets if RA z∈A Rz is bounded in Y for all A ∈ P b Xi.e., sup z∈A {sup{y Y ; y ∈ Rz}} < ∞.Ris called upper semicontinuous u.s.c. on X if for each z ∈ X the set Rz ∈ P cl Y is nonempty, and for each open subset Λ Boundary Value Problems 3 of Y containing Rz, there exists an open neighborhood Π of z such that RΠ ⊂ Λ. In terms of sequences, R is usc if for each sequence z n ⊂ X, z n → z 0 ,andB is a closed subset of Y such that Rz n ∩ B / ∅ then Rz 0 ∩ B / ∅. The set-valued map R is called completely continuous if RA is relatively compact in Y for every A ∈ P b X. If R is completely continuous with nonempty compact values, then R is usc if and only if R has a closed graph i.e., z n → z, w n → w, w n ∈ Rz n ⇒ w ∈ Rz. When X ⊂ Y then R has a fixed point if there exists z ∈ X such that z ∈ Rz. A multivalued map R : J → P cl X is called measurable if for every x ∈ X, the function θ : J → R defined by θtdistx, Rt inf{|x − z|; z ∈ Rt} is measurable. Rz Y denotes sup{y Y ; y ∈ Rz}. The Kuratowski measure of noncompactness see 15, page 113 of A ∈ P b X is defined by α A inf >0; A ⊂ m i1 A i , diam A i ≤ . 1.5 The Kuratowski measure of noncompactness satisfies the following properties. i αA0 if and only if A is compact; ii αAα A; iii αA B ≤ αAαB; iv αcA|c|αA, c ∈ R; v αconvAαA, where convA denotes the convex hull of A. Definition 1.1 see 17.Afunctionf : Q T × R → R is called N-measurable on R if for every measurable function u : Q T → R the function x, t → fx, t, ux, t is measurable. Examples of N-measurable functions are Carath ´ eodory functions, Baire measurable functions. Let gx, t, ulim inf z → u fx, t, u and hx, t, ulim sup z → u fx, t, u. Then see 17, Proposition 1 the function u → gx, t, u is lower semicontinuous, that is, for every x, t ∈ Q T the set {u : gx, t, u >r} is open for any r ∈ R, and the function u → hx, t, u is upper semicontinuous, that is, for every x, t ∈ Q T , the set {u : hx, t, u <r} is open for any r ∈ R. Moreover, the functions u → gx, t, u and u → hx, t, u are nondecreasing. Definition 1.2. The multivalued function F defined by Fx, t, ugx, t, u,hx, t, u for all x, t ∈ Q T is called N-measurable on R if both functions g and h are N-measurable on R. Definition 1.3. The operator N F : L 2 Q T → L 2 Q T defined by N F u q ∈ L 2 Q T ; g x, t, u ≤ q x, t ≤ h x, t, u , x, t ∈ Q T 1.6 is called the Nemitskii operator of the multifunction F. Since F is an N-measurable and upper semicontinuous multivalued function with compact and convex values, we have the following properties for the operator N F see 17, Corollary 1.1. 4 Boundary Value Problems Lemma 1.4. N F is N-measurable, compact and convex-valued, upper semicontinuous and maps bounded sets into precompact sets. We will consider solutions of problem 1.1 as solutions of the following parabolic problem with multivalued right-hand side: D t u Lu ∈ F x, t, u , x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0, x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 T 0 k x, t, u x, t dt, x ∈ Ω, 1.7 where Fx, t, ugx, t, u,hx, t, u for all x, t ∈ Q T . As pointed out in 15, Example 1.3 page 5, this is the most general upper semicontinuous set-valued map with compact and convex values in R. Theorem 1.5 see 18. Let E be a Banach space and Υ : E → P cp,cv E a condensing map. If the set S : {z ∈ E; λz ∈ Υz for some λ>1} is bounded, then Υ has a fixed point. We remark that a compact map is the simplest example of a condensing map. 2. The Linear Problem We will assume throughout this paper that the functions a ij ,c : Q T −→ R are H ¨ older continuous, a ij a ji and moreover, there exist positive numbers λ 0 ,andλ 1 such that λ 0 ξ 2 ≤ N i,j1 a ij x, t ξ i ξ j ≤ λ 1 ξ 2 , ∀ξ ∈ R N , ∀ x, t ∈ Q T . 2.1 Given a continuous function u 0 : Ω → R, the linear parabolic problem D t u Lu f x, t x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0 x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 u 0 x ,x∈ Ω 2.2 is well known and completely solved see the books 1, 19, 20. The linear homogeneous problem D t u Lu 0, x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0, x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 0,x∈ Ω 2.3 Boundary Value Problems 5 has only the trivial solution. There exists a unique function, Gx, t; y,s, called Green’s function corresponding to the linear homogeneous problem. This function satisfies the following see 1, 20: i D t G LG δt − sδx − y,s< t,x,y ∈ Ω; ii Gx, t; y,s0,s>t, x,y ∈ Ω; iii Gx, t; y,s0, x, t, y,s ∈ Γ T ; iv Gx, t; y,s > 0forx, t ∈ Q T ; v G, D t G, D i G, and D i D j G are continuous functions of x, t, y,s ∈ Q T ,t− s>0; vi |Gx, t; y,s|≤Ct − s −N/2 exp−ax − y 2 R n /t − s, for some positive constants C, a see 19; vii for any H ¨ older continuous function f: Q T → R, the function u : Q T → R,given for x, t ∈ Q T by ux, t Ω Gx, t; y,0 u 0 ydy t 0 Ω Gx, t; y,sfy, sdy ds,is the unique classical solution, that is, u ∈ C 2,1 Q T ∩ CQ T , of the nonhomogeneous problem 2.2. It is clear from property vi above that G ∈ L 2 Q T × Q T . Also, the integral representation in vii implies that the function x, t → Ω Gx, t; y,0dy is continuous. Let γ 0 max x,t∈Q T Ω Gx, t; y,0dy. Lemma 2.1. If f ∈ L 2 Q T , then 2.2 has a unique weak solution u ∈ L 2 Q T . Moreover, there exists a positive constant M, depending only on u 0 ,γ 0 ,T,and Ω, such that | u | L 2 Q T ≤ M | G | L 2 Q T ×Q T f L 2 Q T . 2.4 Proof. Consider the following representation see property vii above: u x, t Ω G x, t; y,0 u 0 y dy t 0 Ω G x, t; y,s f y, s dy ds, x, t ∈ Q T . 2.5 Define an operator G : L 2 Q T → L 2 Q T by Gf x, t t 0 Ω G x, t; y,s f y, s dy ds, x, t ∈ Q T . 2.6 Then G is a bounded linear operator with Gf L 2 Q T ≤ | G | L 2 Q T ×Q T f L 2 Q T . 2.7 Then for each x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t Ω G x, t; y,0 u 0 y dy Gf x, t . 2.8 6 Boundary Value Problems This implies that for each x, t ∈ Q T | u x, t | ≤ γ 0 | u 0 | 0 Gf x, t . 2.9 Minkowski’s inequality leads to | u | L 2 Q T ≤ M | G | L 2 Q T ×Q T f L 2 Q T . 2.10 3. Problem withaDiscontinuous Nonlinearity In this section, we investigate the multivalued problem 1.7. We define the notion of a weak solution. Definition 3.1. A solution of 1.7 is a function u ∈ W 0 such that i there exists w ∈ L 2 Q T with gx, t, u ≤ wx, t ≤ hx, t, u, x, t ∈ Q T ; ii D t u Lu wx, t, x, t ∈ Q T ; iii ux, 0 T 0 kx, t, ux, tdt, x ∈ Ω. We introduce the notion of lower and upper solutions of problem 1.7. Definition 3.2. U ∈ W 0 is a weak lower solution of 1.7 if i D t U LU ≤ gx, t, U, x, t ∈ Q T ; ii U x, t ≤ 0, x, t ∈ Γ T ; iii U x, 0 ≤ T 0 kx, t, Ux, tdt, x ∈ Ω. Definition 3.3. U ∈ W 0 is a weak upper solution of 1.7 if j D t U LU ≥ hx, t, U, x, t ∈ Q T ; jj Ux, t ≥ 0, x, t ∈ Γ T ; jjj Ux, 0 ≥ T 0 kx, t, Ux, tdt, x ∈ Ω. We will assume that the function f : Q T ×R → R, generating the multivalued function F,isN-measurable on R, which implies that F is an N-measurable, upper semicontinuous multivalued function with nonempty, compact, and convex values. In addition, we will need the following assumptions: H1 there exists p ∈ L 2 Q T such that |fx, t, u|≤px, t, x, t ∈ Q T ; H2 there exist a lower solution U and an upper solution U of 1.7 such that U ≤ U; H3 k : Q T ×R → R is continuous, and u → kx, t, u is nondecreasing with kx, t, 00. We state and prove our main result. Theorem 3.4. Assume that (H1), (H2), and (H3) are satisfied. Then the multivalued problem 1.7 has at least one solution u ∈ U , U. Boundary Value Problems 7 Proof. First, it is clear that the operator δ : L 2 Q T → U, U defined by δ u max U , min u, U 3.1 is continuous and uniformly bounded. Consider the modified problem D t u Lu ∈ F x, t, δ u , x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0, x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 T 0 k x, t, δ u x, t dt, x ∈ Ω. 3.2 We show that possible solutions of 3.2 are a priori bounded. Let u ∈ L 2 Q T be a solution of 3.2. It follows from the definition and the representation 2.5 that for each x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t T 0 Ω G x, t; y,0 k y, s, δ u y, s dy ds t 0 Ω G x, t; y,s w y, s dy ds, 3.3 where w ∈ L 2 Q T with gx, t, δu ≤ wx, t ≤ hx, t, δu, x, t ∈ Q T . Since k is continuous and δ is uniformly bounded there exists m k > 0 such that |kx, t, δu|≤m k . Also, assumption H1 implies that |wx, t|≤px, t. The relation 3.3 together with Lemma 2.1 yields | u | L 2 Q T ≤ C : M 1 | G | L 2 Q T ×Q T p L 2 Q T , 3.4 where M 1 depends only on m k ,T,γ 0 . Let V {u ∈ L 2 Q T ; |u| L 2 Q T ≤ C}. It is clear that solutions of 3.2 are fixed point of the multivalued operator : L 2 Q T → L 2 Q T , defined by u k u GN F u . 3.5 Here, k : L 2 Q T → L 2 Q T is a single-valued operator defined by k u x, t T 0 Ω G x, t; y,0 k y, s, δ u y, s dy ds, 3.6 and GN F : L 2 Q T → L 2 Q T is a multivalued operator defined by GN F u x, t t 0 Ω G x, t; y,s N F δ u y, s dy ds. 3.7 Claim 1. kV is compact in L 2 Q T . Since the function k is continuous and the operator δ is uniformly bounded there exists m k > 0 such that |kx, t, δu|≤m k . Also, Gx, t; y,0 is 8 Boundary Value Problems continuous and has no singularity for t>0. It follows that the operator k is continuous and there exists ρ, depending only on T and Ω, such that ku W 0 ≤ ρTγ 0 m k , so that kV is uniformly bounded in W 0 . Since the embedding W 0 ⊂ L 2 Q T is compact it follows that kV is compact in L 2 Q T . Claim 2. GN F V is also compact in L 2 Q T . This follows from the continuity of the Green’s function and the properties of the Nemitski operator N F . See Lemma 1.4. Claim 3. αV 0, that is, it is a condensing multifunction.We have αV αkV GN F V ≤ αkV αGN F V 0. Also Lemma 1.4 implies that N F has nonempty, compact, convex values. Since k is single-valued, the operator has nonempty compact and convex values. We show that has a closed graph. Let v n → v ∗ ,h n ∈ v n , and h n → h ∗ . We show that h ∗ ∈ v ∗ . Now, h n ∈ v n implies that h n − kv n ∈ GN F v n . It is clear that h n − kv n → h ∗ − kv ∗ in L 2 Q T . We can use the last part of Lemma 4.1in13 to conclude that h ∗ − kv ∗ ∈ GN F v ∗ , which, in turn, implies that h ∗ ∈ kv ∗ GN F v ∗ v ∗ . This will imply that is upper semicontinuous. Therefore, : L 2 Q T → P cp,cv L 2 Q T is condensing. ˙ It remains to show that the set {z ∈ L 2 Q T ; λz ∈ z for some λ>1} is bounded; but this is a consequence of inequality 3.4. Theorem 1.5 implies that the operator has a fixed point z ∈ V,which is a solution of 3.2. We,now,showthatz ∈ U , U. We prove that z ≥ U. It follows from the definition of a solution of 3.2 that there exists w ∈ L 2 Q T with gx, t, δz ≤ wx, t ≤ hx, t, δz, x, t ∈ Q T , such that z x, t T 0 Ω G x, t; y,0 k y, s, δ z y, s dy ds t 0 Ω G x, t; y,s w y, s dy ds. 3.8 On the other hand, U satisfies U x, t ≤ T 0 Ω G x, t; y,0 k y, s, U y, s dy dt t 0 Ω G x, t; y,s g y, s, U y, s dy ds. 3.9 Let φx, tzx, t − U x, t for each x, t ∈ Q T . Then φ x, t ≥ T 0 Ω G x, t; y,0 k y, s, δ z y, s − k y, s, U y, s dy ds t 0 Ω G x, t; y,s w y, s − g y, s, U y, s dy ds. 3.10 Since δz ≥ U and the functions u → ky, s, u and u → gy, s, u are nondecreasing, it follows that φx, t ≥ 0, so that zx, t ≥ U x, t for a.e. x, t ∈ Q T . We can show in a similar way that zx, t ≤ Ux, t for a.e. x, t ∈ Q T . In this case δzz,and3.2 reduces to 1.7. Therefore, problem 1.7 has a solution, and consequently, 1.1 has a solution. Boundary Value Problems 9 4. Example Consider the problem D t u Lu ∈ F x, t, u −1, 1 , x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0, x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 μ T 0 u x, t dt, x ∈ Ω. 4.1 Let ξx, t t 0 Ω Gx, t; y,sdy ds −ηx, t. It is clear that ξ is a classical solution of the problem D t u Lu 1, x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0, x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 0,x∈ Ω, 4.2 and η is a classical solution of the problem D t u Lu −1, x, t ∈ Q T , u x, t 0, x, t ∈ Γ T , u x, 0 0,x∈ Ω. 4.3 Let Ux, tξx, tax, t, where a is a solution of the problem D t u Lu 0,u 0 on Γ T , and ux, 01. Then ax, t Ω Gx, t; y,0dy and U is an upper solution of problem 4.1 provided that μ sup x∈Ω T 0 ξx, tax, tdt < 1. Similarly, let b be a solution of D t u Lu 0,u 0onΓ T , and ux, 0−1.Then bx, t−ax, t and U x, tηx, tbx, t is a lower solution of problem 4.1 provided that 1 μ inf x∈Ω T 0 ηx, tbx, tdt ≥ 0. Acknowledgments This work is a part of aresearch project FT-090001. The author is grateful to King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals for its constant support. 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